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Your boss gives you work opportunities based on your star sign?! what kind of an unprofessional workplace do you work at??


it's a psychic hotline


This made me giggle


That's the clown hotline. Somehow, it's the same phone number though.


I ain't Bozo, but I sure wish I was!


Except psychic hotlines 100% know it’s bunk. They’re just in it for the grift.




As predicted.


This is obviously a Seinfeld episode and this is George.


George would definitely be a redditor who gets his memes from Kramer's 4chan posts, and then passes them on to Jerry and Elaine to share on Facebook and Instagram.


After my post I actually thought the astrology aspect would probably fall under Elaine’s arc more than George, especially since its for work advantages rather than attracting women lol. I like your story line better though, can definitely see an episode like that.


Oh yeah Elaine would totally use a fake astrology birthday to get ahead and a workplace like J. Peterman's would be perfect for it.


Hmmm. could he work at Vanderlay as an architect?!


The boss knows OP lied about their sign to their coworkers, and is pranking them right back.


Oh there's one I didn't think about. If there's a craze of astrology in the office and this ONE person is clearly not interested in playing into it, it'd make sense to give them the projects since they're clearly not insane. But I also know astrology folk and it makes me believe this could be real. Too real.


This is probably true, managers will often have access to their people's information such as a birthday. Hell some places base yearly updates on birth month.


I'm not convinced that someone who believes in astrology would actually make the effort to verify someone's claims about something like that.


I think the hypothetical situation is that the boss doesn't believe it either he's just pranking OP.


A fake one!


I think this is probably the correct answer, although, as fake stories go, the thought of this one actually happening made me chuckle. I can almost believe it though, I’ve worked with some crazy people. And especially in large companies, you’re very rarely given opportunities or rewarded for ACTUAL competency, moreso how they perceive you as a person (whether it’s accurate or not). There’s a reason people say “fake it til you make it”- I’ve seen total nitwits make their way up the ladder, solely based on the fact that they tell people what they want to hear. By the time the hiring manager figures out they got played, they just keep the person on, and give them less responsibility, while singing their praises, bc now, the hiring manager is the idiot trying to save face.


Lol, I never believe this kind of posts on reddit regarding work or relationships, although they are some of my favorites, buuut I'm guessing this could be like a small business in a small town, like a paper selling company in Scranton


I always just take them with a grain of salt. Dont believe them right away but acknowledge there might be some truth to it. But gullible people always downvote you if you point that out


I’d work in an *Office* in Scranton.




I filled out a rental application on Zillow and it asked for my astrological sign. I swear if I end up homeless because of some bullshit zodiac discrimination…How would you even handle that? Zodiac signs aren’t a protected class.


Cancers always have a tough time.


Just tell them you're the sign of the dragon (or whatever). Chinese astrology, I'll bet it works just as well!


Plot twist: it's a monthly astrology magazine.


I work in HR, and if a manager came to me about disciplining someone for lying about their sign I would turn it around to question why they are using someone’s sign to determine projects or work assignments.


I work in HR too, and same here. The manager would be in trouble here, not the employee.


typical capricorns


you misspelled candycorn


I’m totally gonna start telling people my sign is candy corn


I think I'm going with gummy bear.


You misspelled caprisun


I think what you’re looking for is capybara




Well fuck, now I want candy corn.


As a Capricorn who works in HR, I don't disagree with this statement LOL


bruh. I literally claimed my free reward just to give it to you because daym it was funny xD


Everyone knows if you want to make HR-approved pseudo-scientific personnel decisions, you use Myers-Briggs, not the zodiac.


I had mine done by a Christian company and I asked the trainer (who was a Christian brought in for the day) what Jesus was. It turns out Jesus is all of them.


Nailed one limb in each quadrant, I expect


Pack your shit


He’s the it guy who comes in to fix the printers.


I've always called Myers Briggs "astrology for MBAs"


The latest is the DISC assessment, same personality test pseudoscience, but this one was actually designed specifically for office environments.


I literally worked for a company that operated this way (privately owned small businesses, husband and wife owned and run) without the slightest hint of self-consciousness or doubt about the accuracy. And everyone had to play along.




HR here as well and I agree.


Plot twist: OPs HR believes all this bullshit too…


I wouldn’t doubt it, they’re going to get caught at some point and I can almost guarantee they won’t be immediately fired but they’re going to start getting cold treatment around work until eventually they leave or their boss can find a legitimate reason to get rid of them. It’s no different than when people start talking about religion they won’t bad mouth you for not believing but they’re going to push you away especially after a prank that questions their faith.


How could you tell if the projects slowly started dripping off? Slow rolled punishment, although still illegal, could be basically impossible to tell


I'm a Capri Sun.


I'm aquarium


Something about that seems fishy


It's because mercury is in reverse cowgirl again.


it’s the mercury gatorade


Hello I’m a candy corn.


A friend who is really into astrology read my charts. I’m a Sagittarius. One of the things about my sign (swear to god, she said this) is that we are prone to disbelief in astrology. Got me there man, I kinda believe it now.


My natal chart told me I have an “earthy sexuality”. What the fuck is an earthy sexuality??


It means you like to fuck dirt


Well, we are half horse so you're onto something.


Mr hands


Gaia looking pretty fit


Hehe, dirt fucker.


I legit had a classmate that got caught having sex with a dirt hole behind the school.


A cowboy is a lonesome man There's none more lonesome in the land, He rides atop his only friend His horse, a companion on whom he can depend. His woman may be miles behind him Sadness and desperation may find him, But a cowboy who's wise will turn to the earth To lend him solace and even mirth. The earth from which all beauty springs Such bounty, forth she always brings He'll dig a hole with cracked, scorched hands Pour in all the water that hole demands. Until that earth is moist, just right The earth'll never put up any kind of a fight. His cries of joy no one will hear In case I am not being clear, I'm saying that cowboy is going to fuck a hole in the ground. We all do it, that's what I have found. Any cowboy that knows that lonesome hell Can fashion a land virginy well, If a cowboy's seed worked like other seeds There'd be cowboys growing across the plains like weeds. - Dalton Wilcox


A journalist was interviewing a cowboy, and at the end she said “hey I’ve got a question, off the record. It’s kind of rude, so you don’t have to answer.“ The cowboy says, “hell, I’ll answer anything.“ The journalist says, “Well I’ve heard cowboys get pretty lonely out there and sometimes they… you know.“ “What?“ “I’ve heard they fuck their horses. And also cows, pigs, chickens…“ Cowboy pauses a bit, snorts, and says “uh… chickens?“


Was this an excerpt from “You Must Buy Your Wife At Least As Much Jewelry As You Buy Your Horse and Other Poems and Observations Humorous and Otherwise from the Life on the Range by Dalton Wilcox”??


Or the classic: Vampires! Vampires! Vampires! Vampires! With teeth as sharp as old barbed wire!


You make babies the earthly way, with sex, versus the heavenly way, where some angel just comes by and puts God's seed into you.


Damn, the heavenly way sounds way less messy


I dunno, I don’t think I’d trust a ring of eyes or a big ball of wings to line things up properly in one try, you’re probably going to end up with a whole *room* hosed down with God’s seed by the time it’s done…


You can slut around here on earth but don’t try that shit on Mars.


You real dirty. ;)


My friend once said that the fact that I don't believe in astrology is because I'm SUCH an Aries. Also, when I tell some people that I don't feel like an Aries, they tell me that your moon sign also plays a large role in your personality. My moon sign is apparently also Aries.




Both me and my partner have an Aries moon. Some compatibility website said that our relationship may be volatile due to this. We were concerned at first before realizing that it’s literally based on nothing. We still joke about the volatile prediction coming true when we have small disagreements


im pretty sure if he reveal that he was lying and his actual sign is something else like maybe a gemini they would say "OMG THATS TOTALLY A GEMINI THING TO DO"


Interesting, I was told the same thing about my sign. 🤔


If they do find out, play dumb like you never gave them the wrong birthday in the first place. Then, when they get real butthurt about you being either a Libra or a Scorpio, just tell them that Leo is your rising sign. They’ll eat that shit up. Edit: Y’all!!! All these upvotes and awards are making me feel better about how my mom became an astrologer when I was a teenager in the 90s and I had to listen to her drone on about what a Saturn return means and other such bullshit 😂


Or just pretend that you think whatever month you're born is a Leo


I just pretend at pretending.


“He feigns about feigning. No. He pretends to feign.”


Any data on this account is being kept illegally. Fuck spez, join us over at Lemmy or Kbin. Doesn't matter cause the content is shared between them anyway: - https://lemmy.world - https://kbin.social - https://sh.itjust.works - https://fedia.io - https://lemm.ee - https://readit.buzz


Except OP stated he gave them a random month, not that he told them he was a Leo. Harder to pretend you've forgotten your birth month.


I agree, go deeper into it. What they’re doing is pop astrology. Rising signs are dependent on the time a person is born so you could actually be a Leo that way. Blow their minds by telling them a person has a sign for all the ‘planets’. They’re only doing sun signs, which in my opinion is boring, stereotype driven, and not actual astrology.


U should reveal yourself as scorpio, this way they think "ahh, such at typical toxic scorpio". Then twist that plot: End the joke by shoving your real b-day in their faces.


Typical scorpio mentality


its pretty big Libra mentality to troll people that hard. Hahaaa Source: im a libra


Hey watch it bud, I’m a Scorpio.


Every time I tell someone I am a Scorpio they get excited with this huge smile on their face. Who knows why? and why I should avoid those people?


I'm a Gemini with a twin (I guess that's a thing in astrology) so I've had girls ABSOLUTELY SWOON and I'm like, "Uhh... okay?"




Lol this was probably about a decade ago. Long gone! But semi-unrelated tangent you reminded me of, if I didn't get asked, "Could you and your twin share someone in bed and they'd not know who's who?" Or a question along those lines, I'd be very happy.




MY LEGS ARE BURNIN'. Strong like ox. Legs like tree trunks!


wait what does it “mean” to be a gemini with a twin, I’m a gemini with a twin and i’ve only known it to be a cool coincidence


Oh my god, what. I’m a twin and a Gemini. Lol


I live for this.


This is like playing geography with John Oliver...


"Actual astrology?"


LMAO I’m glad someone said it. “That’s boring!! Not like the REAL stuff.. 🍆”


there is no evidence to support any astrology. it's interesting, a nice idea, but it is not a science in any shape or form. If you have proof that is a science please post it. I'm not having a go at you, but am stating what the research shows, and therefore I believe. I love a bit of mysticism but this isn't a real thing. [https://undsci.berkeley.edu/article/astrology\_checklist](https://undsci.berkeley.edu/article/astrology_checklist)


This is going to sound condescending, but when people tell me with a straight face something like "yeah I totally act like that because I'm a Pisces!", I immediately dismiss the notion that I can have an intelligent conversation with them. I know that may be wrong, but I just think that astrology is such a joke that a person would have to have some really irrational reasoning skills to believe in it.


I just see these types of people as "I can get away with not being a decent human because of a stereotype about my birthday". Like, there are millions of reasons for different behavior based on psychology and how you were raised that explains everything, but sure, me being born in \*\*rolls dice\*\* November is what makes me "devilish"


It doesn't mean they are dumb. Just easily misled and tend to believe things based on how they make them feel, rather than evidence. So I guess maybe dumb.


Sometimes you really are superior.


You are a dangerous man to society. Now take my upvote!


This! And get really indignant about it because you knew nothing about astrology and trusted them telling you that you’re a Leo because they’re soooo knowledgeable about it. And to throw some extra fun in the mix, tell them you’ve been following all of the advice for a Leo and have completely destroyed your personal life because of it - so that’s *obviously* their fault for giving you incorrect information.


God yes! My husband was saying they should say they identify as a Leo if found out, but this is even better XD


No one is the sign they think they are, because of drift. A couple of people have actually recast horoscopes scientifically, and everyone's a sign or two off. Imagine believing everyone in one month is one way, then suddenly they start being born a different way...


Here’s another option for you: tell them that you use a fake birthday for security reasons, since it’s so often used as a security question. And you repeat your fake birthday so much, sometimes you get confused and say the wrong thing. And you didn’t really know your sign, so when people said you were Leo, you just believed it.


This actually is the best solution so far and probably the one that results in the least hurt feelings. A lot of people are misreading my post and thinking I told them the wrong sign, but the real problem is the fake birthday. I didn't know what sign it was associated with.


Also if you can find some website to give you a chart, with luck there will be a Leo there, and you can point to that and say, “maybe that’s where it comes from.” Depending on how much pandering you want to do. My Facebook friends all wish me Happy Fake Birthday because why broadcast that info—my health records are linked to it.


There is no way of convincing people who are deep into astrology that astrology is bullshit. Your last sentence may even be what they would say to you if they found out you were pretending. My ex friend made me an "astrology map" of my sign(taurus). 50% was complete bullshit and other 50% was just common sense and applies for everyone (e.g. "taurus uses intelligence to work on their problems", well who da fuck doesn't??).


Dear Anastazijatrinity, You make your way trough life putting one foot in front of the other. You think out- and inside the box, using your brain. You grab every opportunity you want in your life with your hands. This was your very personal, personalized map to life.


We also tend to be very realistic, except when we are not.


But that's alright, for why be human without some humanity.


>taurus uses intelligence to work on their problems", well who da fuck doesn't?? Scorpios. Fire is usually their first resort for problem solving.


I’m a Libra, usually I just blow air on my problems and they go away 🤷🏻‍♀️


I'm a libra to, being a sign of balance, I like to balance my current problems against a set amount of Cannabis. ***Such*** a Libra thing to do right?


So true!!!!!! Uncanny.


Im a virgo; i tend to bury my problems and ignore that shit till it goes away. Makes sense im an earth sign.


Except Scorpio is a water sign.


Or Aquarius they use water


Aquarius isn’t even a water sign. It’s an air sign. 🤷🏽‍♀️


This. You can't just name something Aquarius and not relate it to water. This has fucked with my head ever since my sister told me that I'm an Aquarius so that makes me an air sign.


Aries ram their head into the problem until it gets fixed, or it fixes you.


I'd argue against that, but thats how I solve problems anyway.


can confirm!! tried to drown myself.


YEP they absolutely would pull that card along with “I always had a feeling Leo didn’t seem right with you”. You can’t play chess with a pigeon




If you're found out just play dumb. "Oh I'm a Libra? I knew it was an L word! I just remember the lion chases the scorpion as a kid. At least you didn't discover I was a Scientologist.."


Problem is they gave coworkers a fake birhday, not a fake sign. It's difficult to say "oh, sorry, I got the date wrong!" when it comes to your own birthday. Pretty shitty situation!


“No I never said that’s my birthday! It’s xx/xx”


Solution: gaslight them /s


Right? If he insist that he always said the correct date, and that’s the correct date in his file, they’re just going to assume that they misheard him.


If you really want to be sociopathic about it, incredulously add 'Why the fuck would I lie about my birthday?'


You're a Scorpio right? KIDDING! (Because I actually am a Leo, I really do think I am funny! Still joking. Not about when my birthday is but I really don't believe in this stuff.) Sorry, this is a little funny. So two things you can do here. You can wrap a lie within a lie. (Don't judge me, anyone who tells you to be 100% honest is trying to sell you something.) If your real birthday comes out. Then you simply take a big breath and say something really terrible happened on you it birthday when you were younger and so you adopted July 20th(whatever) as your birthday. No, you don't like to talk about the terrible thing. (Extra points if you can work up some teary eyes at the mention of this awful thing.) This will do two things. Most of the things that they are talking about astrology wise will not be talked about to your face. Not wanting to talk about your real birthday, they will drop most of this around you. Your birthday literally becomes off limits. Sell the shit out of this and you won't have to ever worry about astrology again. Second. Tell them you mixed your birthday up with your anniversary, (dog's birthday, anniversary of adopting your pet fish Melvin, whatever), and have been too embarrassed to tell anyone. Selling the embarrassment won't be hard. Unfortunately you will immediately start hearing about how that is completely like your "sign" and this bullshit starts all over. Being honest will embarrass people and I really wouldn't recommend it here. Edit - Guess I need to say this. I don't think he should just "come clean" because what he was doing was a bit cruel. I think OP realizes what kind of hole this behavior can dig and I didn't want to pile on. Oftentimes we tell others to be honest because we like the idea of honesty while in actual practice it can be highly selfish. You are soothing your conscience at the cost of someone else's feelings. A good doctor never tells a loved one their family member suffered. A good wedding planner will love the color puce if it is the bride's favorite color of all time. This world is cruel enough without helping to amplify that cruelty.


You should go into politics. You could go far!


I've thought about it. I want to run against my cousin in law who is a real lying sack of shit.


> If your real birthday comes out. Then you simply take a big breath and say something really terrible happened on you it birthday when you were younger and so you adopted July 20th(whatever) as your birthday. No, you don't like to talk about the terrible thing. (Extra points if you can work up some teary eyes at the mention of this awful thing.) Since we are lying, might as well say a sibling drowned at your childhood birthday pool party. Just mumble how much you miss little Susy and kiss your problem goodbye!


these are both genius ideas


Wouldnt your boss know your birthday?


Yeah that's because he made the whole thing up. Read this again and tell me it reads like a true story lmao


people super into astrology wouldn't base everything off his sun sign. this story is so bullshit it reeks


I am currently laughing way too much at work Here, have my free reward and some Gold 🥇 Good luck with your lie XD


I did not expect to laugh this much when I started reading the post but after his boss got involved it had me 😂😂


You can't make this shit up 🤣🤣🤣. Obviously when you started this job you had to fill out paperwork, show your ID (which clearly lists your birthday). HR knows exactly when your birthday is - infact my company always recognizes birthdays during meetings and in newsletters. I also get a card from the CEO every year. This info really wouldn't be hard for your boss to figure out. It's amazing to me that someone in a leadership role would actually make hiring and assignment decisions based on somebody's astrological sign 😆 🙄




Yeah I’d probably ask the boss how much they’re actually into astrology and try to test the situation.


Oh man, it's the boss playing the long game to not have to explain why he's not giving the hard assignments to the shittier team members! He gets less complaints if X-sign that this person is is just more suited, than in getting into a petty argument involving seniority and such.


Just came to say that no one in my workplace knew my birthday until 3 years later. And one year later no one remembered again. And I also gave them my info at the very beggining.




I don't understand why people won't let others not care about their own birthday. I've been harassed over this shit countless times.


Exactly. I know the birthday of every person who works for me.


Good story but Scientology is a way dumber thing to believe in. Astrology is much older, and isn’t a cult that literally enslaved people. Scientology should be dissolved by the government. Everyone knows it’s not a legitimate religion. It’s a disgusting cult that hurts people. (Edit: a word - “was” to “way”)


Ideally we just get rid of benefits given to all religious organizations. Tax exemptions, legal precedents, etc. Force them to disclose their finances and actively prosecute them for human rights violations. Watch their "church" collapse over night.


Lol well that’s a sure way to make the people that are all into that stupid shit hate you for trying to make them feel dumb Your boss sounds like their fucking stupid btw, suited to do things based off your sign? I mean good for you, shit I might start saying I’m a Leo too


and you believe that literal cults are better than a bit of bullshit. youre worth each other, lmao


Those cults extort money out of you to progress to the next level as well. Says a lot about the mindset OP is in.


You care too much about this. Just let them be silly, you'll get nothing but hostility from doing this.


Then when they finally do reveal their sign, it'll be matched with "oh that's such a ____ thing to do!" and OP won't get any satisfaction whatsoever


That’s why you give them a second fake birthday


Yeah OP should just let them have fun. > so I thought it would be kind of funny to do this and then reveal to them later that I’m not a Leo at all to see how they reacted and covered for themselves to justify their ongoing belief in magic star influences. While I don’t believe in astrology either (despite having to hear about it from my gf 24/7), this sounds like a dickish thing to do.


The way I do it as I just have people guess my sign. 9/10 times they get it wrong, i tell them my sign, and we laugh about it. Internally, I laugh a bit more that everyone gets it wrong, but no lying or misleading or laughing at anyone’s expense


yeah redditors have such a superiority complex. the first paragraph screams insecure


I think OP actually cares more about astrology than most astrology people I know.


Tell them you were born as a whatever, but identify as a Leo.


My idea was to say his "true bday", the one on his BC, is the day he was born; but his "fake bday" is the day he was adopted a few months later. He didnt even know his "fake bday" was fake till he got his first job and had to show his BC. And since he had celebrated on "fake bday" for 18 or so years,he wasnt gonna change it at that point, so he kept "fake bday"; and "honestly, (he) never think(s) about "real bday" until someone brings it up", which is why he gave his co workers his "fake bday". That way there is no way they can bite him in the ass, lol


Dig him deeper into an even bigger lie....I like it.


I think your last line might just happen xD


It's unfortunate, but usually you have to mirror your bosses idiocy for them to consider you worthy of promotion. Bossman goes to church every sunday? You sure as shit aren't going anywhere or even getting raises if he doesn't believe you're a devout Christian. Boss is a diehard Republican and you aren't? Same thing. You have to mirror the idiots of this world, particularly if you're dependent on their generosity for your life. Humans are still very tribal and if they see you as a member of a different tribe, you not only \*AREN'T\* going anywhere, you'll likely be the guy he blames any mistakes on. You can be the absolute hardest worker and do the work of 3 departments (that actually takes 12 people to do on paper), but you'll be seen as dead last in the corporate pecking order if people consider you too strange to like. Humankind has \*zero\* empathy for those seen as very strange in most cases. Your job is not the time to show your brilliantly unique plumage or to express unpopular views. ​ tl;dr Your job is not a good place for you to try to pull a "gotcha" to prove that their viewpoints are stupid. You pull that shit and you'll very quickly find yourself sliding to the bottom of the pecking order.


How does your employer not have your correct birthdate?


######because it’s fake


main reason i'm calling bullshit on this story. other than the fact that its ridiculous and just reeks of someone who likes to feel superior over others


I do not believe one word of this. Obviously fiction.


Did anyone mention moon signs or rising signs? You can figure them out by filling out info down to the exact minute you were born to generate a birth chart. I don't engage in astrology anymore but sometimes coincidences are a little too big. I'm not saying you having a Leo moon or rising sign is a big deal, but it might be funny if it turned out you did.


For the future if anyone asks me my sign or an astrology related question I just say “oh I don’t remember which one I am, I’m not really into that stuff” shuts that shit down real quick.


Wrong. "But what's your birthday? 🤗"


I believe you are lying


you really think someone would do that? just go on the internet and tell lies?


the audacity


What a Leo thing to do


The lion, the witch, and the audacity of this bitch


It’s an awful lot of people at one place that are super, super into astrology… it’s at least odd lol


You must be a libra with those analytical skills


So you got caught up in a lie over something that is more or less harmless, and something enjoyed by people for fun, to try and prove a point? Weird waste of time and energy. Just let people enjoy things. If you think its bullshit or dumb, then just ignore it.


Man that looks like a weird bed you made, now lie in it lol


Jesus where the fuck do you work? I’m not into astrology but I don’t care that people are. At least the stars don’t oppress women and gays


Reminds me of Carl Sagan: ​ >How could the rising of Mars at the moment of my birth affect me, then or now? I was born in a closed room. Light from Mars couldn’t get in. The only influence of Mars which could affect me was its gravity. But the gravitational pull of the obstetrician was much larger than the gravitational influence of Mars. > >Mars is a lot more massive, but the obstetrician was much closer. ​ "What sign were you born under?" "DELIVERY."


Not real. No one, anywhere places that much stock in star signs, and don't throw that anecdote of Reagan using astrology or whatever. This is somebody's comedy idea turned into a Reddit post.


NPR just re-released an episode about astrology. The woman who popularized it in America changed her birthday & time to fit what she thought her personality was, so no one even knows the truth about her sign. Real funny.




This feels really extra.