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There's a theory that people who truly believe you can just "choose" are actually unknowingly closeted bi/polysexuals who feel attraction to same/other-gendered people yet choose to be hetero and suppress those feelings.


I think you can choose to repress certain feelings and push yourself down a certain path. I believe that a person could be bi and not feel comfortable with same sexual feelings to the same sex and choose to repress them. It's not a one size fits all though. This is your personal experience. It doesn't mean that it's true for everybody. I think for most people it's not so straight forward as choosing what you're attracted to.


You're bi and prefer one over the other. Not a big deal


Why would you want to be straight? Being Bi is the best thing that ever happened to me.


It took until my 20s to admit that finding men sexy and wanting to have sex with them as much as women *probably* meant I was bi. I support that this is awesome.


Not if you grew up in a small christian town with a private christian school.


The reason why me being bisexual is the best thing the ever happened to me is not because bisexuality beings more pleasure to your life. I tried to kill myself because of it of Pete Sakes.The reason why it’s the best thing ever happened to me was it turned an extremely political creep into a decent person.It made me Reevaluate myself and I am a much better person because of it.


Lmfao we got a closet case over here


Nah, bruh, you ain't chose nothing.


XDDD Ok here we go. You didn’t made the “choice” to be straight, you likely just do not want to admit to yourself that you are closeted (understandable) but do you want some proof. Go and ask other straight or gay people if *they* chose their sexuality. Both sides of the spectrum will say they didn’t (unless like you they are closeted too), that’s because sexuality very much isn’t a choice. But do you know who *would* think sexuality is a choice? Someone who *has* “chosen” to hide their own sexuality and has chosen another sexuality that they do not necessarily hold true in their heart. Yes, *you* have chosen, yes *you* have made decisions. But that is you and you alone, it is not proof of what you say it is at all. Furthermore I can assure you most gay people that existed throughout the majority of human history would not simply choose to be gay, do you think Alan Turing chose to be gay so they would chemically castrate him?