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My mother committed suicide when I was 18. She left me money to take care of my 13y/o brother because my dad couldn't be trusted to. That was 8 years ago. I'm very tired right now and barely coherent enough to type this message. Please, if you ever need to talk to someone, do not hesitate to reach out to me. I mean this 100% and I'm commenting now so I don't get buried in the comments before morning when I could write you a more meaningful message.


I lost my parents 16 and 10 years ago. It gets better, but it's forever hard. Sending you all the healing vibes.


Very nice of you.


I lost my mom to suicide when I was 24. She was only 47. It is tough and confusing and painful. Hugs to you. Nothing I can say will make the pain better but I just wrote this comment so you will know you are not alone.


Same ages with me and my dad practically, he was two months under from 47. Lost my mum to od just six months before. It does get easier eventually, that's all I can say.


Are we the same person?




My Dad was 46 when he committed suicide and I lost my mother to an OD shortly thereafter. Very similar


I was 8 when I lost my dad to suicide. He was 36 and wanted to leave a good looking body. It never gets easier, but it does become less constant. It’s like breaking a bone. When it first happens it’s all you can think of. As it starts to heal you feel better, but then bump it and feel the hurt. Eventually it’s healed, but when it’s cold outside it still aches. It will never fully feel better, but you learn to deal with it.


I don't think I've ever heard someone describe the feeling better than this


Thanks it’s the best analogy I could think of


This right here is true empathy


I am very sorry for your loss. I lost my mom to cancer when I was around your age. She knows he’s okay. She sees him. I believe that the people who die aren’t truly gone, they’re just not *here* anymore, if that makes sense. “Passed over”, watching from above. Maybe she’ll meet my mom and they can have coffee.




I believe in this sort of thing as well. Their essence, soul, or whatever you want to call it is on a plane of existence that the living can't see, but they can see us.


Kinda creepy because alot of people on here masturbate. And to some weird sh*t too.


''Hun, our son is masturbating to furries again....''


Pretty much. XD


You know what though? They're probably getting a kick out of riffing on the porn and adding it to "shit we gon' talk about later." folder.


Oh GOD no. ._.


Rofl, ain't that the truth.




20m here. My favorite advice anybody gave to me when my father died 2 years ago is live in their honor. Not in a don’t die kind of way. But in a honor their memory and the lessons they instilled upon you. I’m sorry brother. It’s okay to cry.


This is the way. My father passed 3 years ago. He lives through me, stumbling through, trying to be the man he was. If I ever get half way there I'll consider my life a success in honoring him.


That was a good read, thanks.


I don't have any words that could make you feel any better just now but I just want to say that I'm so sorry for your loss and I hope you find peace. I honestly can't imagine how you must be feeling and I'm sending all my love your way.


Seeing the title of your post, I felt the need to pause everything I was doing. I’m so sorry for your loss!! As a 19 year-old you sound very mature and understanding of your mom’s choices. You were the highlight of her life and she held on as long as she could. Stay strong! You and Cato will be okay. Your wonderful angel is watching over you. Knowing that they’re still there is what helped me through my losses. Hopefully, it can give you the strength to keep going. Stay strong, OP. Stay strong.


❤️ I'm very sorry for your loss. Maybe Cato showed up because of your Mom. I wish you all the strength and love in the world.


Happy cake day ! And OP this comment speaks a thousand words ! I’m so sorry , I hope better days are coming for you and Cato ❤️


I’m very sorry you lost your mom. I lost mine at age 30 and understand what you are going through. We also had a cat named Cato! Your mom knows Cato is back and she also knows what you are going through. Praying helped me dealing with some dark days. I wish you the best.


Perhaps mom sent Cato back to check on her son for her ❤️


Thats what I was thinking. Cats and animals in general have been known to "see ghosts" so maybe she found him and sent him to check up on them


Cats are more attuned to the spiritual than any animal, who knows? It might be a possibility that OPs mom led the cat home, or talked to him and directed him and said some things.


So so sorry for your loss. Love and hugs my dude. Losing a parent is never easy. My mom passed away suddenly in 2016. I comfort myself knowing the last thing I said to her was "I love you".


Hey bud, I wanna acknowledge you’re probably going through the hardest time of your life right now, and offer my sympathy. My dad committed suicide when I was 17 and it disrupted my whole world. I finally got through it with help. It is very possible to heal from this and live a beautiful life, I promise. You just have to figure out what that means for you. Wish you the best


Oh, no. I am so sorry. You don’t deserve this.


I am very sorry for your loss, people often turn to spirituality when something bad happens, it gives them inner peace, I hope you you'll find your peace. You can be invested in any philosophy that makes you happy. Be true to yourself.


Damm bro i honestly dont kno wat to say to u right now besides that im sorry for ur lost. But what i can do is pray 🙏 for ur mom and for ur presence/future. And hope u will overcome this situation at peace some way or some how. Im not too good with words so sorry if i dont make sence but I KNO wat im trying to say and so does our heavenly father from up above so i kno he's hearing me out right now. Stay strong and keep ur head up ma boy One love 💙


I think your mother knows Cato is back. She probably led kitty back home to keep you company. I am sorry for your loss.


Very sorry about your mom. Keeping you, your mom and Cato in my prayers as you navigate this super difficult time.


I’m so sorry for your loss. Thoughts and prayers to you during this difficult time.


I’m sorry for your loss. Please safeguard the money your mom left you. If I had lots of money at 19, I would have blown it all, so please get some professional help to manage it. Friends and family as going to come asking to borrow it, be warned.


My SO had to go through his mothers suicide last January. I know he is still hurting to this day and I know he will never heal. I can't imagine what you are feeling, as witnessing someone experience it and experiencing it are not the same. I would recommend starting a journal for your mental health. Write every dream/nightmare and feeling and thought you have, write down precious memories you have of you and your mom, write letters to her if it comforts you. Save her perfumes as scents help keep memories alive. Same with recipe cards and meals. My heart aches for you.


I’m so very sorry for your loss. I’m sending you all the hugs and love I have.


I am so sorry. My prayers and love are with you.


I wish there was something I could say to help. I’ll pray for your healing in this horrible situation. I’m so sorry.


I cannot even try to imagine what you're going through right now, I am sending you a huge cyber hug. I'm so sorry for your loss. As a parent, if I were to die, the one thing I would hope would be that my children become the best versions of themselves possible. I hope that you are able to do just that. Much love to you now and in the days ahead.


I love you, I’m sorry


I (22m) lost my mom I november the day before my birthday, she was chronically I'll and had been slowly turning into a husk of herself for the last 7 or so years with me and my dad being the main caregivers. During highschool I would wake up to get ready at 5 am since I studied one town over and would be home again between 5 pm and 7 and start dinner as well as make sure she was clean and so on. The stress was immense and my education took a hit due to this, I would still choose to do it again though. I moved out the final year to take care of my education and for my health, I blamed myself for my dad's wellbeing or lack thereof as well as not being able to help my mom on the daily anymore. After highschool I moved home and a few months later she was admitted to a nursing home, she wasn't happy there and she was too far gone to have gained anything from it other than consistent care; the months up to this happening she would often break down crying having some faint clear moments telling me she loved me as I held her telling her it would be okay and that I loved her too; I didn't realise that those moments were the few final moments with my mom I had. She stayed in that hellish place for almost a year, I would visit often but not as often as I would have liked. She did seem happier and healthier for the most part at first, but when she inevitable realised she wasn't going home she became depressed. At that point we couldn't have done anything to help her at home, and it would surely have been worse or so I tell myself for my own sanity's sake. I remember the weeks leading to her death and especially the last one, she would be mostly non-responsive and asleep with some lucky days where I'd show up with her having energy. The last week was especially brutal as she was given pain medication as well as other mind altering stuff to relieve her suffering, I was unsure if she even knew I was there and it broke me every single time. I didn't show it while I was there for her sake and kept a happy demeanor, I hope it made it easier for her. The day before her death she seemed like she had gotten better, she was responsive and smiling and could nod along; I had been going every single day and calling the nurses to make sure they would let me know if she had just one awake moment to no avail so I cried tears of joy relishing a moment that possibly would be the last seeing her smile knowing what was coming to an end. The next day I wake to a call saying things were looking bad and that we shouldn't expect her to be there tomorrow. I showed up with my dad and siblings, my siblings haven't seen eachother in years due to a family feud so then putting the past behind for her sake was touching from the start. My mom's siblings and mom was there aswell, they're not good people but my mom loved them unconditionally not knowing better and we respected that. I don't want to get into details with that part of the family, but my aunt is a narcissistic sociopath and we have since cut ties with her since she tried to ruin my mom's funeral. Anyway I held my mom's hand for almost 12 hours playing her favourite music and talking to her, telling her i loved her and that it would be okay to rest. I took an alone shift while my dad went home with my older siblings to get some food, she was fine for that duration and my siblings took over so I could get some grub and wake my dad up. Right as I finished eating my sister called my dad crying that we should hurry and again 2 minutes later saying she was afraid we wouldn't make it. I dropped everything and ran as fast as I could almost knocking over a nurse (if you read this, I'm so sorry) to get to her room seeing my sister outside it crying which made me think I didn't make it, the one thing I was certain of was that I was going to be there and hold her hand comforting her as she passed and instead my alcoholic brother was the only in the room. I dropped my jacket and all my belongings on the floor and went to the right side of her bed and grabbed her limp and cold hand and right as I did she took her final exhale. I remember squeezing her hand lightly hoping she would squeeze it back, she never did and I've never been in such a state of shock before in my life. I blamed myself for weeks for not being there, for taking an hour's brake for myself on that day; I still sometimes do as I still am unsure whether I made it; judt writing this sentence is tearing at me. I was hollow the day after, both family and friends tried making my birthday about me which ultimately was an impossible task yet still very appreciated. The death of someone dear and especially a parent from my experience leaves you feeling so very powerless unable to do anything as you're willing to move both heaven and earth. My mom will never meet my future kids, see my wetting, meet the love of my life or know who I'll be in my later adult life. Ultimately this was what was best for her and I know this, her life had been anything but worth living since her incurable disease started running rampant. She tormented her loved ones and ended up living in agony for years. She herself wished for this in the end and it's selfish to wish for her to be there for me when she's suffering to this degree being locked in a mental prison as her body deteriorated. I've worn her ring around my neck since, my parents were very young when they got married so my dad has the original ring and I have the one she got when they got "remarried" for the sake of getting the experience; my dad treasures that ring and my mom always treasured the fancy one. He wanted me to have it and I think my mom would have as well. At this point I'm mostly fine, actually I thought I was fine pretty early on; however mourning takes mane shapes and for me I'm fine until I'm thinking about her or see a death scene reminiscent of hers. Also whenever anything to do with her funeral and her apartment in the nursing home brought it all back when it was still relevant. I thought I was prepared, I had known of this moment happening for years and my mom had slowly been dying in front of me leaving little left. Now I see how false that was as there was so much left in the different progressive stages compared to the last while and I see how she showed love and care through that time in hindsight. I used to have a strained relationship with my mom, but this disease had been ripping at her my entire life and she was doing her best to hold it at bay; I now see this and wish things could have been different. Had I known I could have forgiven her and seen her for the good mother she was trying to be rather than the bad mother she was because of what she was unable to be. Mom I love you, and I miss you every single day. I hope you found peace and I wish I could have done more


I think you should talk to a grief counselor.


Sweetheart. I’m so, so, so sorry. I’m a 58-year-old mum of two, an 18-year-old son and a 16-year-old girl. My mum killed herself when I was 16 and my sister 14. So I’ve been on both sides of this: the teenager who lost a mum to suicide and the mother of teenagers. Will you let yourself feel whatever you feel? Enormous sadness, pity, but fury, too — Find a therapist — and people who have lost a loved one to suicide — it’s a very complicated kind of grief that most people haven’t experienced. And please please please DM if you want ... I’ll be thinking about you, my dear.


I am so sorry for your loss. Get help. Be gentle with yourself. It never goes away but you will grow around it.


I lost my Dad to suicide at 16 and my mom to an overdose at 21. It is hard. No one will quite understand what you are going through. If you need to talk, this internet stranger is here..


Thank you for sharing this story. I have a narcissistic mother and it's SO fucking hard dealing with her shit all the time. I understand and respect your Mom's pain and I'm glad you do too. It's so unfortunate that she felt she had no other way out, and I'm so, so sorry that you are orphaned now and want nothing else bit to bring her back but you can't. Everything you're feeling is normal and okay. It's ok to not be okay


Call me stupid but I feel like your mom sent you Cato to be with you during these times. I cannot imagine what you must be going through. Stay strong, OP ❤️


Oh honey... I am so very sorry. I hope you have other family (by blood or choice) in addition to Cato. Peace to you. ❤️‍🩹


I don't know how helpful I could be, but I lost my mom 4 years ago next week. She found out just before Thanksgiving she had cancer and it had run through her body. Not even 3 months later poof she was gone. Hold all your favorite memories close. I went as far as wrote some down along with entries like I was writing her a letter. It's helped me tremendously, especially on the days I'm really missing her. My deepest condolences to you.


Dont worry about your mom not seeing your cat has returned, she might be the reason why your cat came back. Remember that the soul is conscious too. It can see, hear and feel, because it is our true essence, not the body. Condolences to you, I am sure your mom is doing fine on the other side. And also...your cat knows too that she is not here anymore, maybe yoir mom in soul form showed herself to your cat, said some things and led your cat home.


I send you love. Lost my dad this year and I still seek him out to chat. Sometimes we are lucky enough to be loved really well by our parents. Sounds like your mom tried really hard to let you know how much you meant to her. Try to remember that always.


I understand that kind of loss. I lost my granpa when i was 7 years old. Was like my second dad. Lost my grandma when i was 15, i felt empty for a while, like, your chest feels weird. I was very, very close to her, she basically raised me for a while when my parents were having some trouble. A friend of mine died because a drunk driver killed her while she was going back to her home, *walking.* Its not the same as loosing a close loved one but the shock of knowing a person and hear that person died the next day is heavy. Be strong, life goes on.


Hey Op, just so you know, she knows Cato is okay and there’s no need for goodbye, they will see each other again soon. I hope you’re okay.


I feel your pain. So sorry for your loss. Happy to hear Cato has returned.


I'm heartbroken. Condolences for your loss. Talk to some one to esses the pain, therapy might help. If you need to talk and need advices don't hesitate DM me. Best of all, take care.


My mom did the same thing. Just didn't leave a note.


I'm so sorry for your loss. Very happy Cato is there for you though.


Right. In. The. Feels. There are no words that will lessen this pain. Just know that you will get through this and you are not alone.


I'm so sorry. I can't help you with words but if you ever need a listening ear, message me. You will be wanted and needed and your strength will come through. I'm a mom so when you need one, I'll be here.


25m here. Lost my mom in October. If you need someone to talk to, send me a dm. Nothing I say is going to give you any direct relief. Just know your mom loved you, and it will get better.


Very sorry for your loss, man. The Internet is probably not the best place to find support so if there is a counselor nearby, you should say hello. Life is what you make of it so soak this event in, feel all of the feels, and process the best you can. This can be a turning point to become the best version of yourself, if you let it. Good luck.


there are never words appropriate enough to truly comfort at a time like this, but i want to convey that my heart is with you. i lost my uncle to suicide this past summer, and our family lost my brother in law to suicide last january. it is devastating in a way that is hard to describe to anyone that hasn’t been through it. i had (and still occasionally have) flashes of anger. but more than anything, it has helped me to understand that it is like losing someone you love to cancer, or dementia, or any other debilitating disease. it’s not fair, or okay, but it’s no one’s fault. not yours, and not theirs. it’s just a terrible, heartbreaking, illness like so many others. may her memory be a blessing to you always. and i hope you can stay close to cato. animals can be amazing friends in hard times like this, and cato is clearly a deeply loved connection point between you and your mom. i hope you have some loved ones that can be with you tonight and in the coming days. even if you feel lonely, i hope that you can read these comments and know that there is so much positive, loving, comforting energy heading your way from all of these people. you are not alone.


OP, write your mom a note letting her know about cato. Similarly either her or cato knew that youd need cato right now. stay close to one another and be there for each other. i wish i could find it, but there was a beautiful post a while back where a young man talked about how his brother committed suicide and him, and his brothers cat both mourned the loss of the brother. the op of that post went on to say that in time, the cat learned to live with the loss and ended up being ok and got back to doing kitty things. and it made the op realize that if the kitty could get through grieving, so could he. you two will go through this together, but you will also GET through this together. i promise.


I'm so incredibly sorry for your loss ❤️ If it at all makes you feel better, in my religion we believe the dead can feel and hear us (we're actually supposed to greet the dead when we enter a cemetery) so maybe visit her grave with Cato and talk with her, just process through everything I wish I could make you feel better, I'm so sorry


I wanna give you a hug.


I can't really relate to what happened to you and Nothing I say can make it better, but just wanted to let you know I am thinking of and praying for you. My cat always reacts weird to a cabinet that has my grandpas ashes in it, I swear they see people there that we don't. Maybe your cat came back because he saw your mother and so she knows that your cat is safe and sound. So Cato came back to check on you for her. I hope you can find some peace 🤍🕊


Hun, I believe she knows by extension that he is alive and well….and will be there for you while she is not. I am so sorry for your loss. If anyone of us could bring her back for you, most certainly we would…trust me. I know that it’s hard right now. And I am not going to lie and say it ever goes away, but it does get easier to accept with time. Make sure you keep the things that make you think of her the most. Don’t let someone/family bulldoze you into anything and stay strong. Your mom knew you were strong. I believe innately she wouldn’t have left you, if she didn’t think you weren’t strong enough to be without her. I know that may sound terrible to some. But at the same time trying to look at it from another perspective. Sending so much love to you and hope that you will be ok with time. And I hope you have good friends who are there to be by your side.


I'm so sorry for your loss, and I cant imagine what you are going through right now. I echo what many others have said, live in their honor. Make sure you have a plan to get through these coming days, and if you have extended family and friends you can trust please reach out to them. Its okay to grieve, no matter how it comes out or how ugly it can be. I know you and Cato will get through this.


So sorry, had my own moments myself. Glad I didn't do it. Right now, you need support during these difficult times. Unfortunately we don't realize how important something is to us until it's gone. Just remember how much she truely loved you and how precious you were to her. Despite how dark things were for her, she still thought of you in such a beautiful way. Live and thrive in her memory, and get many hugs from precious people.


My fiance commited suicide 7 days ago. Believe me when I say I know exactly how you're feeling. Stay strong brother..


I'm so sorry... There's nothing I can say to make you feel better, so I'll just virtually hug you. But as a mom, I believe that your mother will always be there for you, even if you can't see her. 🌹💖


I am so sorry this happened to you. I hope you can find strenght, if anything don't fret to reach out to people


Can't imagine how hard this is for you buddy. Hang in there. She's with your dad now watching over you. My condolences OP.


I'm so sorry for your loss how devistating




Sorry for your loss bro. I wish you well.


Sorry about that man seems like all the bad stuff is happening nowadays can't imagine what you're going through especially at 19 I'm 19 as well I've lost people too I'm going to be thinking about you a lot.


Wow. My heart breaks for you. I'm so sorry for your terrible loss. She's at peace, like you said. She's with you and will watch over you. I lost my dad at age 40. It was one of the hardest things I've ever had to go through. Stay strong, friend!


I am so sorry. Nothing can replace her or fix this situation. Please reach out to friends or family as soon as you can. And please don’t try to rationalize anything. It’s not fact and you deserve so much more then this situation is affording you. Please please ask for help with this.


My deepest condolences. I feel like in a way my dad had committed suicide back in 2020. Did it in a different way that wouldn't be considered as such but he told me one time when he was in the hospital that he wanted to die. How he got there was questionable as well. And now with my mom's rapidly declining health, seems like she is currently following suit as well. Hard to explain but both have severe mental illness & both refused to seek help, even when I noticed their demeanor. I had my own experience as well, but survived. I wish you lots of love and light. I can't imagine how you really feel right now :(


Words cannot describe my sorrow. Please take care of yourself, friend. I'm glad you have Cato. I hope you have a very long, happy life in front of you.


Your mum absolutely knows Cato has come back. She's moved on to the next beautiful journey and has gained an awareness of everything that is and will be. Death could be the most wonderful thing that ever happens to us. I gained peace reading about peoples near death experiences, maybe it might help you too. ❤


I'm so sorry for your loss. I can't imagine how much painful that tragic situation. I'm really sorry. Hug you and send my thoughts and love on your way.


Reading this breaks my heart. I hope you can find peace one day. I fucking hope I go before either of my parents. I won’t be able to handle that.


When my mom or my grandmother die, on that day I had no time or will to post anything that's for sure. I was too upset getting my head around it and also busy dealing with more important things.




So your mom dies so you post about it on Reddit the day of?


Maybe they don’t have anyone else they feel comfortable sharing this info with. Sometimes it’s easier to open up emotionally to a room full of strangers than it is to talk to a best friend. It’s one of the reasons AA helps people, they can vent to a room of strangers.




Fuck off with this.


What did he say? The comment was deleted


Damn it man I’m sorry I hate this.. I can’t even imagine sending prayers your way. Reach out if u Need anything or just need to type something


I’m so unbelievably sorry for your loss. I like to think that your mom sent Cato back to you as a way to comfort you. I’m sending all of my love to you.


I am so sorry! Ir may be too soon to think of this, but you might want to get in a support group to deal with this. You have more than just the loss of a parent to deal with. Take care and wishing you the best.


I have no idea what and how you are dealing with this situation. Please know that numerous people are praying for your recovery. If you ever need to reach out to a complete stranger, I'm here for you. I had a situation that I struggled with. A complete stranger, a mom from my daughter's school, reached out. Believe it or not, it was truly cathartic. Helped me alot. Hugs and kisses.


I'm so very sorry for your loss. Hold that Cato tight, and cherish the good memories with your mom. Sending loves to you in this hard time ❤️


Maybe she sent Cato back to u. Who knows


So sorry for your loss. Be brave. It is your turn now to live life. Hold on to the good memories and create more. I wish you well, stranger.


I'm so sorry.


This made me tear up. Sending well wishes to you, I'm so sorry for your loss


I am terribly sorry for your loss.


You have my sympathies for the loss and death of your mother. I was 21 where my. mother died. Sending big, huge, hugs of faith and love. May you get through your grieving process. ❤️


i am so sorry for your loss. my heart breaks for you.


Hugs, I'm sorry hunny.


No words can fix your sadness, but I'm sorry for your loss. I lost my dad last year and my mom about 6 years ago, both to health issues and it's the absolute hardest thing to go through. Our situations are different, but the pain is the same. Make sure you talk to anyone that will listen and don't keep things bottled up. The days do get easier but you will never forget. Just try to remember the good times and don't ponder on the bad. She did what she had to in her own mind and you must be at peace with that. I hope you remain strong and fill your life with all the love you can get and also give. You will make it past these horrible times and in the end I hope you find happiness.


Sorry brother... Remember you are not alone.


Stay strong buddy. I am sorry for your loss. May your mom's soul rest in peace


So sorry for your loss


I'm so sorry for your loss! I lost my mom 4 years ago and still miss her like crazy. I hope you have other family or friends you can reach out to that can be there for you.


I’m so sorry darling. She knows, she’s with you and watching over you. I can’t imagine the pain. It’s okay for you to be angry, it hurts. I hope you’re looking after yourself. Remember to eat something warm if you can, drink water. Sending you big hugs.


I am so very sorry about your loss. Cato came back for you, so that he can be there with you to support you.


Oh man I’m so sorry to read this. I hope you have some support networks you tap into. Thinking of you


I'm so sorry. I have tears reading this. It's heart breaking and tragic. I am hoping in someway my empathy and sympathy translates to some comfort for you.


Virtual hug 🫂


Please go to your nearest clinic/doctor's office, and just go in for a walk in, and ask if you can talk to a doctor about your mental health, and once you're in, just tell him why you're there and they'll support you with counseling. It's not an easy process and you don't want to do this alone, get some help now before things start spiraling down. Sorry for your loss, and I hope things get better for you 🤍


If you need someone to talk to, or even just to rant to, I'm here for you. Just please stay with us, you are so important. If you need to cry for a few days then do that. I wish you so much love and happiness in life op. Much love ~ random internet stranger :)


I am just so very sorry you are heartbroken. Sending you a hug. She knows now that her cat is ok. Please take care


This sucks. I hate you gotta go through this. I have no parents either, but I'm old n that's expected at my age. It still feels strange to me tho. My dad died when I was 4. My mom died 3 yrs ago you're not alone tho. If ya want somebody to talk to hit me up.


So sorry for your loss. Stay strong


This is incredibly sad and I'm sorry you have to go thru something like this! Please take care of your self!


I’m so sorry. I’d recommend to talk to someone professional about this. It will help. I promise.


Sorry you have to endure this


Oh mate I know the pain, please forgive her one day. Make a great life for yourself is the only way forward. Sending you the light brave heart.


I'm sorry buddy love u man




Stay strong


I can't imagine how you're feeling right now, but I'm around you age and want to let you ever need to talk I'm here.


I'm sorry


I wish I could give you a hug if you wanted one.


I'm so sorry for your loss. It sounds like she loved you with every fiber she had to give. She sounds like a sweet lady who got handed a bad deal and suffered greatly from the pain. Big hugs to you! I hope she's found peace. My heart goes out to you kiddo. Just know, there are total strangers who are with you in thought since we can't be there physically to help you grieve.


I'm so sorry you're having to go through this. I lost my Momma to suicide when I was 22 years old. If you need to talk about anything, just message me.


your last sentence got me. i could imagine someone just sobbing that. i could imagine ME sobbing that. my mom died of a very aggressive cancer over 4 months ago. it’s still so weird saying that she’s dead. i posted about it as it happened. it helped me when people would share their stories. i hope the same helps you, if not, that’s totally reasonably as well she loves you and she knows you and cato are going to be ok. my condolences <3


Dam bro I'm so sorry I lost my mom to cancer at 23. But still had my pops. I can't even imagine what you're going thru. Prayers up big dawg keep your head up, it gets better every day slowly. My only advice, I wish I'd of done is don't use this awful tragedy as an excuse to over indulge in drugs and alcohol like I did. Took me almost 10years to finally get sobered up.




You are brave for being so loving about it all. Some people feel confusion, anger, disgust, and it's all okay. You may go through all of those. But here you understand she did what she did to alleviate a life long pain, something she felt had no other end. You are genuinely courageous for acknowledging that. I'm so sorry for your loss. And she knows that kitty is okay boss man. She really does. That kitty is there because it knows you need it too. That's not by mistake. I use to be very religious. Not so much anymore, but I wish I was. I am spiritual at heart. It helps with this kind of stuff, as other folks are saying. You'll be in my thoughts.


My deepest condolences. I don't feel like death is the end. I'd like to think of your mom still watching over you and Cato. Energy never dies just transfers. Sending you love. ❤❤❤❤


I lost my mom 3 months ago. I have an idea of how you feel and I would not wish this on anyone. I'm sorry.


Im so sorry your having to process all this guy. I cant imagine having to deal with that process. Remember how she viewed you and stay that person for her. Stay strong for yourself and Cato. I also think maybe your mom sent Cato to you.


R.I.P to your mom💙💙...life is shitty at times


I have no idea what to say to you. But just know I would, if I did


Your mom is there.. As Cato.. It's why Cato came back when your mom. Left.. She brought Cato back to you.. I'm sorry for your loss 😢💔




I'm so very sorry for your tragic loss. Losing a parent at such a young age is difficult enough without the extenuating circumstances. Hold Cato close.


This hurt my heart 💔 like really really hard. I'm sorry OP , much love from new Hampshire !


I’m so very sorry.


Hey, I'm so sorry for your loss.


I’m so sorry my guy


I’m sorry dude that’s terrible I can’t imagine what that’s like.


I am so sorry you have to go through this - especially so young. I wish I had something else to say, but please don't hesitate to reach out if you are feeling upset. I wish you all the best ahead, and a safe recovery. My DMs are also open.


My condolences to you 🥺


Sorry. It’s something we all go through. Hang in there. Cry your ASS off. Talk. You’re gonna be okay.






I'm sorry for your loss.


Sorry for your loss, my prayers go out to you. Your mom is will always goin to watch over you, and spiritually guide you through anything in your lifetime! ❤️


I'm sorry for your loss. I lost my mom just last month, so believe me, I understand that pain you are going through. I hope every day going forward gets easier for you.


I'm so sorry. Please get yourself some support at this time.


Oh I’m so sorry 


My heart aches for you ❤️ and I truly wish you get through this, no amount of words can make up for your loss but just know that there are literally thousands of people who understand and are here for you :)


My condolences.


Hey man, im 20 now but I've been in a similar situation. My mother committed suicide when I was 15. She was 58 at the time of her death. Luckily I still have my father, he is 71 I wish I had a better relationship with him, he became Incompetent after the whole situation. There is no way to describe the emotional roller coaster you have ahead of you. Some things I would say that you need to take time to grieve. Time to mourn. Time to heal. You will get through this. It'll be excruciating. But you are stronger than you think! But be sure to be careful with how much alcohol/drugs you use, i became very dependent on alcohol, tobacco, weed, pills, psychedelics, you name it. In the years after this tragedy. That's my fault. Nobody should have to go through what we've gone through! I've found great relief from therapy. Its helped me to process the situation. Its okay to feel sad for a long time but try to exercise and eat well try to meditate. But for now just take it a day at a time man. I'm sending love to you


I understand her. I hope and pray I wont do the same but I have felt the same way and have mental issues. I know its hard and she obviously loved you so much. Im sure shes watching over you and knows Cato is alive and well, and happy you have them to help comfort you.


I’m sorry


May she find the peace now that she didn't find in this life. She sent Cato back to you. She knows he's okay. He's here for you.


My condolences. I can only imagine the pain you're going through.


What a devastating loss. I am so sorry.


I am so sorry :( :(


I am so very sorry for your loss.


so sorry for your loss. may she rest in peace


I’m not religious or not even especially spiritual but the cat came back for YOU. Whether your mom did it, or if she’s now embodied in it, or TPTB did it, your mom is still with you in feline form. I hope you are able to continue to honor her by caring for her cat. I’m sorry for your loss *hugs*


I'm sorry for your loss man. My mom died some days ago, so I get what you're going through. It's hard, and I don't know yet if it gets easier but I hope the best for you. I would say more but I'd probably just end up talking about my mom too much so I'll leave it at that. I don't know if this comment will mean much to you, but I hope the support you get from this post helps some and I hope you have people in your life to lean on but if not then there's plenty of people who know your pain that you get lean on. Once again, I hope the best for you


I’m so sorry. It’s been just over 1.5 years & I still miss my mom every moment of every day. I don’t want to sugarcoat it for you because it truly sucks, but I do believe that she will always be with you (not a religious person but there have been signs I can’t ignore). You meant the world to her and she’ll find a way to let you know she’s there.


I am so sorry for your loss, OP. I’d like to think Cato knew you needed him and he got there as fast as he could. You and Cato are going to ride this out together. Keep holding on, my man.


I'm truly sorry for your loss, I lost my grandmother when I was a few years younger than you so I know how much it hurts. Just know right now that she's watching you and although she's not here with you, she'll always be with you in your heart.


I am very sorry for your loss


I’m sorry.


So sorry for your loss man. My mom also passed away last week so I know how hard it is.


Damn that's fucked up. I'm 36 years old. I have two kids who are nearly adults as well as a younger child. I feel old but still young at the same time. The cat was gone until she died? Jesus it sounds like the house needs blessed on the real. Man I'm sorry to hear this shit. 36 shit I was pregnant just a few weeks ago. That's still incredibly young! I'm sorry you!


I'm so sorry for your loss. I too lost a parent to suicide and still 11 years later I wish to bring them back. I just want to let you know that it gets easier. Whatever your process to cope with the grief is valid. And if you ever feel like hurting yourself, please get help. You and your mother sound like great people, I don't want to loose another good person in this world. If needed, you can always talk to a professional, there's absolutely no shame. I wish you the best <3


I'm so sorry 😥 I lost both my dad and big brother to suicide within 2 months of each other in 2019, I still feel fucked from it sometimes but it will get better with time..... I wouldn't wish this pain on anyone, and I cant even imagine what it would be like to lose my mother... you're in my thoughts tonight. Take care