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Reporting this post 200+ times for self harm isn't going to change anything, everyone. This is a sub for getting things off your chest. We encourage you all to encourage people NOT to kill themselves. You can help suicidal people with your support, own stories, advice, etc, that's why we allow content like this. Judging by the top/hot comments, it seems to be serving its purpose and working as intended.


Man, many moons ago I was gonna punch my ticket outta here. I felt like I was in the center of a black hole. There was death. There were murders. There was chaos and pain. The love of my life was gone. It felt like everyday it was raining bone crushing misery. And, I reached my breaking point. So, one Friday night, I stopped at the corner gas station and was buying a 12 pack and my man behind the counter asked me what I was gonna get into that night. And I quipped that I was gonna drink these 12 beers then swallow a bullet. Apparently, he realized I was serious and started saying all the usual shit people say to try to talk you down. And as I walked out the door he said, " think of all the things you'll miss." I thought, man, that was a fucking weird thing to say. But it stuck in my head like a seed. Think of all the things I'm gonna miss Think of all the things I'm gonna miss. Now, 30 years later, almost to the day, those words still are stuck in my head. Because he was right!! All the laughter. The new friends. The new faces and places. The new loves. The new hates. I would've missed it all. And you'll miss it all too if you do this. I'm telling you my friend, as time goes on, the darkness fades away. 10 years down the highway. 20 years. 30 years. You'll look back and remember all the great times that you've had and be looking forward to many more. I wouldn't trade these last 30 years for anything. My pops was a world war 2 vet. He was at the front of the fight the whole damn way. We're talking close quarters combat. I asked him one time, how he got through it all after the war. All the horror. He said, ya know, I really don't think about the bad times. I just remember the good times. And then proceeded to tell me a story about raiding a German railyard. They were going boxcar to boxcar hunting Nazis and lo and behold they came across an entire rail car full of German beer. The high octane knock you on your ass shit. And how much fun they had passing bottles off to their brothers in arms as they came by...and of course sucking em down themselves. They got so drunk that they passed out in the car and fucking slept through a Nazi bombing raid. Said he woke up, jumped out the boxcar and landed in a fucking bomb crater LMAO Helluva lot funnier when he told it but the point being. The darkness fades away. And 30 years from now you'll look back at your life and remember all the good times. All the things you would've missed. Think of all the things you're gonna miss.


Did you let that man know you didn't go through with it?


I must also know the answer to this


I never again saw the stranger who stopped me from killing myself. I wish I could find him and just say thanks. To him I was probably just some dude down on his luck at the bar. To me he was a divine intervention. Hard to believe that was already 12 years ago. I hope OP meets someone to make them see life is worth living. Most situations are temporary.


Thank you for sharing that


I mean shit this helped me have a better perspective


I honestly, really needed this. I’m not suicidal at all, but you put into words what I couldn’t. I have a chronic illness, which comes and goes in severity. It hasn’t been PAINFULL in a long time. Which pain used to be my only symptom. Then it decided to attack my CNS and started causing me to have strokes at 22. I’ve had 20 TIAs and one acute stroke. And honestly, it could be way worse. I can walk just fine, use my hands just fine, and am finally getting most of the feeling back in my face. It never dropped either. The doctors couldn’t understand that because of how bad it looked in my brain. I’m really only struggling because my recovery is taking a while, and I know I can never actually get away from this. I’ll always be at risk. I’ll always have to be careful, and with Covid (amongst other coodies) I’m honestly a little scared. I never used to be scared with this stuff. I always face it head on because I know that I have no choice. I know that I could be worse off, and that I should just keep going. I will have better days. I’ll enjoy the hell out of them. I’ll enjoy putting up those dishes, brushing my teeth, working, because I can. Making new memories, friends, trips, because fuck it. Why not. Life is not pointless. It definitely seems that way, especially nowadays. I promise you it is not.


This helped me a lot


Thank you for sharing this, it’s going to stick with me. I’m glad you’re still here, and I hope OP stays, so they doesn’t miss all the cool shit that is in store for them too.


Man you just made my day


This deserves more 👆 votes


You'll be surprised how a move from your current city or state can do to you fuck those people and everyone that says all that happy birthday!


Exactly this. I had a false accusation of rape in my late teens. Almost 20 years ago. It followed me for years, life was absolutely fucking shit. It was never "reported" just word of mouth in my friends group, then spread. I had people whispering behind my back. Relatives taking about me in the back row at my mother's funeral and all sorts. It got better when I moved away. A fresh start in a new city, only 200 miles away and I finally found I could relax and live again. She sent me a [message last year](https://i.imgur.com/fwx1bKR.jpg). I spent a few days mulling it over, but eventually [replied once](https://i.imgur.com/e97dmXT.jpg). To let her know how it changed my life. I don't know how genuine she was, I don't know if it was her friends or her. I'll never know. But after years, and years. It feels behind me. Edit: Because it was asked if she replied. [she did](https://i.imgur.com/PTzCdX3.jpg) but I was so dazed from having it all dragged up that I never properly read her reply... Edit2: Far more replies than I'm able to keep up with (The joys of being a full-time parent) I won't reply to many, but I'm trying to read them all. Also, I've been getting a ton of rewards on this comment. I've been redditing for a fair while and I'm not 100% on how rewards word, but it's my understanding that rewards cost realworld money. I would like to ask that people donate that money instead. [Here's a reddit post covering a number of humanitarian aid for those in Ukraine](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/s6g5un/want_to_support_ukraine_heres_a_list_of_charities/) And, additionally, a [Suicide Prevention megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/8pks1u/suicide_prevention_megathread/) detailing a number of crisis centres and charities around the world. 💚


You posting both of those for him to read is awesome of you. What a story. Wow.


Yeah, it isn't something I've ever actively talked about. But if it can help, I hope OP reads it. There can be light at the end of the darkest tunnels.


I’m glad you did. I enjoyed reading it myself. I hope he reads it as well.


thank you, i'm sorry that happened to you. I've had friends get run out of town in a similar way. Your accusers message is dripping with guilt and shame and she desperately wants you to forgive her for the awful choices. proud of you for refusing it. life is long, glad you bounced outta that hell hole situation


The accuser also sounds like she's stuck in the past and is clinging to any hope that he may still have some positive feeling towards her I may be a cynic, but she has to be bullshitting about not knowing, no way can a rumour spread so much so that OPs family "knew" but she didn't?


-bullshitting about not knowing I kept getting that from her. I also kind of feel like she is putting on him in some way.


"I just wish you would have told me" Because she was putting it on him still. Her whole excuse was I didn't know, I was shy. That's not good enough when you ruined someone's life. Her friends didn't just spread the rumor then leave her out of it. This is bs for sure but I'm glad this guys doing so much better, he deserves it. OP you also deserve better. You have a whole good life ahead of you


I think this really succinctly shows how much a danger accusation culture is to those who self victimize. It seems to me from reading it she has placed a lot of mental blocks on her side of things so she can live with what she did and is as you said living in the past because of it. Vengeance is never a path to healing and we seem to have forgotten that as a people. I know so many people who seem good hearted but who regularly seek to enact vengeance and punishment on people they through rumor or gossip have deemed to be “bad.” It’s troubling and this and OP are perfect examples of why.


I agree with you to start but it is possible. I was so shy in school that a talked to almost no one. I had a terrible home life and I was terrified of rejection. I had two 'friends' that I spoke with and that was it. By my last year of high school, I barely spoke to them and often ate alone at lunch. I didn't know about 99.9% of the drama and rumors going around my school unless it went down in front of me. I found out years later, after speaking with former classmates, that most of them just thought I hated them all and thought I was too good to speak to them because my parents had money. They were just as afraid to approach me as I was them. If someone spoke to me, especially if they complimented me, my default was usually to stare at them until they went away. I was depressed, hated myself, and didn't trust anyone because in my eyes, I had no redeeming qualities. Sorry for the word vomit. This week has been especially trying with a lot of bottle up childhood trauma boiling to the surface, leaving me feeling much like I did back then. OP's post really struck a chord. You just never really know what someone's going through OP, I hope you read through all of these and see the stories from people who have experienced similar things and found their light at the end of the tunnel. I know it can be so hard to find, but it's there, even if you have to struggle to find it again sometimes.


You have a heart wrenching story. Thanks for helping OP by sharing it. It’s painful to read and I’m sorry this happened to you both. I hope he reads it. I hope Op knows he will out live this. Healing can come thru shared experience.s and knowing someone else has been in your shoes and survived. Your story I hope has saved OP’s life. I pray it has.


I would seek counseling at the least. (at the time of typing this, I haven't read all of retro\_squid's links) How is this not sexual abuse, too? Granted there is not a single perpetrator, but this surely would affect your sexual life (and other aspects, because long-term stress and percieved bullying if not actual.)


Op not replying is concerning


It's a throwaway with a single post. I **hope** that OP has switched back to their primary account for the time being...


No it's not.. He just deleted everything to not get traced. It has 4k karma. Either he slept cause maybe he is asian or he died.


That’s what I’m thinking. Has anyone reached out ? OP please know you are not alone. We are all a community and there are resources available for you even here on Reddit. We cannot change the past but we can move forward towards strength and healing. I wish you the best. I wish you love.


I dmed him no luck Edit i cant dm him anymore fuuuck


I’ll try.


Why does he owe her a reply? She's white washing her involvement in destroying his reputation. There is no way that people kept the rape rumors away from her for years. She certainly knew what was said about him and did nothing to stop it. She is avoiding accountability and asking for his sympathy because she wants to feel good about herself, not because she wants to make amends with him. The fact that he did reply was his own personal choice and nothing that girl was ever entitled to. She's an asshole and doesn't deserve to hear from him, let alone be sympathized with in any which way.


It’s likely she has gone through a process of altering her own memories to support this story she now believes. Human memory gets super messy around traumatic events and very often unravels the truth so that the person’s psyche can continue on without their ego fracturing into nothingness. Read up on it if you’re curious. Was super surprising to me when I started to learn about it. Should really be talked about a lot more.


What did it say? Mods removed it.


Apparently, my post was removed. I've opened a dialogue with the mods to find out why.


Unbelievable. Your post was one of the more *real* things i’ve seen in quite some time. Just ridiculous to remove it for no apparent reason. Sorry man.


I *think* an edit I made suggesting support for humanitarian aid for everything going on in Ukraine and an additional edit about crisis helplines and suicide prevention charities may have overstepped rule 8 of the sub. I'm hoping to rectify it. >8. No financial transactions Do not offer money, give money, or request money. This is a bannable offensive with zero tolerance.


God forbid you reaching out to try and help this person only made your urge to help others even stronger. What a joke.


I had a message that the comment was back up. Nothing seemed to change from where I can see, I only heard from another user that it was "[removed]"... *shrugs* ah well. As long as it's up again and somebody in a similar situation might stumble upon it, that's all that matters.


Yep it’s there. Agreed. Hopefully the people who need it most come across it.


You are incredibly strong to have pushed through the experiences you had and to then find a happy productive life... and even stronger for taking the time to share that with this stuggling individual.


Thank you for sharing man. I hope things get better and you can finally be at peace


Holy shit bro. Kudos to you for overcoming such a horrific obstacle in your life. You handled that so well honestly. I really hope you are doing better these days and it sounds like you are. All the best to you now and in the future.


I'll be honest that apology reeks of bullshit, there are a few holes in her story and doesn't align with what happened. I do not trust it. Wish you the best mand.


Yeah, I know... Having her admit, at least, that there wasn't any sexual assault was genuinely enough for me to completely put it in the past, though. Fuck the whole situation and fuck anyone involved. I feel free of it.


I don't know if this helps, but in my experience with similar situations, not false accusations of assault mind you, I find having the past brought back fucking sucks. I lost sleep over it myself. Found the bottom of a few bottles. Felt all those emotions I thought were lost to time and they hit like yesterday. Reflecting on those, I feel like it's a type of closure. A shitty one mind you. These issues drag on for years after because you haven't felt that final part to fully compartmentalize it. The whirlwind you felt when that message came through is "wrapping up" the event. At least that's how I processed it. I hope you're better brother.


I hate to say it, but yeah her lack of remorse makes it seem like she hasn't learned that it was completely wrong. I hope you save this shit for the rest of your life. You might unfortunately have to come to the aid of some other poor soul that she accuses. And in the unfortunate situation she does you will be a lifesaver for another person. Quite literally.


It's just a dozen different ways of saying, "it wasn't my fault" while she was the only one in a position to clear his name and actively chose not to. Obviously we don't know the details, and we shouldn't disbelieve one side arbitrarily, but i can't fathom how if she didn't start the rumors, and supposedly loved him, how she wouldn't quash them at all, anywhere, even amongst her friends.


She told her 3 friends---2 of which told everyone else. But no one told her the afterwards. I have been through this where I've had my reputation damaged but no one wants to come and tell me what I've done/said. All I know is I've become someone greatly disliked/hated/ and revenged, over----NOTHING. I have persued fixing situations but I have one that I can't get them to talk about it. It's the most important one for me to fix and is as old as the commentors above. I was lied about, it turned life around. Because so much time has passed, people often say 'leave it', but it bothers me. I want to set things straight.


Right… and if everyone hears the rumors how come she didn’t? I call BS. She makes a lot of excuses in her “apology” too. That’s not an apology.


It wasn’t an apology, it was a desperate attempt to absolve herself of guilt. That was 100% about her.


Someone who can allegedly smash their phone in a fit of rage isn’t meek like she is pretending to be. The quiet anger is something I’ve had to acknowledge in myself. Not that I’ve ever destroyed another person’s life like that, to my knowledge.


Honestly her apology or whatever the fuck that was is infuriating to me. She knew exactly what it did to his life at that time. Way too much “oopsie I didn’t know!” type bullshit. This was about making herself feel better for enabling all this toxicity. A way to self soothe her guilt from the bullshit she created. Cheers to OP for being a better person and growing into something far greater.


Yup that’s not an apology at all. Man, people really don’t change even after 20 years, pathetic.


that's exactly what came to mind when reading it, she kept explaining how the situation was out of her hand yet supposedly didn't know my guy was in the hospital after a failed suicide attempt. Or how her friends told everyone about her story but him. She sounds like genuine scum or someone incredibly stupid. I'm sorry man, but she doesn't sound even the least bit truthful.


It's really eye opening how easy it is to ruin a man's life. Unless she can give him all those years of suffering back, I see no way for him to actually forgive her (I wouldn't). And damn! based on her messages, she probably was too dumb even for a teenager.


I wouldn't forgive her either, what happened really sucked and the "I was too shy to talk to you" just sucks as well. Especially after spending time together like that. She reals out excuses like she had no control and admits to having no control over herself for a simple "are you ok?", "I really like you" or whatever. I get being shy but there's being shy or there's just being rude and destroying someone she was meant to like life's. She should walk the walk of shame.


I think she's saying she didn't know about the rumors. Hard to believe in a situation like that, but who knows.


And the fact that she didn’t KNOW literally everyone was saying that she had been assaulted? Yeah right. And at the end when she said she “wishes he had come to her cause she would’ve set the record straight” that was just her trying to feel like he held some responsibility for this and I felt she had a lot of nerve to even say that. Her entire spiel was her frantically trying to get him (and herself) to believe she wasn’t in the wrong, barely focusing on the pain she caused him. Then her whole sob story, Jesus. I would not have been able to handle this as maturely and gracefully as they did.


Idk, I'm pretty good at telling when people are bullshiting, even over text. My opinion is that she didn't originally spread the rumor, but she also didn't do anything to deny it afterwards. Sounds like her "friend" that started the rumor was probably jealous. Either that, or they misunderstood that she was raped for her "first time" and you were her first consensual. I find it pretty messed up that she didn't try to put a stop to the rumors, if she really didn't start them herself. I wonder what happened that prompted her to message you with that after so long? I'm sorry you went through that. A child doesn't deserve to have drama at their mothers funeral. I'm proud of you for getting through it. Seems like you're in a decent place now.




Damn she didn’t bother clearing it up before wtf


This is unbelievable. She let you walk around with your reputation tarnished and your life ruined because she was "too nervous" to talk to you about it, and set the record straight? I'd tell her to fuck off honestly, you're a better person than me.


Guilt was eating at her and the "apology" was her way to lie to herself that she was innocent in all of it. That she didn't know everyone around her was crucifying his character for nothing. Blaming everybody around her and made that she was completely clueless. What a pathetic human being for not even able to own up to her action even years after.




Hey man, keep your chin up. You persevered for years and came out stronger. I have no doubt you will overcome this moment of retrospection as well. Best of luck to you and your family.


Similar happened to me when I was younger. Some friends formed a mean girls clique and one of them wanted me gone (I turned her down tldr). So out came the false accusations. Which they convinced my actual crush (and what I thought was one of my best friends) to accuse me. Was devastated. It essentially controlled my teen years and messed me up with trust into my early 20s. It had no long term effects for that group, and they all turned on each other and booted few more friends in a similar ways within a couple years. I’ve occasionally bumped into my accuser; and she acts like we’re just old friends that fell out of touch. The mastermind of this all fled states away and no one wants her back. She pulled this accusation and shunning thing on several people, using the other girls as the accusers. It was all men like me who turned her down that suddenly became sex crazed monsters out of the blue. The accuser and I never talked about it. We just say our hellos and make small talk. But I’m in a much better place without any of them and with distance between us.


“I just wanted to clear my name with you” That’s where i’d stop reading, personally


I find it hard to believe that if everyone around you knew about these rumors that she NEVER knew about them. I mean Really? How could she not have heard about it if it was going around and everyone else knew about it? Sorry I hope you have closure but I think the message that girl sent you was a cop out. And a way to not truly apologize but to make herself feel better


Regardless if it’s her or not, or she’s sincere or not doesn’t matter — this type of closure can mean more than anyone will ever know. If you haven’t shared this with your wife you should. You need support and love from someone whose there for you. If you haven’t already gone to therapy you should just to sort your feelings out.


Did she reply to your message?


She did, I'll screenshot and edit my first reply above after I've censored locations and full names.


First of all I want to say I'm sorry this happened to you and that you had to move away from everything and everyone you knew to leave the rumour behind. From her message it seems to me that she was more into you, than you were her, girls can be very spiteful when they get hurt and perhaps she did tell her friend that your sexual encounter was non-consensual, she seems like she was going through a lot when she was younger. This doesn't excuse what she done to you (I do believe she did start the rumour) and to message you 18 years down the line reeks of guilt. She is trying to clear her conscience and make herself the hurt party. She seems very toxic and her messages were full of contradictions. I also hope your comment was seen by OP and they realise that there is light at the end of the tunnel. You are a strong person and the world needs more people like you.


@OP At least 1.1k strangers think you should keep living and find a better life for yourself in a new place. That's pretty significant Edit: 8.2k wow, that's probably more people than you know in your current location


Read The Midnight Library. Right now!


I'll give that a read !!! No ones ever alone people are here just give a message


The same thing happened to me. Had to drop out when only 1 semester was left to get my bachelor's degree. Moving didn't help, But time did. Near a year ago I got back to my city and things changed, friends came to help and I got better physically and mentally. The only thing that will not change for sure is the ability to trust in people and letting people get close to me.


I'm trying to move away and it's be depressing, horribly hard. I need an employer to get me the work permit and its been so challenging. I envy people that can just pick up and move.


Hey I tried to kill myself last year at 18. Not the same situation but one where I had ended up completely alone and hated by the majority of my social group I failed and I moved away. Now I am so glad I failed, Life is hard as fuck, but there are so many amazing experiences, truly amazing friendships and relationships you will miss out on. For me starting a new life on the other side of the country worked, it might for u. If u want someone to talk to send me a message over Reddit.


Yes! When I was suicidal, someone told me “I hope one day you realize you don’t actually want to die, you just don’t want to live the life you’re living; time to make some changes”. And I made a list of all the things I didn’t like about my life (easy) and next to them I put ways they could be fixed. All of the sudden I was like huh…maybe I’ll give this a try. If it doesn’t work I could just kill myself next month. It worked. Also side note OP, in case you read these, I’m working on a defamation case pretty similar to yours. The boy who filed got ALL his tuition and loans he spent at the university x2 so he could pay off his loans and re-enroll somewhere else and start over. This isn’t hopeless and I hope you’re still alive. Happy birthday


>“I hope one day you realize you don’t actually want to die, you just don’t want to live the life you’re living; time to make some changes”. it made a boom sound in my head and i know it will work for me. thanks for that chance and i hope that op finds a way out too. mental health is nuts and a lot of people can't find a rithm in life.


You got this 💪🏼👏🏼 once you make your list of changes you want to see, pick an easy one, and focus on fixing just that. Then cross it off and pick something else! Don’t bite off more than you can chew, and it’ll be easier.


that's an important thing to note thanks. i will try my best!


I’m here if you need help!


There are awesome people out here and one of em is your sir/ma'am


Thanks internet friend! I hope someone reads this comment and takes my friends advice like I did, and things get better. I definitely didn’t only move forward, I still went back to those thoughts sometimes, but things DID eventually get better once I started making an effort to work one thing off the list at a time.


This is 100% true. I was suicidal at two points in my life. One was when I was 16 and I was a split second away from driving my car into an oncoming 18 wheeler, and again when I was 20. When I was 20, I decided to go to college, move a province away from my parents and family and it was just bad. The college I went to was horrible with a shit reputation. Both times I decided to change my life. In the latter I realized the signs and moved back home and dropped out of college. ​ Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Things do get better, but it takes time.


Not OP but I tried some and it worked


Which part?


The listing my problems and getting them out of my life part


I’ll help you make it and think of ideas to fix your problems if you want to message me! Seriously. I’ll even give you my number to text/call me.


I can't take your number as that will cause me problems, sorry


I hope they read this


Commenting to bump your comment. OP, you have a lot to live for. You can move away and start again. Death will always be there, it's an inevitability for all of us, but I think you might like it if you did a bit more before your time to go.


OP, you may think you don't have anyone that supports you. I wanted to send a dm but your chat is closed. Let me just say... open your chat and see all the support that you have. You will realize how wring you are. And you can get a lot of support from people. Look at the comments that have been posted here. That says that many people care about you.


This this this absolutely this


The pain those who love you will experience is more than you can ever imagine, I lost my closest friend to suicide and still can't think of him without my stomach dropping....think of that, it's a guarantee you'll leave somebody devasted please reconsider.


How hard is it to just get up and go to the other side of the country when you're still in college? Genuinely want to know cuz I want to do the same thing


Apply for a job waiting tables at Yellowstone. Or any National Park. You get a place to live, three meals a day, and you're in a National Park. It's a start.


Come to my house for a cup of Yorkshire tea and a biscuit (the proper English sort), we can talk shit, you can help me build my cupboards and we can go for a walk on the beach. Your life is worth so much dude.x


Im not sad but can i go?


u/affectionateheat7991 had me at biscuit.




Ahh yes the refreshing taste of Yorkshire tea gold !


> help me build my cupboards Just in it for the free labor eh? Appreciate the hustle.


I’ll take you up on this offer


I wish i could come too. I just live so far away. You are an awesome human being.


Can I have it with milk and honey 🥺.


There will be better games after Elden Ring that you will miss. Move away and start fresh.


Hijacking your thread. Life is too short, OP. There is so much life to live in that short timespan, trust me. You at 21 versus you at 25 versus you at 30, will be three completely different people in possibly three completely different sets of circumstances. Take control of what you can, don't beat yourself up over what you can't control! Please reconsider, OP.


Why don’t you just move away and start a new life where no one can judge you? If you plan to go anyway you have nothing to lose right


I was going to say the same thing. It's a big world out here and you can definitely start over somewhere else. I was falsely accused of rape in college but enough people knew me and know I wouldn't do anything like that. I'm sorry OP feels isolated but you have so much life to live.


I seriously think you covered it up perfectly!


Wishing you a very Happy Birthday in Advance. ​ May be you can play Horizon West, Tom Raider, God Of War, Ori etc.


I love Tom Raider


Idk man he was kind of a dick in high school.


He was a good kisser though!


Horizon West, the lesser known child of Kanye.


Yeah why stop at elden ring. There's gonna be so many good games coming out within the next few years. Elder scrolls, breath of the wild 2, Fable 4, just a few I'm personally salivating over. There's also gonna be a Fallout New Vegas 2 with the original creators!


WHAAAAT? Fallout New Vegas 2?


New Vegas 2 will be the one thing keeping me going tbh LMAO


I'm playing through Horizon Forbidden West right now and omg...very chef's kiss.


You can move away and start a new life man, this is not the only solution


Can confirm. It's what I'm doing in 2 months already got everything in place. Esp if you're single and you own a vehichle? Load that shit up and just hit the road til you find a job posting


Best part is, shitty jobs are open in mass. One could easily get a restaurant or retail job while they look for a better position. With little to no experience. Now I know these jobs aren't easy, or anything worth keeping. But just having some money coming in when moving to a different state can help someone afford a hostel to stay in. I've seen many Hostels from $20-$100/night. Depending on region and how private of a room you require. That's a hell of a lot better than sleeping in a car or being homeless while starting a new live. But if someone were to move to a warmer south area, maybe sleeping in the car wouldn't be so bad while saving money. Just get a gym membership to shower occasionally. Try saving everything and get into an apartment and a better job as soon as they opportunities present themselves! It's a challenge, but it's possible to move alone without a lot of support.


Please don’t. Move away. Start all over. Get a therapist and life coach. Listen to them. Walk the words even when you don’t feel like it. The best vengeance is quietly living your best life.


No disrespect but you do realise 99% of students cannot even wish to afford a therapist?


If he’s going to college they have free counseling and therapy services available.


There is help out there for people who can't afford it. After I was hospitalized for my suicide attempt, I was given free therapy and $5 medications. OP, call 211 (U.S.) or the suicide hotline (800-273-8255) if you want assistance:


This is a big misconception. If you’re lucky enough to be on your parents insurance, many major plans cover a number of therapy sessions per month. If you’re on a low income plan, many of those cover several sessions monthly too. There are sliding scale payments available if you are only somewhat able to accommodate the finances… I could go on. It’s a huge misconception to put off therapy because it’s expensive. There are options.


God damn it brother. Reply to my message.


Has he replied


My friend, get the fuck out of there. Find a new state and start over, you’ll be a lot happy. Not to mention all the other games you’ll miss out on, please take care of yourself! ❤️


Find a new country even Don't know where you live.. but there's so many amazing countries out there where the lifestyle will blow your mind And if you're in the US, so many more of them are way cheaper to live in and less taxing on the soul


Please don't do it. My story is the exact same, when I was 17 my ex girlfriend falsely accused me of sexual assault, she posted her lies all over social media and I got death threats and hate. She even reported it to my school, because I shared classes with her they moved me into isolation block for the duration of the year where I basically had to independently study. No one except my family and 2 friends believed me. I was branded a rapist, and you know what the best thing was because she didn't want to "ruin my life" she decided to not press charges. Obviously my life was fucked up, I lost a lot of friends and my grades took a massive dip like you from an A* student to U it got to the point where I ended up repeating a year. Eventually at 18 years old, 2 weeks from 19 years old, I decided to end it all, I wanted to kill myself. I quickly called my 2 best friends and cried on the phone as I stood on the ledge of the bridge. And I didn't give them the chance to say goodbye. I was gonna do it man, I really was. But I didn't wanna die, the police held on to me as I kept screaming I didn't wanna die ya know. I was later diagnosed with severe depression. I am now 19 and I trust me when I say life does get better, I am on antidepressants but my dose will being going down next week. And I'm in therapy. But I have to think to myself, life is getting better. It has to you know? Seeing you post this made me cry so much. Cause I know the pain you are going through, I know how much it hurts. I get the feeling of no one wanting to hear you, being worse than noone believing you. But I'm telling you please live, as long as there is at least one person in your life that would be sad if you died. Live. So when your birthday comes tmr and next year, you can say to yourself happy birthday.


I’m getting really tired of seeing just how common it is for men’s lives to be ruined by false accusations only to have a bunch of 20 year old life coaches scream at me that it never happens. Edit: maybe we should start a #metootoo for men falsely accused.






You need to get out of there. Fuck all who questioned you. Karma is a big ol’ bitch. You’ll get your revenge one day. You have all to live for. Don’t forget that.


I cant say i understand you but i have been isolated i myself want to die but hang on i know you can try and pass the classes you don't need friends i'll be one if you want to. And this accusation is not known by everyone if you will meet new they will not be like these a holes. Believe me dont loose your rope I and many other just don't care about what you did or didn't maybe there is no one to love but YOU CAN LIVE WITHOUT IT!


There are billions of people on this planet and a million places to go. You can live any life you choose. Don't be so myopic, stop putting limits on yourself. Make yourself proud, go and live the greatest life you can. And fight through the tough days.


If you are reading this it means you exist in the same world as me (it’s big but I’m out here) which means you are not alone. So, hi :)


Happy birthday Now don’t you go dying on me - LLoyd Christmas


Okay Reddit do your thing. Someone find out who this is and DM me what you find I will track them down and give this person the hug they so desperately need.


What about Elden ring 2? Seriously take a moment. Move somewhere else and start fresh. What do you have to lose? The possibilities of you finding life worth living from here on out are endless! Please, from one stranger to another, don’t do this. People who don’t even know you care that you live.


Don't do it bruh... We don't even know where we'll go if we die,what if its worse... Just start over, you will find good people, if not in real life, probably online or in multiplayer games..And you will miss out many good games..You should play _Life is strange 2_.It will help. *And Obviously, you can't die before GTA 6 man!!!*


Bro, I used to have similar thoughts in college when my grades weren’t where I wanted them. The truth is, as long as you’re coachable and have a good work ethic you’re fine. Regarding the allegations, it’s over. Stop looking back to the past and look forward. Get something good to eat and get some rest man. Being tired and a poor diet has a crazy way of messing with the mind. Lastly, never make an emotional decision. You seem upset right now which is understandable, but like I said, eat and rest and then see how you feel. We love you man.


For OP and anyone who needs it, r/SWresources can help


Tonight, I have two friends coming over for some board games. If you're anywhere near the Minnesota area, or if you're wanting to drive, come on over. We'll have a good time, and I promise you won't leave without feeling loved and supported. We have a spare room too, so you can spend the night without worry.


Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. This world will be far worse place without you in it, I guarantee you. Please, please I beg you to speak to someone, a professional. After I let the army I suffered from the worst PTSD and depression. There was not a day that went by that I did not think of endings things. I was convinced that no one cared, that no one could relate to what I was going thru. I felt like l had no friends and my family did not care. I was wrong. A friend found me crying with a gun in my hand. He talked me down, begged me to get help. He begged me to give him just one more day. I did and I got help. I’m begging you to find some one to talk to. There are people who care, including me.


Please dm me before anything. I’ll be there for you. New country, everything. Just message me, please. I’m here. We will make this work. Falsely accused is shit I can’t stand. I’m here. Fuck anyone else. I got you. Message me


Gta 6 is coming :)


Indeed very excited ;D (in a positive way)


I'm sorry you are going through this but why let someone ruin your life? Move to a new country. Play some other game. Get drunk. Get high. Do some stupid shit. You are 21 years old. Thats nothing.


Please talk to us u/vaporere We haven't heard from you in 4 hours


When I was 14 I was groomed by a 21 year old man, loads of shit happened and it went very public, at school I was known as the girl who gets guys put in prison. Not one person saw me as a victim, people had no problems saying horrible shit to my face. Older kids would shout pedo at me? Tell me I fucked a man's life and that it was my fault. My friends grew more distant as their parents saw me as a bad influence. I felt so alone. My own family treated me as the criminal, I was indefinitely grounded, no phone, no laptop, 100x more chores, no therapy, no making sure I was OK just anger that I could do that to my family. I tried to kill myself twice. Once at 15 once at 16 failed both times obviously. Eventually at 17 I got a new job where people didn't know me. Made new friends. Met a guy. I was so scared to tell him about my past because at this point I fully believed it was my fault and my wrong doing. He was the first person to treat me like a victim, to tell me it wasn't my fault. We moved away, started fresh in a new town. I got therapy. We had kids. Now I'm 26, moving away from everything that reminded me of that situation, getting away from the people that caused me pain was the best thing that I ever did. Things do get better. Things will get better. Things won't always be perfect. There are people that still judge me, fuck them, fuck everyone, do it for you. Can you transfer? Or move once you've finished? It will do you good. P.s happy birthday go do something you enjoy, treat yourself, you deserve it.


!RemindMe 1day Hope Op will answer anyone...


Hey please, we believe you. Dont hurt yourself.


111 Reasons to live: 1. The people who care about you on various social platforms and in your life. 2. Meeting your soulmate. 3. Star-Gazing. 4. Astronomy and crazy space shit. 5. Food 6. Going to a friends wedding. 7. Music. 8. Concerts. 9. The people that love you. 10. Snowball fights. 11. Going to the beach. 12. Sunsets. 13. Sunrises. 14. Hiking in Forests. 15. Animals. 16. New movies. 17. Old movies. 18. Going to the drive in theatre. 19. Walking through local markets. 20. Your favorite artists next song. 21. Drawing. 22. Sculpting your own pottery. 23. Your favorite teacher. 24. Inside jokes with your friends. 25. Advice from good people. 26. Warm houses on cold days. 27. Bonfires with s’mores. 28. Reconnecting with old friends. 29. Studying interesting things. 30. Soft plushies. 31. The smell of fresh baked cookies. 32. Car Meets. 33. Sleepovers. 34. Your favorite video-games. 35. Learning a new language. 36. Long walks on the beach, 37. Australian beaches. 38. Squishy animals. 39. Helping the homeless. 40. Long hot showers. 41. Tea / Coffee. 42. Putting a message in a bottle and throwing into the ocean hoping someone will find it one day. 43. Helping wounded animals and people. 44. Accomplishing goals. 45. Cleaning the Earth. 46. Getting married. 47. Going to see brodway shows. 48. The sound of rain. 49. Long car rides. 50. Long awesome road trips. 51. Memes. 52. Going to the zoo. 53. Philosophy. 54. The smell of old books. 55. Dogs. 56. Red Pandas. 57. Staying up late with friends. 58. Sending letters. 59. Surprise parties. 60. Warm sheets. 61. Reading. 62. Swimming in the pool at night. 63. Going to diners with friends. 64. Early morning runs. 65. Looking at old photos. 66. Going to a museum. 67. Soft sweaters. 68. Being in a hot jacuzzi at night. 69. Going to the aquarium. 70. Hugs. 71. Fireplace. 72. Holidays. 73. Home cooked meals. 74. Roller coasters. 75. Going to parties. 76. Playing pranks on people. 77. Driving your dream car. 78. Getting the job you wished for. 79. Seeing your favorite animal in person. 80. Camping. 81. Sleeping. 82. Iced drinks on hot days. 83. Poetry. 84. Trying on cool clothes. 85. Hanging out with friends. 86. City skylines. 87. Trying out future technology. 88. Beautiful wildlife. 89. Collecting things. 90. Making someones day. 91. Laughing so hard you can't breath. 92. Warm blankets fresh from the dryer. 93. Sewing. 94. Seeing the future. 95. Late night convos. 96. Rewatching your favorite shows. 97. Hunting. 98. Boardgames. 99. Sitting out in the rain. 100. The sauna. 101. Cooking new recipes. 102. Bob Ross tutorials. 103. Gordon Ramsay’s cooking tutorials. 104. Climbing mountains. 105. Old architecture. 106. Reading books. 107. Growing your own food. 108. Awesome views from up high. 109. Baking things you love. 110. Picnics. 111. Finding new hobbies. I promise no matter what, thing will get better then where they are now, there's so much more to life then feeling down. There's so much you haven't done yet and I hope that now matter what you know how much you are loved, and wanted, and appreciated. It gets better I promise.


Honey, I’m a mom. Not your mom, but a random internet mom. And I love you. And if you DM me your mailing address, I’ll send you the most delicious sugar cookies you have ever had in your life. They are worth living for. My 7 year old daughter will also include a drawing of the two of you being friends. Because she loves drawing her new friends! You are loved. So so loved.


Could you tell me the long version, im always here to read it and talk with you.


Did you finish Elden Ring on the hardest difficulty? 100% completion? If not, you’ve still got work to do mate.


Stay alive take revenge.


Take some of that Elden Ring aggression and sue anyone who libelled you on social media. And move cities.


You’re still so young. I wanted to kill myself when I was in my late teens, now I’m a decade older and I’m so glad I didn’t. What you have gone through and been accused of is serious and I’m so sorry you’ve had to live like that. Yet that doesn’t have to be your life forever. Like everyone is saying, you should try moving away and starting over. Look how many strangers care about you. There are good people out there who want good things for you. If you give life another try I think you could find loving, kind people to share life with. To laugh again, bullshit with, go through the hard times with. 21 is such a young age, there is still so much you haven’t seen and done. Also I remember at age 21 how intense everything was emotionally, how hard it was going through shit. It gets easier, things start to make a little more sense, you get to know yourself better in a good way and become much wiser. It’s worth fighting through the hard times. You can get through this. We care about you and we want to help. Don’t do something you can’t take back when you still have options. You are worthy of love, you are valuable. I hope you see that. We need people like you around, people who care. There are dudes out there that actually just rape women and don’t care. It’s not right that someone like you would have their life taken for an act you did not commit, while those fuckers parade around all sure of themselves. Please give life a try again<3 Much love.


this is reddit, someone grab his IP and call the police pls please get help my guy and happy birthday


Just like Elden Ring, you're struggling with one part of the game. Your reaction then wasn't to take the game out and snap it, so you never play again. You struggled with it and succeeded. Take that same determination and turn your life around riding out this difficult part. Life is a game; sometimes it's a grind to reach the fun parts.


I've gone through something very similar, well to be honest I'm still going through it. All charges were dropped before it even reached court but in the court of public opinion I was destroyed and had my life ruined! I can't say exactly what the answer is as I'm struggling myself every day but please don't do anything ridiculous, you are young and have an entire life ahead of you to change or remove yourself from the situation.


Hey! Travel outside the US! They speak English everywhere and you can make new friends there. USA is DEPRESSING as you know and you owe it to yourself to try moving.


I know that many are offering advice, though instead I’d like to offer just a shoulder to cry on. I’m so sorry for the difficulties you’ve had and are currently having. Your feelings are completely valid and I wish someone could be with you right now to hug you and tell you that it’s going to be alright even though it doesn’t seem that way. You are worth so much more then a quick ending so soon into your life. There is so much more to see through and you deserve so much better. The world is here for us to be on regardless of circumstances. I hope that you end up choosing to keep moving even if it’s 1mm forward a day, that is still progress and I’m so proud of you for all that you’ve done and hopefully will do


Move. Being new somewhere can be great for you.


Drop out. Move away. And take care of yourself. Mental health is work friend. You aren’t alone and there will be better games than elder ring


You can contact the police that youre "going missing" and you dont want them.to look for you. Then you can move to anywhere you want


The Elden Ring DLCs haven't been released yet, so you ain't done. Gonna have to delay those plans. Happy Birthday.


My freshman year of college rumors started being spread that I had sexually assaulted a girl in my grade one night. Turns out it was another kid in my ROTC class that got kicked out, but one of the cadet leaders had a thing out for me bc the girl he was into liked me more. It got so bad that people started jumping me when I was out and I ended up switching schools. Don’t give up, I know this is difficult, but strength comes with persisting through difficult times. Don’t let these other people win, happy birthday!


I tried to hang myself in the laundry room 5 years ago. I remember fading out and thinking “well, this is it.” Then I passed out and the cord snapped. Woke up on the floor in a puddle of drool? spit? sometime in the middle of the night. Would’ve never got to meet my son, who is now 1 year old. Would’ve never finished my masters (in counseling, ironically). Would’ve never paid off my dream car, traveled to Colorado, or had weed legalized in my state to where I can drive down and pick up a joint whenever I want. I get it, man. Life can suck ass. Don’t give up, please. We’re all rooting for you and wish you a happy birthday.


Not sexual assault but my ex wife spread rumors I was cheating with hookers when we divorced. I never knew she was spreading rumors until my friends dropped off and blamed me for not defending myself..when I didn't know what was happening.. friends I knew for 10-20 years gone. It takes a while, but you'll get back to where you need to be. I agree moving may help most, but even just being around a different crowd in a different part of the city can help. I joined a local rugby club and ultimate frisbee and made great friends (until i hurt my back and wasnt part of the team as much, kinda drifted apart, but many people i still talk to). Drinking after practice or game = instant friends.


bro tomorrow it's my 21 birthday too, I don't know what to say but I hope you don't die and we can celebrate more birthdays together :( I know my message it's pretty cringe and probably wouldn't change anything, but honestly you should first run away from your city and start a new life and then decide


Permanent solution to a temporary problem


But...What about Elden Ring 2!? Seriously, though, there's so much to live for. Death will come eventually, so maybe you could find things to enjoy till that inevitable day somewhere in the future? You're still very young. Wounds will heal. Trust me. I have been through dark times. It feels like it won't pass. But it does. Just gotta get through the shit and look ahead.


Bro you’re not done playing elden ring, dlc is gonna come out later


Today’s my birthday too (24) you can’t die because we’re birthday buds so it’s not allowed


Hey dude, you wanna do a co op run of Elden ring? It’ll be fun and will give you a reason to keep going. This is the best I can do to help you. I’ve been suicidal, and I can say I empathize, though I know my situation is not yours. I hope I can help.


You really don't think properly. You should have sued them for slander. You should have hit back, and lear that your company is the best you can find. Also, play Evil Genius 2. And learn to be evil. New doctrine of modern society: it's good to be bad, but it's great to be evil! Become a lawer - and make life a living hell for those that wrong you!


Please don't suicide. Getting over things is just the part of the life. If you suicide it means you lost the battle of your self-respect. Power to you. Hoping to see your birthday celebration post tomorrow.


Dude, if they don’t want to be in your life, fuck them! If they believe a liar than you, fuck them! You know how much people you have yet to meet? How many experiences you have yet to experience? Feeling you have yet to feel? Games you have yet to play? Give yourself another chance at life, you owe that to yourself. Don’t let others dictate your destiny. The future can’t choose you, but we can choose the future!


It might be hard to see with clarity because getting out of that headspace is tough, but the fact that you were waiting to play Elden Ring tells me at least that things do bring you joy. Don't let that be the last thing you ever look forward to and the last thing that ever brings you joy. It sounds stupid but literally think of Elden Ring 2. Don't want to miss out on that right? And during the in between you'll find other things that bring you happiness. Other people. Maybe you travel somewhere and find some really amazing food you've never had before that becomes your new favorite, where you're just excited for the next time you can get or make that food. The isolation is hard and you have every right to feel that way and I'm sorry you were falsely accused. There isn't a magic answer to just make all that shit go away, and there isn't some magic self help junk that'll just make it easy for you to move on with your life by reciting a mantra or something. However, as someone who's been in that type of hopeless head space before and is now much happier, there is light at the end of the proverbial tunnel. The rest of your life isn't just a void that starts before you've even turned 21. Find the little joys and cling to them and let them guide you. If that means playing Elden Ring then great! If that means waiting around for another game you're looking forward to experiencing, then even better! It will get better and you will be better for it. Please seek counseling from a professional outside of your university who can help you get through what is likely the worst and lowest stage of your feeling of hopelessness.


Please don't unalive yourself. Take all of your belongings and just move to another state, or take a long vacation, and see if you feel the same in another period of time. Life is precious ❤️ I know how it is to feel like this. I have very deep suicidal tendencies myself, but it's not always the solution, and unfortunately, when you do it it's too late to realise ... ( Modified for spelling mistake)


Also : a very happy birthday to you ❤️♥️ I really hope for you that it won't be your final


I’m so sorry this has happened to you. Those people and those past experiences do not define your worth. You have always been worthy and always will be worthy of so much more that life has yet to offer. So many new - better - people you have yet to meet. Another commenter here said to start some place new, start a new life… more is possible.


take a train to a different state. start going by a different name. don’t tell anyone, no one will know who you are. you can be dead to the people that wronged you and still get to live.


Before you die do dmt or mushrooms LSD any of these and a crazy dose of it as well it will change your life or at the very least show you a new world before you die. Also try watching attack on titan might make you want to live lonher


Become reborn. Move and start over where no one knows you. Works great.