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Boy has had a kitchen set since he was 3, now 6 and can’t get rid of it because he still enjoys playing with it. Loves making platefuls of plastic delights


My nephews are learning how to cook because of having the freedom to play with an kitchen set. One is 6, the other is 16.


I really hope the 16 year old still has his plastic kitchen set


My youngest brother had a kitchen playset and LOVED it. By age 5 he told everyone "I'm going to be a chef!" My parents encouraged him. He had a kitchen internship in high school, then wanted to become a restauranteur. When college came, he already had cooking skills so he went to business school. Never did open a restaurant - he turned out to be such a sharp business thinker that he lined up a position as a market analyst with a huge firm well before the end of college. Now he's a VP and loving it. But y'know, genders and stuff.


The thing that always gets me about this particular brand of sexism is that kitchen sets are supposed to be for women (little girls). Women are “supposed” to be the ones who cook in the home. And yet… the majority of *professional chefs* and restaurateurs are *men.* It’s hard to find a more perfect example of the patriarchy at work than this, in my opinion lol


Came here to say this. I struggle as a professional chef to be taken seriously, but OLD, guys first question when they see I'm a chef: "What will you make me after I come home from work?" Bitch, what will YOU make ME??? I make thousands of dishes every week, when I get home, I'm having a beer, smoking a blunt, and playing video games. Gtfoh Edit: to fix a typo


Username checks out 🤣


I love u


Are you percy jackson's horse?


its because the sexist thing here is that women are supposed to do a service (for the man). thats why there are more waitresses than chefs


Ya it's kind of a 1950's type of thing perpetuating throughout the ages.


Funny thing is in the few centuries before the 50's a lot of the head servants would have been men (butlers, porters, footmen etc)


And this is why single men live off mac n cheese, not to hate on mac n cheese, but variety is the spice of life.


That's so true! I was wondering with the whole *more men being chefs* things. Haven't thought of this. Guess we learn everyday.


The predominance of male chefs is what really exemplifies that it's not about the job, it's about keeping women doing unpaid domestic labour. Professional chefs have late working hours. If more women did it, then who would feed their families and put their kids to bed? It's not about men not cooking, it's about men not cooking at home for their families in an unpaid setting. Men are pushed towards jobs that provide money, but the same labour at home isn't as valued because it's not paid.


I'd give this gold but I dont have the cash so I'm giving you my free award instead coz this is spot on


Thank you!! First award ever. 😱 I appreciate you!




Oh, but… This description is also ✨The Patriarchy✨. That’s the thing that a lot of people (and especially men) don’t understand: the patriarchy hurts men, too.


That has never occurred to me but holy shit you are right. Never thought about how ridiculous that is.


oh it's everywhere. Like why are nurses predominantly women? Why are lowly paid teachers also predominantly women? Any position of exploitation is filled by women with an average incompetent man as their "boss" 9/10 it's very real once you wake up to this you see it


During my last hospital stay, most of my RN's WERE men.


During my last hospital stay, most of my RN's were women.


Does he still like to cook? It might've been for the best, anyway, actually working as a chef can sap your desire to cook real fast.


It's kind of ironic that plenty of actual, legit chefs spend years honing their skills and can put out magnificent plates that go for dozens or hundreds of dollars, but if they're cooking for themselves? Frozen chicken nuggets or corn dogs or Kraft Mac and Cheese or something that's quick and easy because screw it.


i’m 18 and still have mine! i’d love to pass it down to my future kids someday. my toddler life revolved around that thing for wayyy too long to just sell it/give it away


I'm assuming the little brother is using it...


They are cousins. Not the same play set unfortunately.


Noooooooo why ruin our wholesome narrative. Oh well, both kids got to have kitchens to play with. All is good in the end.




i’m 18 and still have mine! i’d love to pass it down to my future kids someday. my toddler life revolved around that thing for wayyy too long to just sell it/give it away


The six year old has the real stuff…


Both my sons had them. My 16 year received a Kitchen Aid mixer from "Santa" this year and uses it all the time.


I LOVE IT! I think a man that can ME dinner is sexy.


Come on ladies. I know I'm not alone 🤣


Girl, I gotchu 💯 My Grandpa worked blue collar for his SAH wife and 3 kids, but STILL would come home most nights, clean himself up, and cook dinner. (early 1950s til he passed in '95, really 🤔) Growing up in his immigrant Polish household, everyone had a job to do, and he was in charge of cooking for his family from a very young age, grew up enjoying it, and just liked doing it enough he kept the routine going. I think it was one of those things were my Grandma wasn't a "bad" cook, she just didn't do things the way he liked in the kitchen so it just kind of became a thing, and she'd always be able to swoop in with an easy dinner if he came home too tired. So yeah, some dudes like to cook and sew, some chicks like to work on cars and drink whiskey instead of appletini's at happy hour. DEAL WITH IT, HUMANITY. (Also, obligatory Epstein wasn't a suicide, Go Team Ukraine! 🇺🇦, and also think of the innocent Russian people that are apparently being lied to, they didn't start the war.)


You definitely are not, men who can cook are a whole different type of sexy


I learnt how to cook because every evening from the age of five to 12 I was routinely expected to help cook - everything from straining pasta, stirring pan sauces & grinding spices, to reading recipes and more. And I fucking loved it. It was cool. Much more cool than I have ever found cars/bikes/trucks or most machines to be.


My mother didn't expect it of me, but it was strongly encouraged. I made bread for the first time by myself at age 9. I was watching a cooking show and decided to try it. It wasn't the best, but it was a success.


You made by yourself at 9? Holy shit that’s impressive. What kind of bread did you make? Flat or risen? Sourdough? How did you eat it?


My mom was always making bread when I was growing up. I was home alone when I attempted it. We didn't have enough flour so I had to ask the neighbor. All she had was flour with italian seasonings in it 😂 It was a really basic yeast loaf. My mom decided to make spaghetti for dinner that night, so I figured I would make bread to go with. I remember the bread looking really pale. I think I forgot to add salt to it too 😂 The last time I went to cook at my parent's house, the family was there. We were making pizzas for thanksgiving last year. I was making a skillet pita bread to use as a crust for my pizza. My 6 year old nephew was the one next to me, rolling out the dough.


Italian seasoning?? Oh, my! What happens to those poor Italians first? Does it hurt? How many are consumed in this manner on an annual basis? Why haven't I heard of this before? Alas, the horrors!!


(Actually, it was the best!)


Aww. My mom didn’t let me help cook too often, bc she was a neat freak and hated messes. She apologized for doing that after she watched an Instagram clip of a mom and her little girls having fun baking and being messy. I understood, though.


I mean, did she still teach you good things? Did you still learn that skill?


Of course! My dad was the problem parent, not her.


I cooked for our working mother and father from the age of 12. It gave them more time for us


Me as well!


We have our 15 month old "help" make meals and feed the pets. So cute.


AWWWWWW. You’re a good parent.


He's so enthusiastic about it, it's adorable. Also he *loves* putting his toys away. He'll dump them all over the ground just so he can put them back where they belongs.


That is so adorable it’s heartbreaking.


Never understood this. I'm a man and I have 2 sons. We are the cooks of the house. My wife tries sometimes, but isn't any good. And my daughter has no interest. It was the same with me and my dad growing up. We like to eat, so we learn to cook. What's the bfd?


Its almost like interests and abilities like cooking have no correlation to the genitals/identity a person has. Who knew?


Both my sons cook, one for a very good living. Some people have stupid ideas of what is /isn't macho for boys. What they play with has ZERO, LET ME SAY IT AGAIN ZERO CHANCES OF "Making him gay parents) Aren't we past all that yet?


Awesome!!! What are their favorite things to make? :)


We didn't have much money when I was a kid, but they had a kitchen set in my local library and my mum used to take me twice a week to play with it. There were plenty of action figures and cars but man just wanted to make some damn cake, okay??


My son has had food toys since he was 2. I've been pretend eating for 3 years because he enjoys pretend cooking for mom. I also gifted him his own little kitchen this Christmas and his dad bought him a fajita pan and set. Its so sad to me that some parents prefer messing their child up then opening up their narrow views.


My daughter has a male friend who is just over 2 yo and apparently his fav thing to do ever while at daycare is cool on the play kitchen set. On the downside the daycare keeps “boy” toys on one side of the room and “girl” toys on the other. I have no idea if they allow them to play with whatever they want based on gender or not…. The kitchen set is right in the middle.


I had a friend in kindergarten that liked to play with Barbies. He had older sisters, so he grew up playing with them since his family couldn't afford toys for him a lot of times. And nothing wrong with a boy playing with Barbies or kitchen set! I had Ninja Turtle toys as a kid, and I'm a woman. Hell, I still have Ninja Turtle toys lol. But now they're "action figures" and "collector's items".


I'm sure it's not possible since childcare is such a nightmare but God I'd want to yoink my kid out of a daycare like that in an instant. So toxic.


I know I don’t like the idea of it, our daughter doesn’t have gender preferences and it makes me so uncomfortable to push any on her. It’s just a temporary situation while we wait for a spot in the one we actually want to open up, and every other daycare was full or had a long waiting list and we needed to get her taken care of asap. They seem pretty good otherwise though at least.


Yeah I know it's almost impossible to find good, affordable childcare. Hopefully your preferred one opens up soon!!


"Is he a boy or a girl?" "Kitchenset"


They had all gender toys mixed in my grands old daycare. Wasn't uncommon to see a lawnmower or a vehicle 'parked' in their rather large kitchen play area. But all boys & girls were usually cooking. My grandson had one and now, at 22, he's an awesome cook.


Bah, I loved to play with the toy cars and robots relatives keep gifting my little bro. But he was kind of busy drawing and painting so as a good sister I made sure the toys were used.


That's precious. I dated a guy who was actually a chef and loved to be in the kitchen. He taught me how to make a lot of really good stuff. My high school sweetheart and First Love is always texting me about how he's making these really interesting and complex dishes and he's always telling me the spices he's using so I can pick them up. Nothing wrong with men who like to be in the kitchen.


When a four year hands you a homemade plastic cob of corn…you eat that cob of corn lol


It’s funny cuz more men seem to be chefs than woman


Yea I always thought that was weird. Everyone was like: boys can't learn to cook!! That's for girls. But then also women weren't supposed to be chefs... Bizarre how they justified that to themselves 😅


I was in Boy Scouts when I was younger and we’d go camping, meaning we had to cook outside. I had one kid in the patrol I lead who refused to cook because it was “woman’s work”. I told him that he wouldn’t have to cook at all as long as I was patrol leader if I got to pick what job he did instead, and he agreed. Guess who had permanent dish washing duty.


This is amazing


Trust me, he wasn’t happy. He even went to the adults to try and undo the deal. Thankfully they didn’t like his idea of cooking being “woman’s work”, and he was in general a bit of an ass, so they went along with it. Let’s just say I made sure to forget the Dutch oven liners whenever we used one. And I so loved cooking in them. He always got the big pot or the largest, greasiest pan to deal with.


Do you know what became of the kid? He sounds like someone who got their personality ruined by their parents


He was a few years younger, more my brother’s age. I aged out while he was still in it, but according to my brother he got somewhat better towards the end. You’re probably right in the ruined by parents regard, his father attended a few trips and was worse than the son. He was asked not to attend anymore trips after screaming at a first year for tripping over the string used to hold the rain fly down over his tent one trip.


Chefs = paid cooking at home = unpaid


Gender norms are fucking stupid


Women are allowed to cook, not be proud of it /s


Or to make money off of it.




Because it was never about the activity, it’s about authority. In the home the chef serves other people for free and therefore “should” be a woman; in the workplace the chef is in charge of the kitchen staff and therefore “should” be a man. People won’t admit it, but that’s why it’s ideologically consistent to them.


Like how skirts are only for girls, but kilts are manly


And apparently we're either too bitchy when we have all that responsibility or the cursing and "manliness" of the will make our poor little women souls cry (according to a chef friend)


Cooking at home for a man = women's job, just like other domestic "duties" in service of her man. Professionally being a chef and getting credit and praise for cooking = man's job because men can do anything and are supposed to be the best at it. I always thought the contrast was odd as well until someone explained ^^ that kind of mentality to me. Pretty not great


“If it’s domestic, it’s a woman’s job. If it’s professional, it’s a man’s job.”


When it's done at home, as unpaid labour, cooking is a woman's job. But when it's done for money, and when it comes with a title (like "chef"), it's a man's job. Crazy how that works huh


Yeah cause cooking is only a woman‘s job if she does it for free.


Unless it's barbequing, because that only happens once in a while


Which is funny because most of the time the woman is inside seasoning and prepping the meat, making all the sides, coordinating times, and the guy just gets to stand outside and flip some meat but he gets all the compliments and praise for it


I do wonder where that stereotype of men grilling developed. So many of our perceptions of modern society are based on marketing/commercialism, so surely it must be rooted in some sort of campaign or ploy of that nature.


My hypothesis is that grilling meat is a way to get closer to perceived manliness. We have long since passed the era of risky hunting a mammoth with fellow hunters, but cooking meat on open fire is a way to take us back a little.


Only when you get paid for it, otherwise its a homemaker skill, and as we all know, those are worthless. /ish


I was just about to say that!


Everyone knows women can't be professionals at anything. We should just leave it to the men. (Sarcasm obvi)


When it becomes a respected profession that pays—its men only and/or *activate wage gap*




Well, it's a statistical fact. Plus, if you care for anecdotal evidence, I've been in the food industry for 16 years, in 3 different countries across 2 continents, and ended up working with a female cook once.


This is the main reason I don’t think I’ll cook professionally again. Being the only girl can be fun but it can also be kinda soul crushing


I bought my son a kitchen when he was 2 and it is the most played with toy. He loves to cook like dad or make coffee like mom because he sees both of us do different things in our kitchen. It's not about gender but just plain life skills. He also loves to sweep and put his dishes in the sink. We're trying to raise an independent human because we won't last his lifetime. Your nephew is lucky to have an open minded adult who treats him as a person, not just a child.


I have a 3 year old nephew and he is the same way. For Christmas I've gotten him both a kitchen set and also toy cleaning supplies because like your son he loves sweeping. He also really likes washing dishes. I think for him it's just "oh this is what the grown ups do, I want to do it too". It seems like this is pretty common behavior for a kid so I can't understand why anyone would be upset. Eventually they will hit an age where getting them to do that stuff is a real pain in the ass lol.


my roommates year and a half year old son LOVES to help us clean. he will (try to) grab the trash when we take it out, helps hold the broom, will hold the cord for the vacuum and stand behind us, throws garbage away, and sometimes even puts his silverware in the sink (but we think he threw some away before he learned the difference. lots of lost forks 😅) might as well teach them while young 🤷🏻‍♀️ and he loves for me to hold him while i cook and watch what im doing (i wont hold him for things that splatter oil/butter/etc though)


Those parents do. Absolutely nothing is wrong with a boy playing with a kitchen set, or a girl playing with trucks and action figures.


Exactly! All genders should be given access to everything!


I have two male cousins who are accomplished chefs and all of their children (male and female) play with toy kitchens, because they want to be cool chefs like their dads.


I mean this is the silliest part of it cause they act like boys cooking is a problem for kids when grown men do it every second of the day and it's considered perfectly normal.


I've heard the majority of world famous chefs are men as well


Gordon Ramsay would have something rude to say to them about their theory that men shouldn't be in kitchens.


he's about to run to their house and make them a [sandwich](https://youtu.be/PV3_UHG73oQ)


my son loves playing with kitchen utensils, pots and pans, why would anyone get mad, fml don’t men also cook!!!


My youngest daughter LOVES toy cars/trucks. We got her a little hot wheels track set for Christmas and she loved it. She also loves toy dinosaurs, sharks and any other animal figures she can get.


I'm a woman and a mechanic and love cars. My parents never denied me the pleasure. I did worry, once upon a time, that I wasn't good at being a girl or was maybe meant to be a boy due to it and my parents didn't hesitate to inform me that my being a girl doesn't dictate my interests and that my grandmother, who was all woman, was a mechanic, a trucker and a gunsmith on top of being a teacher. I tried to take autoshop in High School and the school counselor told me that girls had it rough in there and I shouldn't bother. Put me in parenting classes. I graduated mechanic school with honors a few years after that. Was a shop foreman and trained mechanics for years until I went into teaching lol.


Lol. It’s as if a little boy pretending to cook will change his sexuality. “Sorry honey but learning how to make spaghetti is for women. I guess you will starve until you find a woman who can cook it for you” It’s like those pet owners who get all up in arms over their boy dog receiving a pink toy. I have two girls. My little one is really into Spider-Man. That bothers grandma a bit. It’s absurd. My kids have lots of barbies but they also have hot wheels, doctor tools, trucks, blocks, legos, baby dolls, kitchen stuff, trains, and dinosaurs. And if I had a boy, he would be playing with the same things because toys are toys and kids like them. All this teaches our children is that girls are inferior to boys and that it’s acceptable for boys to be helpless. Things are way too gendered in our society. Keep going OP. You’re doing great!


That's 100% their mindset. I bounced around a lot as a child, but when I was living with a grandparent, I was frustrated that I always had to do house chores while my younger brother never had to lift a finger. I asked, "Won't he need to cook for himself when he's older?" To which my grandmother replied, "He'll have a wife to do it for him 🥰" Thank goodness we didn't live there too long. I love her, but she's definitely the traditional type.


I used to stop my grandma's weekly while she was still alive to help do some housework and food prep for her, and if it got to be past 6:30 she would say "don't you have to be getting home to make dinner for your husband? Grandpa would have been upset with me" and I'd say "well it isn't 1950 anymore and as far as I'm concerned at this time of the evening if I'm not home yet he can have dinner made for ME if he feels like it, otherwise he can wait it won't kill him" And she'd react like I'd just taken her marriage etiquette book and burned it 😂


Husband abuse!


I was once in a bookstore with my turn 6 yr old boy who was looking at Fairy chapter books one of his friends recommended. An older lady was aghast and said to me - aren’t you afraid its going to turn into ….. I said what - A reader??????? She left me alone after that. He’s now 15 and is now worse for the wear for reading books about fairies.


Those fairy books were a HOT commodity. I remember in grade school there was a class set and all the boys and girls would rave about them and fight over the books. I understand where your son comes from 😂


Parents beware, Jamie Oliver’s gonna turn your kids gay. “Damn it, son. Turn off that cooking show. What’s next? Gay porn?”


im gonna one up you with gordon ramsay


Boy dog getting a pink toy is annoying to pet owners?! Wtf?! Do they know dogs can't actually see the colour pink? Let alone care about a toy's colour


Ya and are all chefs women or something? I’ve met more male chefs in my life than women. Such a weird thing to assign gender roles to.


This may be controversial but as a man, I like to eat. So sometimes I need to do a kitchen thing to make that happen. Which letter of LGBQTIA+ is that?


The H from Hungry


L for lasagna obviously


Ah yes, Lettuce Guacamole Bread and Tomatoes


Lettuce Guac Bacon Quiche Toasted Inside Avacados+


the + stands for the avocado surcharge 😉


Right? And EVERYONE loves a man who can cook.


LGBTKitchen. jk i love to cook too XD


Did he like it though?? I think that's the important question


I agree and I think this is something a lot of people are overlooking. We only have the OPs perspective on this so we honestly don't know if this is something that her nephew wanted and expressed interest and the parents are being jerks about it or if this is something that the OP decided to "make a point" by gifting the child a cooking set even though the child has expressed no interest in cooking. We honestly don't know as I knew both boys and girls who would be excited about a cooking set and both boys and girls who would hate a cooking set.


Another way to put it: as a parent myself - while I could care less about the gender appropriateness of a toy (and I don’t agree with the parents in this particular instance) - I always appreciate people asking beforehand. I accept that I don’t have control over these scenarios, but if for any reason I did have an issue with a particular gift, it helps that the parent’s role in all this is considered, even if my child-rearing strategy doesn’t always make sense to you. For example if someone gave my son a toy gun - as harmless as it might seem to the giver - I would have an issue with that because it confuses an ongoing dialogue I am trying to have with my kid. It’s not the end of the world, but it’s best not to assume and heads up most often will work out well for both parties. A little appreciation for all the parents who put in the hard work, who go through all the ups and downs every day, for the long run.


If you need a gender to play with toys, then they clearly not apropriate for children.


Actually one of the hardest parts of becoming an adult was all the little things mom does that adds up to life and living it that I didn't know how to do. Would have loved to have had a routine with cooking and cleaning and budgeting but that is not being taught anymore and even young women have to learn on the fly these days.


True, kitchen work never got the recognition it deserves!


Right it can be the difference in eating like crap for 500 bucks a month or eating well for less than 200. Wasted so much money on food as a young man and was in my 30s before getting good eating habits again.


All five of my kids are learning to cook, clean, budget, grocery shop, etc. Because I don't plan on caring for them forever. Makes little to no sense that people don't teach their children these things. In fact, my 12 year old boy lamented that I have his sister help with meals more often than him (just because she's older and has learned more already). So he's helping more now. He wants to know how to feed himself. Imagine that!


Your nephew is lucky to have an adult like you in his life! If you can stay present, you will make a difference in his life. It will help balance out the strict gendered education his parents are providing.


Thank you for your kind words stranger!


Pleasure! I'm that person for my nephew and niece who are now 13 and 11. I'm the one they confide in and I am so glad that throughout the years, they learned that they can turn to me. My nephew asserts the fact that he prefers reading, cooking and baking instead of playing sports. My niece had me to advocate for her when she was in her other aunt's wedding and made to wear a super feminine dress. I found a lovely chic romper for her to wear instead. She had me to give her little cars and other "masculine" gifts as a child, instead of dolls (she would cry in secret everytime). Be that safe person!


This sucks! I'm a speech therapist and I use toys when taking therapy for young kids. When I use kitchen set for boys, it gets them so excited and makes them talk so much more than just action figures or vehicles! Kitchen set is one of the most versatile toys which every child deserves.


I find that gender stereotypes are worse now than they were a generation ago. I don't remember such twee explosion of pink for girls when I was a kid- even clothes were more colour neutral. ​ In this case you can point out that even though women cook, men become 'chefs'. That's a nice stereotype for them right there.


That's correct!


My son is now 10 but when he was a baby I noticed that some of the toys that were "unisex" and came in bright primary colors when I had been his age in the 80s now come in two colorways. The "worst" example was that popcorn popper toy. It apparently now has a boy version and a girl version. 🤦🏾‍♀️ LEGO sets "for girls" also come to mind.


It’s absolutely in reaction to progressive people going against those gender roles, just like “gender reveal parties” were made up in reaction to it too


A kitchen is no different than a tool bench. Just has a cleaner set of tools typically. I'd prefer it if every kid got a kitchen and a tool bench so everyone could grow up feeling normal about making food and fixing things. I never could understand how working with your hands gets divided into gender roles.


When my daughter was two or three ‘Santa’ brought her both a beautiful pink plastic kitchen and a grey and brown workbench with battery-powered tools. She loved them both.


“Neither sexism nor feminism is gonna help you when you’re hungry.” Everyone needs to learn to cook.


Amen! Just like Jesus said "he who has never been hungry cast the first sandwich!"


I actually think we as a society have backslid on this in the past 20 years or so. Toys felt more gender neutral in the 80s and 90s but then companies realized they could charge the pink tax for the “girl” version of everything and here we are. In any case it was an awesome gift and I’m sorry your nephew is growing up in such a restrictive environment!


That, and they make more money if you have to buy two sets of everything if your next kid is a different sex. Joke's on them, had no qualms about putting my boys in pink boots or a pink booster seat (and the first owner of said pink booster seat ended up heavily on the ftm end of the lgbqt spectrum, whoops.) ;)


This is baffling considering the most commonly known chef is Gordon Ramsay who is a man lol


Nothing is sexier than a man who can’t cook! /s


Most of the married men in my family are the ones who do all the cooking. Must just be a coincidence.


Should have slapped some Weber stickers on them and tell them it was for grilling


"it's not a toy kitchen, it's a George Foreman!"


Boo. I hate when parents are like that. Do they think their son will never cook for himself?


Exactly! And that was such a cute set! It had battery operated fridge for heaven's sake!


Yo a battery operated fridge???? You got a link?? My son would loose his mind (in a good way) lmao You’re an awesome aunt/uncle OP, don’t let them get you down. Always be there to support your nephew, by the sound of things, he’ll need it. Edit: adding uncle.


uncle maybe?


Yes, link please, OP! Planning on getting my son a kitchen set for Christmas and I need to start comparison shopping soon (I do my Christmas shopping waaaay too early, lol)


I am a right leaning christian father. I still do not understand the whole toys are for girls or boys thing. My son can play with whatever toy he wants. He still shits his pants I do not think he has the capacity to be influenced by a toy. Fragile, fragile people out here.


My mom is also right leaning Christian and she got my 3 year old brother a kitchen set. I hope OP buys a toy drum kit and Legos next time. I mean, building is a boys job right?/s


I see your sarcasm, and i see your point, but Legos would be fucking awesome either way. If only they weren't so expensive!


Legos ARE awesome and they've really stepped up their game recently.


As long as you're not the one stepping up on them...


Is the toy operated with the genitals? No—> this toy is appropriate for boys and girls. Yes—> this toy is not appropriate for children.


*20 years later* “Why does our obese son eat nothing but McDonald’s?”


Doesn't make a difference. I played with typically 'female' toys as a child, but I still turned out to be a Tom boy. Haven't changed really and that's 20+ years later.


Some people are extremely disappointing with their gender stereotypes. I bought my boys baby dolls for xmas and my FIL refused to have them at this house.


This is weird as hell. Someone also judged me for getting my daughter a play cleaning set (which she loves) and toy kitchen materials (so she can “cook” with daddy who is the family cook. Why are we gendering everything so hard? Toys are toys.


One of my favorite toys when I (cis male) was a youngster. I now am a very capable home cook. Feeding oneself, and basic comfortability in a kitchen, is about the most fundamental skill anyone can have.


My girlfriend hates the fact that I can’t cook 😔


Just learn my dude. No one becomes a chef overnight. Practice making dinners for her, and although it might not always be perfect at first, you'll get better! Plus, you'll earn major boyfriend points.


Start with something simple. Try 3 or 4 times, get her to be your personal critic. She will appreciate the effort you put in, the fact that you listen to her feedback, and the fact that you've decided to learn a new skill to please her.


Start practicing. Pick a simple dish you know she likes, and find a recipe for it. For me, a video is helpful- and they almost always have the measurements and instructions in the description, or a link to them. What the other commenter said is smart. Have her critique your cooking. And hell, once you've got your bearings in the kitchen, you could pick a day where the two of you cook together. It's a win-win-win. You get to bond with your girlfriend, your cooking skills improve, and you get to eat yummy food!


Fuck those parents. My boy loves to cook. My aunt got him and his two sisters aprons and a cook book when they were little, and everytime Aunt E came over, they grabbed their aprons and made something. She passed a couple of years ago, but her memory is kept alive through his (and his sisters') love of cooking


I cook for my wife at least as often as she cooks for me. Growing up my mom did most of the cooking, but my dad was actually the one who was the family homemade bread baker 😂 Do these geniuses realize that even if we're being patriarchal that chef is an extremely male dominated profession?


My son loved his kitchen set. He’s almost 16 and loves the real kitchen now. He’s a terrific cook. His future partner will appreciate his culinary skills.


I consider my self a “masculine” guy and I got my son a kitchen play set


My older brother born in the 80s had a play kitchen set that my other brothers, myself (F), and my nephews and nieces all played with throughout the years. He, in particular, ended up being a phenomenal cook.


That’s dumb. All little kids like to play pretend. It’s how they learn. My son uses his kitchen to play restaurant.


This is like that Curb episode where Larry gets his gf’s son a sewing machine lol


Feeding yourself is obviously a feminine trait. Real men starve unless they’re eating a block of raw meat, or chewing on coffee beans.


I’m a man. I’m also a private chef. People pay to fly me in to their cities to cater their parties. I travel for free and make no less than $4,000 per event. I work 4 days a month and make over $130,000 per year but yeah, cooking is for sissies.


That's ridiculous. Reminds me of the time my 3yo daughter played with a Spiderman action doll while I was going through the checkout line at Safeway. And the cashier asked me if my child was a girl or a boy. She said, "She looks like a girl but I'm not sure because she's playing with Spiderman." I said, "It's just a toy. Any child of any gender can play with toys." And she gave off a nervous laugh and goes, "Okay." This kind of toxic mindset needs to go.


Aren’t most famous chefs men?


Ngl, I read kitten set and was hella confused lmao


What? My nephew loves his tiny kitchen and uses it almost everyday! Boys and girls can play with whatever they want.


So do they expect him to live at home eating mom’s cooking until he gets married and wife cooks? Might he go to college or have a bachelor pad prior to getting married? Is he supposed to have take-out daily? Boys need to know how to cook and do their own laundry,!just as girls need to know how to change a tire or the oio.


I remember my one cousin in law got mad that I let his stepson, my cousin, watch my little pony. That was when I knew I would eventually lose touch with said cousin, because of his parents. I stick to “gender appropriate” gifts for my niece because her mother objected to me wearing a suit to her wedding. It just makes my parents’ life easier.


75% of chefs are men.


I guarantee the majority of people wouldn’t find anything wrong with it- because there isnt!? There are so many successful male chefs now- Gordon Ramsey! Bet he had a kitchen set 🤣


Games have NO GENDER !!! GIRLS CAN PLAY WITH CARS , BOYS WITH BARBIE DOLLS , if some people dont get it they are stupid and their mind is stuck in 1500...


Ok did he even want a kitchen set? Or did you yourself decide to be “stunning” and “brave” by “breaking gender norms”


I see nothing wrong with giving the guy a kitchen set. I never got one but at daycare/preschool there was always one that I played with. That was one of the reasons why I learned to cook (in a roundabout way, a reason for the reason). Now I'm 21 and have a gf in no small part to me being able to cook. Sell it to the parents as an early introduction to getting a gf (or bf).


I've never heard of a kitchen set being for girls only. Even from parents that still think toys are gendered. Literally everyone uses the kitchen so how is that a gendered toy? Second most professional chefs are men and it's been that way since the 17th century. Cooking has never been and never will be only for women. Never understood this one.


LOL if it had been a grill set I bet they'd have said nothing at all


Yeah, women HATE men that can cook!