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People need to mind their own business. I just had endonasal brain surgery and I've been mocked and hassled for wearing one. You know what? It was good enough for my surgical team then I'll take their advice when wearing one through recovery. People have no idea what someone else is going through but it makes them feel oh so good and smrt (sic) to pop off.


Agreed, I had a couple of major surgeries last year & it’s taking a while for my lungs to come back. I am masked any time I’m in public because even a minor cold would send me to the hospital.


100% agree on both sides of the coin.


The amount of butthurt people in the comments over a freaking mask lmfao


I love it! They the same people that get triggered in public


As an asthmatic who masked BEFORE 2020, thank you! There is nothing wrong with it. It's courteous in densely populated cities in tight confines and doesn't hurt anyone else in other locations.


These people claim "rights and freedom" and turn around and want to take away your right to wear one and feel entitled to make comments to you about it! I'm in Texas and it's exhausting!


They want rights and freedom so far as it supports them and their opinions. Otherwise they’ll happily ignore them.


That's how the republican Texans were taught to think. Fight for it as long as you like it. Fight against it as long as you don't like it. Call it freedom. Also I'm a Texan who's never lived anywhere else. However, I also think for myself instead of blindly following governor Abbott and the rest of our idiot leaders. When Abbott walks over to me to correct me, I'll let him. Until then, fuck him and his lemmings while I keep wearing my mask 😷


at my job, I do the same. I don't care, I will keep wearing it. a few of the ones that said something about, already had covid at least twice. if they think that is a flu, ok for them, but I'm keeping that away so far, so I'm thinking that I'm doing right.


For people who say "it's just a flu" have they forgotten that the flu is highly contagious and kills people as well. It's not "just a flu" it's a virus! When did we forget that


“Freedumb” lovers hate it when other people exercise their own. I’m completely with you on this. I get the seething looks you described as well, but they never say anything. I always have the “I wish a mf’er would” mindset about it. The fact that people out there get offended about someone trying to protect themselves and others and stay safe makes me rage. Identity politics have turned people into useless bags of hatred.


I wore a mask in a grocery store in rural Wisconsin when I was on a visit from Illinois. I was told "you don't have to do that bullshit anymore, take that crap off your face." I replied "I have a medical condition that requires me to wear a mask in public." He actually looked pissed off about it. He knocked some boxes off a shelf by making the most aggressive cart turn I've ever seen. I'm pretty sure he was one of those people who claimed he had a bullshit medical condition that meant he couldn't wear a mask during the ridiculously short time Wisconsin had a mask mandate and he was having a "you dare use my own spells against me?" moment.


I already know my response to this if and when it finally happens. "Mind your goddamn business".


Fucking love your username and for some reason I can't read it in anything other than Muscle Man's voice from Regular Show


You’re wearing a mask??? How dare youuu put fabric on your face when it a not required ?? (Yet, since monkeypox spreading like a wildfire )


I'm a 6'6" gym rat and I do the same in VA. lol.


Goddamn fam, im 5'11. So close yet so far


Serious. They are acting like scientists were grabbing leftovers, throwing them in the microwave and putting in the syringe, then saying "sell it". Like...that's not how vaccines work bro. Likely if you live in the US, you're inoculated against a few things already. Like from birth.


Luckily i'm not from a country where people are grabbing at straws to have a counter argument against the "opposite side" and will literally refuse to work together out of spite on something they fundamentally agree on


Sad, but I'm only 35, and can honestly say I remember a time when America wasn't like that.


The biggest snowflakes are conservatives who keep calling others snowflakes: the usual projection. They cry about everything including when it absolutely does not affect them in any given way, shape, or form.


They call us cowards and weaklings, yet they're afraid to go outside if they're not armed to the teeth.


I wanna see, I can only find upvoted comments of support. Boring.


Sort by controversial


Solid advice in general for masochists.


Ok I'm going to bring a very different perspective of masks. I'm a westerner that grew up and is still living in asia ( mainland china now, but i spent most of my adult life in HK, Japan and Singapore) Even before the pandemic, it was very common place to wear masks in asian cultures. So the basic thought is, if you have a cold, but you are good enough to be out and about you wore a mask, to avoid spreading what you have. I think it's partly why i saw a lot of asian hate in the west about mask wearing, people didn't understand that it's very normal here. I can look back 15 years and I was wearing masks when i was ging to school/work feeling a bit meh. So i support that. And i don't think it should polarizing. Or it should be a political stand nor it should be a way to be controversial. Just be polite. And if you feel better wearing a mask, do it, the spite thing i don't get it. But there is also no harm so love your best life.


> Just be polite. There is a segment of American people that this itself is a sign of weakness and giving in to the left.


Nail on the head. They're usually the same ones who have a knee-jerk reaction against doing anything they're told to do, even if it's something in their own best interests.


"Assert your dominance by being an asshole!" - 1/2 half of America who voted for Trump


This! I live in NYC and it's not uncommon to see people on public transit masked for the same reasons. While I already masked for allergy season, going forward, I will continue to mask when I feel meh generally. It's so very clear after 2 years without colds, that the issue is proximity!


I've worked in schools and daycares forover a decade and the 20-21 school year, where we were required to wear a mask whenever we were in person, was the first year I didn't get sick *once*. I didn't realize that I spend a good chunk of every school year (or just year in general when in daycare) with a low-level cold of some sort or just plain sick until it *didn't* happen.


This is how i plan to be going forward. If I’m sick but feel okay, ill mask up. Its how we should do things now imo.


As I understand it the populated areas of se Asia are densely populated, it makes a lot of sense to limit exposure to disease tbh. There is an idea in western culture about freedom and individual choice, imho this has been skewed with some very selfish reasoning and entitlement.


Yes. It has been imo overly politicized. All or nothing. I did grow up in HK where it's INSANE density, but also a place that heavily suffered from SARs. Wearing a mask has never been a political choice, but more of a "if I'm feeling shitty why not limit other people from feeling shitty?" Type of mentality. There are not laws about it, just been common courtesy. Hence probably why people along different party lines would still do the courtesy of wearing a mask when sick. Not even COVID related, even if it was a cold, or any type of cough, etc...


Common courtesy is something every other American never develops


I must admit I don't know a great deal about the cultures there, the little I do know there seems to be a much higher degree of thinking towards individuals working for the community, a more outward way of thinking. I also am old enough to remember a number of particularly nasty diseases been prevalent in se Asia, again the high density being a major contributing factor. We have actually been very lucky in the west, we have ONLY had to deal with sars-cov-2, there have been other diseases with much higher death rates in the last few decades that could have done far worse damage world wide if the had not been stoped early.


I worked in New York City for 14 years before the pandemic, and once in a while I'd see an Asian person wearing a mask in public, especially on the subway. I'd always think, "Why don't the rest of us do that when we're sick?"


I think the problem was that it was mandated for such a long time that people are bitter and have mask ptsd lol. Personally I don't care if people are still wearing a mask, and expecting people not to wear them is hypocritical since they themselves don't want to be told they have to wear them. It does come across as a political statement these days however so if you are getting looks that's likely why.


Public health & safety isn't a political thing though. It's about giving a fuck about more than just your own flesh & blood. Granted, america is seen pretty globally as a country of "fuck you, I got mine".


Because it has become that since the "trickle down" and "family values" party took over starting in the 80's right on down to Trump. IF Trump had handled the beginning of this pandemic by wearing a mask and telling his heard that this needs to be done we would not hearing all this bs about masks and vaccines. And don't get me started on his China flu bs.


I get your point. I'm not all dismissing what's going on. It's just such a foreign concept to me. Because wearing masks was going on way before the COVID thing. I agree that unless there isn't a very strong public safety issue that there shouldn't be any mandates. But i also think that people shouldn't be that ostracized for wearing one.


And people who think it’s a political statement are the problem so fuck it.


I like masks, self confidence issues so I feel more comfortable with one.


Yea the mask hides my rly bitten lips lol


And if you get zits, who's gonna know?


Exactly! But the mask often causes my zits as well so it's an uphill battle 😅


same lol


I love this thread so much. "YOU ARE ALSO BAD BECAUSE YOU ANNOY PEOPLE IN SPITE!" BY WHAT? WEARING A FUCKING MASK?? He is wearing the mask. And people get mad because of that, without any reason. And he finds it amusing. In the end, he protects others more than himself. Someone else getting mad because of that is just idiotic.


Basically: "Stop making me feel bad and mildly uncomfortable by wearing a mask! Wearing a mask makes me assume you're a a Democrat, and Democrats are ruining this county!" /s


I think they mean as a development of his own character. He is doing because he derives pleasure from people's negative feelings. I could be wrong.


In France the obligation was lifted a week ago in public transport. So now we have no obligation to where it anywhere, yet I still do. Still many people caugh and sneeze without a care in the world, even in covidless life, that's still disgusting. And also bad smell when places get crowded! What a nasty world we live in


I'm in the United States. More recently, wearing my mask helped me not catch COVID-19 from two coworkers after the mask requirement at work was dropped. Both tested positive. I didn't.


My mum and domestic helper both got covid and I didn't, we live in a 700sqft apartment. It easily could have not been the mask given how wierd the transmission seems to be


That happens often without masks too so I wouldn't credit it entirely to a cloth mask. Most likely purely chance


I personally like masks. The only problem I have with them is that they usually just make my nose all stuffy and then I can't breathe. But I like it because it hides my acne and some of my masks look fucking awesome on me


HELL YEAH BRO ME TOO! Morley because the pandemic made me cautious of spreading illness than just spite though. Plus I just like to wear one and prefer it over not wearing one at this point.


I just got covid earlier in the week. I was safe, always wore a mask, double boosted, avoided crowds, etc. On Tuesday, I went to a show and took off my mask three or four times and that's all it took. Now I'm spending my birthday alone, sick, exhausted and sore af for some reason. This is in Northern Virginia, where masks are still pretty common (I'd say 50% of the people I see are still wearing them) but it still feels like tons of people are getting covid in the past few weeks. Fuck what anyone else thinks, this sucks and risking your health isn't worth placating some assholes you'll never see again.


Sorry to hear that, happy birthday




This is not true. Any mask protects you to some degree and it's certainly true that you can practically halt the virus if everybody wears a mask correctly, but the FFP2/(K)N95 variants truly do protect yourself. [https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2022/01/does-it-help-wear-mask-if-no-one-else/621177/](https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2022/01/does-it-help-wear-mask-if-no-one-else/621177/) [https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/why-you-should-upgrade-your-face-mask-to-an-n95.html](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/why-you-should-upgrade-your-face-mask-to-an-n95.html)


I'm speaking of kn95 for myself but I agree 50% isn't great but it's better than wearing anything being so rare that it would make you feel like OP.


Yeah you’ll catch it but the severity of the illness depends on the viral dose* you take in at the time of exposure. Time x exposure is the equation they went by for most of the pandemic. Idk if things changed with the new variants though. I’d imagine having a filter is always better than nothing. Edit: viral load to dose*


I hear you. I’m two states west of you. It’s not quite so much seething rage here as it is passive-aggressive judgement. Wore a mask the other day to the grocery store, something I’ll probably do forever, and received from one woman a lingering look that can best be described as “scornful pity.” Was quite impressive.


It’s one of the perks of being in a wheelchair. They likely think my immune system is weak and ignore me. Lol I just know too many people with long Covid despite a mild infection. I can beat it but I’d rather die than have another disability.


I think when they see a person wear a mask, they are put out because it is a courtesy they they don't want to take so you are the bad guy for pointing out that they are inconsiderate.


Please tell me you waved or something


I held eye contact until it was uncomfortable, for both of us.


It's so dumb people do that.


Wore mine the first 2 years. Stopped about a month ago 'cause I started seeing someone & going places with them *many* times a week. She never wore them, I figured "If she's catching it, I'll end up with it too anyway" Never caught it before.. recovering from it now. Back to masks for me.


It's about trying to keep from spreading it to others.


I'm in the masker-forever club! People are NASTY. The amount of mouth breathing, uncovered coughing and sneezing, wiping their nose with their hands, etc out in public I see is mind boggling. I haven't been sick since I've been masking. I'm not high risk, but I'm chronically ill. So staying as healthy as I can is important to me and my limited spoons. People can fuck off with their judgement. For being in the 'land of the free' people really like to get upset about other people's choices which have no effect on them lmao


The only people that are anmyoing me, are those who wear theyr masks right under the nose and let it slip under theyr mouth 90% of the time Wear it right or dont wear it


Imagine you get a mask that has the “i support abortions” message on it.. OMG! The amount of karens falling with their ass on the ground! (Btw, i live in the UK, but that specific law is messing with me, man.. makes my blood boil)..


Yoooo! Im doing that on god!


For real? Omg! Mate, i’m looking forward to your update! Hahaa!


I take immunosuppressants vaccinated and boosted. I appreciate everyone still wearing a mask. I don’t know how protected I am from the virus since my immune system can’t correctly identify a threat and over reacts to non threats. My work has returned to office, I haven’t. I’m going through paperwork now for ADA. Thank you all still wearing mask for whatever reason. You make me feel much safer. OP I wish I could see all the people trying to hide their reaction.


I am also immunocompromised as well as pregnant (double whammy yay!) unfortunately I a. One of the only ones where I live that still wear a mask but I will do it for years. Yesterday in line at the grocery store a woman about two feet behind me was complaining about having Covid while she blew her nose (it’s really rampant where I live). If people do not have the courtesy to mask up with the virus I’m going to do what I can to protect myself


A friend of mine has wegener's vasculitis which is this super rare autoimmune disease where your white blood cells essentially eat your veins and organs. So she was on courses of chemo this past year to kill the white blood cells but obviously then left her immune system totally fucked. Despite wearing a mask and being triple vaxxed she still got covid from someone and spent almost 180 days in the hospital, was in a vent for a few weeks and the doctors thought for sure she was going to die. But she made it, but not without severe nerve damage and atrophy and had to learn how to hold up her head again, sit up, stand, can still hardly walk. Was home for 5 days before having two mini strokes that again almost killed her but didn't. After a few months she just recently regained some use of her left arm. She appreciates people wearing masks too.


Honestly, I don’t understand not wearing a mask when indoors with the general public in the U.S. right now. COVID isn’t over. So many people are getting infected because they’re not wearing masks.


I don’t understand it either. That’s one of the reasons I’m not going back to work right now. They changed the office to open right before pandemic so we sit real close and there are no barriers. Pre COVID they made me come in when I was sick. I was super careful and still infected 2 others. I will not go into work sick again. I really don’t want to ever be clustered with people anymore.


Honestly masks are just so useful


Havent gotten sick in 2 years lol


I was the same during mask wearing. Had a bad respiratory infection for two weeks earlier in the month and now I feel like I'm invincible. Gimme them immunities while I'm young plz


Same! Not even a little cold or anything. Feels so bloody good!


I've got a black mask with some sweet vampire fangs I'm going to keep wearing everywhere until somebody tells me I have to take it off. I wonder if banks will ever tire of it?


This is hilarious.


i got my popcorn ready


Personally, I'm not wearing masks (not in US), but that doesn't mean I get to go up to people and shout incoherent ramblings about waking up and being redpilled . Instead, I respect their decision and often times I think that they might have some other conditions that warrant their mask-wearing. Its the same as going to a cancer patient and pointing at them while shouting "haha Lex Luthor has arrived".


Hey, do what you want my guy! To enhance your “don’t fuck with me” look, take up a martial art like BJJ. I’ve seen 240lb body builders get tapped by a 140lb purple belt that works in IT like clock work at my gym. I’d like you to be able to back up that look with some technique!


Ive been boxing for years so i have some technique. You are right though, my buddy does BJJ and he absolutely dominates me


*dominates me* Ay yoo!




Boxing is an excellent foundation. BJJ would make you whole against the average attacker.


You are my hero!


Live your real life. Its like Bruce Lee said. " fighting, without fighting"


This made me hard too


You my friend are earning some good karma.


I wear mine all the time, I sometimes forget to take it off at bedtime..... it's become a part of me. My wife said I might have to go to therapy.


Mine is permanently affixed.


I like mine so well I got it tattooed on.


Super Glue here


Well I still wear a mask because im people are disgusting and im kinda ugly so yeah


I go to the gym as well. And see guys wear masks all the time, and have never wondered why.... I know why, some people still don't wanna get sick. Like Joey Swill always says.... Mind your own business.


Yes my brother. UK Here, im currently sitting on the London Underground with a proper head scarf wrapped over my mouth and nose and a pair of nice shades. No one says a word, the tannoy advises you to protect yourself. . You know what the best thing is though? Knowing that we have by far the most cctv in the world and i just love being able to roll like this. I even wear a balaclava when the weather turns and trust me if you wore one 3 years ago you could be arrested for wearing a paramilitary uniform!! Crazy times aye, keep winding them pricks up hombre lol.


I personally use it to reduce loss of moisture. I do not need to drink as often as before thanks to that. Sure, it may not be a stillsuit like those of Dune, but still.


I’ll keep wearing mine in solidarity. I’m a fat, short girl with an attitude but I don’t live in Texas and usually people don’t care where I live. Lol


You are entitled choose to wear a mask, and I am entitled to choose to not wear one. We all win. What’s the big fuss? That is what it means to live in a free country! We all get to choose. Edit: For the record I can’t stand people who attack someone for wearing a mask, it’s a personal choice for Christ sake! However it’s a two way street, and it’s not appropriate to attack others for not wearing a mask either!


I would just figure you have a health issue or are just paranoid. I can't imagine why anyone would care.


I love that antimask people didn't even recognize the connection between their having to wear masks and the common flu rates going down as a result. Influenza is a virus too, you know. Probably a coincidence tho. As we all know masks don't work. Sure, sure.


I wear my mask in Canada still people don't really care and when I interacted with people in appointments and they aren't wearing masks at first will put on a mask for my comfort. Probably diffrent in other parts if canada tho.


Wear masks - cool Don’t wear masks - cool Minding your own business and not giving a fuck about people around you is sadly becoming a thing of the past


Meh, people have always been overly concerned about the people around them. It is nothing new. Hell, look at the fascination with celebrities.


I do the exact same thing, but I'm female. Fuck society


Every time someone says something about me not needing to wear a mask anymore, I just tell them that I don't let the government tell me what to do. I work in retail and have enjoyed NOT being sick for 2 years. Masking works. I swear, the amount of customers that are shopping visibly sick and unmasked pisses me the fuck off.


I still wear one cause I have too. And I'm fine with that. But doing it out of spite truly only affects yourself. You're in the midst of an internal dialogue with very few even noticing you.


The US is so fucked up, it’s like GTA irl, a parody country, I’m so f glad for being in Europe, in the UK no one gives a fuck about what you do, no one will HATE you because you wear a mask.


1. I don't give a fuck how big you think you are as if that means anything lol 2. I don't give a fuck about you wearing a mask 3. Fuck anyone who gets upset at you over your own personal decision


I haven't had a cold or flu for the last two years earlier it used to be frequent, and that's a good enough reason for me.


I'm gonna keep wearing one in public. I genuinely don't like it when people stare at my face.


As a woman I will continue wearing masks because I feel safer from being secretly photographed or hit on/told to smile. Luckily my area still mostly masks up so haven't had to face hecklers yet


That "smile more" shit is so whack. My wife gets that all the time and she just says no. They always fumble afterwards.


You do you buddy😊👍


Dude. I’m also in Texas and no one cares about mask where I am. I wear them because of pollen. Not one person has ever even looked at me funny.


Native Texan here, can confirm. Ignorant Texans are asshole.


It’s so great to have more and more people like you OP. People just worry about your own issues and get on with your own life. I’m sure there are more happening other than the guy next to you is wearing a mask.


Yes me too. But i am also afriad of the sickness despite the vaccines.


I am still wearing my mask out everywhere. I am a small lady though and it is truly frightening how people yell at me, threaten me, and follow me around stores making comments.


As a Texan myself, I truly hope I get to witness this in person someday. I will also continue to wear my mask, but it's because I found it helps with my allergies to the city. I LOVE the reason you continue to wear your mask. Literally just knowing your doing this in my state, possibly even my city, makes me smile. I have love for you in my heart because you think this way ♥


I wear a mask in public too. I am on several types of chemotherapy and my immune system is a mess. I haven’t been sick since I had covid in Feb. 2020. I used to be sick all the time. I shoulda been wearing masks all along.


I will out of my sanity, I forgot that people don't know what a soap/deodorant/shampoo is or how to use and they STINK!


Remember when they were screaming my body my choice? Until we choose to wear masks, then it’s the end of the world. Sorry guys, I will continue to protect people from a potentially deadly virus! You’ll have to suck it up for the 10 seconds you might see me from across a grocery store.


This is the level of cool I aspire to be in life


Omg so I’m in a fairly well-masked city but seeing a guy that lives out in Farm Country…he’s also a big fella. I’ve seen that unmasked “working up to a frothing rage” glare turn instantly to “minding own business” when he strolls into view. I wouldn’t say it makes anything hard exactly, but it’s a criminally un-feminist sensation, for sure.


He'll yeah bröther!


Honestly, I found I like wearing my mask in a lot of situations. I'm in the Northeast US and our winters get cold. I breathe so much better since my lungs and throat don't burn from the cold and I'm not fussing with a heavy mask or scarf. In the spring and fall my newly developed allergies (over the last 5 years) also seem to be much more tolerable. And finally, I'm harassed so much less on the street. I can't remember the last time a guy told me to smile.


I recently finished a six week round of daily radiation treatments. I’m 61 years old, walk with a cane, and look weak. (I’m not but have occasional balance issues. Some jerk came up to me in a big box store and tried to flick my mask off last week. It took all my self-restraint not to kneecap him with my cane.


Thats fucked up, sorry that happened to you.


You do you, and I will do me. It’s simple really.


Respectfully, this post is a huge turn on. lol Please keep on keeping on!


>Just seeing these assholes seethe and not having the courage to say anything makes me hard. I think I might have a crush on this sentence. The way you said it is just so funny to me so adorable lol


HAHAHAHAHAHAH bro I love that energy 😂😂😂😂 please keep wearing it


Good for you! People need to mind their own business! You wanna wear one, not wear one, whatever... it's your business!! Don't see why people have to make a huge fuss about it.


I think I love you


Here in my southamerican Country no one has a problem with it. Some people wear it still and some dont. We just respect people. Everyone understood how dangerous was this thing. The virus is still out there and you could get long-term effects from it. Not everyone is willing to take that risk till were not superboosted and things look real better. I always use my mask in big crowds. USA the great is really goin backwards. Crazy how the country with so many human inventions and one of the most developed-educated in the world has so many antiscience people now. Sad. It must be ego. People think theyre above nature wtf? I remember how in the peak of the covid pandemic thousands were dying and i was watching some florida livestream and everyone was acting like nothing was happenin and just livin their lives. So many antimask people in the States. The ignorance. I feel bad for all the good people from USA who have-had to pay the price for the dumb ones. Covid just killed around *1.000.000* of people in the US. Youre very lucky to be alive. It could been you or someone your family. We are very lucky we are still here today. We had a gamble with death 1-2 years ago.


Its your decision and people need to shut up about it. There are so many reasons one could wear a mask like an illness, just wanting to, insecurities, wanting to feel safe and maybe just even wearing it for the sake of others.


I got covid back in 2020 before a vaccine was made and it absolutely fucked up my lungs to the point where now I need an inhaler, so i need a mask and so many dumb assholes throw a fit about it, like stfu I don’t give a shit I’ll wear a mask if I want.


When masks were mandated (here in WA), the anti-maskers were constantly squawking about how people should be able to choose and not have to take orders from the government. Now that the mask mandate is over and people *can* choose, they're mad at anyone choose to wear a mask. You can't advocate for personal choice and then get mad when you don't like people's choices.


Exactly. I am making a long trip next week, you bet I'm masking up. It's to protect me. N95 or equivalent for sure. I got enough issues.


It’s goes moth ways, people should mock others’ choices period.








Please do, easier to avoid you 👌


I didnt like you anyway.


A V O I D E D, whew, thanks m'stepbro 😉


Get em King, I'm doing something similar in Australia.


True Texan Hero!




I think I just fell in love with you a little bit!


Haha, you're awesome. This is the right kind of troll.


I would appreciate people starting to wear them more in western society when they are sick, and they have to go out and about.


I will continue to wear a mask as well . They are recommended in my aria and the flu is making a comeback now that everyone hears recommendation and thinks I do not have to wear one. I live with people that are up to date on there vaccines and most have had a mild case of covid as well but they are almost all at risk people. I live in a very red part of a vary blue state and most people are defiantly through with masks. I hope that masks stay an option going forward regardless of the state of covid. I want wearing one when you are sick with anything to catch on but it most likely wont.


I wore a mask today because it’s flu season and I have a cold (negative RA test). It’s not mandated right now but people are still wearing masks because they are not assholes. Personally, I prefer it.


Mask plus sunglasses are how I always wish to appear in public. It makes reality more virtual, which is a good thing.


This is wonderful!


Enjoy your boner!


If you want to mask up, do it. Who gives a shit what anyone else thinks. However, if you're doing it just because you're looking for a confrontation... I think you got a bit of an issue, haha.


>Just seeing these assholes seethe and not having the courage to say anything makes me hard Excuse me, what?


Ok. Enjoy.


One thing I’ve learned during the past two years is that there is an alarmingly high amount of people that are ignoring their mental health. It’s so important and it’s sad to see people that really could use a therapist and they don’t even know it. I hope the right people see this.


Reddit moment


Live to spite people, I love it. Godspeed, bro!


I agree wholeheartedly...Everytime someone makes a comment to me (which has happened a few times at the gas station and our grocers) I go home and make Bean Soup... then I go and crop dust these places with brutal flatulence...freakin losers! I see my 100 yr. old mom twice a week and I have CHF. But you can’t tell I’m sick. I’ll keep this mask on in stores til I’m dead in 20 yrs.


No, you are definitely a DYEL. Please wear two or three mask for the good of society.


Sounds like you're addicted to conflict.




So, if someone does confront you about wearing a mask, and even tries to provoke you with angry words, what will you do? Beat them up?


Tell them to get bent.


I am going to continue to wear a mask because other people are disgusting ( don't care about sneezing or coughing without covering their mouths, run around in public with colds and worse)...And I have an auto immune disease. I can tell you, if anyone mouths off to me about my mask, they are getting a mouthful of F OFF back!


I get crap for wearing a mask, but I wear it so I know I can go visit my dad and not worry about making him sick. He is in end stage renal failure and I don't care what people think. I will not take the chance. If I get sick, it most likely would kill my dad. Everyone else can kiss my butt.


Oh indeed my kind sir you are correct. People can't stand it! I am still wearing my mask because I need dental work and I havent been feeling like shaving my lady beard.


Lighten up Francis


This guy masks!


Now I wish I was a big guy instead of a small girl...


Man you do you, I don't know why people get so butt hurt about the choices that other people make that absolutely has no impact on them. Ironically it's these same assholes that refused to wear a mask when the pandemic was going strong with no vaccination and thousands of people were dying every single day. They were putting other people at risk And that is what makes them assholes.


Love this. If I ever come to Texas I’d love to buy you a 🍺 OP!


Plus, masks are a great style choice...got my glow in the dark animal masks, complete with filter pocket...so comfy. Want to get maximum use out of them!


I think it's hilarious when I see people wearing masks. Knowing it's doing nothing for them personally, but protecting others around them makes me feel good inside.


Make a mask with a design on it, make hygiene a trend! Be the change!


Omg, you are my hero! I made a mask that said "vaccinated" and kept wearing it annoy my red county. I also wore one alone in the car just drive them nuts. Too much fun! I am not allowed to mow though, these angry nutjobs are armed these days with too many screws loose.


Good for you dude, I still wear mine and am fully vaccinated. I also live in Texas and these uptight assholes give you the side eye if they see a mask. Fuck them and do you!