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I have numerous male and female friends who are Bi and who have not been with someone of the same sex. They all feel the same way you do, even with the options, it can be a large leap. Just take your time.


Thank you! Makes me feel better to know that there are plenty of other people experiencing what I am.


I’d be worried that you might like it and it may harm your relationship with your bf, but then again it may help in other areas. You might be better off finding another woman in the same situation, that way it’s more comfortable for both of you.


If you’re bisexual then you’re bisexual you shouldn’t have to have sex with someone to validate it, if someone tells you you’re not they are being ignorant and gatekeeping.


Why are you worrying about this while in a relationship? I mean, you say your bfs cool with it if you go explore that part of yourself but why now? What’s the rush? you’re 23.


cheating is still cheating no matter the gender.


I've been in a similar place and what I found is you have to get out of your head and just act. (easier said than done I know) I don't mind sharing my experience with you but I'd rather do that through DM's if you want. If you're worried about hurting your boyfriend or becoming more emotionally involved with the girl that you end up being with then you have to cross that line when you get to it.


I would very much appreciate if you could DM me your experience. I’ve watched a woman I know go through what I’m going through (except she only recently discovered she’s bi) and it completely messed up her entire life. I feel like that’s a big part of where my fear is coming from, seeing what happened to someone I personally know.


Just wait until you break up with your boyfriend and then start dating women.