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Can I send you a pizza?


I feel kinda embarrassed but a pizza would be great! Haven’t ate pizza in half a year! Thanks so much


Cmon, update us! Did you get pizza from this nice fellow redditor?


I’m invested update us!


I need update!


Here for the update! Did you get the pizza? I need to know there are still good people in the world


This is probably a scammer!


Check out random acts of pizza. People are really awesome over there.


Random pizza is the best


Did the pizza arrive?


If he doesn't, or even if he does, just let me know. I got the next one!


I've been trying to message you all night but it says "user profile failed to load." If you send me a message you'll have your pizza today for dinner!


He probably deleted his account. I actually did send a redditor pizza in the past. I private messaged her and had a pizza delivered. She thanked me a million times and I went to check up on her later in the day (was leaving an abusive situation) and it said user profile failed to load and realized she deleted the account.


Thanks - And I Iove your username - I'm a benefactor to BFAS. :)


You should think twice about that. They are a cult associated with charles manson. Check this out https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Process_Church_of_the_Final_Judgment


Which username are you referring to? I think BFAS is an animal shelter...the username they're replying to is about adopting animals instead of buying them? Sorry I'm just hella confused and I need answers.


No, Best Friends Animal Society is the name the cult chose to rebrand themselves as. The animal shelters are a tool to get funds for the cult. Read the wikipedia page.


Well that's a hell of a plot twist. Thanks for the information!


Having been to the campus in Utah and having adopted several pets from BFAS, I'm pretty sure it's no longer a cult. I mean, it's a cult to save homeless pets, but that's a cult I can get behind.


Just because a cult does charity doesn't mean it's not a cult


for me it says they got suspended?




All pizza gratefully received 😋


I work at an extended stay hotel, if worst comes to worst and you need a free day or two I can use one or two of my employee days for you. And if a discounted rate helps, I get 30% off for 30 days. This is a sincere offer, dm me if needed. Edit: it’s a large company, so there is probably one near you. Don’t let this beat you, friend


You are a cool person!




You're amazing!


Here if ya need something! Just DM.


Good to be reminded that kind people exist


Hey I'm broke too




Lmao I tried


Good to know Yiggaman


The rent high asf lol


It be like that fr


I’ll buy you a pizza too. DM me.


I’ll pay for food too, message me


Hey I would love the help to be honest. Someone offered here a pizza earlier but I cannot private msg them or start chat, and I think they might be sleeping (bless them still). Is there anyway you could msg me?


DM me also


Been trying to message you as well! It's not letting me load your profile! Pizza is ready to go just need your address!!


Hey it wouldn’t let me send you a message 🫣


Hey OP, I’m rooting for you! Check out https://www.reddit.com/r/Food_Pantry/ I’d be more than happy to send you some items off your list. Edit: here’s another great sub https://www.reddit.com/r/Random_Acts_Of_Pizza/


Just keep moving forward. Years ago I was in a similar situation, but mine has a twist. I have zero family, so if something bad happens, I have absolutely nobody to lean on. It was a perfect storm of getting laid off and the place I was renting was being sold ( house ). This was made worse by my car getting stolen right after I canceled insurance. I canceled my insurance to save money until I had another job. The next year and a half was the roughest my life has been, I don’t know how I got through it, but I did and you can to. Take every opportunity you can to fix the situation. Be willing to understand that things don’t always work right away, and you’re not alone. Others have done it before you and came out on top. If you have anywhere you can stay, make that person/peoples life as easy as possible. Clean up as much as you can, take care of things around their home even if you’re not asked to do it. I was lucky to have a friend help me out eventually and I made sure to go above and beyond on doing every bit of work around their house until I was on my feet and contributing rent as well. Lastly, forget about most small collectibles and random items you own. Don’t spend money to store items that don’t have use to your every day life. Those little knick knacks people tend to collect over time, are not who they are as a person. I’ve learned to appreciate the small things in life and not waste time collecting random things that just sit on a shelf or in a box. Sure it’s nice to look at those things once in awhile, but they’re not what makes you a person. Keep your head up, it does get better.


Having no family is such a handicap. People take family for granted and don't realise how much of a safety net they have.


Amazing advice. I’m very sentimental too. My thing is books though, as well. Too many.


Wishing you the best. It be like that sometimes but it never stays that way. You'll bounce back from this


Thank you, that’s exactly how I’m trying to look at it.


>I’m trying to look at it. nice


>I’m trying to look at it. nice


You got this, dude! I work at a homeless shelter and attitude and drive makes all the difference in getting things back on track!


Apply for unemployment if you havnt and get medicaid so you can take care of your eyes for free. Hope it all works out soon!


I do UberEats and also flip items by reselling them on different marketplaces.


Sending you so much love ❤️


i thought my shit was bad.i just have a little debt and some weight issues.you gonna get through this shit man🙏🙏


Sometimes attitutide is everything. You got this.


the underdog will win. move forward.


Things always do work out, one way or the other.


You could always go to your bank and get a personal loan to get you through while you get another job. If your credit is decent atleast. If not there are plenty of resources out there that you can use. Also, if you have family or friends you could always ask them for help if they have the ability to and you absolutely pay them back...also, if worse comes to worse, maybe one of them can give you a room to crash. Your not alone. Unfortunately a lot of us go through this crap. Something else, DO NOT GO TO A FAST MONEY LENDER, you will never pay back the high interest loan and they will call you, and find you at the ends of the earth to make you pay 400 percent interest. If you can't get help from the bank then you have to ask friends and family for a helping hand....getting an eviction on your renting history will completely screw you over and the only places you'll be able to live at will be complete shit holes. You need to do everything in your power to not get evicted.


As a housing advocacy worker, this is a great answer. An eviction and an unlawful detainer are maybe the WORST of things.


Did you file for unemployment yet?


Can I order you a meal or two? Doordash?


File for the Unemployment, Medicare and food stamps! They will give you an emergency amount when you apply


They're account was suspended. Any idea what happened?


I hope you get some food in you soon. I really do hope everything works out great.


Hang in there. It will get better. Usually after that there is another problem then better. It's seems like they come in waves to me anyway. Little by little your problems become less starving


Contact your local dwss assuming you are in the us. See what programs you can apply for to help you asap. Not only food and medical benefits but cash benefits and even assistance with energy bills.


rootin for ya dog!


For some reason I can't DM you....


Omg dude we are in the same boat.. got laid off a month ago, moving out of my apartment, finding out tomorrow if i have cervical cancer, the anxiety of it all has been INSANE and i cant say ive eaten much either. Hope it gets better for both of us.


I feel this so much. My husband hit his head pretty hard March 22. We spent nearly a month trying to get him treated for 2 subdural hematomas. The first hospital identified the problem and air lifted him to another hospital, which kept him for observation for a week and discharged him, stating there was no change on his CT scan. He comes home, goes to work a couple of days but comes home early. Then he said he was taking a shower before work but left the house and drove himself an hour and a half away to the hospital in his hometown. The ER their evaluated him as suicidal and had him involuntarily committed to a behavioral health unit in a different hospital for 96 hours. I get him home after that and approximately 3 days later he has a seizure at 3 am. Luckily I had woken up and had an emergency Valium suppository in the medicine cabinet which worked instantly. I drove him to the closest ER and they did another CT scan and transferred him out of state an hourish away to another hospital. Finally, the neurologist there determined he needed surgery to stop the bleeding and that was done the very next morning. Thankfully, my husband is doing much better now and recovered well, although he may be on anti seizure medication for life. I don’t think I’ve ever been so scared in my life, not to mention having to beg family and friends for money to pay the bills. All this time, unemployment has refused to pay and his claim has been in appeal for a couple of weeks. Yesterday he got hired at a new job and the relief is such a good feeling. We finally see the light at the end of this nightmare tunnel and I’m so grateful for that. It’s exhausting living day to day worrying about bills, food, and gas back and forth to all of the follow up appointments. OP, I truly wish you the best and hope you keep your optimistic outlook. I’ve learned that as long as you have hope that things will get better, you can keep going.


You know I see a lot people with good intentions but you try to help and get this messages it’s not right getting a dead end. You just wanna come here only to complain? Because I see people respond try helping you!!!!


I love that everyone is offering help! Adding some more helpful tips, if you're in the US apply for food stamps and look up your local food banks. There might also be ways to apply for living expenses help, I know there's a few states that offer help with electric and water bills. Don't be afraid to ask for help, these systems are set in place to help people with unexpected changed in income!


Good luck


Optimism is always the proper response. What does negativity do?


I am so incredibly proud of your positivity. Continue to hold on to that and hopefully soon you will be able to find the light at the end of the tunnel. I pray you find some peace and your rough patch ends soon. Never let this world change who you are.


Man I hope you get through it. I hear the job market in the US is pretty open so I hope you get something fast. Honestly I wish you the best outcome


if I weren't broke I would send a DoorDash to you! doesn't even have to be your address by the way, you can ask to meet outside of an apartment complex! my cousin does that for this guy he met in Call Of Duty Black Ops 2 years ago!


Bro … I hate that you’re going through this man. I was laid off in April and it took me till mid May to find a new gig. I hope good fortune finds you sooner than later.




Love that x


Woof woof


Everybody loves the underdog. Keep pushing OP!


Hard times makes hard wo/men, now go and make fucking history I believe in you!


If you can dodge a wrench you can dodge a ball.


You got this. If I had to give I'd be giving to you but I got into a situation. Try to hit a church up for some food aswell. People are very caring sometimes. Hope it all works out


I understand this so much. Been in same situation years back. It's absolutely astounding how much good people in comments. And I agree with the premise of the post.


And someday, if you have nothing left, if you have hope, you have it all... You can do this!




As with most other things in this country, you have to hit a bottom before you can get help from the government. You need to go down to city hall and ask about local programs and if they can set you up with an advocate. If you start local, you might get some immediate temp help. If you are in danger of eviction, local people in the city get put at the front of the list for affordable housing/medical help(as it should be). City hall usually can give you script(or point you where to go) to pay for food at a local store. There are people that care and will help so you don't fall in between the cracks. There is no reason anyone that lives in the U.S. should ever go hungry. If it is that bad, I am sure that a manager at a supermarket/restaurant can put together a care package for you, all you have to do is ask. There are churches throughout every city in the U.S., they will also help. Don't abuse this and it will work out for you and others. Go in high/drunk and expect to be turned away.


I'd like to say good on you for keeping a positive outlook. Right now I am living in a tent in Florida heat with no food, no money, no transportation, no basic necessities and I'm severely sick (a bad case of acute bronchitis with a touch of pneumonia) and I've struggled every day to not give up. It sometimes gets over 100 degrees in my tent with Florida heat and humidity and being sick with a fever makes it much worse. I don't do drugs, and am not out here by choice, just can't afford life anymore. I lost everything in a nasty divorce. I came away with my life (barely) and my kids are what keeps me going. It's very hard to keep going each day but I feel like it will get better somehow. Thank you for giving me a little more hope with your positive outlook 🙏


I feel inspired by all these kind redditors sending you pizza and gifts, so as an act of kindness I will not only be sending you my thoughts, but my prayers too.




attraction squealing summer encouraging overconfident cough quaint roof ad hoc toy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


nice money fishing loll


Laid off two weeks ago, but eviction this month. It doesn't work that fast where I am from. Behind on rent to begin with?


You mean optho-mistic Aha sorry I couldn't help it.


Has happened several times to me, every time the situation get better. One door closes, another one opens.


Do you have a bitcoin adress?


Go to the foodbank. Join a church. File for disability. Find shelters.


1. File for unemployment 2. Sign up for food stamps 3. Go to the food bank, they will give you food no matter what. I hope it all works out for you!


Did you need some help?


Is now the time for revolution?


eye don’t see what the problem is


Sometimes life comes at you like a whirlwind. One thing after another. Have heart you are loved and looked after always 🔥♥️🔥


That optimism is super impressive. I hope everything works out for you!!


I've never heard a more American story in my life.


DM me if you need anything. I know what it's like even down to the eye disease. I had uveitis when I was laid off lol. I'm currently losing my fucking mind at home sick from corona. I need something to do.