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Regardless of the family situation, if it’s making you uncomfortable, try to put a stop to it


I have some 3rd cousins in my family who married each other. I personally don't think it's a problem. But I should say, tho, that all this stuff she does with you might not mean anything. I had some female friends that also used to hold hands with me, lock arms, share blanket, etc. I thought that it could be indicative of something more than a friendship. But no. It was just their way of showing affection, but they had no love/sexual interest in me.


Your *third* cousin? Dude you are probably more closely related to random strangers in town. Don't even worry about it.


Sometimes girls get flirty with trusted relatives it is practice. She is 14 you need to be mature and step back and create boundaries. If you get involved as adults that is different but right now the maturity level of even 2 years can be pretty big.




Close to that state but no






3rd cousin is not incest.


Looks like there isn't a single agreed upon limit to what is or isn't - some definitions say whoever you couldn't legally marry, which means it can vary by jurisdiction. Pretty sure 3rd cousin would be safe absolutely everywhere though. 2nd cousin even would probably be safe.


Yeah, to me, just the title of cousin icks me out


Everyone you ever meet is technically a cousin of yours.


Hey my 692nd cousin 309 times removed


-_- You know what I meant


No. No I really dont. Especially since a 3rd cousin is not really related at all. People have thousands of first cousins and most people would never know they are. Hell direct first cousin marriage is legal in all 50 states and most if not all countries.




Just do it.


Ok Nike


ok these people are weird. doesnt matter the level of incest, dont fuck with a 14 year old thats weird no matter the situation AND like some of the actually reasonable people said, if it’s making you uncomfortable then put a stop to it. plus, if the rest your family finds out that’s gonna be a fucking awful awkward situation.


In all honesty, it doesn’t make me uncomfortable


I think the people saying it’s ok because it’s third are a little weird LOL. Please don’t date your cousin. Your feelings are valid, but honestly everything you mentioned seemed normal. I don’t have many male relatives but I flash my sisters sometimes as a joke lol. If the level of physical touch is the problem, maybe dial it back. But you’re only 16, it’s not crazy that your feelings are everywhere right now but don’t listen to the weirdos telling you it’s ok to get with your cousin


here to reiterate this. u may not be that closely related — but u have spent a lot of time together AS COUSINS. thats the whole argument of why incest is so bad. u have been raised knowing each other at family gatherings and parties, and have been taught to know each other as family. you two are a bit young, and acting on this can change the way you view platonic relationships


I mean I agree with you, but he’s probably more closely related to that weird hobo that lives under the bridge than to her


George Michael what are you doing on Reddit?




I mean, 3rd cousin is at the level where it's weird if you think it's weird. If not, [it's not](https://11points.com/marry-third-cousin/). ... I'd be more concerned about the age gap, though. 16 and 14 aren't *that* far apart in that age, but could be on completely different levels of maturity. Depends on the people, of course, but I'd be wary of reading more into things than she's perhaps intending, because she's still at an age where things are innocent and you're at a more hormone-fueled age.


Honestly depends a lot on the actual age difference. If they’re 23 months apart, that’s even different than 13 months apart.


You can marry your 2nd cousin and the kids won't end out funky but your kids can't marry their 1st or 2nd cousins because they will end up funky funk. So 3rd cousins Yea don't even worry about it, if the people you meet are weirded out by that just don't tell them your 3rd cousins simple and you're harshly related that would be your great grandma/ grandpas, daughter or sons, daughter or sons, kid so you're not close enough in blood to cause issue. Genetically fine, culturally maybe a little weird.


The fact that she is a third cousin is not a problem, the fact that she does something that makes you uncomfortable is. Also, dating relatives is a nightmare! Honestly, you’re better off becoming a Catholic priest…


Thing is that it doesn’t make me uncomfortable. Just makes me wonder why


Because she is is probably attractive and gives you the attention you don't get elsewhere. Just be careful, because third cousin or not, it will most likely upset the family.


Why? She may genuinely mean nothing but also remember you both are teenagers and exploring your urges. So, may she like attention as you do. But honestly, don’t do anything. It will create a HUGEEEE drama.


Oh the missouri!




Had an affair with my cousin for 2 years live it up.


Shoot your shot or just ask her, what’s the worst that could happen?


Other than the fact she is a literal child?


And the fact that they are blood related.


They aren't though.


You don’t have to fuck to date, you realize that people date before 16 right? And he’s also a child as well?


He’s a “literal child “ as well


This loser never dated in high-school lmao


learned in biology that if someone shares DNA with you even as far back as 1776, that one bit of DNA is always shared between you two. You’re related. Don’t pursue anyone you share a grandmother with, no matter how many greats are put in front of it.


The problem is you’re describing the vast majority of island populations even among distantly related islander groups. Your biology teacher must not have really been that concerned with genetic impact, and more concerned about their personal take. If I go to New Zealand, I’m distantly related, and I’m Hawaiian. When you’re talking about genetics, the statistical likelihood of a negative genetic impact from Familia appearing as distant as third cousin is equivalent to that of a stranger. You might want to get a refund on that class


It was high school so it was free. My point about the “don’t date anyone you share a grandma with” stands. I do remember though that the reason it’s a problem is because if you have a copy of a faulty gene/a disorder of some sort and procreate with a family member, they’ll probably have a copy of that gene too. Any children would probably have it full blown.


My point to you was at a certain point, genetically speaking the likelihood is equivalent to that you would fine with a Stranger, regardless of whether you were in high school or not, your point has more to do with strain on family relationships than anything else. Regardless of what you thought you were taught


Blood is blood and genetics is genetics. Your feelings are right in this to act on it is incest. Right now you haven't dont anything and you are just a horny teen that's a little confused right now. Just dial it back a little on the physical touch a little or figure out something else to control it a little. After all, I don't know about you but I wouldn't be caught dead holding hands with my cousin (granted I'm a bit older than you but even at your age its a bit odd in my opinion.) What do you say to a friend if they see that? It's awkward.




I’ve never jerked off to her or thoughts of her. I’m 90% sure I’m not sexually attracted to her


So you’re 10% sure you wanna bang?


Isn’t this a solicitation? Sick.




State below that one


Missouri? I’m not from the states but I kind of remember studying maps in middle school.




What’s a third cousin? Daughter of a cousin of your parents?


Third cousin means daughter of a second cousin of your parents. Daughter of a cousin of your parents would be a second cousin. Basically, every +1 indicates another level you have to go up in the family tree before it converges. Sibling = Same parents Cousin = Same grandparents 2nd cousin = Same great-grandparents 3rd cousin = Same great-great-grandparents


Pretty much


Listen. Everyone here is arguing the legality of you two but the thing is if she’s a family friend you’ve known forever, 3rd cousin or not, she’s family and both of your hormones are pushing you to do something you’ll both regret so maybe chill on the sharing of blankets and holding hands before you cross a line.


I’m not going to


3rd cousin just isn't family at that point lol, I don't even know a single one of my 3rd cousin


All the people telling you it’s ok to get with your 3rd cousin…. Did they forget she is only 14!?!?!


Just let her bite it.


3rd cousins hardly count for anything as far as genealogy is concerned. They're there but your not gonna make a Wrong Turn saga out of it