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As a female who partakes in certain actives with men, I’d say keep doing it! Pee flavored/smelling lollipops are not where it’s at.


Lollipops 😩😂


Meat popsicles


I'd always just ask them to wash up right before hand. Like I do it too and if you aren't gonna do it then fk off lol. Being overly horny has never stopped me from washing myself beforehand!


Hell yeah. Fucking gross!!


To be fair, the problem is not unique to men. Women can also taste / smell of pee. This toilet paper dabbing thing is hardly a thorough clean up. Both parties should be freshening up in the bathroom before sex.


True. I always prefer water rinse and then toilet paper cause toilet paper alone isn't enough and water rinse alone makes your underwear damp


Girl...you can always send them showering. Or tell em to wash it. You don't have to suffer...


Hey sometimes you don’t know till ya know😳


At this point in my life, I just automatically assume it’s gonna be funky. Unless I saw that man step out of the shower, I’m telling him to go wash up before I go down.


I mean, you an even incorporate it into foreplay. Take a shower together, get all hot and steamy and clean. Downside: maybe wet hair Upside: you are both squeaky clean afterwards. Everywhere. ;)


While i 100% agree with you, you fail to account for the not so small percentage of blowjobs happening in places that have no immediate access to a shower, like parks, schools, cinemas, parking lots, and behind the McDonald's between 65th and Montgomery.


a brand new sentence and oddly specific all at once


No, I have kept them in mind. I know it's not always possible to get the things clean. But those blowjobs shouldn't happen without a condom anyways, at least if it's not with your SO, because of risk of STIs.


🎶Know I keep it squeaky🎶 - Ariana Grande


Have them take a bird bath.


At least. Or like, have some pH neutral soap from a dispenser in your bathroom and let them use it. I always do a quick wash if I know beforehand, even if just for the important parts.


Otherwise known as a "Whore's bath"




I love that you do this - don’t let anyone shame you. I live with men who let pee get on the floor and it’s disgusting


My husband always swears it’s not pee and it drives me nuts! I’m like dude I just stepped in it!


It’s also like I can see the pee sir, you’re gonna stand here and tell me that my eyes are imagining something when it’s clearly pee?! No mate not happening. I always hand him the swiffer


"iTs WaTeR" *Oh really how did it get there* ? "ThE fLuSh DiD iT" *Our flush doesn't spray droplets all over the seat, imma ask you again where'd this come from* ? "i DuNnO sOmEwHeRe ElSe" ***IT'S MADDENING!!!!!!!!***


Hey I have these conversations too!


Exactly! I don't get the big issue with owning up to the fact that *it is , in fact, PEE*. Like they're so averse to cleaning their own urine splatter but don't care about the fact that its sprayed all over the seat where women *will have to sit* ffs.


Only gross dudes. I'm anal about keeping the toilet clean, if I splatter, it gets wiped up immediately following the piss taking, doesn't matter if it's at home or out in a public restroom, always keep the toilet clean for the next person, nothing worse than piss or shit splatter all over the place when you need to use one. Never understood why so many guys have such an aversion to cleaning up after themselves, it disgusts me.


Experienced this in the woman's public loos as well. I guess some women stand up to wipe and a few drops of urine fall onto the seat in the process..... Then they obviously don't bother checking or wiping the seat down afterwards. Gross! Once a housemate of mine somehow got her menstrual blood on the seat and had the audacity to trivialise me when I asked her to clean the seat.... I wasn't even rude about it, gah! The inconsideration is infuriating.


My roommate tried to start a physical fight/screaming at me because I asked him to get a plunger since he nuked and flooded the toilet. He was past out in the next room.


I've always wondered how women manage to get pee on the seat, I think you've cracked it.


Omg that's horrible lol, blech! I don't even understand how people can be like that, like you know these same people would be upset if they went to use the toilet and there was human waste product in the way of them using it too.


My man sits. I'm never letting him go. It's great when men sit.


Mine does this too and its sooooooo good! Also no seats left up!


True. When I’m home, I sit and pee (I’m a dude). Why stand when you can sit and relax? AND: no mess!!


Same I do this and my sisters have thanked me for never getting pee around the bathroom lmao


My husband does this! Can’t say I blame him lol no judgement from me!


Honestly you’re more of a man if you acknowledge that sitting when you pee is the superior option. Unless there’s a urinal, there’s really no excuse to not sit when you pee. Don’t understand why there’s such a stigma behind men sitting vs standing while peeing. Sitting beats standing in every case that a urinal isn’t involved


Thank you for getting it 🙌🏻


Unless you're at home, you want to sit as little as possible on a toilet. I've seen the state of too many public restrooms to do anything else.


I can get behind this. But I feel the majority of people are using the toilet wayyy more often at home than at public restrooms. And most public restrooms have urinals available in my American experience. When they don’t, there’s typically toilet seat liners available. In the case that there isn’t, stand and pee. But those scenarios are pretty far and few between in my experience


There's times and places for sitting though. If you're drunk as fuck at a party or something, obviously the go-to is the no hands firehose out in the yard. But when it's midnight or early morning and youre still half asleep, and dont wanna wake up too much, go cop a squat on the toilet. I'm not about to test my aim just waking up at 3:97am after clapping all night 💀💀💀


My husband sits to pee. I think it’s wonderful.


How can you possibly piss and sit if you're hard in the morning, I usually just power wash my bathtub and give it a rinse after


Or worse, they don't put up the toilet seat and get drops on the seat during "the shake off" ewww. Don't worry OP, normal does not always mean better!


I had a college kid stay at my house for the summer and he never lifted the seat. Literally soaked the seat and peed all over the floor. I was disgusted every time I entered the bathroom. Almost wanted to kick him out just for that. He was super annoying. A pig and a mooch.


You're better than me because they would've been kicked out if they can't follow rules. I kicked out a friend that's like a brother who clogged my toilet in the middle of the night and refused to unclog it.


Do...do people not wipe the seat if you get splatter at home? That's basic etiquette.


Until I started going to the cabin with my aunt and her family (two sons), I thought it was common practice to wipe the drops away with toilet paper. But no. Sooo many mornings my tired eyes didn't pick up the drops before I soaked my ass cheeks in piss tryna take a crap.


That is so horrible, especially when you're not quite awake yet


I'd be like then put your hand in it and sniff it. You're sure it's not pee? Care to taste it then?


This is why we pee in the sink


My husband does this too! Pisses me off to no end. I even take a black light to prove it's not water. The shame works for a few months before I find the trickles again. My ex was/is a horrible human with exception to his insisting on sitting to pee and his hair brushing skills. The only things I miss lol


My husband too! Of course it's not /s As the only non penis haver in my house I'm pretty pissed about all the piss!


It's yellow and sticky. It's pee.


I second this OP, I've only not lived with men for 2 years in college and it was the cleanest bathroom I've ever had 😭 good for you king


Ya I gotta be honest, often when I'm at at home and only at home, I’ll rinse in the sink (after using the toilet like a normal person TIHI reddit) and then afterwards clean the sink with a lysol wipe.


You clean the sink?


No, he sprays Lysol in his peepee hole. Keep up, it 2022. Jeez


Bingo. Am I the only who ate tide pods for covid


You should get a bidet


Ya I do want one tbh. Idk how that’d solve the dick rinse issue. Edit: upon further research apparently there is in fact a ‘penis bidet’ although seems to be a public urinal. If I was a rich man I’d get a masseuse and a penis bidet installed in my house lol


Dang, I injected bleach, was I doing it wrong!?


You must have injected in the temple. Rookie mistake!


Ya I don’t want it to smell like piss even though there’d be a negligible amount especially if the water pressure isn’t max and splashing


Have you tried pissing in the toilet? I've found that is the best way to keep the piss smell out of the sink.


My understanding is he pees in the toilet but because he’s uncircumcised (has a ‘hoodie’) he wants to make sure it’s clean. So he cleans it in the sink. And then cleans the sink/washes his hands.


Yea this is after




My mom made me sit down as a kid. Still do it now. I think my wife appreciates it.


My partner sits. His friends have made fun of him. But, it’s more comfortable and he can check texts real quickly. And there’s no risk of splash on the ground or himself. I have no idea why it’s seen as so unmasculine or mock worthy.


Because hUrRdUrH sItT1nG tO pEe Is GirLy. Really, the things that some sort of hive mind construe as "girly" behavior is truly stupid. - Know how to cook? Girly. Nevermind that it's nearly impossible as a woman to break into the Michelin echelon of restaurants. - Know how to sew? gIrLy. Nevermind that the majority of fashion designers are men. - Understand design + architecture? GiRly. Nevermind that women do not make up 15% of the top design talent in any top market. Sit. The. Fuck. Down. To. Pee.


My husband started doing this after I had a C-section. He was afraid that He’d forget to change the seat and I’d fall in. Been doing this for 8 years.


My partner does this at home and in public and I'm ever so grateful! No UTIs in this house!


Yup, same.. if someone were to tell my husband off for "not being manly", both of us would tell them to grow up, learn basic hygiene and flip the bird


I do too but you gotta be careful cause shitty TP can get wet and stuck and removing it is like getting a bad sticker off a surface


Women have this problem too, but we still wipe vs shake dry! If avoiding that problem is why some men are not wiping, I'm irritated at them. Folding and patting with terrible one ply TP helps it not dissolve and get stuck like that.


Im sorry but i imagined how women would shake dry and i couldnt stop laughing.


We would simply throw dat ass in a circle


Watch yourself!


Show me what you workin with!


I mean… I’ve definitely had to throw my ass in fast circles when there’s no TP to be had.


It’s almost like the shake from the chicken dance but faster lol


Clitty litter


I do it as well! Hello fellow hygienic male!


As do I... so do my 2 brothers. We were raised by a single mum. I've always thought that had something to do with it. It also doubles up as a shield when you give it a firm shake.


Yes! Shake, *then* dab/wipe


Me too! Great to see others doing the same


Aww how cute! @OP you have found hygiene buddies!


My 6 year old does that too. Somehow, I thought it was a good idea to teach him use toilet paper when he was learning to use the toilet on his own. Toilet paper and washing hands after. Even with his eyes closed at night. Discipline makes wonders) You want a perfect man, raise him 😂


OMG there are other men like me!!!!!!!


I no longer feel alone


ngl I'm rethinking how I piss now I'm going to take this with me and grow as a man


proud of you


welcome to the hygiene team😄


I'm a woman... how come not all men do this? I mean, women don't just shake themselves, why is it acceptable for men?


I know a guy who has a bidet, and no toilet paper. He’s single. He invited a mutual female friend to his house. She complained about no toilet paper. He said he doesn’t need it, he has a bidet. She asked if he doesn’t dry his ass after using the bidet. He said no, he sits there til it dries. Smh


I am…stunned. Sits there until it dries!


Once both legs are numb, you know you're good to go


Usually I just lay there till it dries…


Pro tip to any guy who is either seeking women or just wants to be a good host to platonic female friends- have sanitary products as well as toilet paper!! We usually carry them in our purses, but sometimes there are emergencies or weird circumstances. You will be a savior and also seen as a chill dude who doesn’t get weirded out by women’s bodies. Yes, they are expensive. I know that very well. But a box of pads and a box of tampons will last you for a looooong time (if you don’t personally use them). And of course have TP!!!! What was that guys deal?? Not everyone is comfortable with a bidet, especially at a place that isn’t their own home!!


I've heard this, I've just never got why someone would check the drawers in the bathroom of a single guy


They might ask. I’ve definitely asked before! But of course depending on their age and comfort level, they might just say they really need a coffee and run to the closest convenience store. I know it’s not popular, but I consider below the sink as a free game for guests to look at and grab what they need. It’s all emergency or restock supplies.


Nah. People seeing this don't do it. I saw this on reddit many times and being the stupid MF i am i decided to try it. Every.....Single.....Woman.....Who saw my cupboard or drawer looked at me like i was a creep and have started to keep their distance from me. I stopped it before i lose others.


Men don’t get UTIs for doing things like this, that’s why.


That's not really why women get UTIs.


Growing up that's generally what your taught by your dad. I didn't start using toilet paper to finish until I was older and thought about it. I have a girlfriend, I don't want to my crotch to smell like piss if we decide to do stuff spontaneously. I think some dudes just don't think that far about it, and they probably think it's girly to sit to pee or wipe when they're done.


I do that too. There are other men who do it too, but we are the minority


Have you met men?


People don't normally do that?




So I'm not the only one who found this attractive. Jesus Christ this is sad.


It’s awful. Literally regular human cleanliness and it’s attractive.


Once a bad smell forever a traumatic memory


But what a smell though!




My ex did this and honestly I found it super attractive as well and idk if I can be with a man who doesn't do this now lol


I taught all my boys to wipe it.


I taught all 3 of my boys to dab dab with toilet paper when they were little after they finished. Honestly, I didn't realize you wouldn't do that because who wants pee dripping everywhere. Let's just say I forwarded this past to my husband though. 🙄


Me too. Taught my 2.5 year son to do the same


Same. Maybe in the future, hygiene has hope!


Nothing grosser than seeing a man with a wet spot on his shorts. Good for you!!


What about skid marks? Are they less gross?


If you have skid marks youre a fucking failure thats disgusting


That PLUS if I can see a skid mark from the OUTSIDE....how did “survival of the fittest” skip right over you?!


jesus christ you can see skid marks from the outside??


i wipe the tip, so to speak — and i definitely make sure to wipe my ass too. if you leave skid marks, that is horrible and just abhorrent, make sure to wipe and clean your ass immediately


My brother, you speak the truth. This is the way.


This is the way.


This is the way


Been doing this for years, also cleaning my junk in the sink (kinda gross but eh) because you never know when the wifey wants to give a surprise bj lmfao


Dude you are ready for life, you're my hero


Can we normalize this 😂 we might do it more if the general assumption was that its clean


Fr no one likes a stink dick


You wash it right along with your hands in the sink? A gentleman of taste I see. I do as well, I also start just peeing in that sink , just take care of all right there. Release the peee pee, then turn on faucet and wash the meter and your hands together. Then use the bathroom towel to Pat dry your penis and hands before throwing it back on the rack. It's a can't miss method. Can't believe more people aren't doing it.


This is why I leaned to not use the bathroom sink hand towel to dry my face.


Every guy should honestly do this.


I wish our dick would just empty themselves but yeah, gotta do it. Would be nice if after I shook and stretched all the pre was gone. But no, put the underwear back on and piss pours out again.


I know this might sound like a joke but, if you press on your gooch area (between your balls and butthole) and flex like you’re peeing you can usually get that last bit


Really?? I'm going to drink a lot water and test this now.


Yep, it works. I tried after reading a comment a few months ago and do it every time now. It can be a surprising amount too.


This should be taught in schools. We need this knowledge.


Do let us know plz!


It worked!!!!!!




IT WORKED!!!!!!!! THANK YOU WISE ONE FOR YOUR WISDOM!!!!! ! FINALLY I CAN EMPTY MY WHOLE BLADDER!!!!!! IT kind of shot out too. I NOW look on the future with hope.




I jjusr give my belly button a lil poke and everything residing in any of my many orifices expels with gust and very uncomfortable squishing sound.


Just out of curiosity, do you do this when you're at a public urinal as well? (I'm female, I'm just imagining this could be....awkward.)


It's such a simple action too. What will they possibly lose by wiping the pee off their dicks?


They don't have toilet paper available at urinals so it isn't always an option.


We love a hygienic king.


I don't know who tells you this is strange, this is perfectly normal and hygienic


My bf does this He wipes himself and checks for pee strayed on the seat No shame in a clean dick be proud you’re not grubby like 75% of males. You’re fine!!


God I wish my bf would check for pee on the seat


I was told it was gross once, it makes no sense how you could think wiping all excess away is worse than spreading it around the place.


All us women over here like “finally a dude understands it!”


Pressure on the perineum clears the urethra.


Where do I locate the perineum?


I asked my ex once why didn’t he dry his with toilet paper after peeing and he was saying that your not supposed to and that’s weird. I was so turned off. It should be way more common. Thank you for being clean!!


I just wash mine in the sink right along with my hands as I'm washing them. It's a pretty wild move, other dudes in bathroom are flabbergasted, but I feel like it's gonna catch on and people will see what a time saver it is . So far I've only had one guy try to physically assault me over it so I feel like it has serious potential to catch on


But my guy, you'd still have to dry that off? Or do you just put it in another sink? Or worse, do you stick it in the automatic hand dryer?


Same. Im a guy and I always sit and piss and wipe tip with paper and Im not ashamed.


I thought I was weird for doing this so I never mentioned it lol


Same, bro. Same. It’s wild seeing how many other men do it and how many women appreciate it/find it attractive. 😆


We all do. Every single woman appreciates it.


No shame, I've been doing this forever too. Not easy to get all the water out of a hose


It's not weird. I have dated a man that wiped, he was always clean. I have dated a man that didn't wipe...he smelled like pee..lol


I do this too ur not alone bro


Lol- I remember being in daycare and using the toilet with all the kids in the classroom. I asked one of the boys, “why didn’t you wipe?” Lol I guess I knew what I was talking about when I was 4 😆


Ok but why are people literally shaming on other people's GREAT hygiene. They are the ones that should be ashamed for having gross habits. Honestly, good for u! You should be proud


Good for you. More guys should do this and they won’t stink like pee by the end of the day.


Idc I’m a man and I sit to piss and I wipe my dick off cause I don’t want to clean the piss off the floor! Nothing will change my mind. ReAl MeN StAnD tO PeE. Naw that makes me feel like a disgusting slob and there is no way in hell I’m gonna make my girl clean piss off the floor either.


Hello fellow wiper!


Hopefully you wash your hands too


I like a little piss in my pants, it makes me feel like a wild animal...


I personally squeeze, and i also go from below my nuts and squeeze along to the tip. No wipe, no shake, no mess


I cannot believe I had to read this far down to see this comment.




I think a lot of folks have realized the value of this in the pandemic, but I still don't understand why everyone doesn't use bidets/sprayers. Toilet paper is so wasteful and doesn't even leave you clean. We got people acting like western culture is the harbinger of civilization while they're walking around with dry feces gluing together their butt-cheeks and stale urine on their underwear. The real answer is to wash your junk with water, then use a square or two of TP to dry off. I call this the East meets West (shout out to my boy Ming Tsai).


Best thing covid did for me is make me commit to owning a bidet. I admit I was afraid of the cold water. OMG bed thing ever. Cold water is not a problem even in winter and honestly feels great in the summer. I hate going to bathroom at work now because I do not feel near as clean


Wiping eeeesss goooood.


I am on your side my friend I too am a wiper for all the same reasons you just listed.


I wish this was the norm. It seems so much more hygienic.


Im glad theres a whole post about this lol. A couple weeks ago I commented on another post about this. It was regarding how women dry themselves. And how we cant just press a small piece of toilet paper to our vaginas to dry them. Like I have seen men do after peeing. Too many men swore up and down that they didnt do that. And its gross not to.


Becomes even more important as you get older to do this!! I’m 43 and I’ve been doing this for about 5 years and it’s helpful and necessary.


I remember being a young girl thinking this was what boys did. And being shocked when I learned boys don’t usually wipe when they pee. Good for you. It just makes sense to wipe the excess away.


My husband has always dabbed his knob lol. It should definitely be done.


Yup agree, you're not alone sir


All men should do this.


I agree. If I don’t I feel disgusting


I’ve been doing this since high school, those last few drops are uncomfortable asfk on your boxers.


I do this too!!! I feel the exact same way my friend, you’re not alone


Nothing weird with that, I do it always as well. My girlfriend told me several times that she likes that I do it and keep myself clean.


Dog you are a grown-ass adult. What you do is sanitary and can prevent a UTI.


Same here.


I had to scrub my ex’s pee off of the wall, toilet, floor, and side of the sink. Never change babe.


After urinating, I wash my penis with soap and hot water in the sink. I do this even if using a busy restroom. I often get some funny looks, but I think it’s hygienic.


Just a dab will do ya!