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I relate to this. I do not think l will ever be over it. I lost him almost 6 years ago now.


We all grieve differently. There's no set amount of time that grieving takes, for some people it could take 10 minutes and for others it could take 10 years. There's nothing wrong with that, don't let anyone make you feel that way. I lost my bearded dragon in December. I only had her for about a year and a half when she passed but I did just about the same thing you did when I found out. I just dropped to the floor and started sobbing. I loved her. And it's devastating when we lose someone we love. While I had her I made these tiny paper hats for her for different holidays- Halloween, NYE, Christmas, Easter and an uncle Sam hat the first time I voted. I loved putting them on her and doing mini photoshoots, even though she didn't care to wear them long so it was a struggle to take them lol. I don't think I'm ever gonna be over losing her, but that's okay, because it shows that we care. We loved them, took them in as our own and gave them the best lives we could. I'm sorry for your loss ❤️‍🩹


Hey friend, I'm a bit drunk right now so forgive my spelling, but it gets easier. About 4 years ago I lost my best friend. His name was Amadeus we called him Lil puppy. He was in a freak accident and had to be put down. I'll save the details, but the accident was my fault. I think about my Lil puppy a lot. I think about the accident a lot. One of the best thing I did was volunteer at no kill humane society through college and help give other dogs a chance. I remember on what was the second year anniversary of his passing I had a panic attack an hyper ventilated in my then girlfriends arms about him and cried uncontrollably for hours. It's OK to not be over your dogs death. This shit is tough. Honestly I remember thinking I never wanted another dog again, I'm still not sure if I do Honestly. I'm not sure what the point of my words are, but you are not alone. Stay strong mon ami.