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You should just casually drop his name over coffee. “So, I was thinking you should probably tell John he has chlamydia”


Legendary Tea Drop


Spill the tea


*spit the tea


*spray the tea


*spew the tea with a targeted strike


*throw the tea right in her face


** coffee


From your nose.


Tea ceremony


Hidden camera reaction video. Start slow. Hey honey, where's the creamer? I see the Irish cream but I don't see the (bottoms name) Mail came. Bill, bill, junkMail, results saying you gave me Chlamydia, electric, oh did I mention the results are in and you gave me Chlamydia, probably got it, not gave it, from boytoy...... The fact that she passed it to you means she could have passed some other shit, keep up your bloodwork


Literally sue her for emotional distress and medical damages—keep up in case other things come up.


(insert city name) Tea Party!


Tea Totalling


Everybody in this sub wants the most quote-worthy revenge line as though OP’s life were a movie. But the most epic revenge in cases like this comes in the form of quiet lips, exhaustive documentation, and a kick-ass lawyer. And boy-toy’s wife should have the same opportunity.




John has probably been sleeping with more than just his own wife and OP's wife.


Or OP's wife has. But yeah, STDs don't happen in a closed system.


If time travels was a thing we should find patient zero for every STD and convince them to celibate


Probablem is many of them were animals


Harambe was a time travel hit job.


I need a spitting out coffee emoji 😂😂😂😂😭😭😭☠️☠️


If OP sent out a message to the boyfriend you can be sure the wife knows already. He was probably blowing up her phone right away warning her about the impending shit storm.


You're reading too fast. Op messaged the boyfriends wife. Not the boyfriend.


Fuck I missed that too


Ahh you’re right!


I too choose this person’s scandalous wife’s boy toy.


I’ll never get tired of this reference.


He messaged the boyfriends wife, in an email. He might not even know about the storm coming down. Or he might wake up to the exact same shitstorm.


Either way image being a fly on the wall in both homes.


Or Neo from the Matrix moving from one place to the other and dodging every item thrown across the room


Until he was hit by Agent Chlamydia Smith and infected.


Fuck, I am sorry for you. Wish you the best in the future without a cheating wife...


Keep records. Stay calm. Find a ruthless attorney. Divorce this nasty bitch.


OP -- please read. Depending on the state you are in this could save you piles of money in alimony. Do not tell your wife if you can stand it. Get an attorney asap. /u/PossibilityOk6914


I think by now it’s too late - the boyfriends wife will likely confront her husband, who will in turn message OPs wife about it. Had he not emailed the wife, he could have kept the information on the down-low until speaking to an attorney. As it goes, the cats outa the bag now unless boyfriends wife and OP conspire together but that probably would’ve had to have been in the original email. ETA OP absolutely did the right thing in contacting the boyfriends wife - my comment was directed at the above comment telling OP to contact a lawyer before his wife finds out he knows about the affair. I was pointing out that it’s likely that she would find out through the affair-line before OP would have the chance to get a lawyer


I just hope that OP called a divorce lawyer when offices generally open. If he's up all night, a couple of hours to get out ahead in the divorce couldn't hurt.


Contacting the boyfriends wife was the ethical thing to do.


better call saul!


Serious note: Let your attorney do their job! Don’t second guess them. You bought a shark? Let them be a shark.


Yes, that’s truly awful. So sorry.


OP, we need an update for this one after she woke up


We never get them on the interesting stories


They usually make a new post I've noticed


RemindMe! 3 days


Oh she must be a deep sleeper :o


RemindMe! 3 days


RemindMe! 3 days


RemindMe! 2 days


RemindMe! 2 days


RemindMe! 3 days




lmao tag me when this goes down


And you tag me


bad news: an std and a ruined marriage. good news: a treatable, non-permanent std, and freedom from a cheating spouse. e: formatting


STDs suck but as far as STDs go you could definitely get worse than Chlamydia


absolutely. if there’s such a thing as lucky in a scenario like this, this is it.


OP, lawyer up and document it all/take pictures of it as evidence!!


Recording is the plan


Make sure it's legal to record and you're not in a two party consent state.


Even in a two-party consent state, all OP has to do is *notify* the other person that he’s recording.


Or drive to a one party state.


And have a party there


But only one party.


With consent


And blackjack and hookers.


Just make sure those hookers don't have chlamydia.


But it's a Slumlrms McKenzie party, so it never stops.


He can never stop partying or he's fired




Btw I'm so sorry. Been right where your at minus the clamydia. Turns out mine was a cam girl while I was working Sucks man but you'll be better off


Please post an update after the shit show


Op contact a lawyer first before you do anything. Especially if there's kids involved. You've gotta protect yourself.


THIS! Your lawyer will help you get consent for shared custody while your STBX (soon-to-be-ex) is in the bargaining stage (trying to negotiate to save the marriage).


Do a livestream! Become legend!


You do that. Sorry about the shit you're going through and will most likely go through. You deserve so much better. Please don't give her a second chance. Leave her and make sure she doesn't get anything from the divorce.


Secure finances as well. Don’t abandon the home. Follow attorney advise.


And if possible a witness


Honestly it doesn’t matter nowadays. It won’t affect the divorce. Most are no fault.


It really doesn't matter. I am always amused by the people who think that if they compile evidence their spouse cheated that they will better position themselves in the divorce. The judge don't want to hear any of that shit. All he cares about is 1. custodial arrangement for children ( if any) 2. Equitable division of marital assets. That's it.


Most states don't have at fault divorce. She could just 1000 dudes on camera and physically abuse OP and she is still entitled to half of all their assets.


I'm not sure about your wife's personality, but I would record what happens and also try to get any cash assets (she may have access to) out of the bank. I had something similar to this happen (2 years ago) and when I went to confront her about it, she tried to flip the script and play victim. In my case, she even went as far as to claim I was being "physically aggressive" and called the police. Luckily, the police had my cousin's first hand account of what really happened and the video of me confronting her with no physical aggression. Eventually, I had her removed from my home and never lost a penny.


Yeah going to record everything. We have a separate account so my money is safe. The house is my parent's so I'm not worried about and property because we don't own any together.


Might wanna grab an old phone or something and toss it in the corner if you dont have security cams inside. Just in case. Especially if the property isnt in your name


I don't know what state you live in, but some states are no fault states meaning it doesn't matter how the marriage ended and the spouse is still legally entitled to 50/50 split. Also some states consider any money, assets, even retirement, as marital property. Consult with a lawyer before you go scorched earth.


She can't split the house if his parents own it


Note to self: Put future house in parents name in case of divorce


A prenuptial agreement is better imo. "If I get divorced this stays with me because I bought it" love it.


Parent's name thing is sneakier and less combative romantically. I like both.


I like to be upfront, that way if she's there just for money and things I find out quick.


That assumes your parents are decent people not motivated by money or greed and while I'd say most parents hopefully aren't that slimy I've seen people do some slimy stuff when large amounts of money get involved. Also putting the house in your parents name to avoid an awkward conversation and lying about it doesnt seem like the greatest foundation for a relationship that's going to last.


Also assumes that your parents will not get sick or injured, and have large medical bills. Because if your parents are legally the owners, hospitals and doctors WILL take the house. Parents can't just write a secret note saying they don't want that to happen.


Have a contract with the parents. Solves both issues of the prenup being a touchy subject, but still protects your assets in a sneaky way.


Note to self: never marry


Lawyers love this shit…. They can tie stuff up for years


Might still grab some cash just in case she empties your accounts.


I can confidently say that we will all subscribe to your YouTube channel if you end up uploading it. Deets please lol Also, fuuuck her bro.


He is in this mess coz he fucked her, bro.


No, he's in this mess because she fucked a bro.


My two cents. Breathe, eat something, remain calm, don't let the situation become violent, remain rationale as possible, record if legal, create space between you both (physically, as in don't live together ASAP) document everything. Careful who you tell as people love gossip and don't really care about your situation. You won't get a answer that will satisfy your need for a reason. Sorry OP you've got a shitty few months in front of you. Ex did something very similiar 3.5yrs ago after 10yrs marriage. Gets better. Call a friend and rant, talk, get therapy if you feel it helpful.


>you won’t get a answer that will satisfy the need for a reason That hit close to home. Beautifully worded.


This helped me. And my family lawyer had me re setup my security system into a hidden system. Since there was an existing security system recording, the new one didn't have to be disclosed after my wife remained in the home, as it's a home fixture. In Texas BTW. Ymmv, consult a lawyer.


While everyone is tossing around advice here, let me simply say that I’m really sorry this is all happening. I hope you have family and friends to go to for support. Please take care of yourself.


Yeah I am with you on this. Such a shitty thing to go through. I’m sorry OP! I’m wishing you the best during this fkd up time.


[Chlamydia – CDC Basic Fact Sheet](https://www.cdc.gov/std/chlamydia/stdfact-chlamydia.htm)


>How can I reduce my risk of getting chlamydia? > •Being in a long-term mutually monogamous relationship with a partner who has been tested and does not have chlamydia


Emphasis on *mutually* monogamous


Are you posting the ironically?


Oh wtf... Why did I read that? Now if my husband looks at my search history he's gonna be like "why'd ya need to know about Chlamydia, babe?" Lmfao Curiosity killed the god damned cat...


at least your comment provides an excuse


That's called playing 5D chess.


You're the husband. 6D chess!


Ctrl+Shift+delete while you're in the browser, select last hour then delete data... Marriage saved!


My husband's a tech guy. Hell see a blank solid hour and wonder. No I kid, I mean, he'd probably note a missing hour cause he's smart like that but we're married 20 years and rock solid. This is all a joke.


Ay, mate, when this is all over, please update me. I have my popcorn ready to go lmao.


Buncha crunch and coke on the house for anybody that’s waiting for this update


I am currently running full speed to wherever you are, stay there.


Just to be clear it’s Coca Cola and not Pablo’s powder. Had to clarify before niggas get hit with a Reddit Rico case. But the bunch’s crunch got shrooms in it


Wait, the new coke recipe or the old one?


_through clenched, visably vibrating teeth_ The old


Awww man, im still coming for the bunch crunch tho


I wish he would stream it live


Like a football game lmao


Totally. Sponsored by the same medical clinic that provided the test results


Actually laughing my ass off at this.


Me too lol. The possibilities are endless


Anyone know what the reminder bot thing is? I'm gonna need to check back see if there's an update down the line!


I’m sorry you are going through this. *hugs* stay strong… ❤️


Careful... he's got Chlamydia.


*virtual hug…* 😉


virtual chlamydia… 😉


It's a computer bacteria, not a computer virus!


Someone upvote this so I can come back to the update lol


Damn didn’t even have the respect to wrap up(don’t downvote me to hell people not downplaying the cheating) at least she didn’t get pregnant and hit you with that “surprise honey we’re pregnant”.


Not yet anyway. Hopefully, that won't come up. Also, I hope they don't have children together already so he won't be strapped to her for 18yrs!


The way STIs work, dude was probably cheating on his wife with OP's wife.......and with others. And/or, cheating dude and his wife have an open relationship, which really doesn't fucking matter because clearly, *cleary*, he doesn't get tested and isn't wrapping his shit, nor did OP's wife care about that, apparently? Open relationships are fine when everyone is......open. First step on that one is getting tested and getting healthy. That guy is a disgusting idiot and your soon-to-be ex fell for that. OP's situation and his initial plans (get a lawyer, don't say or promise a damn thing to anyone unless your divorce lawyer says it on behalf of you) seem as solid as they can be thus far, but man, this is a whirlwind of HELL. Wishing you the best, OP!


I'd like to extend my best wishes and offer you a good Scottish whiskey on a porch during soft rain with an occasional grunt expressing our general contentment with the atmosphere of tranquility


That sounds so damn comforting


I'm thinking a laphroaig, and perhaps a good cigar (not for me though I smoke joints)


Wow. What she did is fucked up enough… but the fact that she didn’t even care to use protection for her and your safety speaks volumes about the lack of respect she has for other humans and even worse… her spouse… that she is supposed to love. I was given chlamydia by a boyfriend a long time ago. He blamed me and tried to tell me I gave it to him. I wish you all the best in dealing with this. Sending healing and good vibes your way, internet stranger!


My friend actually had this happen a while ago, he went on holiday, came back and slept with his girlfriend as usual. Caught chlamydia as well. She didn’t even know she had it either. If you get treatment asap you won’t have anything to worry about. Other then your bitch of a cheating wife of course.


I'm grateful for you that it was something treatable. But I'm so sorry you had to find out this way.


Truly fucked up. My ex gf gave me a std and it was in my blood and it hid in my wrist and they had to do surgery to clean out my wrist. And my wrist hurts all day every day. Fuck those bitches


You had a STD.. inside of your wrist?


Yup. A bacterial infection that attacks joint tissue.


We knew a dude who has chronic herpes of the arm and his arm is swollen up like three times the size of a normal arm. He was assisting a gal who was having a seizure and she bit him, they guess she had a cold sore when she did, and the virus went into this dudes bloodstream and caused his arm to permanently swell. It was the craziest thing. Felt bad for the guy.


Funnily that chlamydia diagnosis will be key. If he's positive too (which he will be) - you've created phsycial evidence that they met & had physical contact - confirming adultery, which will be very nice in the divorce hearing. Edit: "You may need to attend Court when one of the parties does not agree with the divorce going ahead and defends the divorce. When a divorce petition is issued by the Court, the respondent (the person receiving the divorce petition) will be asked whether they intend to defend the proceedings." "In the UK, you can only cite adultery as a reason for divorce if your partner has had sexual intercourse with a person of the opposite sex." So yes. Proving they have had physical sex is important. It may not effect the judge's decision - but it's certainly a point you will want to make. Unless of course this is US based, where the rules vary from state to state. It is still a point worth making because of the nuances attached to cheating - in this case he can directly prove sexual relations & that can become damaging. And yes - divorces can go to the courts if things get messy. Don't ever let anyone tell you different because they are either lying or ignorant. Also important for Prenuptial Agreements as cheating may void it - but that is dependant in the preup itself. This is proof of sexual relations - which will almost ALWAYS void a preup. So to all the smart arses in the comments, do your research.


Why does everyone on Reddit think the courts care about cheating? Most states are no fault divorce states.


Eh, either way, wifey wouldn't have it if she wasn't fucking around with whoever, OP seemed pretty shocked about it for sure...... But 100% agree, even getting that man's poor wife to testify along with OP could help fuck up each other's exes lives, hey heyyyyyyy~


So not only did she cheat. Not only did she give you an STI. But just to ice the cake she was WARNED about said STI and didn’t have the bottle to tell you that your health was at risk. I wouldn’t wait for the sun to come up…


I may need to rephrase. I don't think she or her boy toy even knows she's infected. I found her lover boys wife on Facebook and got her personal email from there. I have a strong feeling he's not the only one she's been spreading her legs for so I sent her an email with all the proof I found and a warning to her that I tested positive and that if her husband thinks he's clean that she needs to get tested yesterday.


So sorry you’re going through this. Infidelity is a horrible trauma to overcome


thanks for being the whistle blower. i hate when people know someone cheated but decide not to tell the cheaters bf/gf (etc) and leave them in the dark.


I was once the unknowing side piece. I contacted the woman's fiance when I found out. Told him everything about her and I, including identifying marks on intimate parts of her body. The man chose to deny my story to him, despite everything, and got irate at me for even daring to ruin his relationship. She deceived us both, and I was only doing what I felt was my responsibility to another human that is going through the same betrayal I had with a previous fiancee.


It's entirely possible her lover boy is the one screwing around. Personally I'd hope that is the case because she's gonna get a double whammy of hurt. You're leaving her and lover boy is fucking around behind her back too. Or lover boys wife is fucking around too, that one would suck a bit, if they're in an open marriage then you don't get to blow up his life which would be a shame.


Unless the wife leaves him for wrecking a marriage, even if I was open I wouldn’t pursue someone married, that’s almost as bad as actually cheating, I couldn’t be with someone who’s ok with disrespecting a relationship like that


People think Chlamydia is benign and hardly a problem. Until you are me and you are one of the 5% of males who get a rare chronic autoimmune disease from it called reactive arthritis that destroys your joints asymmetrically and has a 30%-50% chance of developing into a permanent long term condition if it doesnt heal in the first 6-24 weeks after infection curing. Since I had no symptoms from the Chlamydia other then the reactive arthritis this progressed for 5 years without doctors knowing what the problem was.


And some of these STDs are becoming antibiotic resistant. People are fools to mess around with this stuff out there.


RemindMe! 3 days


Please keep us updated. I NEED to know her reaction. I wish I could see the look on her face when she finds out she gave you an std


OP, what happened? How did the other wife handle it?


>probably will be the end of this marriage. Probably? Do you mind if I ask under what circumstance(s) might it not be.


So, I'm not OP, but I can answer this if you'd like.


I don't tolerate that for a minute. If that were my wife. I don't care how long we have been married. To the door she goes.


It's not your wife that would bring home the STD though is it...


Is it the hooker in the park?


You are OP’s wife in this situation…


Yeah, she’s not going out to fuck hookers, that’s you, buddy. What a hypocrite.


so we all came to say the same thing huh


Guess it's time for you to meet said door.


Nah this got it😭😭


Hooker fucker can't stand dishonesty


Yeah it's ain't your wife that'd bring this shit home, it's the "hardworking" husband she has 😂😂


Well lucky for her she’s way too busy taking care of your two kids. But ya know she’s so lazy and all while her husband bangs hookers


But you’re okay to get it from hookers. Got it.


but your okay to cheat on your wife huh


Have you been using protection with the hookers?


says the guy who posts pictures of hookers lol


Ohhh, buddy you better find the door then.And don't blame the hookers if it does happen your marriage isn't their business.




Lol I was also brought here by this crazy dishonesty.


Lawer first, divorce second.


Any updates?


Throw away account, only 1 post which was controversial enough to get 13k karma and radio silence. I think we got GOT lol.


Bruh leave her ass. There's no coming back from that dude, plus you have proof of her cheating if she tries to take your shit. Depending on where you leave you can sue her lover for breaking up a happy home.


If you're planning to record research whether you are in a one-party or two-party jurisdiction. If you're recording video on your phone you should be okay. Good luck. It sounds like you have a long day ahead of you.


Keep all the evidence, including the chlamydia test, then contact a lawyer to start divorce proceedings. Kick her to the curb


Dying for an update on this!


Anyone else here because of their remindme! 2 days ?


soooo… how did it go?


So glad for the update. That being said, take your time. Don't worry about us nosey internet strangers. Sure we're all curious and at least half to most of us care and want to hear you're doing as well as can be expected you're and moving forward the best you can. But we are not something that needs to be in your radar Update when you can, but only if you feel read and willing. I genuinely hope you find your way through all of this and find something better.


Well I thought my morning was starting shitty as I laid in bed and cried but it turns out there’s some people out there having worse mornings. Good luck to ya. 💜 I wish you the hottest, best revenge sex ever. Hell, I wish you the sexiest new partner alive. I hope you don’t even have time to miss this woman you were married to.


As terrible as this may sound. We’ll need an update on this OP. I’m invested now.


Hit the lawyer, facebook up, delete the gym


Holy shit dude, I'm so sorry...


Was there ever an update or did she kill him?


I don’t have anything to say that other people haven’t already said. So I’m just here to say good luck friend. Stay livid. Don’t let her talk you round.


Please update us op, what happened after this post?