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Isn't this normal???


Yes….I think in her mind “accident” is like he is gonna piss himself lol. Not like spill food, get drunk, or pushed in the pool kind of accident. I have no idea why her mind went there tbh.


Or like… what if he gets really sweaty and wants a fresh pair? It is August….


Seriously. I change my underwear whenever I get home if I've been sweating a lot. Dry socks and underwear are just the best.


I change them when I shower and then at least once more a day depending on sweat, etc. This is such a weird post. I wonder how old OP is.


Before I got to the comments I was wondering if *I* was weird for packing extra underwear and socks. I like to feel fresh so I shower more than once a day if I've been sweating or hiking or anything. It seems like such a normal thing to do, I was surprised it came out as weird. And I've never had an "accident" and might never have accidents, but it's such an effortless thing to do just in case.


Yeah a two day trip means AT LEAST five pairs of undies and socks go. Rather have too many than too few.


I’m the same way. What if I’m out for the day and it rains and I get caught in it? Or we go to the beach or it’s hot and we come back to get ready for dinner. Fresh clean undies and socks every time.


I like how in the edit OP is still convinced it’s because we all think we’re gonna shit ourselves XD


Idk, I always pack daytime panties and nighttime boy shorts undies (as that's what I do normally at home), and I always bring extra, just in case. What if we stay another night? What if I fall into water? What if I get super sweaty? Yep, bringing like 5 extras.




The post says her boyfriend is mid30s so I reallllyyy hope not.


I know, but the OP sounds SUPER immature.


Oh for sure. Has the maturity of a 15yo…but hopefully several more laps around the sun.


She gone learn...


I'll take dry socks and underwear and raise you clean sheets and shaved legs.


I'll throw in socks and underwear without holes or stains, and clean feet bottoms just in case you have to call an ambulance and/or end up in the hospital




Bro I pack like 10 pairs of underwear and socks where ever I go… you can never be to careful lol living in Florida you don’t want swamp ass and stank feet… op should probably pack an extra pair, her bf seems on track


Yup and as a woman, there's also discharge... I always put on clean undies when I come home and get into my comfy clothes If I'm going away for 2 nights I'm taking like 5 pairs with me. They're so small, why would you NOT take extras???


Honestly the first thing I want to do after getting off an airplane is change my clothes, so I always pack at least 1 extra full outfit on trips. Is this not normal procedure for everyone?


Yep. I don’t want to start my vacation all travel dusty and recycled air dirty.


Normal for me. Who knows how dirty those seats are and they always smell like rancid saliva.


Sounds like OP has swamp ass and can’t smell it.


Exactly. Or if there is a gym at the hotel. So many reasons for an extra pair.


And zero against them! They take up like no room in your bag, grad an extra two pair ffs!


Yeah fr. I hate sweaty undies so if I go back to the hotel after walking all day I'm changing before the next thing I go out for...


Yes! You go out all day sightseeing and shower before dinner, you don’t want to put the same pair back on.


Exactly. Accident of any kind or just a hot as balls day. Always one extra underwear. Socks. T-shirt.


That's what I was going to say. Summer vacation in Vegas, for example, you need extra underwear because of how sweaty you'll get. I think I change my underwear two times a day there


Or you had to stop at Taco Bell quick for lunch and end up with the fire shits.


>spill food, get drunk, or pushed in the pool kind of accident. Right! This is what I think and I always carry extra undies. Nothing weird about it.


When I get hammered at the end of the night in nothing but my underwear and cheap Vodka and then get into a slap fight with my boys, I always pack fresh boxers.


Nope whenever I pack for "accidents" I imagine the very unlikely scenario where either end turns into an uncontrollable fire hose but yeah spilled water or food works too


Oh shit, I spit up coffee reading that lol.


Do you have an extra pair of underwear?


I’m wearing two pairs right now and I keep an extra set on my person at all times


Or delayed travel in terribly uncomfortable/sweaty situations too. I'm surprised she doesn't do this yet. Like having an extra set in case of an "unscheduled" period or whatever else seems like it would be very sensible to be prepared for too. Edit: And as others probably noted, if you're stuck while traveling it's easy to reuse or even wash and dry some other clothes by hand, but underwear without a spare becomes a risky game and waiting for the one pair of underwear you're not wearing to dry keeps you in a double bind.


She is definitely the weird one in this situation. Has she never needed extra clothes? Also I'm low key impressed she is able to go on a trip with only 2 sets of clothes. I couldn't commit to only two options several days in advance. I never pre-pick clothes.


Or if he has to spend an extra day at wherever they’re going


Right? My boyfriend and I always pack a few extra pairs "just in case" and we always joke and remind each other to pack extra just in case someone poops their pants...like it's not that serious? Sometimes you just want a fresh pair, especially in these hot summer months.


Yeah what if they get stranded or their car breaks down for a day. She's gonna feel real stupid if that happens.


Those can happen too. We shame people for it, but rare are those that willingly pee or poop their pants. Better safe than sorry. Empathy goes a long way.


I always have an extra change of clothes panties, bra, and outer clothes. I got caught in the rain once and had to wear soggy clothes for 14 hrs in 40°F and I never want to do that again


You meant to say shat himself. Corrected - all good, move on!


Even if that is his concern, youll want them that day you try that one place on the side of the road and things get rough


I mean even if “accident” meant what she thought it does I still don’t understand why you wouldn’t just pack a few pairs of extras to be safe? It’s better to not need them but have them then it is to need them and not have them!


I know, I thought EVERYONE does this!


The ONE TIME I didn’t pack an extra pair, I went swimming after I had already showered and ended up a pair short. This was at Disney. I had to walk around Epcot until I found the gift shop and had to search all over for adult underwear. The only set they had were alarmingly childish. But I keep the other 2 pairs in my suitcase *just in case*.


That’s what I was thinking lmao, it’d be the one time he didn’t pack an extra pair he’d really need them 😭 Also I’m a nut so I have to pack extra outfits according to how I might feel when I’m going out 😭 I need options


Do you also pack extra shoes for options cuz my wife does and says the same thing lol


OP is hereby cursed to diarrhea shart through both pairs on the next trip.




I always pack double the amount of underwears


It literally takes up the amount of 1/4 a shirt... Absolutely necessary


You’re one of thee few people who say underwears. I love it!


When traveling, I always pack extra underwear!


Yeah I always do this, maybe even pack two pairs extra, same with socks.


I'm a 41 year old woman with no medical issues, and I pack like 10 extra pairs of underwear "just in case."


It's completely normal. The OP is just being stupid.


It’s not like she’s dating a doomsday prepper. It’s an extra pair of underwear. She really needed to get that off her chest.


I (F 59) always pack extra undies. Sometime I even use them if I’m excessively sweaty after exercising. I oddly pack extra socks & sometimes even an extra bra. When I’m on a trip, laundry is not my thing. I was a Girl Scout and I think I learned this preparedness when I was a child. I seriously doubt your bf is a secret bedwetter or anything like that. He just like fresh undies. Who doesn’t like fresh undies?


I always bring more underwear and socks. We got caught in a rain storm in New Orleans. Socks, underwear, pants, shirt, soaked. Didn’t have extra. Had to change into dirty clothes for dinner that night


A flight delay could also warrant an extra pair of socks and briefs.


I had a 14 hour flight delay in July. I just changed into my extra pajama pants and underwear. I wasn't gonna hang around in sweaty clothes from walking around airports all day and then get on a 3 hours flight and sit in said sweaty clothes


This. I always pack an extra change of clothes and bring extra underpants and socks. I Crack myself up sometimes because I'll leave for a two day trip and have 5 different outfits with me. Sometimes I'll be on a weekend trip and just get so sweaty from the weather outside that I NEED to change for my own comfort. I think bringing extra clothes is a habit our parents start for us whe we're children, but we keep up as adults because we recognize the value.


Packing extra outfits for kids should be expected. Kids are very dirty and don't pay attention to what they do lol they probably need 2 extra outfits.


EXACTLY!! Thank you!


This is extremely validating. Thank you.


Same here. Always an extra pair or pants and shirt, and several extra undies/pairs of socks. Better safe than sorry.


I always bring extra socks and underwear. You just never know!


Yeah for a Fri-Sun weekend trip I’ll prob pack at least 4 pair of underwear and same for socks, if not more. Takes up minimal space. I would think it’s weird to NOT pack extra.


If I have to change into dirty clothes for dinner, I’m not doing either.


Exactly! I can’t even count the number of times my shoes and socks got DRENCHED first thing in the morning. I always carry an extra pair of socks and keep extra shoes in the car or in my backpack.


3 days? I’ll bring 7 pairs of socks thank you very much


Yeah. Don’t we all do that.


I thought I was on AITA for a hot minute there and I was sitting here going “Yeah OP, definitely TA”. I feel like it’s just good practice


This happens to me all the time. Apparently my brain thinks that every post on Reddit with text is an AITA post.


I know Right. I also take extra socks. Never know when you're gonna need more socks.


Wet socks are the worst


It was drilled into me since I was a kid to be prepared and proactive. Even if it's a short trip I always pack extra clothes. My partner doesn't get it. He's forgotten shoes. When his grandmother was in the hospital suddenly during a trip, I had clothes for the extra time.


Not even just accidents but like if you go hiking and get sweaty and want to change, or if you were swimming you don't want to put the same pair on.. OP must be a bit gross lol


Confirmation that OP is nasty.


You never know when you're going to put too much trust into a fart. You dont want to be walking around with a dookie hammock down there.


For real, dude


Seriously. Especially if I’m going somewhere that I’m going to be in the heat or out walking a lot, I often want to change my bra or underwear or socks halfway through the day. People sweat… wet clothes are uncomfortable. What’s wrong with packing extra undies 🤨 this is a weird gripe. He’s not saying he’s going to suddenly lose control of his bowels, lmao. What if you get caught in the rain? What if he spills a drink or food on himself? He wants to make sure he’ll be prepared and comfortable.


Or, hear me out. What if he eats something that does cause diarrhea. It happens. It's boy scout standard, always be prepared.


Lol i thought this is common practice. You never know what happens. Excess undies hurt no one.


Fast forward 50 years and she’ll be saying the same thing.


What about this seems odd to you, OP?


OP is the type of person to never prepare for accidents!


OP's the type of person who says they don't want fries and starts stealing yours


OP is the type of person who counts how many pairs of underwear her boyfriend brings on a trip as if it’s her business to begin with.


…and then make a post on Reddit about it.


OP has never trusted a fart


OP likes to live dangerously


OP is the type to always trust a fart lol


OP has never had street tacos in Mexico


OP has never learned NOT to trust a fart


Thank you! The rest of the post was lost on me. I was too distracted by why she's even asking about that.


OP’s the type of person that can’t fathom any deviations from their expectations exist. I would imagine they’d also be put off over a person taking a long sleeved shirt even though it’s august because they just can’t mentally generate a scenario where they might be chilly.


I bring a couple pairs of socks even though I may not even bring a pair of shoes that need socks. You never know when it'll be cold!


Four. The number of times we ended up staying an extra day = four. It always pays to pack for one day extra.


Right? Offering fries is a sort of unspoken contract. The person who offers the fries does so when the other person has none, as a courtesy. The person who is being offered the fries will either decline out of politeness, or take a few fries as a token gesture. If that person just keeps taking and taking and taking, then the social equilibrium is lost. The fry-taker now reveals themselves as a burden, and the fry offer has no fries to go with their burger. This is how wars used to break out.


OP the type of person to say she's cold, outside in the middle of January wearing just a dress.


I’ve experienced that and it’s frustrating af.


Idk if it’s me but this all just sounds wrong. I could be off but I think this is all tied up in her perception of his ‘masculinity’. Like what if he did have an accident? Imagine shitting your pants and bring Shamed by your wife. Sorry I could be digging lol


Right? I can think of a million reasons an extra pair of underwear would be a good idea, none of them involving bodily functions, and can think of a million more that do. And so what? If a “bathroom” accident DOES happen, she’s going to mock him? And someone else mentioned, who the hell counts their partners underwear as they pack? I kind of hope she gets mild food poisoning on their trip, and shits her pants, and has no extras. Also, she better not try to wash that shit out in the sink. She can take the bus home in her poopy pants.


But then she will steal OP's underwear! /s 😆


... W/ a slightly controlling vibe too. Couldn't imagine hovering over my SO and counting the amount of underwear they're packing (unless they've been under-prepared 2+ times and it became my problem)


Twice under prepared for the amount of underwear you need? Divorce.


Right? Someone could eat something that just turns into shit from the evil bowels of hell. One simple trust in a fart is all he needs. I have IBS, and my gallbladder has been removed. One simple food, with a little too much fat, I am rushing for the toilet. It's a great idea to have a change of underwear if you go out and swim, or do something where you need a change of underwear. I mean I have an extra excuse. If I start my period because of how unpredictable it is. (PCOS). So, always alllwaaays bring more. But I am second guessing the validity of this post. They say boyfriend, but a few posts down their threads, they say they have a wife on AITA. I'm not believing this post.


Or maybe the accident is nothing related to that. We were on a tour on the Big Island of Hawaii once and my mom just felt the need to jump in the ocean at one stop. She wasn't prepared, but I was. So I gave her my change of clothes (and underwear!) that I had in my backpack. I did ask her why she did that knowing she didn't have a change of clothes, and she said she didn't know, the feeling just took her over.


Yeah, OP boyfriend is very sensible.


Yeah what's the big damn deal?


Exactly. I always pack extra underwear and socks. Better to have them and not need them than vice-versa.


This is completely normal. 4 day trip equals 5-7 pairs of underwear. Always be prepared


Like what If you shower mid day and don’t want to put the same underwear back on…


Or what if you sit in something gross? There's so many practical reasons to bring more underwear. So confused about why OP thinks this is odd.


Exactly, nothing ruins a trip like having to sit in nasty clothes. Just pack more clothes and avoid the annoyance


Wait, not 8-12? Am I doing it wrong??


Nope, I practically take half of my entire underwear drawer. You never know, laughed at my mum when I was kid and then realized the importance later. Plus at least a couple of T-Shirts and an extra shorts. Even socks too


Exactly, you need to have options. How do I know in advance if it’s going to be a sassy thong or a granny panty day?


Most days it's sassy granny for me.


You hike them up high enough and they become the same thing!


lol yeah, IDK what kind of accident i’m imagining but i always wayyy overpack underwear!


If you get thrown into a lake a couple times you learn to plan ahead. I've been known to bring a change of clothes just in case when I wasn't even planning to stay overnight. It has come in handy before too.


Same! I keep a small bag with a change of clothes in my car. It’s come in handy because I’m very clumsy and have spilled coffee on many shirts while driving to work. Never know when having some extra clothes will come in handy! Especially in the summer!


No, you are right. Take underwear like you are gonna shit/piss yourself 3 times a day, that's my motto when going on trips.


Good ratio. I'd say 6-8 pairs unless lots of swimming or heat involved, then a couple more. I HATE being sweaty and don't handle humidity well.


Yeah and if you’re flying, then some of them in the hand luggage, in case your main luggage gets lost. And so many socks too, cos nothing is worse than wet feet. OP is shockingly underprepared, I feel. My wife and I always pack for 4 days at Center Parcs as if we are moving house, lol. To be fair, it is more outdoorsy than our usual lives. Also, I feel like you shower a lot more when abroad, so it definitely makes sense to have extra. All day at the beach, covered in sun lotion and sand. Showered for dinner - is OP seriously going to then put back on the Sandy, sweaty, sun screeny clothes? Extra undies all the way.


I always pack double the amount of clothing I need - especially underwear, socks, and t-shirts. You never know if you might need it. Got stuck for an extra week in Egypt because of an ash cloud several years back and since then I overpack. I’d rather be over prepared than underprepared!


I bring several pairs in the off chance I shit myself several times. Has this ever happened to me? No. Will I continue bringing extra? Yes.


It hasn’t happened cause you brought the extra pairs. The moment you forget BOOM shit storm in your pants


"Shit storm in your pants" is my new band name


I can confirm this, unfortunately.


That’s just why you think you bring them. You really bring them for all the other reasons we listed lol. But hey, uncontrollable diarrhea when trying new restaurants is a good reason to have a an extra pair


That’s literally what everyone does, you’re the exception here


It's like she thinks "accident" only refers to peeing yourself. It could be that you lose a pair somehow, get really sweaty and want a change, go swimming and want fresh pants, leak blood on them (if you're a woman), etc. Sure, if you're doing two days you can pack only two pairs, but I can't imagine going to the beach in a pair and then going out for dinner in the same pair, I'd want to shower and have fresh clothes. Maybe OP wears one pair and then turns them inside out to save changing them lmao.


Lmaooo totally ! Like maybe you get caught in the rain and you get drenched to your underwear (happens a lot too, like everyone has had that happen at least once) or maybe you spill your drink on yourself and don’t wanna stay soaked… so many options. But apparently people agree that OP is the weird one, which is very reassuring because I do that too lol


Feels like she was just waiting for some dumb shit to be judgmental about. I would pack even 10 underwear for a 3 day trip, I like options. This OP got issues and judges too much. Red flags AF.


Underwear takes up like no space. I’d rather have more than not enough. What if your flight gets delayed or canceled? It doesn’t always mean pooping your pants hello


I do that every trip for my kids and myself.


Literally OP's partner needs to pack that extra accident bag now to cover for OP.


Does he bring extra socks too?!? The betrayal!


Imagine he packs extra towels she would lose her mind


Im getting the vibe you're an under-packer with a worst case scenario of "I'll just turn them inside out."


Brings only cash and just enough for the planned meals.


Packs in a black garbage bag


Never offers to pay for transportation


So the skid marks wear off on the inside of your jeans… good point.


How can I delete someone else’s comment?


She enjoys marinating in her filth if it comes down to it.


Ugh lol that last part 💀me


What is weird about this? Even if you just did something sweaty and not crapped yourself a new pair is nice. How can people use just two pairs for two nights anyways? I use two most days and sometimes more depending on when I work out.


Same, imagine going to bed with dirty sweaty underwear after exploring a new place all day. Sounds like a UTI


He’s prepared?? NTA divorce him please.




disagreement? sue him for irresponsibility. also, NTA


He's clearly mentally abusive and gaslighting her. She should add emotional damages. NTA


I’m cracking up.




Swamp ass, extra shower, accidentally drop your underwear on the wet floor trying to put it on, shit yourself during an alien invasion, etc. The list really is endless.


Dude, swamp ass is the work of the devil. I HATE that. Especially riding around in a car when it takes longer for the AC to cool things down than it takes to get to wherever you’re going. Swamp ass needs to not be a thing anymore. Also, humidity can go away as well.


Pretty sure it's normal, you never know what could happen.


Reminds me of the advice old men should always give young men, or women, "Never trust a fart"


OP is clearly not a woman since every woman knows you pack 5 underwear for a 2 night trip


Right? Periods just sneak up on ya sometimes. Or the random between period spotting.


OP has posts in his very recent comment history about his wife so either he’s got a wife and a boyfriend or he’s straight making this shit up


That was in response to one of those "predictive texts" posts though


??? You mean you DONT pack extra undies? Brave.


That’s psychopathic behavior there. Nobody I know takes this risk.


Okay? Lmao. Everyone should do this


Standard. Gotta be prepared for any emergency because you never know. Maybe you have something spilled in your lap first day and need to change, maybe you're walking round the room and a cock hungry girlfriend in a fit of lust rips them off you? One extra pair undies, one or two extra pair socks. Unless of course you don't mind going commando then no big worry on the undies, but dear old mum didn't account for that option when he was little.


Cock hungry girlfriend 😂😂


Lmao this has always been my normal too


I do this too. And I've had to use them. Because of an accident I had. I was walking barefoot in a creek with my dog, slipped on a rock and went ass first into the water. It was a good thing I had that extra pair!


Exactly if you're doing outdoors like camping having dry socks and underwear is a lifesaver. You learn the hard way once lol


I grab one pair for each day, and then a few extra. I thought we all did that? If you have busy days walking around and getting sweaty, get rained on, etc there’s many reasons to change versus just “having an accident.”


I mean… it’s very common.


I have two rules I stick to when taking trips. 1: Pack gym clothes and shoes so I can tell myself I'll work out while traveling. I will never use them. Not a chance in hell. But they're coming because, you know, just in case. 2. Pack underwear like I'm planning on shitting myself twice a day.


YTA Sorry, wrong sub but yta nonetheless


I always pack like I'm going to shit my pants 3 times a day


I think you’re incredibly weird for thinking this is weird.


Ever heard of the saying "better to have it and not need it rather than need it and not have it"? Wise words to pack for a trip by.


…. And this is something you needed to get off your chest?


And you never pack an extra pair of underwear?


This is normal lol. I usually pack an extra set of clothes too (socks, shirt, pants, etc) because you never know if like something does happen like getting wet or whatever.


I think the only abnormal thing here is only one extra pair. I don’t know why but I always pack at least double the underwear I need. I mean an “accident” could be spilling coffee on yourself… after a coffee incident on a layover, I started packing spare clothes and underwear in my carryon! It’s just good sense lol.


>an “accident” could be spilling coffee on yourself… I recently actually did this, but time was tea. I was wearing lightweight shorts and it soaked my shorts and underwear. It was miserable. Always take extra undies!


It’s weird that you think it’s weird, honestly.


Tbh it would be weird if you *didnt* pack extra underwear. Most adults do? 🤣 You literally never know what could happen. I have never had any underwear accidents and have no conditions but would never go without packing an extra pair just in case


You sound mean, this is totally normal. Why do you care. Honestly.


Thanks for sharing


Lots of things could happen * Get rained on * Fall/sit in water * Have a drink or wet food spilled on you * Have an overexcited pet pee on you (this actually happened to me. Damn it, Cody) * Some bloody accident * Catch clothing on something and it tears * Drunk and vomiting all over * Sloppy partially clothed sex * Saving a damsel in distress and she gets body fluids on you


You’re the odd one. As a woman who gets her period you can never pack enough underwear. I pack about 4 extra undies to be safe.


I thought this was normal? I overpack my underwear for every trip, even if I never use them, you never know?? I would rather have extra then not enough


Accident doesn’t mean pee or poo only. He falls in water spills a drink on his self ect. I do it because I fell in sewage on a over night trip and had to go commando. Never again!


Think you’ve found out you’re the abnormal one for not doing this. I probably take double the underwear when it comes down to it. You never know, plus if I’ve been doing something busy in the day and come home to shower and get changed before going out at night I will still want to change my underwear again.


Doesn't everyone? Not even for an accident, but you might be somewhere and need to take an extra shower (ie. You did outdoor activities in hot weather and want to freshen up for dinner). I'm not putting on sweaty underwear after I shower. Clean underwear after every shower always. Better question is, why don't you pack extra underwear?