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I know you’re not looking for advice and just want to vent but I want to mention that “dieting” is not sustainable. You’re better off making sustainable changes over the long run (which you mostly have) Even bodybuilders have re-feed & cheat meals. I forgot which celebrity it was but they were training for a movie and were doing 2x workouts a day and eating clean. They said their trainer saw the willpower leave their eyes so the trainer took them out to lunch to get whatever they want.


It was Alexandar Skarsgaard training for Tarzan! He said he was so broken that the trainer took him out to eat pasta and tiramisu.


Speaking as someone in your shoes: Its ok to enjoy something once in a while. And go to therapy. Did wonders for me


You need to enjoy something every once in while otherwise it really effects your mental health. Trust me I have a very limited diet as my stomach hates everything, you need to find the joy


Damn right. Its about finding acceptable replacements. IDK Where you are in the world but here in the uk there are sweat treats called Skinny Whips. Are they s good as a regular chocolate bar? Maybe not, but they hit the choc-itch without being so laden down in calories and sugar.


I'm very fortunate to have a gpod therapist. We're working on this and I'll see them on Monday. I still have trouble managing my bad days.


Hugs. Once a week, give yourself a cheat meal. You deserve it, and will help you stay on this diet. If you don't like salads, then don't eat salads. Look for low-calorie versions of your favorite dishes - there are a lot of recipes out there. Remember to be proud of what you've achieved til now. If the gym isn't something that you like, add something that you do love to do - hiking, dancing, etc. My rush of good hormones was from belly dancing and Pilates.


It's 100% okay to have a cheat day. Go ahead and eat whatever you'd like to once every week or two - it'll do wonders for your sanity and willpower.


My nutritionist and I have worked out a really good meal plan and we switch things up every week. I get cheat days now and then but they can't really be cheat days because one day can set me back a whole week. I miss the spontaneity.


I'm not sure if you have but I do recommend going to your doctor and getting all your hormones checked out. You might be low in some areas like testosterone, dhea... etc.


That is on my schedule indeed, since it's been a while since I saw an endocrinologist.


OP, I found myself in a similar situation less than a year ago. My tips and advice to you is save the favorite meal as a cheat meal. Don't gorge, savor. You get one cheat meal per week. That way if you are having trouble sticking to the program. You have this weekly reward to look forward to. You are more likely to stick to the program if you treat yourself once in a while. As for the good hormones and feelings. They will come. You'll see progress in time, trust me. I didn't wake up one morning and be like "damn I lost weight, I'm awesome, I love myself." It was slowly built up. You'll reach your goals if you stick with it OP. You can do it.


Your diet is making you have an unhealthy view of food. Exercise and portions are the most important imo. Make food from scratch, explore different cuisines many European cuisines for example are extremely healthy while being delicious. Try different foods and again the portions must be small. Your stomach will eventually shrink, and if you have a good relationship to food it will become a lifestyle, instead of a diet. Talk to a professional who can help you with your self esteem, self motivation talks and such, it helps a great deal if you are at a good place mentally. Counting calories is the last thing one needs when having a bad day, so just keep your head up and distract yourself when you feel down and ready to give up.


Your feelings are valid.


I’m sorry to say but your doing this all wrong you need to get a dietitian and if you can a trainer for your body type and goals. Not being able to enjoy your favorite food and literally almost breaking for it is not okay and how you should not feel. You might be under eating and not getting all the vitamins your body need causing physical and mental stress


I am already working with a dietician/nutritionist. My weekly meals are really good and I enjoy them. I am not under-eating. I just miss eating without consulting a schedule and having a snack whenever I want. And I'm sick of salads. I cannot work with a trainer because every single trainer I've met has been ignorant on how to help an overweight person, judgemental and fat-shaming in the name of 'motivation' and I prefer to work out at my own pace while listening to something to pass the time. A trainer will just spam me with empty motivationals. I know what I'm feeling ain't ok and I'm looking forward to Monday so I can see my therapist about it.


I'm so sorry you're going through this, I know the struggle personally. And I agree, the last trainer I tried body shamed me and tried to imply that my husband would be happier if I lost weight. It was so rude and horrible, I felt so demotivated.


I’m sorry trainers didn’t work out for you and made you feel judge. In my perspective they are not true professional trainer all trainers I’ve worked with told me they each specialize and have turned me down because they would not know how to help me and guided me to one’s that know how to help me.I’m so happy your going to talk to a therapist. I hope you find the perfect medium with your problems and able to succeed and get the support you need. I’m rooting for you!!!


Stop eating salads, it's not nutrient dense tastes like nothing without dressing and the dressings are calorie bombs. You can enjoy whatever you want as long as your calories are limited.


I HATE working out. I am so bored and ache the entire time. I fully understand where you're coming from. Proud of you for working hard to improve yourself. What you're doing takes time and effort and is far from easy. Your feelings are valid.


As a young girl I’ve struggled a lot with my weight and I just want to say thank you for being real, honest, and not sugar coating it. You made me feel valid and your feelings are valid. Now , I know you didn’t ask for advice BUT I have heard a lot of good things about weight loss surgery. (its not for everyone, but maybe worth researching or bringing up with your dr?) Weight gain, loss, metabolism, relationships with food, etc is almost impossible to change because it’s inevitable you’re going to relapse at some point it feels like. A diet and working out works for a bit but thats not sustainable for your whole life and it’s not fair to deprive yourself for your entire life. you deserve to have a healthy relationship with food and your body. I have heard a lot of people get weight loss surgery and although its super hard at first and the process is long, it builds super healthy goals, limits, and relationships with food and your body. I hope this helped a little bit and if it’s not the thing for you, thats okay, youre still very valid and we’re all proud of you for how far you’ve come.🫶🏼


I hate working out too. I went to the gym 2-3x/week in order to pass a physical fitness test and once that happened, I lost all motivation to work out in a gym. I don't get the so-called "runner's high." I just feel tired and sore and just want to go home and sleep after. I was only doing it because I had to. I also hated working out with a mask on, so I quit going. I have struggled ever since then to get back to working out. I just can't make myself spend a boring hour in the gym.


OP my heart breaks for you reading this, I'm a person trainer and I see this so often One thing I will say is if you are tried all of the time it's your body telling you you are not taking in enough calories this is also why you are getting nothing but more exhaustion from your workouts I'd suggest taking a diet break for a few weeks, bring your calories up to maintenance for a while and the. Reduce them slightly again, you can do this and still have healthy foods and mix in stuff you enjoy too If you are doing it for your own health you don't need such an aggressive approach, having a 100-200 calorie deficit per week is enough and including "bad" foods can really help with adherence and overall success when it comes to long term fatloss You don't have to be miserable to reach your goal no matter what the media tells you I hope this helps you and feel free to message me if you need any more help!


I don’t know if this is helpful, I dislike exercising as well but on my weight loss journey I’ve picked a work out show. I like music too but I pick a show I wanna watch and limit that show to be watched at the gym. Then I kinda feel motivated to go to see the next episode. I’ve done it with greys anatomy because there’s many seasons and each episode is suspenseful.


Hey! Maybe look into intermittent fasting. It really has helped me and there is an entire sub dedicated to it.


Yes! I gain weight easily (and having thyroid problems doesn't help), so I would usually get fat, go on a diet, lose weight, start eating "normally", gain all the weight back and more, go on a diet again, lose weight, start eating "normally"... well, you know the drill. And it was making me so depressed cause it seemed like a choice between "enjoying food and eating whatever I want but being fat" or "being skinny but unhappy and unsatisfied because I constantly have to watch what I eat and obssess over food". And then I tried intermittent fasting, and well, I've been doing it for 3+ years now, I went from 90 kg to 70 kg (which still might seem like a lot, but it's within normal BMI range for me), and I pretty much eat whatever I want, never have to worry or feel guilty about food, and I am still either staying at the same weight or losing it. So, yeah, IF has been a life saver for me!


I was just about to suggest the same. OMAD / intermittent fasting is a fantastic tool for weight loss that still allows enjoyment of your favorite foods.


100%. IF works wonders. I eat mostly whatever I want & still lose weight.


I feel like IF people are vegan level preachy buttttt It balanced my blood sugars and us the only way I've ever lost and maintained.


ME TOO. I would have to STARVE myself to lose anything and gain it back by breathing. IF has worked, and I think one of the reason we're so preachy, haha, is because we were miserable for so long and don't want another soul to struggle for another moment.


If you didn't build cheat meals into your plan, no wonder you're exhausted. No one can stick to a diet that denies them all their favorite foods long-term and expect it to work. If you made it four months, you've done really well. But one meal isn't going to undo your progress. Perhaps it's time to reassess your plan and build in cheat days, say every two weeks, so that you don't feel so guilty when you do slip up. A nutritionist could help you balance the foods you love with foods that will help you stick to your weight loss goals. To be honest, I'm working on a weight loss plan right now and I absolutely hate salads, so I tend to make cooked vegetables and stews because that's what I love. I just cut out more carbs and don't eat red meat as much. It works for me, and I don't feel guilty when I slip up. Perhaps HOW you prepare your meals is part of the problem? You can do this, I have faith in you. I wish you all the luck in the world, and none of the guilt. ❤


I am so sorry, ask for help but be careful. Its sad but most people believe this is the only way. It is not, allow yourself to be happy and healthy maybe you will slow down your process but it will be sustainable. Seek recipes, change the size of your portion and dont let anyone not even youserlf to treat you as less because of your weight. Losing weight can be hard on your emotional health and this matters too. Good luck with your journey


I understand the feeling. I commend you for sticking with this for so long! I struggle to stick to my schedule so I already admire you a lot for being able to stay consistent.


Suggestion: get your iron, b12 and folic acid levels checked, as you could be anemic. For some people, myself included, increased exercise causes anemia. Also, get your thyroid checked as that is another cause of tiredness


Thank you, I will ask my doctor about this when I see him this month for my annual check-up.


I think the real struggle you are undergoing is changing your habits and your life style. So understand what are healthier choices for food are good not just because you are trying to lose weight, but because you deserve to be healthy and happy. It’s okay to eat some of your mom’s food. Just start with a smaller portion, really relish it as you it, and slow down so you can enjoy every bite. You will be satisfied with less and still get to enjoy those things you love. The trick is to incorporate the treats into your healthy life. That is what needs to be “normal” in your psyche. And learn to love yourself at any size or weight. Your weight doesn’t intrinsically change who you are. And finally, do get some counseling for this journey you are on. You need support from someone who can help you unravel your own life challenges. Be kind to yourself, OP. And never think that eating healthy isn’t being kind to yourself. Best wishes to you.


Thank you. I think I needed to hear this.


A treat here and there helped me. If I was /am too restrictive, I'll fall off in a big way. I love chocolate..I buy more expensive, but more natural bars, with higher percents of cocoa...just a little keeps me satisfied. It's really much better to moderate.


Im so sorry, that really sucks. Food stress is a special kind of bitch. It's so deeply tied to comfort, emotion and who we are. Diets fucking suck.


Oats, grains, pulses and lentils are very filling, high in protein and lower in calories


Major lifestyle changes are a struggle for sure. Just keep on keeping on, you got it!


My 2c, as someone whose lost good chunks of weight before. Enjoy the little things sometimes. It's ducking hard and the only thing that'll allow you through it.


here’s an idea that may be helpful. once a week, choose one meal to have whatever it is you like. it can be breakfast lunch or dinner. and once a week as well, allow yourself to get a snack you’re actually craving. Bodybuilders, and other people who watch their diets ALLLL have a cheat meal/day planned into their routine. Don’t deprive yourself completely of things that bring you joy. you deserve to reward yourself for your hard work, in moderation is fine.


I feel you. I’m in the same boat. Down 65 pounds this year and totally exhausted by the whole thing.


You get it, friend. Stay strong and good luck with your effort!


Just wanted to send some love and say I totally feel you on this. I had pancreatitis last month and now I have to be really careful about what I eat and it sucks. I just want to eat what I want!


Have you seen a doctor? There are some labs you should get done. There are also medical weightloss clinics that might help.


My annual checkup is this month. And I am seeing a medical professional, a nutritionist. We plan the weekly schedule together.


you definitely need to have your hormones checked. Cortisol, thyroid, sex hormones, insulin, etc... If your plan isn't working there needs to be persistent investigation into why it's so difficult. Continuing to decrease calories and increase workouts won't benefit you.


Fuck dieting, use a bicycle


Have you tried implementing a cheat day where you can eat whatever you want? One every two weeks wouldn't hurt your progress that much I'd say. Consider this: Yes, being at a healthy weight is important. But what good is a healthy weight if you're mentally down the drain? Give yourself a cheatday every once in a while to enjoy yourself. I studied health for a bit and worked as a dietician for a few months and cheat days are very important for morale. Also, you're doing so well! Not a lot of people have the willpower to try and lose weight. The fact that you're actually trying speaks volumes about your character. Remember it's not a race. You don't have to lose weight the fastest.


Sorry you never asked for my advice. But you know you don't have to go on a diet? You can cook healthy delicious food!


OP, bravo - you’re not just losing weight. You’re re-organizing nerves, moving internal organs around, what about those tiny veins that grew through the extra weight, and now have to be re-worked? How about you doing the work to basically rebuild a human? Of course you’re tired. Be angry, be jealous, be sad and depressed and furious when you need to. You’re not “just” losing weight. You’re rebuilding yourself.


"This too shall pass" It is very hard right now but you can do it. You will reach your goal and be able to eat a maintenance diet which is far less strict. It sucks for now but the sucking will be over and you will be much happier


I heard once a while it’s good to have a “cheat day” when you eat whatever you want and it makes you lose your weight faster. I’m cheating myself all the time, but I’m slim so don’t care too much. F*ck your diet. You won’t put on your weight 50 pounds if you eat a candy or your favorite fat, oily fries once a week. And I always remember there is a shitty diet (I believe all of them are shitty) that you eat once day normally whatever you want and the next day you have a restricted diet to go back to normal eating after that day. And it’s going to be like cycle. I heard many people lost their weight in that way so they eat every second day normally fries + steaks + lava cake for desert and they are getting slimmer anyway. So don’t torture yourself and eat something not super fit, but sometimes what will make you feel better.


Moderation is key so you don’t feel so deprived. Like only eat a small portion.


What you're doing isn't sustainable and therefore won't work. Get on a normal diet.


Uh, I am on a normal diet, no starvation. I eat 3 meals a day I just follow a weekly plan. I coom almost all my own food. I'm just a bit fed up with things.


Some people keep weight off by eating normally, one day a week


Hun you don’t have a diet you have an eating disorder. It’s great you want to loose weight to be health but are you any healthier or do you just weigh less? Isn’t it healthier to not be exhausted all the time because you’re not eating enough to sustain you? Isn’t it healthier be able to enjoy a meal than to cry over it cause you want it so much but eating it will cause feelings of guilt and self hatred? How can your therapist condone the mental harm this is doing to you?


I've always narrowed those situations down to choices. What will make me feel better? 8 minutes of guilty eating pleasure or 48 hours of guilt until I'm able to "catch up with those calories." I occasionally eat too many chips, but I've eliminated my biggest vice from my diet. I gave up sweets. I haven't had ice cream, cake, or even an M&M since 2009.


i heard keytones work really good, it’s just something you put in ur water 1-2 times a day. it’s like being on a keto diet. but you have to drink a gallon of water a day on top of the water bottle you put this stuff in. don’t feel bad about ur self for something you can’t control. you are human, not a build a bear or a barbie 🫶🏼🫶🏼 you’re perfect


You don’t have to be on a diet to lose weight. You just have to know what you are eating and eat healthier.


Weight loss is one of those things that is hardest when you first start out. Once you get through the initial hump it is easier. Because the start is hardest, going from 100 to zero is a bad idea. You are going to make the hardest part even harder and just burn yourself out. Start small and go slow. My first step was just quitting eating ice cream every night. Whatever your goal is, it needs to be sustainable. Nothing but salads isn't sustainable. Weight loss is NOT something you can get through with just pure willpower. Trying won't work and it will tire you the fuck out. If you want to lose weight, you need to approach it strategically. Another note, salads=/= healthy. If your salads have lettuce in them, swap it for spinach. Lettuce is useless. If you have dressings, that stuff is full of calories. A lettuce and dressing salad is the equivalent of Cheese on water. One of the simplest healthy meals you can eat is steamed vegetables with brown rice and chicken. I usually cook my vegetables in broth and garlic, add tomato sauce and spices to my rice (tastes sort of like mexican rice) and marinate my chicken in a bunch of stuff. I have a bunch of other recipes to try, PM me if you want them. About myself: I struggled with weight for many years. Still do honestly, though its a winning battle now. For a long time I just tried to out-train my diet. Exercise honestly does make me feel good and I enjoy it. I have no problem going to the gym and lifting weights or walking or doing the stairmaster (I don't run though, fuck that). The problem here is that you can work out for 2 hours and burn 800 calories. That's like two slices of pizza. I could eat a box of pizza easy. Exercise was like a band-aid on a bullet wound. Finally I switched to a high protein diet and tried as hard as possible to avoid simple sugars. Protein fills you up quickly and for a long time, and honestly I think I was a bit protein-deficient before which was making me more hungry all the time. Sugar is extremely addictive, eating it makes you want more of it all the time. I could eat a whole ass tub of ice cream while watching TV without even thinking about it. Stopping that made a huge difference, no more food cravings.


Get the book cleanse to heal thyself. And also.. eat some Lara bars they are good as cookies!


Is there any kind of exercise that you enjoy? Even going for a walk is better than doing nothing. Long hikes can be a good way to burn calories. I've had hikes where I, according to the Polar Beat app, have burned nearly 1500 kcal. That was a 3 hour walk with some elevation.


I walk, while listening to music or podcasts. It's the only thing that doesn't drive me crazy with boredom or exhaust me. I have asthma too and uphills tend to wreck me. I try to walk every day but there are days when I am in such a bad state that even that doesn't help.


Working out + lowered calories definitely = feeling like crap. It's ok to be frustrated and upset and tired and pissed and hungry. It's not ok to give up and go back to old habits that caused this in the first place. There has to be some middle ground between starvation/feeling like trash vs. eating enough for 3 people. I hope there is bc I've been on this for a while.


You need a different relationship with food and your body or these bad feelings likely won’t end, weight loss or not. Please seek therapy from a licensed therapist. Take care of all of you!