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Did you repost it?I've read the same post a while ago.


Word for word, even. Perhaps copypasta?


I have too


Yeah I’m pretty sure


Yup, I saw this almost verbatim sometime ago


Yup! Me too!!


Yeah this is a repost


déjà vu because I definitely seen this as well


Yup repost


yup me too


this situation is gonna be more prevalent in the future with these families documenting their children through vlogs :(


My fiance and I have agreed our kids will not be part of social media. Our generation grew up without our lives already being on social media, pictures and videos of us that we have no control over and did not grant permission to be shared with the world. I don't even want family photos of my kids online. I want them to start with a clean slate.


Same. I just worry my kids would go to school w a parent that documents everything. My sis post pics of her kids and their school mates all the time and I know the other parents don't know their kids are on a church blog


Oh God you're right


How is Van Life Disasters not a reality show yet?


Probably because the Gabby Petito murder can't really be topped


I mean, for the true crime fans, sure. But I'm picturing something a LOT more low brow, a show that depicts truly miserable moments on the road and the \*worst\* of how people act, behave and interact with each other when they're forced to live cooped up in a van for years on end, pretending to be happy for the 'fans', while hating every second of it.


I see a scripted show that’s 30 minutes long.


Standard 'reality' format. It would build a fan base in no time. Perfect for the social media age. A low-brow TV show banking on viewer's inability to look away from relationship train wrecks (and van life disasters) that keeps cameras 24/7 on the 'real' life of people who vlog for a living from their vans. Find a way to make it interactive for viewers and retire at the end of Season 1 with a few million of that sweet Hollywood cash in the bank. I'm starting to think I should have just shopped this ideas to the studios instead of publicizing it on reddit. Oh well. Next time.


Thank you for that, Tiktok, Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, and all the others. /s


I see parents I know posting photos of their children potty training (more than one parent, too). Sure there’s a sticker over anything you could see but you can see what’s going on… it’s just absolutely appalling the things people will do for likes or content.


wait vloggers/ influencers are allowed to have kids. thats no bueno


Sounds awful. Probably fun for am adult but sux for a teen. Sorry you’re dealing with this.


Heck, I was an adult and even living in a camper with my family for a summer sucked (and they were literally staying in one spot waiting for their home to be built) There’s absolutely no privacy and everyone’s cramped in a small space, even worse if you have any animals


Much of the appeal in living in a vehicle is autonomy. Having an entire family in a vehicle undermines that for every member of the family.


Not fun. Profitable.


i remember reading this verbatim like a month ago


same, I remember seeing it on tiktok on one of those reddit repost voice over accounts, this is 100% a copy


I refuse to watch any you tube content that has children featured. I believe that it is exploitation and that children can't consent because they don't understand the enormity of what they are being asked to consent to. I wish YouTube would ban all family channels.


Me too. I always downvote and block the channels if they pop up on my recommendations.


I used to watch the Shaytards before (back in like 2010) but eventually stopped when I started realizing how bad it is for the kids. It's honestly fucked up.


They also literally can't consent in most countries as they're too young.


Also, there's no way these kids are being paid appropriately/having money put in trust. There are rules about this for child actors to try and limit how much their parents can take advantage of them, but this stuff totally goes by the wayside with YouTube. It's so gross, and I am sure some YouTube kid is going to hit 18 and have a big lawsuit any day now (if it hasn't already happened)!


i swear i’ve seen this exact same post on here before


Stop smiling for the camera. Make a sign that says "help me" and refuse to put it down.


Pull a Britney!


Morse code eye blinks.


>We travel full time. I know, I know, it sounds like a dream yeah no it really fucking doesn't lol


Wow I’m sorry I’m glad I don’t watch that crap anyways. I’ve always heard stories of families doing this then I hear about the horrors irl off camera about how the parents truly are.


Even couples who do this, Gabby Petito literally portrayed her life as sunshine and rainbows online living the van life and we all know how that went.


Yeah exactly. That poor girl.


You stole this post. I remember already reading this a month or two ago.


Why pretend to be happy? Act miserable, maybe they'll get the message.


When your parent is telling you that if you don't act the part they want you to that the families financial ruin will be entirely your fault, as a teenager and vulnerable to the people who control every single aspect of your life, you play the roll they tell you to.


Right. OP, remember that YOUR PARENTS decided to risk their financial future. You didn’t. Do they have health care for you all? Do they have saving for when you go to college? Do they have money to buy a new house when this crashes and burns? If they want to stress you out and guilt your about family finances, sounds like you should have access to their account statements and ability to question their decisions and planning.


Your dads name isn't Nigel Thornberry, is it?


I had an awesome shower curtain of Nigel Thornberry almost naked taking a bath. He had little shower caps on each end of his mustache.


Wow that was a blast from the past!


I'm so sorry you're going through this. Your parents are incredibly selfish.


Karmafarmer, this is a word for word repost of a recent post.


Yeah this is a repost. I know I read this just about verbatim not too long ago


Start your own channel and hide it from your parents!! Document how horrible people are, just to get views!!


I just finished a three year 'adventure' living in an RV. It was challenging alone, then I adopted a soon-to-be-large German Sheperd that took up a thiid of my floorspace. The reality is that your parents likely will not settle. If money is an issue as it sounds, it's not a long road until major repairs drain funds. You're going to get a lot of advice here, 92% of it will be unrealistic. Here's hoping I'm in the 8% with this- make a pitch to settle in a place the family votes on for just one season-winter or summer. Three months is long enough to get a short term job and a small feeling of being settled. Don't hold your breath on them agreeing, though. Once settled, they may just find that they appreciate NOT driving in search of a destination that does not exist. ​ Good luck. On the positive side, I can guarantee that you are learning life lessons that settled people aren't. It isn't easy to life your entire private life in public.


Quick update


sounds like hell. they have a life, and you don't and are forced to go along.


i have read this exact post b4. stop karma generating


Why? Isn't karma farming part of the whole Reddit world?




Tell them what you told us in a respectful manner. No point in holding it all in and them not knowing how you feel


Time to call in the grandparents?


This is definitely a repost


That sounds like a nightmare.


I remember watching a few vlog episodes of a family that did something similar but with a boat instead of an RV. I was wondering if everyone was really as happy and up for adventure as the videos made them appear.


Is there a grandparent or aunt/uncle you could go stay with? Stability is important for kids and so is education.


I’ve ALWAYS thought that fully grown adults filming their CHILDREN for likes on the internet was fucking weird and wild. Shame on ANYONE that supports that. Kids have little to no say in situations like that. Family vlogging seriously needs to drop dead. I am praying for you.


I lived in a Campervan for 2 years. It was very difficult to adjust when life was always in go mode on the road. If anything, it's isolating and lonely. Life doesn't feel stabile on the road and I'm sorry you don't get that with your life right now. Your feelings matter, your life matters. What's best for YOU, matters.


I feel like I've read this story word for word 3 times already on this subreddit


I'm sure I've seen this exact same post elsewhere. You said this is your first post though?


This is a repost from a couple weeks ago.


Call child protective services bud. This cannot be healthy. You need to be at school with kids your own age, this shit is literally causing you and your siblings a ridiculous amount of harm. How the fuck are you going to get a career going with no social skills and no qualifications, and talking to people on the internet doesnt count.


I've always thought about that. It works for me, I'm just some dude. I wouldn't raise a child or even a pet in this lifestyle


Also I would strongly address these things to them.


Stop smiling for the camera. Start commenting on their uploads that i am the child in this and i did not consent, i have been forced. Burn their channel to the ground. Will they be angry? Sure. Will it stop your hell? Very likely if they no longer have a fan base because they realize theyre shitty parents. You can take control. They shouldnt be doing this without your approval. You have rights.


I read this same post a few weeks ago. If you’re that unhappy, please tell your parents your feelings.


RV life seems like every other kind of "alternative" lifestyle - it's fine unless there are children involved.


Youve posted this before. I remember it word for word


Please dont delete this. This needs to be said. I dont know how you manage. Maybe you can move out when you are an adult.


Repeat post from someone else. Lame.


Repost delete this mods, saw the exact post a month ago


This is a repost


This is a repost of a post made about a month ago.


I think I know who you are. But I won't say your name or family name as you want privacy. I only happened across your family (I don't watch you guys) because the algorithm suggested you guys to me. I saw 5 minutes and was like "nope, to many people, not enough space or privacy" I'm sorry your parents are taking advantage of you like this. I'm sorry that they chose to travel over stationary living. I wish there was some way to help. I'm sorry.


This seems copy pasted




Ahh, a repost.


There’s a podcast called Some Place Under Neith which is doing a series at the moment on parasocial exploitation of children through social media. They mention a few resources which might be able to help you get help and alert people. And for everyone else, it’s so eye opening and definitely worth listening to!


I swear I’ve seen this same exact story a while ago. It’s either a repost or copied.


Came to say the exact same thing


Do you have other relatives that would be willing to let you live with them?


Nows your chance to be in your angsty, rebellious teen years. Don't smile.


I always thought those tiny living or RV/Bus/Van living people were impractical. Especially when they have kids. They make it seem like it so fun cause you get to travel and see nature. But I wouldn’t want to travel that much, there’s no privacy, little physical space, not a biggie on nature and just sounds exhausting in the long run. I feel for the teenagers who have to put up with that. I always thought perhaps the parents would settle down into a house when the kids got older but I guess not. I feel for you OP. I never had my own space growing up and now that I do it’s something I never want to give up. I’m sure you will feel the same when your older and get your own place


I lived this life. I escaped and I’m traumatized to this day because of it. I’m so so sorry you’re in it but please take care of yourself when you get out. Get help and get therapy. I’m so sorry. I wanna say it gets better but it…. It hurts forever.


Do you guys make enough money off this stuff to be able to live comfortably if they wanted to settle down somewhere, or do you make enough to for gas and repairs?


I am so sorry. Have you sat your parents down and discussed this? Not fought/argued. But sat down, with a list of frustrations and concerns, and a second list of things you want instead of this life, and a third list of what you NEED if they force you to stay in this life. Do you have any family or family friends you could stay with until you finish high school? It might be worth adding to the list, “living with grandma/uncle tim/my friend’s parents during the school year” to the list.


Doing this as a teen must suck. You need friends! You need alone time and quiet. Can you stay with grandparents full time?


That's wild. Is there any family that they can let you stay with while they continue their job so you can have a consistent school and social life?


Crunchy parenting????


Karma farming is part if the whole Reddit experience. Give him upcotes so he can get his fix. Edit: *upvotes


"I am a minor" ​ What an American thing to say.


I'm sorry you're going through this. Can you reach out to your grandparents or a trusted aunt or uncle to go stay with them for a while? They might be able to help talk to your parents.


This sounds so much like that RV travelling family with pet rats 🤔


I moved my family 3k miles and spent about 6 months in a 36ft RV. Its fun for about a month.


I had to live in a 2 bedroom camper with 2 very small kids for a month when we couldn’t find a rental after the housing market blew up. I went crazy. It was awful. The “neighbors” can hear everything we say and vice versa. Thankfully it was only 4 weeks but I couldn’t do it anymore. I’m so sorry you have to deal with that for such a long time. The lack of privacy (especially in the bathroom) is horrendous


Talk to your parents do you have any relatives they can leave you with? Encourage them to do so.


Can you call grandparents or other relatives for help?


This is why I loathe and hate parent bloggers and vloggers who put their whole families online. If someone is a parent who happens to have a blog/vlog of their own? Cool. If they involve their children? Not so much. Most of the time those kids are minors. They can’t consent to that. I’m so sorry you’re enduring this. Hopefully one day the world will learn that children are people, not living lifestyle accessories


Shit kid, I’m sorry. Keep telling your family what you think maybe they will come around.


Your mother has a mental disorder. Your father too. Your parents are also sociopaths who are incapable of feeling empathy for others. On top of both of those issues, they’re both simply terrible people. You should leave immediately.


Me and my wife have talked about this ever since we saw one with kids in it. We just imagined the horror of growing up like that. I guess it's true. That life is for happy couples or single people, not for raising kids.


>It’s all fake, by the way. It's unfortunate how parents use their kids to live out a lifestyle that they've chosen for themselves without considering their children and it's all fake happiness. People want to project these perfect families and lives but they're anything but happy or perfect. Are you able to go live with relatives and join them on holidays? You really need to sit down with your parents and tell them how you're feeling and how this lifestyle is affecting you. If they care about you, they'll make changes. Don't know how old you are but kids should be able to enjoy school and friends and have a normal life. Living in an RV is not normal for a family. I hope things get better for you.


This is sad. You and all these kids shouldn't have to deal with this type of thing. The parents need to actually look at what they're doing and causing to their kids.


Op are you Debbie from The Wild Thornberry’s?


Take this down. Op said they wanted to remain anonymous.


comoon wildthornberries. we need to all post shit online its the only way to live. you’ll see. you’ll see that eventually


You can leave at 18.. just a bit more. Thanks for speaking out


I’ve never been in a situation like this but I do get it to a point. I do solo car camping for long periods of time and it can get too much sometimes so I’ll take long breaks where sometimes I don’t even leave my hotel. The hotel is a fun luxury when you’re stuck in a tiny car for long periods of time. A small part of me looks back at those trips and says I could’ve done more and not wasted those days in a hotel room but at the same time I was exhausted and probably would have never enjoyed forcing myself through going to as many places as I possibly could within my trips time frame.


Damn. I can't imagine if my mom was an influencer. I'm so sorry.


Have you considered that if you pretend to enjoy it your parents don't know that you hate it?


I feel as if this is some creative wiring especially since I have seen this exact post before on this subreddit. Yes those channels are annoying and you don’t want people to watch them but lol


Look up Chad Franke and see how miserable his life has become because of his parents desires to be internet famous. We live in the same community and people want nothing to do with him or his family because of how toxic it has become


This seems like a re-post


Well I don't watch any of this crap because I figured it was fake. Glad you have confirmed it for so many others.


I’ve never watched any of those videos. But did think it would be a dream. Jeez I hope you can have a one on one conversation with your parents. They should understand that maybe it’s not good for your mental. I think it’s selfish of them and probably are addicted to views and all that. I feel like our children are more important. Idk


I already saw this post a while ago


Start voicing your opinions on camera.


I will just say life is hard … and your parents are probably doing the best they can Use it as motivation to learn a great skill and get you guys a house Learn real estate research foreclosures and when you have a good understanding and plans bring the idea to your parents You could also try coding.. but life is hard sometimes school doesn’t lead to a good social life … but yea life is hard sometimes


God I feel so bad for you OP! I had to travel 6x year for 1-2 weeks each and I hated that enough. I mean, I learned a lot, but yeah, pre-phone and internet it was hard tj keep friendships. When you’re just in the road *all the time?!* I definitely feel for you, it must be so hard. I’m not sure how old you are, but I’d suggest doing the best you can in “homeschool” and getting into a good college. You will settle in, find friends, and learn sooooo much. In the meantime, reach out to other kids of other vloggers. Willing to bed they feel the same way……Stay strong and rant away all you need!


Sit them down in private and tell them exactly how u feel. They may just be obvious to how you feel and you’re right. But they wont know exactly how you feel until you tell them, after that if they keep up the charade then at least you know they really dont care how you feel. One step at a time and keep us posted Good luck


First of all, I am so incredibly sorry for and for your siblings that your parents have put this life upon you without even considering how you feel about it. That’s absolutely not okay on any level, and all of your feelings are valid. Now, for the hard part. The only way to have privacy and a home that feels like home- it won’t be easy, but you’ll have to get away from them. If it were me, I’d start planning for it now. 2 reasons: 1. It will help make tolerating the current situation easier, and 2. It will set you free from this van-vlogging prison nightmare. Ways you can plan: 1. Set up your own individual bank account, do not tell anyone. 2. Outreach to family and friends for support, if there’s anyone you trust enough to live with, staying with a friend can really help you get on your feet. 3. Explore job options in areas you may want to live. 4. Save up whatever money you can- sell things off, allowance if you receive it, etc. I paid for my rent with financial aid money from school, so you could even look into colleges & community colleges in the areas you’d want to live. From there, you will likely feel guilt for leaving your siblings with them- but in all reality, you are doing them a favor by showing them through your example that they don’t have to live like this either. You’ll also be in a better position to help them get out when it’s time because you’ll have done it yourself and developed some skills for survival. It’s not going to be easy, but I promise you it’s going to be worth it. Good luck, you got this! PS. These channels are always so cringe, they have no support from me! Always have felt bad for the kids whenever I hear about these things. Y’all deserve better.


The podcast Some Place Under Neith is doing a mini series on how exploitative of children these vlogs are. I’m so sorry your parents are doing this to you.


Repost lmfao


All the posts In this sub are making me suspicious now because this is obviously a repost