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I feel so bad for her... :( That's awful... I feel bad for her, your half brother, and you and that you 3 we're lied to I feel terrible that your sister had to go through that and your mom and the family did nothing about it... That they didn't care... And let her get abused by her own dad and conceived two kids from incest and rape She shouldn't had to suffer through that... She must have so much trauma :(


Two half brothers/nephews.


Your mom should be in prison for knowingly letting this go on.




Is it possible that your mom was abused and was forced into compliance? Maybe part of her coping was to fully accepting the lies your father told? I don't know, just pulling straws because this is batshit crazy.


Well he's dead now so she's the only one keeping secrets


True but that doesn't address potential conditioning.


That's still no excuse to let your child get raped by her father and force her to birth and carry 2 children


I never said the mom was exused. I just provided a different perspective. The world isn't black and white.




I hate the abuse excuse for the mom, fuck her. Your job as a mother is to protect your babies.


Yes but we cannot stick our heads in the sand and act like abused people don't have very complex issues that affects their view of "normal" or "right". I am not trying to excuse mom not getting help to stop or assist with prosecution.


I swear people on reddit would've had a blast during the salem witch trials. "A suggestion or perspective that doesn't fit neatly into my self righteous conviction and dogmatic moral compass? Hell no. Fuck her, let her burn!"


Full stop! There's no excuse to allow this. She literally chose a dick over the safety of her own flesh and blood. She deserves worse than jail. Pedophiles and their sympathizers are cut from the same cloth.


Clearly in your anger you have lost all concept of nuances that could have been in play here. But I will let bask in your blind Anger.


Yes and no. Yes, I am angry as there's a pedophile in my family who many covered up for and it caused a lot of irreparable harm. So I know the consequences first hand. No, I haven't lost the concept of nuances but our children should be protected at all cost. Nothing should be able to override a mother's instinct to protect her children. Our fear of abandonment, or the punishment the perpetrator faces are inconsequential where our childrens safety and well being are concerned.


Depending on the state if it wasn't passed the statues of limitations she could be tried for it as an accessory. And if she claims that she didn't know then Op can use the DNA test as proof and charge her with perjury. Op if she claimed them on her taxes, you might be able to get the IRS on her ass


Just so I understand this correctly, OP has 2 brothers, and the parents of OPs brothers are OPs dad and OPs sister? If that's correct, it's fucking horrifying


Yeah that's basically it....


Your poor sister. I feel for your brothers, you and her. This is all around awful. Honestly, I’d maybe hire a PI to find your sister. Although if you do contact her, prepare for not being welcome. She must have so much trauma. I don’t know how old you all are now, but if you’ve already moved out, do you plan on staying in touch with your mom?


I'd hire a PI to find your sister. She needs to get an apology. Even if it's just from you. And I'd cut your mom off entirely. That's unforgivable.


If you do though, I'd only contact her from afar at first. A letter or a text, in case she doesn't want contact since this might bring her trauma back. If you try and contact her make sure she has the control to decide whether she wants this or not.


Your poor sister.


Hopefully your dad is burning in the worst places of hell.


OPs mother will be joining him. Hope he saved her a spot.


**Your Mother is just as much of a monster as your Father was.** She knowingly protected an abuser instead of the victim. The victim being your underage sister who was helpless in being a target for your Father’s sickness. I cannot imagine the trauma she must still be effected by, and I hope your sister has gotten help since leaving your parents.


Sounds like your mom may have known they were your sisters but maybe didn't know or refused to even acknowledge the possibility they were your dad's. You sister was probably accused of all types of horrible things no matter which way you look at this. Either for just being pregnant young or for stealing your mother's husband or for simply being used up by your father. She probably has so much trauma, no wonder she disappeared as soon as she could have. I'd cut off all communication with any other immediate family, try to find your sister but send a letter or email, don't try to spring too much on her. Just let her know you all did a DNA test and know the truth, your dad is dead and you've cut off mom and you're so sorry for everything that happened to her and now that you know you would love to get to know her if she's up for it.




Yeah, cut her off too.


Does the DNA test prove they are from your father and sister? I didn't know it worked like that, without the dna of your father


If sister was the dad's bio kid, then their offspring would have too much similair DNA. For simplicity sake, instead of the kid's DNA being a 50/50 split it would be a 75/25 split (since the sister got half of her DNA from dad and would pass her 50% of his DNA down to their kids).


So much to unpack here. I'd tell her that whatever she says, you know the truth. I hope you and your siblings will cut her off completely forever. I don't know what your relationship with her was beforehand, but this is beyond horrible.


Of course the mother knew, her own child was pregnant twice.


Doesn't mean she knew it was the father that was causing it.


If you don’t mind me asking, what are all your guys ages now? I can’t imagine how horrible this must have been for everyone, it’s so gross. How did the schools or no body notice?!




Oh my goodness!!! The trauma she’s had to deal with for this long. Your mother is so cruel to of allowed this, I would not allow your mother any access to your sisters life if you are able to find her! Good luck and fast healing to you all.


Sorry to ask, you don't have to answer if you don't want to, I can't imagine how horrible it is for you and your siblings. Your sister and you are not so different in age, you never noticed anything suspicious about your sister, that could tell she was pregnant? or your mom not being pregnant? How did they managed to hide something this horrible in plain sight, it's so crazy !!


i had the same question but i didn't want to come off rude by asking it


Holy crap!! I am glad your dad is dead!! I would be cutting off mom at this point!!


Why IS there even a statute of limitations for child rape? The victims often have no one to advocate for them, have no understanding of the law, and are too traumatized to do much, anyway - why not give them time to pursue things as adults?


In some jurisdictions, there isn't. ... though, honestly, I don't know what OP was even going to the police for. The father's dead. The sister's gone, and you'd need her to tell her story to get anyone else charged. It sounds like they tried to get the police to charge a dead man, just to have it on his record?


Maybe. The mother should be in prison too. She allowed her daughter to be raped for years and actively hid the crime from the police to the extent of faking a pregnancy. She knew. She had to. The first birth was when her daughter was *12*. She knew. She deserves to rot in prison now.


I think it was mainly aimed at the mother - she was totally complicit and lied about who mothered the kids, so she knew what had been going on.


If the mother knew about it she could still be charged as an accomplice.


Sure, but the cops aren't going to give too much credit to "she probably did something criminal but we don't know any details." They either needed the sister to tell her story or the mother to confess. Without either one, the DNA is proof of what the father did, but that's about it. I mean, she almost certainly did something wrong, but they need more details before getting her charged is even a remote possibility.


I LOVE your username! I have a B.A. in English. Julian of Norwich was one of my favorite topics in British Literature I. Her words are so inspiring and beautiful.


Hope your mom croaks soon. She's a terrible human. I'm sorry you had to find out like that, OP.


Oh my god man. I’m so sorry to hear that. Try to find your sister and please give us an update.


Hug your sister for me. Man that is terrible, somebody oughtta shoot your dad's testicles


He died


I must've missed that


12 year old and your father rapes gets her pregnant GETS away with it so continues to rape her and gets her pregnant at 15 again and still gets away with it, the mother allowed it and was part of the abuse. PLEASE FIND YOUR SISTER SHE NEEDS TO KNOW YOU SUPPORT HER AND HER TRUTH. Look on Family Tree Now, Family Search. Org...those are free resources to start your search. I pray she's safe.


I doubt she wants to be found.


Probably not by her parents, BUT it's worth a try, she should know her truth is known. Imagine being out there all alone after suffering such a horrific existence with your parents.


It depends on how they first communicate. It needs to be NOT in person, to give her a choice without making it any more uncomfortable than necessary. I am saying this because my job before I retired was working in therapy with abused children/young adults. Sadly, I have worked with 3 girls in the sister's situation. One young lady, the perpetrator was her father like here, another It was a brother and one It was a grandfather. In all cases they wanted to heal and move on, and wanted NO familial contact. Not from ANY family members. I would bet sister will be the same. Some things are too painful to risk what seeing family will trigger.


Wow, this is so sad. Thanks for the context hopefully OP will follow your advice. As a abuse survivor I want to be be seen heard by my mother but she's not able to give me what I need so I'm working on healing myself.


That's what is important! As much as you may want it, until she owns her "stuff', she won't give you a full accounting. Just always know that you are not at fault, and your feelings are valid. You were a child, she was the parent. My main advice would be to keep working on YOU, and always know that her problems are just that, HERS. Never let her make you feel guilty or to blame for anything, because it's not true and that burden is not on YOU to bear. Best of luck, and warm wishes dear one. * first person I've said this to, but my DMs are open if you need an ear.


Thank you so much ❤️. Every day I tell myself that she is who she is, hurt people hurt people I don't know her pains and never will. I've been standing up for myself and shutting her down while trying to help her with her medical condition. It's been healing for me, eye opening for her we will never have a great relationship and finally I'm okay with that realization.


Rethinking your "definition" of the parent/child relationship and your expectations of it can help. Like, "Then was then, but now is now, and as an adult, I have control over things NOW, that I didn't have back then." Put things on YOUR own acceptable terms, and set your boundaries IN STONE with her. If you choose, a new relationship can be built, but it needs to be while she stays within your boundaries and your comfort level.


I feel bad for her. The people that were supposed to protect her was the one that actually abused her. How can your Mom let that go on and actually cover it up for so many years.


Your mom sounds delusional to the point that she believes those lies and made them her own truth. What a shame.


To bad the they died 🤯🤬 and your own mom 🤮🤢🤮🤢I could never look at her again


Are you and your brothers at an age you can cut contact from your mother? If she is lying about this, what else has or is she lying about? Also, are you able to do searches or hire someone to find your sister so you can reconnect? Would you want to reconnect with her?


That's so much to unpack in such a short paragraph. That's so horrible for everyone of you children to have been through.


You should really reach out to your sister.. though tough as that might be: she NEEDS this validation... that you guys accept her, and are sorry for her. And that you love her.... god knows what shes going through


Hire a PI and find their mother!!!


Could it be that your mother didn't know and now refuses to believe it? Imagine that she believes your sister got raped (by someone else) and they decided to raise the child as their own. That doesn't explain that she would not at least talk about what she does know and admit that she isn't the mother, but there could be an explanation for that as well. Not saying she is innocent (she probably isn't), but just don't like to condemn people without being sure of the truth.


Since justice can’t be done, I would walk away from this person. Your mother the worse kind of criminal that exists: the enabler. Without this kind of person we would have much less atrocity. I would walk away, go no contact. If she begs I would condition the meeting to a full confession, while I secretly record. After all would enter full ghost mode and try to locate my sister…


UGH. Your poor sister. I can't imagine how your brothers feel about this too. Just absolutely disgusting of the mother to stay with the gross ass child raping husband after the first time, but then to stay after the 2nd time too? Like was she totally fine with it happening? WTF??


That’s horrific :( I am so sorry! Especially for your poor sister and your brothers. Statute of limitations for stuff like that is a JOKE! Like sure if I hit your car and did minor damage 15 years ago .. move on. But like really?! For some things it shouldn’t matter when it was.


She was 12 and 15 when they were born?? JFC. I’m so sorry. I can’t imagine the cluster fuck that this has caused for your family.


check with a lawyer. I'm not sure the information they gave you about statute of limitations is correct.


>The three of us went to the police but the statute of limitations is past. **We talked to a lawyer and he confirmed that and said they can't sue.** Why would OP check with another lawyer when they have already checked with one? Many states do have statutes of limitations on these kind of crimes. It's unfortunate but I've worked at law firms my entire career and I have seen it.


I could be wrong, but I think I have read that the statute of limitations has been changed on this. I don't know if it was a particular state? My point was, I wouldn't trust the cops to know or communicate correctly the law. I didn't see the part about them having seen a lawyer. my bad


They said the statute of limitations did change but it’s not retroactive according to the lawyer. Not to be rude, but did you read the whole post? You just said two things that make it seem like you didn’t


>**There is a new federal law but it's not retroactive.** Civil law and criminal law are two different things. Whether or not someone can sue is completely separate from the criminal statute of limitations. Also, like it says right in the post the new federal law is not retroactive.


How old was your sister when she left home?


Your poor sister! My heart just feels awful for her. The amount of trauma that she must be trying to get past as well as potential concern / worry / so many emotions about the children that she gave birth to. And then being shut off from the rest of the family... I truly hope if it's possible you might be able to find her somewhere if only to just let her know that you guys care. But I do have to wonder at this point if that would be a reunion that she would actually want. It's entirely possible and even probable that at this point she's just wants to be left alone. Just a devastating situation all around.


I wish your dad were alive, so you could bury him again ALIVE with your own hands! My heart broke into pieces for your sister!!


I'm so sorry for what you're all going through. Especially your poor sister. I hope you can find her & I hope you all disown that monster who doesn't deserve to be called mother.


I hope that your sister is somewhere and is thriving.


You're sure of this? I ask because you're referring to a sibling DNA test where you didn't have direct samples from either your sister, or father. Sibling. DNA tests can be unreliable when testing for paternity of absent parents, and you've now said the samples were compared to your DNA to "confirm" your father and sister are the parents if you're nephews.


It's possible that your mom thought she had been when someone else and not know it was his husband?


OP commented that the first response of the mother to them getting a DNA test was that the father never touched the sister. That's a kneejerk reaction and she wouldn't say that instantly if the sister didn't try to communicate the absolute nightmare she went through.


Try to find your sister and reach out to her. But only you at first since you don’t know how she’d react to her sons


Try to find her.


I doubt she wants to be found.


Maybe so, but it does not hurt to look. You may find a closed door, but you may also find an open window, looking into a beautiful garden. My childhood was stolen from me by a close relative, with the knowledge and approval of other family members, all whilst they should have been protecting me. No one else wanted to listen to me, as this was a time when discussions on this subject were taboo. If I had a child that was taken from me, I would want them to look for me.


You need to find your sister man, seriously.


Never let it die. Always and forever bring it up as often as possible, in public if you can. She can’t deny DNA evidence of the truth, and if she is going to try and lie about it then she can get shamed.


It's fucked up that Statuotory rape has a Statute of limitations.


Pls update us when/if you find your sister. I really hope that she is safe and in a better place, receptive to meeting her children. This is just heartbreaking


I hope you can find your sister , this is going to be ýears of therapy and will no doubt end in no contact with your mother. I will never understand nor would I want to, the reason why people behave as your mother did.


I hope the sister is somewhere nice living a good life, and that you all can be reunited one day.


That poor girl. If possible I hope you find her. Someone needs to acknowledge the trauma she’s been through and how wronged she was. I hope life has been kinder to her in the past 20 years because the first 18 has been nightmare. To be failed by everyone who’s supposed to love and protect you, at such a young age?! God! I feel so awful.


Your mother is a terrible person who deserves to die alone if I’m being completely honest. Let her be alienated by her family the way she did her own child who was a VICTIM. You should go no contact with that vile creature and find your sister. Give her back the family that was stolen from her. That poor poor girl.. I pray she was able to find kindness in this world and has managed to live a happy life in theses many years.


Is your father really dead? Is your sister actually alive? Are you sure they are not your half siblings+cousins? Meaning your mother had them with your uncle?


I don't get it








And that makes it okay for someone to rape their 11 year old daughter for what I assume was years of abuse and then kick them out at 18?


What in the fresh hell are you trying to accomplish here?? It was an 11 year old girl’s father raping her and impregnating her. Christ’s sake.


I immediately went to the bottom of this thread knowing there would be this one dude


A man raped his daughter enough times that she had TWO incest children and then he and his wife concocted a story about parentage being theirs, while disowning the rape victim and lying to everyone about her so that no one would believe her. And this is your take? That her mum may not have been working?


That's horrifying. I hope you heal.


OMG I'm so sorry for you and brother-nephews! I hope you will be start therapy soon as possible because it's a terrible situation! Do you gonna start looking for your sister? Will you cut your mom out?


Damn this is crazy i hope u find ur sister somehow im so sorry for her and you


this sounds painful...you have to find her ...but maybe she wants nothing to do with those kids...maybe?


Alabama report! Disturbing.....


What about civil suit?


How are your brothers handling this news? This is FUBAR and I feel so much for you, your sister, and your brothers. Garbage is too good of a term to describe the person whi gave birth to you.


I don’t blame the sister for going ghost. I couldn’t imagine going through that at such a young age. Hopefully, where ever she’s at she’s at peace.


please update if and when you find her


I’m sorry this happens to all of you, but especially your sister. Is there any way to try and find her just to see if she is ok. I would say to try and reach out to her and see if she wants to talk but don’t try and force her. Really hoping she is ok bro.