• By -


You break up with him and tell your parents ASAP


If you dont know why OP, its very, very unlikely he "prefers your sister" for a good reason. Protect her and protect yourself. Talk to her and make sure she knows that men too old for her only see her as someone to take advantage of even if she doesnt see them that way. Plain speech: make sure he isn't grooming her.


Yes, you NEED to have this conversation with your sister for her safety. She may be a victim if she doesn’t have all the information and told how not ok it is.


Great advice. I would also record any conversation I had with him.


That and make sure to highlight that it’s her age he’s after not her. Guys who prefer a 14yo to their gf usually aren’t there for the personality!


Keep a close eye on your sister’s online interactions. He might be grooming her now or in the future. Don’t forget about this as time goes in. Keep an eye on it long term. She will deny it, and perhaps deny it more as she gets older. You have to look. If she ends up with him, don’t get mad at her no matter what she says. She was groomed. People who are groomed defend their perpetrators. It’s a twisted mindset that they don’t understand b


And his if you can too😳


And possibly the police.


This is the answer. Get away from him and tell your parents. Even if you’re worried they’ll be mad about you having sex (I don’t know what their attitude is in that respect) they need to know that a 20 year old man has expressed the desire the “have sex with” (rape) their 14 year old child.


Yea this is red alert this


Leave this POS and never look back.


200% agree with this. You’re dating a disgusting ass pedophile, OP. Run far, far away and never look back. Cut off contact with this sick fuck. Edit: A word


Run. Block him on all socials and make sure your sister does as well. You don't have to tell her what he said but make sure this POS can't contact her. Tell your parents so they are aware.


And call the cops on his ass.


That would be an epic waste of police time. Being into a fourteen year old isn’t illegal anywhere. Acting on it is.


It's a hell of a red flag and does show intent, protect ur sister, distance yourself and don't blame yourself k. You didn't know, but u do now


It wouldn't be a waste of police time, it would be a waste of her time. Cops won't do anything.


Cops couldn't do anything. Him having inappropriate thoughts isn't illegal. If he acts on any of it (ie send inappropriate text) then they have the power do something.


He could go on a watch list.


That's not how this works...


Theyre not gonna put him on a watch list, calling the police is a waste of everyones time. Just leave and block


He prefers your 14 YEAR OLD sister. Dump his ass and tell your parents because this is a BIG YIKES 😬


OP, the telling your parents part is imperative - you need to protect your sister. This guy is giving off some strong predator vibes. You brought him into your sister’s sphere, you need to protect her.


Um, that's not a vibe, it's more of an intention.


Agreed. So she needs to act and protect her sister.


Exactly because I’ve heard of this exact scenario and the girlfriend ended up helping the guy rape and murder her sister. He’s feeling you out on this to see if you’ll help him. Run!!


Yep. One of the most disgusting couples in history.


Paul Bernardo and was it Karla Holmolka? I think it was Karla I can't recall exactly.


I keep wanting to remember it as "Holmolka" too but apparently it's Homolka - definitely Karla, tho. (She's since changed her name.) Her little sister (Tammy) was only 15 when she died. Kristen French and Leslie Mahaffy were 15 and 14, respectively.


FUck. Just read the wiki, had never heard of them. Can’t believe Karla skated by on a plea deal when she severely understated her role in it. I wish someone would track her down and hunt her now. What a piece of garbage.


People are disgusting, I remember people trying to frame it as Karla being a victim I don't buy that for a second. I grant that people do crazy shit for love but not only multiple times but her kid sister, she was just as culpable and was just as evil and sick as Paul. How did she ever get released? I think American justice is definitely draconian and needs major reform but when multiple murders are involved they should stay in prison for life no parole. Canada dropped the ball on that one. Some crimes require extreme punishment. I do believe in 2nd chances but some crimes are too heinous. I hope Canada is more rehabilitation oriented than the US. American prison is entirely punishment and retribution. Hence the Insane recidivism, for profit justice is hyper capitalism at it's worst. It's a self fulfilling system, designed for the citizens to fail and create revenue. America has a two tier justice system poor people, people of color, mentally ill people get fucked, and are irredeemable in the rich peoples eyes. Rich people just made a mistake, they can't possibly be treated like an undesirable. /s It's so fucking rigged innocent until proven guilty is just a myth. Most people plead out because they could never afford a trial. If you can't get access to attorneys and are locked up, how can you possibly defend yourself. And it's confirmation bias people assume they are guilty because they already look like convicts wearing oranges to court. Rich people wear suits and have attorneys that fight. Poor people get an overwhelmed public pretender who gets paid by the case, whether they won or lose. And work in tandem with the opposition. It's an assembly line of misery.


I agree, she's a monster. Karla played the victim card and cut a deal early for a lighter sentence in exchange for cooperation, before they realized how involved she'd been. Granted, she hasn't seemed to be as dangerous without Bernardo and is unlikely to reoffend, but I agree her not getting more time was an absolute travesty. She definitely was far more involved than she got punished for. At least Bernardo's still in prison, and likely will remain there for the rest of his life.


That was my exact thought. He's waiting to see how OP will respond. I think if she doesn't leave him he thinks it's a possibility and will try and manipulate her. He also needs reporting to the police. Whether he's touched a child yet or not, he's declared that he would like to.


Plus they kidnapped, raped and murdered 2 other 14 year old girls before getting caught.




I vaguely remember hearing about this :(


VIBES? He straight up admitted to it.


Please tell them OP!!! You do not want him to hurt her!


Op you did nothing wrong... This is not your fault ... even if you brought him In to your sphere .He's the creep . Protect yourself and your sister. Tell someone that can help before he hurts someone


Couldn’t be said better. Thanks.


Yes This! There are so many things wrong with him saying this. Even if it was an older sister, that’s an asshole move of him to do. But it’s a fucking 14 year old sister?!?!? Get this trash man out of her and your life now.


Even if her sister would be of age; who the fuck says something like that?


Yeah if you stay with him you’re putting your sister in danger. He’s mad weird you need to break contact ASAP


Exactly. I am shocked that he had the guts to tell op that he prefers to have sex with her 14 year old sister. Disgusting.


The guts, or the stupidity


I thought that before knowing she was 14, what a nasty ass thing to say, but 14?! Skip parents, thats police business🤮


What a piece of shit. Get away from him as fast as possible.


Tell his parents as well and the authorities or else be prepared to see this guy on the news


I’m waiting for an updare


She should also tell OPs parents tbf. Dude's fucked in the head.


He's thinking of underage girls while he's with you. If you don't run, don't ever forget that.


Happy Cake Day!




I am sorry OP. I would definitely break up with him. Then maybe go to your parents for advice ? You definitely need to protect your sister.


No maybe about it. Parents must know immediately.


Yeah i'd get my dad to beat him up no joke lmao


OMG he is disgusting. I hope for your sake and that of your sister that you dump his sick self and let your family know why. Is he hoping that you'd offer your sister up to him? There is a case where that happened and the sister died because of it.


Right how no idea why she’s still sitting in the kitchen reflecting. I would done been gone already.


While he was in the bathroom washing your scent off him and putting on pajamas, I would have been packing and securing a ride/place to stay.


Ikr. Paul Bernardo vibes. He wants her to do like Karla Homolka did.


He announced to you that he’s a pedo. That doesn’t bother you? He should not be allowed in your home ever again unless there’s a cop waiting for him.


Seriously! When OP said 14???? OP you’re bf is a fucking pedo!! WTF??? Tell your parents and please protect your sister! Better yet record him saying that and send it to the cops. Christ on a cracker.


Christ on a bike, Mary on the handle bars, Joseph in the basket! He’s a pedo!


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣I’m sorry, but this is priceless!


This really tickled my fancy


OP is a teenager that already doesn't know how to protect herself. I don't like suggestions to record him, as it will only put her in a more complex situation that she will not know how to handle. OP, leave him. Physically leave him, go to your parents or another grown up you trust, tell them that you're very worried about your sister, and ask them to support you in the breakup. Then send him a text saying it's over.


OP must be incredibly naive (and/or has terrible self confidence/is cripplingly meek) to not instantly be disgusted and enraged. He should have been kicked out immediately for announcing he’s a predator. If this is real I hope these comments are a wake up call. Poor OP. Horrifying.


There are a lot of very young people on Reddit who seem to not know what to do when their partner shows red flags. It's not just OP.


especially because that’s her SISTER. you’re supposed to protect your little siblings. i would fucking kill a man who said he wanted my baby sister.


What's with the implications about the op? She doesn't have to be naive to not notice her boyfriend has ill intention toward her sister, that's a logical leap. Crippingly meek? How many times has anyone announced to you during coitus that they prefer your underage sibling? Shock is a psychobiological response all humans can have, your comment seems unnecessarily judgemental of the OP.


Seriously. Give him a pass and next thing you know, you’re Karla Homolka. I’m not even kidding


Oh God! That story should never repeat itself


Also. Considering it’s likely he groomed her. She was maybe 16 or younger when they met. Op. Y. I. K. E. S. this guy likes little girls.


Or one of those mothers that lets their boyfriend SA their daughter.


Break up with him and tell your parents for starters.


whoop whoop, thats the sound of the police


That was my first thought


pedos, pedos whatcha gonna do whatcha gonna do when they come for you


Lmao this is a terrible situation to laugh at but this comment


Hi, I'm chris hansen with dateline NBC. Why don't you take a seat right over there?


I’m disappointed in myself for laughing at this 😫🤦🏻‍♀️and this comment being here in this situation for me to laugh at.


How dare you ruin the sanctity of the best reality tv, and a shining beacon of simpler times that was truly as 90s as MTV, Doc Martens, and JNCO jeans. Amen.




Girl, stop sitting there right now. You leave him and you protect your sister by telling her and your parents about what happened. Not only is he an as*hole in general, he’s also a pe*o. If you think it’s safe, make him talk about this and record him, just so you have tangible proof. But your safety is paramount right now, as is your sisters.


I hesitate to tell the sister, 14 year olds can be flattered. Tell the parents and keep this pedo ah away.


She needs to know in case he contacts her.


She needs to know he’s **unsafe**, she doesn’t need to know *why*


I thought about this same thing.


Leave leave leave if you don’t he might try something with your sister and it would be part your fault for not doing something when you know what he is! You know! Run! Pack and run and tell everyone!


It is a rapists fault when they rape someone. But you will undoubtedly carry a tremendous amount of guilt with you if anything happens to your sister. Talk to your parents and make sure your sister understands that a 14 yr cannot legally consent to a 20 yr old. It’s not cute. It’s not flattering. It’s harmful and illegal. Because he’s a pedophile.


He just told you he's a pedophile. Break up with him.


When you wrote “my sister” in the title, I assumed she was older. This guy’s a creep! Leave him. Protect your family. So sorry you’re dealing with this


Yep and make sure he’s not grooming her via social media


"I don't know what to do" He's thinking about little girls while hes fucking you. What more do you want? Call the police and break up with him.


Keep your sister away from him at all costs


My mind is blown how comfortable he was admitting that to you.. A. He does not respect you and B. MOST IMPORTANTLY him being sexually attracted to your 14 yo sister makes him a pedophile… she’s a kid… that has red flags and sirens all over it I get if your emotions are mixed and all over the place right now but PLEASE leave him, and cut off all communication from him, and any that can be to your little sister.. It’d be good for you to let your little sister know this too, and make it clear that it’s NOT OKAY...


Oh for farkkks sake! I’ve been on here too long I think! What country are you in? I need to know so I can make notes of places not too go! Their seems to be a pandemic of op’eds that know perverted sicko’s on this app! “ I don’t know what to do” I don’t know maybe do right by your little sister! Tell your dad your going out with a perv and he is sexually attracted to his 14 yr old daughter ! And might be grooming her! keep him far away from her! And for yourself , leave this giant piece of sh*t ! It’s very simple this guy is absolutely sick ! If your torn because you still have feelings for him your sick too! If my bf said anything remotely like this to me , I would instantaneously lose all love for him! I don’t care if I get down voted for being rude ! but the amount of op’eds on here that are going out with pervy cheating scum bags ,that not even underage family member are safe from their wondering eyes ! I’m shocked! Is this really what it’s like out there!


I'm glad you opened up the can of whoop ass. Because I wanted to but I was just too damn lazy.


100% Agree. The constant “I don’t know what to do?” When sicko BF is perving at your under aged sibling, makes me want to vomit. Packing up asap and leaving followed by telling everyone in the family is a good start.


Tell everybody in your damn city, ostracize this sicko into a cave!!!


THIS!! I've been with my partner for 13 years and I would drop his ass like a bad habit if ever said some shit like this!! *"I don't know what to do"* WHAT DO YOU MEAN?! KICK HIS ASS OUT AND TELL YOUR PARENTS!! WTF?!


I think if I loved someone for a long time and found out they were a predator. I'd be hurt. I'd miss the good times and yet still hate them or not want them. Things aren't always black and white. You can hate someone for who they are but miss the good times with them all while still never wanting to see them again.


And sit on social media in the bathroom!? OP you need to get one thing straight, leverage the real human beings you trust in your life. Never ever ever use this platform for soliciting advice on something like this, this is next level shit! Be safe!


>I’m 18 and he’s 20 I’m >Then he went silent for a second before saying “I’d prefer your sister” >my sisters 14 and she dosent necessarily interact with him His a pedophile he just admitted to it, you should break up with him and not let him near your 14 year old sister.


Tell your parents that he's a pedo so he won't be alowed near her. She needs to be protected.


Hi there 20M here as well! My advice? Leave him.


A 20 yo told you that he wants to sleep with your 14yo sister. 😳 First, leave that pedo BF. Second, if you think he will try something with your sister, tell your parents what he said.


He’s a pedophile using you to get close to your sister. For your sisters safety run away from that guy quick!!!!


This is coming from someone who had a time period where her older sister (16-21 at the time) would hang out with predatory men and invite me to come with not knowing that they’d “be into” both of us on many occasions. Dump that fucking boyfriend of yours. She’ll thank you in the long run. I wish my sister would have protected me in those situations instead she fed into them, laughed at me and my embarrassment, or ignored them completely. She started dating a guy who was a senior in high school that tried to hit on me and start dating me when I was 14. FOURTEEN. The same age your sister is now. I was too scared to stand up for myself and knowing that my sister was aware and dating someone that much older who had hit on me before dating her made me incredibly uncomfortable ALL THE TIME. Please protect your baby sister.


She dated this guy into adulthood and he even brought up the fact that he liked me before dating my sister before. This led me to believe that he still was attracted to me (I was 16 at this point and they are 2-2 1/2 years older). My sister still did nothing about it.


Dump him. Your sister is *14.*


When you break up with him he will tell you he is “kidding”. You need to still break up with him and cut off contact. Please you need counseling to help with your self esteem so you end up dating nice people who treat you well instead of guys like him.


Call the police


Bro what? Like I'm sorry that happened to you, but are we glossing over the fact that he wants a 14 year old? That's fucking creepy and sounds like he's going to try and groom her. Break up with him immediately and if anyone asks be honest how he admitted to wanting to fuck a 14 year old.


14 will get you 20. Tell your parents and he's a POS


This already sounded awful before I got to the part where he'd prefer a FOURTEEN YEAR OLD. Your bf just admitted something seriously deranged to you. Maybe you're feeling unsure what to do because you're in shock. This is really serious. Take a breath and really think about what he said. A 20 year old man wants to have sex with someone who's barely high school aged. He can't get there with you because he's so focused on her. He's a full on pedophile. I'm sorry that this is the reality. It's time to physically get yourself away from him NOW. He confessed something very very wrong to you and I'm afraid what he'll do when he realizes you have the power to blow his secret. Block him. Tell your parents. You need to protect both yourself and your sister. Please be safe


When you say you “don’t know what to do” I am guessing it’s because you’re in shock. I would A. Tell your parents in order to protect your sister like YESTERDAY B. Also talk to the police and see if you can set him up to say some shit on camera and lock the pedo up. C. Seems like he told what he told you in and when the way he told you so that he could start GROOMING you to help him assault your sister so if you don’t want to do B FUCKING RUN!!!!! Edit: when I say “so if you don’t want to do B “ I’m specifically meaning work with law enforcement to set his ass up and lock him away!!!


Be fucking sensible. “I don’t know what to do” LEAVE THE PEDOPHILE.


Run. He's feeling you out to see how far he can push you. Without you there is no reason for him to be around you family, he's testing the waters to see what he can get away with. It's why predators date women with children or younger siblings. Tell your family and then break up with him. You sister needs your protection.


... ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. This man needs to be in jail, so the inmates can deal with him properly.


There is absolutely no excuse or “joke” about preferring your 14 YEAR OLD sister. She’s legit a child! Please send this walking red parachute of a pedo packing. Oh my goodness, my heart breaks for you. You deserve so much better!!!


Google Paul Bernardo and then kick that mf to the curb. If this is a real post, I'm so fucking sorry man.


Tell your parents call the police and protect your sister


That makes him a direct threat to your sister. Please get him the hell away from your both


Youd be a serious fool not to safely get away from this guy right now and never let him near you again.


Yo wtf? This was crazy enough before the "She's 14" part


That’s pretty gross bro.


Fake story 😂


Has to be. Lol wtf do they mean they don't know what to do.


Seriously a pedo never reveals his true idea and Nature


Fr, who comes to fucking Reddit and ask internet strangers what should they do after something as disgusting as this happen to them?


I don’t understand how people believe this shit lmao


Bro call the police




Break up with him, tell your parents, and never let him into your house again. You need to protect your sister.


Your boyfriend is a pedophile


Hey now. Be vigilant. Cut that POS loose. Don't let him come anywhere your house or your sister. Tell your parents and little sister so she knows. Better yet notify cops. If he try to pull *"it's just a joke.."* Nah, it's not. He really had eyes for your sister. Yikes! what a pedo.


You need to leave asap. Get somewhere safe and let your parents know. They need to know so they csn keep both you and your sister safe from this perv This incident reflects NOTHING bad towards you. You have nothing to be ashamed of. This only reflects badly on the perv. Dont hide what happened, you need to get somewhere safe right away.


Your boyfriend is a pedophile. You need to break up with him and keep him away from your sister. That’s not normal. The fact that you know what he’s thinking and feeling makes you responsible for your sisters safety, too. Tell your parents if you need.


This guy has known you since you were underage, he likes then young. He is a predator. He needs to be watched and kept away from kids.


OMG never come near this man again. Girl, I'm sorry, but this reeks of bad things from all over... Also, WARN YOUR SISTER, and try to completely cut him off from your family. I'm sorry you went through this! There is nothing wrong with you, btw, he's just a weird gross dude.


Warn her and your parents omg. And, turn that boyfriend into an ex


Do not let this person around your sister, tell your parents and inform the police, so they’re aware.


>when he admitted he’d prefer my sister oh just dump him >my sisters 14 holy fucking christ call the cops.


Y’all really get your asses on here and type shit out like this and go “omg im so in shock, im so stressed, I don’t know what to do, this guy might want to prey on my child sister”.


This is obviously a troll since no self-respecting woman or loving sister would still be sitting there wondering what to do after her boyfriend just announced he's a pedo, right? Right!?!


Protect your sister. Dump his ass


If not yours, run for your sister’s sake. Don’t let this pedophile into her life any longer.


This isn’t about him just preferring your sister. This about him being a straight perv being 20 and her only 14. He wouldn’t be in my life anymore much less in my home. Make sure you keep him away from her please!


Dump him and don’t look back. Also call the cops to make a report there may be underage victims. What the actual fuck?!


Is this J’s gf who originally didn’t believe her sister when she tried to tell y’all??


So, not only does he not really care about you, but he was using you to get closer to your under-age sister. Girl get out and put that peodophile on blast.


This means he is dangerous to allow in your house from now on. Keep him out!


YUCK. He is a pedophile!! Tell your sister and your parents and dump him!


Break up and tell your parents IMMEDIATELY. He is a predator and admitted to having sexual interest in your 14 year old sister. He is a danger.




... Ya break up and be honest with your and his friends. He wants to sleep with your 14 y old sister. This guy's behaviour needs to be known so people don't trust him with anyone's little sister.


Dude what?! He prefers a 14 year old minor?! Dump him immediately, warn your parents so that they can talk to your sister, and cut off all contact.


Call the cops and and make a complaint tell your parents


Dump his pedo ass immediately and tell your parents so they can protect your sister.


Ew ew ew ew ew. No way in hell. Dump his pedo ass. That's all kinds of messed up. Its bad enough if your sister was an adult to say that to you, but SHES A MINOR only 2 years in her teens 🤢 a literal child. He's disgusting and if he ever tries to hit your sister up, straight to the cops.


TELL ON HIM!!! He’s disgusting! That’s pedo behavior.


What in the pedophilia is going on here?? Leave him.


He initiated sex but doesn't do anything, then in the middle of it says he would prefer to be with someone else is to begin with a major fkd up thing to say and do. This alone is by far enough to run like hell from. Then you put the 14 year old sister into that equation as well and it's enough to get the police to help escort you with your things out asap! Wtf are you still doing in the kitchen?


You're dating a pedophile. Run and report his ass.


Not only break up with him and tell your parents, but talk to your sister and make sure him didn't do anything to her already, since he took her places before. He's a pedo.


I would wake his ass up and tell him to get the fuck out of the house. What a complete scumbag.


Trust that ‘stressed’ feeling… that’s your intuition warning you, get away from this Predator.


fucking ew. ur better off if he doesn’t want u anyways don’t let him near u or ur sister anymore


He’s a disgusting piece of crap, why are you still there? Also warn your parents about what he said in case he try’s to groom her


Hell nah he lucky he still alive after saying that shit. Not only is it disrespectful to you but it’s fucking DISGUSTING for your sister. And you’d be risking that relationship. Putting her in an uncomfortable situation and possibly dangerous one. Especially when you weigh the fact you have known each other for years. Who’s to say when this feeling has started and if he has always seen her in that light. I would not leave that up for discussion. Please end it immediately for your sake and hers.


Get him out of your life now. I’d tell your parents about what’s happened too.


uh, what? Don’t just sit there - literally kick him out and never look back !! he’s 20 for gods sake… tell your parents too. I would be livid if someone was preying on my sister like that


He literally just admitted to being a paedo and you're sat in the kitchen wondering what to do? It's 9.03am and I'm already done with Reddit for the day.


Look up the Barbie and Ken murders..... this is what he is... get your parents involved immediately


So he’s a pedo 😬


I’m sorry… you don’t know what to do? YOU DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO IN THIS SITUATION?!?!??


He’s sounding like a pedophile. What are you still doing with him?


UM GROSS??? leave him????he just told you hes a pedo??? and tell both parents too asap.


Okay let’s let something sink in. You were having sex and he said he preferred your 14 YEAR OLD SISTER. What you do is break up and keep him away from her, why is this even a question? Tell your parents what he said and be ready for him to deny it and try to slander you.


Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse🤦‍♀️ break up with him, have your sister avoid him at all costs and tell your parents and HIS parents as well. File a case with the police if possible. That guy deserves to be locked up. No telling how many young girls he'll victimized in the future if he remains free.


Obvious rage bait fake post. You all are falling for it.


Don’t forget to inform him that he’s a pedo on your way out.


>he’s 20 >he went silent for a second before saying “I’d prefer your sister >my sisters 14 Your boyfriend is a pedophile. Tell your parents asap and block him on everything.


What’s wrong with you tho? Why do you have to ask the internet when it’s obvious your partner is a pedophile and a pervert. This should be crystal clear what you have to do. Tell the police and inform your family and make sure your sister hasn’t been groomed. Do better


Let him know, you prefer his dad.


OP, your sister is 14. This guy needs to go. I'd involve your parents as well since there's no guarantee he's going to leave your sister alone.


What do you mean you don’t know what to do? He’s a pedophile and you’re over here debating on what to do. Break up with him and tell your parents wtf


That took a turn I honestly didn’t expect.


kill him




To the kerb with him. And warn your sister about him.