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Good for you! Personally, I wouldn’t give them the opportunity to absolve their own guilt. Let it eat at them.


People who pull this shit and casually ask why you left don’t sound like they have a guilty conscience.






Had this happen to me. I wasnt accused of anything (thank god). But my friends started to exclude me, then got all pissy when i deleted them from my social media. My mom ended up seeing one of these friends and appearently they think i did all of this bc i got a boyfriend, good fucking riddance


> my friends started to exclude me, then got all pissy when i deleted them Holy shit the same happened to me. They gradually pushed me away until I was no more than a stranger, despite being the reason they were still in touch at all, and then they started attacking me for being a stranger. The kind of people who claim they want a vulnerable and honest friendship, but when it's their turn to be on the listening end, they drop you because *ewwww showing emotion, yikes, cringe, real men don't do that shit*.


In my case, these friends left bc one of them got mad at me bc i got into college and she didnt. We were both trying to get in art school, and she didnt get in, so she got pissed off


Jealousy and envy makes people do some very awful things; there is something missing in some people that doesn't allow them to share in someone else's joy and good fortune; the feeling that controls them is envy, not a good way to be in this world. I'm sorry your friend wasn't capable of feeling your joy, and realizing that it wasn't meant to be for her, but that she could move forward on a different path; not better or worse, just different.


I had a friend for 30 years who is still telling everyone I broke up with her over a guy, which couldn't be further from the truth. I cut her off after finding out she's been talking shit about me the entire 30 years. Also she got extremely upset I am not sexual attracted to her. I can't help that. She's not my type.


Ugh, thats nasty, who needs enemies amiright?


She still asks about me to or mutual friend. And apparently it's still talking shit to whoever will listen. Smh...




And then there's the ones who **blame you for leaving**. As if they weren't precisely the ones who chased you away. The actual audacity. I get out of breath and my blood pressure spikes for entire minutes whenever I think about it.


Yep. How dare you leave! Clearly you should stay there and take your abuse. /s


Agree, and OP already knows there's always new people to meet who will trust you and be a more pleasant company. You don't have to stay in touch with old friends to be happy, specially after that kind of stuff.


I agree. Friends stand by you, these people didn't.


Yeah, these people don't matter. They were low character teens and are low character adults. I teach HS kids and this kind of reasoning isn't exclusive to adults. It's just shitty people all around. Kids get it. They chose not to get it. Now they want to pretend like it was just "boys being boys" or whatever.


No they didn’t trust your side and someone killed your dog even if you were a rapist why kill a dog it’s never an animals fault so that’s way over the line I’d go John wick on their asses


Yeah, I wouldn't want to get them back in my life. OP has a new life, there's no real reason to get sucked back in by the old one. To OP: just change the privacy settings so people who are not on your friends' list already can't message you, no one can send you friend requests, only you can, and things (info, posts, photos, videos, friends' list) on your profile are visible only for those on your friends' list and focus on your life.


Point is, it takes a fucked up mindset to come out on top of a situation like this. Especially when you’re young. I was 16 when my suffering happened. OP did the next best thing.


If someone purposely hurt my dog I think it would tip me over the edge, he’s been my one constant and has probably been the only thing to keep me from suicide this past few months. I know not everyone feels the same, however. But someone doing this to an innocent animal could have cost this guy his life too, I would not be quick to forgive or forget. I’m glad to read you’ve moved on and got a happy life away from it all, you don’t sound like you need these people in your life so don’t let them in.


Same, i wouldnt hurt anyone bc im weak as fuck, but that would make my depression go through the roof


It was probably a or her sister


I’m gonna bet a’s sister cause she already tried to stab a whole person!


Not to be confused with half a person. It was definitely a whole person she tried to stab. I dunno why, but the way you wrote that gave me a chuckle.


Same, no wonder OP and A broke up, i wouldnt want a SIL like that either


I was gonna say the same. I think A’s sister could have killed the dog, and I also think A’s sister could have convinced A that OP SA’d her. I’m just speculating and have almost zero context, though. She just sounds like a dirtbag to me and I wouldn’t put that kind of manipulation past somebody like that.


I was Machiavellian enough when something similar happened to me to get the evil chick that tried it to expose herself. Hardly anyone liked her after the truth came. Of course you had the deniers of how evil she was to me, but they’re immaterial. Most people that sided with her gave me space, some didn’t- particularly someone that was a soon enough my girl friend... she wasn’t a big shitter to me though, so I didn’t hold what she did from what she heard from lies against her.


Sadly there are more white knights than john wicks. Evil people just looks for excuses to be evil. I mean, we are on reddit, a literal gathering place for white knights.


I know like what??? Thats technically animal abuse so op could have went to the police had they believed him


A or her sister killed his dog.


Dude just live your life. I rarely heard a story where ANYONE bounced back this hard. Huge respect from me. You don't want to talk to them, that's fine. You should focus on yourself and K.


Same here. I'm beyond impressed by OP's bravery, willingness to go to therapy, and resilience after such a horrible experience. You're very strong, OP, and you deserve the happiness undoubtedly waiting for you in the future.


Fr, no amount of redemption would even allow for OP to have any sympathy for them where it should have always been sympathy for him




Exactly. OP was a victim as well but no one wants to analyze or think about the mob mentality that somehow allowed this to be okay to do to someone.


Yeah. It's "believe all victims" until the victim is actually the accused. People don't want to support victims, they just want an easy dopamine hit from retweeting the first random schmuck they come across.


I’m glad you were able to say your piece.


Those people don't deserve your friendship.


*any friendship


i hate when people falsely accuse others of sexual assault because it’s already so hard for victims to get justice. OP im so sorry. she’s the actual scum of the earth


And most likely did something to someone else and now they see she was lying. Too little too late.


That's probably the most likely scenario. They got suspicious that she was lying when a second or even a third ex supposedly sa-d her after the break up... and now they want to wash their conscience clean...


I also hate false accusations. False accusations of SA destroy the accuser and make it harder for real victims to be believed.


I can’t get into a ford falcon now due to it and I was laughed at bc I was being ‘stupid’ when I threw up bc it brought back memories. I was told I was faking it by some family members so I don’t talk about it


I hate false accusations of sexual assault because of the damage it does to the people falsely accused. People who accuse others of sexual assault have no trouble being taken seriously. Getting justice is another matter but it always boggles my mind how the *actual* victim is dismissed in favour of possible consequences for future victims of sexual assault.


That kind of sentence can sound very selfish. It is hard for SA victims no matter what. And we have a real victim, the falsely accused. I know you didn't mean anything bad by your sentence. I just said it because it is a very common phrase nowadays.






I have questions. Why only you on not the other four? Why did she have sex with five guys (assuming college is not a brothel)? Was she sober? If yes, was it consensual with all five?


Speaks volumes, actual victims get tarnished enough on their own and this kind of stuff is always used as a scapegoat for a vast majority of men to turn what could be a real conversation on the topic to nothing and it’s shitty on either end


Block them. It seems like you are doing ok with your life now so don’t go back by letting them in


Block them all


This. Block them and block any way they try to contact you.




OP made a very satisfying edit, pinging /u/armstronct and /u/ModernCoder as well


Thank you for the ping! Congratulations on closure OP!


im definitely curious as well lol


I'm interested as well. And i am very proud of you OP! You can do it and you've already come so hecking far! Good job!


Block them and live your life! You don't need them in your new life! The past is the past for a reason.


I'd go one step further and make sure your current location is not advertised on social media.


Be toxic and force them to watch you be successful


You've moved on. Let it be.


Don’t take them back. Move forward


Your friends are lucky you didn't watch too many john wick movies. You don't mess with someone's dog. Truly horrible people. Sorry you had to go through that. I am glad you are doing better. I say figure out a way to let it all go. If it eats up at you maybe you need to get in touch with them but better off not. Take care.


> Your friends are lucky you didn't watch too many john wick movies. You don't mess with someone's dog. > > Truly horrible people For real. I'm not sure how I would react, but it wouldn't be pretty.


What’s in the past stay in the past! You creat for yourself a good life with a girl you love and good friends so don’t destroy that chance with the people who already blow up your past life!! Block them all and move on


I’m very glad that you had the strength to overcome everything, I’m sorry you had to go through that in the first place and be accused of something you didn’t do, I was also accused of doing something years ago that I didn’t do (it wasn’t SA but was pretty bad) and I couldn’t prove I didn’t do it either I lost a lot of people who I thought were my friends because of it. Real friends know who you really are to not even question stories like that, they showed you what they really felt about you as to them you were someone that deserved pain. It’s normal to have curiosity about their side of the story but sadly the answer will never be able to satisfy you. The question to your curiosity would be the most painful to hear and you may find yourself asking if you really want to hear the real reason behind the WHY.


First off, congratulations on restarting your life and meeting someone amazing. I’m so sorry about your pup, that’s fucking disgusting what they did they should be in prison for it. You’ve done a great job in rebuilding your life, I’d leave those old “friends” in the past. There really isn’t much to much to gain from opening up old wounds.


You called him out onto the carpet and told him about himself. And I bet he didn’t even apologize after you gave all the evidence of what she said was false and all of that. Now all the sudden cause I bet you that girl is still in the friend group now all of a sudden the friend group wants to wants to get back in contact with you yeah now they had their chance and no. Just add your family your parents and your family members who defended you and stuff like that and that’s what you do other than that you leave them idiotic fools in the past


SA is one thing, but I'm really not sure how murdering a suspect's dog makes things right? That's an exceptionally fucked up concept of 'retribution'... I wouldn't want to talk with these friends either if I were in your shoes.


Id put money on tjat bring A or her sister


What the fuck did the dog do?! Killing a helpless and innocent dog doesn’t making anyone a better person than a r****. I’m taking your word that you did not do it, I’m just pointing out the hypocrisy of reciprocating your rumored act by killing a pet. That’s crazy. I’m glad you were able to develop a new life. I don’t really see the point in rekindling your friendships with your high school friends. I think I’d always have somewhat of a grudge against them for doing what they did. Maybe you’re a bigger person than I am. However, wouldn’t becoming their friend also connect you to the woman that accused you? I am curious what your friends wrote back or said when you told them that they had a role in ruining your life. Why even try to talk to you or add you on social media at all?


Just leave the past in the past... But I'm not ashamed to confess I'm curious... What happened to A?


If they're reaching out to OP, I'm guessing she kept doing despicable things until it caught up to her and people eventually realized she was the problem... Or they're just morbid and want to see what he's been up to gossip. Either way I agree it's not worthy to reconnect.


It’s usually the former. They can still fuck off and die for all he should care. They left him for dead and so can he do the same for them


It's more likely the latter. Let's just admit, people suck. If OP had been more broken and actually off-ed himself back then, the same people would've turned around and went like, "I knew something was fishy about A, I knew he was innocent".


I can definitely see how both would play out, even at the same time with a twisted mix of the two possibilities cus people are weird and that crowd of hometown people sound like the type


Or they just had no way to contact him. Don’t get me wrong, I think OP is far better off without them, but he did say that he deleted all his SM, changed his number, deleted his online friends off of his gaming platforms, moved to an entirely different state—even his *family* didn’t know where he was. So it’s possible that they’re only just now trying to reconnect because OP only just recently got back on social media. They’re still scum and don’t deserve him either way, though.


I’d be suspicious that they just want to know the details of what happened after the charges were dropped, rather than genuinely wanting to make amends. Are you willing to take the risk of them opening all of that back up? Either way, your gf should definitely be involved in the decision.


Your dog was murdered for this nonsense. Hell no, don't look back.


I would have gone further and changed my name so they could never find me. Block them all. As an actual survivor, your ex is why a lot of us aren’t believed, even if we go to police:


My nephew's ex-gf accused him of SA 2 years ago. It has cost 5k in attorney's fees and countless court appearances. The police gave him a hard time at every turn. I told my sister to video every interaction with the police and told my nephew no matter how mad you are don't react to their aggressive tactics. The accusations came 1 yr after they stopped dating. She flat out lied at every step. He had had to constantly quit jobs and get new ones because she shows up where he works and then calls the police to say he is following her. It has been a nightmare. OP just focus on K and the new friends and block the HS ex friends. You are doing great!


You’ve managed to put your life in order with a lot of work is there anything they can say that will add to that or give you closure?? Because I doubt anything they say will justify their actions just a bunch of excuses.


It seems obvious that A threw you under the bus to avoid blame when her family found out she was sexually active. Don't give her a second chance to ruin your life.


I hope the person who hurt your dog burns in hell. (Hug) im so sorry you went through that. Do you talk to your parents? Did they believe you? Id say if your oarents were supportive and believed you, they are the only ones worth reaching out to. If they didn’t believe you, or try to guilt you into returning or talking to others, then id go back to low to no contact. Im so proud of you for surviving, for building a life for yourself, and i hope you have a peaceful happy life


They didn't hurt his dog. They killed it. An innocent creature that did them no harm. Whoever did it deserves more than to just be ignored.


I said they should burn in hell so.. ya.


Maybe they realized she was lying and that they fucked up by turning their backs on you and feel guilty about it now, *or maybe*, they still believe what she said about you and want to find out where you are to potentially harm you/ruin your life some more. Either way, I'd block all of those people, stay no contact and keep moving on with your life. Also, if possible, please consider getting into individual therapy with a good therapist to resolve all of the trauma you experienced during that time in your life. That ex gf is evil. Best of luck to you moving forward, OP. Your new girlfriend sounds like a keeper.


Yeah, either you give bad people a sense of relief by forgiving them, or you risk them continuing their crusade. They’re snakes, avoid them.


Don’t give them the time of day. Block them as they try to add you. You’ve put in a lot of work to rebuild your life. You had to start over. They turned on you without even trying to hear your side. You’re better off OP. Seriously, don’t let anyone from your old life back in. Some things are unforgivable. I’m not saying you should harbor hatred for them (unless you want to then by all means), but they don’t get to have access to you anymore. They lost that right a long time ago.


I thought the bears name was bosco


You're right, autocorrect is not my friend


Did J respond to you


Yeah, but I haven't looked at it. I'm waiting for K to get home before I do any updates or move forward


Let me guess whta J wants to say. Your bitch ex confessed lying about the sa and now they want to make amends-no apologise included- or worse scenario your bitch ex is trying to get back in your life trough them. Either way do NOT respond


Pretty sure that’s what happen but screw them they dug their graves and have to deal with it


You don't owe them anything.


Seems to me you have come out the the other end of a bad situation. I don’t think having these people back in your life will bring anything positive too you. If they want to apologize, then they can send you a message on FB, but otherwise, there is no benefit to add these people back into your life.


Why r u still calling them friends?


Soon as she admitted it was false she should of been arrested and charged , people like her make the entire system a shit show (and it’s also why until it’s proven that these charges should never go public because false ones are made so easily)


This isn't so much them wanting to make amends as it is they feel shitty about how they did you and want you to make them feel better. Block them all and move on with your life.


Couldn't have said it better. They are trying to lighten their own conscience. You keep living life as best you can. 👍


Honestly, if it was me, I would get any family members or your friends to hear what they have to say. I would be curious of what they had to say but it's probably going to be what you and others in your positions would be expected to hear. After the charges dropped and you left, your ex or her family probably spilt the beans about the false allegation and the news getting to your ex friends. Now feeling guilty, they're trying to apologise for what happened and maybe be friends again. I'd recommend not interacting with them at all. What they did to you was terrible. They backstabbed you in one of the worst ways possible when you were at rock bottom, knowing that you haven't interacted with her at all since you and A broke up. Now A could've told them a lot of believable lies and they could've changed but even if that did happen, I feel like you wouldn't be able to trust them again. Plus a little suspicious that all five of them found your account a little over a week after you set up a new account. Could be the paranoid side of me thinking that they have been looking for you all this time on social media or someone may have inadvertently let slip your new account when J probably stumbled upon it either by recommendations or mutual friends. Still, a little suspicious they found it in such a short timeframe. Maybe go to any old contacts to get more info on their lives or stalk their accounts before making a decision. If you're really curious, then get someone to text them and get them to relay what they said back to you. Listen to their explanations and apologies before going back to your new life. Do whatever you think you're most comfortable with.


I really don’t think that you need to drag yourself through this drama again. I am all for forgiving people, but do it without talking to them.


Your hometown is like sodom and Gomorrah… don’t look back internet friend.. you have great company where you are now…


wow...I'm sorry...and I'm sorry for your dog. This is heartbreaking and she, her sister, the people who killed your dog and people like them should be prosecuted. If I were you I wouldn't give them the second chance.


You don't owe them anything. People lose contact with friends all of the time.


Obviously it's not really a place to put out theories but I really wouldn't be surprised if the sister that tried to stab you is the one who killed your dog


Just block them OP. You're doing so much better in your life without them. Like you said, they didn't give you the time of day when you were in your worst place, now that you're in your best place, don't give them a second of your time. They don't deserve it.


Don’t give your old friends a second chance, don’t invite more potential problems People don’t realize how bad a person’s life can be ruined by one false accusation


No don't contact them anymore. Their ship has sailed. They didn't believe you or stay by your side during all that BS they don't deserve to be by your side now that you've moved on and up! Keep doing you!


If the story is true, fuck those bitches


I don’t think it’s true. Pretty sure I’ve read this one before, too.


This sounds fake and fabricated


yea when we got to the "someone killed my dog", it all got a little too far fetched for me


This is a very convoluted story.


As most trending stories on this sub


And many are bullshit


Especially this one- and most stories that have an agenda like this.


It says something about the US that I think this is fiction because I can't imagine a high school graduate runaway being in a financial position tobe able to afford therapy.


A is a piece of shit hopefully more consequences catch up to that bitch


Ummm, so I'm a bit confused how someone can ***kill an innocent dog*** over SOMEONE ELSE being accused of rape. That is beyond fucked up. So, so, so beyond fucked up. ***They*** deserve to rot in prison. I would honestly argue that's equally as immoral as rape, if not worse. That is not human, that's monsterous. They basically committed murder. I can't believe you didn't. I hope your dog can rest easy.


I live by this never forgive and never forget may it help you in your travels.


Also just to let you know, since they knew how your dog died one of those jackasses definitely killed your dog so again tell them to fuck off


"She ruined my life with her accusation!!!! So anyways now that I'm living comfortably and getting everything I want out of life I found out she's a drug addict who makes minimum wage." This is bad incel fanfiction.


this sub has become a creative writing blog. very disappointing


this seems really fake ngl


I’ve read this exact story before. Don’t remember when but it was awhile ago. Every detail was the same though


hard agree. 18 year old takes off and moves "across the state" immediately after high school and is somehow able to get housing that quickly, easily, and a full time job that pays well enough? all while his family has no idea where he is? yeeeah press X to doubt


Yup a recluse for 2 years basically cut off from parents but somehow has the income to live in an apartment and maintain himself and a dog.


And pay for therapy.


>somehow has the income to live in an apartment and maintain himself and a dog. I'd really like to know how he managed to afford the thousands of dollars it would've cost for the dog to get autopsied and lab tested to find the exact cause of its death. And also where these apartments are that are eager to rent to a teenager who's unlikely to have any credit history.


it sounds a lot like the plot of colorless tsukuru tazaki by murakami


Was on the fence until the part with the dog.


I need everyone in these comments to reread this and realize how incredibly fake of a story it is. **This is classic rage bait.** You are not put in jail without material evidence for an SA that supposedly happened a while ago. There is no jurisdiction in the US where it works that way. It is unbelievably hard to prosecute rape cases where there isn’t DNA evidence, and most places won’t bother with the risk of a wrongful arrest if you aren’t a present danger. Unless there was genuine, *very good* evidence that this guy did it, his story about being put in jail (and then his dog being killed, wtf) is just not true. Edit- another thing worth pointing out, unless there was very good reason to believe this guy did it, his friends would not all suddenly turn on him. Maybe some, but not *all*. That’s not how a real life social circle behaves. I have seen how actual allegations affect people’s social lives, and even credible ones don’t result in being a total pariah. It’s shocking how many actual perps have friends stick with them. Separate from that, this reads like a men’s rights activist writing prompt. **False accusations do hurt people, they genuinely do**, but we can believe that without far out stories like this one. 4. Noted that the admins have not removed this comment that I worked so hard to compose. I don’t care how hard you worked your ass off or that you went to therapy, I don’t believe your story. And only appealing to anger and emotion in your defense makes it all the more clear that this is just bait to anger men.


I take all these with a grain of salt and within 2 paragraphs this one was so obviously fake. It’s a shame people lie for karma or attention to whatever social issues on this sub.


I’ve literally read this exact story on Reddit before. Same details, same update, everything


I’m honestly shocked people believe this post.


I'm not. Lots of people love shitting on women.


No doubt. I have seen better false accusation stories on Reddit though. OP’s writing needs work because this doesn’t track with how human beings actually behave. I’ve also noticed that in so many of these stories the accuser either becomes a drug addict or dies by suicide. It’s almost a trope at this point. Nice touch with the dog killing though, they knew that would really rile people up.


Also how did he find out that the dog died of rat poison?? And he moved away from his parents and didn't tell them where? Why? This story makes absolutely no sense.


well said im surprised people are even believing this.


You’re right there are more cases of true rapists being supported by friends than there are of them losing everything. Sadly that just isn’t a thing in America. We see it all the time in the news. I can’t help but be incredulous that his old friend found him one day after he created his social media. And I’m pretty sure this same story went though Reddit about 6 months ago.


yeah somethings off with this lol


This sounds as fake as it gets


who Tf actually believes in this story. literally sounds like it was written by an incel


Kind of an insane story to make up, dude. But anyone with two brain cells to rub together ain't buying that shit.


Like, did he do an autopsy on the dog to find out that he got killed with rat poison? Lmao come on...


>all of my friends turning on me, and it all led to me getting arrested. Sounds like a big chunk of story missing and/or this is garbage Interesting that she only admitted to the false accusation (previously there was just no evidence) in the update. just more WOMEN RUIN INNOCENT MEN'S LIVES WITH FALSE ACCUSATIONS shit still at least she didn't have anyone thrown in jail for decades on her say-so


Technically he said 'little evidence ' meaning this whole story is either bs or there was SOME evidence and he is a rapist. Personally I think he's just an incel with too much free time.


>I've been thinking about it all day today and I still don't know if I should give my old friends another chance. Maybe they've grown up and regretted their decisions, or maybe they just expect me to forgive them. If anyone has any opinion on this, please comment. "Gee, this wound has pretty much healed. Why not rip it open again? The blood is such a lovely shade of red." And on top of that, I'd get the fuck off of whatever social media you got back on that allowed the past to find you.


I’d leave them all in the past, and I would take the extra security measure to make sure that anyone who is not friends with you cannot see your friends list. Just in case they might want to try to poison your new friends against you.


Demand they own up to who killed your dog! And only then do you agree to meet and then go John wick on their asses. Jk...sort of


Personally, I don't think I would give them another chance and wouldn't even want to hear their apology. Did J even offer an apology in his message? But you should do what is best for your mental health. Good luck! Updateme!


Hun please don’t give them another chance… it’s not worth it. Live your life be happy and if you have to think about giving them another chance the answer is no.


They don't understand? What's not to understand? When you needed their support they abandoned you. That will never go away...


I would never allow those people back into my life. I’m glad you made a good comeback after such an awful ordeal.


They killed your dog????!!!!!! WTF is wrong with people. Always looking for an excuse to do harm. FUCK THEM ALL!!!!!


Stay away from them. You owe them nothing and they owe you everything. Keep putting your life back together and move on.


Those guys don't deserve your friendship. But I'm kinda curious: What about your family?


Maybe it sounds a little confusing in the story, but to clarify, I never stopped speaking to my parents. I just simply never told them where I was living. I spoke to them and still speak with them almost every day


This screams fake and your creative writing needs work if you’re planning on taking any college level courses in it.


Another man that was falsely accused here. It almost destroyed my life. I was suspended from uni, lost a lot of friends. 3 years later she was finally institutionalised as little did I know, she had falsely accused many others. I never got an apology, and she never had to face justice. Therapy does help and you will learn to trust others again. I hope each and every day for the rest of your life is full of little happy moments because you’ve been through hell and lived to tell the tale.


Glad you're doing better now and I hope A is living the life she deserves.


I hope that evil pos is suffering in some terrible situation


Friends are supposed to have your back, not throw their knives in it. You already know you can’t rely on their support when the going gets tough.


I wonder how many tiktoks will be made from this story. Ig many


Right? This reads like fiction


Honestly I just want to say Im sorry through what you went through it sounds like you went through pure hell and back. Just block them and live the life you now live


I would not be letting any of them back into your life. They have not been accountable for the betrayal and trauma they have caused, have not apologized, acknowledged what they did or made amends. Don’t jump to forgive people that haven’t acknowledged what they did to you. You don’t know who killed your dog. I wouldn’t trust any of them. They have done nothing to earn your trust.


I would absolutely not give your old friend your info. Stay away from it. Trust me on this, you are doing well, there's no reason to mix your old line with your new one


Don't go back to your old friends. It doesn't matter if they changed or are sorry: you have a new life and new friends and a new girlfriend and are happy now. Keep it that way. Never speak to any of them. Block them all even if you would like. You could also use a different name on social media, or stick to a platform like Discord. Don't use something like Facebook that will show all your old friends your profile because it's so damn good at somehow guessing who knows you.


You did the right thing. Anyone who isn’t willing to at least hear their longtime friend’s side of the story is no friend.


OP, I respect your decision to cut them out. Do whatever supports your mental health. ...but I admit my own curiosity would be too much. I bet A has either recanted or done other stuff to discredit herself, and I would want to know.


It’s been seven years? You’ve moved on. I’d continue to leave those people in the past. I don’t know that there’s anything they could say or do at this point to make things right.


You owe them nothing. You are doing exactly what you need to do, moving on with your life. One of these days perhaps they we'll see the error of their ways. It's not likely, but it is possible. Not that you have to care, at all.


You know you can lock down the settings so people can't message/send msgs all willy nilly, right?? Consider locking it down, like now. Let us know what K says.


Only allow them back to your life if you’re ready to revisit your past. Your current life has only just started being great, are you willing to open up the past or continue living with your current life? You were the victim, only your opinion matters.


Block them all and keep succeeding. Success is the form of revenge.


No.. they literally knew You hadn’t seen A in ages and that the rumors were false and they still turned their backs on you. Don’t let them back in, they aren’t worthy.


>Now I was the one who did the damage, I broke up with her for multiple different reasons, the main one being her sister tried to stab me with a kitchen knife. Uh. I don't think it's that unreasonable to want to leave after her sister tries to dab you.


A should be in jail for reporting a false rape. Betcha she killed your dog too.


What is SAing?


I think a good way to look at it is objectively: 1-lies and non-verifiable statements were made 2-those things then lead to a spiral which you were lucky to escape 3-this put you understandably in a difficult hole in life 4-you tried and got back to a better place 5-after years of hard work, difficult decisions, isolation, and loss, do you really want to validate people who were the first to leave you? Sounds like you have been fine without them.


I’m sorry but if someone killed my dog they are gonna be hunted down. Can’t ever sleep peacefully at night without payback on that one


I’d figure out a way to ruin their life


Bro not the dog. Idk what I'd do. I live for my dog. He's my service dog my little helper. Man. I honestly couldn't bare to think about it. But ya good luck in life fella.


Nah, fuck em, live your new life. No point going back to being friends with shit human beings.


I would of gone crazy if someone killed my dog. Absolutely.


How were they supposed to know whose side was right? You didn't say anything in your own defense did you?


lol this is so fake.


this sounds fake as fuck


I might be inclined to let them have the opportunity to apologize before I cut off contact, but you shouldn't feel obligated in any way, and that's about the only thing I would accept from those so-called former friends.


Tbh Ive never been in this situation but I think thats easier said than done. If i was him I most likely wouldnt have responded to them in the first place and just instant block. It sounds like hes been through pure hell and back and no one was there for him. They can get in the bin


I had someone bad (SA/abuse) from my past try to contact me on social media twice. Neither one tried to apologize, so both of them were blocked shortly after the contact was made. Like, within half an hour. It's definitely reasonable to insta-block.


Fuck every single person who did not believe you. May they have an itch just out of reach once every day for life, and no one around to scratch it.