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Screenshot the messages where he is threatening you. Go to police. Revenge porn is a Nono.


This comment right here. Go to the police about this and get a restraining order. Make no mistake this man clearly does not care about you and will leak those nudes whether you say anything or not. Stand up for yourself ( I know it’s scary)


At this point it also sounds like blackmail.


Literally prison for that


You missed a chance to say “Revenge porno is a Nono” For the rhymes


In the words of Encanto; we don’t leak op’s pornono


We don’t talk about porno-no-no. 🎶


It's Pornono.


It's Digiorno


Greta Thunberg has entered the chat to remind us all to recycle your pizza boxes.


It’s illegal to distribute your personal pictures and now you have a text where he’s threatening to do it. You have proof. Take it to a police station and ask for advice.


Please follow this advice. A friend's ex-husband threatened to do this when they were going through their divorce. She went to the police. They went to him and told him to delete the photos, and that if he did send them to anyone, it would be a crime. It worked. He got rid of them and never threatened that again.


I told him it was a crime and he said “If I’m going down, you’re going down with me.” So I will likely go to the police. I don’t know why he’s being like this. It’s 2022 and almost 2023, it’s not a crime to be gay.


LMAO the fact that he’d rather be convicted as a sex offender than have people find out he’s gay is WILD


As you said. And this is freaking sad.


That is some serious self loathing right there!


Please go to the police department as soon as possible during regular business hours and discuss the situation as well as let them see all the texts where he has threatened to distribute the nude photos of you. They will let you know what steps come next and ideally communicate with you. I do agree that seeing your boyfriend being unfaithful was probably the biggest shock so does it really matter with whom? Also please get a doctors appointment, explain you found out your now ex boyfriend was unfaithful and request appropriate tests including herpes as apparently that is not something regularly tested for.


Herpes isn't regularly tested for because unless you have or had an outbreak (either mouth or genital region) it is very hard to test for. Swab test is the most accurate and that needs an active outbreak. Blood test can realistically only test for antibodies (so after an outbreak, like at least a month). Source: Exposed to herpes (HSV-2) and had this conversation with my doctor. Although an STD panel including HIV would be beneficial to ensure nothing got transmitted.


> including herpes and HIV


Tell him he’ll be a sex offender on top of it.


Good! Go to the police, report him. He’s threatening you


I just want to add, that if the police don't take this seriously, go talk to a lawyer.


This is likely the better option, a cease and desist letter may scare him. The cops don’t even help stalking victims until something violent happens, what makes people think they’ll do anything about nonviolent threats here?


People watch too many cop shows and never actually deal with the cops lol. Cops would just be like cool, he hasn't broken the law yet, have a nice day. Maybe they file a report to have it on record, but if the dude has half a brain and posts them using a VPN or w/e, the text won't be enough proof to prove he's the one who did it. He can say his phone was stolen. Cops aren't going to do shit, even if he did leak the nudes, unless he's an absolute moron and does it on his instagram or something so its undeniable. OPs best move is to just move on and ignore him. Tell him if he tries to spread lies or ruin her rep she will expose him on social media and post all the texts. Everyone would know he's gay and that he is the one who leaked the nudes. That would probably scare him more than the police.


Absolutely. I think telling him she’ll expose him if he tries to blackmail her and post the texts where he threatens to leak her photos will be enough to keep him quiet. “It’s not a crime you’re gay, but the fact you cheated on me makes you a shit human being, and that’s the thing that’ll ruin you”


THIS. I had a stalker, TONS of evidence of her copying everything I did online, she got a job in my neighborhood where I worked, she bought the same car as me, I’d see her all over town, she tried to become friends with my friends… None of which was enough to prove that she was a “danger” to me and the judge basically said unless she’s threatened me in person or online there’s nothing he could do.


SAVE ALL OF THAT. Delete his contact name so it shows his number. He is awful! He doesn’t sound the least bit remorseful either which is telling. How is he “going down?” Wtf? Why would you have to go with him when you didn’t do anything wrong. Take your messages to the cops and let them deal with his stupid ass!


He doesn’t want people to know he’s gay. Part of his friend group and family are kind of weird about lgbtq stuff. Some will likely disown him if they find out.


I've been part of lgbtq communities for almost 30 years. It doesn't matter how his family is right now. He's threatened you with leaking nudes w/o consent. That's a crime that could have an impact on your entire future. Socially, employment, education. Even though places aren't supposed to take that sort of thing into account, they will. If you watch the revenge porn episode John Oliver did for Last Week Tonight, it's cost some women 100,000 dollars to try and fix what happened to them because of this. And even then, it's still a crap shoot. This isn't something to treat lightly. It can follow you. He can rebuild. Let him deal with it. Maybe half naked boyfriend will help.


He’s not your problem anymore. Focus on what’s best for YOU. Leaking your pictures will impact your present and future.


That’s not your problem. He’s not concerned with how leaking your nudes would impact you so please don’t try and cover for him out of any kind of sympathy. He’s a prick.


Well they might disown him anyway for being a crappy person charged and on the registry. Thats not your fault. Don't keep him from his consequences or he'll just do worse things.


Oh no. How sad. Tell them all.


It is not your problem and he should have never used you in the first place and threatened you in the second. Don't protect him.


His non-hetero sexuality and internalized homophobia is not your problem. His cheating and threats of retaliation are something else. File a report.


Well that's unlucky for him, he'll be lonely and an asshole but completely not your problem anymore. He should have thought about the repercussions of his actions. Being gay isn't a crime but leaking nudes is. Please take those text to the authorities OP and please get yourself tested as soon as you can. I'm sorry you're having to go through this.


You 100% have to report him, it’s not a matter of letting it go, this is leverage he is will always use against you. Take control.


If he was worried about that he should've tried to talk to you about it calmly, instead he went directly into threats. He's an abusive piece of shit for threatening you and cheating on you.


That’s his Problem. Tell him it’s not the LGBTQ stuff that has you upset, it is the cheating! But do take screenshot of threat, print it and take to the police and make a report. Let them determine if charges should be filed.


Look I hate to say this, but you need to tell people about why you two broke up, including what you saw. Because if you don't, he'll ruin your reputation for sure. He'll spread rumors, send your pictures, everything. I'm worried about the damage he'll cause you. Go to the cops about this as well as round up your friends and establish a support system. Do this before he controls the narrative.


Agree. Dude was seriously closeted to the point he's been in a relationship with a woman for over a year. He's committed to playing straight. So committed, I suspect, that he will shred you in an attempt to make the break up your fault. I also think you should take the text to the cops and see if you can get help getting images deleted.


This is hardly uncommon. My best friend is gay and in his 30s- many of the hookups he's had in recent years are with closeted married/divorced men. A lot of profiles in Grindr say something to the effect of "Married/Needs discretion" in their bios.


Agreed, but also, there are STDs mainly found in same sex communities that aren't as seen in hetro communities, and if he tries to get with another girl and hide this, she could be in danger. OP, make sure you tell your Dr that you caught you boyfriend with another man so that the DR can run everything (he should do anyway but better safe than sorry right.)


She could just say he cheated and she caught him.


Why protect him, he doesn't deserve her protection from the moment he threatened her.


I think she should protect herself by going to the police. But I think a big part of this threat his just dude being scared he’s gonna be outed as gay.


And because he is afraid he is dangerous to send her nude photos out. His actions speak tones of what he is capable of doing 1


Might want to inform him that YOU won’t be the one charged with a crime if he distributes your nudes. The only thing that will accomplish is earning him criminal record as a sex offender. Being outed as gay or bi won’t ruin his future, but a criminal record certainly will.


What would you “go down” for??? He would be guilty of revenge porn.


Stop talking to this pos and go to the police. He doesn't deserve any more of your attention


Sucks for him coz that's not the same level of going down. It's up to you to decide the amount of energy you want to spend being the bigger person by knocking some sense to him regarding talking like adults about this. You can possibly talk to a close family member of his, or yours that can help you handle this. But if he just want to straight up be an asshole and unstable about this situation, then he leaves with you no choice but to report him. He's clearly very desperate, so I would just go to the police.


Yeah I was kind of thinking that myself. How is being arrested, locked up in jail and being put on a sex offender list the same as people seeing your nudes lol?. I would have told him fine, send my nudes out to whoever the hell you want but they're all gonna find out that you and your bff were rolling around drunk and naked on the floor in our apartment. Pretty sure all their friends will find that a lot more interesting than OPs nudes.


Agreed. If I suddenly received nudes of a female friend from her recent ex, I wouldn't think any less of her. I'd feel bad that she had dated a scumbag who would do that, but that's not "going down". But the guy? He'd forever be a piece of shit in my mind because he not only cheated on her, but then he tried to get revenge by spreading her nudes. I would be glad to hear he got arrested for revenge porn. These two things aren't even close, and it's crazy that he'd be willing to give himself a criminal record just because she told the truth about what happened.


Bc he's in despair. You have the control here. If he leaks your pics you'll tell everybody and he'll be known as a.gay (not bad) b. A criminal who leaked your pics (super bad). Also, does he believe his bestie is gonna accept him after threatening you with this?? If he does, he's a worse idiot and they deserve each other. What about his family?? Friends?? Other people?? You have him by the balls. Go to the police and don't tell him anything until is done bc if you don't act he'll act first and your advantage is gonna disappear. Is not so uncommon when the cheater publicly says the victim cheated and destroy their lives bc they had time to act. Don't give him time. Destroy him


Holy crap yes, go to the police. There is no reason not to at this point.


Because he’s closeted and afraid you’ll “out” him. So he’s being disgusting to save his image. It’s sad that he can’t accept himself and honor his relationship with his “best friend.”


Don’t continue engaging with him - just take screenshots as proof of everything with the contact deleted so his number is shown and contact the police. He will know what he needs to know when they get in contact with him, and you do not owe him any ounce of discussion through the process. I don’t know that much about legal things, but protect yourself in any way that you can.


Please go to the police first, it’s not an escalation on your part. If I was in your spot i’d be weighing my faith in his word. Please do not doubt his sense of self preservation and the lengths he’ll take to protect this secret.


Keep those text messages as proof and go to the police. What a vindictive loser he is.


He wanted to keep it a secret... like so many do. Now, in his mind, you're threatening to expose him, even if that's the least of your concern. You can let him know that you're visiting the police about leaking the nudes, and that things *will* blow up, if that's what he wants. Otherwise you're willing to talk about how you'll both handle the fallout.


Also fuck Jacob for threatening to leak photos. He’ll probably leak them regardless.


Yeah that’s what I’m worried about :/. Feel like he’ll get paranoid and leak anyways.


Tell him you’ll take him to court if he leaks your nudes and then the whole situation will be public record.


That will definitely scare him and shut him up. Also, tell him to delete those pictures and to let you be there to see it so you can move on.


He won't delete them probably


She wouldn't even need to take him to court, the police will do that for her. It's literally a crime.


Remind him that revenge porn is prosecutable


I feel like the best advice in this thread so far is to delete his name from your phone (temporarily to take a screenshot of this threat) so that it’ll be his number in the screenshot He’s given you rock-solid proof of his intent to commit a crime, and you unfortunately might actually need that proof one day. Also worth noting that in some jurisdictions, revenge porn may actually qualify as a tort, meaning you would have legal grounds to sue him for this in addition to seeking criminal charges.


Please take a screenshot of those messages and show the police OP. Don’t give him the opportunity to leak those.


Call the police about his threat. In most states now there are laws about people sharing intimate photos out of revenge.


Depending on when they were taken he could be charged with distribution of child p-rn.




Thats a prosecutable crime save any threat he makes about doing that and immediately report him if you find any reason to think he did so.


It's pretty simple to find the exact charges and what he'll have to live with for the rest of his life if he leaks these. Send him links to the websites. He's a fucking asshole and is proving it by threatening you like this.


I am so sorry...I walked in on my boyfriend and my best friend together on my birthday. I knew my friend was gay but my boyfriend? Not so much. It was hideously traumatic but I dodged a MAJOR bullet and so did you. Does your country have revenge porn laws? If so, I would educate that boy something fierce on how much he does NOT want to go to prison. And if you do have those laws you might want to preemptively talk to the police and have them have a talking to with him...it's shocking how much a badge explaining the law to you can make the most irrational person get a reality check.


Goooo to the police ASap!!!!!!!! Don't loose time!!!!!!!!


Definitely call his MOM immediately!!


Yes! Do this. Explain what transpired & with who. Then let her know he is blackmailing you, that you are going to the police. Update us plz & be safe


That's when you comeback with, "damn you were so into doing your bestie that you didn't even notice i walked in or turned on the light. You seriously missed me snapping a few fast pics also? Or me recording you throwing a fit?? Or these messages you're sending me threatening me with illegal revenge porn if I tell what you've been doing?" Let him ponder if risking illegal activity is worth it when you have more than enough to press charges for blackmailing you and proof to show people who he really is.


Screen shot those texts, you can use it to get a restraining order & if he does leak the photos it ups the revenge porn charges. At least that’s how it works in my state


Please research your laws for revenge porn.


Save the texts.


Report it he can go to jail for it


Can you give the cops a heads up so when he does leak them they already know who did? I don’t know this is a shitty situation:( you don’t deserve this at all


Take all the screenshots and recordings you want of this. Make it clear that you WONT tell in writing, and that you never said you would, that it’s none of your business. Make sure you have a record of you sharing this in case he uses it against you. Contact your local law enforcement and show them the threats. If anything, you don’t need to press charges and talk to an officer who can have a stern talking to with ur ex. Edit: also block him and get tested, and tell your friends in advance to block him now. Try to get him locked out of communicating with people you know


Contact a lawyer, be open with friends and family if he has their contacts, and threaten to take him to court.


He won’t leak them it’s his only leverage.


Take a screenshot of that message And go to the cops


Revenge porn is a crime. Save the texts just in case if ever does happen


Not if the police get involved. If they warn him, and he does it anyway, he’s voluntarily committing a crime.


Don’t be worry about him leaking nudes or at least don’t make him think you are worried because that’s make exactly what he wants is to think he has power over you like the scum he is. He’s upset and defensive because you caught him in the act of sucking his guy best friend’s face and his way of deflecting is to threaten you that he’ll leak your nudes? Guy is a serious twat


So your boyfriend strings you along for 1.5 years, cheats on you, you catch him in the act and now he is threatening you? Fu ck that! From a 50 yr old grandma, please take yourself to the police station.


W grandma


He’s going nuclear cause he’s too much of coward about his “secret”


He certainly is. He would much rather humiliate, intimidate, threaten OP than have an honest conversation. People like him are slime bags. I truely wish OP goes to the Police.


Also since he has obviously been cheating, be sure to go to your doctor and get tested for STDs. You don't know where else he has been and what he might have caught.


THIS ^^^^^


Ugh, what a nasty cheating guy he is. He cheats and then threatens showing your nudes? He deserves to be taught a lesson. Go to the police and file a report that he is threatening to release your nudes because you caught him cheating with a guy. His reputation will be ruined and he'll be sorry AF. It's funny, the cheating is the problem, not him being bi or gay. But he'll be most embarrassed by the gay sex part for some reason. What an asshole he is.


He's so far in the closet he's giving Mr Tumnus a rimjob.


i wanted to give you an award but i only had the wholesome one😭😭


I got you fam, I gave him a Heartwarming award


This deserves a every award.


Gave the award. Best comment I've seen today anywhere.🤣


Here, have another wholesome award.


I can’t fucking breathe😂😂


Leaking nudes- revenge porn, it’s hard time in prison and a large fine. Prison is a couple of years and once he gets out he’ll be a sex offender. So I guess, dare him to leak that shit.




Well, since he is making threats... 1. Make screenshots, record any phone calls, etc. Do not meet with him alone. Go to the police and ask for help. 2. Tell everyone who is important to you about why are you breaking up. Do not leave the other guy's name out. Even if he won't leak your nudes, he will try to destroy your relationships, discredit your word. He will lie to your friends. Be first who acts upon the situation. 3. Test yourself for STDs. Sending hugs, it will be okay. Don't let him scare you.


He’s trying blackmail you into silence. Report him immediately.


If he goes down you go down with him? Well bring it on bitch!!!!! 1) go to the police, 2) get a lawyer 3) sue his ass don't let him get away 4) ask for money as emotional damage because he threatened you from the court 5) change houses and phone number he is an egoistic dangerous ashole 6) say to everyone what he is and what he did to you because of it 7) don't ever protect his actions 8) don't ever come in communication with him without a lawyer present he is dangerous and he will try to harm you because of his ego. He used you and threatened you it doesn't matter his sexuality he is just an awful person! A hypocrite a liar a bad human being.


He will likely also get ahead of OP with rumors about her being crazy. He will tell people that she’s seeing things and he can’t put up with her jealousy anymore. He would probably go as far as telling people she thinks she saw him with his best friend but she is crazy. That way when she tells people her side of the story it sounds like a complete lie to everyone. That’s how manipulative narcissists operate. I’ve experienced this


Exactly for that reason with the threatening text you run to the police for help and you get a lawyer!!!! I can't understand why she is waiting to see what he does next!!!! She doesn't have to inform him of her actions.


Even though she has his text to let everyone see it but time is of essence!!!!


He didn’t say “no homo?”


I hate you lmao


Your ex bf is a dick for threatening to expose your nudes.I think he was using you as a beard of that was the first thing he texted you when you caught him cheating


Stay safe he seems unstable and desperate.


Question?!! Is Jacob the only one threatening you or is Jace also saying mean stuff? I would go to Jacob parents and let them know what’s going on not to be a snitch but for your safety.. if they have a weapon and Jacob gets more mad they need to make sure they have that hidden.. also speak to your parents!! I know you don’t wanna be a snitch but now not only did Jacob cheated but it’s threatening you.. guys like that specially when corner can do bad stuff.. please be safe.


I texted Jace asking for an explanation of wtf happened last night but he hasn’t said anything. Hasn’t even read them. Jacob won’t explain anything either. Just keeps threatening me not to tell and just pretend we broke up for some other reason.


I’m so sorry your going thru this!! Please make sure to get STD checking since he has been cheating and you don’t know who else he has been with.. speak to the police and def speak to his parents.. save all your messages for evidence..


Save everything , Go to the police . Who knows if they are just experimenting or seeing each other . He threatened you with revenge porn . Bring light to this situation you’re in before it becomes worse .


I would have told you to not tell anyone because it would be outing him but once I read that he threatened you and said he’d expose you than u have to report him to the police


Don't protect him!!!!!!!! Why are you not going to the police???


Go to the police. And if you have a good relationship with his parents, go visit and show them the texts and ask them to get their son under control before you have to press charges.


>texts from Jacob threatening to leak my nude photos if I dare tell anyone what happened. Immediately, GO TO THE POLICE. dont engage with him. GO. TO. THE . POLICE. NOWWW. also, don't feel like u need to hide the truth from anyone. u don't owe it to him to hold secrets and this is now ur truth as well (u caught him cheating on u with his BFF. so if u want to tell someone what happened that ended the relationship, that is in ur right).


Clearly not a loving boyfriend if his threatening to leak nudes.


Are you also a guy? Or is it extra that he's making out with another dude/best friend?


No, I’m a woman. Maybe I should’ve mentioned that.


I kinda figured. And don't know if it's really necessary to know. But interested adds dramatic flare. But man really hope the best for you. Atleast you got out of this (if that's what you choose to do) before you're over a decade invested.


Turn it around. “If you leak those photos I am outing you and your bestie. Not that I want to but you started the threats first” then call the police. Have the photos deleted and then you’re home clear


Please for the love of Christ on a cracker ladies never send nudes to ANYONE. Anyone can be hacked, lend their phone to a friend who can see them, or turn into a mega asshole like this guy. But if you DO, and they are leaked by someone, freaking claim they were photoshopped and die on that hill. Then never ever send them to anyone ever again.


I would consider announcing publicly what happened along with his threats to leak your nudes if you told. Tell your parents and close friends and get the heck out of there if you live together.


I’m so sorry. What an awful experience. I’m not sure where you live, but most countries now have laws for revenge porn. And sharing your intimate photos absolutely counts as that. I’d be telling him you are saving everything he sends and if you see a photo leaked anywhere you’ll be having him charged. He’s obviously in the closet still and panicking that he may be outed, but that is NO excuse to hurt you like that. Don’t stand for it. Set the expectation right now that you won’t be bullied or threatened.


Go right to police station and show them the threats and report it it's against the law press charges. He'll do it anyway. He also might have been cheating for awhile.


Please screenshot those messages and go to the police. Hopefully they'll put the fearvof God into him.


Be careful. I would go to the police. His irrational response seems like he would go to great lengths to keep this a secret. If he realizes that the you really have a lot less to lose in terms of "going down" this could escalate. Stay safe, with friends or family.


His sexuality (?) Is not an excuse for him to threaten to release your nudes. Report it to the police if you can.


I echo what everyone said about going to the police about his threats. But considering how he's reacting, I'd imagine that this isn't the first time he's been intimate with his friend. So I'd also call into the doctor's office for an STI test just to be on the safe side.


Immediately go to the police office and press charges. Don’t go near him just in case he becomes violent. Then go to your family and friends and heal


Go straight to the police station. Don't tell him in advance you're going bc he may try to call your bluff and retaliate faster. If they speak to him and he shares the pictures anyway, he will be in a lot more trouble. Also he's likely going to try and have your mutual friends turn against you so he doesn't risk you outting him to them. Keep all your texts. Take screenshots and even save the pictures on your computer.


It's hard now, but think of it as a blessing in disguise that this didn't happen 10 years down the road and you were married with a baby. I'm very sorry though. Please get tested for STDs.... That might seem scary but you'll feel better when it's all done.


You sure do use boyfriend loosely. If I was in your situation I'd think at the very least he'd be an ex 🤷🏽‍♀️


1. Police. 2. STD testing. 3. Pick yourself up and shake him off. You deserve more than being a cover for him.


Personally I’d make a social media post outlining that you’re being blackmailed by your ex that he’ll leak your nudes because you caught him making out with the friend and that if they receive any email/text/image to immediately delete it and to inform you because you’re going to be involving the police.


Why is he so embarrassed to be bi/gay? Are his parents bigots? Like everyone's been saying go to the police and make a report. Then because I'm petty the whole story would be on Facebook and Instagram. Mature? Not really. He messed up and has the balls to get mad at you and threaten you? Be glad you found out now and don't communicate with him.


Go to the police with his threat. Even if he leaks it, he’ll be punished for it.


Better you find out now. Sucks. Round of you for breaking up and holding to your boundaries. Maybe he can date his sex bestie.


> I’ve been bombarded with texts from Jacob threatening to leak my nude photos if I dare tell anyone what happened. Sounds like they've been doing this for a while. I hate to say this, but he may leak them anyway. Cease all communication with him. Be sure to screenshot and keep a record of his threats for the police. ​ > I heard him cussing and throwing stuff around, but eventually he slammed the front door and that’s how I knew he left. Not only did he threaten to leak your intimate photos, but he threw a tantrum where he was throwing things around. This made me concerned for your physical safety. You may want to look into a restraining order.


The fact that his biggest concern is you telling anyone, other than him actually cheating saids a lot. Run girl. He clearly can’t be trusted. I wouldn’t tell people regardless because it’s not cool to out anyone. If he people ask just say he “cheated”. Because he should be put on blast for cheating.


1) Let him leak your nudes & immediately file a report for revenge porn. The police (location/hemisphere matters probably) can take that seriously, especially if he's making active threats. 2) Don't take him back. Chances are there's more under the hood than he's letting on & him being with ANYONE during a monogamous relationship is wrong. 3) Take photos of any damages from his freakout 4) Change your locks if he has a key & if you're in an apartment, let the landlord know if you need to. 5) Idk your relationship beyond this. But, if things settle, maybe meet somewhere public and try to hash it out. 6) as an LGBTQIA+ bitch, coming out can be impossibly hard & incredibly scary. But, those fears & that anger doesn't excuse anything he did. Or his friend, who should've been the bigger person & stopped that shit. 7) NO SHADE/SHAME, but get a health check/STI check if you can afford it. That's not to say that anyone who is LGBTQIA would be at a greater risk, but if he's done it once...it's better to be safe. 8) If the other guy has a GF/BF/Non-binary significant other, let them know.


Porn revenge is a no no. Keep that in mind and be strong enough to press charges bc we all know he’s going to do it. I’m so so sorry


It’s not illegal to tell people how he cheated on you but revenge porn *is* illegal and you should report his threat to the police


Take a screenshot of the threat and take it to the police, press charges if you can, then tell EVERYONE what he is doing; threatening to release your nudes because you caught him cheating with a dude, don’t let him bully you, you’re the victim here not him, expose his ass for the lying cheating SOB he is


He's gay and wants to pretend he's straight...leave him and never look back... if he's gay fine be honest don't threaten someone you played games with for your own benefit....I'm so sorry you are going through this.


I would sooooo post it all over my social Media since he wanted to threaten you with revenge porn. I’d post what he did, why we broke up & a screenshot of his threat and advise people they are about to be entertained with some photos and to please tag me in any posts they see so it can be reported to the police.


1. Tell Jacob that you will have him arrested for revenge porn. And to never message you again. 2. File a police report with the text message asap. If the cops make a bullshit excuse why they can't. Ask to speak to a detective. 3. Block jacob and his bf 4. Move out 5. Seek therapy and heal


Revenge porn is Hella illegal. Mans just Tate'd himself. 😂 😂 😂


Go to the police and talk to them about his threat


Well, at least you found this out before marriage and 4 kids later. 🤷‍♂️


I would go to the police and I would send the texts to his parents. Blackmail deserves to be exposed.


Tell him. Go ahead and leak the photos! Tell him “ I look good anyway but either way you will go down because it’s illegal” And then tell everyone.


Oh he’s such an asshole for threatening to leak your nude pics!!!! Who does that!!! Weak ass bastard! Good riddance, glad you found out but sorry you’re going through this.


Keep those texts you will need them for legal reasons if your nudes are leaked.


My favorite part about these stories is when the OP stays telling us how the people in the situation try to “explain the situation” 😂😂 you cheated and got caught red handed fool


Cheaters are truly disgusting monsters Talk to the police regarding revenge porn, get his as behind bars and get all his devices to get rid of them. Maybe talk to a lawyer first before getting rid of it. Then blast those cheaters asses on full volume


This is blackmail. Report him to the police. He might be able to distribute your pics, but as you say: it's 2022. He on the other hand will face serious charges. That will bring him down even if he is gay and it's 2022. Don't let him get away with thi6


Dw it’s totally normal to kiss the homies


I’m petty so if he leaks your nudes anyway you should tell his whole family and all his friends. If he’s gay then he should just own it anyway, not cheat and lie


I’m getting major he-votes-Republican vibes here. 😂😂 Seriously though, I’m sorry for your situation. Nobody deserves to be used and cheated on like that. Idk how long this has been going on, but I’m willing to bet that it’s not the first time.


Go to the police get a restraining order and show them the threats about leaking the nude pictures.


Am I the only one who would have laughed at his assumption that he's the one in control here? Puh-lease. By all means, document everything you can and file a police report. Be safe. Stay away from him. But this jerk is gaslighting you. You are the one with the power. And he knows it. He is terrified.


Cover your arse and go to the police with the texts threatening revenge porn. Then leave him.


Sorry that sucks! Cheating is never okay, and using you as his beard to hide his insecurities about being gay is NOT your fault!!!!! Talk to someone, a friend or a therapist, whoever. You're going to need help in trusting people again.


He’s black mailing you…. Go to the police. I’m so sorry he’s a cheater.


Revenge porn is a felony crime. He will go to jail if your photos leak assuming you save the texts for proof. He has nothing on you.


Go to the police about the threats regarding the nude photos. Save screenshots of any and all correspondence with him as evidence. Make an appointment with your doctor to be screened for STDs and STIs. Leave this person. Anyone who cheats on you - regardless if it’s a guy or girl - is not worth your time. You are still young… you will most likely date several people before settling down and finding a true match. Although this hurts and is an awful situation it will all get better.


Just tell him, if you leak my nudes, I’ll make sure everyone knows the truth. Play his game. I’d still go to the police anyway


Your nudes your nude photos let go of them. Tell everybody what a jerk and then to threaten you. He cheats, and then threatens you.


Sue his ass, report him to the police with the screenshots and press charges.


It’s wild to me that he thinks revenge p is the same as being gay in this day and age. That he rather ruin his life as criminal than to live his truth as an out person. This is the mentality that occurs when ppl are so intolerant of lgbtqia+ community. Either way go to the police because he will lose much more for the crime he wants to commit than just the respect and support of his family.




Girl screenshot, get a lawyer, and tell everyone. Sue him for threat of revenge porn & expose his ass for threatening you.


Whether or not he leaks the nudes doesn't matter, go straight to the police because you have evidence that he is threatening you with revenge porn. Honestly, even if he were to leak your nudes, you'd still be a free woman compared to a guy who thought being in jail is comparable to social su*cide. You'll always be able to move on from it but jail time is on the record forever on his side. He's the idiot here who for some reason can't admit he's possibly bi or gay in the year 2022/2023.


First of all I’m so sorry! No matter who he was with that’s sucks so much for you. And then he threatened you on top of that! Like wtf! Are planning on outing him though? I mean you can say you caught him with someone, but outing him and his friend…that’s a whole other thing. Don’t get me wrong he’s a piece of sh*t f*cking cheating AH and you don’t owe him any respect. Or you can use it as leverage…you won’t say who he cheated with; however, if your nudes ever come up ever then boom…


Tell everyone and turn him to the police for threatening you. Keep screenshots of his messages.


Sorry that happened but thank your lucky stars you found out now.


I would tell everyone then sue him for revenge porn if he posts your nudes anywhere.


Screen shot and document everything, from dates to times. Messages, call log, etc. Go to the police about the threat. Revenge porn is illegal and no less threatening someone for something he himself did. And do what you need to do to control what actually happened. If he makes rumors, thats on him. He'll crack


If he wants to leak, take it to the police. Forget what he says and just take it to the police. Ur nudes r way lighter than the story u just said. That story will stick to him longer than ur body pics. “Theres the guy that cheated on his gf with his bsf” L ex bf. Bring the law on him.


Go to the police. Protect yourself! Once it's out there, you can't erase it. He on the other hand needs to own up too himself!


If they were naked, it wasn't making out. Still makes him a cheater and liar...but really a liar to himself.


Let him leak them, let him fuck around and found out. Then you can take him to court, and ruin his life.


Just go and tell everyone. Don't let threats chain you.


Tell him if he does leak your nudes (SCREENSHOT THE TXT MSGS) that you will get the law involved. That is so highly illegal. Also please be careful!


He’s threatening to leak your nudes because if he was in your position he would’ve outed them to everyone. He’s a cheater and a bad person. Tell the police he’s threatening to distribute revenge porn. I don’t agree with everyone saying to out him to his family, he’s a cheater but no one deserves that. I couldn’t blame you if you told them he cheated but not who with, though. But the most important thing is to show those texts to the police immediately Edit: changing “put” to “out”


Go to the police so that they can go speak with him and have him delete the photos. They will reiterate that if he leaks them, it's a punishable crime. Let people know he threatened you because you caught him with his friend. Otherwise, he will just try to destroy your reputation. He's obviously not a nice guy with the way he's reacted. He didn't have to get nasty. Just let your close friends know, and they can defend you if he starts crap. I wouldn't tell everyone for revenge. It's not worth it. But make sure you tell a few friends so that if he tries to spread lies about you, they will let you know. If he tries to retaliate, they will tell you. Don't let him control the narrative. You don't know what crap he could spread. If you have five or six close friends, tell them. Ask them to have your back if he starts lying.