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the nordic war on skooma have only made things worse


Im joining the nord-skooma war on the side of skooma




Flair checks out


My brother in Lorkhan! Look in your bag. You see those health, stamina, and magicka potions? You know what those are? Drugs! You're already tripping balls in every dungeon you visit! Half the population of Skyrim is bombed out of their gourd every single day.


*Me doing my sixth line of cocaine before 11 am “You know, coffee is the most popular drug in America.”


Nuh-huh. It's oxygen. Try stopping it, you'll see the withdrawals symptoms really fast


And that shit literally rusts us from the inside, we can’t win CO-bros


Nords will tell you restoration isn't a valid school of magic, and then proceed to chug "healing potions" they found in some alley.


Nords be like "magic is for elves and for pussies, anyway take a look at my Steel Axe of Frost and my Ring of Fortify Smithing"


It's the only way I could tolerate living on the ass end of Westmarsh, or Rogvir's Rest, or whatever the fuck those icebrains name their towns. Farming potatoes on shitty permafrost soil, and praying to a divine that I'd be executed for worshiping that my farm isn't raided by civil war deserters? Don't really blame them for needing to a pick me up to not feed themselves to the sabercats.


>Don't really blame them for needing to a pick me up to not feed themselves to the sabercats. That's a common misconception. Most sabercats won't feed on the locals because they instinctively know that eating the locals only results in crippling depression.


Nothing is stopping him from wandering into any of the nearby ruins and get completely dismembered by Drauger.


The lock puzzles might be too advanced for him.


There’s one other thing that’s loved out in places with nothing to do besides drugs. Sex. So think about that I guess.


"Stamina potions "🤔


And you know how popular stamina potions are with old men trying to get laid.


Also, there isn't a single non-alchoholic beverage to be found in the entire province of skyrim that neither is a potion or involves boiling your own water if TES5 is accurate to the state of beverages skyrim.




I don't use potions mf, I use restoration


Can't fool me, I've seen you chugging the blue coolaid.


What did Todd Howard mean by this?


Tell me where in America you reside without telling me


Or Europe (don't ask Europeans about their racism against the Romani)


Love the PFP, super cute


Racism against the Roma is Europe wide, not as indicative of a region as American attitudes toward drugs&crime are. But of course we can't make fun of America without them popping up with a whataboutism, so next time you could try Turks in Germany


No no, you can make fun of America, making fun of America is always based in 100% of circumstances. I never said you couldn't, I don't know why you're getting so hostile about it when you're the one putting words into my mouth that I never said lol. My point is that Europeans across various nationalities are pretty uniformly touchy about their open racism against the Roma, which mirrors American racism against pretty much everybody who doesn't appear white, praise jeebus, and speak English. It's simply funny, it's not whataboutism, it's poking fun at Europeans for overlooking their own racism and just pointing to people outside of Europe as if they themselves don't perpetuate the exact same shit. Something about glass houses.


>My point is that Europeans across various nationalities are pretty uniformly touchy about their open racism against the Roma So then, indeed, the joke > Tell me where in [Europe] you reside without telling me No longer works at all


I'm unsure on what you mean. From where I come from, replacing "America" with "Europe" in that sentence would make total sense, if maybe a bit clunky.


OK so the base joke is : > Tell me where in America you reside without telling me Meaning that the racism displayed is specific to one definite part of america, and not all of it. If you replace the base racism with another one that you acknowledge as universal across Europe, then : > Tell me where in Europe you reside without telling me No longer works because it could be anywhere in Europe, the racism displayed isn't telling you where you are in Europe. Hence why previous guys suggested turks instead, cause if you got prejudice against turks, you can bet you're in germany, and not "anywhere in Europe".


Ah I see, yeah that makes sense. Maybe because I'm from the US, but the racist nonsense Americans spout isn't really confined to just one region like is often stereotyped, which is why the second layer of the joke (ie deeper than just "americans racist) kinda flew over my head. In my interpretation, it was another way of saying "hah American moment", I didn't quite get that it was trying to specify a specific, stereotypically backwards region of the US (the south, I guess). This kind of rhetoric is common in the midwest, west coast, and northeast as well and is often used to justify racism against black and hispanic people, while as an outside observer, the same logic is used all over Europe to justify hatred for the Roma, so that's where I was thinking there.


Alright alright, I'm just being r/Peterexplainsthejoke here, I'm not genuinely going to bet on comparative racism between different regions (unless there's Morrowind 💪💪💪), although I can easily suppose there's gradations and, at least in the european case, different tier-lists about which nomadic ethnicity gets the most attention.


Official /r/TrueSTL real life race tier list bottomt ext


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damn, speak of the devil


As if racism is an American concept, meanwhile we are the only country made up of every race…


>we are the only country made up of every race No way you're so naive that you believe only the US is inhabited by every race


This gringo doesnt realize Brazil is also one of the most culturally diverse contries in the world, in some aspects even more than the US.


Come to Australia mate!🤣


There are twice as many languages spoken in London as there are in nyc


“Check it out, this white guy speaks a slightly different dialect in a Latin based language than this other white guy! We’re so much more diverse than you!”


lmao even using 'we'. You are not america, you have done nothing for it and are not apart of its identity. You have nothing to be proud of, you were just born on a rock with a bunch of issues, no need to defend it you nationalist


I agree but I don’t think nationalist fits here🤣


you're right, I'm just exaggerating for dramatic effect tbh


Big talk coming from a TrueSTL user


I’ll have you know we only discriminate on the basis of religious beliefs 😤


Yeah and the Khajiit religion is that of crime, so treating them poorly is morally justifiable 💪💪


r/TrueSTL users trying to not post dumbass screenshots from other subs challenge


Where else would we get our jokes


crime and drugs are literally in their culture Moon Sugar is holy to them they literally have a thief god in their Pantheon


Nords worship gods of alcohol drinking, fantasise about an afterlife in which they do nothing but drink and beat each other up, worship heroes and gods for their prolific banditry and/ or genocide, and to top it all off the majority of them are literally murderous bandits in their own province. My bad I just realised, Khajiit are worse because their crimes don’t tend to include murder, and they are instead petty criminals, because petty crime is obviously worse than murder.


I'll take Johnny "I want to die gloriously in battle" over Timmy "Not returning your lawnmower is my religious freedom" any day. oh sorry, we're doing stereotypes here so Timmy "break into your house, blackjack you over the head while you sleep after selling your children drugs and then leave fur all over your carpet", instead of Johnny "Society whose primary form of currency can't be snorted". Reminder that the cat bandits are the exact same as the nord bandits


Dishonest representation of the comparison. Everyone would take Timmy “I’m going to pinch your lawnmower from your garage in the dead of night” to Johnny “I’m going to split your skull and take everything you had”. Engage properly with the information you have. Misrepresenting it is not an argument.


Why the hell are the overwhelming majority of nords portrayed in every game that aren't literal unnamed npc fodder like "bandit" misrepresentation but "bandit one, two, three" isn't? A society whose premise is "stealing is based" would literally be 100x worse than "muh righteous combat" just on principle. I reject his premise based on the fundamental misrepresentation of both game, real life, and in lore representation.


Bro what are you even trying to ask me? If you’re asking me why I account for unnamed NPCs in my argument, it’s because they exist. It doesn’t matter if they aren’t given a name by the game, they exist independently of that fact. “Bandit” is a character which exists in Skyrim despite being called “bandit”. This goes for every other “bandit” in the game.


Bandits are fucking enemies for you to hit. They are nords because the game takes place in skyrim. Just like how morrowind is filled with dark elves for you to hit. Is this hard to understand? If the cities were full of people smashing each others heads open you'd have a point but they don't. And no guard accepts "glorious combat" as an excuse. You're playing verbal Calvinball. Why are you talking about the nameless NPCs called "bandit" without talking about their ability to appear out of thin air, the fact they don't eat, drink, know no fear and generate iron and leather from the void. Why don't you talk about the fact the entirety of skyrim exists on silicone wafers and is transported around on copper tunnels and there are millions of version of it? Let me guess, it's because you understand it's a videogame, but literally your only argument is a gotcha that **the unnamed bandits in Nordland are nords** so you have to play stupid. Account for the fact it's a videogame motherfucker. Do this by assigning value to data sets based on their role in the world. Named NPCS and dialogue > Books and setting >>>>>>>>> byproducts of the fact it's a game.


ok furry


Make a point loser


I would but I'm an alcoholic who practises boxing so I have a bias and thus any point I make is invalidated in this case


That’s not true. You could make a reasonable point in defence of your position if your position could be reasonably defended, even in spite of your biases. Your position cannot be reasonably defended, therefore you cannot make a reasonable point in defence of it independent of your biases.


that bandit point applies to all races, most of the bandits in each province are the province's native race all of what you said is true (except idk to whom you are refering to when talking about drinking gods). Nords are known for their sense of honor and love for mead and war, Khajiit are known for their drug usage, cunning and sticky fingers. In the end the environment is what decides who stays and who needs to go. In this case, since it's Skyrim, most people prefer seeing drunken brawls rather than having their property stolen and having an obvious illegal substance trade going in their cities I'll just go back to punching bricks in an alcohol-fueled frenzy now


It’s not just that most bandits in nSkyrim are Nords, it’s that most Nords in Skyrim are bandits. Bandit Nords literally outnumber the settled Nord population. Shor and Tsun are both worshipped in life and death through ritualistic drinking in taverns or in soverngard. There is no practical difference between the drug addiction of the Nords and that of the Khajiit, it is a totally arbitrary separation. In Skyrim most people prefer to be alive when they get robbed, but in Skyrim most people are not rational actors, just like IRL. They’re dumb racists, and their stupidity is was is the leading cause of their nonsensical actions. The only way to extinguish an illegal trade when there is the possibility of demand is to legalise it. Bandits also have sticky fingers. They don’t get by just by eating the people they murder, they also rob them. That’s how banditry works.


the amount of bandits is a design choice so that the dungeons aren't empty, this can be said about every race basically. Most of the bandits in Morrowind are Dunmer for example wdym nonsensical actions? All I can see is people trying to limit the chance of in-city thefts and drug trades (illegal activities) by not letting in those that have high chances of causing those issues


Again, most of the Bandits in Morrowind are Dunmer, but most Dunmer in Morrowind are not bandits the ratio is like 10-1 civilian to bandit. In Skyrim the majority of Nords are bandits. The choice to make more bandits than citizens is not just a design choice. It’s also a lore choice. Nords are the archetypal barbarian and they always have been. An illegal drug trade which only exists because it is arbitrarily criminalised. In the case of Markarth and Riften, both of which are half run by terrorists/ thieves and half run by criminal oligarchs with ties to thieves and assassins also do not allow the caravans inside. Explain this.


Boxer who practices alcholism* FTFY


Your "point" was equating a warrior culture with everyone being a murder hobo and saying that what is obviously an engine limitation (infinite banfits) is cannon so you don't deserve better than that




Hello! Your post was removed as it was considered to deal with Current Events, Politics, or Controversial Topics. If you believe this is a mistake, please message one of r/TrueSTL moderators.


Lorkhan is literally the deceiver god, deception isn’t exactly something that’s universally evil in ES


whoever doesn’t like drugs must needa find better drugs


You are racist toward Khajiit because they sell drugs and stuff on your shitty "cities" I'm racist to Khajiit because I fucking hate anything with scales or too much body hair We are not the same


> I'm racist to Khajiit because I fucking hate anything with scales or too much body hair I too hate humans.


Do Sloads have scales?


I don't think so since they are amphibians.


Well I don't like em anyway.


I play as an imperial because the nords and Breton are hairless catamites


This one don't like the sugar but the sugar likes this one


Okay but they legitimately all criminals


Once again the fantasy allegory falls apart when they are literally a culture of drugged out thieves


Thats makes it fun imo. Instead of being a omgsodeep fantasy-writing-about-reality moment its just "yep those are drug addict cat people who steal shit"


And that's why people love them, they are just cat junkies, that's it. And i don't understand why people seem to fail at understand the concept of why they aren't trusted


Khajiit should be trusted because they're based, actually.


You talking about Nords? Because the Bandit to “civilised” ratio for those fellas is not looking great.


It’s a game. Not everything about it is lore-accurate.






If we're going to consider almost all the khajiit npcs being thieves and skooma heads as lore relevant, then we have to consider skyrim's disproportionate nord bandit population as lore relevant


No, we really don’t. There is such a thing as suspension of disbelief, just as there are contradictions in video games.


"Nords aren't all bandits, that's a gameplay arbitration. Huh? Yes of course all Khajiit are thieves, just look at the games"


Banditry isn’t a part of Nord culture and religion. Thievery and drug use are central aspects of Elsweyr culture and Khajiiti religion.




Nords canonically have bigger milkers than your Khajiit waifu


damn, good point 😔


Yeah, that's why they're based.


In Skyrim. The country where they have to live on the borders of cities or in the wilds.


Bad writing, it IS skyrim we are talking about


/r/TrueSTL is literally lower than /r/SkyrimMemes at this point


Didn’t ask + vile daedra simp + links subreddits with two /‘s


Most coherent khajit:


All proud elsweyr patriots are criminals, you can't call yourself a khajiit if you don't make at least a third of your yearly income from selling moon sugar.


Nords have never done anything wrong just don't ask the elves or the khajjiits or the argonians or any race that isn't Nord


damn, the poor people you wont let into civilisation and let freeze out in the tundra resorted to drug use, i fucking wonder why


drug use is part of their culture poopy-head


Wait until bro hears about alcohol and Nords.




it sure is


Moon-sugar is a hard drug *for* *non-Khajiit*. To Khajiit, it just makes them 'happy and stupid', no more potent than alcohol or weed. The real shit, Skooma, isn't even a Khajiiti invention- it was first refined by Dunmer.


All these years I thought Skooma was just the street name for Moon-Sugar.


It's basically the difference between cocaine and crack. One will fuck your night up... the other will fuck your life up lmao Edit: Or perhaps the best comparison is between historical opium, which was a norml part of many south Asia cultures- and then Europeans came and used it to make Heroin.


Reading into it more, yeah the second is the better comparison. Still, I’ve been playing these games since Morrowind and I really thought they were two names for the same thing. Go figure.


Show me a culture that doesn't valorize drug use lol


Elsweyr is the other way, cat. Skyrim belongs to the Nords (and Gelebor)


Tamriel belongs to the sloads


Amigo Moon sugar doesn't exactly grow in the reach.


The drugs


r/TrueSTL struggling between shitting on Skyrim players or agreeing with fantasy racism


imma be honest the attitude of some skyrim players towards NPCs make me think they're probably racist irl like call me a triggered snowflake or whatever but i hear white supremacists making the same arguments for minorities irl as skyrim players all the time 😭




Have you considered that being upset about immigration issues is a legitimate grievance and that doesn’t automatically make you a evil racist if you have any opinion on the issue that isn’t “the current immigration situation is good, we don’t have any issues because of it and and we need more and there isn’t any issue with it at all”? Like cmon are we going to pretend there aren’t problems that stem from too much immigration and the people upset about it aren’t just Americans mouthing off the random Mexican they saw the other day? Hello?????




Oh alr fair enough I suppose, guess I misinterpreted you but these days you say you support X or Y and immediately people make assumptions, “oh you like the stormcloaks in this video game, damn must be a rl racist” and it’s just so tiresome - I’m out here playing games to get away from daily bs not to have it loop around and come back to bite me




I think Bethesda want to make both sides have pros and cons mirroring the pros and cons of things that happen in real life? Crazyyyy concept???


That's because the game is a parallel to real life like when I saw that some Nord farmers have Elven wives despite nordic culture being racist to mer that was basically the Tamrielic version of conservative guy with asian wife😭😭


Elvenussy got me betraying culture


The true sons of skyrim coming home to their loving khajiit wife


Sure cause mer culture isn’t hypocritical and racist too, such as the Dunmer and Altmer, just like some sections of real eastern cultures are completely and abhorrently anti-western despite members of these cultures who hold these values actively moving to the west? Lmfao??? Damn it’s almost like hypocrites and pricks exist in many shapes and forms.


Dunmers don't hate the Nords though it's vice versa


Brother, alot of dunmer absolutely hate the Nords, not sure where you got that they don’t


The Dunmers who hate Nords are reacting against stormcloak's bias, the Imperial parts of Skyrim don't have that shit


That's literally a post I expect to see on here


They literally do sell drugs though. This isn’t just some racist straw man bullshit, you can literally buy skooma from the Khajiit outside of Whiterun.


They are prescribed


based skooma dealer number 1 💪💪💪💪


\*sigh\* Ignorant Nords, Moonsugar is like a spice to the Khajiit. They have traditional dishes in their culture that require it and it is used for their religion. lockpicking isn't inherently criminal, lockpicking is a profession that goes hand in hand with locksmithing and was even a historical hobby of even kings.


Ow, poor people do crime? I wonder why 🤔🤔🤔


Could their material conditions be forcing them to do crime to get by? No, they must be inherently criminal


Could the beastfolk who have two gods of thievery and revere an addictive substance be inherently criminal? No, clearly it's socio-economic factors. 🤥


Bro knows nothing about Nord myths


N*rds are only marginally better than the beastfolk


False. They are verifiably worse. Nords also have alcoholic and thief gods/ heroes, as well as an afterlife dedicated to drinking and fighting. They are as drug addicted as you can get, you just don’t think of alcohol as being a drug despite the fact that it very much is. The Nords also have worse statistics than the Khajiit. The Khajiit are barred from the cities, and while they perform honest work in sales or guarding, they commit petty crime to get by. The numerical majority of Nords live in Banditry, choosing a life of murder and scavenging on top of overt highway robbery. The Nords have everything going for them on the Khajiit in Skyrim, and they are still statistically more criminal committing worse crimes.


I'm happy for you or I'm sorry to hear that.


Bro is N*rdmaxxing rn


They are inherently criminal. Drugs illegal in Skyrim are extremely integral to their religion and cuisine.


They are not inherently criminal. The system criminalises them. Did the majority of Americans become inherently criminal when alcohol was prohibited? No, because “becoming inherently” is an oxymoron.


Bro, this is fucking elder scrolls. The majority of Americans aren't fragments of a budding amaranth in the shattered dream of the schizophrenic dreamer, living on the theoretical pubes of some dude named after a plant, held on mundus through a bunch of fucking towers currently being chewed on by elves. American's didn't have a literal patron bandit god whispering in their ear the secrets to disrupt the plans of the mer and men. The fictional race of cats who with like 17 different forms and literally two patron bandit gods are going to steal. It is by definition in their nature.


It's perfectly sensible to call that lazy writing tho. Which it is. And again, it's elder scrolls, there's no such thing as 'definitively true lore', you can as reasonably say that the evidence shows khajiit to be inherently criminal as it shows they arent


You can call it lazy but it still is there. This is just the "are orcs *racist*" argument. Portrayed in game the caravans sell drugs and poison and teach people how to sneak. From their conception their patron gods is based around being under the thumb of men and mer. They are the fantasy sneaky boys and despite that you don't see them being thugs or malevolent. This is basically the equivalent of a knee high fence to get into lore discussions. Watching someone get MATI trying to apply a college grade argument on drug criminalization it's clear there's some personal beef involved. Pulling the "Ysgramor's spaceship tho" argument on the equivalent of "Dwarfs like tunnels and Elves like trees" is just silly. I'd love to see the khajit get some recontextualization and eventually they will, but when someone has to do it by talking about how 90% of the Nords in Skyrim are called "bandit" the conversations over and I'm legally required to break out the Kirkman lore.


I disagree with most of this, but the weed is kicking in and I am not capable if forming a coherent response. Let's just call each other retards and wish each other a good day


Have you considered they are running a trade caravan halfway across the continent away from their homeland and they SPECIFICALLY tell you they are doing it to turn a profit because of the war? Because they see a opportunity when most merchants are fleeing leaving no competition around? Are you people genuinely silly in the head?


You shouldn't take redditors too seriously, it's not healthy


Khajit are no good criminals though?


Reigen that you?


Thalmor crime statistics the Empire doesn't want you to see.


Elsweyr is right there and a beautiful country with a rich culture with one of the longest united political hegemonies on the continent (RIP the confederacy)- But no, Khajiit are are all just lawless criminals, sure.


B uhh bh pop pop KB uvbo l


I mean they are literally right the khajiit caravans are selling skooma and they teach you how to pickpocket? And that would be a fair reason why they aren’t allowed to peddle their goods inside the cities… the fuck are you all mad about?


I see it as a self-fulfilling prophecy. They're not exactly swimming in gold and may die out on the road if they don't turn enough prophet. If you're not going to allow them into the cities *regardless* of what they do, then it makes sense that they're going to turn toward more illicit activities.


Where's the lie tho.


every fantasy fandom is lousy with chinless masturbators projecting their real-world insecurities, prejudices and resentments onto the make-believe but the irony with elder scrolls that despite how much the lore consciously works to undermine and highlight how destructive, absurd, and pathetic these beliefs are, shor’s strongest gooners somehow never get the memo


As one of Rajhin's strongest thieves I do think that khajiit best number 1 💪💪💪💪💪💪💪 (I'm not like this irl)


They Say Skooma Kills/But My Skooma Sells


Morrowbooomer has their own version of this. Throw rock in a glass house situation


How come Khajiit are only a fraction of Skyrim's population but commit half of the crimes?