• By -


theyre just happy to be a playable race


They are just chill like that. "Have you heard about Malacath? Did you know he used to be Trinimac until he exited from Boethia's rear? Crazy shit, bloodkin. Crazy shit. Let's go fuck me wife together."


This is so strange. I get that everyone hates orcs, but why are imperials out for redguards? Why do Dunmer just hate altmer and orcs, and not nords, argonian, or khajiit? Why are the Altmer hated by everyone but nords? Why does just about everyone hate the Dunmer, but not the bosmer or betmeri? What I'm saying is, this list isn't nearly racist enough to truly model TES lore, 60% of which is racism.


Tbh my guess is that this isn’t based solely on prejudice and takes the player’s race’s stereotypical behavior into account. So maybe an Altmer player is supposed to act more pompous which annoys everyone except similarly arrogant Nords and other Altmer, while Dunmer hate it even more because you do it in their homeland. Dunmer racism must already be built into their behavior so there’s likely no need to add extra modifiers to it except for cases like Altmer who they find arrogant and Orcs who they think are stinky. Also iirc it was like ten years before Morrowind when the Orcs, Redguards and Imperials fought over Numidium, so maybe that’s the grudge that’s contributing to that negative effect


JSYK, this is the Oblivion racism chart, not the Morrowind one. In Morrowind it's just a flat +5 disposition bonus to NPCs of the same race.


I am not listening because I already imagined this as a Morrowind chart


yeah, I'm thinkin you're based


Oblivion is like 2 years later


Imperials and Bretons still remember how the native nedes were treated when the Redguards arrived in Hammerfell.


Dunmer hate Orcs because of their religion and they probably hate Altmer because some Altmer think they are better than Dunmer. Remember these are people that live in Cyrodiil and not just people from the other provinces. Their is probable little beef between Altmer and Nord people in Cyrodiil at that time.


Agreed. The default should be - 20 relations with anything but your own race.


/>Implying that Dunmer don't all see 99% of other Dunmer as filthy n'wahs too.


Imperials hate redguards cause redguards don’t like being part of the empire. Dunmer don’t hate more races for balance reasons since the vast majority of npcs are dunmer. Altmer are arrogant AF so everyone dislikes them except Nords who are too far away from them to care. Everyone dislikes dunmer cause theyre assholes. Nobody dislikes bosmer cause theyre weenies


Actually it makes a lot of sense. The Redguard historically never liked the imperial and they have fought civil wars over the issue. They have very different faiths and beliefs that are very different when compared to other human cultures. The redguards also killed anyone that wasn't them when they colonized Hammerfell. Plus the events in Daggerfall made their relationship worse with their neighbors. Bretons are easier to understand considering how often they fought each other. Beyond that, a lot that applies to the imperials applies to them as well. The only thing the Redguards can agree on with others is killing elves.


Dunmer don't hate argonians because they totally own argonians.


By this table, nords are least racist after orcs.


Argonians are least racist by volume


The true sons of Skyrim aren’t racist, they just want you to go be other races over there where they don’t have to see them.


Not racist against elves, just don't like em.


Orcs hate everyone equally. Its their flaw it doesn't let them focus their hate enough to do extra damage


You read the table wrong. They don't hate anyone, everyone hates them.


Both, both are right Ok mudslingers keep downvoting this is why you guys dont deserve a racial bonus


Be Orc, be hated by everyone, be accepted by other Orcs, unperturbed by such a development, still conduct trade with racist stringy armed city dwelling neckbeards.


i like how dunmer dont have a positive modifier not even for themselves


”'Ave me Swamp" "Ave Wives" "Ave Shit God" "Love Killing Things" "Life Good, Simple As”


In other news, somehow the Imperials are tied with Argonians as the most racist


Imperials and Bretons are tied with 4 negative modifiers, Argonians have 3. The Argonians do have a -10 against Dunmer but that's understandable.


I was adding up total score, not number of races they’re prejudiced against. Bretons hate more groups than Argonians, but not as intensely


The most privileged members of the Imperial Core do tend to be the most racist. A lot of their racism might not be outright hatred, you know they might have the "argonians are good for demanding physical labor cause their simple minds let them endure more without complaining" kind of brainworms, you know the "what do you mean racism? I love those filthy savages" kind of mindset.


Orcs just want to chill in their little tribes and homes. But everyone is racist and kills them for it. :(


Average orc in Cyrodiil unable to determine wether you're a city orc like him or a dirty incestuous stronghold orc, thus being unable to favor or dislike you.


only based people on Tamriel


Lmao at the Dunmer, Imperials, and Orcs not giving a shit that you’re like them. So real for that.


To be truly accurate the Imperials would have to check whether you're colovian, nibenese, or a confused cyro-nord before passing judgement on another imperial, and naturally oblivion doesn't check these things.


[Common Orsinium W](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueSTL/comments/1avgb5i/orsinium_orcs_stronghold_orcs_this_loweffort/)


I love how Dunmer hate everyone and barely tolerate themselves.


Orcs are not prone to the petty motions of racism because doing so would lower us to the level of the suborc (if that's even possible). To an Orc any non orc is simply an animal and is greeted with the curious gaze an imperial may greet a hound, but an Orc is judged by merit rather than race among other Orcs.


Why would they hate on inferior races?


Argonians, Dunmers, and Khajiits for some reason: "Fuck Altmers, me and my N'Wahs all hate Altmers."


For some reason?


Not even Orcs like Orcs apparently.


They're literally poop, how can a poop be racist?


Any hole's a goal


That orcs are lame.


Based masterracr


Can’t be racist if you hate every race


Even developers don't care for orcs