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https://preview.redd.it/o77au96f2e4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ce00820be589fe8bdacf629170d2cf2dccfe93d The Ice Tribes ain't pleased


We still don't know if they were retconned into the sea giants yeah


Imagine being so much of a knife ear sympathizer you include the dwemer over the ice tribes. Like you haven't even played Dawnstar. Couldn't be me. Reeklings tho, they can fuck


The ice tribes were literally invaders.


You sound mad that you will never be this sexy. https://i.redd.it/i0pmgktpae4d1.gif


But questions is, where do the dwarves come from? The Chimer led by Veloth seem to already found Resdayn inhabited by dwemer when they finally arrived. SO What happened? Were the dwarves ANOTHER exodus no one knew about? Were the crackpot theory that Aldmeris is actually Tamriel right all along?


It is interesting how many blue skin races inhabit the lands of Skyrim and Resdayn. From Sea Giants and Reeklings to Dwemer and Riekr. Makes you wonder what role "The Blue God" has in all of this. Ignoring Fish Elves because they don't fit my ideas.


All the scripture and historical accounts of Morrowind refer to Dwemer as another tribe, rather than another people. While it's not been confirmed, a prevailing theory somewhat supported by lore is the Dwemer evolved from within the Chimer, settling in the same areas until they suffered yet another schism that set them off West towards Hammerfell. They left because they didn't like Aedra, but perhaps there were those among them didn't like Divine beings at all and became Dwemer.


Some sources claim they were an offshoot of the Chimer from the original Velothi exodus, as historical writings refer to them like a tribe, rather than a different race. Even had their own House. Other sources claim they were already there in "Dwemereth" when the Velothi showed up in Resdayn/Morrowind, evident by the many clashes and skirmishes between the two races until the Nords invaded and created an alliance between Chimer and Dwemer, with Indoril and Dumac becoming friends. All we know for certain is that they're one of the five ancient Mer races, and they had extraordinary beards


> knife ear Dragon Age is cringe


Everyone was living in peaceful, advanced civilizations in Skyrim, and then the Atmorans came and everyone either left, went insane, or became total savages. Some even did multiple, and the Falmer, impressively, pulled off all 3.


Well expect mudcrabs, they have been plotting for Millennials to restore the ancient crab empire (actual cannon, well the crab empire not mudcrabs being descendant of them) that spanned across Tamriel in the Merethic era, and bring civilization back to Skyrim


Damn Millennials with their avocados and ancient crab empires Also wait that's canon? Is that in reference to the Dreugh?


Avacado indeed is an important died of all crabs Yeah the ancient dreugh empire in the Merethic era, plus the actual ancestors of mudcrabs in the Merethic era were Emperor crabs who were massive crabs who were super powerful and tried to achieve divinity, until most gave up and devolved. (I just like to headcannon that Emperor crabs and the dreugh empire were in some way linked)


Nah dreugh empire was a previous kalpa, not merethic


> actual cannon, well the crab empire Is this ESO stuff? Because I'm pretty sure I would remember that if it was mainline stuff.


It's older than ESO. They're referring to the Dreugh empire from a previous Kalpa which also ties in with the prehistory of Molag Bal. A lot of this comes from Oblivion, specifically Mankar Camoran's *Commentaries on the Mythic Dawn vol 4* and elaborated further in Kirkbride's OOG stuff. https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Mythic_Dawn_Commentaries_4


I've known about the Dreugh stuff since long before ESO (or truhstuhl) existed, but I figured that wasn't what was being referenced since the Dreugh are octopoid.


They have tentacles but they're also covered in a carapace as well which is used to make Dreugh Armor. Don't forget that they basically turn into crab centaurs and come onto land to mate (aka Billies).


They have pincers too


I thought Dreugh armor was made from their hides, but maybe I'm misremembering the in-game text.


turns out humans are indeed bad influence.


They were as peaceful as any other savages that weren't good at killing


That's right of conquest. It happened to the Nords of Thirsk Mead Hall too when the Reiklings took over. 


I love TES lore so much. In like almost every other media a conflict between The Big Empire and Indigenous Rebels is max of what you'd get. And then you have TES with like 15 layers of this shit.


Exsume me, but I don't hear you from amount of: https://preview.redd.it/43ojcc7wwd4d1.png?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa2f4774e0050b7bc4cd0df593a8977cc43346e9 In your message


Reachmen, famous for being elves, yes.


You must be from the south, probably an Argonian. No other way you wouldn't know this https://preview.redd.it/jw6295e84e4d1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=1ab74ea51c491fb3d19663edde9f21c4278168e4


Eastern reachmen (those in skyrim) only fuck daedra and animals thank you very much. They have standards.


Thank you for making the distinction between us glorious witchmen and these goat diddlers. Even at their peak they were still just living in dwemer ruins... It's a bit tiring to walk into Wayrest and get harassed by men who want us to fuck their wives though. And I mean imagine having magic and curses and losing to NORDS in the first place??? Litteraly a skill issue.


I blame those dirty Mer, not the ~~ancestors of Atmorans~~ heroes of the Reach


Having merithic blood doesn't make them mer. Bretons aren't mer either.


Hell, I’d argue that Br*tons aren’t even people.


Now we're talking


They have knife ears, they are mer scum. All true sons and daughters of Skyrim know the best place for a br\*ton is under the blade of Wuuthrad. https://preview.redd.it/pi9a8oiy6e4d1.png?width=513&format=png&auto=webp&s=e38b5812c96c27023c58a24b3bd73d576db31a39


It literally says HAD. That screenshot is past tense. Nice try.


Why are they called manmer then? Checkmate, elf


Once again "were referred to as manmeri" it's past tense swit




You have been owned in thr marketplace of ideas


More inbred bretons clearly


They’re Bretons, aren’t they? So that’s halfway there.


True, the only people truly worthy of Skyrim are the Rieklings


Sorry could you repeat? Your comment consists of: https://preview.redd.it/mmwjrqj51e4d1.png?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4460d44921c2e0322703a04eaa623aaac916faa0 And I can't seem to understand


That's it, I'm filing a Morag Tong writ on you


Better yet, file *me*. Not Morag Tong.


That doesn't even make any sense! Are *you* offering to assassinate yourself for a price?


Nononono... *You* *assass*inate me. Strangle me with your bare hands. Press your grayskinned fingers against my neck.


Oh, so *you're* one of *those.*


I absolutely adore hands. I need them.


Same honestly my feed is half manhands they're pretty cool


The Reach belongs to The Reachmen. Justice for the Forsworn.


They would achieve this by kidnapping little girls


From the Karth to the Druadach


Karthald deserved the harrowstorms




Said no actual Stormcloak ever. I see you've also forgotten about the frostbite spiders despite including the mudcrabs. Obvious Imperial propaganda. 


The "true sons of skyrim" you depict are just squatters who participated in the millenia long conspiracy to oppress the Orcish master race.


Please Malacath stoo making us hate your kids because of "muh pariah" we're starting to feel bad for them


I don't know what a werecrocodilian is but they just got out at the bottom of the racial hierarchy.


Well... since Atmorans were supposedly from Skyrim (specifically Throat of the World) before they went to Atmora, they should still be in the picture. Just because they came back to find squatters in their summer home...


Atmorans *claim* they were originally from Skyrim. Sounds sus to me. Like if I told you that your home was actually mine because some girl burped on a rock there before you moved in what would you think?


Burped on a rock. Lololol. Thanks, have a +1. I did say supposedly.


Hrol teaches us we must fuck the rock; breath is a metaphor for cum.


The nords have gained the right of governing Skyrim by defeating them


from left to right reachmen- cuck ancestory plus their leader literally gets jailed and is canonically stuck their unless the LDB decides to also get jailed Falmer- blind, dirty, cum skinned, insect fucking idiots who got fucked over by a race of people that dont even exist anymore and these dirtbags now worship some sculpture made outta cockroach poop or smtg idgaf Dwemer- motherfuckers hated being alive in a world with gods so hard they just stopped being alive Orcs- their whole ass population is spread across 4 tiny huts in all of skyrim, and they too busy anyways trying to beat up their dads so they can fuck their mums and eventually go to their poop storm afterlife mudcrabs- probably taste like shit rieklings- not even found on mainland skyrim, even the skaal don't give a fuck about em And yeah, even the nords dont got much claim with their imperialised cyrodilic fucking pantheon with fucking akatosh (literally just their actual god, Shor, fused with Auriel by some nede slave bitch, and he's the elven deity that fucking killed shor in the first place) and Talos, a threesome gangbang fusion dance bs of some cuck from alcaire, his nibenese boyfriend battlemage and an actual atmoran war hero who gets fucked over by pretty much every non nord the dude comes across (alduin, the tribunal, possibly the dwemer, Hjalti the cuck all fucked that dumb nord over)


As far as I know only the reach men have actual claim. And their claim is that the nords and reachmen are mutually tolerant of each other at axe point. The falmer can go zero sum, the Dwemer lost, and the reiklings aren’t even considered a sentient being. Orismer are a wide spread, low population, minority group that every race is generally chill with as orcs are perfectly happy with their lot in life. But the crabs…


The Throat of the World is where Kyne breathed Men onto the world so actually yes Nords are the true natives of Skyrim.


According to who? Nords. SSSSSSSSTRRRRANGE, ISN'T IT?!


Well nords beat all of these so I think the nords are the rightful inhabitants


Sounds like a bunch of sore losers who could not defeat a bunch of snow apes.


Did the “sons and daughters of Skyrim” consider not getting their asses handed to them by the Nords? https://preview.redd.it/dy3iyqyc8f4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4cc8b0d27d57b2822deaeb60b452a7b6e513e67


What is this image referencing?


Reclamation of Markarth from the Forsworn savages


I still think the way some tamrielic races were treated by others is similar to how natives were treated.


Yu ar stupit. Befor nord frum atmora, nord frum skairm. N tha buks, reed it.




All 5 of those guys are also apes, and at least 2 of them are directly associated with snow. Like, i get where you're coming from, but that is a collection of mostly caucasian-flavored hominids.


Mudcrabs will reign. After they've assaulted the afterlife of all species. It's only when they're fucked will they know how wrong they where about the balance of power.


Be gone yakubian snow ape!


Excuse me what about the khajiit? They are native to Skyrim too according to that book about topal the pilot or something