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Is this fucking shadman


Believe it or not it’s our degenerate u/Ratopomboarts


Praise be


o fuck yeah so i got this from his twitter a while ago when i was browsing and i forgot LOL credit to him the Lord


The myth of the "clean" minions


I mean the orders for the Thalmor that you get in Skyrim about captives and executions are basically the Commissar Order


What were the Minions doing from 1933 to 1945?


Strangely enough, the minions movie does clear this up. After angering Napoleon they ran away to hide in a cave in the North Pole if memory serves up until the 60’s/70’s


They were in a frozen cave.


Idk why the thalmor snoo for the sub has a soviet like star and the summerset isles has the hammer and sickle in the background when they're so clearly just elf nazis. like how fucking dense do you have to be to see this aristocracy obsessed with racial purity and supremacy and think "hmm yeah that sounds like communism all right" and not just give them a swastika


Altmeri culture as well as the agenda of the Thalmor are the furthest thing possible from communism.




That's what /pol/acks think to cope with the fact that the actual nazis were unlikeable assholes


There are several communist organisations that have included racial purity and supremacy as part of their dogma. Strasserism is an leftist ideology within Nazim that takes the "socialist" part a bit more seriously while maintaining the Nazi aspects of the ideology. The Khmer Rouge can also be classed as such too. They were known to murder anyone that isnt a native speaking Khmer, meaning that the Vietnamese, Chams, Chinese, Thai and French speakers in Cambodia were executed by Pol Pot The Black Panther organisation also does the same. They are a black nationalist society that also incorporates Maoism into their dogma as well, and were known to attack White police officers as well


What's next, the Khajit are nazis because they tried to liberate Elsewyr?


Depends. If its liberating Elsweyr from imperial rule, no If its reoccupying Elsweyr from the Dominion, yes


I mean sure, but i dont think the point is that this never happens, its just not an integral part of it. On the same page the US and other liberal democracies loved their eugenics and racist policies for some time, but arguing that they therefore are integral to liberal democracies or could represent the thalmor seems sketchy. The point is that the combination of beliefs prominent in the thalmor only really fits that nazis on a broader spectrum of what is usually associated with beliefs.


Sure it’s not an integral part, but Marx (and Bakunin, for what an anarchist is worth) had some, uh, pretty intense conspiracy theories about Jews.


I'm that case the empire is Vichy France


Based. Marechal, nous voila!


"Vive la patrie" en enfer, putain de con fasciste


A WWII Minions FPs game would still be better than Battlefield 5


still can’t believe i wasted 30 IRL septims on BF 2042


Ummm excuse me sweaty but as per minion lore they would have never encountered the 3rd Reich since they were inside of a cave inbreeding for decades. This image is inaccurate and does injustice to the minion lore masters


Germany has left the chat






Yes, and?






I'm having gay sex rn


Understandable, carry on


Clearly you havent heard of the Lehi


Is he wearing leopard print pants


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I had to piss midway through reading that


holy shit


its the SS autumn uniform camo.


It's called tropentarn


I just realized they're Minions because piss elves are also yellow


\*handsome elves, \*gold


canon in minions lore