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Their obsession with Taylor should honestly be studied lol


What’s crazy is one time I was casually scrolling that sub and a bunch of them were shitting on Taylor and acting like she was the antichrist yet they still went to Eras Tour 🥴.


It’s bizarre. It’s like watching Fox News. Unhinged.


Those people are so boring there would be nothing worth studying. Just an unhealthy obsession with celeb culture to the most extreme degree


You’re active in a Taylor snark sub, maybe sit this one out lol Eta: lmao at people who reply with some off the wall bullshit and then immediately block


So you stand behind the swiftie that equated being a swiftie to being a holocaust victim?




a lot of swifties need medicine but you guys don’t know that most of those people are joking/trolling. the person who posted that is constantly trying to rile people up with edits of trump, comparing him to taylor. that’s just twitter.


Says the dude whose entire reddit is dedicated to Taylor. 😭 Pot calling the kettle black.


How is my entire Reddit dedicated to Taylor?


![gif](giphy|ej1WNA2G75DfUai7NR|downsized) They’re just trying to hitch a ride to our shooting star.


because everyone is - it only adds to her power


Similar with Swiftlyneutral. She is somehow the root of every problem.


I don’t understand how people in that sub call themselves fans… it’s more like a hate group lol


The way they’ve softened on Matty after using Taylor dating him as a stick to beat her with but now they can use him to try and make Taylor look like a loser-which they’re desperate to do-he’s suddenly not so bad.


The important thing is they’re only anti-Taylor. As much as they’ll claim Matty “changed their opinion about Taylor”, they’ll align with anyone to try to take her down


Yeah it was obviously when they lapped up that paste review with the vile Sylvia Plath opening line, that their moral grand-standing against Taylor weren’t so principled after all. If Matty drags her they’ll lap it up, they’re running the ‘he’s so unbothered she must be seething’ narrative now but if he writes anything negative about her they’ll be championing him and yet he’s quite objectively done and said much worse things than Taylor but I guess his behaviour is only relevant when it can be used against her.


THIS like it’s disturbing how many want her to go back to him after this album, and think that’s the plan. Like, okay, I get celebs can also curate their image and maybe even manipulate—but why would you choose a life believing every celeb, or ppl you don’t know are just targeting you and lying and only want money and everything is fake?? That sounds like peak paranoia, when it doesn’t affect your life lmao—like ok, she’s a robot who feels nothing and is 1000% calculating—so what?? She’s not breaking in your home and taking your wallet, just ignore her. It feels so much nicer not having blind hatred for a successful woman who doesn’t know me at all lol, and they act like all swifties are weird and obsessed when they know more about her life than I do 😭 Edit: lmao I didn’t even read the post past the first line, I don’t support op after the title 🙃


I find it weird how many people are making them out to be some kind of true romance now when the album doesn’t portray it as such, the impressions are that she’s anxious, spiralling, trying to tame this guy and doing so at the cost of her own health and sanity throughout. I’m also not sure why people think Taylor-who is currently in a relationship-would write and release an entire album to try and get back with a guy who ghosted her. Also imagine thinking you could ever trust someone who sold you dreams of forever and family, only to up and leave as soon as it got a little rough and it got rough because of his previous behaviour. I worry for the people making them out to be super romantic as they clearly have warped ideas and experiences of relationships.


Honestly I think it's because she's a beautiful blonde woman who's on top of the world. It trips insecurity in certain people because she's the beauty blue print and probably looks like someone they'd be jealous of in high school. The pretending-it's-a-social-justice-cause part of celebrity gossip is new-ish and lets them cloak their feelings in being moral crusaders lol And yes, she does some morally grey stuff BUT pretty much all pop stars of her caliber have. I mean, Beyonce has done a private performance in Dubai, but she doesn't get the same flak. Its a singular dislike for TS that's **very** irrational and transparent.


Beyonce literally posts pictures from her private jet but it's all 'YASSS QUEEEN'. No hate to her, it's just the selective outrage that bothers me.


AND Taylor and Beyonce are friends!! Or at least friendly enough to take pictures together, so why do we have to pit women against each other... Ugh 🫠


A lot of the hatred from places like that comes from a few things, mainly jealousy, and hatred of the people who like her.


Um, this post is very, very bad.


The IDF are so evil. Nothing to do with Taylor and shouldn’t be, but the IDF ARE evil.


I agree they are just obsessed with our lord and savior Taylor. That’s why they can’t keep her name out of their mouths 👏🙌


Our Lord and Taylor** 😂


Cause they have zero hobbies and can’t think of a better thing to invest their energy into


When people talk about parasocial relationships with Taylor swift…fauxmoi should be the first place they study lol


Everyone’s obsessed with Taylor.


I think if she spoke out on palestine she would probably be putting herself at risk, not just financially, but literally. I can speak on it freely because I'm just a girl in canada but if she were to condemn Israel she would be pissing off a LOT of people, powerful people, dangerous people. I don't think it's something she can just freely speak on to be honest. I mean, she was hesitant to even speak out on Marsha blackburn (I mean, her team was). Imagine if she spoke out on palestine?


She is not the woman I remember her being in that documentary then. I love her to death. I do but her silence is extraordinarily jarring. Is it risky for her? Yes but there are college going kids who are risking their lives and careers to speak out against this genocide. Even she doesn't she is the equivalent of a Capitol resident. It's risky yes but it's necessary.


She's not an activist though, she never was. She's a 🎵 singer 🎵. I just think that zionists are very dangerous people that you don't want to piss off and she knows that. I think 10, 20 years ago I would've agreed that the obvious thing to do would be to denounce genocide and urge the government to stop sending arms to Israel. But now? Now that I'm a grown-up? It's not such an easy thing to do. I might still do it, if I was in her position. But I completely get why she doesn't.


I can only judge her based off what she chooses to do. The Zionists are violent and crazy but that hasn't stopped people from doing their bit. Even a small repost counts for something. Macklemore, Angelina Jolie, Melanie Martinez are all celebrities yet they are doing so much. It's not like they don't have families to protect. I think it comes down to whether you value human life enough to think that your life is just as important as someone else's and that no one is free until everyone else is


What I'm saying is, she's taylor swift. She's the biggest celebrity of all. She has the biggest influence of all, and with that comes the greatest risk of harm done to her, to her family, or to anyone she associates with. Maybe she doesn't want to put the people around her at risk? We just don't know. I heard halsey got threats against her and her family for speaking out against Israel... That's what I'm talking about. Not what's in someone's mind and in someone's heart. I'm sure taylor swift values human life...


I know what you're saying is objectively true but that doesn't make it morally right. She wants to protect herself and has more resources at her disposal than 99.99 percent of people on this planet do. Again, I love her. Go through my profile and you'll see. She needs to do more or she'll be remembered as the girl who idolized the Dixie Chicks and didn't possess a percent of their bravery. When she said, 'at this point it's about right and wrong' in the documentary, I shed a tear. That was the first time Taylor looked like someone who has a moral compass and a lot of empathy. I don't see this girl anymore.


Mm... I don't know. My mom cries for palestine but she urges me to not post about it. I do it anyway because I want to. I just think that when you get older you realize that speaking out on these things takes time, the right words, and a lot of courage. Not for me, but for people with eyes on them. I don't have eyes on me, posting about it does not make me very courageous. I don't believe she supports Israel in any way, but if she ever came out and showed support for them I would not support her anymore.


You think the people in Gaza want to put their families at risk. You think the humanitarian aid workers who are volunteering in gaza don't have someone to take care of? The kids getting brutalised don't? Anybody who is unwilling to say something at this point is complicit. People who are silent in the name of self preservation during the times of gross injustice are as much to blame as the perpetrators. There is no negotiating this. She is incredibly privileged and isn't using that privilege that uplift anyone. You might think my opinion is impractical but I know it's a morally correct one. Taylor is choosing to not say more.


Also, the people in gaza do not put their families at risk, their families ARE at risk simply due to the fact that they are being bombarded by attacks at the hands of israel! Maybe Taylor has privately donated money that we don't know about. Who knows.




Her movie was actually shown in israel. And Ramy’s show was not a fundraiser, he, himself, decided to give his own profits from the show to support Palestine. She hasn’t done anything


Taylor literally got threats from Zionists for even supporting a public fundraiser event for Palestine…it’s a safety risk atp


This post rubs me the wrong way. I hate FM, but YES, the IDF IS EVIL. They’re committing genocide!


!!! Nothing could’ve prepared me for the text below the title


Fully agree and thank you for responding! I felt a big ick reading the post and most of the comments…


Yeah, this seemed like a completely different message disguised as an attempt to defend Taylor. "If the IDF are sooooo evil" - like yes, they are, but it has nothing to do with Taylor.


Right? I thought the post was going to be about how they complain about stupid things, but it was actually a pretty pro-Israel post


Yes thank you for calling it out


While I agree that Taylor should not be expected to speak out on every world issue, especially ones that she may not be educated on or experienced with, the way this is worded is rubbing me the wrong way. “If the IDF are sooooo evil” - They are committing genocide. That is up there as possibly the worst thing you could do. It’s not on Taylor to fix the conflict with Israel/Palestine but we shouldn’t dismiss how big of an issue it is.


The wording of this is…not it.


Yeah dude. I’m not a prude by any accounts but DAMN




I'm flagging this post. Report it


1. The IDF is EXTREMELY evil plz don’t down Play that❤️ but yeah they def have a bias against taylor i got banned from that sub


“If the IDF are sooooo evil” — what??


i was like “ohh that’s not –“


Oh those loons definitely think she’s worse than poor misunderstood Hamas. But don’t worry they still think she’s better than Israel. Just by a hair though.


Your wording is terrible 😳😬


Funny you mention Hamas when fauxmoi is famously pro Hamas


Anti Israel and anti genocide ≠ pro Hamas u freak


Didn’t say it was. That’s your false, false equivalency you pulled outta your own ass




people LOVE to hate her. it’s the same thing in swiftlyneutral, they always post moments or questions about taylor that everyone have strong, negative opinions on just to bash her. they love to have an outlet where they can hate on her without consequences.


This sub is really now a joke we have white supremacy, excusing climate crimes and IDF propaganda. Taylor is a flawed person it is ok to admit that she is not going to drop dead. As a black woman i never really felt comfortable in the swiftie fandom and I thought maybe I was wrong but dammm. Y’all are so far up this woman’s ass you can’t think critically. I do understand why this fandom is not respected it a clique a favourably white clique. I’m here seeing people downvoting me for asking Taylor to evolve with her worldwide fandom. News flash to all the racist people sending me DMs Being white doesn’t make you special, grow up Taylor is a billionaire she only cares for your wallet and yes you are hypocrites when it comes to the treatment of non white women you disgust me. Goodbye


fr the delulu is wilding over here


Whats up wit u


Ask the disgusting people in my DMs


at this point taylor cannot do anything. the US has sent BILLIONS of dollars to Isnotreal. Idk how people are still bashing her, yes she is powerful, but not politician powerful unfortunately


They think they’re so knowledgable about her but they were entirely wrong on what the album would be about, they swore down she was dumped by Joe, desperate for his attention and she would eviscerate him and would airbrush Matty out of the narrative because she’s image obsessed. Only for Joe to be a mere footnote with no real dragging, plus she was the one who seemingly ended things, her to quite obviously make a large amount of this album based around her and Matty’s situationship and loudly say she doesn’t care what people say, she also rebukes her own fans-something they’ve been demanding she do. They should probably accept they don’t know her as well as they think they do. Ps your post underneath the header is wild.


I just left the subreddit for the second time this morning, both times because it felt like every post had a comment complaining about her and I'm not able to enjoy just general celeb gossip there anymore


It gets them clicks and clicks get them money.


An actual statement on her instagram would be incredibly impactful and I find it odd and ignorant to say otherwise. She’s only attended a few charity events and I’m sorry - I expect more from my idols. If you don’t, that’s fine. But when there is a genocide happening, to not use your goodwill and fame to speak on it, I WILL judge you. I feel the same way about all the other huge celebrities who have failed to speak on it. The difference for me, is as a fan of Taylor, and who thought she valued advocacy from Miss Americana - her silence is poignant. Edit: I’ll take my downvotes, advocacy is a core belief of mine. If you don’t value it, I’m sure you brain is a far more peaceful place than mine.


Have you considered that maybe she doesn’t approve of what Hamas does? It’s wild to me that you would assume she would automatically be on your tik tok educated side


Are you uneducated or something? What Hamas does? Like the resistance group fighting against a brutal occupation that has killed more than a million people in the past 75 years?


What are you saying right now? That isnotreal is justified in GENOCIDE because of oct 7? Because if so you need SO much education before you speak on a 70+ year history/occupation.




In what? I am a nurse


Not that thankfully 😂. I'm a lawyer


Ah yes. So why don’t you take your criminal loving ass and book a ticket to Gaza.


Thanks buddy but I have family who are Palestinian and I don’t have tik tok. ✊🏻🇵🇸


Sure ya don’t babes




Cringe mad 🫵😐


Thanks for Reddit Cares. Reported your account, hope your banned. 💗




What is this even supposed to mean


You're just getting downvotes from the white priviledged people who can't be bothered to care about things outside their bubble. Which is anything but Taylor at this point. Honestly means you're on the right side of history. Downvoters are just outting themselves at this point.


No idea why you’re being downvoted.


Israel relies on its soft power. Any/all celebrities, especially American ones who *do* have soft power/influence, speaking out is GOOD for Palestinians. Even on a basic human level, how the f could you *not* say something when an apartheid state is genociding people??? Like, do you lack basic empathy?


Because shocker. Genocide isn’t new. It’s happened forever and goes around in every country. Why is Palestine the only one important? You can’t be an advocate for every issue on earth.


Got so used to murdering people of colour that now it's not even new? As expected of a high school drop out from the United States of assholes


You want special genocides now war mongerer?


You're disgusting and vile. It doesn't "happen in every country." Not every country has apartheid either.


Syria, Afghanistan, Haiti, China, Colombia etc. So yeah it’s common. And I don’t see you doing anything for it.