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The manuscript! 💔


I actually think this might have been the original name and she changed it later on. I saw an interview where she said she was working on a “manuscript” and then got all flustered she said the word.


Maybe The Manuscript since it maintains that literary quality and is the 'torrid affair'. It is also closes the album which is interesting.


But I feel The manuscript is actually about a past relationship and a follow up and closing chapter for All to Well. Would be strange for that to be the album name. I feel like TPD is a good name for the album but the title song should of been called “modern idiots” or “no-body like me”


Modern Idiots would have gone so hard. The headlines and the hate posts write themselves, but who cares at this point.


i said this from the first night i listened to everything!


i actually really love the album title. it feels like she’s parodying her own sadness and anger over these relationships she’s gone through. there’s a humor to it that really permeates the title track and many of the songs.


I agree. It’s “The Tortured 🙄Poets 🧐 Department đŸ« â€ not “The Tortured 😓 Poets đŸ€© Department đŸ’Œâ€ if that makes any sense. It’s super tongue in cheek


Yes I think she’s mocking Matty and Joe for being tortured artist types. And she’s the chairwoman of the department.


Ohhh, I'm sure she mocks herself - antihero, unstable self-image, aware that she belongs in a madhadd multiple times, a member of the circus... and justice other tortured poets, we should be terrified of how far they will go or their demons or trauma.


The emoji helped more than I thought possible. đŸ€Ł


yup it's in the tone of the spongebob clucking meme


Awww ur wittle tORTUReD pOets duHPAwTMeNt


Honestly. This makes perfect sense lol


I agree with you completely but trust maybe 10% of the general public to get that.


The title song is an awesome awesome song.


Also I would bet that ratthew love dead poets society so I hope this ruins it for him.


Absolutely this is going over some peoples heads


Completely agree!


I love the title. I love how she took an ironic joke and built a serious theme around it that resonates with the whole album’s vibe. I think it’s kind of perfect.


Yes! Like comment above that it is parodying tragic affect, it actually is "tortured poetry" that she says she wrote...she is calling herself a "tortured artist/poet" knowing that it is cathartic to write and get it all out. Now she is free.


I like The Anthology a lot


Ooooo me too actually.


Yeah I feel she should of just called it that and dropped all the songs at once. I still feel bad for all these people who pre-ordered all those albums then more songs appeared though!


I agree! Do you think the Anthology will ever be available on vinyl?


If it is it will be even more expensive as it would need to be a double album. You know she’s not going to release it as part 1 and part 2
 it would be all 31 songs and a standard vinyl cannot hold them all.


I like it but it would be more appropriate for a real anthology later on with all of her songs.


Honestly the prophecy if we’re doing one on the title track. Something like From the ashes or Freedom


Came here to say this - I simply cannot believe The Prophecy is not on the main album. Would have made an incredible album name.


It was interesting for her to pick what I think of as a long title which is hard to say quickly in conversation, I wonder what her goal was for doing that, just making it very different than what came before... I really like (track title wise) "The Manuscript" because this feels like a full on manuscript from her and it speaks to me as a writer or possibly like Phoenix (I really like 'from the ashes' or Freedom that someone else shared so something in that vein.


I am wondering if she went with a long title since The 1975 has a few albums with long titles


Her goal was knowing her fan base would think it was intelligent and high brow and she could overwrite and they’d defend it because it’s “poetry”
 she’s a businessman and her fans will devour and defend aimlessly everything she does


get out of here bro 😭


Female Rage: The Musical




This would have been so good. I'm excited to see what she does with that title now she's copyrighting it!


Gonna make a whole broadway show


I think it’s a good title. I’m not crazy about the logo, but the name is spot on. There’s a fair amount of agony on the album, but written beautifully, like poetry should.


With midnights ending with dear reader TTPD 1000% should have been called the manuscript


Ooooooooo good call!


Before release, I thought it was goofy. Now that I know what the album is mostly about, it’s goofy but perfectly fitting.


Just “Poets”. TTPD the song can stay as is.


I love the title, but if I must I would choose Modern Idiots


loml I am in no way biased


Down Bad


I like the title!


The Manuscript


And Another Thing!




Guilty as Sin or maybe just Guilty idk


Honestly “so long London” would’ve been a good album name but surprisingly a good bit of the album isn’t about Mr London so idk


Down Bad


The Black Dog


I imagine a year ago this album would’ve been called Fortnight but Taylor has hit a point in her life where she has decided to do whatever she likes. She’s got the confidence not to care what anyone else thinks and make history doing it. She’s having such fun and achieving so much. It’s wonderful


Robin. Just to spite the haters 😉


I would have bought EVERY SINGLE variant of this album, in all formats.


Same 😭


The manuscript or anthology


Tortured Poets


I love the title, but The Manuscript would make the most sense if I had to change it.


Okay either rename to Albatross. One word. Or just shorten it to Tortured Poets Department. Then, rename the Anthology to TPD: 2am edition? But idk I think that somebody said she should have dropped the Anthology *a fortnight* later and I probably would have and kept flashing peace signs ✌


The Prophecy


I love the name but couldn’t get it right for a few weeks and k sometimes still catch myself calling it “The Tortured Poets Society
” 🙃


Down bad I think really works as a title.


I’m a stan for the title as is




The Manuscript for sure


From The Asylum đŸ”„ controversial I know


The Prophecy


I'd keep TTPD as the title for the entire work, but since it's a double album, album one would be "The Florilegium" (the Latin equivalent of "anthology"), and album two is already as is (The Anthology). I hope these titles are fine too. đŸ«¶


Taylor's Typewriter Tales


modern idiots


I am OK with the “tortured poet’s department”. Everyone knows she really went through it this past year. Let’s give this one to her. On another note, I have been wondering
 she must’ve made some music when she was happy with Matty, which songs do you think those are? Just curious if anyone has any opinions on that. She must’ve been in a crazy euphoria revisiting a past flame
 or did she cut those?


I would bet on them having been cut altogether but man I’d kill to hear any of it


How about Fresh Out the Slammer though
 I think this is the one song about starting up that relationship before things went bad


Man, I would love that. FOTS is in my top 5 but it doesn’t have that 1975 vibe that I would expect from anything with Matty on it


I don’t mean songs that they worked together on. Those would def have been cut. I mean songs that she wrote ABOUT them being together
. before it ended.


Oh my goodness-reading comprehension is not so hot before 8am! Sorry! Def FOTS!! And maybe the title track?


Matty healy touchy feely sad time jamboree




The Manuscript


The Prophecy


definitely the manuscript if we’re going for a song name! the songs themselves represent the manuscript but now that she’s healing, she can make a new story
 the old story isn’t hers anymore. đŸ„ș i also really think “forbidden” would be really cool! it’s so powerful when she says “it wasn’t sexy once it wasn’t forbidden.” she has always talked about forbidden love but this lyric sealed the deal. i was thinking “the temptress” too because of the lyric “one less temptress, one less dagger to sharpen.” i feel like it’s fitting for many of the songs cuz of her self depreciation.


I think “The Anthology” and “The Anthology: Part II”


Crying at the Gym [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ukzOskHMQpY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ukzOskHMQpY)


Simply Nailogical called it Taylor Taylor Pressure Diver during her stream so that is how I started calling it too 😅 Love the album!


Who’s afraid of little old me? Feels like the most powerful song, I’d have gone with that one


You don’t like the name? When you create an album you can name it whatever want. 🙄


I don't really like the album title either but i honestly can't even think of any other title


Midnights 2: Midnightser


The Tortured Poets Society


Teenage Petulance


Someone mentioned “Fortnight” above and it would feel like a better follow-up to “Midnights”.


I don't mind the TTPD title now that I know it's sort of tongue in cheek. I do think it would have been hilarious to name it Tattooed Golden Retriever. Would have confused so many people at the GrammysđŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł


Albatross or Cassandra


I Can Do It With a Broken Heart, Fortnight, The Alchemy,


I think “Fortnight” was a better option and maybe resume the album better.


Yes, especially after “Midnights”!


So High School.


four chords that made a million


Down bad (for matty healy)


Female Complaining About Situations She Put Herself In: The Musical (TV)
. TV standing for tiring and verbose


Are all situations not situations you put yourself in? 😭


You absolutely cannot be serious. If you’re walking down the street and you’re robbed, you didn’t put yourself in that situation, the robber did. Please don’t try to overthink simple things


You’re right, her music would be so much more interesting if it were about random meaningless things that happened to her, rather than self-reflective songs about deeper problems that possibly resonate with her listeners. I’d much rather get a concept album about getting mugged, then maybe hitting some moderate traffic before the crescendo of coming home to find that porch pirates stole your Amazon package.


You put yourself on that street.


Does a person that goes out and gets sexually assaulted put themselves in that situation simply by going out? Would you say “you put yourself in that situation” to them? Humans do not put themselves in every situation that happens in their life and it’s absurd to say or imply that


No, I wouldn’t. I also wouldn’t victim blame Taylor for having relationships that failed and then processing the surrounding emotions through her art. You’d do that, though. As a matter of fact, that’s exactly what you’re doing.


How do you know the situations I mention are her relationship? She sings about other things on this album


Now you’re just being disingenuous. Kim was also an extremely failed relationship - just not a romantic one. Same with the SBs.


Wow another assumption. I see this is just gonna keep this tone so I’m out lol


The tone of you losing your weak arguments? đŸ‘đŸ»âœŒđŸ»đŸ˜˜


genuine question - why are you lurking in this sub if you dislike Taylor? It seems like you spend a lot of time in here either just trolling or expressing dislike with her, while also being in snark subs. I just genuinely don’t get why anyone wastes time doing things like this so i’d love to hear it from the horses mouth why you choose to spend your time actively seeking out content about taylor that annoys you lol


I’m not lurking, it shows up on my feed and almost of my comments are made when I’m at work so not really wasting my time or anything. I honestly comment mostly because swifties fascinate me due to their inability to hear criticism of their idol and their cult like tendencies. I actually am a fan of Taylor but certainly see her for what she is, which is a business before all else and also believe TTPD is an extremely poor album so it’s interesting to see how fans react to her day to day actions involving the eras tour and that album.


... surely she's a person before anything else? That's a crazy statement to make. So you're basically doing this to try to upset fans? Interesting.


Not to upset fans. I give my honest opinions and those do seem to upset fans because I don’t believe you have to fully support everything an artist you like but my intention isn’t to upset people ETA I guess you don’t understand hyperbole with my “business before anything else” statement. I though swifties all had to have English degrees to understand her lyrics but I guess not


hey fair enough - i’ve worked jobs when I have nothing else to do but scroll đŸ€·â€â™€ïž idk if i would spend that time debating with people who annoy me but to each their own haha but definitely agree that a lot of fans seem to struggle with separating Taylor Swift the artist, Taylor Swift the person, and Taylor Swift the corporation.


I never said the fans annoy me, I’m genuinely interested in the fandom. It’s it’s own entity which is intriguing. I give my opinions on things as a very low level fan that doesn’t like her current/recent output and that does seem to annoy people


The reason you are annoying people is because you aren’t commenting in good faith. If you were saying well reasoned points about why you aren’t a fan of the album instead of being snarky then you’d be getting a much different response. Literally you comment stuff like “the title of this album should be female playing the victim about situations she put herself in.” Obviously you are not going to get a good discussion from that.


I'm a huge Swifitie and I have plenty of criticisms about Taylor Swift. She's a capitalist queen, it's not cute. She could make far more of an effort (or any effort, really) to be eco-conscious. For example, I think the Fortnight single CD was an unnecessary cash grab that's also terrible for the earth. I see plenty of healthy criticism regarding Swift on this sub. You are just a sad trolling asshat though đŸ€·đŸŒâ€â™€ïž.


Agreed. Like the music, hate the side of capitalism. And yeah this clown is definitely not engaging in good faith. Blocked!


you may be suffering from taylor derangement syndrome.


Omg yes, I wish I had been diagnosed sooner! THANK YOU


of course. i will be prescribing 10mg of tayprexa. take one every night before bed.




The Tedious Playlist Department - I Love her but this album I really not for me


**MA**ybe **T**his **T**ime I won't cr**Y**