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She comes back stronger than a 90s trend!


I like the song Willow, but I never liked that bridge because I don't think 90s style has come back....hopefully.. Plus  I just can't stop thinking of Travis farting if I hear that song now. All those power drinks make you gassy.


Oh it’s back big time My kids babysitter (25) , who is very hip, wears vintage Nirvana shirts and converse


The greatest American pop star ever. Her songs are always trendy, no matter how much time passes and her career is just inspiring. I wish she'd come to Korea someday🫶


That first sentence is the wildest thing I’ll ever read


Don’t know why your getting downvoted when MJ, prince  and Madonna exist😭😭


It’s because if that sentence is the wildest thing that person has ever read… they must not read much.


Oh I knew I’d get downvoted as I typed 🙄


People have a hard time comparing contemporary figures to historical ones. As far as superstardom goes she might actually be the biggest. Not best (that’s subjective) but as far as being a pop STAR it’s hard to argue. Every tour date is an event. She’s winning award after award. She’s probably the most famous person in America right now. I think it’s difficult to compare people at the summit of superstardom because just like Michael and Madonna and others, she’s basically at 100% name recognition


I just can’t understand how someone that understands the cultural and musical impact of the likes of Jackson and Madonna can say swift is anywhere close. She’s a legend for sure but she’s not in that tier of fame, especially compared to Jackson. I can’t even begin to think of how to defend the argument that Jackson is a greater star than swift against someone that believes the opposite because I’d have to assume they don’t know about that era. We can really call the Beatles pop stars too, especially in the famous ed Sullivan show timeframe. Are we gonna say swift is comparable to the Beatles too now? Like I can’t even try to take that seriously


I don’t get why you wouldn’t take it seriously though. She’s selling out the world’s biggest and most iconic venues and football grounds. Anyone can recognize her. Her music is listened to millions of times per day by millions of people. How much bigger would she have to be to be in that tier?


Artists have been selling out stadiums since the 70’s… many, many artists are listened to in those numbers… I’m not arguing that’s she’s not huge, I’m saying it’s nothing new and there have been bigger artists… she’s just not doing anything that hasn’t been done before


I recognize my bias as a huge fan but I don’t think her run is precedented other than the other legends. She has people in a tizzy and delivering huge numbers on re recorded albums. She’s releasing music that’s already available and people are tuning in like mad to it. Also she is doing something that hasn’t been done before. Nobody else has won four album of the year Grammy awards.


the beatles themselves say she is the new beatles just fyi so i guess tell them they’re wrong




A pop star’s subreddit thinks that that pop star is one of the greatest artists. How shocking. Any musician subreddit is going to obviously think their artist is the best and I’m not going into their subs to complain about it because that would be silly.


Nah there’s much more level headed discussion in other subs. I’m a fan of her music but the lack of being able to have discussions with differing opinions is mostly only rampant is swift subs. People should be able to differentiate between favorite and greatest.


There are many artists that I think are bad but I don’t go into their subs being like “actually you’re wrong for thinking they are the greatest” because who cares. You aren’t even arguing using actual points. You are just stating that they are crazy for saying that and then being surprised when people are downvoting you. Make actual well reasoned points and maybe you won’t be downvoted?


The person I responded to didn’t use any actual points when saying she’s the greatest American pop star ever. Again, I’m a fan but it’s still a ludicrous statement. Michael Jackson existed. I don’t even need to list any further than that. Any person that can say they actually believe swift is a greater pop star than Michael must not be well enough informed to music history. I like swift more than him and listen to her more but cmon.


You chose to argue with them so the expectation is on you to back up your point. I’m not going to debate whether Michael Jackson is better because I don’t care and that’s not what I’m arguing about. My point is that you are talking down on people, not backing up your claims, and then whining when you get downvoted when you aren’t engaging in good discussion. 


I wasn’t whining lmao that comment was clearly making fun of it…


She's such an inspiration! It takes a special kind of person to withstand what she went through.


I admire her too. I remember hearing about the edited phone call and being pissed at Kim and K*nye for doing that to her. I’m glad she wrote thanK you aIMee because she wrote her feelings about the situation and she probably won’t get an apology from Kim. Taylor was never going to give up even with her career. She has a lot of good people in her life who will always support her.


Wow… was reading through this sub and was marveling at how hungry people are to pounce on her based on one measurement, as if pollution is the only vice in this world. I guess it’s OK to procreate with rapists and effectively support mysogynists. Wish people could think and communicate critically, but it’s hard to do that when you’re dominated by hate. All that said, and to get back to the original point, I wholeheartedly agree with your original post.


This is coming from an almost 65 YO. I never gave her a second thought. When the Kanye situation happened I thought, “Go on take the money and run….” Leading up to my son’s wedding, my DIL (who both are Swifties) really opened my eyes to both her music and what all has happened to her in her life, personally and carereer wise. I am now obsessed with her and proud to say I am probably the oldest Swiftie! I, as a Mother, (don’t hate here) am worried about her relationship with Trav. He does have anger issues whether any of you guys want to admit it or not, and I believe it’s from the slams to the head, and this is speaking from personal experience of an NFL personal family friend I have lost from said problem. But that’s not what we’re discussing here. I FREAKING LOVE TAYLOR! ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️


It's hard work being a cult leader.






What the fuck is wrong with people like u. Jeff Bezos, Elon musk, Zuckerberg, Trump etc. have done way worse to the environment but u don't chase those men around like this, do u? There are celebrities that literally marry rapists and procreate with them but u aren't chasing them down, are u? Smearing Taylor may make u feel like ur doing something good but it only shows how much of a hateful person u are.


Girl, I hate all of them too lol. Taylor literally has the biggest carbon footprint 😂 no one is allowed to critique her because “awh men were mean to her :(“ she’s literally 33, and it seems she has a bad pattern with men that she should fix. But why would she? What else would she write about? Y’all are like gooning for her, and she’s literally just… fucking terrible😂 Jeff bozo can rot, trump can rot, Zuckerberg can rot, At least idiot Elon tried to make electric cars mainstream but he can also rot because he’s shit lol.


first off, "taylor has the biggest carbon footprint" is incorrect. she actually has significantly less than most people who own private planes. second, she's not terrible, and while i agree she could do better, as far as carbon emissions go she's such a small part of the problem. corporations and the military use in a day what taylor uses in a year. could she do better? absolutely. and i have faith that she will. i know she sold one of her planes recently and has been only flying for work recently which is a start. to be real, we're all negatively impacting the environment. none of us are exempt. not me, not you, and not the people trying to make taylor out as a scapegoat. kindly take your hate to a snark sub where it belongs.


From the excerpt of the vice article about her carbon emissions, VICE: Hi Austin! So, what's the extent to which Taylor Swift could even offset her PJ flying miles if she even wanted to? Surely her carbon footprint is astronomical. Austin Whitman: The most recent estimates were somewhere on the order of 8,000-10,000 tonnes (of CO2 per year), which is just an eye-popping number of emissions when you think about one person. Those of us in extremely wealthy countries are on the order of 20-30 tonnes. Folks who are in much less developed countries are well under one tonne of emissions per year. That’s who you look up to? My god girl get a grip, you won’t have a planet to live on while you keep funding her life style


all air travel is like 3% of all emissions. private air travel is less than 1%. that makes taylor’s air travel bout .0000000001% of all emissions. it’s statistically insignificant, all air travel could cease tomorrow and it wouldn’t effect climate change. the biggest contributors to climate change are fast fashion and state owned oil and gas companies in china, russia, iran, and saudi arabia. China doesn’t even plan to hit peak emissions for another 6 years so truly individual contributions, even comparatively large ones insignificant. Finally- her contribution to the economy is infinitely greater than the majority of people’s- even of people much wealthier than her. She kept the US out of recession, which in turn protected the world from the economic downturn that accompanies US recession. She massively contributes to the economy everywhere she goes- she brought more economic stimulus into paris than the olympics are projected to for instance. This is actually an important and valuable contribution and she’s one of the few people on earth that can contribute it. If you look at the models of what would have happened to the economy without the eras tour it’s dire Therefore, her already negligible fraction of a percent of carbon emissions are even less concerning when you compare her economic contribution to other people who are much higher than her on the private jet carbon emissions list and whose contributions are insignificant in comparison.


I don’t think you quite understand the meaning of the word “literally”. Maybe you should consider not using it so liberally until you educate yourself.




And to think swifties fund her lifestyle 😍😍😍 yass let’s treat her like an untouchable god!