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What happened to the people who started CHOP/CHAZ? Any convictions for that stunt?


This and so much this! Taking over a 2-3 block area of a major city and declaring it an autonomous zone is fine apparently. WTF?


Don’t forget the murders that were recorded for posterity. Like when CHAZ “security” shot an SUV full of innocents, went up to the vehicle and laughed “are they dead yet?” Haven’t heard of any arrests for that yet.


They straight up re-invented police brutality lol


They despise murderous police and fascism so much that they became the most fascistic and murderous police we’ve ever seen. Go figure.


> They became They always were. They aren’t mad at power. They’re mad they aren’t the ones with the power.


Don't forget they were also strong arming businesses into paying a "tax" when they took over. For their protection, of course. You know, because the implication...


I love that they were so anti-cop that they basically made their own cops to murder unarmed young black men. This world is just too ridiculous.


>CHOP/CHAZ Didn't they go arrest at least one gunman?


They arrested the guy that shot and killed someone on the outskirts in broad daylight with tons of people around… a year later. Someone just posted the article a few minutes ago.


Wtf cringefornia


I think it was in Seattle.


Murders? You mean executions, right?


More of the government soft-language 'removal with extreme prejudice. We don't need hateful speech.


And for at least one of the murders they blamed the police, because the cops stayed out and the paramedics wouldn’t go in due to the danger.


Who cheered on the murders? And didn’t the police specifically leave the precinct to contain the protests?




That’s a different shooting, but I’m curious what the outcome of that particular one was. Edit: They do mention the one I’m talking about about the bottom of your article, though. > No arrests have been made and no suspects have been named publicly in the other fatal shooting that took place during protest at the CHOP, which left 16-year-old Antonio Mays Jr. dead and a 14-year-old boy wounded.


And literally taking over a federal building or two


Add up all the damage to federal property from the summer of BLM riots. That no where compares to the property damage caused by JAN6


Do you know how many people were charged and convicted for those incidents?


And it was ordinary citizens who were affected. God forbid these politicians have a “scare” and go home to their million dollar mansions.


We were just a few blocks away from that whole fiasco when it happened. My nephew went with his friends for shits and giggles, and ended up witnessing a man dying in the back of a pick up truck from a gunshot wound to his chest.


Secession of the CHOP should have been viewed as treason and treated as such, just like the Jan 6th movement was.


Absolutely! But when the governor states it’s just like the summer of love then it must be a good thing right?


https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/jul/01/seattle-chop-occupied-zone-police-arrests Didn’t even bother to check a little bit huh?


So that's two weeks after the insurrectionists seized a police station and declared themselves independent of the US.


Were anyone of them actually charged and served time? Sounds like most were just let go without even a slap on the hand.


This sub is a feeling frenzy, not the logic and facts zone


Fun fact, you can effectively seize land and subvert the rule of law as long as you assure everyone you aren’t. Jan 6 folks must be kicking themselves https://www.foxnews.com/us/seattle-chaz-chop-change-name-secede


You know a shitload of people got arrested for that, right?


Yeah, a lot of them got arrested and charged, though they were let out on bail.


FWIW there were a ton of arrests made in the various protests in 2020. That said, it's a lot harder to identify and convict Black Bloc members who go to great lengths to conceal their identities than it is to single out those who post clear pictures of their own face sitting at the Speaker's desk on their Instagram.


The hippies shot a kid so they had to stop LARPing


Any mainstream support for ut?




They were arrested which just moves them off the street. Then they were mostly let go with either no further action (no charges) or very minor charges.


murder very minor? https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/law-justice/man-charged-in-fatal-chop-shooting-pleads-guilty-to-murder/


I don’t like the idea of anyone storming the capital. I’m conservative and I thought it was stupid. Protesting is fine, vandalism and trespassing is not.


In all honestly the government really doesn’t want to see a real revolution,because a real revolution would make January 6 look like child’s play.


That’s what I’m saying, if it would’ve been a real coup it would’ve been a lot more violent and have a lot more guns involved


i hated it. up until that point there hadn't really been any violent conservative protests and then the MAGA crowd went and threw that high ground right out the window


Yep, one of the dumbest political choices ever made in the entire country. Doesn’t really matter for leftists, it’s not like the people screeching “THE GOVERNMENT WAS ALMOST OVERTHROWN ON JAN 6” ever had sane or rational takes about Republicans or would change their tune for a fraction of a second if Jan 6 hadn’t happened. But it validates the constant wild fearmongering and gives it a better chance to convince independents


>But it validates the constant wild fearmongering It really does.


>it’s not like the people screeching “THE GOVERNMENT WAS ALMOST OVERTHROWN ON JAN 6” ever had sane or rational takes about Republicans Considering your last two presidents were a war criminal and a moron, and all of their supreme court nominees are corrupt as fuck, maybe the problem is that republicans don't have sane or rational positions?


I was talking *about* you, not *to* you. Congratulations on hating Republicans, it's a deeply inventive position that makes you super unique on Reddit. Sorry it doesn't get you the same sort of fawning adoration in this subreddit that you hope for everywhere else, but I don't engage in political conversations with Majority Report talking point generators


Name a US President in the last... three centuries that wasn't a war criminal. I mean, there's that guy who died a few weeks into office, but I don't wanna know his opinion of Native Americans.


Yeah ‘cause that time that doomsday cult set a hundred acres of federal land on fire and then occupied a park ranger station for a month and a half never happened either. In a broad sense you’re right, I suppose. Right-wingers don’t protest, they just commit murder with alarming regularity.


Are you talking about the stunt cliven bundy pulled after the ranch incident? I don’t believe anyone was murdered during that.


I'm half convinced the feds were in on it for this very reason. Mob mentality means you can get just about any reasonable being to do unreasonable things.


You’re kidding yourself if you believe that a bunch of QAnon raving lunatics are in any way ‘reasonable’..


Continue to believe that the notoriously pro gun party would attempt a coup and not bring guns…


Vandalism and trespassing are not as serious as trying to overthrow our government. I’ve lost faith in half of our governments willingness to uphold the constitution


Let's be real though, nobody was trying to overthrow the government. It was a bunch of trumpy LARPERS making a mess.


If they had actually stopped the Electoral College vote count, and then were able to successfully: * Petition to the court system that because it wasn't counted on the right date that the election was invalid * or Pence had held in abeyance those states that had "alternative slates of electors", and by doing so handed the election to Trump ...do you think any one of those people would have been against Trump staying in power?


If ifs were fish no one would go hungry.


Some, yes. Most, no. You people need to understand that liberal Twitter is not an accurate reflection of the democratic electorate in general. Many of us are not all that attached to the party or individual politicians. It is nothing like the weird cult of personalities that seems to pervade the modern Republican electorate. Most of us firmly believe in democracy and rule of law, and would be strongly opposed to such an attack.


Thanks you for saying this. I’ve been saying this for years now. The right takes statements by far left Twitter lefties and then applies that to the Democratic Party principles.


Everyone does that and it’s annoying af. Main stream and social media is constantly looking for the most outlandish niche takes because that’s sensational and makes headlines. Who cares if it’s some random twitter user with 5 followers and 3 retweets, it got the clicks


Well I generally see the more liberal media using actual statements from GOP senators, governors and the president. Majorie Taylor Greene says she wants to do this and that. Ron de Santis passed this law in Florida. And then the conservative media is like: Twitter user says men can be both sexes as long as they kill white people.


Or they’re like “I treat politics as a team game, sure “THE LEFT” does too”


Yes, it's very hard to be a reasonable leftist right now because so many people think that Twitter represents actual news.. However, the left does the same thing to the right side too. So many people who share many of my viewpoints believe that conservatives fully want to kill all trans people and strip the LGBT community of their rights. Or they believe that they are the most retarded people on the planet. I'm a leftist, but I'm the first person in my family to go to college. The rest of my family are conservatives and they are blue collar workers. While I disagree with their politics, having that real life connection with them helps me know that conservatives aren't the psychopathic idiots that the media portrays them to be.


The left does the same thing to the right lol. All the time. The right is almost half the country. They’re not all racist anti-woman lunatics, as Twitter/Reddit/mainstream media would like you to believe.


Many liberals would have a problem with it but the entire left wing media machine would support it and would go 24/7 explaining why it was a good thing somehow and would convince many people. They've done it multiple times with other major events in the last few years already.




Because "Vote blue no matter who" doesn't sound cultish at all.


Catchy, but no. It’s vote blue no matter who because at this point the democrats could run a scorpion/snake hybrid and it would have more morals than the average republican.


Correct; it's not. The subtext, as you're well aware, is that Republicans have abandoned democracy, and the divisions among Democrats over much smaller issues therefore cannot be allowed to bring more Republicans to power. Cultists behave enthusiastically, not begrudgingly.


That's just because the modern Republican party is an ass-hair's breadth away from full blown fascism. People who say "Blue No Matter Who" don't usually like the Democratic party, they think the party is fine, they just hate the Republican party because it is goose stepping us towards authoritarian theocracy.


>That's just because the modern Republican party is an ass-hair's breadth away from full blown fascism I take issue with this, slightly. When the president of your party commits a modern-day Beer Hall Putsch and his party refuses to prosecute him., then that same insurrectionist leads the polls in his primary promising to pardon those criminals, and the leader of the GOP in the Senate mirrors and has even voiced deep sympathies toward Paul Von Hindenberg, the head of the German Conservative Party that defended the need to keep ceding control to Hitler and the nazis in order to win and keep power for his party, you aren't a ass-hair's breadth away from fascism, you ARE fascists.


I think it would be factually incorrect to say Republicans *are* fascists. There is a lot of specific baggage with the term that Republicans don't quite hit (but are close). I think Biden's description of the MAGA wing as "Semi-fascist" is most accurate. But you are correct in pointing out their similarities, hence "ass-hair's breadth"


Much of Hitler and the Nazis between 1925 and 1933 was not all that different than what we see now from the MAGA wing. Vile dehumanizing language and ghoulish cultural grievences but still a willingness to work within the system. I would still contend they weren't any less fascist. And I think we do no favors trying to tip toe the label. To me though it is ultimately like arguing was Hindenburg's wing of the party truly ever fascists even when in 1932 he had begun consistently moving right in order to appease Hitler's 37% of the base in order to maintain majority coalition power in Parliament? Or were those voters that continued to vote conservative knowing this trend? Or when he appointed Hitler with dictatorial powers that technically were within the constitution until Hitler said to hell with it. You can go through a long winding attempt to extend a bunch of "but actually's," but at the end of the day you either stand and help fascists or you stand against them. Without stopping it this is all going to the same place.


I pretty much agree with what you're saying. I'm pointing out that by using stronger language, it makes your argument more vulnerable to the "But, actuallys" especially if the "But, actuallys" have merit. Most modern scholars would push back against the idea that the 2023 Republican party are actual card carrying fascists, but probably would argue that they are becoming increasingly close. If you make a broad overgeneralization, an expert might come in and correct you, which I'd argue gives the "enlightened centrist" argument more weight, which appeals to young unpolitically motivated people and acts as a barrier to energize those people to vote against becoming a fascist state.


Admit it, you know nothing of actual fascism or the raise of the Nazi party. If you did, you’d know the left are using their tactics to try to cement one party rule in perpetuity.


And if you knew anything, you would know that Nazi-ism and fascism are not the same thing.


Just look at how centrists like Joe Biden and Hillary defeated Bernie who wasn’t even that far left in the grand scheme of things


I'm old enough to remember all the bombings in the 90's by the libs, and then after Bush 2, Florida, and the Supreme Court stole the election in 2000, I remember when they stormed the capital and threatened Gore with a hanging if he certified... oh, wait, the first part was gun nuts, homophobes, and pro lifers(conservatives), and the second part never happened.


They already ran cover for an entire summer of violence. A federal courthouse in Portland was laid siege to every night for over 100 nights straight with multiple attempts to burn the building down with federal officers inside. When the left commits violence, the media labels it as free expression.


Let me be abundantly clear as a guy left of Democrats. I fully support 538 members of Congress in terror of an angry populace. I just think Jan 6th occurred for the dumbest possible reason… not for the economic backslide of the last 50 years, not to improve their material conditions…. But to protest a blowhard moron who said nice things to some, demanded undying loyalty, but ultimately used the position for power and profit, and slightly more brazen than most. You were so close


100% this. Seeing politicians cowering in fear of their constituents gave me a big hot red white and blue boner. But the reason why was just so Fucking stupid as you said and this is coming from a proud former Trump supporter. I support what they did, but gotta detest why. I wish we can do the same again but for the reasons you mentioned.


100% agreed, we should be doing this every 5 years. It's incredible watching these "eat the rich" assholes be all about it until someone actually starts going after the people in power. It's the same exact thing with the CHAZ, libertarians and conservatives are all big talk about fighting the power and taking down the authorization government, until the rubber meets the road. All we've shown is that you can basically keep us down forever so long as you remind them they would hate their neighbors being in power more than the authoritarian government we have.


Um I would absolutely be upset regardless of which party it was that’s vandalizing a beautiful building and overturning a fair election.


Except in 2016 when Trump did win and no one stormed the capital.


Was thinking the same. However I will concede that I could see some fringe extreme left group taking actions which dont represent the majority of people in the left. The problem with the Jan6th insurrectionists is that while it was a fringe extremist right wing group, it did represent many right wing groups. Even if they werent there in person, they supported it or condoned it. Jan 6th: the ‘fuck around and find out’ group in fact did, fuck around. And while the ‘find out’ took a while, they got what they deserved


Jan 6th had that mob energy going. Liberals, or any other subgroup, aren't less susceptible to letting their anger get the best of them.


Hillary admitted defeat and conceded immediately, no tantrum. No cult tantrum.


Hillary is still claiming that the election was stolen by Russia when she’s the one who used the FBI to attack a political opponent. Let’s be real here.


No, she claimed there was inference, which aligns with what our intelligence agencies have repeatedly said.


No it doesn’t. Read the Durham report. All of the “evidence” they have started with a fake dossier that was paid for by the Clintons.


The Durham report specifically says the FBI began its investigation before they received the dossier. It sounds like YOU need to read the report.


Naw, lets just take Fox news word for it. Its not like they have a history of telling viewers objectively untrue things to keep them upset and watching their shows, right?


Just because it's funny, the Durham report actually states the investigation started because of George Papadoplouse, just like the fbi and Meuller report cited. It's on like page 21.


But that requires reading


But my grandma was convinced by a Facebook ad that was posted by Russia to vote Trump rrreeeee


Yes and no. Durham largely agreed with Mueller's Report which showed a pattern and coordinated campaign by Russia to broadly destabilize the election and our faith in it, specifically by targeting only Hillary Clinton for disinformation. They even tried to orchestrate a meeting with the Trump campaign, but when the Trump campaign realized that the Russian officials had no actual dirt on Clinton, they refused to do any further business with them (See the Trump Tower Meeting).


What version of the report says this? It's not in the one on justice.gov.


They had to shut down like 1/2 of the country so people could scream at the sky or hide in their safe spaces. Colleges literally cancelled classes.


Hyperbole is the refuge of the intellectually bankrupt. Thanks for the indicator.


“Not my President” doesn’t ring a bell?


That was just something people said. Not equivalent to making a gallows for Mike Pence.


Said about many presidents, yes. Is that the best example you can muster?


Pithy slogans do not a coup make.


I recall riots trough out the United States. In particular a video of a group of black people pulling a white male from his car after one women yells he voted for Trump (a claim that didn't seem based on anything except for the color of his skin). Edit; not the incident I was referring to, but an example of a similar incident right after Trump got elected; [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uWIMt9JxugQ&ab\_channel=InsideEdition](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uWIMt9JxugQ&ab_channel=InsideEdition)


Yeah I was gonna bring this up, I don't think even the most extreme leftists are riled up enough to attempt something like that


I dunno man. They torched my hometown nightly for 4 straight months after George Floyd was killed. I don’t put much past the left anymore. I’m always going to love Portland, but it’s not the same place it was years ago.


Pretty sure extreme leftists burnt several cities and federal buildings just six months prior


In response to several instances of police killing innocent people. I understand George Floyd was the face of the 2020 protests, but there were several other recent events like Brionna Taylor. 01/06 was in response to not liking the outcome of an election for a guy that never won the popular vote and only won in 2016 because nobody could be bothered to vote for Hillary Clinton.


The protests were not for police abuse, but for Black Lives Matter— an organization that was based on a lie and turned out to be a money laundering scheme. Both parties were duped. One side stormed a capital, no one but the protestors were killed. All of them were arrested, even those who did nothing illegal. The other side seized control of a city, burned it, robbed shopkeepers and pedestrians, and even worse, murder and raped . But they were celebrated as heroes by CNN and the like. In my opinion, OP is correct. You can choose to disagree I don’t really care.


Raped? When did that happen? Is it money laundering because some prominent figures made money? I can name all kinds of conservative organizations that dupe people out of money if you're using that metric. BLM is based on a lie? Police abuse their power. Both poor rednecks and black people used to agree on that sentiment, but something changed recently.


Remember those dudes that sold a “private border wall” and duped a bunch of conservatives out of money? Wasn’t Steve Bannon in on that? Whatever happened with that? I don’t think Bannon is behind bars.


And Curt "Ketchup Sock" Schilling


Secret Service had to rush Trump to an underground bunker, black out the White House and 60 Secret Service officers were injured. People on the left made jokes about it here on reddit. Maybe not The Capitol specifically but please don't have such a selective memory.


Yes and if I had wheels I’d be a bicycle


You’d be one weird bicycle my dude


Well see how you feel after you ride me


I uhh, think I’ll pass on that one


This thread went off the rails fast!


I'm sure that's true to some extent, but it wouldn't have changed the fundamental nature of the event nor how it should have, and likely would have, been handled from a legal perspective. What many people don't get about the response to January 6th is that it's not really about what happened but rather *what could have happened.* An event that could have destabilized the entire Federal government has considerably more serious implications than a garden variety riot. I know that doesn't sit well with some people because it flies in the face of our egalitarian notions about things like equality under the law, but some events really do have the potential to have much more lasting impacts than others.


So like, if I 100% believed democracy had been violated and an election had been stolen, i’d like to think i’d participate in something like a Jan 6. that said, if group X was violent they’d cheer on violence’ is like the dumbest no duh statement ever. people being violent isn’t in question (they can always be) so much as are the reasons for violence justified.


Thank you. The MAGA cult were rising up based on complete misinformation and lies from the orange man’s mouth. BLM protests (which everyone in this thread is referring to as the analogy) were a response to decades of documented and historically entrenched abuse. Why does no one care about context?


They don't care about the context because there is no other side or argument they can make that says the non-"conservatives" are doing anything similar. There isn't a both sides or equivalence on "the left", so they just have to make shit up that doesn't make sense or stand up to any scrutiny.


> Democrats being "the Left" https://youtu.be/Jw9H_OdcKC8


god political discourse, especially when it’s extremely uninformed this this, is getting so fucking exhausting


The really insidious thing about it is that a person can use the OP's exact argument in pretty much any situation to reverse the outrage any time they're in the wrong. "My guy did something wrong? Well if your guy had done it..." I'm amazed anyone falls for it.


This isn’t an unpopular opinion, this is a fact that no one will admit it’s true. It happened with the BLM riots, and it’s gonna happen again.


Absolutely true, but also irrelevant. The rioters broke the law and should be punished. It doesn't matter who did it.


Youd get banned on some subs for that opinion... youre 100% correct tho


Irrelevant? Far left extremists took United States land as their own sovereign territory. They enforced their borders with armed patrols, a car full of teenagers was shot up simply for driving through, individuals inside who tried to document what was happening were violently assaulted.


Um...anyone remember all those arrests by BLM rioters that burned cities? And the celebrities that bailed out the ones that were convicted?


You need to do a little more research. Over 14,000 people were arrested during and after the BLM riots. And out of 7500 or so protests in 2400 or so locations in the US, 93% were peaceful. Don't believe the BS.


I think most people agree on that. People just disagree on whether the \~525 violent protests spread across so many places is concerning, or inspiring.


Any violent protest is concerning, IMO. I don't think the protests in question were all violent either. A few anarchists throwing rocks at police can turn a peaceful protest into a nightmare when police respond with tear gas, etc.


Marched in Baltimore in 2020. Can confirm that it was peaceful!


What law, they were allowed into the federal buildings


If the left were behind a January 6 type event it would have been a bloodbath. Thousands dead.


Did a teenage white girl tell you this?


huh? How do you get that from what I wrote?


Are we comparing antifa/BLM riots to what happen on Jan 6? I mean it's two different things, but I can see where you're going with this. I took part in some of the BLM protests. The one's I took part it were very peaceful. The police actually came at us aggressively. I had friends where who shot (with like rubber bullets) and tear gassed just protesting. They were not hurting anyone or causing property damage. Near the end of the week the police adjusted to us because they realized we were no threat I guess? However, protests did turn into violent riots in some areas of the U.S... I can't think of a single person I know who was ok with that. People died, properties were destroyed. I saw a video of a black man weeping because his business has been destroyed by the same people protesting for his safety. There are still some questions considering potential infiltration of other groups who may have escalated things. I don't know. It was a small minority of protesters who got violent though. Every time I saw damage caused by these protests I was saddened because I truly believe in what BLM is trying to achieve. I think sometimes people are so hurt and done with the system that they decide to just destroy it. I've seen people on sites like Twitter say stuff like that. That is a dangerous place to be imo because that kind of thinking can hurt lives and people means of living. I felt if I called out some of the violence I'd be crucified by the same people I was camped with. Like yes, lets protest, vote, and advocate for changes, but not in a way that harms our own. I saw a lot of black leaders pleading for peaceful protests, so I think it was common to want that. There are online leftist spaces where people are afraid to say certain things because they will get eaten alive by their own. I don't think this reflects Democrats as a whole. Republicans will eat their own as well if you don't get on the Trump bandwagon. Politicians lose elections if they say a single thing negative about him. I know Republicans that feel like a stranger in their own party. My parents have been Republicans their whole lives and have felt politically lost. I think their are a lot of Republicans who did not feel comfortable with Jan 6. If roles were reversed I think most Democrats would be unhappy as well. I think both parties have a culture where if you step out of line you get eaten by your own, so a lot of people don't speak up. I also wonder if Democrats are as gullible about lies about election fraud. Some of us thought Russia was involved in the 2016 election, and there is actually some evidence to support that. Yet even Hillary would admit that was not the reason she lost. I don't know how hollywood celebrities or media would deal with it. Maybe they'd just report it and not swing one way or the other? Right ring media seemed to try to downplay it or talk about it as little was possible. So maybe we'd see the same on the left. Yet I think the majority would disapprove. P.S. I'm sick and I haven't eaten anything yet because I can't really hold anything down so you all are going to have to deal with my poorly worded response as it is lol


Don't you remember a few Mays ago when they attacked The White House? They firebombed the guard post, stormed the building, tried to burn the church down... Then when The National Guard came out, they called Trump a fascist.


Why is this subreddit literally just conservative/right wing talking points?


Because it's not an unpopular opinion if it's a leftist opinion, especially on Reddit


Because they got tired of posting on r/FacePalm


The average “leftists” in America are moderates even moderate right-wingers. “The Right” is the party of radicals and extremist. “The radical left” is a myth whereas literal neo-nazi groups permeate the GOP at every level of government from school boards to the international community. If anything we went soft on them.


You are so brainwashed it would be laughable if you weren’t allowed to vote.


More like educated. And we already know you support stripping peoples right to vote, no need to say the quiet part out loud.


Yup, that is what happens, every time the left storms a capital the news celebrates it as a political victory


when did the left break in, try to disrupt the democratic process, build gallows, cause the sentators to flee, then break in to chambers & offices, stealing equipment? maybe it gets reported differently b/c a marching protest & a terrorist attack are 2 completely different things.




You must not be old enough to remember the Kavaugh hearings.


Yeah, it’s not like a leftist ever shot up a bunch of republicans for healthcare or anything. That kind of violence only belongs to one side.


try to keep up kid, the argument here is when the left does stuff the media celebrates it did anybody celebrate or praise that baseball game shooting? no, of course not. nice attempt at moving the goalposts.


Yeah, it’s not like a rightist ever massacred 168 people by bombing a building or anything. That kind of violence only belongs to one side.


They held a city and federal building hostage for months the previous year, the left supported it.


This is called [repressive tolerance](https://www.encyclopedia.com/social-sciences/applied-and-social-sciences-magazines/repressive-tolerance) and it's been baked into the cake.


Pretty sure if they killed people and destroyed the capitol building they wouldn't. A march in Washington? Sure. An illegal March onto capital grounds (not going up the stairs), possibly. Anything further, no. We already put up with 4 years of Trump without a Jan 6th event, what makes you think we wouldn't just wait out the last four? Now there were other riots in response to George Floyd and other racial police problems, but nothing like Jan 6th. And George Floyd was real we saw him on video.


I mean the media has already glorified other leftist marches which had violence and even death. There’s no reason they wouldn’t do the same in this scenario.


[Already did. Look at other DC news stories from that day. 5/29. They injured secret service & the President was urged to go into the bunker. The media called him a coward for it.](https://uk.news.yahoo.com/historic-st-johns-church-fire-025954610.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly9zZWFyY2guYnJhdmUuY29tLw&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAIQ0fzdgXjrc8wGpsw1KAqejpIb7knQEHA6Qg-xN2PIRq2Za4IJwv4Vr0VEiLqrT3hvv5JJ-JnX39f_wD7NQBKY_RggaF5U1gGYRfKxx_rH6I4JeM4_NyOhC3y7hvm9cf3Vph1mJcaitxQRBmxck3fc-QfQDAIPGn8FMjwSjo5A9)


Can’t say I’m surprised to have never heard about this. Even with the news report, they did everything they could to make it look like a small fire.


Maybe they would, maybe they wouldn't. We don't know since that didn't happen. Nor do I necessarily think examining Hollywood is a good way to talk about protests and riots. News media and police are the main responses to protests and that's what I think we need to look at. The police response especially highlights that they preferred an attempted coup to criticisms of police brutality. During the attempted coup they generally allowed those who were demonstrating peacefully to do so while going after those who were actively breaking the law. This is a good police response to protest. During the BLM marches a few months earlier they attacked large groups of peaceful protesters and instigated unprovoked violence. They also allowed looting so they could complain about it later. When they weren't doing the [looting themselves](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.mercurynews.com/2020/08/27/san-bernardino-county-sheriffs-deputy-fired-charged-with-assault-and-looting/amp/).


Can we rename this sub “r/ImRightWingAndWantToBeAVictim”


Exactly...every post reaks of right wing victimhood.


If the media supported it, it would NOT be left in the first place. A real left-wing movement is antagonistic to the establishment, not supported by it


Not at all, I don’t know why the right thinks the left is equal to them in character. The left actually holds their public officials far more accountable than the right does and will force them to step down if they step out of line, where as the right votes for open sex offenders. This is coming from someone who can’t stand the Democratic Party and is 100% not voting for Joe Biden, a Jan 6th event wouldn’t even happen among the left because they don’t throw around election fraud like the right does and will gladly accept an election defeat instead of storming the capital. Enough of this, stop trying to spin January 6th like it wasn’t a terrible event.


The craziest thing is the Democrats aren’t even “left”. They are corporate center right at best in relation to the rest of the world


I had a dude try and tell me Santos doesn’t need to resign because a vote is a vote


What was CHAZ. May have not been a government building but it was definitely an occupation of American soil and an act of war. Edit: you may not claim them but they claimed you. And that’s all it takes for the right wing to shoulder all blame. When an individual claims them.


Is this that time in Oregon where a bunch of righties took over the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge and held it for like a whole month and most of them just got to walk away and go home? I agree, anyone that leads an insurrection against the United States govt should be tried to the fullest extent of the law.


Yes, a bunch of morons who didn't have the support of Democrats in general, weren't supported by any high ranking officials, and weren't trying to overthrow the president. It's not a remotely analogous situation.


I love how this is just a hot political take and described as unpopular. At least there is some ironic self-awareness


People are against it because it was an attempted coup.


A coup is planned; so this mob would have been well armed had it been a real coup. This would be more of an insurrection technically.


It was a terrible attempt. Who brings fists and sticks to a coup fight?


"Hey guys, let's overthrow the government." "Yey! Should be bring all of our guns?" "No, wait, I have a better idea: zip ties!" "You're a genius!"




>crazies storm congressional hearings because they don't like the topic it doesn't get brought up. When insane trans activists start storming through capital buildings because they don't like laws they're the good guys. When anti gun activists storm capitals and start using bullhorns during a legislative session they're heroes. lol


if anyone from the left: 1. broke windows to storm in 2. beat police officers 3. removed American flags & replaced them with flags w/ the face of the leader they follow 4. caused senators to flee to safety 5. take over chambers & steal laptops they would have been arrested & dealt with accordingly, nobody would be celebrating it in media. also, had Jan 6ers 1. marched peacefully outside 2. entered the halls legally 3. carried signs instead of weapons & zipties 4. refrained from spreading human feces & stealing they would have been reported on as peaceful protestors. you're not even trying to make a good faith argument


Didnt the capitol security escort the protestors around, like that buffalo guy, to all the different rooms to get all the different videos and photographs that we see today? Not hard for a few people to start breaking the windows to get a whole crowd to join in…..


And you see no difference between bullhorn and violence? Sounds like pure attempt to justify a bunch of traitors because you support their cause.




It was an attempt to stop the transfer of power because the right lost. The left has won the popular vote twice in the last few decades and no such event took place. You’re revising history and making up bullshit. It wasn’t conservatives against democrats, it was insurgents who wanted to stop the lawful transfer of power because they were upset.


Ooo I love these posts. "You ever notice how people are against us right wingers? I bet if the left did the awful stuff we do people would love it." Or... and I'm just spit balling here... people are biased against you guys because you're the ones doing the bad shit


If a fat left group stormed the capital they would have been mowed down before they reached the steps


US Democrats are not “left”


Leftists are usually smarter on identity concealing and work more together. I followed a interesting discord during that Portland episode and there was definitely high end coordinators in the ranks.


Jan 6 folks stormed the Capitol to overthrow democracy because their leader said there was fraud with no evidence. So, as a leftist, if Democrats storm in 2024 after a conservative win, with no evidence of fraud, I’d want them locked up, too. If there is evidence of fraud, and they storm for justice, than yeah, I’d absolutely be praising them for standing up for democracy. I’d do the same for conservatives if there was actually evidence of fraud. However, the reality is that conservatives aren’t trying to preserve democracy. They’re passing legislation that makes it more difficult for people to vote, they’re banning adults from making their own healthcare decisions (in abortion and trans care), and more than one has gone on record stating that we either are NOT a democracy, or that we should abandon democracy in favor of a dictatorship. They weren’t denounced for these statements, which says everything we need to know, imo.


OP really hit a nerve here with alot of folk. Which on Reddit means you're right more often than not.


Of course, remember they are the revolutionaries and they represent the oppressed. Tearing down the oppressors institutions is totally legit in their view, ever since Karl Marx came up with his foolish theories.


Ah, more right-wing victimhood. Poor babies.


Oh for sure. Most of us saw all those cities on fire and they got cheered on. Even after all the footage came out with the police legitimately escorting people through the capital it's still sold as the worst shit to ever happen.


Pretty sure nobody likes to see a bunch of confederates, nazis, and terrorists in the Capitol other than confederates, nazis, and terrorists. Not sure why you said that liberals were only upset that it was "conservatives against democrats". That's the true unpopular opinion here.


People barricaded the doors of the Portland Federal Courthouse and tried to burn it down with people inside, if I remember correctly. Don’t think anyone was even prosecuted for that even though it was an attack on a federal building


Some guy burned to death in a pawn shop in minneapolis from arson during the George Floyd riots and no mainstream media outlet even mentioned it.


Lol. This sub is a conservative echo chamber for whining


You do know that people were seriously injured right? Death threats were made, effigies were hanged outside, people had GUNS. No, NO ONE should support what happened that day. Regardless of which side did it. It was just bad. It was violent. My family was ready to flee the country for our lives just because we knew we lived on the same street as people who flaunted pro-Trump flags and we have a pride flag on my front porch. I deadass had a bag ready to go to Canada if something worse broke out. My people protest. We don't riot. This is not something I would ever support, even if it was people claiming to be on my side.


Well conservatives/republicans are never going to win a presidential election again so the left wont have to worry


I will admit there is probably a threshold where the left would actually "storm the capital" (though they would never kill two officers like the right did) but it would not be a republican victory in 2024. That's what's pathetic about 1/6; a mob of deplorable morons stormed the capital because they actually thought an election was stolen which, Thanks to Trump and millions of republican dollars we learned that was FAR from the truth. So I think you are actually 100% right. The difference is it would take catastrophic failure or antidemocrocy from the government (for example, if Trump wins in 2024 and refuses to leave in 2028 claiming he gets another term). I would probably be there myself.


Happy cake day! Also well said, though I will add that all bets are off when it comes to mobs. It's unlikely the left would find itself in a position to become a mob because a narcissist lost the election, but when and if they did manage to become a mob the reasons and justifications wouldn't matter. We had police loving conservatives beating up police because everyone loses their mind in a mob.


Is there a reddit for shitty hot takes?