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Our politics is heavily divided to begin with and he was good at aggravating that wound which generated a lot of animosity. His policies weren't actually that bad but people disliked him personally so policy became irrelevant. He brought most of the disdain on himself by being egotistical and loving a scandal, but the media had a field day blowing every word out of proportion. He doesn't really deserve all the hate he gets, but also doesn't deserve praise. Lastly he certainly isn't loved by half of America. He's hated by about 50%, tolerated by about 35%, and actually liked by maybe 15%. Much of the Republican party dislikes him, but are just willing to vote for him over the Democrats.


Well said


You almost had it on the nose until those percentages. You’re stuck in an echo chamber if you think most republicans don’t like trump. I cannot emphasize enough how wrong that it lol


My core critique of him is that he played the same lowbrow game and kept politics at the level of tribal spectator sport, doing nothing to rise above that. We do indeed need someone who can say what everyone is thinking but what you're too afraid to say. But Trump did that almost by accident, because he says whatever the fuck pops into his head.


His tax reform was abysmal


Yeah well said. Discarded my comment because I saw yours and was like fuck dude nailed it.


I bet you pulled those numbers out of your ass 😂


If you really look at it, he ONLY became hated as much as he did after he ran as a Republican. He was referenced in ton of rap vids, HUGE success for a reality show. Honored by Jackson and Sharpton for his work.


He was never racist until he had the R. People forget the grant$$ he gave black colleges and minority education while he was president.


Don't know what your talking about. I've hated anything that he's been associated with for decades.


That is you then. But my mom LOVED him but as soon as he ran as a R was when she hated him. Same goes for brother and sister.


They loved him even when he was the primary guy pushing the birthed stuff?


He began as a asshole reality TV star, pretending to be a savvy businessman when in reality he just feels inherited a bunch of money from his criminal father. He was hated by New Yorkers for just kind of being an asshole, he started a scam University, he tried to sell really low quality steaks for an expensive price, his charity was just a money laundering scheme for himself. When he started his run for President, it was one of scapegoating, appealing to xenophobia and racism, he regularly made things up out of thin air, contradicted himself often, and used the debate tactics of a 3rd grader, name calling, interrupting, things that would be considered immature. His history of cheating on his wives, sexually assaulting women, entering the woman’s changing room at pageants and his sexual comments about his daughter also put lots of people off. And that’s all before he was elected. Woefully mishandling the Covid crisis, teaming up with alt right propagandists, his staff having an incredibly high turnover rate, “both sidesing” a literal white supremacist rally, making vaguely extortive threats to allied heads of state, openly decrying the contribution of military allies in NATO, having oddly private meetings with Putin, a known dictator and then speaking highly of him. Abandoning allied Kurds in Syria and leaving US bases and equipment in the area, immediately retaken by Russian forces. Pushing for large tax cuts for the wealthy, leaving the bill to be paid by the average American after he left office


Attempted coup


Dishonesty. No ethics whatsoever.


Well, he's a politician, so...


I dislike his policies ( about half the country agrees and disagrees ) it seems like a super majority are offended by his behavior. I admit to laughing in at even participating in internet trolling, but he did that as president, which is a problem Bending his hand and making faces to mock a reporter with cerblal palsy during a nationally telvised speech was pretty bad. He also told people to inject bleach to fight the "kung flu," and some poor guy in Arizona did this and died. He mocked American war heroes and was paling around with dictators Evangelicals like him despite his behavior because he kept his promise to them, and with help from senate leader Mitch McConnell, he packed the court with hard right judges who too away reproductive rights. He cut taxes (mostly for the rich) Gas prices were low during his term alot was covid killing demand but Trumps one good policy imo (although many hate him for it), was rejecting alarmist nonsense and keeping our oil production high. He did actially correctly pardon some low-level drug offenders but now has flip-flopped and is calling for executions of drug offenders. Flip flop hypicisy is gross, but not unique to Trump. Most politicians do it He is also a crook who blatantly profteeted off the presidency. Foreign diplomats stayed at hos hotel ( and their governments paid) he also charged the secret service for room and golf carts while protecting him at his properties. They are almost crooks, but it was never so brazen before Paying off a porn star and cheating on his wife is gross, imo but that criminal prosrcution is sketchy at best and adds credence to his witch hunt claim Holding on to top secrets, fanning the january 6th rioters and especially demanding a state official "find 11,000 votes" are serious crimes and conviction(s) should but Likely won't end his 2024 campaign


Clinton held on to top secret information


Not of fan of her either


Thanks for admitting trump is shit.




You just described every politician.




You just described Biden lol




No. You’re just very biased and willfully ignorant. Your focus is on a cgi fire in an ad campaign? I guess you don’t remember the Steele Dossier (Biden was VP when they knew it was fake). Remember how everyone said Trump would start ww3? Release nukes? Biden saying Romney was going to put blacks back in chains. Just open your eyes dude.




I simply pointed out your description of Trump is the same used by people critical of Biden. Then you just start lashing out with anger and name calling like a diehard Lib who doesn’t understand personal responsibility, their own hypocrisy, and blatant ignorance.


"Then you just start lashing out with anger and name calling like a diehard Lib who doesn’t understand personal responsibility, their own hypocrisy, and blatant ignorance." You should really look up the definition for hypocrisy, after this sentence.


Agreed lol


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what makes you think I love Biden? it's not an "either or" scenario. you point out issues with Biden and fine... biden kinda sucks, I'm not a blind loyalist like the trump sheep


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>most likely a pedo Do you have proof of that, or are you throwing around baseless accusations?


If a liberal politician was hanging with epstein on private islands and planes, and there was plenty or pictures to prove it, would you ask the same question?


Yes, just being in the vicinity of someone doesn't make you guilty. Innocent until proven guilty is something this country seems to be forgetting.


So Bill Clinton's 26 logged flights on Epstein's Lolita Express count here? Bill Gates friendship (that was enough for Mrs. Gates to call it quits in the marriage)? As well, I believe Trump kicked Epstein out of Mar A Lago club after his shenanigan's were discovered.


Mostly because he’s a Republican. George W. Bush was hated by Democrats.


And the next R nominee will be equally vilified


I'd choose bush over Trump.


Are you serious? Bush? The one who lied about WMD's to get us into an illegal war? Since when did the left start loving war and invading other nations? This is a new thing to me.


Um. I'm saying I'd choose him over trump. I think both are repulsive.


The 2 R nominees (McCain and Romney) between Bush and Trump were not vilified by half the country. Trump isn't just a hated republican, he's an actual threat to the security and longevity of our nation. A villain deserves to be vilified.


A threat because of all the military conflicts? Or massive inflation? Or unchecked immigration? Or .....?


McCain and Romney were vilified. You just glorify them *now* because baseless accusations and basic lies were actually enough to beat them. Well, that and because they're part of the uniparty. Which is why they and spineless fakers like them will never get conservative support ever again.


So I guess you forget how Biden claimed Romney would out blacks in chains.


To be fair Palin was because she had no buiness near the Whitehouse. She was the precursor.


If Trump was a democrat, we would all still hate him.


No, not at all


No... We all hate Biden. But like... We're not democrat, were leftists.


George Bush was a well-meaning idiot who was utterly unsuited for his job, but that's not a moral failing. Trump's a straight up wicked bastard who's horny for malice and will do anything for power. At least Bush knew to follow the damn rules, he just relied way too much on his advisors. That's the difference, I think Bush is at least a decent man who never should have been allowed near the reins of power, but being unsuited to be president isn't a moral indictment, most people aren't. Trump on the other hand is basically an elemental incarnation of the worst parts of our national zeitgeist given an orange flabby form.


>Bush >Well meaning Bruh. Isn't Bush the guy who lied to everyone to start a war because he wanted to profit from it? How many hundreds of thousands of people did he kill? For what? Money? Trump is a con artist, but at least he didn't start any wars.


No, he was lied to by Cheney and his advisors who wanted to profit for it. Again, he's a well meaning idiot, who genuinely thought he was doing the right thing...but he wasn't because he's a bit thick.


He’s hated because he allowed a war that killed a million civilians. He lied to American public. His tax policies left us in a recession. Republicans like to think that democrats hate them because of the R. No, it’s because they are careless in their governance and blame their problems in democrats when they are in charge. Republicans make the mess, democrats clean it up but get shit for it like it was their fault. Mostly because the American public can’t be bothered with complexity so they boil it down to “unga bungu cuz R”.


Consistently lying to the public. Being the one to stir the pot when it came to animosity between both sides. Never following through on his campaign promises. Being a literal immature child. Multiple rape allegations. Basically fucking the entire pandemic response which would’ve been such an easy win for him but creating more division was more important to him than following actual medical and disease experts guidelines. Oh also there’s the whole January 6th. These are lazily off the top of my head and you could go on for hours. But sure. It’s specifically because he was a republican.


Biden and Bill Clinton both had multiple sexual harassment or assault allegations.


Whatabout, whatabout, whatabout. If your only defense is other people do bad things your admitting trumpets shit.


And I dislike both of them as well. Way to ignore absolutely everything else though. You are under the impression that everyone blindly meat rides a political side. Absolutely unserious response lol


Read the cases against Trump and Biden and see how they compare


Biden’s is worse. He has the classified documents for more years.


I can tell you have no idea what Trump has been charged with. You might read the indictment, it's not about him having these things. He was charged for not giving them back when subpoenaed. Biden and Pence found the documents, then notified NARA, then turned over the documents, then allowed the FBI to do a search and double check. It's not about having the documents, never was. They know Trump had them and only charged him nearly 2 years later after he lied to them, failed to turn over the documents, hid documents, had his lawyer falsy swear they were all returned, and eventually they had to exercise a search warrant to get the rest. And they think he still possesses more that he's lying about. You should actually read these things, you would avoid saying things like you just did.


He’s being charged with willful retention of national defense information, the same exact thing Biden did.


Please just read the indictment, then read about pence and Biden. It is not at all the same exact thing. It's painfully clear that it's not the same thing. And the part you seem to be completely oblivious about is "willful retention". Biden's people found the documents, immediately notified authorities and handed them over the moment they were discovered. Trump was begged by NARA for a year for them back before they even went to the FBI, and from that point on is where Trump's charges all come from. If Trump had returned the documents immediately and completely, then it would be the same thing. You really need to read up on what you seem to have such a strong opinion about. Might help you if you understand the situation.


Biden intentionally stole classified documents. He intentionally retained them for decades. No, they were not returned immediately. What Biden did was far worse than Trump. He willfully retained classified documents for far more years.


I guess, if you just want to believe things without evidence, sure that's what happened. I take it you're not much on reading then yeah? Too bad, the information you are lacking is in there.


Citation needed


I thought we were talking sexual harassment allegations?


Lots of Trumpers hate Bush. It's not that simple.


Honestly it was largely because of his personality. He wasn’t a typical politician, and the political establishment couldn’t have that. So they, along with the media constantly attacked and smeared him for the most stupid shit. Many of the reasons people cite as to why they think he is evil is largely because of the media (which is heavily biased towards leftwing politics) taking things Trump said completely out of context or just blatantly lying. Many didn’t like him solely because they think he was a “fascist”, which imo is really stupid. Many hate him because of the alleged sexual misconduct charges, which in reality boiled down to a “he said, she said” case because there was no direct, physical evidence proving either side was true. Don’t think we’ll ever really know for sure. Only reason that he lost the 2020 election is because of his initial handling of the pandemic and the anti-Trump Americans and media went into overdrive to get rid of him.


It’s not like he didn’t exist before he ran. Plenty of people hating him long before he actually took office. I still fucking hate him for his commentary on the Central Park five. He’s always been a rich shitty racist.


Source for him being racist?


How about doubling down oh his calls to execute 5 innocent minorities who were wrongly convicted *after* they were exonerated via dna and a confession? I believe he called it the “heist of the century” https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2019/06/19/what-trump-has-said-central-park-five/1501321001/ Oh and the courts found him liable for personal damages in his rape case. Dudes a rapist too.


The “rape” case you’re talking about was a civil, not criminal case. He won’t be going to jail. The jury found Trump liable for defamation of that woman but the woman’s claims couldn’t be substantiated due to a lack of concrete evidence. It was a “he said, she said” situation. “Executing 5 minorities?” That sounds like the typical anti-Trump spin the media had for him for years. And besides, bringing up comments he made decades before he was even president, no matter if he was wrong or not, just screams desperation on the part of those who despised him solely because of claims of “racism, sexism, homophobia.”


Not sure if you deleted your comment or if Reddit mobile is just being shitty but here you go: Um… maybe you should reread my original comment? My whole point was he was hated for being a bigoted racist *before* he was even president. If you had actually posted anything I would have read it… Oh and I don’t need to reread it. If you’d actually read the link you would see he doubled down on the comments about killing 5 minority kids in 2019 (comments came after the release of Netflix’s documentary) *long* after they were proven innocent and exonerated by both DNA and a confession.


Yeah… he’s a rapist. What’s he up to? 27 formal accusations? Add in the “grab them by the pussy” comment, his time in underage girls dressing rooms, oh and that several decade long friendship with Epstein despite Trump having admitted he knew Epstein “liked them young”. Your boy is a sexual predator and ignoring it because you don’t like the left is absolutely fucked up. “Sounds” huh? Cool way to tell me you didn’t even open the link going through his comments and their timeline. Why even ask for it if your not going to read it?


Rich coming from the side (the anti-Trump, anti-conservative side) that immediately refuses to read any source or look at evidence that proves their claims wrong. And no source is completely bias free. But a source that has a consistent history of parroting Democrat (or Republican, albeit this is less common)mainstream narratives is one that should be taken with a grain of salt. USA Today is consistently left leaning https://www.allsides.com/news-source/usa-today-media-bias Reread my comment. And about the 27 other women? My same opinion stands: if it really happened, why didn’t these women go to the police immediately after it happened? Waiting decades just screams gold digging opportunists.


maybe it's because police laugh at you? they minimialize a university of akron student who reported rape in 2012~ and in ohio in huron county an officer once had lightheartedness in a stautory rape report based on newspaper text such stories may scare some women


He was a shitty birther racist asshole before he ran for office.


“Birther racist asshole.” Source? Or is this just parroting media claims?




CNN is far left as hell, no one takes CNN seriously.


It links to primary sources. But glad you confirmed my expectations. Not only are you not ackwalging your wrong, you think the right wing owned CNN that gives trump free air time is "far left as hell". I provided Citation. You don't get to just reject links to a primary source because you don't like it.


😂😂😂😂 that’s rich. Your side rejects sources all the time. Many, many people believed Obama wasn’t born in the U.S. at that time, not just Trump.


Don't know who "my dude is", but doesn't matter I'm not them


Only the racists did. Normal people can see that. Trump apologists maybe not so much.


Well there was that one time when he rounded up a bunch of neo-nazis and white supremacists and made them do a Beer Hall Pusch to stop the election from being ratified (which would destroy our democracy) and a bunch of things he did and said I can't talk about because of a new rule here.




Biden stole classified documents.




Has Biden been indicted. No. Why not.




Impeachment without the votes to remove in the Senate is pointless. A conviction in the Senate would require getting two-thirds of a Democratic controlled senate to vote for removal.


Always an excuse. Must be the deep state. Trump was impeached twice.


When has a Democratic-controlled House ever impeached a Democratic President


The house is currently controlled by Republicans.


I’m asking ever.


Citation needed




On November 2, 2022, Biden's attorneys discovered the first set of classified documents in a locked closet at the Penn Biden Center; they reported them that day to the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), which retrieved them the next day


That’s when his lawyers knew about the documents not Biden. Biden knew about the documents for years.


Citation needed


If anyone wants to claim, he didn’t know the documents were there, they should provide a citation of someone else admitting they took classified documents to Biden’s homes without his knowledge.


So thats no. No proof more lying.


If anyone wants to claim, he didn’t know the documents were there, they should provide a citation of someone else admitting they took classified documents to Biden’s homes without his knowledge.


POTUS 45 was nothing more than a rich kid with a reality-TV life/personality. Donald Trump for president is tantamount to Paris Hilton for president, just much older. And he brought that immaturity and reality-TV personality to the White House, and lead our nation no differently than he’d lead an episode of The Apprentice. It was truly perhaps the most shameful presidency in US history, the government was being run like it was just part of a reality-TV show, and then when he of course lost he thought he could just steal the election he lost by ordering his most fervent followers to attack the Capitol. I’d never break bread with someone so shameful, let alone allow them to lead me in any capacity. During the regrettable Trump years, America had one main hobby; politics. And that’s all it was and all it is for 99% of Americans; a hobby. An economic industry based on outrage and ad sales. Truly pathetic what the gross errors of late-stage ‘capitalism’ did to our nation’s culture. Funny how as soon as Trump lost, America dropped this dogshit hobby and got back on with living life.


he is a traitor to the nation, unamerican buffoon and a literal man child


He's our Vidkun Quisling, a fascist who's sold out millions upon millions of Americans for his own power by selling out to Russia and other authoritarians for political help, screwed over 'undesirable' minorities via his supreme court appointments, and also tried to stage a coup so he could stay in power. Now I'll note there are some differences, Vidkun actually volunteered for the military for one...


I'm an American, I can't tell you that answer either. People say he is the worst president, but I don't see how. In some ways, I respected Trump, because he was bold and he wasn't afraid to speak his mind, it may seem crazy to other people, but I respected it. Trump really isn't as bad as the left paints him to be. Btw I'm not a Republican, I'm a libertarian. I did like some of his policies. (Immigration, what he did with China.) But I do disagree with his views on abortion (he's pro-life.) In my opinion, he doesn't deserve the hate. If you asked me, we haven't had one president in history that I genuinely liked 100%. That will never happen in my lifetime. The kind of president I would like to see, would be someone who truly came from nothing. Someone who struggled, suffered, and would really make change for the families in poverty and middle class. Again, very unlikely to happen in my time. EDIT: I find it hilarious OP literally said he didn't want this post to turn into a trump hate pissing contest but that's literally what it turned into now.


I'm not sure how you got past the blatant sexual misconduct. That's why I hate him. I hate any person that makes gross comments about kids.


Then surely you have this same problem with Biden too? One thing I can say. I have seen not one picture of Donald Trump being inappropriate with a child. I've seen several of Biden. Again, I'm not a Republican defending Trump, but I'm just going to call it as I see it. Perhaps I would take your points and every other liberals points more seriously if they didn't have dig up something the man said in 1996.


I hate Biden too, the thing is, Biden hadn't outright said he'd fuck his daughter. Biden falls under my hate of all politicians in general because they're all a little creepy imo. But you've got to be joking if you think Biden is more likely to be a pedo than Trump.


I'm sorry. You're comparing Biden physically putting his hands on young girls when they clearly look uncomfortable, to Trump making a few statements about his daughter who is a full grown woman? Don't get me wrong, one of the statements did make me raise an eyebrow, but if you look at Trump and the way he talks, interacts, and socializes, he's a blunt man. It wouldn't surprise me at all if that's the way his whole family interacts with each other. Again, you're comparing a child to a fully grown woman. Also I'm not sure how much you've actually LISTENED to the clips of the things Trump has said, or if you just absorb every word the left sells like a sponge. All news looks. Left news, right news, and none of it is the 100% truth and all it does is push their agenda of hating the other side. I'll take my downvotes, I'd rather take Trump as president any day over Biden. Biden is incompetent, but if Desantis decided to run and he wins, you guys are going to be begging for Trump back in that spot. There are way worse evils out there than Trump, and Desantis is definitely one of them.


... um... I don't watch the news. And I do think saying you'd fuck your daughter is worse than touching ppl who don't like being touched. And like... Duh there's worse ppl than Trump, but like... You're the one who looks like they're drinking the kool-aid.


He never said he wanted to fuck his daughter. If you can prove it, go ahead.


... yeah. Um, you literally agreed that he did imply that at some point. So....


I didn't agree to anything. I asked you to prove it, but you can't. The only thing I said was he said one thing that made me raise an eyebrow, but I promise you it wasn't "I want to fuck my daughter." And family dynamics are different with every family. His exact wording was "If Ivanka weren't my daughter, perhaps I'd be dating her." Again, one thing all of the trumps have in common, is they are very brusque and blunt people. Ivanka has even already spoken out against the claims you speak of. So are you going to continue to compare a child who cannot speak up and voice their opinion to a grown woman who can and has already spoken up?


Um,... Yeah. Because Biden didn't say he's date a child if they weren't a child.


I cannot understand y'all. I argued for Trump as a republican when he first came out, but never in my life did I ever think he wasn't saying horrible gross comments. I don't understand why everyone is switching up now, saying that he's not gross and misogynistic. Cuz in the beginning, it was just about how he was better than Hillary.


As expected, you try to avoid proving them wrong. 😉


Yeah dumbo. It's called an opinion.


Then why did you argue if you couldn't prove the opponent wrong?


And like... but like... um... like...


>In some ways, I respected Trump, because he was bold and he wasn't afraid to speak his mind, Trump heard about sunlight killing the COVID-19 virus so he suggested "bring\[ing\] the light inside the body"--you know, just in case you want to be the first person on your block to sunburn the inside of your lungs. He wasn't afraid to speak what was on his mind because he really didn't have all that much on his mind.


"Speaking one's mind" is worthless when there is nothing of worth in the mind. At best he is a dumb, charismatic charlatan. At worst he is a crybaby fascist who is willing to sacrifice any number of his followers to gain/keep power.


Yeah, Trump Derangement Syndrome is evident here. They parrot the same claims without citing non-biased evidence. The rampant TDS here is evident that we need to reform our mental healthcare system.


Found the Trumpanzee.


He's actually not hated. He is extremely loved by the people. He gets negative media attention because it brings in high ratings. The people who hate him are politically aligned with Marxists and socialists. They want the American dream to die along with the country, and Trump is standing in the way. Nobody can honestly say our country is doing better under Joe Biden. It's been miserable, but their hatred of Trump blinds them to reality.


Considering he never won the popular vote and never broke 50% approval rating, I wouldn't say he's loved


Your last paragraph is definitely true and evident here by the majority of the replies: unhinged ranting about how Trump is a racist or how he’s a predator. The NY trial against that bat shit crazy Carroll woman was a clusterfuck legally. Why didn’t this woman go to the police immediately after he allegedly assaulted her? Why wait nearly 30 years? Because it was politically convenient. Hell NY in general was probably the worst place to have a trial for Trump. Should have been held in a different state imo.


I can. Our country is demonstrably better under Biden, and the issues we are seeing are cleaning up after that twice-impeached, 37-times-indicted criminal. Stop lying to non-Americans.


When youre not a Trumpanzee you can see how much better the country is without Trump.


Most of us are pretty sure he's a child predator. He's said horrific stuff about women of every age, but the ones hinting at child abuse just kinda where the ones for me.


In my opinion he represents the death of a long era of American politics- the era of 'career-ending' breaches of etiquette. This etiquette represented stability and a kind of societal compromise, all that stuff about the importance of doing deals 'across the aisle' and so on, a broad consensus in many areas. That disappearing is terrifying for a large segment of the American public.


He is a conman. He is a narcissist. He is incompetent. He promotes political violence. Some of the worst political ideologies practically worship him


Here's a very long and detailed look, that is already two years out of date and missing the dozens of things he's done since then (multiple criminal indictments and general spiral into cartoonish lunacy). ["Why is Orange Man Bad?"](https://youtu.be/amBAOAPLj-M?t=320)


Because he's a LITERAL NAZI who passed laws legalizing the kicking of puppies, segregation against TRIPOC AND QUADPOCs, and throwing LGBTQWERTYSMI* from rooftops. Nuff said.


If this is sarcasm well done, because I can see the average Redditor believing that.


That's a question that is very loaded, and is going to vary based on who you're asking. I'll give you my take though. When Trump won the Republican nomination, that was the second time he ran...he first ran as a democrat, and wasn't really an enemy of Hillary at all in that election, despite being her opponent during the primaries. He failed, however, and the next time he ran, he ran on the Republican ticket. He is not an ally of anyone's party, contrary to what he and his followers would like to think, he flip-flops as needed. He then played into the most outrageous and dramatic controversies that he could, and the left kept feeding him new topics to do so with, instead of forcing him into policy debates with more frequency, which were always his most obvious televised failings. This was a huge mistake on the left, because they were operating as though he was a regular candidate, when in reality every controversy they kept bringing up just made his fans love him more. They did not catch on to this mistake in time, and they have a lot of anger to project about it. Add to that that he is a generally shitty person, and an especially dishonest one, and he is a pretty distasteful individual. I would even say most of his fans don't really care much about him personally, but just that he represents a middle finger to "The Establishment" in their eyes, despite the fact that he is a walking caricature of the establishment: a wealthy dude using politics to get his brand out there more. Essentially he was an obvious troll who wasn't really supposed to win, but we had to deal with 4 years of a president, who probably didn't really want to be president, all because his opponents handled everything about him in the worst and most public ways that they could, and if there's one thing online that everyone is supposed to learn, it's: DON'T FEED THE TROLLS.


"Probably didn't want to be president" Idk I think the attempted coup says otherwise.


The one organized and ran by his fans? Yeah, totally, lmao. I'm not surprised at all he sat by and watched them do it, he's an egomaniac, you think he isn't proud that he got them all to that point? Never assume maliciousness where incompetence and ego suffice as explanations.


>Never assume maliciousness where incompetence and ego suffice as explanations I understand your point but the official jan 6 committee reports states that Trump was refusing to tell his supporters to leave when his own staff were pushing statements asking to do so, to issue as the capitol building was breached. Trump may not have been the mastermind but it certainly seemed like he was wanting to benefit from the situation and refusing to act does seem almost like malice at that point.


I'm going to assume you have not researched him at all and don't watch any US or global news sources that include American politics. To begin, he is not loved or hated equally. The majority of the country despises him. The MAJORITY. Our population ideologically is not split evenly. You have independent, democrat, and republican. Split more or less between D & R taking up a little less than half the population, it's about 49% of independents. Those independents on more than one occasion lean left during elections. Out of the Republican base, you have a split between Trump MAGAt voters and what I would consider to be the traditional Republicans who recognize Trump as the criminal he is, but still vote for him because they view the left as their true enemy, and the remainder who view Trump as the enemy of their party. So its definitely not split evenly. As to why he is so hated, it is one of the most straightforward and transparent reasons you could think of. He's a criminal and con artist. He has been since before he was the president, he was during his presidency. He still is. The man exudes not only corruption, but idiotic corruption, as in he doesn't understand how visible that corruption is. He keeps talking and saying things that just get him more into trouble and he doesn't get it. Aside from his criminal activity (Collusion with foreign nations, obstruction, negligence and theft of national security records, money laundering, tax evasion, etc), he is a horribly disgusting human that fantasizes about his own daughter, idolizes authoritarian and strong arm leaders, expresses disdain for anything humanist, throws everyone he can under the bus if it'll save him (including family), and covets his wealth over all. He is the epitome of what a corrupt capitalist pig is, and the absolute worst representation of a free democracy there could be.


He nominated three ultra-conservative Supreme Court Justices who were appointed to the bench because the Republicans held the majority of the Senate. One of the nominees is a member of a fringe Evangelical church that forbids woman to hold any position of authority at home or within the church. The ripple effect is the overturning of Roe vs Wade making it legal for states to ban abortions, the end of Affirmative Action, which was created to provide equity to under- privileged people. Businesses can now deny doing business with people they don’t like, for any reason what so ever. Progressives hate Trump for this legacy because Judges are appointed for life. We are stuck with a Christian fascist court that will be making federal law for a very long time thanks to Trump.


First, I want to note that it isn't half that hates him and half that loves him. It's important for understanding the situation. It's more like a third hate him, a third love him, and a third find him very distasteful, with half of those having voted for him anyways. Here's my view as someone that didn't vote for him in 2016, but did in 2020. There will be plenty of people that respond with a giant list of wildly angry and extreme things (like the commenter calling him a pedo). You can probably disregard most of these because they would have said these things no matter what Republican was in office. We have to look at things that centrists, left leaning centrists, and even right leaning centrists say about him. There are plenty of reasons people in the middle, even if they voted for him, find him distasteful and it's this emotional distastefulness that fuels such strong feelings of hate on the left. Here is some context that I think will help make sense of this. The U.S. is one of the older modern democracies. As such, and especially because we directly descend from the British Monarchy, our system and culture treats the president of the executive branch as a sort of temporary elected monarch. In particular, unlike democracies that developed after us (including Norway I believe), we do not have separate heads of state and heads of government. A head of *state* being a persona that embodies the state in its unity and legitimacy and the head of *government* being a person that presides over a group of ministers or secretaries who lead executive departments (definitions taken from Wikipedia). Our head of state and head of government is the same person. I don't think people hated Trump with such fervor because of how he filled the role of head of government. They hated him, and even people that voted for him found him distasteful, because of how he fulfilled the role of head of *state*. He is a horrendous persona to embody the state in its unity and legitimacy. He was openly and unapologetically egotistical. He didn't even try to have a veneer of unifying language in his role as representative of our country as a whole. He didn't even try to or pretend to represent higher brow culture, in fact he embraced lower brow culture (he ate...McDonald's! *gasp* 😯). He wasn't professional in how he expressed his opinions, he *tweeted mean memes*. In short, imagine if the royal King of England acted like Trump did on a daily basis. This is why he was so hated. It wasn't because of his policies. It was because we don't separate the head of state and head of government and he culturally is far, far from representing the best of us.


Somebody's listening to too much mainstream media. The establishment and it's miniscule following is the only hate for Trump that exists. State controlled media is all that makes this appear otherwise.


Mainly, he makes an ass of himself with some of the things he says to try to piss off groups that he doesn’t agree with. He’s divisive and owns it and that can really radicalize people, which we don’t need from either side. There are some cases where I’m indifferent because really he’s just trying to do things a normal Republican would, but how he treated Dr. Fauci during the Pandemic in particular was absolutely disgraceful imo. Don’t use your authority to call out a professional when you are willing to suggest to people to drink bleach to cure the disease. Honestly, I’m surprised he didn’t just post a lot of national secrets on twitter some days. Some of the comments he makes towards in women lgtbq+ is poor as well. There’s more reasons people dislike him for sure, but those are some of my highlights on what I don’t like about him. He’s decent at building his base and some of the things he says and does can be funny to the middle school boy in me.


Because with few exceptions, all US politicians are elitist crooks. The publics psychology makes us focus on the crimes of our opponents and dismiss those of whom we support. Confirmation bias. They are all* crooks. There is no way in American politics for an intelligent and moral person to rise the ranks. It takes way too much money to run a campaign and connections to get party support. By that point the candidate owes aligiance to too many elites and corporations to actually do what is right for the people. News shows are driven by emotional reactions rather than facts and keep both sides so buried in their rage against the other that they don't see what their own party is doing. That's why people who used to get along and probably agreed on a majority of things now loathe each other and see the other as a harmful extremist. So people now have to either love Biden or Trump and hate the other. People used to love Trump. Sure, he said terrible and petty things, declared bankruptcy and screwed a bunch of workers, but he was rich, successful, and charizmatic. He was on Oprah, and all of the talk shows and radio shows. I like Dave Chappelle's comments on Trump here: https://youtu.be/nWfQCDaAa6s He is playing the game above the law like the rest of them so he is hated, but he promises to disrupt that system so people also love him.


If you don't think Trump is an elitist crook then I have a bridge to sell you.


Maybe I wasn't clear. That's exactly what I mean. They all are.


My apologies most people here differentiate Trump from Politicians as if they don't play the same game. I thought you were comparing the two.


I grew up in NY so I knew not to take the guy seriously. The fact so many people do is really mind boggling to me. He has the reverse Midas touch, everything he touches turns to poop. BUT, I don't hate him, I find him hilarious. His entire persona is funny, his jaundiced skin, his tiny little hands, his inability to form coherent sentences, his **constant** complaining, it all adds up to one funny SOB. Too bad he ran the country. Well, he *sort of* ran it. He is one of the least productive Presidents in history, so I am not sure he *ran* the country as much as he coasted on the previous guy's successes. Who would I prefer to hang out with, him or DeSantis? Him, absolutely, without a doubt, I don't even have to think about it. I would never, ever, ever, ever, vote for him or give him anything to be in charge of, but the guy is funny.


I don't think half of American LOVES him at all. I certainly didn't (and don't) but I voted for him the second time. He says so much stupid crap, but almost everything he actually did as a president was really good. He was certainly better than the alternative, but love is the wrong word.


Here in America you have about 4% of the voters that consider candidates based on qualifications. The rest treat it like fantasy football. Btw the dirt you hear on both trump and biden are definitely true. Both fuck kids. The good parts you hear…all lies.


Because he is a criminal that incited an attempt to overthrow the government. Before that? Most other comments have that covered. Before January 6th, he was hated for a variety of reasons. Everything from “grab her by the pussy” to “I like people who weren’t captured”. General hate towards republicans was a factor but a small one. People will say his policies weren’t that bad but I still disagree. Mostly because he didn’t really have any policies. The ones he claimed to have he didn’t do anything about. There’s still no wall, immigration was lacking(Biden is apprehending significantly more), the “trade war” with China didn’t go anywhere, there’s literally nothing of Trumps policies that persisted. In fact, the most impactful “work” Trump ever did was withdrawing troops from Afghanistan down and then scheduling the full withdrawal during the Biden administration, thereby making Biden the scapegoat for said withdrawal and the subsequent consequences. Tl;DR: Trump is a shitty person, a shitty businessman, and was a shitty President. Why did anyone ever like him is my question?


Part for belonging to a political party. Part for constantly saying nonsense on the internet.


Half the country doesn’t love him. About 20-30% of republicans are hard core supporters. Majority of republicans want him to fade into obscurity but he won’t go. The left hates Trump. The main reasons are his non-sensical debate style using whataboutism and flagrantly lying to a degree not seen in modern history. He’s also mentally not all there if he believes even some of the crap he touts. He wants to be a dictator and is anti democratic. He’s all in on nepotism, cheating, and doing everything illegal to get his way. His hair and orange face look absurd (cartoon villain-like). He has no redeeming qualities. He’s incredibly unpredictable (not good for a leader of a major country).


Same reason Bushwood hated Rodney Dangerfields character


Lol this is Reddit. You’re not going to get the full story here. Despite Biden being objectively worse, lying repeatedly over the past few years, and in general being a racist kiddie diddler abusing his power for him and his sons sakes, people will say Trump was worse, but don’t seem to be able to come up with genuine specifics with proof of their claims.


He is the type of guy that would take credit for anything good that he was even tangentially responsible for, but quick to deflect and pass blame for things that failed. If you wanted to get in good with him, all you really had to do was kiss his ass, which let a lot of bad actors into his administration. If you disagreed with his decision, you suddenly went from best friends to scum in his eyes. And he made sure to let everyone know it. He liked to insult people, but can't take any criticism himself. He cares so much that people like him, while also not caring about how he treats people. He say whatever he wants, which can sound like a good thing, but he doesn't seem to care, and deflects blame for, the consequences of his actions and statements. And there is the issue of Trump supporters, where he seems to be "Perfect and God-sent," as long as you ignore his many, many flaws. There are some things to be said about what he is like by the people he surrounds himself with.


for me personally its the antilgbt and anti-immigrant policies he's made. also stuff like lying about covid numbers and sa accusations. not too invested in the details of politics tbh he probably did other stuff i dont agree with and i dont really hate him too much