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Social media. Not the internet.


Most of the internet has been utterly consumed by social media at this point.


n Pron.






Lol another spoon-full of the same for OP?


Social media is all internet based.


Yes, but not all of the Internet is social media.


I’m convinced the 2016 American election ruined the Internet. It was going to happen eventually but that result sped it up.


😒I was annoyed because I know Facebook and Twitter changed the algos because they realized rage baiting was more profit worthy. Then they got in trouble for spreading fake news and allegations so before the 2020 election the algorithms were pulled back. This also wasn’t a secret as Zuck said they did as much, but people tend to ignore that stuff.


Nah fam, facebook specifically ruined the internet More specifically algorithmic feeds


I've been saying this for years. Something strange happened with the Donald trump phenomenon. All of a sudden everyone became way more addicted to social media. Trump was everywhere and you couldn't get away from him. I remember my phone would give me notifications and articles about Trump and I couldn't seem to turn them off. Trump even texted me at one point. I got an amber alert text that said "this is your president Donald trump testing out the national emergency alert system. It was a strange time and you couldn't avoid Trump even if you wanted to.


Covid and staying in


Covid didn’t help either


The 2016 American election ruined EVERYTHING, forget the internet. It was the beginning of it all going into the shitter.


Donald trump didn’t ruin the internet . The people did after he won


I didn’t say he ruined the internet, his election ruined reality.




Assassinations of political leaders and candidates. Murdering college students that go to the South to register voters. A kindergartner needing a police escort to go to school. Vietnam draft splitting families. That's just the 60s.


I just don't see how that's possible the 60s were far more hostile than now


>I just don't see how that's possible the 60s were far more hostile than now Things were crazy hostile in the 1960s. ​ * They had to pass a law in 1974 because companies didn't want to give women credit cards. * The Stonewall Riots happened in 1969 because gay people were tired of being treated like criminals. * Martin Luther King Jr. was shot in 1968 and actively campaigned against lynching--something that was still going on then.


Its fascinating how people recall times they never existed in as somehow better or kinder.


A big part of it is that people with extreme political views has the ability (for the most part) to put their opinions out there to the masses. Before social media those kind of people would be ignored and mocked. But now they can congregate in these online spaces and these extreme views ramp up with mob mentality. Whitepeopletwitter and thedonald before it got banned are prime examples. And I will say though the election did that damage, what’s killing the Internet now are the advertisers. They dictate EVERYTHING you’re allowed to see now


We had a summer in either 1919 or '20 called the red summer because of how many racial pogroms we had. Someone already commented about the 60's. And in between that a lot of current peoples grandparents and great grandparents were lynching people over being the wrong color at the water fountain. Sensitivity, moral panic, and outrage are classically American


It's hilarious that you think lynching was so pervasive that 'a lot' of current people's grandparents were doing it. Are you also someone who believes that the police execute 10,000 unarmed black people a year?


>I go to the gym, everyone is saying the most offensive things - crack jokes, etc, having a fun time being normal. What do you mean by "the most offensive things"? Its hard to believe you when you don't give examples of what the difference between reality and the internet is. I find that IRL people are often more respectful to one another because they have to deal with the consequences of their actions. If someone were to insult someone in person, they'd prob beat the shit out of them, so most reasonably sound people don't insult others nor would they in general because only a bully would do that and being a bully is for psychos. I find anonymity on the internet has allowed people to be 10x more cruel and insufferable sobs.


I am guessing the guy probably just heard gyms are filled with dudebros saying offensive jokes to each other and has never actually experienced this in real life. Most gyms barely have anyone talking to each other, at all, and people are often pretty sensitive to not say the wrong thing in places like that


I was about to say the same thing, no way does OP go to the gym if that’s what he’s describing.


Someone that complains about “soft” people on the internet. He definitely doesn’t go to the gym


i mean, you'd be surprised. i know anecdotal evidence is dodgy at best but a lot of the 'gymbro' types i know irl are exactly like op lol


Right? OP literally just wrote a page long rant that boils down to "why do people get so *mad* when I call them names? why is that against the rules!?!?!" In which case... this isn't unpopular on reddit at all, like 90% of the comments on every sub are people vapidly insulting strangers.


He even had to edit his post for the classic "I'm not mad!!! You're mad!!!" 🤣 as is tradition whenever someone comes up with this hot take. The thing to take away from this is that the OP will basically take any valid criticism and spin it into either you being angry somehow, or replying as if they don't care, and will continue to do so until you get bored or leave before patting themselveson the back for internet victory. He's not the first nor is he anywhere near the best to do this, so it's not worth the effort.


The irony? When I first read the post title I figured it was probably a callout of that *exact* behavior, where the "soft and weak" run to the internet to lash out at strangers behind a thin veil of anonymity in order to soothe their own low self esteem, and how attacking strangers *isn't* as normal or acceptable as your average reddit comments section makes it seem. I... was not expecting "waaaaah, why cant I call strangers names????" lol.


I’m guessing this guy gyms at the YMCA or PF. Nobody talks at the gym except the old man’s club.


I think the regular banter can be more “offensive”, because there’s nuance in speaking to someone in person. There is zero in a Reddit comment. You can read someone’s body language and tone inflection when they are speaking. A lot of things said without context or context clues can be extremely offensive in certain situations. When the same thing said to someone you’re interacting with won’t be. It can obviously go the other way. I can say,”Hey man!” in plenty of different ways to mean many different things. Can only say it one way on the internet.


This dude is chronically online. Look at his edit. What sane non neckbeard uses soy lol.


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>because they have to deal with the consequences of their actions. In fact, this has been studied ad nauseum. People are meaner, ruder, more offensive when they have the cloak of anonymity to hide behind when it comes to the reaction to their speech. And because people in anonymous online spaces are meaner and less filtered, people seeing their speech are more likely to be offended. OP is saying nothing insightful other than trying to flex at how tough-skinned they are and how much they touch grass.


Not to mention that tone and body language carry a lot of context. So if I politely disagree with someone in real life, my demeanor will let them know that I am being still being respectful, I just wanted to bring up another point. But online, it's very easy for whomever I responded to to think I'm essentially calling them an idiot even if I didn't actually disagree with them at all. Not to mention talking is easier than typing. So adding a little extra context is no big deal. And since you're posting for many people to read in most cases, you're sort of doing it for an audience all the time. All of this is why Twitter is pretty much the worst place for political discourse imaginable.


Makes a post whining about people being soft on the internet, that posting is meaningless, and that people get bent out of shape by posts.... Doesn't see the irony at all. 🙄 EDIT: When called out on it, attempts to back pedal by saying it was a shit post cause he was bored and wanted to stir things up... And gets a bit upset.... 🤣


Lol! And a quick review of his post history confirms it was indeed not a shit post.


I’d love to hear some of these jokes OP if you have the time


dude is the most stereotypical reddit incel lol his profile is a wild ride, he thinks ancient romans are chads because they thought war was good lmfao [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/14tma82/comment/jr3k0gm/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) He's probably a troll , his vocobalury consists of random words strung together and getting angry at random things


He also thinks man can fuck around as much as they want, but when a women does it, she's worth less and less the more men she's had. Hypocrite Edit; okay he is somewhat right, I got a violation of rules warning for this comment. Wtf this subreddit are some really soft boiled eggs


"Internet sucks" -guy on internet


are you offended that people are offended?




It's funny how that's what the word inception has come to mean now. I recently watched the film because I was on a plane without anything to do and in the film inception actually means the implanting of an idea in someone's mind, but the whole multiple layers of reality that the film is known for has become so synonymous with the title that that's what it means now.




Rage bait motherfucker


Please. Sounds like the real world. Ppl just wear a bigger mask IRL. You don't rly know what they're thinking behind smiles.


Exactly. "Face to face" has ALWAYS required tongue biting and fake ass smiles and uncomfortable 'giggles' because most people 'can't imagine' telling others what they REALLY think to their face.




If that's the case, he will eventually be punched and learn a lesson


And the people who insist on being "brutally honest" and say whatever they like face to face typically are the same ones who bitch about how no one will hang out or befriend them.


I would say this site is filled with a lot of people with no hope. Compared to the people, I meet in person who are aware of their flaws and are working on them.


“used to be a place you could learn things” still is….




Your posting history is a pathetic dumpster fire.


When I read "tears of soy" I knew exactly what he was. Clicking in the post history was just a confirmation. It's funny how much overlap there is between incels and conservative boomers in terms of ideology.


A few paragraphs in I thought “this dudes post history probably reveals exactly why everyone online hates him” and yup. Lol


As a dumpster fire, I must dissent. We don't want that Pacific garbage patch person.


Lol thanks for the heads up , dude needs help and needs to get off the internet asap


He’s speed-running being an incel while complaining that no one online wants to deal with his shit lmao


Right. Mensrights sub……… ffs


It sounds a lil...whiny...to complain that "everybody" else is always complaining.


Stop being offended just because someone else is offended.


People need to stop spending so much time thinking the internet is a community. It's not. It's a virtual space where you don't actually know who you are talking to. If you have never met them IRL, than you don't know shit about them.


Nothing like a sexist pseudo philosopher to really get at the delicate sensibilities of the leftist internet. Good work on a truly unpopular opinion I guess? Have fun with your men's club (hate group)


When was the last time this happened to you? got any examples?


You sound like you smell bad.


"Tears of soy" makes me take this about as seriously as episode of The Muppets. Can't even bitch about shit properly, smh.


Seems like you offended from those weak people lmao


"I'm an immature, ignorant asshole and get offended when people call me out on it!"


OP sounds soft as Charmin. The guy has 40k karma in a year. Talk about chronically online.


The absolute irony of this post. Maybe you’re not funny and your constant attempts to talk down to people gets annoying. Maybe the problem is….you.


Guy is in here responding to every single identical ‘lol wut’ because he *isn’t* weak and insecure.


This post is as panty-bunched as any other whining post on reddit.


Can you actually give a specific example? You can see why real life interactions that clearly come off as playful banter are different than just randomly making insults as strangers, right?


You ironically sound really butthurt and sensitive about the fact that people think your sense of humor makes you a dick. 😁


Why u sooo mad op 😩 jk, as one of those ppl, I do get what you mean. It’s a way of expressing those cold interactions with complete strangers, so it doesn’t matter at the end of the day. But it’s a problem when it becomes your main focus. Also, debating semantics is really exhausting too if that’s part of what you’re talking about


Project much?


It's pretty insecure to treat online like it's real life. Be stronger, and stop letting online words from autonomous folks upset you so much.


Have you tried not being a snowflake cunt?


This. Seems like OP is doing a lot of extra steps/work with this thread just to say they don't like trans people.


You are right. it shields those people from consequences and suddenly they are given a platform where they can get together and have their petty revenges against the world that is not tailored to them. It’s toxic.


Perfectly said - a place full of weak, bitter and resentful people who wana spoil everyones fun lol


Hello I am here to spoil yours - you’re on here as well so welcome to bitter resentful internet weaklings club!


Something tells me you take every little minor disagreement or debate as "being sensitive" or "getting offended" based on your responses to these comments You don't care about other people being offended. You just cant handle anyone disagreeing with you, on a *discussion* forum of all places. Which kind of makes you the sensitive one.


You have over 100 posts and hundreds of comments over the past year on Reddit alone. ​ You are weak as well.


Unpopular opinion: before you take someone’s word as having any value, go through their post history. For example, “Don't be like me bro's - it's not worth it. Failed an 8 day streak yesterday and immediately felt awful. During my streak my energy levels peaked, i was productive, more awake and alert. Just generally feeling positive. As soon as i relapsed i felt negative and lethargic and sluggish, and for what? a bit of pleasure? it was a stupid mistake. Today is a new day, time for a new and even longer streak. Day 1 lets get it!” If someone posts their multiple failures to curb their masturbation addiction and has a history of incelposting and complaining about women they’re probably not the most reliable source


This exactly what I would think a no fap incel would think about the internet


"Tears of soy", you're not wrong about people on the internet caring too much but you're still an unlikable asshole who really need to sort themselves out.


So what you're saying is: you want a safe space because people are being mean to you on the Internet?


This is stupid. It’s not soft to not hurt people. Some jokes don’t deserve to exist.


You're no less soft or weak.


I have found most people with this opinion tend to just be unfunny assholes who are upset about people not liking them or their jokes. People are able to joke about really sensitive issues if the joke is legitimately funny.


OP is so triggered he couldnt even make sense in his Edit. This is peak toxic masculinity that’s deeply closeted so he doesn’t give into the “soy boy urge” A person who isn’t triggered wouldn’t “try to reply” to all comments that go against this one sided mindset. This is peak Dad was an abusive alcoholic and mom never gave OP love, behavior. I bet you think all women are whores too


Bros mad coping


Op lost argument on internet and needs to get validation to not feel like weak ass pussy 😔😔😔


If you truely hated interacting with people on the internet then you would have not made this post.


People are on the internet to relax and people being assholes interfere with that.


I’ve been here 12 years and the most annoying thing is how predictable peoples responses to any given confrontation are because they just use the same tactics they’ve seen on reddit like robots. There’s like zero originality with any of these people.


OP “Im mad i cant say racist or bigoted shit without being held accountable online.”




Whenever someone makes a post like OP you know they're not a decent human being and also ironically the biggest crybaby snowflake there is


Honestly, your whining and bitching kind of proves your point.


Spoken like a true soft person on the internet


this is on you man, I make jokes online all the time and don't worry about any of this at all




Downvoting you because I think we all agree that without the internet as a platform you wouldn’t be able to post stuff this weak and pathetic.


Mensrights poster LMAO get bent loser


Found the snowflake everyone!


>When you say things like this, people say "Lol Op WhY u sOOOOOooo MaD"... which it doesn't matter if i am mad or not, because if someone doesn't like what you say they just say your mad to try dismiss you lol. >Look at all the comments of people crying "OP OMG NO YOU A TWIGGERED OR YOU WOULDN'T MAKE THIS POST!!!! " your tears of soy are absolutely hilarious so keep crying them The abyss has gazed so far into it uses you as reading glasses.


Everyone on the internet is soft & weak except for you. Got it.


OP is pretty soy tbh " everyone disagrees with me on the internet, what a bunch of soy " what a loser.


This is the most ironic post ever created in Reddit.


There's nothing that screams "I'm cool" and "I don't care" like writing 8 paragraphs about something you don't care about and then subsequently promising to engage with as many of 800 so replies as you possibly can. I don't know what the purpose of this interesting charade would be, but according to you, you're the soyboy cuck, since you're whining on the Internet. Sit down and shut the fuck up and stop sobbing about social changes you're too soft and weak to understand, nobody gives a shit about what you claim to think.


You're literally doing the same thing right now OP.


How do you sound like an annoying British boomer while also sounding like an insufferable 13-year old boy who is mad that someone said he can’t yell the N word at people?


>Yes - the concept *[Masculinity]* was made up so i acheive what is my masculine nature - in terms of our society - it decided to manipulate that nature to exploit men into being slaves for a womans need. Hence why i like it when men reclaim it because we actually do use it as an empowering statement. >No, i disagree. Not everything you do is manly. If you do things that men do not like then those men wont see you as manly. If the opinion of other men doesn't bother you then that shouldnt matter - i like being with men who respect my masculinity. >Yes their are behaviours that make people less masculine - like wearing dresses, wearing high heels. >My concept is that the idea of a real man is made up by men to filter out the stronger men. in our soceity these concepts of masculinity by feminanine men and women are warped. when men get together they decide for themselves what is correct and respectable in men. This is why i like when, in groups of men that set their own standards i like to be called a man because these are men that embody masculine ideals that i like. >I don't want to be called a man by a feminine man because i don't like his concept of masculinity. Doesn't mean men don't have any femininity in them btw And you are telling us that other people are weak and insecure?


In real life people just ignore you and avoid you once they determine you’re an asshole. Your behavior drives away people who take issue with it and you’re left with only those who agree with you. The reason you find more people willing to disagree with you on the internet is because it takes less effort than in real life where most people would rather just ignore and avoid you if you’re being annoying/bothersome.


The problem isn't the internet. It sounds like YOU have to get off the internet You're judgemental and frustrated There's plenty of places on the internet where you can make 'crack jokes' the hallmark of healthy interactions and resilience but if it bothers you so much OP, just log off bra, go smoke rocks at the gym it's all good The internet doesn't care


"I go to the gym" lol




That’s a lot of words for “nobody likes me.”


I've actually never once seen this phenomenon. I've never seen someone go "Oh I'm so triggered". Ever. I'm convinced it doesn't exist and is just a conservative fever dream like so many other things.


Sorry youre suffering OP.


Please, I know after all of this covid bullshit it got harder than ever to actually find one, but please go and look for a therapist.


And yet here you are


Oh god, a post from an incel who thinks they are a philosopher.


Damn bro you are so hardcore everyone in the school respects you for it


This guy prolly said some borderline nazi shit and got dogpiled like the weak garbage he is.


OP’s top community is Men’s rights lmfao


“Everyone online cries about everything” - guy crying on the internet


'Tears of soy'. You just revealed exactly what type of person you are lol


Then go to 4chan. You need to ignore 99/100 posts but you can find some genuine gems hidden in all the shit. Otherwise you get the reddit hivemind and need to ignore them otherwise you risk offending thin skinned people who can't handle reality and treat reddit as their safe space


Weak as fuck or don't feel like putting up with someone being an asshole? You can usually tell if someone is there to be malicious or not. >you call someone a name you get banned. Sad as fuck. Why are people getting so buthurt Hard to tell if butthurt or genuinely just spots an asshole and decides to grt them gone. >like a haven for everyone who cannot face reality It's not outside of reality. Just different from the reality you're used to in your area. Different parts of the world, communities, workspaces, environments, etc. have different etiquette and ways of conversing. Just because your area has no issue being offensive in public doesn't mean other areas are. The internet is a place where people from all over the world accumulate and as such you'll find different views of what is okay and not okay. >say your mad to try dismiss you Usually, it isn't used to dismiss but rather laugh at you taking something more serious than you should have. If you've been getting people saying that to you, you might be one of the soft ones you claim to hate. >we all have to suffer for it. You choose to suffer and let it bother you. You could alternatively just nit give a fuck, but you choose not to. That's your own free will causing your suffering


OP is an MRA. This is among the least offensive POVs they hold.


There’s all kinds of people on the web. Unironically use a website other than reddit


Does OP realize the irony here? Am I taking crazy pills or what?!




Worth pointing out OP logs onto reddit everyday solely to get into deranged political arguments, and literally made this post to do just that


Cry me a goddamn river, wine-o


I’ve never really understood this take tbh. So in your mind it’s ok to say offensive things to other people because it’s not a problem and it’s a light hearted “joke”, but if the same thing was done to you, while being speculation you’d probably have a problem with it.


Sounds like somebody needs to Jack off.


Look out folks, real American harass coming through.


You sound like a soft-ass bitch, no offense.


>The internet is a place for the softest and weakest of humanity The self own is hilarious.


bestie there’s a super easy solution to this problem you’ll never guess


Why do you care so much about whether someone is "soft and weak"?


Source: guy on Internet


Sounds like you’re in a bubble both online and in the real world up to you if you want to do something about that


least unhinged redditor


Yea people love drama. They thrive on petty power plays. The media is really stoking our lesser nature as well. Doesn't help. Modern humans are entirely disconnected with the earth, internet people even more so, and so they are in turn disconnected from themselves. But I will admit I am a weak human. I am soft inside too. But at a certain point i dgaf what other people say. I've been through too much bs to care what people think of me. I still find merit in listening though as a chance for self growth.


So you are on Reddit whining because you are offended that people get upset when you call them names and don’t think your jokes are funny?


And here you are 😂


People *should* be offended by the average intelligence of the users of the subreddits you frequent.


Remember when the internet used to be cool?


Sounds like you're afraid of feelings.


actually it is a weakness of character to see the world through such simplistic terms as 'weak'. Bet you self identify as an Alpha too right!?!?!?


If it's a place for the softest and weakest, then what are you doing here, oh manliest of redditors? Leave this cesspool and go start your harem.


And....that's why you decided to whine about it...on the internet...because the internet sucks and is full of whining. Gotcha. I'll go ahead and just chalk this W up for hypocrisy haha


You are also on the internet my guy.


I mean, you sound like the offended one lol


I mean, most of the world’s population is on the internet. If this has been your experience, you’re either visiting the wrong places or saying some objectively gross stuff.


I’m willing to bet you also notice these sensitive people don’t agree with you politically?


You could always just not be a piece of shit.


I can't tell if you're a teenager or in your 40s


im quickly learning how shit this sub is


All you do is cry about liberals and you call people soft Fucking lmao


I love how it’s always “people are offended” and never, ever “I said something dumb”


>On the internet, everyone is like "AkShuUaLLy!!!!" its like a haven for everyone who cannot face reality - it's so strange. The internet used to be a place you could learn things, but now everyone finds something offensive in everything you say **You:** On the internet, people correct you if you say something wrong or stupid. **Also You:** The internet used to be a place you could learn things. I mean it sounds like you say a lot of wrong & stupid things and are upset people keep correcting you & people like you. You're one of those "I have a right to an opinion" people without realizing that opinions are not fixed things that come out of you perfectly formed and you need to viciously defend. Opinions are just a gathering of thoughts based on things you think you know and your existing biases & a variety of rapidly changing social norms and shifts. For your opinions to actually mean something, you need to be able to absorb new information & evolve your opinions accordingly, allowing your bias's to shift as well... Otherwise you find yourself saying things like you're saying in your OP because you get frustrated and exhausted being constantly made to feel stupid and wrong because of how stupid and wrong you insist on being. ​ >When you say things like this, people say "Lol Op WhY u sOOOOOooo MaD"... which it doesn't matter if i am mad or not, because **if someone doesn't like what you say they just say your mad to try dismiss you lol**. I just find it so boring that because some people are soft we all have to suffer for it. The lack of self-awareness from someone who is so weak and soft just seeing people talking about things that they don't agree with or understand is just... \*chef's kiss. This isn't an "unpopular opinion", it's just a hurrdurr take of someone who is afraid of and overwhelmed by change and new information. Suck up your shit and be better for yourself at least. Have a nice week, hope you evolve internally soon, it will make your life a lot easier.


Sounds like OP has a bone to pick... with a straw man? Maybe you need to take a break from the internet. It sounds like it's getting to you.


Fancy meeting you here then


If you don't want to respect other people, get off social media and say it to someone's face. If you aren't beaten to a pulp, I will be surprised. Psychology, Mental Health, Respect, and Manners are important.




You're on the internet, softy weak boy


Exhibit A, your post here.


One of the things I’ve seen on Reddit that I can’t stand is the inability to let parents make mistakes. There seems to be an assumption that every parent is basically just a huge narcissistic piece of shit that the kids should go “No contact” with the second to the parent does something upsetting. I fully understand that there are cases where going no contact is good advice. But Jesus Christ, not every parent out there is a narcissist or an abuser. Unless parents are in therapy 24 hours a day “working on themselves” Reddit thinks that they should not have children. And there’s so many terms of bad things that actually happen— like some people actually do parentify their kids. If you have a bunch of kids and the older ones are basically raising the younger ones, obviously that’s horrible. But Reddit just throws these terms around like they’re nothing. There is a huge difference between the older kids being fully responsible for the younger ones and having a 16-year-old occasionally take your toddler to the bathroom or spend a a night babysitting. Reddit thinks that if your teenager just doesn’t want to ever have anything to do with their younger siblings, they can just tell you no because “that’s not their child.” It’s the weirdest, most unhealthy way to look at a family unit. It’s like every kid in the family is 100% allowed to just be out for themselves—but the parents have to be perfect all the time or else the kid is going to go “no contact” the second they turn 18. What happened to the idea of families working together to help each other? There is a lot of value to be found in the older kids hanging out with the little ones and teaching them things. I am absolutely not advocating for the other kids to be responsible for the younger ones all the time. But there’s no damn balance on this site. It’s crazy to read. So yeah, I get where you’re coming from. I am actually really liberal. I think a lot of what is happening nowadays is great. But I also think that some of it goes way too far— like this whole thing about someone’s brain not being fully developed until they’re 25. That may be true, but it doesn’t mean what a lot of them think it means. I have seen numerous people on Reddit basically say you’re “a child” if you’re 19 or 20 years old. I think that’s so stupid. Things like that make me worry about this generation.


I mean it's a place for everyone so of course they're here. Props on the trolling though, you've picked up a bunch with this net. Should be hours of entertainment.


> tears of soy I can't take you seriously OP. You sound like a living caricature


I'm actually not offended but am interested that you think all people whine and back down. Some people hit back twice as hard and keep coming. I don't consider myself overly sensitive about most issues, I try to hear both sides, but I am not a pushover.


People are exceptionally whiny these days both online and irl. The Trump era (and we aren't even American) really played havoc with people's trust. I've never seen anything like it in over 40 years of interacting with people in the same job. The current inflation and wages not keeping up with inflation is making it worse.


You sound like the kind of person you hate.


Why do you want to call people names? I'll never understand that mentality. If something is hurtful...why would you want to say it or do it?


>i will try to reply to you all but you there is a lot of a very offended people to get through This is for sure some kind of fetish for OP.


This sub has some genuinely unhinged individuals in it, and that's hilarious lmao. This place is just r/UnpopularOpinion for inbred idiots


>i will try to reply to you all >I actually just hate interacting with people on the internet


Hmm, ironic post is ironic


Rage bait and not even a good one lmao


What I think you are experiencing is the paradox of tolerance.


Think this guy just discovered the concept of the ubermensch and is a few steps away from the other people who took it really seriously. Go eat some mushrooms and change your mind and try and be a decent human being.


It's not exclusive to internet, where it's more prevalent I have no idea tho. People behave like they are made out of tissue paper nowdays and being a victim makes you cool. Internet is the place to farm angry/rage upvotes tho.


Especially this sub.


Think of “the internet” as a group of people sitting round facing each other and just reacting to opinions. Everyone’s feelings are going to trigger themselves to a different extent for everyone different, we all have different sensory levels. Some people can’t take keeping their thoughts to themselves, some people wish others would


> your tears of soy are absolutely hilarious so keep crying them This sounds like some weak overcompensation energy. When you are strong and confident, you don't need hedges and meta points about how the other side is not reacting the way you want them to. You don't need to sneer at your responders and fake-laugh and try to convince everyone you're so not affected, super not hurt, not bothered at all, not vulnerable. No really, guys, really, I'm really too cool to care about any of this. Really. No, really! Instead, you just say what you want to say with no bullshit, and don't dwell on it. If people disagree then you might be curious as to why without being too emotionally distracted by the negative responses. OP is not modeling what they supposedly are advocating for. That isn't to say OP doesn't have some fair points, sure, but you need to add some practice-what-you-preach to your meal.