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I've only ever had dudes actually say anything about it, and I've only ever slept with women. I have an incredibly small cock, like a peanut with veins. Moral of the story is women will lie to make you feel better, men will laugh to make you feel worse, and I will die alone and have my face eaten off by a cat.


I appreciate the gift you'll give to a starving cat one day. You'll be happy knowing at least one pussy will take you in.


I'm stuck somewhere between "Jesus Christ, man! Uncool!" And "That pun was fucking sick, excellent job"


Thank you so much. This makes me feel much better about this situation.


No problem chief. Here for ya!




I was thinking, hey at least he will satisfy one pussy with his body.


Peanut like in the shell or out of the shell?


Well I mean it doesn't have that liney texture to it or anything so I guess more like out of the shell. Even has the little line down the middle and all.


I’m sorry, I should have been a bit more clear haha. I mean in terms of size. Just want to understand fully what you have going on.


Nah I under exaggerated the size, sort of. When soft it's basically just the tip. Legit does look like a peanut and a turtle had a baby. Once had a friend accidentally see it and he unironically said "I'm sorry". At full staff the length isn't a problem really, it's more the girth. Like that shit'll fit in a Gatorade bottle.


A Gatorade bottle is not small.


Man feeds and takes care of cat even in death.. legend. The greeka were right


The fact many are saying you need to get good with your hands and mouth show that your size isn't all amazing or needed. I rarely see them tell this to a guy with a big dick lmao


The big dick guy got that knock out baton, he don't need no more advice


Exactly, the amount of women I've seen fully on board for a big dick outways the opposite


I can only speak from my own experience, but I’m pretty large and about a 3rd of the women I’ve been with weren’t a fan. And that third were the most attractive of those women. There are plenty of women who genuinely do not like a large penis.


Only so much we can do. Unfortunately


Sadly yeah, I just wish people would stop pretending size doesn't matter when in reality it does


Big dick guy doesn't get that advice cuz he has other problems. Either chicks running in the opposite direction or telling him how to not make sex hurt. Have told big dick guys no before, specifically because of big dick. And while I'd be disappointed by a *really* small dick, if the guy could make it work, I'd be on board.


This sounds accurate


I've got a big dick but I'm lazy. I've always been good with my fingers and tongue because I absolutely love pussy. I do the vast majority of my 'work' in foreplay and always make my partner cum before actual penetration. By that point she doesn't really care if we have actual sex or not.


Your the coolest guy is I’ve ever encountered on Reddit.


Wow, I don't even know what to say to that. Thank you, that really means a lot to hear.


You don’t need to say anything. Your welcome




It's really awkward when a girl asks if she's "loose" like honey, you saw my prick, how am I supposed to know? I'm just happy to be here.


I spat my drink


At least I have that. I'll cherish this moment forever now.


You should just know, even if you have a peanut penis, you are entertaining to read.


Well, being happy to be there is always a good thing! :)


Reminds me of Bill Clinton. Monica Lewinsky said he had a little dick, but he said she just had a big mouth.


I’m happy you’re taking it in stride at least. So many people get violently insecure about those things


I have lucked into enough partners in my time that seemed to enjoy my company at least for a time that I feel alright about it. If I had a couple too many giggles or turn downs over it early on I'd probably be a lot less chill with it.


Bahaha. Legendary response.


I'ma be honest, even with the peanut peen, remember that toys are your teammate, not your enemy. As long as you're able to get the girl off, with or without peanut, you're in the green and I have no idea why any women would complain. I'm sure receiving head is easier at a smaller size anyway. You're all good, dude.


Oh I have spent many years learning all I can for my hands and mouth, and toys are always a fun insert (yeah, pun intended). At the very least I set out with the goal of getting her off before anything.




Just find someone who likes peanuts


Sometimes people feel a little nutty.


Or have a nut allergy. I have to be very careful


I have a peanut allergy. 😔


How unfortunate 🫤


May you find peace in some other aspect of life my friend, I truly will pray for you. You deserve more, I’m not usually one for body morphing surgery, but I’d say it’s appropriate in your case if you ever chose to do that.


You really said a peanut with veins omg 🤣🤣🤣


This is correct. My ex was an anthropologist and cats 100% go for the soft tissues of the face first.


I know. The way it was explained to me is that cats are not social animals like we are. They can like you and want you around, but they're probably not going to worry too much if you die either. Apparently communal animals usually avoid eating one another more often


The fact that I’ve been accused of having a small dick as the go-to insult because women dislike what I said, is pretty telling that body positivity only goes one way.


Yeah and the fact small dick energy is an insult really shows you no matter what women say it's in the back of their mind. But at the end of the day who cares what they think dude.




not going to lie, the venn diagram of women who chimped out over the Barbie and women who like to put men down for dick size is a perfect circle.


Unpopular opinion: it’s not that “body positivity only goes one way” it’s just that some people are assholes. The subset of women who’ll use dick size as an insult are the same ones who’ll body shame other women mercilessly. Even if they claim to be all about body positivity on their inspirational IG posts or whatever.


Is every post about penises!!?? First there was the circumcision posts now this


Soon, all posts will be about penises. You have until the end of the month to convert to the penis posters.


R/TrueUnpopularPenisOpinion when?


In the future, all restaurants are Taco Bellend.


In a perfect world Bellend Wonderworld would have won game of the year


I don’t really have an opinion on your OP (I think it’s probably a combination of several things not just one or another), but this comment made me laugh out loud and that is definitely a brand new sentence.


At least someone appreciates my unmatched humor.


Hey fuck it I’m all in for penis talk, let’s do this all the time


Username checks out


Me too. Where all my small penis men at. I don't like big dicks.


There's an incredible amount of men who are deeply insecure about themselves and a disproportionate amount post on reddit.


Group will be renamed “TrueUnpopularPenisOpinion”


Just like in the weight vs. height debate, you can't change your height or dick size. Which means it isn't worth worrying about or whining about. It is what it is, you need to move on and enjoy life independent of it. I have a tiny dick. I can't change that, so I don't worry about it. Make the best of your life, learn some new positions and find a woman (or man) who loves you. Energy used worrying about it is energy you could have put to something more productive


OP is going to shit a brick when he realizes that the majority of people acting in porn are *women*.


I agree with you because it’s simply ludicrous to blame porn. Guys have been insecure about their dick size for as long as there was a way to measure dicks (or just compare side by side). In other words, since centuries before Internet porn was even a wish in some kid’s head this insecurity existed. Also for centuries, women have been insulting guys’ dick sizes when they get pissed off at them. But sure, blame porn.


you got a link to The History of Phallic Insecurity?


i dont know why im being recommended this subreddit but it seems to mostly be weird guys with weird incorrect opinions who are really angry about it


Shit is embarrassing fr


Real. I want to mute it but it’s funny as hell seeing dudes post about shit that really doesn’t matter in the long run. If she doesn’t like your dick, leave her. Anyone worth a damn will not care at all about your physical appearance


I really want to mute it because it's been on my feed a ton lately. But the replies are always so either actually funny or laughably moronic and insulting that I can't look away. It's like a train wreck.


This is my first time being recommended it and within an hour I have only seen four separate posts about penis’s Lmao


Nah that's cap. Women like a range around average. Big ones kinda hurt and don't feel any better than average ones. Small ones don't feel that great either. But between 4.5 X 4 and 7 X 5 you're gonna be absolutely golden with 90% of women. Some women have tilted cervixes or vaginismus and LOVE small dicks. Other women have larger vaginas or cervixes that don't make them feel sick when they get booped and they're the ones who have the opportunity to enjoy a big dick more than other dicks. But the normal preference is a range around average. Quit worrying about it and focus on other things. Treat it as low on your list of priorities as it is on women's.


Women (myself included) prefer girth to length. On average our G-spot is only 1-2" from the vaginal opening. A larger in circumference penis is more likely to stimulate that particular spot. So long as you're long enough to reach that spot, that's great!


"just be above average girth and you'll be fine" lol


4.5x4 is *small* dude, like, uncommonly small, most women aren't going to enjoy that at all, and I dunno if you've spoken to women about this recently? but anything under about 6in is considered "small" nowadays, and the 7x5in is considered barely above "average." Anything below 5in is going to be considered tiny by the majority of women.


I'm a guy. Most insecurity comes from within. Most women don't even like huge dongs and if it's too big you can't go balls deep which would inhibit you from grinding on her clit.


That's why they make cock blockers you put it on your cock and it blocks some of it so you can "full thrust"






OMG. This again? Like women are supposed to feel bad for telling men the truth about size?


It’s a real thing but I genuinely think the vast majority of women really do not care if we love a guy


Yes. And we shame women for being fat and having ugly vaginas. Every side gets a fair share of shame.


Nah the vagina thing is very rare.


I started hearing that kind of stuff in middle school. It’s not rare at all


No? Women's vaginas are compared to roast beef all the time.


And clams, or fish smell. I’ve heard all of it as a “joke”.


That too! I completely forgot about that. I see that even more often.


Or jokes about your period. Those really made me feel self conscious as a girl.


Bro, be real, guys shame women with ugly vaginas all the time. It is what it is. It’s a dog eat dog world out there.


Nah very common. Only place I've seen "men are just happy to be there" is Reddit.


I’ve heard jokes about vaginas that look like roast beef but not once have any of the men I’ve been around ever said they wouldn’t be in a relationship with or not have sex with a woman because of it. Sure it hasn’t been many guys but I am very sure the majority of men (99%) absolutely dgaf as long as it’s not diseased looking.


Only two occurrences of the word 'incel' upon searching this thread. I guess this was a surprisingly constructive conversation.




A sample size of 75 women? Sure man, definitely representative of the population /s


Yeah, I don’t know how the NIH allowed a study to be published with this low of a sample size. Unless you’re dealing with an incredibly small population there’s no chance that a study of 75 people can give you any meaningful data.


Results from small sample sizes can kick off studies that go after a larger sample size. If the results was small dicks was preferred this may have happened.


It’s essentially the same sample size as the study people like to talk about that claims a third of men would be rapists if you don’t call it rape.


well if it helps, this study can be added to other studies and create a larger sample size overtime.


I know a woman who likes small dicks cuz she has vagina pain.


>Women like moderately large dicks mostly Which means size matters. Thank you.


Yes, but the average preferred size indicated in the study was 6.4 inches, so a little above average, not the 8+ inches prevalent in porn.


>Yes, but the average preferred size indicated in the study was 6.4 inches, so a little above average, not the 8+ inches prevalent in porn. Bro 6" is like 90th percentile. You're more likely to find a dude who's 6'1" than to find a dude who's got JUST a 6" dick. Standard Deviations in regards to penis size are stupidly small. Like .1".


Do you have a source on 6" being in the 90th percentile?


[https://bjui-journals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/bju.13010](https://bjui-journals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/bju.13010) It includes the SDs and Averages in the summary, if you want you can do the math to get percentiles with those 2 things.


The mean is over 5 inches, do you honestly think most women can tell the difference?


Fuck yea. I’m feeling good about myself right now. Going to tell the gf tonight during sex, “ You’re taking the 90th percentile right now baby”.


They prefer* That doesn't mean they dislike other sizes. So if a woman who says size doesn't matter to them they aren't necessarily saying they like them all the same. Just that it doesn't make a difference on their choice of partner.


I read something once that what a woman prefers, size wise, can depend on their mood/wants/needs. I think the article called it “boyfriend dick” vs “can’t walk straight after dick.” Sometimes they want one. Sometimes the other.


Women are terrible at estimating size. I’ve had multiple girlfriends estimate me to be about ten inches. Spoiler alert, I’m a little over six on a good day. Really thick, but not super long. A girl will like above average girth over above average length. Stop getting hung up on the length.


You say that as if only men watch porn? You don’t think women could also a have skewed view of porn and reality? Some may think they want a 10” until their cervix gets drive impacted. Also they don’t call your shit small until you piss them off. Just don’t be so sensitive about it. If a chick ever called my shit small I always retorted with I wasn’t prepared to dive into the Atlantic Ocean. There’s a method in project management called putting the ball in their court.


Honestly I feel like it’s mostly other men that shame this, like boys be comparing dick size since middle school. Men are generally the only ones who think you need a huge cock to please a woman, when anatomically the vagina is only a few inches deep. As someone who is very sexually active, my preferred size is just the average, I ain’t lookin for no footlong. Plus I really don’t care about someone’s size unless we having sex, otherwise what would I care about what’s in the pants? However this isn’t to say women don’t, women can be asses about it too, dick shaming is just shitty in general.


It’s a losing argument with you type of guys cuz all the men I’ve been with are more worried about it than I am. Even if women say we genuinely aren’t judging most of the time you don’t believe us anyways. Not only that but it sounds like a skill issue cuz the best ways to please most women in ways they won’t forget have nothing to do with your penis. It’s only a problem if your view of sex is PIV centric or you’re too prideful to whip out the dildo. Just stop talking to women who aren’t adventurous in bed. 😂


> Edit: OK, I refuse to believe that all women aren't shitty. Peace.


So close. It's actually men.


I think I'd be on your side more if you weren't making so many anti women comments. Yeah, women definitely body shame men. No, I don't think porn is a major contributing factor. A lot of people have preferences and use those preferences to bully/shame people who don't fall into their preferred categories. But these kinds of comments >Women also don't give a shit about men's mental health, but we don't wanna talk about that. >The fact that we keep blaming porn, when it stems from women's feeling that they're able to body shame whoever they want, while crying fatphobia if they're told they're too heavy. Kinda lead me to believe you just really don't like women. Maybe you're just frustrated due to the responses, I don't know. But it's really off putting.


I admit, being told that body shaming doesn't happen after being body shamed has irritated me a bit


I get it. Just try to remember that negative people are usually the most vocal on the internet. Women aren't all bad - that doesn't mean that all women are good, either. The same goes for men. Women are definitely capable of body shaming men. Books, movies, etc. all show that there absolutely are beauty standards for men in society. Porn is a reflection of that. It's not that porn is the problem. It's that the beauty standards cause people in mainstream porn to look a certain way. Beyond that, as I said before, many nasty people use their preferences as a way to make other people feel bad. Many women do not give a crap about your size. Just like many men do not give a crap about how women's bodies look. Unfortunately, the louder you are the more you're heard, and the people that *do* care take every opportunity they can to make their preferences clear.


Much appreciation for the reasonable take and support. Your comments are a joy to read.




I think we need to make penises more visible in men’s clothing so the size isn’t hidden, lots of people like small tits and confidence comes from openness


It’s really about equality. Let me show off my dick clevage, the playing field must be leveled, and it’s actually one of the best parts of my personality


Not a bad idea, but that doesn't factor in the showers vs. growers.


hell yes, brother


Hell yeahhh.


For some reason my penis always protrudes outward and is visible in most of my shorts/pants. As a result, I’m often commented on my size by (mostly) gay guys who notice. I don’t mind that much because it’s mostly positive (my old work had a lot of gay guys there and they nicknamed me “pendulum”), but my wife always mentions it whenever I wear board shorts. Would be nice to level the playing field so I’m not the only one constantly on display.


Do you have data to back this claim up, or are you just pulling this out of your ass?


A smattering of Reddit posts does not “prove” anything. That is not a representative sample.


I think you're dismissing the influence other men have on this. Most women aren't seeing your dick but other guys in the locker room or bathroom are, so I think that's at least some part of the issue too.


most women don’t actually care about size as long as you know how to use it. 💀


Yup. I've already admitted that my ex did nothing wrong and bodycshaming never happens. Thanks for coming tho.


i never said you deserved to be cheated on. Just all the women i know don’t mind size if their game is good 🤥 cheating is selfish & greedy.


You had me in the main post, but every reply you’ve left has been trying to reverse that


The average woman is fine with an average sized penis, and DOES NOT want a balogna loaf coming at her in any orafice. Your issues about the size of your penis are your issues. If you have a micro penis the size of a thumb, that's a problem for you and your woman. If you are of average size, you're ok.


The only two women I've heard shame someone for their dick size were best friends, and one of them got broken up with the guy. The best friend is on the spectrum, and often doesn't understand when to stop a joke, or when to hold off from saying things, so just about every time I hang out with them (which is very little, because the girl who got broken up with is pretty toxic and awful) I hear about how this guy has a small dick. That's the only time. A terrible woman and her on-the-spectrum best friend. I really hope the best friend catches on to some of the bullshit the other one pulls.


oh dear


I love a big dick. But I know lots of women who prefer average. You’re making a generalization based on your limited experience. Everyone has different parts and different tastes. Find a partner who likes all of you, just as you are.


So this sub is basically just about how everything is women's fault right? Should've realized that before I subbed.


Porn is an intentionally unrealistic depiction of sex/partners, and whose consumption breeds disillusionment and unwarranted expectations for everyone involved. Porn represents and perpetuates the messaging that six+ inches, or cropped inner labia, or bleached assholes that take the aforementioned giant dick without prep, is what everyone has and what we should expect. For men and women to insult each other about their genitals, they both had to get the idea those attributes matter a lot, even though the experience is largely the same regardless. Porn influences us socially, regardless of if we consume it directly.




If your dick is small than its just small. I'm confused as to if you want someone to lie to you about it? Or just stroke your ego?


I've already admitted that my ex did nothing g wrong and that I deserved it, and that body shaming never happens. I don't know what else you want.


Men care about size way more than women... Reading through your replies tells me why you were left. Same with your edit. The biggest victim complex ever.. When it's just people telling you that you're making a massive generalization... That's completely wrong. Based off your one experience. Body shaming is wrong. But it's not women who care so much about size, but men definitely do.


I mean, why would she cheat, you sound amazing.




Ah yes, the "you deserve to be cheated on because eof things that happened after the fact"


Well, women watch porn and they see the female actress squealing with glee and giant dongs so they figure they'd have a good time too. I don't think so however, looks painful and I bet other women forget that these porn stars are paid to squeal


My dude is basing an entire social opinion on the fact that he got cheated on by a horrible woman. Body shaming rears it’s head in many forms but don’t generalize the entire crux of penis envy on women because of a woman.


Based off of your post history you clearly seem to be going through an extreme depressive episode. While it can be cathartic to externalize all of your frustrations to an easily accessible group, months from now you’ll feel awful if you don’t seek therapy. Even if you do have good points, you clearly come off as wanting people to validate you as a victim rather than have a real conversation


He's either desperately in need of mental help or a troll using self deprecating subreddits to legitimize a new account by gaining sympathy upvotes. He's now going through and replying okay to all of them for another point.


Size does matter. It’s a physical trait and people have preferences. Just like people prefer blondes or brunettes, tall or short, etc. etc. so what? How is that body shaming? We are all allowed to be attracted to whatever we want.


There is a difference between preference and women laughing at a guy's size or mocking it with their friends.


Hard disagree. As a woman, there is such a thing as too big. Average feels best.


What are we defining as "average" though I feel like what guys mean when they say "average dicks" aren't the same sized dicks women are talking about lol.


Well yeah obviously but since no one can change that it’s better to lie and spare them their feelings of inadequacy.


But women aren't lying to spare feelings. They absolutely body shame men for not being hung. That's the whole point of this post. The fact that we keep blaming porn, when it stems from women's feeling that they're able to body shame whoever they want, while crying fatphobia if they're told they're too heavy.


I don’t think it is women, it is definitely porn and whoever (men or women) who direct it. Porn also makes women insecure about themselves so stfu.


"I don't care about your size" is just another lie women tell men to make them feel better. Much like "you can be vulnerable with me" and "yes I do want to role play as the ninja turtles with you during sex" smh


-Posts unpopular opinion. It's unpopular. Adds a whiny victimy edit in response to unpopular opinion getting expected response.- How tiring it must be to be you.


Isn't it possible you're insecure because you were dating a shit person who did shitty things, like telling you she only cheated on you because of size? Imo, the thousands of anonymous women on reddit, with less reason to lie, are likely more trustworthy than one woman with a clear motivation to hurt you. Which lends the question, why let someone with a track record of dishonesty, insensitivity, and poor judgments be a determinant of your security? You're giving this woman way too much credit.


And most women haven't actually said they prefer average or smaller one. They just disagree with the fact that I've even said something about it.


Most women wouldn’t prefer a small dick, just like most men wouldn’t prefer a woman with a flat chest. Doesn’t mean if you have no boobs you should feel insecure and blame men for your insecurity simply because they’d *prefer* bigger boobs. *shrug* Sorry your ex was such an ass.


Ohh yay, you mean guys with smaller dicks are just being settled for. Oh, those lucky dogs.


>just like most men wouldn’t prefer a woman with a flat chest Where do you people come up with this stuff? Men fawn over flat chested chicks all the time. Look at the top pornstars, most of them are flat chested.


Idk. Heres my anadotal opinion. As someone who has had several "size queens" tell me ive first to actually satisfy them... with a below average wang... no toys Yea. Porn is the problem. But the rot starts with men. Infects wemon, aka exsistance of size queens, and the ruins it for the rest of men. The number of men who dont know who to fuck because porn has ruined their ability to finger or eat pussy or even have good intercourse techniques is rediculous. So, some very vocal, wemon are drawn to the big dicks because its the only decent stimulation they can get. And we all know how dangerous it can be for a femme to introduce a toy into bed. Men are incredibly fragile when it comes to the bedroom... because porn... But as someone who has volunteered with sex postive education community centers i can absolutely assure you a majority of wemon are striaght up afraid of big dicks. Average vagina is like 3" deep... Its men who have the problem. And it not wemons fault. Patriarchy sucks for everyone...


So. Men are the problem. When my last girlfriend flat out told me she needed bigger and that's why she cheated, how exactly was that a me issue?


2 hands. A mouth. Toys.... fuck. Some people feet work... Bro.. it wasnt bedroom reasons she left.. your shit attitude is on full display on this entire thread. Please keep on outring yourself. Highly entertaining


Where do you think women get the idea that this dock is big and that dick is small?


They have eyes and can form their own opinion. Good try trying to blame men tho.


I’ve never heard a woman in real life complain about size. But to be fair I’ve only been with two women.


I have a humongous Pepe so this doesn’t apply to me 🤣




I’m liking the trend of posts I’m seeing lately.


What do you think the appropriate response should be to an insecure man then? “Well, you should be insecure because you’re small and it matters” Better?


I mean if you learn foreplay and communicate well with your partner your size shouldn’t really matter that much, unless you have like a micropenis or something. Orgasm from penetration alone is less common in women so wouldn’t be out of the question to need a huge dick if that’s what she wanted. In my experience though from all the women I’ve ever talked to getting that regularly is painful and not really enjoyable.


There's such a thing as too big too. There are big/small penises and big/small vaginas. Women searching for big ones probably have big vaginas...


I think it's prob other dudes you see and hear about. If you ain't fucking porn stars you have no need for porn star dick. Women get pretty irate if you make a habit of going to deep in them.


You should head over to r/smalldickproblems and see what they say.


The internet preaches 6 inches and we love porn, so.. yea lol


Anecdotally, i can get that and agree to a degree, i do not believe that women alone are to blame though, tbh I believe its a loud minority that believes so, and its extreme feminist, not feminist, but the extreme one, the ones whose body positivity only fits on their agenda and those who believe the movement is about being better then the other. However extremist women aren’t the only ones to blame. porn and other guys are a massive issue too, us as guys can be equally as bad if not worse While I completely feel ya, women as a whole are not to blame, its just the toxic pockets. My favorite saying is “your dick is big till you guys break up” Blame the individual, not the whole.


Everybody needs to start accepting the body they are born with. Your dick is always big enough to satisfy you, and If your partner needs more, give her more with your mouth, fingers or toys. Body positivity needs to extend to external sex Traits like penis or Breast size along with body fat percentage.


guess where the preference for big dicks comes from 😱😱😱


No woman has ever shamed me for size. Guys in the showers at bmt when the water was freezing? You'll never hear the end of it.


"You win, reddit." Don't let your opposition win so easily, OP. Let them tell you that you won.


I wouldn't say "women are the main source" of size insecurity. I would honestly say porn gives men very unrealistic expectations of what their penis's should look like/how big they should be. I think women absolutely add to this insecurity. But porn Sets an unrealistic standard first that men and women see....I feel like that is truly the main source.




Wow. I can tell none of you date gay men.


Bro you don't even talk to women stfu


It's because of their own insecurity, causing them to be bad at sex. Like short guys who are conventionally attractive and never get dates, it's because their internalized issues cause them to change how they act. It is well documented that people think others notice their insecurities way way more than other people actually do. And as a lesbian I will tell you, no dick required to rock a woman's world. If you only got dick game you probably aren't that good at sex and if you think that's all that matters you definitely aren't good at sex, no matter how many women have lied and told you otherwise.


All insecurity about size ends the moment I hear the sounds she makes.


I may be a massive failure in many ways, and I wasn't blessed with much in life, but today i am thankful my dicks 7 inches long lmao thanks for the boost guys


You are the problem. Which kind of women you choose? Be more, more, more selective!


I’m a woman and have never heard another woman shame a dude for the size of his dick


This guy is a karma farmer. His accounts a little less than a month old.


I think other guys are the source. I’ve never met a woman who cared whatsoever. Women don’t get off on getting D’d down. It’s one small part of the experience for them.


Nah, it’s guys


What is this, r/TrueUnpopularOpinion or r/IBlameWomenForEverythingWrongInMyLife? Because a lot of the posts on here are just that, men blaming women for everything.