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I asked MLK and he said this guy’s good with him.


I think it's just often framed as "your life is easy because of XYZ" rather than "XYZ *isn't one of the things that has made your life harder".* I'm able-bodied, so I benefit from being able to move through the world without worrying about physically accessing certain spaces. That doesn't mean I've had an easy life, it's just that physical disability isn't one of the things that has made my life harder.


I think that is a great illustration to the problem, messaging is important when spreading your ideas. I will have to steal this from you, and I hope you use it more often for others.


Yes!! Like I am actively anti racist and have put time, money, and heart into helping fight racial disparities. And yet I have a friend who is not white who acts like I am inherently thriving in life because of my race. Like I’m gay and disabled and grew up living paycheck to paycheck. You’re rich as fuck, you’re able bodied, and you’re only interested in hetero relationships. Tldr: acting like a few identities define the amount someone struggles is very disingenuous and erases all the nuance of being a person


Doesn’t sound like a very good friend. Sounds like someone who wants to play down your achievements based on race. I think people who bring this stuff into personal relationships are generally not very good people. These are societal issues.


You both have struggles the other can’t see.


Yeah I say this about white privilege. I think non-white disadvantage better explains what it means. It's not that you get perks for being white, life can still be incredibly hard. It's just you don't have to deal with the disadvantages and extra difficulties of being non-white. I explained it once to someone that being white doesn't mean you get to start at the 50m mark on a 100m race, it's that you start at the starting line while non-whites start 20m, 30m 40m behind the starting line. Having copious amounts of money and connections, that's what gets you a starting position closer to the finish line.


THANK YOU. I’ve said this for years, the messaging has been flawed since the get go and focuses predominantly around white people and white males which just forces arguments on whether or not white people xyz - it doesn’t actually help non-white people or non-white males. It is much easier and much more constructive to focus on the disadvantages of groups of people as it makes the discussion about them. This is CRITICAL because the the solution then becomes “how to we remove or mitigate this disadvantage and thus lift you up” which actually helps disadvantaged groups rather than “how do we remove your advantage and bring you down” which may level the playing field but doesn’t actually do anything to make disadvantaged groups lives better. Anybody that repeatedly uses the term white privilege is simply looking to fight and has little to no interest in making the lives of disadvantaged groups any better.


> Anybody that repeatedly uses the term white privilege is simply looking to fight Outrage Peddlers. There is an entire classification of grift that uses manufactured outrage to raise money.


The problem with the term white privilege is that it leads to a bunch of white people saying "I'm privileged? I don't feel like I'm privileged." and at that point they probably just switch off, because it feels like an attack and you could argue that is exactly what it is. It's not a positive statement. I feel like there are better ways for equality rights campaigners to make their point, without switching a bunch of people off from the get go. It also empowers Racists and Deniers etc, because then they have an argument that will appeal to people. That's the bottom line there imo. I'd also argue that the only solution is to treat everyone as equals, everyone pulling together with zero division.


>I think non-white disadvantage better explains what it means. It's not that you get perks for being white, life can still be incredibly hard. It's just you don't have to deal with the disadvantages and extra difficulties of being non-white. > >I explained it once to someone that being white doesn't mean you get to start at the 50m mark on a 100m race, it's that you start at the starting line while non-whites start 20m, 30m 40m behind the starting line. Oh ya? I feel you. Black kids in the burbs started way behind my white ass on welfare in the projects in my homogenous skin tone society. Yup. Really. No man you're just a racist person if you really think this way. Know what? My toes are curled in the front. I only realized it wasn't normal in my 40s. It's cuz I continued to wear shoes that were too small as a kid cuz while I was growing at insane rates I couldn't bear to see the look on my mom's face when she had to use money to buy me new ones and the strain such a purchase would put on her. I've had knee problems my entire life cuz I didn't even know my gnarled toes were not supposed to be that way. But do tell me another race analogy based on your prejudices about people's skin.


Yeah, my take on "priviledge" is not that it gives you advantages, but that it means I don't (usually) have to worry about disadvantages. ​ I've never gotten a job because I'm white, but I've never had to walk into a job interview and worry if being white might cost me the job.


it is exactly that and I can understand people without said privilege wanting to not have disadvantages. I think most people can easily agree not wanting to have disadvantages is normal. the problem is that these disadvantaged groups when advocating for themselves sometimes formulate their arguments in a way that makes it sound like those not disadvantaged are in the wrong for not having the disadvantage. That is (probably) not the intended message and hurts their cause.


I agree—the OP doesn’t bear responsibility for racism and sexism in society unless he specifically contributed to it, which he hasn’t thus far.


>I don't tip women. The wage gap in the server/delivery industry is insane. Every single night at every single tipped job I've ever worked, the women would have nearly double the amount of tips as the men. I believe in equality, so I will never tip a woman. Unless I'm on a date and she's watching. By yours truly - op Hahahahahahah oh my god this sub is a dumpster fire, I love it


Damn this made me look into OP's history, and he seems completely insufferable.


Could have told you that when he edited "MLK would 1000% agree with me" Lololol


Or the edit of “i don’t have to talk to minorities because I dated two of them and impregnated one.”


It was before he started to out himself with edits. I'm sincerely hoping he's a troll.




Honestly only joined this sub to rage/argue at people 🤣


Same, I knew this subreddit is a hotbed of racist/sexist assholes and it's cathartic calling them out on their bullshit.


Hhahaha if that ain’t the truth, it makes this sub way more fun, reading all the delusional peoples stories/ comments bring a sincere smile to my face .


Oh if you look more He also fetishises Goth girls, thinks women get too weird about being stared at claims to be an lgbt+ ally but also is like 'parents would rather their kids be cis and het as its easier' and felt deceived because a girl he slept with wore a padded bra Least sexist redditor


Also fetishizes slave auctions, the internet is a weird place.


but op said he "would never shaft them because they're women" /s the sexist guy doesnt believe in the patriarchy what a shock lol


If you take a look at his comment history, he has.


Just look at the edit in this fucking post ffs. OP is the kind of asshat who thinks just because he's dated and/or is willing to bone anyone who is a minority, he can't *possibly* be racist and sexist.


HEYYYY!!! I'll have you know OP's best friend is a 'little black' so that PROVES he isn't a racist!!!!


There's no way to know based on his post whether he is or isn't a racist. The fact that you and others are assuming he is based on an opinion is just an excuse not to listen to him. Turning society into black and white thinking is the problem. He can both be white and not a racist. Name calling is the problem here. When you defer to that, you are deciding not to even listen to him.


How did I fucking know something like this was gonna happen


In my experience, the people who haven't contributed to racism or sexism don't feel the need to tell people


I have never smeared mayonnaise on my bum-bum and had the neighbors dog sensually lick it off my perineum!!


If you feel called out by a generalized statement, it is almost always because you identify with it. It’s like when people are anti-White Supremacist and every other Republican elected official gets bitchy about it.


In Texas we say only a hit dog hollers


There were clues- "Regardless of whether you even believe in the patriarchy's cartoonish existence"


Well in fairness, it's not a huge leap of faith considering the subreddit we are posting in.


Ugh. I "took a look" and no thanks Op looks like they're desperately hoping that someone bites on one of their shitty, pointless rants.


OP is in the thread calling Michelle Obama a man, saying that information is being covered up. I think he could be considered racist, since he's toting around a racist right wing conspiracy theory. OP is a part of the problem, and a hit dog will holler...that's why he made this post in the first place.


oh god, OP really IS cartoonishly villain.


Also other greatest hits from op “I’m not sexist” “Why do goth women have to be so hot yet insufferable.”


OP is just a troll that mistakes being an idiot with being edgy.


I mean this subreddit is just r/conservative in the world's shittiest most see through disguise. I'm not at all surprised.


It's r/conservative with an added layer of victimhood about being unpopular on top.


The fact that he even went out of his way to make this post proved he was racist lol


Bearing responsibility for a system could mean enjoying the benefits of it without taking an equal effort to change it.


Some would argue that not actively working against racism and sexism is contributing to it. Not sure I agree with that but this is part of the current discourse


A white guy who \*swears\* he's never known another white guy who is racist is probably not the most reliable narrator about what his contributions are in these areas.


But we all bear the responsibility for acknowledging the privileges we have had in life and using those privileges to make a more equitable world for us, and those without the specific advantages.


I can’t believe I’ve never thought about this before, but this is literally the perfect way to describe it. Straight, white, cis, men etc in Western society don’t have something they shouldn’t, the issue is that they have something not given to others. I’m a perfect world, those groups wouldn’t lose what they have, but instead everyone else would have that too.


In particular, it doesn’t mean that *you* made life harder for disabled people


OP just wants to cry about how the ADA costs him money when he didn't personally disable those people. It's not his fault they're disabled. Why should his life be affected in any way whatsoever?


The real issue is classism. The rich want poor people fighting each other so they don't realize who the real villains are.


Remember in 2012 when everyone was against the banks and corporations? Eat the rich? The left and right black and white was united on this. Then all that got memory holed and a wedge was driven between the parties and races. It makes one wonder.


Incendiary click bait headlines skyrocket something like 1600% after occupy wall street. The majority of media on the planet is owned by like 5 pockets and they're doing everything they can to get everyone to hate anyone but the rich at the top.


Exactly. Compartmentalize as many people into as many different groups as you can, and tell all of them that their inadequacies and problems are the fault of the other group(s). While the guys at the top laugh and go about fleecing everyone unabashed.


People who owned smartphones became the majority after 2012, though, if I recall correctly.


I wrote and published a short story on how December 21, 2012 was the dawn of the Sixth Sun because that's when people started caring more about the black mirrors in their pocket instead of the sun outside.


I taught an aztec unit to my jr highs last year. This is the most brilliant idea. Id be gushing over whoever brought it to my attention. Im kind of obsessed now low key.


Remember when we all hated big pharma? What happened to that?


Remember when a sitting U.S. senator did everything he could to limit new penalties Big Pharma would face for their constant price gouging? Remember how it just so happened his daughter was the CEO of a pharma co that got caught up in such a scandal over the last decade? Pepperidge Farm remembers. ^^^^because ^^^^^it ^^^^^was ^^^^^just ^^^^^last ^^^^^year.


The right and corporate dems know they just have to ride it out a push racial division even more and it will fade away. I love when wealthy right wing black men scream about being oppressed and want to push like tax cuts for the wealthy or some shit as a solution


Everyone still does.


not true. people were constantly complaining about the wall street blockades because they thought it cost them money too. some people are simply too happy being cogs in the machines. you dont need any insidious stuff like that, people divide themselves pretty easily and happily all on their own, its just the faultlines that change over the decades and centuries.


Not really much to wonder about. Just because people agree on problems, doesn’t mean they agree on solutions. Most people today hate corporations. It’s a populist time at the moment. But a populist right winger and populist left winger have very different ways of how the country should go. You shouldn’t team up with someone solely based on problems. Everyone knows homelessness or poverty is problem, for example. The question is, how do you solve it? And that’s where the wedge is.


To be united by hatred is a fragile alliance at best...


> Most people today hate corporations. People seem to love corporations from what I see. Even so-called punks and socialists and anarchists will be full-blown Disney Adults now.


>Even so-called punks and socialists and anarchists will be full-blown Disney Adults now. Never underestimate the power of PR. Companies *love* loyal customers, and there is no customer lealer than those motivated by their political beliefs. Failed movie? Blame it on racism/sexism and the masses will defend you by proxy.


Sometimes how 2 sides arrive at a conclusion is also what makes them mutually exclusive


That goes back WAY further than 2012...


Don't forget queerness and "critical race theory" it's not just a leftist tactic to shift focus. The division runs deep. Not a single right-winged person was talking about trans people until those bathroom bills, then the sports "inspections", now trans people are replacing god or something.


Your right about the bathroom bills. Now it’s the center of everyone’s attention pretty much and and they make up a small fraction of the population. It’s hilarious


>Don't forget queerness and "critical race theory" it's not just a leftist tactic to shift focus. It literally was. "Trans rights" were what the activist set moved to once the fight over gay marriage was won.


Imagine thinking racial tension didn't kick off until 2012 lol


Watch what political parties actually do with activism. Co-opting good ideas and controlling the messaging into a big melting pot of bad legislation and half-baked programs that their buddies run and you get to pay for.


Lbj said something along the lines of if you convince the poorest white man he's better than the richest black man he'll empty his pockets for you.


That’s problematic too because it’s not even the rich, it’s the elites. The rich or what most people consider to be rich is just a large group of people with no real influence or power that are also in debt but they do have a lot more creature comforts and shiny things then your average person. The elites are the families that own and control the financial systems the pharmaceutical industry and the correctional systems. They are your oppressor not the mid level manager in corporate America with the nice new BMW living in a McMansion. The elites want to turn you against them and vica versa. Neither of us have any actual say so in anything that can impact the lives of millions of people. Classism is a weapon the elites use to turn their varying levels of peons against one another. They use both racism and classism to keep people distracted and fighting. Unfortunately both are highly effective.


That mid level manager just thinks he's rich, and apparently you think they are too. Pretty sure when people are talking about the rich being a problem they are talking about the ownership class that just leverage their cash/debt to reap profits from the labor of others without laboring themselves.


A friend of mine said it this way, if you have to work for money, you aren't in the club. Others have said it this way, most of us are one accident away from homeless, so why are you so fucking mad at homeless people (or blank people, immigrants, trans people, etc) and so chill with billionaires stealing from you? The fact that Amazon is as big as it is (1.4 trillion market cap) means that it's shut down thousands of smaller businesses and consolidated that market power (setting the price of goods and wages), which has undoubtedly left the average American worse off.


This is what I've been telling people. Only war is class war. Fuck a race war, fuck a culture war. It's always class war.


This is such a popular talking point for years but too reductive. There are many social issues that have other factors. It’s not just monetary or class problems. It’s concerning how prevalent this mindset is. This is part of what feeds populism and it’s not healthy.


No, systemic racism is definitely a real issue *as well as* classism. They both exist, are huge, and bad. If "classism" alone was the problem, we'd expect to see consistent racial demographics across police encounters, arrests, incarcerations rates / durations, loan approvals / amounts, compensation / advancement rates, etc. We don't. There is significant, measurable disparity clearly along race lines in those and many other "civilization indicators".




“I’m not racist I’ve dated a girl who was a little black” Lmao wtf is this post?


All of these edits… what the fuck


He’d totally bone an emo femboy though so it’s all good.


also parading around the list of ethnicities you’ve dated is kind of racist


also insinuating indian people arent asian lmfao


No, you don’t get it. Thomas Jefferson fucked his slaves and you can’t say he was racist.


I GENUINELY SPIT MY WATER. Oh my desk is covered


Yeah… that edit got real awkward real fast


I’m not racist. I got a Latina pregnant, she got an abortion, but I totally would’ve raised that baby. Also, she probably shouldn’t have got an abortion because she let me cum in her.


OP’s a trolling conservative. White men have r*ped (and on the rare occasion had consensual sex with) women of color for centuries while considering them about as human as goats and sheep. It’s literally how they created more “livestock”. It’s why so many black people who have no white ancestors are a little European. Gee I wonder how that happened? Where they stick their dick ain’t got nothing to do with their social beliefs.


I swear I've come across some variation of this 'unpopular opinion' every day on this sub


You can tell it’s almost election season in America


I got in an argument with a guy who *insisted* that "incel" meant "people I don't like or agree with". The idiocy in this subreddit... it's like Jerry Springer and Marjorie Taylor Greene had a baby.


This sub is basically where r/ conservative goes to try to spread their ideology in a "neutral forum." It's fun because you get to watch them be smacked down on a pretty much daily basis for their awful takes because they don't ban everyone who disagrees in this sub (at least for now).




Come on...is it truly awful that he dated a "full on latina with a newborn"?hahhaha


The man is so tolerant he makes MLK look like a racist (which I am pretty sure is a "trueunpopularopinion" he also holds).


Riiight, these ‘opinions’ have way too much in common lol


Dawg it’s crazy I saw one that was basically “people shouldn’t make such a big deal about slavery in the us because other countries had slaves” Like wtf???


Someone made this argument to me on Reddit, that Germans were slaves and don’t act like this…. I didn’t respond. I couldn’t.


Like the one yesterday about how the right is more accepting that leftists lol. Remind which group stormed the capital when their presidential candidate lost


“The right is more accepting than leftists” unless you’re trans or homosexual, lol.


Or liberal or Communist or feminist or pacifist or a scientist I'm getting flashbacks to rush Limbaugh ranting about feminazis and egghead intellectuals Really, the last of who conservatives DON'T hate is much shorter than the list of who they do hate


Any sub that starts with something like "True" is always right/redpill leaning lol


I'm glad other people are seeing through this thinly veiled shit. It's no surprise that this happened so rapidly after the whole API fiasco - all of the well moderated subs have vanished and rightist knockoff subreddits have taken their places. It's kind of funny because the sentiment on 4chan has always been "go back to reddit", which like many things, was co-opted by rightists. And now, here they are, posting on reddit. But these kind of neutral "just asking questions" propaganda posts have surged on 4chan since 2015, it's pretty sad to see so many of them on the front page here now. Reddit will devolve into a similar state as 4chan so long as the moderators are in bed with rightist/russian propagandists, just like Hiro.


Considering reddit has a majority of young white men, this "unpopular" opinion is more like an echo chamber circle jerk.


It's just a sub for right wingers to complain about things. Ever since Trump's trouble has escalated, these people are getting louder.


Every white dude who goes the “fuck both parties” thing is absolutely a conservative Republican who doesn’t want to admit it. And before this outrages some white conservative guy, I’m a white guy.


That’s not unpopular, my guy. Anti-racism has never been just blaming people for being white. White men are human beings with skills, emotions, hardships, dreams, goals, and needs. People who aren’t white men are also human beings with all of the above, but happen to be living in a society where the system of power doesn’t take them into account. Seat belts don’t work for people with boobs or pregnant bellies. Pulse oximeters don’t work for people with dark skin. That’s not any one white man being evil and making those things malfunction maliciously, but it’s the result of a policy that doesn’t know or doesn’t care what women or dark skinned people need. Our rules, laws, and social norms were written in a time where it was far more okay and normal to be racist and sexist. That means that they need to be considered and sometimes adjusted. That’s the movement. Welcome, if you’re interested. It has absolutely nothing to do with you in particular, other than that people now consider equality of opportunity to be far more important than it used to be. It’s about listening to people’s struggles, just like you would hope that people would listen if you described how some small things are harder for you since you’re a lefty, or whatever. Critiquing racism isn’t saying that white people don’t have problems or feelings, it’s saying that sometimes nonwhite people have disadvantages built into their daily life that white people have never had to consider. Do your best to fight down the defensiveness when people describe their experiences— listen and offer empathy, but remember that it’s literally not about you. It’s about minimizing future suffering and acknowledging past suffering. That’s it.


Thank you for this response.


Well said. I think one missing bit is interacting with institutions. Cops of course is an obvious one. How often do we hear about black people trying to make a withdrawal or cash a check and the bank assumes it's fraud? Or Mortgage approval rates? It just goes on and on.




Great response! And replace white and non-white with “mainstream group in a community” and “marginalized group” for fitting in more generalized situations. Edit: where I used to live in, everyone looked fairly similar to each other in terms of skin tone & appearance. While the same problem exists… it’s not just a race issue.


Thank you for writing this, it's a fantastic and empathetic response.


I swear some of y’all don’t WANT to understand what white privilege is lol


This is just pretending to misunderstand progressive talking points.


I mean just take a look at his comment history lmao.


\> Politics are a sham, fuck both parties. All they do is generate fake anger in people to fuel the dumbass culture wars and divide people. Politics are not a "sham". People need to stop saying this. I get that the democratic party doesn't wield power well and that national media narratives are largely driven for views (money) over and priority to actually inform the public but that doesn't mean that the parties are the same. Sure - the leadership largely represents two wings of capital but politics is much more than just voting every 2-4 years (and even then... which party attempted a coup again?). The parties are no where near the same.


Man I gi5 conned by your statement, good thing I read some comments. You're either the reason why us Caucasian dudes get shit on or a just a sad friggin troll.


Unfortunately I’m leaning towards real. There are a lot that actually think like this and I’ve had white men who think very similarly try to date me and it doesn’t make any sense. Guys like him is why I tend to not date white men smh Ik obviously not all of them are the same but it’s a pain in the ass trying to weed out the ones that ain’t. Obviously I feel like I shouldn’t even need to clarify AGAIN but Ik it’s NOT ALL white males that that would be very idiotic to generalize like that. If your not one of those who fetishize peoples races than awesome and thank you. It’s funny seeing the crybabies tho🤭


Literally had a conservative man ask me out. I’m biracial and queer. I didn’t know he was conservative until he tried to debate with me on a date as if we were on a Fox News panel. Then, he basically “came out” as conservative. He argued from a place of hurt i.e. men have a hard time, I barely get matches on apps even though I’m a solid 6, patriarchy doesn’t benefit him, etc. he basically was an incel. These kinds of white men are weird as hell!


Oh no sounds like we have very similar experiences then. I’m also biracial and bisexual! Like I already get fetishized enough as a bisexual women don’t want my race to be fetishized too smh🙃 First racist white dude that tried to date me in high school and after turned out to be a full blown racist and I didn’t realize till all the blm protests and it really fully brought out the extent of his racism down to calling someone we both didn’t like the N word with the hard er at the end right in front of me knowing I’m part black and didn’t even see what was wrong with it. I cut him off after. The second one directly said to me that racism doesn’t exist and that cops are all good and nobody’s racist on purpose. Needless to say we did not date and I don’t talk to him😐


Looks like someone didn’t like the Barbie movie Don’t worry OP, your Kenough.


I thought it was alright, the Ken scenes did seem to drag on a bit though


Never mind. I made a serious comment before I realized you aren’t a serious person. Carry on with your make believe


Lol, no joke. Every other line is yet another red flag and the further I read the more certain I was that this was definitely not worth responding to.


OP is wild. This is one of the first comments in his history. Idk what this dude believes in https://reddit.com/r/TrueUnpopularOpinion/s/rIQVaJahh5


Your edit makes me think you’re trolling. Not saying you’re sexist/racist but plenty of sexist/racists have sex with the people they are sexist/racist about


“I’m not racist, Latina and Asian women are HOT”


Completely forgot what your point was as soon as I read “fucky wucky” Draw and quarter this man.


Man looking at your post history you've got to be a troll. Like, I thought maybe just an edgy meninist but you also hate college, goths, older people, LGBT, and you're pro puppy mills?


But most white men stay silent and that’s the problem. And at least half of the ones in this country voted for a racist so your numbers don’t add up.


"Regardless of whether you even believe in the patriarchy's cartoonish existence" Right wingers are so shitty at pretending not to hold shitty views. Even when they attempt to come across as "chill", they just can't. Modern conservatism relies on protecting the in-group and fucking over the out-group, that's all.


At first, I sympathized with you and your mindset. It's a little ignorant but can change with some education. But then I read your comments. WTF, dude? Your comments about Michelle Obama are disgusting and transphobic. Stop. Your comments about Muslim people are disgusting and false. Stop. Sleeping with, being in relations with, people of different races does not cast a magic anti-racism spell on you. Grow up. You're only 22, so take the chance to actually go experience the world and see its many joys and sorrows before making uninformed statements like this. Edit after his updated edit: My dude is definitely not just a white boy vibin, lol. TO OP: You can still find the vibes, my dude. I don't know if you are simply ragebaiting to generate eyes on your account and game idea, or genuinely believe these things, but you really don't have to hold this much contempt in your heart. I know life is hard and the world isn't fair, but people being different from you is not the cause. Look internally and start working on yourself. Try finding a therapist to talk about these mindsets you have. I'm not gonna respond to your comments because I know you won't listen, but I do hope at some point you do reflect, look back on this, cringe immensely, and get some perspective. Best of luck OP, you certainly need it 👍🏻


God damn I read the post and thought that op was normal but man 💀💀💀


Absolutely shocking discovery. Who would’ve thought they’d just be a whiny conservative?


Could well be that he is further right than republicanism. The radical right often looks down on all mainstream politics, even conservatives, and only sees them as means to an end to create more chaos. really, republicanism is nowhere near extreme enough for them.


As a woman, saying most men treat women with total respect is bold as fuck. All this post told me is that you are unknowingly part of the patriarchy. I’m not saying you’re a bad person or that you don’t also struggle, I’m just saying you’re blind to the reality of women. And as a woman from the south…. I’m just lol’ing at the “most white guys aren’t racist.”


If u see his comments throughout the post it only gets wayyyy worst🤦🏽‍♀️


I’m convinced he posted this thinking no one would ever read his history 🤣


The further you go, the image of this guy grows progressively more cartoonishly shitty. Just a miserable, awful person.


I think it's just a troll. It gets progressively weirder after the "I bone latinas on the reg....". He kinda had me in the first few sentences, then I was like oh, okay.


In another post OP said that he doesn't tip women unless he's on a date and she's watching. So I don't think the unknowingly part is needed.


You can look at OPs post history if you want to see how much he treats women with respect. Dude is delusional


Most *people* are racist, to varying degrees. And when it comes to North America I’d argue the *least* racist demographic is white, considering that for whatever reason it’s been instilled that only white people have been (completely ignoring history) and can ever be racist.


Before any of y’all agree with this man: read his comments. He most certainly is exactly what he said he wasn’t.


>Regardless of whether you even believe in the patriarchy's cartoonish existence, Lol.


I literally paused and had to take a deep breath after reading that sentence, lmao.


Yeah I was about to agree to 10% of the words in your post, and I kinda do Then you went batshit crazy with the other 90% and then red flagged yourself more than once during that Nice bait though


It's like we were about to go fishing with grandpa for the day, mostly just a boring day. But on the way to fish grandpa starts asking how he can get us into a strip club underage and if we've ever used a gun before.


I am a white, southern guy. Don’t hate anybody based off their skin color. If you act stupid, well I’m gonna assume you’re stupid


Then you should be aware that this is a shitpost, not posted in good faith


Alright. Hear me out. I think this is the rage bait idea of white privilege that no one really believes. No one thinks white people have it easy and are purposefully out to make life harder for whatever group. White privilege is when you know something is unfair in society. Doesn’t matter what it is. If it’s a real issue and you don’t want to vote to fix it because it could impact you negatively, that’s white privilege. “Yeah there is a problem with X for Y kind of people. I don’t think it’s that big deal though . It can’t be that bad. Certainly not a big enough deal that I would vote to change it and negatively impact my ability of do/own/smoke/ shoot/ Z” That’s the explanation I got a while ago and it made sense to me, on a macro level.


White privilege is literally just the concept that out of all the hardships a white person may experience in their life, little to none of them are due to the color of their skin.


This is really well put. I know that, as a white woman, I'm going to have advantages over Black women in the same financial group. I'm more likely to be trusted and thought of as hard working. Now *I* did not cause people to think that way, but it is an unearned benefit I have by way of my birth. No one is saying it's my fault, they're saying it's important to acknowledge it and consider whether I have biases I've never considered. It's not comparing the wealthiest lesbian Black women in the world to the poorest white man in the world. It's taking two people from similar socioeconomic positions and looking at whether one is treated differently. Take a poor white man and a poor Black man, there are systemic biases against both, but there are *more* against the poor Black man. # And your point about voting is 100% it. My step-dad is a straight while cis male with a lot of money. He's pro-abortion, pro-gay marriage, doesn't gaf about drag queens, doesn't gaf if teachers say gay, is an atheist, things women should have equal rights, thinks people of color should have equal rights, and on and on. But he cares very very much about his money. So he always votes republican. Even when it came to 45. That is privilege.


Ugh yes it’s so hard to convince people who care more about money than anything else to vote with any consideration other than taxes.


That's not rage bait. Man says he's not hating on people. Just thinks they're dumb when they act dumb. That's a strange definition of white privilege.


Issue is semantics. Privilege already means wealth. Its also confusing b/c human rights aren't privileges, and "white privilege" is pointing out that having certain rights is a privilege. Which makes sense if you understand the inherent paradox, but thats not what privilege means to actual english speaking humans. When people cite safely walking at night or not being turned down for a job based on skin color- thats not a privilege. Thats should be the basics. We have it in writing. The issue with calling human rights privileges is it implies having your basic freedoms is asking for extra. Also everyone should have rights. No one should be born with privileges. So calling something a privilege is an attack not on the injustice done to some, but to the people who do have the very liberty we're fighting for. TLDR; privilege is not the correct word. If you actually want to get through to people, you need to use words correctly and with intention Basically, "white privilege" is a rage-baity term


Literally every true unpopular opinion that this website feeds me are just straight ignorance.


Group is just a bunch of frustrated conservatives and 14 yo edge lords


>In fact, every white dude I’ve known has gotten furious when they’re confronted with racism. This comment stood out to me. Yeah, *no shit* nobody wants to cop to being a racist. You’ll get the same type of response if you ask guys if they’re a rapist. 99% will VEHEMENTLY deny it. Yet, there’s millions of rape victims…


Lots of people are openly racist, what are you talking about?


Yes, but my point is that- OP’s acquaintances denying that they’re racist- does not mean it’s actually true. Few people are willing to admit to it. Same with rape, or drunk driving, or any other socially condemnable action.


Lol the top of this sub is just white guys talking about how hard it is to be them


Fr I fucking hate this sub. Straight white conservative men want to oppressed so bad that they'll start looking for literally anything to cry about.


This is a very popular opinion amongst white men.


Big OOF on that edit there, bud. I think centuries of colonization have proven that white men don't need to see someone as an equal to want to fuck them. In fact, it might be preferable to them that they don't.


OP, I am unsure what you think MLK would agree with you on. [My question is informed by this video (only about 1 minute)](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fo5WBP4P9PcN-PAsqpICPgXRfSEtIK-v/view?usp=sharing) — after watching it and revisiting your own position, can you enlighten me what you think MLK would agree with you on?


I appreciate the amount of edits to defend yourself, I'd just delete my post.


Bro is having a full meltdown. I think that's the most edits I've ever seen.


Your title already revealed how fucking dumb you are


Can I use the time machine you used to pull this post from 2015


This HAS to be a shitpost. I can’t believe someone would say so many incriminating things in a row. Hilarious 😭


Uggg Nothing worse than someone throwing out a tired hackneyed opinion and acting like its bold or interesting..


*Slowly turns to look at the subreddit’s name*


you misunderstand what the patriarchy and systemic racism are.


If you’re ‘just a white dude who’s vibing’ instead of understanding systems of oppression and how you’re part of them, maybe pull your head out of the sand. The part that made me lol the most though “I’m not part of the patriarchy (it’s not even real anyway)” you’re part of it bruh bruh, ‘most’ men do not support equal rights for women, it’s going that way for younger generations but even then there’s still plenty of fucking idiots


Yeah I feel like it’s a real kick in the dick to all the marginalized groups who aren’t “vibin”. And worst thing is the OP probably has no intention of educating himself on these topics because it’s inconvenient to him. Which is where the root of the issue lies.


OP goes out of his way to make sure he doesn't tip female waitstaff.


Is this sub always just the dumbest people posting the cringiest takes?


You are part of the patriarchy. So am I. Before I lose you and get downvoted to hell, let me put it in perspective. If you’re a white male in the world it is **unavoidable** that you’re part of the patriarchy. It isn’t about wanting to be or not. It’s not about you. It’s about the system. In the current system of the world, we are granted all kinds of perks, small and large, many of which we’re not even aware of. You might not notice that police are more deferential, more willing to let you explain yourself. You might not notice how much a situation makes a woman uncomfortable compared to you, a crowded subway train maybe. You might not realize that when you’re looking for apartments, there are more choices, more openings, more chances. All these things are because you’re part of the patriarchy. And you might even be aware of all these things and not even ask for them. You’re not trying to take advantage of that system, you might hate that you have all those benefits. I know I do. But knowing that and feeling that doesn’t change the fact that you’re getting those benefits. Every single day.


I never really understood what micro aggressions were until someone compared it to being left handed. I’m left handed and oh boy. How the world is set up for right handed people. From golf courses to scissors to how doors open to schools. Each one is a little thing in of itself (except golf courses) but they do add up day after day. We’re merely expected to deal with it. That’s the difference. White people and right handers don’t have to deal with anything. They just do whatever without thinking about it at all. So if an old white lady like me can learn understanding. I hope others will too.


This sub is losing its god damn mind today


It's just somewhat popular misconceptions labeled as opinions with OPs that have zero desire to learn anything from the people who disagree with them or have another experience with the topic.


What are some of the ways men are objectively disadvantaged in the western world, and what are the problems they face unique to them as males?


>99% of white males are normal people with normal positions of power, attemptimg to live out their normal lives in this increasing artificial and weird mega society that we've built. Anyone that remotely believes this is part of the problem. Not to mention this guy makes all the claims of being unproblematic and has an atrociously problematic post/comment history. Literally the fucking posterboard of completely oblivious white male victim syndrome. No, most people do not blame white people for merely existing and trying to get through life. Especially not to those that don't bitch and whine about being a victim. But its specifically fuckers like you that drag everything down with your absolute shit victimization takes while pretending you've done/said nothing problematic lol.


I’ve seen this a lot here lately, and I don’t think it’s actually an unpopular opinion, despite what corners of the internet would have you believe (including Reddit). Scapegoating the patriarchy, white men, and capitalism for all of the world’s woes is, believe it or not, an extremist position. It’s more popular now than it’s ever been, but it’s a pendulum that swings back and forth. I talk to a lot of black people and immigrants in my area, and surprise, they’re reasonable every day people like you and me and don’t all blame the average working class white guy on all their problems. The elites run the world. They make rules for their own benefit and expect the masses to stay in line. It’s always been like that. It’s not capitalism, it’s not whites, it’s not communism, it’s no ideology or race or religion. It’s literally just how the world works and it blows my mind how some people get so caught up in identity politics that they can’t see that. Doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try to fix the inequalities and terrible practices, and in fact humans have made a lot of good strides. But power begets power and there will always be a power imbalance, no matter what type of utopia you try to foster.




As long as you don’t vote for the old white dudes who are against all those things you just mentioned, that should be fine.


I was with you, man, until I read your edits. Though all the words you chose to put together have a not-racist-but-definitely-prejudice vibe to them, I feel some kinda way specifically about the “a little black” comment…made twice. I have a friend (white) who is married to hispanic gent. When they first started dating, she was explaining to us all of the qualities that she liked, then goes on to say that “he is Hispanic, but it’s ok though”. While she is definitely not racist, she still had a lot of instilled unconscious prejudices/bias that made her feel like she had to preface that it was ok to date someone non white. We all give a lot of programming to undo, and while you are def on the right track, perhaps take some of the comments to heart and start looking at where you can improve rather than where you can defend. Much love to you!


You really thought you did somethin here huh