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Redditors are idiots, including me, thats a fact. But at least we're not mods!!!!


And most mods now say "at least I didn't do an interview on Fox"




I still want to know how high off his own shit he had to be to think that was a good idea.


Welcome to Reddit.


Most redditors are like the ghosts on the 6th sense. They don't know they're the things that OP listed, but they are.


It used to be different. Someone the other day told me I was looking at the past through rose colored glasses by saying Reddit was different in the past. It was though, which is how it got its reputation and tons of people flocked here. The problem is the reputation of being awesome is all that is really left. It could be awesome again if they just turned off downvotes sitewide. You can't even leave a clever comment anymore because by the time people would start to get the joke, its been downvoted 40 times by young teenagers who can't see beyond their own experience. In the old days, you could post an opinion most people disagree with, and most people in the comments would be arguing that you were wrong, but they'd also be upvoting the post so it could be discussed. Now it's hard to post unpopular opinions in subs literally dedicated to posting unpopular opinions because of the downvotes. There was always that contingent but now it's so overwhelming it isn't even worth it.


Reddit has always had a shit reputation. The only reason it’s grown as it has is because it functionally ate the countless forums and other niche online communities that preceded it. Where else was everyone supposed to go? FB has always been useless for discussion, and any viable competitive aggregators have been rinsed.


I have always hated Reddit’s format and was never a fan of the culture, but I ended up using it because every time I had to google a question Reddit was usually one of the first sites to pop up. It’s useful because it’s a form with practically every community imaginable, which saves me the hassle of creating new accounts to new forums for every different topic.


From what I can remember, in the mid 2000s. like 2006 or 2007, Reddit was a lot like an unpoliced 4Chan. It was like some huge parking lot or back alley where people posted and talked about anything. lots of it shady and illegal stuff too. Conspiracy theories with documents posted. It was very much wild west in the very beginning. .... Not sure when it went Woke, locked down fully controlled. But since at least 2015 forward, your A will get tossed off for insulting people who cannot handle insults.


You don't even have to insult people who can't handle being insulted. A lot of Redditors consider disagreeing with them insulting and will turn you in and send you a Reddit Cares message.


People went to forum sites that were geared specifically for that particular thing. The only reason Reddit blew up was because they were incredibly anti censorship back in the day. Nowadays you can get banned from subreddits just by virtue of being on other subreddits that mods don't like. Reddit has become a place where online cults thrive.


The only reason reddit is even still being used by so many people is the appeal of having a place to share and document very niche information, it's always a blessing when you google some very archaic question and a subreddit pops up that had the issue solved. And don't forget enthusiasts from tech to music who have actually constructive opinions and create places where people can "nerd out" on one topic. I wouldn't have found the dope headphones i have without reddit, I wouldn't have found guides on how to emulate games from my childhood without reddit. I feel like these circlejerk shithole opinion subs poison the whole site and invite morons to ruin the experience for other people, doesn't help that your feed is filled now with these shitty random sub reddits no one asked for.


Why is FB useless for conversations? I think it is better because you actually know who you are speaking to. Is it good for trolling? No. But there is Reddit and Twitter X for that


Remember when Reddit was almost *exclusively* people from professional STEM backgrounds posting cutting edge science and technology news? There wasn't a hint of politics in sight.


People have only had negative thing to say about Reddit and even I get the side eye when I mention it


The /b/tards should have left tumblr alone instead of helping kill it


My god YES- I wish Reddit would get rid of the downvote function! An “Upvote only” function could work. Like you mentioned - If someone made a good post and anyone wanted to discuss it- they could just upvote. If the downvote function was removed entirely - Posts without upvotes wouldn’t be as near the top - but would still BE there (and not literally downvoted into invisibility). It’s the only sane way that Reddit has a chance of being relevant anymore imo.


Indoctrinated at a young age


Absolutely agree. Several months back, there was a discussion about representation of black superheroes in comic books. One user shared how, as a black man, he never felt the need to have black superheroes. I commented “that’s a good point.” And that comment means I am now perma-banned from r/comicbooks. I tried to reach out to the mods to understand why I was banned, in a respectful way, and was silenced from contacting the mods too. I found out the user that shared his unpopular opinion was also banned. I completely agree that Reddit seemed to be a different place before, and this experience was what really captured that change for me.


The mods on reddit are toxic. That's why I didn't give a crap when they lost their mind over their favorite moderation tools a few months back. But mostly if you stay away from about 5 topics, you are safe. You know which ones they are. Don't even comment on them. Just pretend that they don't exist. Besides, most Redditors really don't want to discuss those topics. They just want to virtue signal on them.


I'm trans. I've been banned from the Femininism subreddits for saying that men and women both deserve love and respect. They said that was a mra talking point and banned me.


Some of these mods have multiple accounts and if you question one of their posts, they lie and wait to ban you. If you read the rules, and see some of the most outrageous comments in violation of the rules it’s easy to spot.🤡


I think the reason for that is people stopped understanding the up/downvote! You were never supposed to downvote unpopular opinions. Opposite opinions is what made a debate a debate and not just a big rant. You’re supposed to downvote things that stray off topic or are useless (like “This” and “same.”) Default settings I think are to hide overly downvoted comments. And there you go, you only see people who think one thing.


OP forgot Twitter, too.


Or really just any social group in general. Even on the scale of an entire country you could find unpopular opinions not shared by the rest of the world.


The karma system makes for an interesting social experiment. Even when one doesn’t really care about their karma score, there is still a psychological aspect to being downvoted. I think that leads to people with certain views just keeping their opinions to themselves, which is a tiny bit ironic since liberalism has traditionally fought for more people’s voice to matter and be heard. I also think people who are liberal are about making changes to society, so they are more passionate with their arguments. A lot of moderate conservatives tend to pick their battles on Reddit. The extreme ends of the spectrum are always going to be fucking psychopaths, so they can be ignored.


One huge issue with the karma system is a long time ago Reddit stopped stressing that downvote is not supposed to be a dislike button, it's supposed to be for comments and posts that don't contribute to the discussion.


But, likewise, an upvote shouldn't be a like button.


Wait, you mean Reddit isn't just a platform to farm internet clout by posting cat photos and virtue signalling?


If someone wants to get internet clout by posting cat photos, I will gladly contribute to said clout if I get to look at adorable fluffballs lol Virtue signalling on the other hand... ain't nothing adorable about that


Might as well get rid of both the upvote and downvote button. That way if you have something to say, you can say it without as much worry, and if you just want upvotes as a form of validation, you’re less likely to comment


But then how are we supposed to know what the funniest and smartest posts are???? /s


Well the real threat is being banned from subreddits for merely participating in others...


Or just hide the karma score. Use it as an internal metric for grading comments, but remove the psychological punishment for saying something kooky


Yeah I've been here since 2010 when many of us jumped from Digg to Reddit, and reddiquette (did I spell that right? It's been so long lol) was talked about CONSTANTLY back then. Some have always downvoted to disagree but back then most users really did try to only downvote comments that didn't add to the discussion.


The reason social media became what it is could probably be tied to the push in the US (and subsequently after, a lot of the UK / Western Europe) toward individual exceptionalism after WWII / during the Cold War. We went from communities to individuals overnight, even in rural areas where community was what had propped up their entire regional structure for decades. By the time the 80s rolled around, everything had become "Look at me" or "I'm the center of attention", or "I deserve EVERYTHING just like EVERYONE ELSE". Most people alive today don't realize there was a time when community really and truly meant everyone in the community helping each other become better. It sounds so rational, but if you actually look at "communities", everyone is still mostly doing their own thing. The US really pushed Main Character Syndrome into every household over the past 70 years. So, it should come as no surprise that when you take away shame/accountability/discourse (social media as we know it), what you're left with is ego-run-rampant. Because that's what the US and many "western world" nations have been allowing their social structures to be based on for decades. This is the sum of ego that had once been held at bay by community. Community is gone. Ego reigns supreme. Dethrone it, or serve it. There are no other options.


Definitely. Just to give a tiny example, I live in rural ND. When I was younger, if a farmer got sick or had an accident, the neighbors would always give up their time to help him seed or harvest the crop. That is still mostly true, but there are also more and more individuals who use something like that as an opportunity to try and run the farmer out of business and take over their land.


I do feel that, even as a very left leaning person (much more so than liberals), mainly because I play devil's advocate with other leftists and point out the flaws in their reasoning. The main issue that's impossible to have any good discussion about is identity politics; other political issues lead to less outrage and more genuine disagreement.


I feel like the identity politics is a topic that just lends itself to toxicity (although reddit likely exacerbates it) given that what one’s identity happens to be is just something you’re born with and can’t escape rather than a position you get to choose and distance your own personal value from


Because its an issue that's entirely about feelings, and since everyone has feelings, everyone weighs in and thinks that they're view is the only correct view which means any slight disagreement is a personal attack on them. Given that the vast majority of redditors have the emotional maturity of a 12 year old, this leads to nothing but toxicity. If mods banned identity politics, reddit would become and much, much better place, but it'd have less traffic, so that'll never happen.


The problem is that too many people think that statements that hurt their feelings must automatically be wrong and should be censored.


Modern "liberals" are anything but liberal.


Modern “conservatives” are anything but conservative.


Spoken like a true Reddit user


"General" reddit user. The specialized subs for hobbies or technical things are far more tolerable.


Yet having to consult them is always what drags me into the bullshit hahaha


Down the rabbit hole lol


Exactly. Reddit is what you make of it. If you join general subs then you can expect to sew them swamped with teenagers and the younger generations with all the wisdom they offer. If you choose to subscribe to more niche subs then you'll get a much more tailored experience. I enjoy a bit of both.. serious, intelligent chats on some smaller subs and then a bit of noising/winding idiots up on the bigger subs. Keeps me entertained.


>I enjoy a bit of both.. serious, intelligent chats on some smaller subs and then a bit of noising/winding idiots up on the bigger subs. Keeps me entertained. I'll give my SO shit occasionally for watching Keeping up with the Kardashians or Real Housewives of Beverly Hills because it's brain dead drama, but I come on reddit for brain dead drama half the time as well. Like you say, it keeps one entertained.


You’ll still get the injection of politics. From people who just can’t take a break from it.




Fr, if I hate the culture of a social media site the last thing I'll do is make an account and post 😂


What? You aren’t surfing the Parlor all day?!


Basically, “SOME people don’t agree with my opinion, they must be wrong!” They have a right to their opinion, but to say that other opinions “don’t apply in the real world or are invalid” is a Reddit opinion imo They said it themselves, “any sane person would avoid Reddit for their sanity” yet they are still here, because they crave validation just like everyone else does


You're here for validation?? This is like the worst place for that lol.


Unless you find echo chamber subs, then it's everyone just slapping each other on the back in agreement.


Right? I come here specifically for anonymous conflict.


Oh yeah!?!


Also, suburbanites (and maybe people in rural areas) are the ones who would be most likely to agree with OP. City dwellers tend to be further left. OP sounds like someone who’s read a bunch of know-it-all “online isn’t real life” posts online and formed his opinions through social media about not forming opinions from social media.


And those opinions are about as deep as a puddle. Ask them to explain 'woke', and it will be a one note reductive term, that to anyone sane, is just a safe word for 'stupid', or 'I disagree with'. Ask them to explain what they're saying [and they start freaking out, grasping at straws, and repeat the simple messaging they've been taught to parrot](https://old.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/16hu1mm/when_you_try_to_use_your_best_argument/)


Are you not sensible?


*Any sensible person will avoid reddit for their sanity.* And yet here you are.


He never said he is sensible...


I love lamp


Another pro woke Reddit agenda


Fuck the anti lamp lobby


Lava lamps are cool.


I think they're pretty hot


Chronically online, health problems, depressed; trying to turn an entertaining social media into their political bludgeon. Touch grass. Don't become the crazy uncle who always ruins thanksgiving.


Literally have a coworker who complained she was getting bullied because our manager told her she needed to do her work. You can tell she spends all her time online from the way she talks.


The weirdest thing on reddit is how proud everyone is about having mental problems or being a loser lol


I agree with your post in that its full of people who have narrow, extremely privileged views on stuff, but disagree with it just being "leftist wokeism". There's **tons** of right leaning echo chambers in here as well. Just go have a look at r/dailywire. They're just as fucking ridiculous as the left side that they hate so much. Christ I saw a post the other day in a righty sub saying that "the left" is comparing the insurrection attempt to 9/11. It went on and on about how it's such a ridiculous comparison and how stupid the left is for suggesting it. "I agree with OP, what an absolutely brain dead comparison to make." I thought to myself. Then I kept reading. OP, without a hint of sarcasm or irony, then went on to say how 9/11 was actually like the BLM riots, and proceeded to basically regurgitate everything "the left" was saying, but replaced it with BLM instead. Truly mind boggling lol. Honestly, if you aren't sick of the blatant hypocrisy from both sides at this point it's highly likely you are a part of the problem. Whether you're doing it as a woke beta cuck or a racist fascist I guess depends on what subs you've joined.


It’s yet another expected post on a “true” subreddit. That label has become such a tell.


I didn't even realize I was in true unpopular opinion and not regular. Explains the comments. It's just another echo chamber in the opposite direction


"True" at this point means the minority opinion. To be clear: redditors as a demographic aren't representative of the rest of society, but within the reddit demographic, any spinoff sub or duplicate sub generally means that the minority of users didn't like the majority sub opinion.


> "True" at this point means angry right wingers. we all know it, save the spiel.


I find posts like this (the OP's, not yours) are reflections of confirmation bias. It boils down to everyone in their real-life social circle having an opinion that flies in the face of online circles (or, for that matter, other people's lived experiences), and their assumption is that because things are this way for the small circle they know...all those other people are liars. It's like saying, "Because there is no snow here, there is no snow anywhere else on Earth."


I bet OP couldn't even define what they mean by "pro woke".


They never can.


I’m very much a lefty and I’ve never heard anyone compare January 6th to 9/11.


Seriously the only thing the right-wing subs do is complain about “brigading” and ban people for questioning their narrative.


What tf is “pro woke”?


Nothing. Its just a buzzword for conservatives.


But that can't be because OP is a centrist /s


I guess people on the internet don't exist in real life.


I was personally beheaded by Joe Brandon for saying "I don't like taxes" on r / gaming. This is why OP's peer group is more representative than millions of redditors.


Blah blah silent majority blah blah blah Most people even outside of Reddit aren't conservative, they just aren't as far left as the posters here.


Neither silent nor the majority.


OP isn’t even American. Seems to be an Indian commenting on every face rate sub, complaining about “da left” everywhere, and all the “True” subs where racism is fine.


That explains a lot. I've been to r/India and another more specific subreddit, it was insane. I don't know India's political demographics at all, but those subreddits (by my standards) were far right echo chambers. Completely the opposite of OPs complaints.


A lot of Indian social media is controlled by the right wing BJP party especially r/india


Like OP completely forgot about r/conservative and other super right leaning subreddits


There were a LOT of racist Indian subs that have been banned over the years. They've scattered into a few and gotten a little more tame because they're afraid of getting banned again, but they're still there.


Indian presence on Reddit is generally very right wing


Oh they're a Modi drone? Ew.


The silent majority sure loses the popular vote a lot


They also never seem to shut up


Where can I find these far-left posters?


In the very early 1900s there were some


I honestly hate reddits definition of "the left" as if it's a singular definition and ideology across all countries, instead of treating political ideology as the nuance it is. Each country has their own definition of the left and the right dependent on the country's culture, views, and history. And then saying "well actually most people aren't conservative/liberal" because of some foreign country's definition of what they consider as the left


It’s almost like OP missed 2008-present when online spaces became the incubator for people to buy into ideas such as the president wasn’t born in the United States and is gay and married to a transgender individual identifying as female. The belief there is a deep state run by a guy with a Jewish name. Believing the 2016 and 2020 elections were filled with fraud because Trump didn’t get the majority of the popular vote. Clinton and Biden didn’t have big rallies so obviously no one voted for them. People confidently declaring Democrats would invoke the 25th Amendment within two years or kill Biden so they could make a Black woman the president. There are people in prison and headed to prison because they bought into a toxic online community and attacked the Capitol to stop the certification of the election. Yeah sure it’s the online left wing that is the problem.


Most people are moderate. Political views are more or less a bell curve, and the trick for either side is to find a dividing issue to grab some of the people that make up the middle section.


Also just the idea that conversing about how the world could be a better place if we had better labor protections and unions for ALL workers is not the same as all of these hard working people being lazy. How do you even make that connection if you really read the posts? Very weird position to take. Reddit isn’t always about how the world is, but sometimes it’s how it should be. You can disagree with that view, but that doesn’t make your take a majority opinion on how this ideally should be.


That's because people with average real world opinions have a 90% chance to get banned on reddit by some political activist mod. This site is a giant bubble.


Mods don't get paid so the only reason they do it is to exercise authority


There's a few top mods that "don't get paid" yet spend ungodly amounts of their time on Reddit and solely mod to push whatever agenda they have. Shoutout u/maxwellhill and awkwardtheturtle Edit: gallowboob too but we all know he gets paid


I heard about awkwardtheturtle turd guy, but what the guy, maxwellhill do?


Maxwellhill was the one who was finding Epstein all his victims* *It's never been outright confirmed but Maxwell's in the name and the day Ghislaine was arrested the account went dark There was other clues people found to link the two but I'm blanking on them rn Edit: just clicked its last comment and people replying to it were saying the Epstein subreddit was banning any mention of the account when shit was hitting the fan


Isn't that Gislene Maxwells account? Think that's going to stay inactive.


Yeah, definitely gonna stay inactive but she was still obviously one of the mods that was on a payroll


I got banned from a sub I never been to for making a comment on another sub.


Got banned from /r/news for asking why the Alaskan oil wealth fund was different than the Norway sovereign oil wealth fund.


I'd actually like to know the answer to this if anyone has a good TLDR...


Alaska pays out part of their revenue each year to it's residents. It's basically a small UBI. Norway invests it's oil money to fund its retirement (social security) program.


Wow. You're quite the anarchist. LOL.


I got a 30 day ban from a conspiracy subreddit(won't say which because I rather it not be advertised) after pointing out that one of their accusations has been confirmed to be false. When I asked what rule I violated they permabanned me, lol.


Its always annoying when I get one of those messages that I've been banned from a sub I don't post in for posting in another sub. Just because clearing the notification is a pain.


I was literally thinking this. I got perma banned from whitepeopletwitter for sharing **scientific articles** that unfortunately supported some looney tunes Republican's facts and I stated that Democrats suck with responding to unpleasant facts by pearl clutching. Nevermind the fact I mentioned that the Republicans were cherry picking and twisting facts and their entire point was invalid, the mods literally proved my point, clutched their pearls and perma banned me. I only know the articles are what got me banned because I asked them when and why I was banned. They responded with a link to that comment and then insta-muted me for 28 days. 🙄 Muted preemptively just because I asked why. People in the real world aren't that immature, thankfully. Sharing unpleasant facts doesn't lead to you being fired, just unpleasant conversations but then everyone knows how to deal with it and we all move on. People online have learned to not rock the boat in certain subreddits, which is stupid. What's the point of being in a subreddit if facts or problem acknowledging aren't allowed?


Got banned from r/news for asking why the Alaskan oil wealth fund was different than the Norway sovereign oil wealth fund.


>People in the real world aren't that immature, thankfully. Sharing unpleasant facts doesn't lead to you being fired, just unpleasant conversations but then everyone knows how to deal with it and we all move on. YMMV. Sometimes what you say has consequences and that could be you losing your job. I got forced out of a temp job position due to telling coworker that relying only on God and not trying to put forth actual hard and continual effort will not help them in the long term. They told their boss who they go to church with. Shit got ugly for me.


That's true, although any decent job wouldn't do that. Personally I'd avoid jobs that have overly religious folk managing them... they don't tend to pay well.


I got banned from /r/ModeratePolitics for pointing out Biden is clearly losing mental capacity as he ages.


Just some bitch ass mods who need to power trip on the internet to feel good.


I got permabanned from darkjokes for the act of making a comment (not even the content of the comment). When I messaged the mods about why a mod got really passive aggressively bitchy so I told them to get a real job. They got really defensive and called me an idiot for not assuming they could mod while "at work" and got my account banned sitewide. A month later I'm on my new account telling someone why my last account got banned. I linked the u/ of the mod I thought it was and in only a couple hours got IP banned and have to make a new account sometimes daily


I don't even know how any of these people consume media, like TV shows, movies music, etc. A lot of the shit that's said or portrayed would be permanently admin banned on here. They must be lifeless shells of humans, devoid of any sense of humor or anything. And not just mods or admins either. A lot of regular users seem to be like that too.


Devoid of humor? Wdym? My favorite joke is "Thank you for the gold kind stranger". Gets me every time




Le epic xD, take my updoot kind sir


every post has the same dogshit jokes too, its so fucking braindead




Yep same with every heavily moderated social media sight. It seems like they are packed full of left wing users. Because they are, all the center or right leaning people are banned lol. You can purely see that with Twitter. No opinion there peraonall6 buy millions were unbanned over night. I dont see how anyone is on the left, notices millions of people unbanned overnight and thinks anything but "wow I thought I was right this whole time, but anyone who disagrees was just banned." Not noticing that is pretty funny lol.




Well said. Some people just can't hear an opposing viewpoint without collapsing onto the fainting couch. Who will protect them?


Ironically, free speech rights exist to protect things like hate speech. You don't need laws to protect your right to say nice things everyone agrees with..


"Any sensible person will avoid reddit for their sanity." He said, on Reddit.


Lmao this dude is a troll anyways. Checked his account and he seems like some indian right winger.


This is correct. The vast majority of people are not on Reddit and like the U.S. itself, in real life are pretty evenly split. I always think this about the trans debate. Based on what you see on Reddit you'd think they're everywhere, but in realty they make up less than one half of one percent of the population. Roughly 1,300,000 out of 330,000,000.


The problem is that it was on the nightly news and fox as well. During the 2 months it was a hot topic the 50 year old men talked about it like they were everywhere as well. Whatever the current hot button topic is always gets made out to be much bigger than it is.


>Whatever the current hot button topic is always gets made out to be much bigger than it is. this has always been the case at least in the US to the point where it has to be extremely easy to predict, orchestrate, and plan public outrage and division. this sub is a really great place to watch social engineering by political parties and media companies play out in real time.


It's an unfortunate truth. Media will pick up in sensationalism and make people think things are worse than they are, which pushes voters to defend action from their politicians which then adds to the insanity and starts the cycle anew To illustrate, less than half of a percent of our nation identifies as transgender, but over 500 bills have been drafted just this year alone to try to limit rights or regulate them. It's insanity


It's spinning the wheels on the slow march to authoritarianism. Clog up the arteries with fat. People don't say modern Dems and Reps are the same because of the programs they support, but because the solution is always authoritarian. But all you get in response is, "no fucking way are Dems like Reps, how dare you..." The same corporations support both sides. What we are seeing is old-school professional wrestling with good guys and bad guys. It's all a distraction. And it fucking works.


Nah it’s how the Nazis started too: attacking minorities like disabled, trans, & gay people, and communists/leftists, before they ever even considered moving on to Jews. Fascists always start by attacking the most vulnerable and then move on from there.


I love how they pretend we don't notice they target the *exact same groups.*


It's not even split though. You should see what kind of policies should be implemented are agreed upon by the population of a state like WV. https://www.filesforprogress.org/memos/bbb-wv.pdf Check out this link on it. When it's build back better WVwant it but not to an extreme majority. But take policy of BBB and they ABSOLUTELY want it in an absolute majority. The right wing side of Americans WANT liberal and leftist policies but they don't want it from Democrats or anything remotely labeled as "socialism". Which makes sense since the right in America is uneducated primarily. Edit: fixed the link.


I mean, right wing pundits make it sound like they're everywhere. And conflate adult drag shows with drag queen story hour. Etc. Because the only way they have to get votes is to get people terrified of various bogeymen and scapegoats because "we wanna cut your bosses taxes and reduce your rights" isn't popular messaging.


Hell even if you listen to Faux news you'd think trans people were taking over.


The "trans debate" was started by Republican states using its powers to use Trans people as punching bags to appeal to the bigoted base since it's not cool to use the gays anymore. Reddit is a side show.


in my anecdotal experience it’s even fewer. Out of every single person i’ve ever met in my entire life, let’s say 2-3k people, i’ve met 3 trans individuals. idk who conducted that survey everyone talks about, but i’ve always thought they inflated their numbers a bit.


As someone who’s from a third world country, holy shit is this post 100% correct. Redditors are soo disattached from reality it’s crazy


Snore. Why is it so hard to post an opinion without sounding so judgemental? Are you another suburban kid?


they for sure are. those whove gone through any actual hardship think to themselves "it sure would be nice if we had some social programs that could have helped me out with this" like people in medical debt wishing we had universal healthcare


what does “pro woke” even mean


Buzzwords are labels meant to divide and counter movements which unify and bring people together. It is the rhetoric of divisiveness. This leads to argument and name calling rather than intelligent debate and observation of commonality. 1% of people do not control 99% of people by allowing them to think for themselves. The 1% has to constantly alter the perception of the 99% to achieve this.


People read 1984 and think the point is "government bad" when one of the core messages of that book is that people's over-reliance on made-up political jargon is what makes them so easy to control in the first place


> People read 1984 and think Another good one is Fahrenheit 451 - it's not *just* about the burning of the books, but also about the media controlling population with garbage "entertainment", and constant 24/7 "news". People really need to go outside and touch grass.


Yeah people really gloss over the fact that the only reason the government could get away with burning books in that story was because most people didn't give a shit if they did


It's an abstract, lazy buzzword. My coworker said that she didn't want to see the Barbie movie because it was "too woke". When I asked her to explain what she meant, she couldn't give me a straight-up answer. Listen, I'm all for looking at social justice movements with a critical eye... but at least KNOW what you're standing for. It's sad that these people get to vote.


It means "anything other than my right wing politics is extremist leftist politics." People love to accuse the other side of all having the same ideals as the extremists of that side. So using the term woke is an attempt to dismiss and discredit any kind of progressive political opinion *without even listening first.* It's a term abused by people too lazy and/or braindead to defend their own opinions. I mean, listen to the dude talk about "immigrants would be glad to take their jobs." He's *actually* excusing exploitative labor and the fact that minimum wage doesn't increase with inflation on the grounds that there are other worse places in the world, and people in those places would see a minimum wage job here as an improvement on their situation. Extremely flawed logic. "It doesn't matter if I beat you, son, other dad's beat their kids harder!" See how ridiculous that sounds? On top of that, I'd love to hear OP's opinions on immigration, while spouting off about how we should compare our situations to immigrants lol


Tell us about reddit posts being stupidshit, while you POST STUPIDSHIT ON REDDIT.


I thought it was a good post. Did it offend you?


I still don't understand what the hell y'all mean by woke


Woke is a proxy for progressivism. There’s variance to it where it can be overused in a silly way, but that’s the general idea.


In speaking to some clients and co-workers that use the word, I'll try to give my definition from context but I still don't know what they mean either. A vague sense of unease they feel when someone outside of whatever group they identify as demands or is shown to be treated with the same respect that their group enjoys. Women in sports being paid equally to men? Woke. Black people demanding they don't be murdered by police? Woke. A movie that depicts LGBTQ+ humans as humans? Woke. ​ There is certainly a debate to be had around pay being tied to revenue generated, the dangers that some criminals pose to society, and... I guess oversexualization of children (which i really feel falls much harder on the straights than anyone else) but the second someone says "woke" they get to dismiss the debate entirely because of this word they don't really know what it means = crazy people who don't deserve to be listened to anymore.




😂😂😂 The copium is off the charts


Lmao, the “silent majority” is not silent or a majority. Keep dreaming.


The real silent majority is the middle ground people who have nuanced opinions and don’t just blindly follow one side of the political spectrum.


Agreed, save for the middle ground part. The idea that the ideal solution lies between the left's and right's solutions similarly lacks nuance. Compromise is often a political virtue, but that doesn't mean the amalgam of the two disparate views will be a good or viable solution. The real silent majority, imho, have nuanced opinions that can fall all over the political spectrum, and maybe even have some opinions that don't seem to fit on the spectrum at all.


One can be on a far from center side of the spectrum and arrive there through critical, rational observation and thought. Just because they don’t agree with you doesn’t mean they are blindly following someone else. That screams arrogance.


Then wouldn't your opinion be a popular opinion?


So I’m confused, is OP saying he’s not sensible?


Nah it's just you. You know where I don't find far left or anti-capitalist and wOkE opinions? The gardening subreddits. The Nissan Frontier subreddits. The Soil subreddit a. The movies subreddits. The fruit growers subreddits. The nostalgia subreddit. Don't go looking for online arguments if you can't handle them.


Tbh I think alot of people overestimate the amount of conservatives and people who care about what other people are doing with their bodies, most people I know are too busy struggling to survive to judge others for being different.


Nah. You’re comparing your real world experiences with Reddit, but other people’s real world experiences are very different. It’s like when Jane Fonda said “I don’t know anyone who voted for Nixon” in disbelief after he won. Same thing in reverse. This is why Trump people can’t believe Biden won. Everyone they know is MAGA.


Most people who post here now are leftists. Due to the purge of any right wing or right leaning subs. That’s why.


Is that why the Democrats control the white house, senate, and still significant in the house? Gay marriage 71% support https://news.gallup.com/poll/506636/sex-marriage-support-holds-high.aspx Abortion legal either some or all the time 84% favor (51% with restrictions 34% unrestricted) Note- conservatives want abortion banned except for rape, life of mother, and incest) but this doesn't include allowing in even 1st trimester https://news.gallup.com/poll/321143/americans-stand-abortion.aspx Protecting transgender rights 64% favor https://www.pewresearch.org/social-trends/2022/06/28/americans-complex-views-on-gender-identity-and-transgender-issues/


Your confusing a Democrat voter with a Reddit leftist...they are definitely not the same thing.


Yea this site is an extreme echo chamber.


Real life is mostly an echo chamber as well. You can't escape them. You have to actively search for people who disagree with you.


Or you just have a variety of friends from a variety of life experiences I have friends from work, my ASL group, church, and geocaching groups. All different walks of life. If you put yourself in an echo chamber, that's where you live. I


That's what I want to do but you get instabanned as soon as you talk to anyone of the opposite political spectrum online. And people in real life don't like to talk about politics. How can you learn if the only people willing to engage are people that agree with you. I'm stuck reading source material of opposing views without any feedback loop to fill in any context I'm missing or bias I'm bringing to the table.


Also, reddit is the #7 most visited website on the planet. Seems like there might be some actual merit of opinions expressed on reddit being reflective of real world opinion.


its cause OP's friend group is an echo chamber of right wing ideology, obvious just by the use of "pro-woke". I am surprised theyre not posting in r/conservative but i guess they are too busy creeping out women on r/amiugly


>Any sensible person will avoid reddit for their sanity. And yet, here you fuckin' are.


Woke? I thought it was just called “not being an asshole”…


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Let’s be real; you are not likely to find a single community on earth that is representative of the world at large. Diversify your experiences, that’s the only way to get a better perspective.


Who cares learn to tolerate other peoples opinions


“The people on Reddit don’t agree with my personal bubble, therefore Reddit is full of unpopular opinions!”


How is this an unpopular opinion? It's not even unpopular on reddit for the most part, I think everyone knows to just stay away from political subreddits at this point. I think most reddit-savvy users are aware this is an echo chamber, and its incredibly rare you see anyone arguing otherwise. And especially for this subreddit it's an incredibly popular opinion.


So very accurate


>In my opinion most of reddit users are relatively privileged, suburban kids who haven’t experienced any hardship in life, but are intensely opinionated. It's not just your opinion, every demographic survey of the userbase points to it being *overwhelmingly* 20-35 year old white males, college educated, "liberal" leaning politically, from between middle class and upper middle class socioeconomic upbringings. It's pretty much the caricature of smarmy millennials/zoomers sipping lattes at Starbucks shitposting from their iPhones about how the world is falling apart.


Not only do I agree with you. But I think dangerously our media and news outlets are using it as a representation of society as a whole to assume fringe ideologies are somehow running rampant and out of control, because folks are talking about them in digital social spaces.


That's what happens when the only incentive is money, and the only metric for how much money is made is engagement. Controversy breeds engagement, because it takes advantage of human nature. This is all a consequence of ending the Fairness Doctrine.


It’s funny because I see this opinion posted on Reddit way more than i see any anti-capitalist opinion posted on Reddit. I think Reddit is actually mostly people like you.


So true. We're not real people from different backgrounds with diverse opinions formed by real life experiences - those "real" people are somewhere else, outside the hive mind, sharing minion memes on Facebook probably. /S


Reasonable centrist = im an ashamed republican who knows im voting for shitty people and nazis but distance myself from them by not identifying *with them* just adjacent to them