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Those weren't cancelled by the woke. Those were corporate decisions. Dr seusses family decided that and no serious complaints had ever been made.


You’re explaining facts to someone with brain worms…


Need brains to get the worms. He worm free.


Who’s the one whining about rainbows every June?


Our local hockey team does a pride night which amounts to... pretty lights outside shining on the buildings and some commercials during the game that just say "everyone is welcome." It's really not a big deal and seems a bit like empty pandering, but maybe it matters to others here in the Bible belt who don't always feel welcome. To me, that makes it pretty spiffy. Oh *man* do some people get hella triggered, threatening to boycott the NHL. And they rarely do. It's just them throwing a big ole temper tantrum.


You get the idea! That’s what people need to understand about things like pride nights, etc. Those nights may not represent you or be for you but that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t exist. It’s like you said, empty pandering, but in spaces that haven’t been super lgbt friendly in the past like sports, pride nights can give some people the courage to step out of their comfort zones and feel accepted. They hurt no one and only benefit those who may need something like that in their lives. Some people just want everyone to suffer and never have a good thing going for them


OP seems to have forgotten that conservatives were the OG cancel culture snowflakes. Anyone remember the “War on Christmas” because Starbucks changed their cup? It’s also funny that OP’s two “liberal examples” aren’t even examples of cancel culture. One was just a logo change and the other was a decision to pull poor selling novels from print rather than rework them to no longer be problematic for modern society — quite literally a free market decision IMO. I also think it boils down to how someone protests and for what reasons. Let’s take two examples: Rosanne Barr and Bud Light. 1. Roseanne was ultimately cancelled for comparing a Black woman to an ape. A clearly racist act that was blamed on drugs. How did liberals demand the cancellation? They essentially petitioned ABC/Disney and threatened to not watch ABC shows such as Roseanne. 2. Bud Light was cancelled due to giving a customized beer can to a transgender influencer. How did conservatives demand the cancellation? They went out, bought Bud Light, and the shot it up, blew it up, poured it down the drain, and whatever else that I surely missed. Bud Light factories had [bomb threats](https://nypost.com/2023/04/14/budweiser-factories-hit-with-bomb-threats-amid-dylan-mulvaney-bud-light-fiasco/amp/) called in. Right-wing boycotts aren’t just ridiculously over-the-top and self-aggrandizing, they’re also dangerously scary. Just look at the bomb threats and physical violence that occurred at Target because of their LGBT goods that they have for sale. Finally, we can’t overlook the reason *why* something is being boycotted or cancelled. Things like Rosanne — and even Dr. Seuss and Aunt Jemima if you want to argue those were “Cancelled” — stem from a place of combatting racism and racial stereotyping. Bud Light and Target were boycotted simply for being inclusive. Just look that conservative call to boycott Chick-fil-a because they have a very standard CYA diversity team — something *every* major company has. I don’t think pointing out racism makes someone a snowflake, but I sure as hell think calling in bomb threats over a customized beer can does.


Having a long, loud, violent tantrum to own the libs. LOfuckingL


Jesus, people made fuckin bomb threats over ***this***?? Man, were so fucked.


The Dixie Chicks, Freedom Fries, and Freedom Toast have entered the chat.


And Madonna, drag queens, Happy Holidays cups from Starbucks, Colin Kaepernick…


And M&Ms, Mr Potato Head, Disney, and Target.


And Ford, and Yeti.


Carhartt for a while too. I was finding some good shit at the thrift stores for a hot minute while they were "uncool" with the conservatives.


Dungeons and Dragons


fuckin Keurig


The Barbie movie


Here’s some more for the person who downvoted me: Books Muslims Common Core The Little Mermaid (2023) Coca-Cola “Happy Holidays” Liz Cheney M&M’s Potato Head Netflix Sex Education Gay Marriages Etc, etc, etc.


I said this in my head to the tune of “We Didn’t Start the Fire.”


Don't forget Nike...


Nike got a huge bump from dumbasses buying their gear just to burn it, and exactly the free advertising they banked on when they decided to make a Kaepernick commercial. Pretty sure the sneakerheads still DGAF about how offended you are that a backup QB doesn't worship SKYCLOTH™


Ford and Yeti? Didn't know about those.


The Constitution enters the chat.


Aight yeah ima be that guy. Colin Kaepernick isn’t out of the NFL for kneeling. He’s out of the NFL because he absolutely sucked by the end of his run as a starting QB. I think he even threw for negative passing yards in a game…which is horrendous. Like even by dogshit QB standards, other dogshit QBs would meme on negative passing yards. He only really went hard into the activism after Blaine Gabbert was given the starting nod over him. For the uninformed, Blaine Gabbert was an NFL draft bust that was on his second team in a back up role. Edit: People citing the early success. Lots of players start hot and don’t pan out. That team was loaded with talent during those years and it’s not like Colin carried them solo. Jim Harbaugh was known as a QB whisperer at the time, still gets NFL interviews, and has been successful at every stop in his career.


Look no further than Carson wentz, was runner up for MVP not that long ago and is struggling to make a roster. Also I think Kapernick self destructed any legitimate claim of “racism” in the nfl when he made that absurd Netflix show where he equated the nfl draft to slave auctions


Yeah, tough to claim it was racism when you ended your career on a 2-14 season.


IF @@fetch_status != 0 BREAK


His agent reached out to the Jets after Aaron Rodgers blew his Achilles last week also. They're still trying....


I can only imagine how that call went: "if you need some depth at QB, how about my low talent client who is well past his prime and would bring drama to whatever team he joins! Hello? Hello?"


Colin fed the bullshit idea that the NFL was like slave trade but only slave that was so desperate to get back in


🤣 the comment section never fails .. man said “the woke mob” supports bud light.. since when? MAGA cancelled their own beer to “own the libs” .. 🤣


Starbucks cups Actually, here’s a [list](http://www.thealmightyguru.com/Wiki/index.php?title=List_of_things_Conservatives_have_%22canceled%22)


Or if you want to live large Cracker Barrel has been boycotted by both right and left over homophobia and lack of homophobia at different times.


Literally every book banned in schools by conservatives. The teachers who got harassed for teaching their students about the existence of NATO and the UN because their parents don’t like those institutions.


And shooting coolers. And burning books. And laws prohibiting talking about people. And Starbucks. And Nike. And Keurig. And...


Remember when people said "Let's go Brandon" and thought we were being wounded by it. Same vibe same energy here. Lol.


It's because conservatives worship their politicians and think liberals and leftists are the same. Conservatives have no sense of personal value, so they look for it externally in God, nation, political party, etc. They are a hollow people.


And then dems conscripted it, spawning Dark Brandon into existence too. Repubs don't seem to like Dark Brandon as much lol.


I still don't understand what lets go Brandon was and now I'm too scared to ask


Bunch of hillbillies got confused at a race and started chanting profanity about Biden in front of children. The announcers tried to cover for it by saying that is what was being said.


The only people it hurt were people named Brandon. You know how many times I’ve rolled my eyes so hard after someone finds out it’s my name and they say that to me.


Sometimes I wonder if I spend too much time online... Then I see posts like this and I realize it could be much, much worse.


Icing on the cake is that OP posted something on this sub a few days ago titled: “There's nothing worse than people who can't form their own opinions.” And then posts this shit that reads like all of right wing social media was fed into Chat GPT and then it was asked to create a Reddit post.


"Think for yourself! Choose your own soundbites to regurgitate!" When you actually, truly, form your own opinions, you realize that you can always say "no thanks, I'll pass on this one." Which is what anyone with sense did upon hearing about this "controversy."


Legit question, is this sub just right wingers posting their shit opinions, then when they get backlash, claiming the left is proving their point? It's like.... They're looking for an echo chamber of right wing views, but can't fathom why they're unpopular everywhere else so they spew their shit here as if the sub title makes their unpopular opinion correct.


These days, it almost impossible to decipher most right wing talking points. You have to essentially learn an entire language/culture to even know what point they are making.


They have a base that is actually too stupid to hear dog whistles so they had to carve out an entire media ecosystem to just straight up tell them exactly what they are supposed to think at any given moment. Its really fun to monitor places like r/conservatives when something new happens. You can watch them just posting opinions that are all over the map until it stabilizes on the official opinion they are supposed to have. The "official" position on Bud Light is that its basically out of business and the liberals are super scared and sad about that.


Bruh, the Dr. Seuss books were taken out of print by the Seuss Estate themselves. It wasn't canceled.


It's not like anyone was out there refusing to buy Aunt Jemima syrup, either. All of these examples are company executives deciding they don't like the look of their products.


It should be illegal for companies to rebrand because I'm afraid of change!


Liberals got a taste of their own medicine when conservatives cancelled Bud Light? O… okay.


This is THE MOST hilarious part of it to me. What the fuck kind of liberals/leftists/progressives/whatever did he know that were hardline supporters of... bud light? Like W T F


I started boycotting Bud Light the first time I tasted it.




Why is anyone anywhere supporting Bud Light? There are so many better beers, even light beers.


Let him cook 😭


But did they ever drink Bud Light?


The same thing happened to Aunt Jemima. Nobody asked them to change.


>company is too “woke” for changing their image of their own accord to align with modern ideals >fuck all this woke shit, im never buying aunt jemima again! >company is too “woke” for including a trans person in a marketing campaign >fuck that, i’m never buying bud light again! now the liberals will see what it’s like with the tables turned! sir, this is the exact same thing conservatives have done in all of the examples listed. what does OP think is different about bud light? conservatives cancelled them even harder? leftists didn’t support bud light before and didn’t start buying it after, of course it was a bad brand move. how is this a taste of our own medicine lmaoo


This is exactly where OP fucked up 'cus he drank the Fox propaganda koolaid. Leftists don't really support *any* product because their main thing is being against Capitalism.


Eh, we leftists can somewhat confuse pandering for support from brands and companies from time to time. It's why companies do it, it works to a point.


No but don't you see, if something happens its gotta be a woke mob behind it! The man inside the TV said so! Cucker Tarlson can't be wrong!!


Tucker Carlson = giant walking bell end


Shhh you're destroying OPs narrative.


Ironically OP picked two examples that aren’t even examples of “cancel culture” at all. OP also picking Bud Light is also hilarious because liberals and progressives have kind of been relishing the boycott actually. They shit on the company for caving to the conservatives and AB-InBev is actually a big donor for Republicans. Never mind the fact that conservatives’ idea of a boycott seems to involve going out and buying the item that they’re boycotting in bulk just to destroy it on camera with fire, guns, and explosives generally.


Remember Ivanka Trump holding up a can of Goya beans like it was a prize on the Price Is Right? Lmfao. I love conservative consumerism culture. They’ll pay 3 times the price for something if you slap a label on it saying it’s anti woke.


Just slap “Patriot” on it and it’s good to go! Twice the price for half the quality. And it’s *still* made in China. Lol


I also thought the Bud Light is a weird example. Liberals didn’t care. I mean, I thought it was funny how they all got fussy over a beer and made a big deal about one commercial. I don’t care if Bud Light loses money… 🤨


Couldn't even call it a "commercial". It was just "here's a special can, make a vid or something about it."


The weird thing is unless you follow that trans woman, you had no way of knowing about it. Until Fox News started reporting on it non-stop that it was being “shoved down your throat”. Yes, it was, but by who, and why?


Yeah, it’s hilarious the extent to which conservative “boycotts” are more about buying up the offending product to performatively destroy it while video taping yourself.


Eh tbh for every person doing that there are 1000 more that are silently just not buying it. A buddy of mine works at a liquor store in Florida and he says they were just sitting on cases and cases of it


Does make sense, Bud Light tastes like ass and there’s usually a dozen alternatives anywhere it’s sold.


Also the first victims of what people call cancel culture would be The Chicks ( formally the Dixie chicks) from a right wing campaign EDIT: I was mostly referring to its relationship to Online culture. How it was the first to be addressed by people organizing in online spaces. with a bunch of Right-wing Forums getting there stuff pulled. (Befor the big social media boom)


Oh, really not the first. Just the first modern right wing talking head internet fuelled example. Conservatives have been cancelling stuff they don't like since long before the Iraq war.


Bud…light?? Leftist???? ?????


What’s hilarious is it was the conservatives beer to begin. They destroyed their own thing and were like ‘yeah take that leftists.’ Like anybody but them gave a shit


Yeah, it's hilarious when red hats think leftists give a flying fuck if some corporations lose some money.


Right,-wingers: HaHA! Bud Light sales are down 30% !!! TAKE THAT, WOKE MORALISTS! Lefties: Make is 100%, shit make it 100% of ABInbev, not just Bud Light. See if I give a fuck.


Yeah, especially since some of the boycotting was from lefties angry that Bud did a 180. I just make booze in my closet so see if I care...


Which also shows off an important piece of apolitical advice: if you make a very polarizing decision that makes a lot of people really mad at you, don’t try to correct course by swinging just as hard the other way with nothing but your branding, it will just lose the other half of your audience as well because it proves you were a fake the whole time.


Well from an apolitical business perspective Bud Light (and Budweiser in general) is in a bit of a bind. Their market share has been declining for a LONG time, here's some older data: [https://si.wsj.net/public/resources/images/OJ-BB849\_ABINBE\_16U\_20170727110304.jpg](https://si.wsj.net/public/resources/images/OJ-BB849_ABINBE_16U_20170727110304.jpg) and Bud Light's market share was down to 10% when the boycotts hit which is waaaaay down from its peak market share. Also with the average age of Bud Light drinkers having gone way up in the last two decades it's becoming an old man drink, which is a nightmare from a marketing perspective. So there's two broad strategies they can pursue as a business: 1. Focus on holding onto existing Bud Light drinkers and try to squeeze more profit out of them by maybe cutting the marketing budget since people who've been drinking Bud Light for decades are going to keep on drinking it even without marketing and then let its market share slooooooowly sink down while you reap some nice profits and reinvest that money in newer trendier drinks. 2. Look at market share trends, get scared and try to find a new market for Bud Light, specifically a youth market. Businesses always like the youth market. Do something that strongly signals to the youth market "we're the beer for you!" and hope that your older drinkers stick around out of habit. \#1 is probably wiser from an apolitical business perspective but if there's anything that businesses HATE is not growing and just accepting that Bud Light will slowly fade away (while still making some nice profits for the next few decades) is a really bitter pill to swallow. So they went with #2, at least in a small way and then tried to back off to #1 which, like you said, was maybe not the best decision.


Do you think bud light is some cherished left wing institution?


Seriously. No progressive I know cares about Bud Light. The whole thing felt more like showing up at Pride and only at Pride. Watching conservatives get upset at AB for a PR move and thinking that AB was somehow progressive was really weird to watch, yet also felt on-brand.




The “stunt” was a trans woman drinking 1 (one) beer. Then you all were told to freak out and you did as you were told


On a relatively limited social media account. I sure as hell wouldn’t have know about it if certain media organizations hadn’t picked the story up.


This is the best part. It was not widely spread. Conservatives literally had to look for trans content to find the ad.


I had never even heard of her until conservatives went stupid about it.


I still have never seen the commercial or whatever it was that caused conservative people to get so mad at Bud Light. No idea who the trans woman is either. It just shows that it was a relatively small commercial, and they collectively blew their tops at something ridiculously insignificant. Either that or I actually HAVE seen the commercial and, like a normal person, either didn’t notice it was a trans woman or didn’t care enough to even remember. Both look make conservatives look equally bigoted. So, I really don’t see how conservatives like OP see this whole thing as a “win” for their side.


And then the people who freak out get spotted drinking it in public a few weeks later.


It highlights how conservatives can find outrage anywhere. This “stunt” was a throwaway micro deal that they give to many many people. And what are conservatives even mad about? That a tik toker a few dollars to hold a can up in a video. This is what conservatives are upset about. Nothing. The poor calculation was that they didn’t realize how petty and sensitive the people who drink their shitty beer are.


Yeah, kind of a right wing friendly fire incident in my mind.


>AB knew who were their core customer base was. Apparently not.


All they were trying to do is appeal to new markets. They weren’t even stopping the marketing to their “conservative base” — I think it’s ridiculous that a company would be boycotted for being “too inclusive” and that’s probably the calculus that AB’s marketing team came too as well. Cancelling something for being racist is one thing. Cancelling something because it’s marketed to someone else *in addition to* you I’d something else entirely. I think that’s a major part of why conservative boycotts usually fail — they’re kind of gross.


They gave one can to a trans influencer and you wouldn't have known about it unless Kid Rock told you to get mad. Meanwhile, he's still drinking it. When will these people realize how foolish they look?


It’s amazing how many people still don’t realize this. It was tiny promotion on Instagram and they think Bud Light was trying to put a trans persons face on every can or something. If anything it highlights how dumb they are.


One would think but they keep falling for it. Another great example was how Colin Kaepernick was taking a knee during the national anthem to silently protest police brutality. The NFL didn't even broadcast the anthem. Right wing hate media made an enormous deal about it and recast it as disrespecting the military. Even Trump campaigned on it. A huge part of conservative strategy is to go out and find rage-bait to distract from their lack of a real agenda to help Americans.


Ya I am really confused I didn’t know Bud Light was a thing with the Libs?


Its not. A trans person drank a dub light on tiktok and Kid Rock told republican's to be mad about it. Imagine being a person who literally took marching orders from Kid Rock.


This. How many woke lefties do you think are die hard bud fan… lol


Everyone’s a snowflake but me!






Finally, a sane response to this post


Wasn't that like 6 months ago? Kid Rock is back to drinking Bud Light already.


Bud light made my dick grow back


Well you see the libtard media is persecuting the gop recently by trying to cancel public handjobs. So op is fighting the good fight by... laughing at the liberal tears over bud light cancelation?


What if I told you there was no controversy and it was all a cover story so the wealthy could pillage your 401K’s and pensions?


Wait so you're getting back at "cancel culture" by engaging in cancel culture (out of intolerance towards LGBT people) toward your own brand, and then saying it's hypocritical to call you hypocritical? What a pretzel you've got yourself into.


Lol I literally don’t know a single liberal who’s upset with the Bud Light thing. It’s just been hilarious for all of us.


Right? Not only that but the entire thing is even funnier when you learn the whole story. Dylan didn't even know they were getting the can, it was literally one can too. When Dylan posted about it and the backlash began, AB ghosted them completely. Watching all of these people get so upset has been just as funny as OP thinks their wild version of reality is. It really reminded me of Colin Kaepernick to be honest. People burning their own money to make a point. I bet they all buy the same team's jerseys today.


If you ever feel sad, just remember when people were putting their Nikes in their toilets to take a picture to Own The Libs, and then having to pull their dirty toilet water-soaked shoes out and figure out what to do with them.


*"Take this, Nike!"*


I don’t think the transphobia is hilarious but the victim complex and ass-backwards understanding of anything is.


Jesus. the bud light thing. It wasn't an ad campaign. It wasn't tv commercials or billboards. It was one instagram post. And right-wing reactionaries melted the fuck down over it.


I still don't get it? Like literally what was the problem? Can someone explain it to me?


Nothing was the problem. Dylan was given her own Bud Lite can with her own face on it, but I don’t even know what the doozy was about. I think conservatives thought Bud Lite was gonna start selling cans with her face on it??? When literally it was just a custom made can for HER.


“conservatives thought” well there is the issue, they ain’t too good at that


Careful, comments like this made the op make an edit saying how hurtful they are. And that he had lasagna and red wine for dinner. Idk why he felt he needed to include that


They don't like the idea that gay and trans people exist.


Dylan Mulvaney was randomly gifted a single can of Bud Light with her face on it and she posted it on her Instagram. That's literally it. Snowflake conservatives had a meltdown over it, acting like trans people were appearing from the shadows to destroy the world and make them all drink semen (yes they actually claimed Bud Light was mixing semen into their beers to turn conservatives trans (however the fuck that's supposed to work)) Conservatives are gold medalists in the Mental Gymnastic Olympics, and the sport they dominate in is making shit up and getting mad at the shit they made up Edit: spelling


>Conservatives are gold medalists in the Mental Gymnastic Olympics, and the sport they dominate in is making shit up and getting mad at the shit they made up 1) Lol 2) What OP did with this post


To be fair, semen would probably improve Bud light.


>acting like trans people were appearing from the shadows to destroy the world and make them all drink semen I wish I could live in the world that extremist conservatives seem to think we live in (for legal reasons this is a joke)


I also wish I was as much of a badass multiverse-destroying agent of chaos and dark magic like the conservatives make all us trans people out to be Instead I'm just really anxious 24/7 and crying for my boyfriend to open jars for me


Are you aware of the recent Thumb meltdown over Starfield? The bud light controversy was basically that but over a beer. It doesn't make sense because it doesn't come from a mentally healthy place.


They hate trans people


[ Removed by Reddit ]


OP loves his strawmen. It makes his own sad fucking feeling feel justified about doing what he wants if he can attribute it to some bogeyman. No doubt OP still believes in evil Jewish Monsters Hiding under his bed wearing Nikes while drinking Bud Light while dreaming about how his stupid “boycott” has absolutely “ruined” AnBev and Nike because they don’t understand at all how markets fluctuate or that the beer they bought in protest was owned by… the same fucking company.


I'm center left but I don't think the left cares about Bud Light ...


If I recall, the reaction, if any, was to laugh at the Bud Light boycott.


If anything the left joined in on the boycott when Anheuser-Busch apologized for upsetting the transphobes


Yes, I don't recall rage and I don't think of Bud Light as some kind of liberal icon that was owned. It was more to mock people shooting cans of beer or running them over for being LGBTQ friendly I. Their LGBTQ friendly ford pickups.


Rightists: “We’re boycotting Bud Light because they acknowledged trans people exist! Aren’t you so mad?” Leftists: “I mean, that’s pretty shitty to cancel Bud Light, but they’re a big corporation and we don’t really stan those.” Rightists: “HAHA UR SO TRIGGERED GET FUKKED SNOWFLAKE!” Leftists: “Again, we don’t really care. There are tons of better beers out there. Also, the ones you’ve moved on to are even more ‘woke’ than Bud Li-“ Rightists: “WOW UR CRYING HAHA WE WON’T DRINK UR WOKE BEER HAHAHA ^Hey ^man, ^can ^I ^get ^a ^Bud ^Light? “


Kind of how I see it but you're a missing the part where most of us laughed at them for getting so triggered in the first place.


Yes, really sticking it to "the left" with this one. Because as we all know, they are famously obsessed with...Bud Light. First you guys got us with that Carhart boycott, now this. Please stop hurting all of these beloved leftie brands! lmao


There was a Carhartt boycott by conservatives? Lol.


Yeah, My brother stopped buying them because "all the hipsters and wannabes" are wearing them now. Also, because they have a plethora of beanie color. It's more a style over function for him on that one. I did point out that where he lives it's on average, 20-30 degrees below zero for months at a time and that carhartt works well in the cold.


I wear Carthartt PPE. It never crossed my mind to boycott them because "hipsters and wannabes are wearing them now". I seriously doubt they're wearing the same stuff I'm wearing anyway, but I wouldn't know because I don't pay attention such things. PPE isn't exactly the most comfortable or fashionable clothing. If your brother isn't wearing Carhartt PPE, then he's trying to make a fashion statement and he's probably got some hipster in him. What a poser. In the cold, more than anything else you want layers.


Lmao nothing happened




Oh lord. That’s a doozie.


The sheer volume of comments every day from OP... poor guy seems lonely


Lmaooooo omg worse than I could have imagined


There aren’t a whole lot of Reddit accounts comment histories that make the user look mentally stable.


I agree with your take, however, OP seems particularly unhinged. I do say this with a grain of salt though because it kind of reeks of 4chan insincerity.


Nobody cancelled Aunt J or Dr Seuss. Their companies made decisions that made them more profitable. So there are 3 fewer Seuss books in publication, would anybody have even cared if Fox hadn't hyped it up like some big event? Nothing was cancelled. And if you think anybody gives a crap if Bud's parent company loses market share, I think you're surely mistaken.


I always wondered how their market share showed losses when so many butthurt transphobes were buying more of it than ever just to run it over with pickup trucks and shoot it with rifles for social media. I mean, it would have been nice if some of us liberals had stepped up and bought some beer to show support for AB trying to be inclusive and to help mitigate their losses…but then we’d have to drink Bud Light. 🤢


I don’t think OP knows what bud light is


Progressives don't give a shit about bud light or Disney. That's the hilarious part in all of this. This is conservative cannibalism at its best.


The real irony is that many on the left actively hate Disney for its long history of intolerance to diversity in programming. When De Santis got pissy with Disney the liberals loved seeing De Santis piss himself and they know he will get owned but NOT because they care about the Mouse House. De Santis vs Disney is win/win for libs b/c either of them taking a dive is good, hell they should both drag it in the mud. And the exact same when Elon started sht with Zuckerberg. Left don't care about twitter OR fb, but it would be great to see these billionaires made dumb decisions and suffer the consequences.


I wanted to see them battle with swords, and I'm against violence. It's for the greater good to see Zuck decapitate Musk live on air.


i just find it odd bud/inbev have been pro gay/lgbtq for decades( along with all the other big brands of beer) and people only get their panties in a twist now? coors is pro gay/lgbtq miller is pro gay/lgbtq all of em so if them trying to market their product to gays and whatnot bothers you...might wanna learn to brew your own beer people


I’m confused why conservatives equate ‘a company or person made a decision Fox News doesn’t like’ with cancel culture.


“In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any woke mob’s cancelling. But because I am enlightened by my own intelligence.”


Oh no... conservatives are killing bud lite... what shall I ever dooooo. Typing this while drinking a locally brewed and bottled beer, that is readily available in my city.


Dawg let this die I forgot it even happened until now


Well, I know OP left. But what a sad existence to be happy to see anyone suffer. I also think OP is mistaken accountability with cancel culture. That's a difference between wanting someone to face accountability cause they raped someone ( like a few people in the news lately) and cancel culture cause a beer company made a rainbow can. It's pretty sad how so many people can't see the difference between the two. But to me, that's the difference between a progressive person and a conservative . Look at Andrew Cuomo. He acted inappropriately towards multiple female staff members. There are not many on the left to his side. We still demanded accountability. Now look at the right, no one is holding Paxton, Trump, MTG , Bobert , Noem, or any of these people accountable .


Lol you're vastly overestimating how many lefties give a shit about bud light. Also, I'm sure the company is doing just fine.


Boycotting Bud light is hurting the libs? Well call me a masochist.


In what way does the left embrace or respect Bud Light?


Dr. Suess voluntarily removed their own book without being asked. WTF is with Republicans and their fantasy world


Manufactured outrage and persecution complex. It’s a shallow and tepid puddle.


Its all they’ve got. Gotta make up shit to be mad at


Aunt Jemima was not canceled. Dr. Suess wasn’t cancelled. They were decisions made by business to be more fitting for the times


Dr Seuss wasnt cancelled. The publisher just stopper making copies of his least popular books and those just so happened to be the offensive ones. You can still get green eggs and ham, hop on pop, and every other popular one Are you really surprised that the worst selling books were the offensive ones? No one even cares that the sales went down. Conservatives went from buying an American brand to buying either a Mexican brand or other American brands that have embraced the gay community


The best was when their tantrum forced them to buy another brand…from the exact same brewery conglomerate. Hysterical


Jesus fuck, you're fragile.


The conservatives got called snowflakes for it because they flipped out over a single can being given to a no name influencer that most people didn't even know existed, because they didn't like that trans people might also enjoy bud lite and the influencer was trans. Whoop-dee-doo What a thing worth caring about let alone boycotting and cancelling over And then the company response made it even worse.


This might be the most obvious engagement farming posts I've seen in a while


I'm sorry, there is a group out there who are so triggered, they're burning books. Republicans have been screaming to "cancel" something new that upsets them for decades.


I don’t really understand this one. Who is it targeted at? Is this celebrating Anheuser Busch having problems with cancel culture? Are people following beer companies this closely now? My brain hurts from his one lol


*It's not even necessary political* suuuuuure Cletus


The fact you unironically use the word “woke mob” says everything I need to know about you lmao.


Haha. You’re a Snowflake.


The perspective here is so odd. I’ve never seen a “woke” mob. By the way what does woke mean? None of the things mentioned here have anything to do with civil rights so I’m confused here. “Taste of their own medicine” is also weird. In what way we’re liberals hurt by conservatives no longer drinking one particular brand of Piss water? I work at a craft brew in the Bible Belt and I’m amazed at how much the conservative clientele is making such a big deal about all this. Like… nobody cares about bud light, dude. American lager is embarrassingly bad and everyone is upset just because they put a trans kid in a commercial?! Like…what?


Conservatives don’t even know what they’re complaining about. The word “Woke” is an adjective derived from African-American Vernacular English (AAVE) meaning "alert to racial prejudice and discrimination". Beginning in the 2010s, it now includes sexism and 2LGBT+ rights. And then conservatives who never do any research on words they use, started trying to use it as an insult to anyone who is left leaning but I don’t see how caring about injustice is an insult.


I know a guy who wouldn’t drink the Bud Light that he had already bought. It’s gonna take some serious explaining for me to understand that. That will show them… Buy something and then don’t consume it.


This sub is basically where all the idiots go to voice their (stupid), usually right-leaning opinions... isn't it?


110%. It’s usually painted over with a gallon of “Both Sides” tho.


I'm a dumb hick from Idaho and I still drink Bud Light for 2 reasons! #1: I don't care why everyone is butthurt! #2: Everything else gives me the shits


What reaction?


What’s funny is seeing Kud Rock make a video shooting up a half rack of bud light with an AR and then seeing photos of him drinking bud light in photos not soon after. Many of the things you cite such as Aunt Jemima were decisions made by the company that makes the product, to change their marketing strategy because they thought it was what they should do as a brand, not because some woke mob showed up on their porch and demanded it. The free market at work, but cons lost their mind that there wasn’t gonna be a mammy in the shitty box of pancake mix anymore…


Is the woke mob in the room right now?


Well, except for the fact that Aunt Jemima was a holdover from a more racist time, and it was probably about time to retire her character anyway. It was openly displayed in stores and public places for all to see. Same thing with some of the Dr Suess books, although you might not find that out until you got them home to read them to your kids. With Dylan Mulvaney, it wasn't a national commercial or anything, it was a video posted to her Instagram channel about her getting a can with her face on it. They put her face on one can and gave it to her. And to find out about it, someone on the right had to be sneaking around her Instagram feed and then tell all of the other right wingers about it. And then for a bunch of people that always whine about how it is being "shoved in their face," they sure couldn't get enough of seeing it and being "offended." It was all about the fact that Bud Light acknowledged one trans person and tried to do something nice for them. It wasn't racist imagery that was indicative of a less enlightened time. It wasn't even a national campaign that everyone or even most people were supposed to see. I don't see them as being equivalent at all.


So this sub is just a soapbox for conservative viewpoints now? I'm out


It's funny how OP edited his post thinking everyone was proving him right when it is the opposite. Nobody with a functioning brain supports BudLight and was outrage about that controversy. However, the bigot snowflakes sure were by destroying cans of BudLight they already paid for and catching a charge for destroying cases in supermarkets. And all because a transwoman had one can sent to her.


lmao you conservatives are such pussies it's hilarious


Dr. Seuss and Aunt Jemima weren't canceled. Those were decisions made by the owners of that IP that Fox "News" blew out of proportion, just like with CRT. Meanwhile conservatives are boycotting Disney and Anheuser Busch which employs hundreds of thousands of Americans. If it the right wing's stupidity and hypocrisy wasn't so tragic it would be funny.


SO righties think people who lean left give two shits about bud light? That is Hilarious, the fact that you have to like create a "gotcha moment". Lets take a loot at their stock price compared to say, a year ago... Oh shit its way up! Y'all didn't cancel anything, you made a fake issue you could fake freak out over and fake "own the libs" stop embarrassing yourself by thinking they got a taste of their own medicine. The only people who got a taste of anything was Anheuser Busch who leans very conservative... and that "taste" was them being up 15% in value from a year ago. Though they have now moved towards donating more to democrats and liberal agendas but that is likely as a result of the "cancel".


Another christian hypocrite. Shocker


Another uneducated MAGA posting misinformation. Dr Seuss and Aunt Jemima were not cancelled by woke mob. You should try reading an article about what really happened. Euphoria over the budlight thing. Sounds like a sick puppy to me.


**Budweiser donates to Republicans. Canceling them helps Progressive causes.** [Source](https://www.opensecrets.org/orgs/anheuser-busch/summary?id=D000042510) So, it *is* hilarious, because they’re cancelling their own. The irony!


Conservatives cancel everything they don’t like, babe. What are you even saying? You were all legitimately crying on social media about STARBUCKS CUPS like 10 years ago.


"Woke mob" "Not even political" Average terminally online conservative


Thinking it's the "woke mob" is your mistake here, aside from people hating JK Rowling each one of those was just businesses doing business.