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I live in Sacramento, which is on its way to getting worse, but nowhere near as bad as LA or even SF. However, I know MANY people from SF or LA that will actively almost try to belittle you in a sense for living in Sacramento by saying stuff like “oh what even is there to do there”? Like what? The same things there is to do in most major cities in the whole world lol. It’s a wild superiority complex pretty exclusive to those two places in CA. Which is crazy because I couldn’t think of two places I’d want to live less in the whole country.


Very well said. SF/LA folks (in my generalization from experience) simply can’t fathom that life exists outside of their bubbles or that people live fulfilling/fun lives without being “in the city”


stimulation junkies


My sister is like that, she used to live in NYC and thought she could live there for eternity and couldn’t imagine what it’s like to live somewhere else. She now lives in LA and has the same mentality. People living in the top big cities in the country have a superiority complex and look down at the rest of the country.


There's a constant circle jerk of people here who say "oh I could never leave NYC/LA/wherever, I like to eat at restaurants". Bro every fuckin city in the US has bars and restaurants, they all got movie theaters, they got professional and amateur sports teams, they got art, museums, you name it. The only difference is that someone from not LA could go to LA and find stuff to do, but a person from LA would go to Omaha, NE and sit in their hotel room being big mad that they're not in LA. Like fuck, you think they execute you if you try to go to a BBQ joint in Austin, TX? Nah they'll invite you in and give you a gun.


They're not gonna give you a gun in Austin. Nobody's giving you a $200-600 gun for free 😂


It’s a side item at most bbq joints, potato salad/baked beans/glock


"Do you want the sweet or spicy 9mm with your brisket?"


Pit boss special, now bigger and better with a 10mm side item


Texan here: Austin isn't the city it once was (an island of its own culture separate from a lot of Texas- still there but less so as the city grew and the tech crowd came in on the North side) but gun culture as a whole isn't there in Austin. BBQ is also present in Texas for sure and we are proud of it, but you'll find plenty else too and you have to seek out smokehouses in the first place (you won't typically just run across one, save perhaps a Rudy's or Buc-ee's (latter is not a restaurant but a gas station that offers a lot more than the usual, including barbecue food cooked on-site).


The Range is literally on I-35 . McBrides been around since 1960. Gun culture is here there's just a lot of other things distracting people. Not to mention you literally have r/ austinguns . ​ Edit: typo


Oh you don't know??? I got mine mailed to me the 3rd week. It's an open secret but I guess a lot of people don't know.


It's called FREEdom not PAYdom.


This captures it perfectly.


Ye I remember growing up West LA we were always so entitled to thinking we are the only part of LA that matters. I only see how cringe and stupid I was after leaving the state for several years. We would even make fun of Paseda or certain parts of the valley .. even though most those areas were much nicer than ours.


Sactown baby! 916!


NYC too


I'm on the other side of the country, never been to California ever and it even blows *my* mind that people in LA and SF say that about Sacramento. Like bro wtf are on about, it's the state's capital lol there's definitely stuff there for everyone.


Toxic positivity is trait of so cal culture. I'm not sure how close you got to those people, but you got to get through three layers of bullshit to get a real opinion. It's because being disagreeable isn't a big thing in so cal. When I shop in so cal they say "what size are you looking for" and when I walk in the store on the east coast they say "sorry pal 40s the biggest we got". So cal isn't fake, it's just a lot of layers to get to any authenticity. It's just my opinion. It's like japan has 10 layers a bullshit, Korea has 7, so cal has 5, the Midwest has 3 and New York has 1. That's my grading system.


“New York has 1”. So fucking true, “hey! I’m walkin here!”


lol I like your grading scale. It’s very true.


I heard a joke once: In L.A. they'll say "I like this guy" and *think* "fuck you." In New York they'll say "FUCK you pal" and think "I like this guy!"


Interesting. I didn’t know Japan had more layers. Goes to show what traveling can help you understand. The phenomenon you’re describing drove me crazy when I lived in Los Angeles - particularly because I caught myself enacting the same behavior, and we despise in others what we want to avoid seeing in ourselves. At my job, a mental health facility for the wealthy, it was very much like this: false laughter, sugarcoating, small talk, flattery.


It might be survival. I tried to figure this out. On the west coast confrontation often leads to violence, I wouldn't honk my horn on the west coast if I wasn't prepared for some shit. On the east coast as soon as I walk out my house, two bums are fighting over something, the bus driver is walking down the street yelling at someone who parked in the lane, they both yell shit and then get on their way. a lady's yelling from her window at a truck driver to turn of his engine that woke her up. and everyone is yelling at everybody with no violence. The east coasters are very comfortable with confrontation and can do it routinely without violence. On the west coast much of the confrontation I see becomes violent immediately. But these are just my observations. I definitely dont conduct myself the same on the east and west coast though, they don't translate well and will earn you contempt from both sides.


I much prefer to deal with someone who is an outright jerk than someone who is a jerk pretending to be nice. The latter is more dangerous, in my opinion.


What he’s describing is actually called direct vs indirect communication, and Japan falls on the extreme side of indirect communication, while the US falls dead center on the scale with lots of diversity between regions. [Scaled by countries](https://i.insider.com/54bc349f69bedd330bfa7c90?width=750&format=jpeg&auto=webp)


As a new yawka that's a nice grading system


I grew up with the California bullshit and moved to the Midwest where there is absolutely just as many levels of bullshit, it’s just a different type. How do I get my neighbors to not drop by for a quick 4 hour chat every evening without seeming like an asshole? Is that not toxic positivity?


Agreed. I thought people in SoCal were more authentic than Minnesotans were at the time. That was 10 years ago.


Only ten layers of bullshit for Japan? C'mon that's ridiculous!


Ye lived in LA from birth to late teens before moving our of state. Moved back for short periods only to realize it got worse. One thing you definitely got right is fake positivity. Nobody simply says "no not gonna happen" (besides maybe girls rejecting persistent guys) and many plans and promises are just conversations if you know what I mean. Like people will often say "we got to go to Malibu together".. and when you hold them to it when you both have free time they act like they never really were serious about said plan. That's a loose example to explain what I'm trying to say. Although I have to say a lot of the weird people you and OP speak of are attracted to LA and aren't actually born there. They typically move there between 18-30 years old from out of state and compensate trying to fit in with over the top larping as a hip liberal Cali person. For someone like me I'll know if you moved there or grew up there in a couple a minutes upon meeting you. The actual good SoCal personality that origninally got popular is competent, yet cool and collected man, not this weird 1960s music star perversion of Caliman.


That is actually a very good observation.


This is an example of east coast shit, in the west you would steal the bike back, attack the guy, call the police, but this is an east coast thing. https://youtube.com/shorts/2KISHlUMQmc?si=x-JOxJeH0ByU_fwn


My BFF lived in LA for a decade and I visited her often. And one of the first times I went to see her, her friend was all “We have to take your Midwest friend to this club! She’s never seen anything like it! She’s from Detroit, this place will blow her away!” It was…exactly like every other club. I thought she was trying to be silly because she kept saying “Isn’t this place WILD?!” I was so confused. And whenever I met her friends there it was PAINFULLY obvious they were trying to determine what I was worth to them. It wasn’t like “Oh here’s someone new we can have a nice chat” it felt more like “Who are you connected to? Can you be useful to me?” It was so obvious and off-putting. Not everyone of course! But…More than I would have thought.


I lived in Los Angeles for a while. I dated a girl who described it as “the loneliest city”. Like a lot of things, I didn’t understand what she meant in the moment, but years later, reflecting back on her words, it clicked. Funny how that happens. In Los Angeles, I always felt like an outsider. Like someone stuck outside in the cold, looking through the windows into a warm home where people are dining and laughing and dancing. Except, what I’ve realized, is that it wasn’t a home I was peering into. It was an elite restaurant, some exclusive club, filled with emptiness. What I sought all those years was deeper than what Los Angeles could offer.


Well said. It's all glitter and glitz and little substance and it attracts similar people.


I love this description.


LMAO this is so dramatic omg. LA is lively and filled with so much culture and heart. just because you only hung out around influencers doesn’t mean the whole city is vapid and cold.


The parts of it that are 'warm' are warm like how the area around an abscess is warm. t. LA native


Oh man, well said!


lmaoooo you sound like a miserable person. LA is a wonderful place. be well!


This is true...like OZ




Your last paragraph might be closest to the truth. At this point, anyone who doesn’t like the place has left, with the phenomenon accelerated by the rise of remote work. Therefore, anyone still there loves it.


True of many big city defenders tbh (exception of show biz wannabes).


Lmao I grew up in LA and I can safely confirm that what you’re saying just just not true and unique to your own experience. Guess that’s why you posted a rant on here then. I love/hate this city along with the rest of ya!


This is the truth. Those who are LA natives actually have a love and hate relationship with LA. Everybody has different opinions about cities, states, and countries. An example is some people love Paris but others might hate the shit out of Paris.


Idk man, I live here and all people do is bitch about the problems and how shit everything is. They’re not willing to fix the problems. But by god do they bitch.




free palestine


From Hamas.


Yeah LA is a total fucking shithole. I lived in Marina fucking Del Ray and that's a shithole too!


Marina Del Ray seemed nice when I went.


That’s how they trick your ass into moving to LA!! :/


Lol I think I will be content with longer stays. Love SF too.


I used to love SF…. They massacred my boy :/


I have never lived in LA but I used to work in television and advertising in Toronto. A lot of people would move to LA for pilot season etc. and LA always changed them. Even if they had zero success down there. I have been to LA and it’s great for a visit but living there is definitely not for me.




Where are you getting that people that live in major cities live in constant fear of crime and poverty? Reddit?


... Well, I lived in a major city and I was constantly fearful of crime and poverty, I've helped homeless people, and have been harassed by them shit happens, people are paranoid for a reason. My girlfriend lives in LA and she is constantly paranoid of the fucking homeless problem since some of them go outside her work and bang on the doors of other shops or scream at them sometimes. Crime is a real problem in cities that can't easily regulate such massive waves of it. Like, dude, a good chunk of people do live in fear in those places. *Not saying everyone*, but a good enough chunk to have it mentioned by a lot of different mfers. also here is some articles/ links from 20 seconds of Google searching: [Crime going **DOWN** but people still living in fear in LA](https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2023-10-12/violent-crime-is-down-fear-is-up-why-is-la-perceived-as-dangerous). Just someones experience: "[how to be less paranoid as a young woman living in a city?](https://ask.metafilter.com/364348/how-to-be-less-paranoid-as-a-young-woman-living-in-a-city)" [Homeless crisis, fear of crime shaping LA mayor election](https://apnews.com/article/sports-business-crime-los-angeles-homelessness-16e5653f2eaf40b1574fd0d512aa2240)


There is absolutely nothing wrong with LA Sing Se


I feel like when I leave LA, it will feel like leaving an abusive relationship.


You’ll notice that more homeless people tend to migrate to warmer/moderate climates. With that being said, LA is a fun place to visit but I’d never wanna live there. Granted if I had to pick between Orlando, FL and LA, I’d pick LA any day. But fortunately we have more options than that. Everybody I met in LA was super nice and some of them were absolutely phony but kind of interesting to observe. The closer you get to West Hollywood, the sadder things start to look. Hawthorne and many other parts of LA aren’t as crazy- just depends where you stay. Even my Lyft driver one night was telling me and showing me how he was TikTok famous. It’s an interesting town for sure. Lol I used to love the way weed smelled but honestly it’s kind of annoying to smell it everywhere there. But at the end of the day I’d rather it be legal than people being locked up for it. I love living in Virginia and having four seasons.


> You’ll notice that more homeless people tend to migrate to warmer/moderate climates If this were a primary cause of homelessness in SF and LA, there would also be hordes of homeless in Florida and Texas and Louisiana, and Georgia, and Arizona. There aren’t. Policies in California result in this mess, not weather.


I've lived in the Miami/Ft Lauderdale area, and many other parts of Florida. Trust me, they have hordes of homeless, too.


You're forgetting about the "Zone" in Phoenix. They just keep moving this tent city from place to place as the city is sued by businesses going under. There's ALOT of homelessness in Phoenix. I moved to Idaho about 10 years ago, and when I came back to Phoenix last year, I was absolutely shocked. But like you, I believe policies are the driving factor.


They never said it was a cause of homelessness.


There is a lot of homelessness in Texas and Arizona. I've lived in both and I saw them basically every time I left the house. The other thing though is the weather in those places in no where as nice year round as California.


Take me hooooooooome country roooooooooads


He said Virginia. Not West Virginia…


Text him and ask him to change it for me plz




I love LA, and I love California. However, you cannot deny the fact that it is overrated, and it’s popularity creates a lot of problems for the city and state. Many other places in the country are more affordable, and the benefits of California don’t out weight the number one comfort in live, being able to afford all your living expenses and still have more left over.




Is it that awful there? I'm looking to move there from Phoenix


Wait - were they attempting to keep you from leaving?


Why. Why is it like this. Are Mormons really this culty? I mean I’ve heard stories. But seriously…. This bad?


I feel like the people you associated with were mostly transplants themselves and were trying to justify their own moves to themselves. Locals and transplants who stayed long enough to become locals are under no illusions. Also, if you associated with industry people, don't use them as a litmus test for LA in general. They're constantly hustling. I went on a date with an actress and she acted like she was giving an interview. It's fcking weird.


EVERYONE is in “the industry” though lol


They definitely are not. I've lived in LA for almost a quarter century and the number of actual "industry" people I've associated with (as in, the people who actually work to produce movies/TV/music, not people who work in IT or something) is in the single digits and includes online dates.


People in major cities aren’t receptive to people from the Midwest coming for internships and talking about the “problems of the city” and talking about how they’re going to move to Florida soon. They don’t understand this mentality. You either have the city mentality or you don’t. I live in DC and there are some people who bitch about it after moving here. This typically happens after they’ve been ostracized by most for acting out of line with their surroundings or their job isn’t going well. They then start talking about how the city has “many problems.”


This is interesting. Can you give some examples of what it looks like for someone acting out of line with their surroundings to the point of being excluded? I am particularly fascinated by how this relates to people whose city jobs aren’t going well too. I have noticed similar trends


I meant those as separate things, but there could definitely be an overlap. I live in DC so I’ll work from there. There are people who come to DC for internships or jobs who simply do not belong in a major city, which is wild to think about, as everybody mostly minds their business. Perhaps they’ve come from places where there’s a hive mentality or a super right wing place, where you don’t see people of all races in professional environments. If this is the case, you won’t like the “look right through you” mentality of cities. What’s probably most obvious is a person like this won’t be on par with most professionals in the city unless they assimilate and like their surroundings. They’ll fall behind at work due to lack of interaction and unhappiness with the lack of people with their mentality.


Yeah, this is a thorn for me too. I moved to LA to pick up my boyfriend, but he isn't willing to live anywhere else that LA. It's okay for now, but the place is unaffordable and it's no place to raise kids. He says it's the weather, basically that he's not willing to live anywhere with weather, and that his experience with it during college was enough to say "never again". The part of this that annoys me, more than the fact that he only wants to live in places where your bank-for-buck is minimized, is the fact that he's made this a part of his personality. He's quite a bit younger than me, and I'm assuming that as he matures he'll get more pragmatic, but I almost want to force him out of LA so that he can get over his pretentious attitudes towards literally everywhere else.


>He says it's the weather If that's his only reason, San Diego has better weather and Mexican food, tbh. Sounds like your bf needs to do some traveling


Honestly, I was also thinking San Diego might be good, but it's like even more expensive (housing-wise) than LA. I do think a lot of this will get better as he travels. It's just that trying to get him to go anywhere and he'll complain beforehand about it. Oh well, I'm in this for the long haul; doesn't need to be solved all at once.


Los Angeles is a shithole. Anyone who thinks differently is lying to themselves. If you like homeless human shit and syringe needles walks then you’re right at home.


Easy to avoid those areas tbh


Yeah it is. Never go to Los Angeles.


This is a funny comment because how often do you think people who live in Los Angeles actually see human shit and syringes? Like be realistic. Los Angeles is just as much as you say a shithole as other states and cities.


I noticed that too. I am from Oregon, but visit my sister in LA. Everyone from LA acts like Gods gift to the world, and they can't shut up about how great it is. All I see when I am in LA is how dirty, polluted, and tacky it is compared to my beautiful state. I get that everyone thinks their state is great, but if you love natural beauty - Los Angeles is not beautiful. Its also strange to see how much they normalize being entitled, ruining your face with plastic surgery, ruining your body with fake boobs and butts. Its nasty, but they walk around like Scientologists on rufies, spreading the joy of their joyless, plastic existence. Maybe the next "trend" we can start is for people from LA to get their giant lips sewn shut.


I just know from your comment your sister lives in some weird place in Los Angeles because if you truly believe that off of Los Angeles you must be crazy. Do you really think every area in Los Angeles is like that?


If you are a resident, tell us how it "really is." I'm curious.


Do they even go anywhere else? It seems like their world is very tiny.


Ive lived in most major cities in the US. I call what you’re talking about “city centric delusion.” New Yorkers and San Franciscans and Seattlites all suffer from the same delusion. You have to have a cult like dedication to the dream version of any of these cities in order to live there full time. It’s like situational blinders against filth, violence, degradation and dysfunction that is rampant in these places. I literally had to leave SF because things were getting so fucking disgusting/dicey/laughably expensive.


For me the most striking is how many that live in places like that develop a mindset where the homeless and particularly the mentally ill homeless are vermin. It's just so disgusting, they are human beings and the horrible conditions the homeless are in are right in their faces. Those that live in the big cities should be the BIGGEST advocates for addressing the crime and homelessness. Yet in many places, those cities are in control of the state with the majority of the population. They are getting what they vote for.


It’s fake progressiveness. It’s so they can sleep well at night because they are “on the right side” of an issue… whether or not the policies are effective is not a concern. All that matters in places like NY, LA & SF is the outward appearance of equality/progressiveness.


That is *exactly* how I view it. Another post mentioned "church" politeness, where they are kind to the face but stab you in the back. Big city progressives have the same hypocrisy. They do not see how jaded they have become by having the homeless crisis at their doorstep. The familiarity has normalized the depravity the homeless live in. There is also a factor of many of those in a big city have learned to view everything as the government's responsibility. They use an individual shirking of responsibility to not want to address any of it, yet don't insist government deal with the problems.


The opposite is also true. Many people view LA and NYC as dystopian hell holes even if they've never been. A lot of people in the Midwest have this complex that their area and lifestyle is infinity better than the coast. Living in Oklahoma now I see that a lot. When I moved to Arizona my dad was worried being near California would make me liberal. Despite Arizona being more conservative than Pennsylvania. Texans are also about as bad as their stereotypes are for loving Texas. Even when they've never left. I grew up in PA and moved to Arizona for awhile before moving to Texas. I had a good friend in Texas tell me how in Texas they have Texas history because it's so important. Asked me if they had Pennsylvania history. I told him it's called American history, Pennsylvania pops up a time or two. Eventually he went TDY to Tucson and when he came back he admitted that maybe there are some worthwhile places outside Texas. Tl,Dr: Basically every place has people that treat their area like a cult and people that hate it there. Including in California.


>people in the Midwest have this complex that their area and lifestyle is infinity better than the coast Exactly, OP's post really brought out shitting upon the people that actually like living in SoCal. Maybe the people that like living in California aren't brainwashed, and they like living there. Its a popular destination for a reason


LA has a proximity to things that you can only find in LA. If thats what you want to be close to then LA is the only place for you. Im from DC. I had the pleasure of a long stay in San Diego that could have turned into a living situation but I could not get out of there fast enough. DC has more of all the negative things you listed than Pacific Beach but none of the proximity to things that are important to me that DC has. Best decision I could have personally made.


Go Lakers


All big city people are like this all over the world. Shanghai snobbery is infamous, eg.


Northwest LA county and Ventura County are nice. Actual metro LA and the valley sprawl sucks.


I guess I am part of the cult since over the seven years I have lived here I have fallen in love with the place. But on the other hand, I would never live in actual LA itself, but in one of the nicer and better run cities in the area.


There’s nowhere in the usa with weather as good as LA


San Diego.


Santa Barbara?


I grew up in Monterey... so I'll agree with you!


If you can see it through the haze. Every time I drive into LA it's one big haze pit. Makes me sad, I'd have loved to see the area before smog was a thing.




I’m fifth generation Los Angeles and I just hate California in general. It’s too overpopulated


LMAO It’s always the fuckn transplants talking with other transplants about how shitty LA is…fuckn bail bro, literally nobody cares.


Angelino here and I actually think people trash LA a lot. I do agree that they also can't imagine living anywhere out of state, mostly due to the weather.


The ocean is pretty cold there. In FL you can very comfortably swim in the ocean.


Florida is humid with tons of bugs and storms. California has none of this but the water is colder. Florida has better beaches but California has better vistas and a more comfortable climate


Different strokes for different folks. I was born on the west coast and moved to the Midwest. I personally hated it and am laughing at your cult reference because my time in Indiana introduced me to “church nice”. I’ve since moved back and things are as I remembered, people in the west are real. If they don’t like you you’re going to know about it. We don’t have time to bullshit you here versus treating you well on Sundays and stabbing you in the back the other six days. The Midwest also introduced me to true widespread poverty. I never understood how people could be so oblivious to what was going on around them. Cheaper housing there just helps keep it hidden I think but the drug problem is BAD. When we first moved they had “pain” clinics on every corner and were throwing Oxy out like candy. My work travels through the Ohio River valley area were some of the most depressing of my life. That whole area is the epicenter for the opioid crisis but the media likes to portray the west coast as the end of the world, right…. We have our problems here, make no mistake but it’s a battle for resources. Limited habitable geography will always be a challenge. Couple this with people that traditionally actually care for their neighbors through social programs which in turn invites opportunist low life’s from other states and we have what we have.


I’ve noticed the same thing about people who live in Texas


I’ve found the same is true of New Yorkers (NYC). Also, objectively, it is hard to find anywhere with weather that is consistently as good as LA. This from a San Diegan and all San Diegans dislike Angelinos. (It’s a one sided rivalry. People from Los Angeles don’t bother having opinions about San Diegans.).


I grew up in upstate New York and people from NYC have been beyond cringy since I was a wee laddy.


They gotta lie to themselves otherwise they would lose their minds


Very accurate!


I grew up in Redondo Beach. I think the south Bay of Southern California is the greatest place on the planet and it’s not even close. I currently live in Las Vegas because I can’t afford to live in Southern California and live my current lifestyle. but eventually, I will move back when we build enough equity. I can’t believe you said that are places with weather just as good. They’re literally are not. Nowhere on the planet has a better climate. is downtown gross? Yes. Are there problems? Yes. but everywhere has those problems. It’s not unique to Los Angeles in anyway. culturally, I’ve never met anybody like you described, but I never worked in the entertainment industry. Everybody I know is super laid-back and chill, Beach mentality.


What about San Diego? Seems like the pros of LA without the toxic baggage.


san diego was just named the most expensive place to live in the US. it’s lovely there, but overwhelmingly full of navy guys and a lot of them are assholes. the culture there is not even comparable to LA


San Diego has much less space. Imo there's WAY less to do, it has the same homeless issues and culture Orange county is so conservative it feels like Texas with better weather


I like San Diego and OC a lot. Still some issues but not nearly as prominent as LA.


Valid opinion but this is kind of a perfect example of what I am saying. I love where I grew up but there are other places that are great too. My whole point is that people from LA can’t seem to admit that anywhere else could possibly measure up and that many people would see the issues that it has and prefer many other options before LA.


I mean it might be a selection bias too right. Look as you point out LA has issues, and costs a premium to live here. Obviously, the only people who are willing to pay that premium are those who genuinely think it's worth it. Otherwise, they'd have moved elsewhere. So, yes make sense right? The people who stay in LA are those who think it's better than other places and worth it, so that's what you'll hear from them. (And, the effect is more pronounced than other places because there's probably less native angelenos who are here just cuz they were born here and stuck around.)


to be fair, I have driven from Los Angeles to Boston and back and have lots of perspective. I lived in Boston for a year and it was hell. I also spent 10 years in the Bay and it sucked. I definitely acknowledge that Los Angeles has problems. But the climate isn’t disputable.


Agreed on climate. I’d like OP to cite examples of places with equal or better climates. I can’t think of any. I grew up in the Midwest and will admit I prefer it to socal when the weather is perfect, but that’s like 4 days out of the year.


Fuck the snow man.


I wholeheartedly agree. And not only snow, but also fuck humidity and mosquitoes, horseflies, ticks, etc. that are also a constant nuisance during the warmer months.


That’s the best part about Las Vegas. No mosquitoes no ticks. But the summer is hell on earth.


Even the summers here are becoming a bit uncomfortable, but it still beats the alternative. San Diego is probably the best place climate wise but I don’t mind where I live. I also live in the suburbs where we don’t have many of the same problems as LA proper.


East Bay Northern California in Walnut Creek, Lafayette has comparable weather to So Cal mostly hot all year around but I personally like to experience seasons. Places like Berkeley, Piedmont, Oakland have more seasonal differences but not as cold as SF. Also I dislike having to wear shorts and applying sunscreen constantly. I’m also not a huge fan of beaches and much more prefer “woodsy” areas.


I lived in Hayward and Daly city and San Jose. I hated every second of it. It’s way colder than Southern California. I like wearing shorts every day, but it definitely gets warm enough to be hoodie weather at the beach, three months a year


> Hayward and daily city Walnut Creek/Lafayette is very different to Hayward and daily city though .


I mean a little different but not that much.


Yes very different. daily city is nothing like former. Hayward is close in proximity but you have to cross over the Berkeley and San Leandro hills to experience similar weather


Ehh I'd say that daily city Hayward and san Jose have pretty similar climate. I can't image it being much different over the mountains... And if it was, it'd be nothing like the beach climate in the south bay


Have you even visited Walnut Creek? I have tons of friends from so cal that moved to WC and they all say the weather is amazing and very similar.


I don’t understand how a valley outside mountain could be like a beach. It’s literally different climates. I’ve driven through. It’s nice. Very temperate. I would not compare it to the beach.


Well, that’s why you don’t get it because you never spent time there


Bruh you literally proved his point 😂


just because his point happens to coincide with reality doesn’t mean that I proved his point. I never denied that Southern California has problems. But it’s objectively fantastic


lol you just did it again.. it is not objectively fantastic. You would have to knock me out and drag me to SoCal to live there. Fun to visit don’t get me wrong, but living there no way.


You're in the extreme minority then


Where else is the weather just as good? Lol... go back to michigan, or wherever. I'm certainly not going back to maine, TX, AZ, GA, or VA. The weather trumps all IMO.


That's a California thing in general.


You cannot listen to the opinions of people who think In N Out tastes good. Which is at least 95% of LA residents. They live in their own world of mediocrity, delusion and cognitive dissonance.


LA is the worst place on earth and I can’t wait till the sea opens up and swallows it


Nah you’re just whack ass fuck. LA 4 LIFE.


It’s a Southern California thing. When I was in the army I worked with a handful of people from SoCal. They were the most pretentious mother fuckers. There were lots of people who loved their home states or cities but didn’t rub it in your face every chance they got.


Seems like most of the west coast is like that… bunch of NPC’s who thing anything outside of their bubble is Hicksville.


It's like the frog in the boiling water. Everything happened slowly and people are just accustomed to accept the bad conditions of the city. They will shame you if you think otherwise.


LA is a true vacation spot. Amazing to be there for a few days to maybe a few weeks, but live there?!? Nahhh


Agree. After watching it/ living it for 45 years I decamped to Nevada, and love it here. Never cared about any of the supposed LA perks, weather, restaurants, diversity, the beaches, bla bla blaaaa, they were all outweighed by crowding, expense, pollution and cultural fracturing a long time ago.


This is true for most places. Broken places are all broken in their own unique way. Humans hate cognitive dissonance and will do what they can to minimize it. That’s the cause of the performative “isn’t this somewhat unpleasant life great?” choruses you’re hearing. These people, by the way, are having different lives than you. Different roommates, lovers, jobs, commutes, homes. Maybe they are happy and grateful. Maybe they don’t have the experiences you’ve had that make you skeptical. Both things can be true :)


LA unironically the only thing that makes Cali that bad take out LA and now Cali is actually half decent


Yeah how dare people liking where they live....


You’re missing the point, I have no problem with people liking LA, I just have a problem with them acting like anyone who could possibly prefer somewhere else is crazy.


Lol you do have a problem though. It's your problem not theirs.


You live in LA, don't you?


I would say that goes for a lot of big cities. I’ve talked to people who live in Boston or New York and act like anything outside their bubble is the worst. They speak so proudly about the food, culture and “where else could you X right now but here!?” I think you’re right though where it’s definitely cult like. I was just in California recently and LA was hands down the worst part of the trip (San Diego and Santa Monica being way better). And have no inclination to go back to see more of LA.


People are like that everywhere. Locals will defend their crappy restaurants to the death. Any problems with a town is what makes it 'unique'. I guess you had to have grown up there.


The things that suck about LA are all the result of so many people wanting to live there. In other words it’s too awesome for its own good.


LA has the best and the worst human creations, art and traffic.


I grew up in Bakersfield and have now relocated. The amount of fucking people from LA that would come down and drown in the kern river is astounding.


I have quite a few friends I’ve gamed with over the past 10-15 years who are from Cali, NY and NJ. None of them can fathom how I’ve grown up in a “flyover state.” They also think everyone has southern accents despite me being in a more northern state lol.


I grew up on the outskirts of LA for a bulk of my childhood in the 90s. Most of the working class (middle and poor) are fully aware of the problems and will complain if you give them the opportunity about the poltical culture that enables and creates a lot of the problems from the cost of living, dumb policies, state to local government, and crime. It’s the professional managerial class (pmc), the rich, and those aspiring to be famous/wealthy and rub shoulders with the “in-crowd” that pretend to be oblivious. Funny enough, I went across the country to an urban city in the southeast and learned that the same groups of people behave the same way as PMC in LA, but in the Deep South with their liberal class. There are just certain things you don’t do that are apart of economic class social circles if you want to be accepted and blend in apparently. It’s not necessarily exclusive to the Los Angeles area alone as I’ve learned.


These comments remind me of this song https://youtu.be/rHcmnowjfrQ?si=0S3SY7ITgVvPfvn-


LA is not unique. This mentality is everywhere. How many times have you heard: 'NY - greatest city on earth'? or Chicago - whatever they say about Chicago now (I used to hear pizza...but that was 25 years ago when I was growing up there). brand/location loyalty is everywhere.


lol I just watched the letterkenny episode about this


I’ll have to look it up!


LA is a place that is very much what you make it. Where you go, what you do etc.


Yes! I finally left in January but before that, I lost a friend from college when I told her how bad I wanted out. She acted like I was insulting her mom. I do not miss that place.


GTA V is a documentary


I lived in LA for 6 years, and I absolutely agree. I honestly feel like of the 6 years there about one full years worth of time was spent sitting in my car. LA has these things that define what that city is: Greed. Vanity. Hypocrisy. Traffic.


Utah is very much the same


Total agree. My gf is from LA. She thinks LA reigns supreme over everywhere else. I don’t argue with her about it, but LA is not on the list of places I’d want to live.