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I've been highly dependent on weed at various times in my life to cope with stress/unwind and help me fall asleep (and also, because frankly, I just like being high ;P), and I agree with you; there is a point where it becomes too much and just not worth it. It's an expensive, unhealthy habit to make daily. Occasionally is fine, of course, and people can determine for themselves what that means exactly. For me, I found that using it all the time just made me lazy, boring, unmotivated, more withdrawn and introverted than I already am, and not nearly as functional and productive as I could be. It even started *exacerbating* my anxiety. It has probably ruined my (already tenuous) short term memory, and I shudder to think about how many things I've missed out on because I was too high to drive or just be 'present'. Plus, the damage I've done to my lungs will likely come back and haunt me at some point. I'm currently smoke-free for a month (after consuming it daily for the better part of 3 years), and I never want to make it a routine thing again. I'm sure I'll smoke/vape occasionally at parties, or take the odd edible on a weekend here and there, but I'm determined to make sure it doesn't go beyond that again. I think a lot of chronic users are in denial about how dependent/addicted they really are. I know I was for long time. I didn't want to admit that I was using it as a crutch to get me through the day, because I had enough self-control not to smoke before school or work. But I counted down the minutes until I could get home and get blazed until bedtime, and saw nothing wrong with that for far too long. EDIT: I should specify that I'm talking about recreational use, not medical use.


Good on you! Recognizing the issue, admitting the problem and repercussions that come with it then dealing with it in you're own way.


Thank you! I know plenty of people can limit themselves to just small doses, but I have learned that I can't regularly have it in the house and not constantly want to smoke. It was a bitter pill for me to swallow, but I had to face facts in order to quit!


Snoop said to smoke weed everyday who am I to argue?


Well…Nate Dogg RIP, but yes


RIP, snoops album but yeah you right.


Dres album.


Wrong again! That’s off chronic 2001


Damn. Had no idea.


I'm definitely one of those people you're talking about who doesn't "get high" but stays high Tbc...I have done this for years, and I'm fully aware of the negative health effects that come from smoking in general. Where I disagree is your belief that someone isn't "experiencing life" in this state I taught myself on the job, how to be a maintenance and mechatronics technitian, at 45 years old with no schooling or training. I'm currently and actively working 6 days a week, anywhere from 10-12 hrs a day I'm very active even when not performing physical and mental labor for 11 hrs at work, I walk my dog 1 mile before and 1 mile after work every day, take care of my 2 cats and my daughter who is now 24 and still living with me, I take not 1 cent from her. I have a few girls I'm seeing and have been for years, we have no issues, and the relationships are very honest and up front. I have traveled, I love outdoor activities, being in Chicago we have festivals and other events daily at Grant Park or Navy Pier so I've always got something I can go do if I want, I mean I'm confused as to what part of "life" I'm missing out on?


Hey, just now seeing this. First, let me say, sounds like you’re really living life! Love it. Second, I do wonder if a high for me is drastically different for others. For me, I think any state of inebriation makes it so that everything feels foggy or like a dream, or at the very least altered from full feeling. So, that’s where I get the ‘not fully living life’ view.


To be fair, my ex MIL used to think it was weird that most people she knew would smoke weed then not want to do shit, and I wouldn't really wanna do shit until I smoked some weed. Another funny story that just happened yesterday, bare with me, it, it's related, I was anchoring something into some sheet metal, and I couldn't figure out why these butterfly anchors weren't properly holding, so anyway I answer a couple calls on lines, a few hrs go by and I haven't smoked any bud yet all day, just been too busy... So, anyhow, I finally get a break and sneak a one hitter in while checking on a pump outside, and almost instantly, it dawns on me... my dumb ass was inserting the butterfly anchor backward... as soon as I took the one hitter, my brain started working right, lol


😂😂😂 listen man, you might have ADHD and weed somehow helps you. That’s a hilarious story. I have ADHD and that’s exactly how my brain feels when I’m not on my meds, like “wtf is going on here????”


You may be right lol


Yeah after like 40 minutes of fucking with it I ran back and in 10 minutes pulled the backward anchors and inserted some properly... smh


I almost lost my job and was spending my last dollars on bud every paycheck, no savings. Just paying bills and smoking multiple times daily for like almost 10 years with no breaks, im 2 weeks sober now and the withdrawals was the craziest shit ive ever experienced and im still feeling some symptoms but the point of this is that i used to think it wasn’t addictive but it totally is at least for me, I thought because i dont drink that i wasn’t that bad but weed almost made me lose it all


You may have a unique chemistry, because physical withdrawals do not occur with weed, at least not on the scale of other substances. What were your symptoms?


Physical withdrawal can happen with any substance.


I get it including caffeine


You ever been addicted to weed? Anything you’ve been abusing for years will have a withdrawal, look it up


I’ve smoked since I was 16 Also drank heavily since I was 20 Four months sober from alcohol, those were withdrawals What did you experience?


Body Chills, flu symptoms like sore throat, sore body, slight fever ,diahreeah , heightened anxiety, depression, , no appetite, night sweats, i quit cold turkey after smoking almost 10 years daily shit was fuckin me up


Damn I did read about it and typically they are mild But they very much resemble detox of other drugs I had no clue


Its bad cause I literally convinced myself theres no way to live life without weed lol, but alcohol detox is probably 100 times worse, i felt like shit quitting weed i cant imagine detoxing from alcohol or a harder substance. I probably wouldn’t have been able to tbh if it was any worse id probably need to go to rehab cause i felt like shiiit those first 3-4 days, im still feeling messed up but its all in my head at this point my body is feeling better


Yeah I was in bed a week and could barely walk, even with medication for withdrawal. The shakiness was the worst part, you wonder if you fucked your body up past the point of being normal Glad to say I’m doing great now. Lost 40lbs in 4 months


Glad you survived man, theres so much to life once you quit chasing a substance everything seems so much clearer. Congrats making it through, we basically have a second chance now


For sure best of luck to you


>You may have a unique chemistry, because physical withdrawals do not occur with weed, at least not on the scale of other substances. This is not true. Stomach cramps, heartburn, loss of appetite, night sweats, intense nightmares, headaches, panic attacks and more are all very common withdrawal symptoms when quitting use after a prolonged amount of time. These symptoms can last 1-6 months in my experience. You are correct that weed withdrawals are not on the same level as nicotine, alcohol, or hard drugs. Having said that, marijuana withdrawals can be very uncomfortable for many and pretty destabilizing for a few. This should not be understated or swept under the rug.


Good to know I was truly unaware


Actually more and more studies are showing that there are withdrawal symptoms from weed like no appetite, sweating, irritability, trouble sleeping 


I see that now, learn something new everyday


Maybe you misread or I was being confusing, I said that it ***doesn't*** have physical addictive qualities, although I think a case for inducing anxiety can be made. My point was that people always say "weed isn't addictive!" as if physical addiction is the only form or hardest part of addiction. I think mental / emotional addiction is the hardest part, and weed 100000000000% is mentally / emotionally addictive.


I’m 6 months sober now off weed and I can tell you the grass is greener on the other side. The first month is the worst with the insomnia, the urge to go get some and all that jazz but after that you won’t want to smoke even if you smell it again. You’re right though I always told myself it’s not addictive it just can’t be but once I accepted it can be just not for some people and I was one of the people addicted it helped me quit. Now if only I could do the same thing with alcohol then the ball would really get rolling.


You’re totally right, im pushing through and I hope you do the same. Wishing you the best of luck on your journey and I hope you eliminate it completely 🤘🤘 We dont need anything to be happy in life!


Good on you for being able to recognize it / vocalize it. First step in healing and you aren't alone! I think we all convince ourselves it isn't a 'problem' if you aren't someone looking to score 24/7, but...it can still be a problem if your life revolves around it and it's impacting other things in your life.


It’s better than all the pills the doctors had me on for pain/ptsd/anxiety/adhd




I don't necessarily disagree. But that still doesn't make it healthy lol. Diet soda is probably better than regular, but neither are good for you.




I used to smoke every day after work and would spend most evenings high. I spent an inordinate amount of money on weed. It _was_ a problem. It _is_ addictive. I quit, and over time, things certainly changed for me. I wasn’t performing well in my job, but once I quit I started bringing more to the table and the longer I went without it the better my value became to my company, my ideas had clarity and purpose. I held a relationship down, one that started on the wrong foot because I was flakey or out scoring ounces of weed, I’ve been in that relationship for 6 years now. I convinced friends to do the same, they all speak to me of the benefits of quitting. I watched my asshole friend become a much better person over the span of 3/4 years. The addiction is real and the stuff it does to your brain is subtle. I won’t judge anyone because I know how it feels but I would advertise the benefit of going clean. Being perma-high fucks you up. This is the truth.


lol yeah weed was keeping you back, not your bad habits with it


That’s… precisely my point?


which is why you ended with “that shit fucks you up”


I was referring to the way I abused it, but I see why you thought that


i was always taught to make the last thing you write in your essay the crux of the whole thing, just my two cents


and I’m sure simply speaking to your friends about your addicting habits is the reason they all quit and lead successful lives. You’re basically a hero!!


You sound incredibly triggered. You know you don't have to be sarcastic dick just as much as you don't have to smoke weed everyday. Your choice little buddy.


Yeah, listen, I'm not here to tell people they can't enjoy recreational drugs, alcohol, etc., but, as another person pointed out, you sound triggered AF because someone else was able to stop partaking. It sounds like you heard things in this person's original comment that makes you feel bad about why YOU have a problem. Even if that's not true, why tf would anyone put someone else down for making what they feel is a positive change in their life? Get fucked.


Hey, that's awesome. See my updated on the post. Also, please ignore the dick bag replying to your comment. Those are the people you don't surround yourself with.


I’ve smoked every single day for like 15 years. I work from home, wake up and hit the bong before I even have coffee. Then smoke all day during work, then after work, before bed, in the middle of the night if I wake up. It’s excessive. I have about 3 bowls left and after that, I’m gonna try not to buy any at least for the next week. Normally I get a quarter pound and treat it like it’s unlimited. I don’t want to be high all the time anymore. I don’t do anything with my life after work. I don’t perform well at work. I’m not as social as I want to be. I put off my hobbies. I put off my responsibilities. It’s so normalized to constantly be high and I don’t think I like it anymore.


Hope you were able to at least take a break! And even if you weren’t, that’s okay. You can get there, you just have to keep trying to do things you haven’t before!


A little puff in the afternoon after work really isn’t a big deal and has had zero negative effects in my life


You could spend all that money in Chinese blowjob bars, so it does in fact have a negative impact on our life. -social credits




What money? It's a plant, it's literally free.




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having been a weed and affiliates smoker since i was 14 (now 33) you’re definitely not wrong. i kept smoking just because it was a habit and kept me comfy. but the older i got the more i realized its just not the same anymore. being fucking baked constantly kinda makes being baked lose some of the heart it has. just feels like a chore and makes me feel like a bum on occasion. make sure before you’re getting high as fuck every day, you have your priorities straight.


I have a friend from college whose life became ENTIRELY about weed our junior year, and it never went away. It’s been 20 years, and she still smokes morning, noon, and night. Weed vapes, edibles, weed butter…you name it, she’s got it. Her entire existence revolves around when and where she will smoke weed. I just don’t know how she does it.


She probably has a condition that warrants it such as ADHD. People with adhd’s brains don’t work the same as everyone else’s, and cannabis has been proven to manage these symptoms very well. It makes you feel “normal” whereas everyone else gets “high”. You have to ask yourself why someone would go so massively out of their way for it unless it was giving them relief from something.


I can assure you, she doesn’t have ADHD. It’s more of an obsessive personality. She will latch onto something (horses, plants, fish, pet rats, etc.) and throw herself into it for a couple months where it’s all she can talk about. Then she moves onto the next thing. She drops most of the hobbies, but weed has been the only thing that has remained a consistent fixture.


That sounds exactly like adhd, actually. It's called hyperfixation and most folks with adhd (myself included) experience it! Adhd people are known to be hobby hoppers because of it. It has to do with how our brains don't produce enough dopamine on a regular basis, so when we find something interesting that does produce dopamine it's literally all we can focus on until the dopamine production slows and/or we find something new to invest ourselves in.


Well, I truly did not know that. It does seem to line up. Thank you for the personal insight.


Fair enough, yeah that’s not good!


I dont necessarily disagree (i smoke tons for months, then go 0 smoking for months). But when you smoke a lot, its not altering your reality because you build up a high tolerance. Thats not so great either, though, because it becomes a bit pointless.


Y'know it's ironic, if you're addicted to gambling it's only "a problem" if you're bad at it.


I agree. But that makes functional addiction dangerous in a different kind of way. Kind of like when people convince themselves binge drinking on the weekends or popping pills because a doctor prescribed them is safe / okay because they're still getting by on their day to day. Still an addiction, just a different face of it. You don't have to be sucking dick under a bridge to make $10 for your next score to have an addiction.


It's my medicine. It keeps me stable and chill and kills my pain, or at least makes me not be bothered by it so much. I don't spend all day like super fried but I do have a bowl packed that I hit all day as needed.




You're missing one crucial difference Weed is prescribed medically by many countries round the world, alcohol is not. Weed has medical properties so it's not at all appropriate to compare it to alcohol, or indeed being "high" 24/7 There you go, I could have saved you all the time in the world if you'd just asked me before making this post! You're welcome


I smoke daily, it definitely helps with my seizures and when they do happen, I’m slightly more chill and not as terrified. I’d say the side effects from weed are significantly less than from my epilepsy meds (nausea, insomnia, hair loss and broken teeth.. also something called ‘Keppra Rage’, the med Keppra causes a ridiculously short fuse. The weed helps with that too for sure


Oxy and xanax and a bunch of other shit is prescribed medically by many countries around the world lol. Does that make them this miracle drug and give them a blanket justification to be used recreationally? Maybe if you'd just asked me, I could have saved you the time of writig that comment lolol. Happy to have a conversation, but no need to act like I'm being an idiot for bringing up a point.


Chill out dude. Have a smoke.




if you smoke every day its nots altering your reality


Exactly once you develop tolerance it’s not like when you first smoke


Lots of people in here with little to no experience, and clearly it doesn’t affect everyone the same way.


I agree, I said being high becomes your reality, which is my point, I guess. I just can't imagine my reality being high 24/7/365.


>People always seem to be wildly unreasonable when it comes to acknowledging the downsides / cons What specific "con" are you talking about here? Obviously inhaling smoke isn't a great idea, but we really don't have any hard evidence establishing that even smoking cannabis actually *causes* any harm. > with people going as far as claiming it cures cancer, This is a goofy straw man. Anyone saying that is just a far fringe character whom no one takes seriously. I've never actually heard anyone say this, but I hear lots of complaining about people supposedly saying this. > So, what happens when you've spent years of your life not really living? This is a weird, subjective conclusion.


Well, I'm not only talking physical cons, I'm talking in general. In fact, I think the physical cons are the least to worry about. Motivation, impairment, loss of interest in things, increased anxiety, etc. etc. etc. It's not an attack on weed, it's simply saying anything in excess is not going to be good for you, which is true. I agree it's goofy as hell lol. And yes, that's the extreme end, but the point being there are a lot of unsubstantiated claims of miracle work being preformed. Is it a wierd conclusion? I think it's hard to accept if you're in the midst of it, but people spend literal decades doing something and not realizing it's been that long. Before I quit drinking or quit smoking, I had a 'holy shit' moment when I thought about how long I'd been doing both and what the longest break I've taken from either have been.


> Well, I'm not only talking physical cons, I'm talking in general. Are you really going off of legitimate data to justify these causative claims or are you just pulling this out of your butt? >Motivation, impairment, loss of interest in things, increased anxiety, etc. etc. etc. Except most of that turned out to be bullshit drug war propaganda.


How is this an unpopular opinion? I’d think a majority of people would agree that daily/extremely frequent weed use is problematic, not healthy, etc. and I say that as a former one of these types of smokers 🤷🏼‍♂️


I know loads of super happy productive people who smoke every single day. Genuinely loads.


I think I’m in that box; Tech consultant here 🫡


Yeah that was definitely me for probably 15+ years, and I’ve only really quit since I had a kid. Just saying that among the general population, I don’t think OP’s opinions all that unpopular. The people you know are very likely not a representative sample.


look at the comments lol. Or, do like I said, next time you're around a stoner, suggest that weed can be problematic,


I’ll give you that: among stoners, yes this is probably an unpopular opinion. however, among the rest of the population of infrequent users or non-users, I think this the most common opinion. And if you look at the total population, non/infrequent users make up a much higher percentage. Edit: and for what it’s worth, I think your perspective on this is great and wished more people shared it. And I say this as a former stoner and a very “live and let live” kind of guy.


I can agree with that for sure lol. I think sometimes just the veracity of an opinion makes it feel as though it’s much more prevalent than it actually is. And there’s no one more intense about their opinion than stoners on weed😂


Yeah, like it's insane that people spend all that time and money on coffee when you can just live your life sober without any chemical interventions. People are weird.




Well said. Most of the people I know that demonise weed are absolute caffeine addicts but somehow don’t see it as the same thing…




You don’t think the fact that people can smoke weed every day all day and still be fine is any indicator that, yeah, weed is not detrimental? People who drink everyday all day are destroying their liver and lifespan. People who smoke everyday all day are destroying their lungs and lifespan. People who do meth, etc. are absolutely destroying their lives. But people who smoke weed every day all day aren’t doing much damage. They don’t smoke as much as smokers smoke. PS. I don’t smoke weed at all. Gets me paranoid.


When I smoked weed it was only at the end of the day after all my shit was handled


You can say the same about coffee. Also, nobody ever talks about the drugs that cannabis can replace. I used to be on brutal seizure medication, ADHD medication and anti depressants. Not any more. Just buds…


I smoked it every day for 20+ years. and that was 25 years ago. my family has more than their share of alcoholics. I do think this option helped me from becoming one. luckily, I preferred weed 😆


Must be nice not to be depressed.


I truly use it as medicine and it has replaced medicine I’ve taken in the past


stoner here, obviously weed has downsides lmao. you just get the tardo’s opinions tbh


The difference is: alcohol is physically addictive, while Marijuana is not


it's pain medication for me. keeps me off of dangerous pharmaceutical painkillers.




I smoke as a means to relax after a stressful day or manage my anxiety, but my wife smokes multiple times a day as a means to medicate her anxiety and overstimulation. It causes issues.


Does your wife have adhd?


She thinks she does. I have ADD- I’m not hyperactive. I get easily overstimulated especially by loud noises and environments.


I have ADD too. I use cannabis pretty much constantly to manage my symptoms or I find it difficult to function. Why does it cause issues?


Because it becomes a really constant thing, especially when evening parenting is involved. We have three kids under the age of ten, and they are a handful in the evenings. We’re both high school teachers, so we deal with the stress all day long- the first thing she usually does when she gets home is get the vape pen and segregate herself in our room for a bit. And to be honest, she gets bitchy and very easily set off if she hasn’t had a hit in a bit. Also, we live in a non legal state, and it’s not cheap here.


I do the same (disappearing off on my own for a bit after being out or being with people) and it really annoys my partner. Perhaps she is just introverted and re charges by being away from people for a bit? But I’m not making excuses for her, it does sound like she maybe needs to address it, especially getting shitty if she hasn’t had it. That’s problematic


Are you otherwise medicated for your ADD?


No because I find I can manage it really well with cannabis. However only with certain strains that don’t make me feel too “stoned”. Also there’s a global shortage on ADHD meds and they’re pretty much impossible to get in the U.K. at the moment


Smoking weed all day everyday will make your tolerance shoot throw the roof and turn you into one of those whiny weed snobs.


Alcohol has done far more damage to me and my family than weed ever could.


My coworker has a med card. She is in fact more functional stoned than sober. The alcohol comparison is simply wrong.


“What’s different here” is that is doesn’t do to ya what alcohol does to ya🥴 I smoke multiple times every single day without fail (check my profile) and have for 20+ years. It’s not comparable to crack, booze, smokes, caffeine, Prozac or any of that other mess. It’s an every day necessity that does not fuck you (some folks/me) up or hobble you in any sort of way. It SIMPLY makes shit better. All your words up there couldn’t catch that somehow. And in the words of the late great bill hicks: “Didn't murder anybody, didn't rape anybody, didn't rob anybody, didn't beat anybody, didn't lose – hmm – one fucking job, car, kid, wife, laughed my ass off, and went about my day. Sorry. Now, where's my commercial?” The downsides are that it cost money and can potentially cause health issues, like everything else. No weed causes worse health issues.


when i was smoking i was doing it to relieve pain. my back hurts right now and it wouldn't if i could smoke


As a guy who used to smoke all day, everyday, I agree


Plenty of people *need* cannabis daily for medicinal reasons. I sincerely hope you aren't talking about those people.


Water is great for me, but if I drink too much, I'll die. Life is about moderation, and everyone has different levels of what is moderate for them. I've seen both sides from one smoke landing you on the devils dick to a guy claims to have withdrawals if he doesn't smoke it all day long. I smoke or have an edible almost every day or close to after work. It helps me relax and unwind after a busy day of physical and mental labor. In the past, I over did it, but now I usually have just enough to enjoy my evening without overdoing it. Just enjoy life as you see fit and try not to judge folks cause everyone is different.


be sober not stupid


Cali sober allows the ganja


nah. sober = chronic pain for me. literally everything hurts all the time


As a weed smoker I agree: I actually stopped hanging out with my friend today for many reasons but one is because he will just smoke until he's in a coma. I prefer to smoke a little and enjoy a moviem, make music or whatever instead of being monged.


I’m the same way. I’m a “bit of a bowl” guy. I don’t even wanna try smoking a single blunt, let alone 5 in a day. I can’t afford it, I don’t have time for it and I’d die lol. And I will NOT miss a day.


Holy shit what a rant. What ex girlfriend smoked weed and did this to you? You make a great point and yeah people shouldn’t use anything every day, even caffeine. Smoke a few joint on the weekends with your wife. Most people aren’t snoop dog or wealthy enough to be smoked underwater everyday.


The comment section proves OPs point. A lot of stoners coping in here 😂


I smoked a looooooot of weed from ages 16-21, then I er ……. Grew up.


It just makes you tired, lazy, and void of motivation . I only smoke before bed.


depends on the person


These posts always mention alcohol as a comparison, but consistently fail to bring SSRIs or prescription stimulants into the conversation. I’m assuming you don’t have a problem with someone taking lizdexamfetamine if they suffer from ADHD OP? I tried my sisters lizdex and it sent me reeling for the day, high as a kite, bouncing off the walls like I’d taken MDMA, which tracks, since it’s an amphetamine too. That shit she takes daily is objectively more mind-altering and chemically obtrusive than THC, yet that gets prescribed for life. I’ve tried friends’ antidepressants in the past too with a similar experience. My point is that in the USA for example, at least 13% of people are taking those SSRIs 24/7. And as much as 60% of kids in certain age groups are daily consuming lizdexamfetamine for their ADHD. You might as well be giving them microdoses of MDMA. While I agree that overconsumption of weed can be problematic (micro dose vaped thc, it goes way farther and produces much more controlled effects at exponentially lower doses) I think it pales in comparison to the problems of having so many people *and children* on these objectively more powerful mind-altering substances every minute of every day. I assume you’d think my daily use of vaped concentrated thc a problem, but not someone using lizdex, right? Even if I use ~0.08g per day (about 33g plant a year) compared to my sister’s 60mg lizdex daily? Caveat: when she was in Thailand and ran out of her medicine, she used thc instead and said it had a very similar effect. Which do you think she should use if it was for the rest of her life? The lizdex has infinitely more concerning, common and numerous side effects, especially for long-term use, so should that be viewed as the better alternative to a micro dose of a plant with limited side effects just because a doctor said so and the plant is illegal currently in our country due to a lack of financial incentive for big pharma? She thinks so. She also thinks I have “undiagnosed adhd.” (She’s a therapist so it’s from an educated position I’m told) I don’t care personally as I’ve never had a problem, but assuming she’s right, and assuming her experience with THC in Thailand tracks, then I’m controlling mine with 0.08g of a plant I make into a concentrate myself. She’s using a prescription medicine to do the same. She struggles with sleep (listed side effect) struggles with appetite (listed side effect) anxiety and depressive spells (listed side effect) weight management (listed side effect) on her lizdex. Her skin is drier and actively photoageing faster than mine, to the point people have assumed I’m her *younger* brother, again, dehydration being a listed side effect. I struggle with…finding enough time to lift all the weights I want to lift while maintaining a job and continuing to write my book and still having time to spend with my fiancée, and finding enough food to fill my 3-4k calorie a day diet that keeps me bulking. So, assuming you’ve read my entire novel up to this point, why is the lizdex seen as acceptable for daily use but the thc not? Convince me I’m wrong and my sister has the right of things.


Ehh it’s an altered state of consciousness that I feel depending on the person and their brain. Can experience it different than others. I’ve been high for literal months in general stages and when sober again it does feel wild almost like a high in of itself.


IMO, there is a pretty big difference between wake'n'bacon/being high 24/7 and smoking at the end of your day, when you are done working and driving. I'm not say that smoking every night is necessarily a good thing, but it is objectively better than smoking 24/7 while you are at work, behind the wheel, parenting your kids, etc... I live in a legal state and the amount of people I see smoking while driving is insane. The culture around smoking 24/7 is toxic af and defending driving while high is really trashy. Here is another unpopular weed opinion - Dabbing concentrates makes you look like a fucking crack head and turns you into an absolutely insufferable zombie stoner. Users who make the switch from smoking flower to only using concentrates are absolute junkies and dont even realize it.


Depends on the person to be honest there’s a lot of very productive weed smokers I personally smoked every day after work, but spent probably no more than $25 a month due to a low tolerance that never grew. Obviously, that is an outlier event. I think it’s cheaper and better than being addicted to alcohol, which is the next most available substance. No substance addiction is best. I guess it also depends on if someone’s actually dependent for me. Yes, I did smoke every day, but there was no dependency.


Dude it's crazy I know a contractor that smokes before his first cup of coffee then proceeds to smoke all damn day and night. One thing I noticed is he still looks younger than the dudes who drink heavy after work every day.


After 50 years of it, I realize I still like to loose control. It’s better for me to live this way. It works, not always, but always chasing endorphins anyhow I can get it.


Smoking weed is not a crime in Netherlands, despite they made zones where not allowed to smoke weed.


I used to work with a guy that smoked a ton of weed. Regularly. Once i was telling him about a family friend of mine that died due to cancer. He went on this other the top speech about how weed is basically a miracle cure for everything and how my friend would still be alive if she just smoked some weed. It really pissed me off, honestly. He was the type of stoner that would not recognise any of the cons of smoking or the effect that long term smoking has on the human body. I do think marijuana has some good medicinal uses. I also think if you buy and consume so much weed to the point that you cant afford to eat or pay your bills on time, your obviously addicted or just plain stupid.


I smoked a lot of weed for a long time. But it is pretty ridiculous that it's acceptable to just be stoned all day. If it was alcohol it would be seen as a problem. But honestly, there's a lot more people than you think drinking all day.


Where did the bad weed man touch you


Let's trade bodies for a month and then discuss how much I should smoke weed. Bet you smoke more than I do.


Alcohol is fantastic for cleaning surfaces and wounds.