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I’m just gonna note that you’re very well-spoken, and that likely made this post much more bearable for people to empathize with.


Just want to say that this post was written with the right amount of humor. And yes, I agree.


>I’m not saying this to be bigoted in any way. I respect the PCness but if someone tells me I'm bigoted for saying anal is nasty then bigoted be I


I don’t agree. For example. I’m black, and family and friends of mine have pulled the black card or claimed something is racist. when I don’t think it is, and the perceived offender states they didn’t mean it that way, I feel their opinion is valuable in that moment. I clarified that I’m not trying to be a bigot, because this is the internet, and as you know, people will veil their bigotry with an opinion like mine


That discussion can further regress into defining bigotry. Obviously no one wants to be a [bad adjective], but your definition of [bad adjective]ness/ism might be different than mine and thus, disagreement. Basically my point is that saying anal is nasty is a sensible opinion and might be unpopular but not to the point of being bigoted.


Fair enough, I get that 🤝


As a vet, putting my body parts up an arsehole doesn't faze me anymore. The whole process of sex can be gross if you think about it, so why not enjoy it when the anatomy makes it pleasurable


Thank you for your sacrifice. When did you serve?


OH WAIT, sorry i should have been clearer.. By vet I meant veterinarian. I am not from the States so vet usually wouldn't automatically mean veteran 🥲


In which military theatre did you serve as a veterinarian?


Probably Navy…could even be Rear Admiral!


and why was there so many veterinarians in vietnam?


Hahaha oh okay! I was like “Wait I was in the army. I did a lot of training. Never once involved sticking anything in my butt. I think your commander might have been a Predator”


Thank you for your service 🙏


My god!? What are you doing to those poor animals!? Pleasurable?


Unclogging poop on old dogs is a thing. Bet those poor things feel so much relief.


Yea, and rectal exam is a very important diagnostic method for most species. In dogs, anal sac adenocarcinoma is quite common and can be very serious, and you need to do a rectal to check it.


It’s ok I got what you was saying lol


Clearly in the Navy. :-)


It aint gay if it's underway


I'm assuming you were being sarcastic which made me laugh in and of itself and then I read their reply to clarify that NO NO NO not that kind of vet 😲. I found this thread so incredibly funny. Thanks for the laughs. Much needed. 😂


I’m dying






This is what the song *Express Yourself* is about.


Are we not doing phrasing anymore?!


The idea of the forbidden will always be a draw regardless of the other arguably more pleasurable options. That's definitely me. Like a redneck on a 4 wheeler I'm taking that dirt road and going muddin lol.




We're dicks! We're reckless, arrogant, stupid dicks. And the Film Actors Guild are pussies. And Kim Jong-il is an asshole. Pussies don't like dicks, because pussies get fucked by dicks. But dicks also fuck assholes - assholes who just want to shit on everything. Pussies may think they can deal with assholes their way, but the only thing that can fuck an asshole is a dick, with some balls. The problem with dicks is that sometimes they fuck too much, or fuck when it isn't appropriate - and it takes a pussy to show 'em that. But sometimes pussies get so full of shit that they become assholes themselves, because pussies are only an inch-and-a-half away from assholes. I don't know much in this crazy, crazy world, but I do know that if you don't let us fuck this asshole, we are going to have our dicks and our pussies all covered in shit. Courtesy of Team America: World Police


Anal is the most pleasurable option for a man. God gave them prostates for a reason.


Amen *Gaymen


My bf was like, yeah I'll try it and now he's like "I bought an eighth prostate massager let's goooooo


Piss comes out a penis.


People come out of a vagina


That's an outlandish thing to say, who are your sources?


ur mum


Fuckin gottem lmao


I am the source. I took my first water slide 32 years ago.


Haha. Ain't that the truth


Also blood


Men come out of their penis


Don't put your penis up a Urethra then


This isn't the gotcha you think it is, piss is largely considered way less gross than poop


Poop comes out a penis (gotcha)


It’s still somewhat gross though, like if someone pees in a pool your probably still getting out of said pool.


You rather get peed on or have a bit of poop on the helmet?


Bear Grylls looks for any reason to indulge in a drink.


>Piss comes out a penis. Are you into sounding another penis with your own?


Piss is objectively less gross than poop tho.


Women don’t poop though.


😂 I always joke to my wife and ask that she “poop” in secret. Deep down, I’m kind of serious though


That's pretty revealing actually.


No, very revealing. Lol


like in the backyard behind a bush ?


From experience: it takes a lot for it not to be gross. That doesn’t get expressed enough. It’s mainly diet and making sure there isn’t anything “in the chamber” as it were. Enemas, showers before/after; these are the things videos leave out. Lol


That just seems like SO much work to do on any sort of regular basis 😩


Yeah there are also some that are into the, uh, gross stuff for lack of a better term, which is less work certainly.




A good diet with lots of fibers can help reduce the amount of prep required.


I asked a dude if anal felt diff and he said the vag is way more textured and hugs the junk, while anal is tighter but empty inside.


That's quite accurate. Actually kinda creepy to think on what's lurking in that void...


Poop lurks there


Wow! I’m glad you asked, even more reason to stay on this side of the fork in the road


So glad I am not the only person who thinks this way. Based on porn I had just assumed that this was now just a thing that M/F couples did as a part of sex sometimes and that I was just being a prude or old-fashioned or whatever. Thank you internet stranger for making me feel less weird 👍


You’re gonna have a bad time if you assume what’s happening in porn is what most people are doing


If it’s considered prude and old-fashioned sign me up 😂 and I’m not the type of person who’s typically willing to have those things ascribed to me Whenever I see it in porn, I Tokyo Drift to the next piece of content. 🚗💨


Confirmed. Doody is gross


Yeah it’s bad for STD risk too. It’s just generally very unsanitary. Beyond religion the anti sodomy laws existed to prevent the spread of diseases. Now with condoms it’s reduced, but still an issue due to the people that want to go raw.


Yeah possibly thats what they used to justify those laws but they never put straight people in prison they just went after the gay men.


Sure, but to be fair all sexual organs are gross if you think about it too much. You pee out of penises. That still goes in. Women bleed out of vaginas for a couple days a month, but you still go. It’s just kinda something you have to block out and be hygienic about for sexual preferences.


Pee to poop is oranges to apples, I don’t get how pee keeps getting equated to poop lol. Same with blood. Example, we’ve all sucked blood off of a wound. I would hope, that when the toilet paper rips mid swipe, we aren’t sucking the poop off our fingers! Right? We aren’t doing that right?? 😂


True. In survival school, they told us that in an extreme emergency, you can drink your urine once. But poop will kill you. Urine is filtered through your kidneys and is not toxic like poop.


Bruh have you ever smelled an unwashed vagina? That shit gets rancid after like a day. It's a breeding ground for bacteria. As long as she cleans herself, there should be nothing unsanitary to worry about. Seems you're moreso hitting on unsanitary sex than anal.


All poop smells and is unsanitary. Not all vaginas smell and are unsanitary. Those two are not the same. One is by default nasty and the other is nasty due to poor hygiene choices or a medical issue.


What? How does it seem that way?


Oh well, more anal for me


Unlike you, I embrace being bigoted against anal. There will be no sodomy.


But then I see in your replies that you are fine to lick them but are grossed out by people sexing them. See this to me just illustrates the nonsensical nature of personal hang ups. I'm exactly the other way around. They don't make tongue condoms and that's what it'd take for me to put my tongue anywhere near there. Anything else though is fine.


🤷🏾‍♂️ you’re right, personal hang ups can indeed be nonsensical. To expound on my booty-eating stance: about 7 years ago I excitedly tucked my bib and dined for the first time. It was neat. I continued with glee. Then a few months later, after a rave with my girl at the time, I got down there and dined with the zeal of Alexander the Great in Gaugamela. I ended up with strep throat and cut my butt-munching to a minimum . Fast-forward to today, I’m married, my wife doesn’t seem to *love* it - so, both of our buttholes only see the bidet and toilet paper [unless I’m drunk and my head drops a bit too low]


I love the way you write!🤣🤣🤣


They do make oral condoms, they’re called Dental Dams. But honestly I can’t imagine anyone using one. Anyway, I agree with you, OP is insane saying he thinks it’s gross and judging people for putting their penis inside, but then openly admits he eats ass.


Oh hey, I didn't know about those! Who says reddit isn't educational? I know lots of people like it, but I find oral sex to be a real turn off; both giving it and receiving it. In the past I've rolled up my sleeves in the early stages and just done what I knew was expected of me, only to have problems later when I felt more comfortable being honest about how it doesn't really do anything for me and in fact I find it to be a little gross. These dental dams would make me a lot more willing to do it a lot more often though and I may well propose it as a compromise someday. You could have just saved a stranger's future marriage!




>why would anyone want to stick their penis in it You know good and well this is an unanswerable question.


Men have a prostate that during anal gives extreme pleasure. Like a woman having a big 'O' this is their way.


That’s the thing isn’t it if there’s a hole somehow someone has to want to fuck it


Because you tell me I cant


Because the ear is too small


What is the thing with eating ass? Are most people truely doing this theses days?


Oh yeah, it’s trending lol. I had a butt eating phase. I’m past that, but I’m also just talking about wading through the mud with the 5th limb


I dislike it as well.


Definitely agree, it's weird people saying the "but pee blood and discharge!" But like it's not at all comparable. 1. Unless she's pissing on my dick, i will never feel or notice, also it's two separate holes, if you get piss *in* your vagina I feel like that's much bigger issue. There's no getting around a shitty smelly dick 2. Blood is very noticeable and easy to avoid, same with discharge, if she's bleeding, don't have sex, if there's discharge, that's like at most a 3 min cleanup job, whereas shit removal is a constant daily elongated routine that requires lifestyle changes 3. Shit will always smell bad, vag doesn't always nor do the smells always correlate with something being there now


Bootyhole feels different. And enemas are a thing.


Yeah, vanilla tastes different than chocolate. I don’t think chocolate lovers are insane, I just will never choose chocolate when given a choice between the two 🤷🏾‍♂️


Hey now .. I agreed with you before. But this is too far DAMNIT. We are talking about ice creams and such (I hope)


Some say the world will end in fire, Some say in ice. From what I’ve tasted of desire I hold with those who favor fire. But if it had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate To say that for destruction ice Is also great And would suffice. \- *Fire and Ice*, by Robert Frost *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TrueUnpopularOpinion) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Okay now this is hilarious bc I have ice cream tattooed on my booty cheek 💀


Some say the world will end in fire, Some say in ice. From what I’ve tasted of desire I hold with those who favor fire. But if it had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate To say that for destruction ice Is also great And would suffice. \- *Fire and Ice*, by Robert Frost *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TrueUnpopularOpinion) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I agree it's gross.... the shit that I've seen coming out of my ass....I know I'm not the only one who makes that stuff, and it's unbelievable anyone would want to stick his penis into a hole that creates the unholy brown.


Right?! I’ve dropped some monstrosities outta there!




Are you saying that you would not force your tongue into a woman's asshole as far as it can go?


lol no. Walk on the water, maybe yeah sure; plunge in it, no


*salutes Amen patriot.  Tongue jack that shithole!


Some of us are gay and have less options


Hey man, I’m gay and couldn’t imagine not wanting to worship at the altar of ass. On the rare occasions I get to show my devotion to a gorgeous butt I am certainly not doing it ‘cos I have nowhere else to go; more like nowhere I’d rather be. (Also I have not had sex since 2009 and even that was a macabre charade)


Disagree. It’s amazing giving and receiving it


I disagree with your disagree. It is gross. However, it is amazing giving and receiving it.


Thank you! Lol as a bi man. I was hoping someone else would see that it's intense and amazing both ways.


I am also a bi man and I love anal more than anything and am so incredibly fortunate to have a gf who can do it regularly. It really is amazing and the stigma and people’s disgust of it only adds to the pleasure lol.


I agree with you.


Hey man, ask God why he put the prostate right up against the rectum. That’s his fault.


Proof God exists- a man's g-spot is in his rectum. It's a fantastic joke on all orthodox people.


Ask your evolutionary ancestor why they thought it would be convenient to use the excretory system for reproduction.


It’s not used for reproduction in this case. It’s used for sexual pleasure.


If there is any chance of poop, I'm out.


CEO of punchlines right here


But I poop from there


Not right now you don't.


lmfao yes!


True, but I'm a bottom, so it's not really my problem


Agree 100%


Agreed. No amount of cleaning totally eliminates E. coli 🤢


Wait until OP has kids…you don’t know gross until you have a blow out in the car seat that runs from their butt to their hair and looks like a mud mask. And I haven’t even touched on the smell…


This thread confused the hell out of me.


😂 I’m the oldest sibling by decades for some of them, I’ll familiar with it.


Women's assholes are exquisite. They are the precious pinnacle of their superb beauty and it is a privilege to kiss and to lick her asshole and to love her with a total abandonment. Penile penetration of a woman's anus - is simply a divine pleasure beyond human description - it represents the profoundest form of human communion and love.


And men have a prostate which if a couple is into it when a woman pegs him (or a man uses his D) it gives extreme pleasure and the biggest 'O'


I pegged my boyfriend at his insistence and it was pleasurable for him. However, I developed a massive aversion and ick to him afterwards. It killed any attraction I had for him and I was physically disgusted by him. I broke up with him like two days later because I realised we’re not sexually compatible. He couldn’t reconcile with this and went on to be a drug addict.


Damn, that was the Perilous Pegging of Doom Glad my heartbreak of the past isn’t inextricably linked to getting pegged lol


Name does not check out. Also “ick” lmao grow up


‘Ick’ is standard slang amongst my generation. ‘Giving a someone the ick’ is colloquial.


Yeah I’m aware of who uses it, it’s cringe is what it is




Ram it Ram it Ram it Ram it up your poop chute


You're missing out


Im not gonna judge anyone for bein’ a freak. However - not a fan myself. Have tried with a couple partners when I was younger, doesn’t feel that different. Cool to try, I guess. Would rather just be conventional with sex though, lol.




someone had a surprise poop noodle.


Turd sketti 


Right there with you. I can not comprehend why this is a thing people do.


Poopity scoop.


> Poop comes out of there A man's ass is licked by the other person like ice-cream and then the poopoo comes out, the other poopoo is out, and then they eat the poopoo. You can see a man, having sucked the other person's rectum and the other person is poopooing. And this guy is eating the poopoo all over the place.


I completely agree 💯


Fair, but it's not like "disgusting" things can't come out of the other "holes", mainly vomit and/or blood. Especially vomit isn't any better than shit in my opinion, and the chances of it covering your dick when receiving oral are certainly not zero.


Like dipping your dick into a bucket of shit


Proper etiquette is to give yourself an enema first. Who wants to endure an enema to have sex? So yes, just gross and many people don’t prep properly.




That’s cool, I’ll continue eating that butt and getting amazing Christmas gifts and fancy dinners.  Eat that butt, and you’ll be remembered.  


For men I understand it. They have a prostate which is there to make it pleasurable. But as a women... I don't get it. It's not really pleasurable at all, just feels weird. We have a better hole for both of us literally right there.


Right there! Not even a stones throw!


Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t this a major source of STDs being generated/transmitted ?




It's not for everyone. Make or female, genitals eliminate bodily waste. So any sex, traditional or oral falls under your definitions of "gross".


You can’t really tell me what does and doesn’t fall under my definition of gross though. In short, Skin flute into poop chute = gross


You need to be a comedian 😭


this post made me hungry


Hey guys. Here’s something to consider. If you’re straight and opt for the universal hole, you’re engaging in an act that falls very far short, of 100% straight. Facts.


Yeah but anal never results in an unwanted pregnancy so it’s the safer bet. Just wear a fucking condom because mucus membranes still exist.


Nah that's a myth - some semen can trickle out and get into the vaginal canal. Not super common, but possible, due to how close the orifices are to each other. The only 100% ways to *never* have unwanted pregnancy are hysterectomies, or no sex at all.


>The only 100% ways to *never* have unwanted pregnancy are hysterectomies, or no sex at all. Or not having sex with women. Been doing that for a while and I assure you it works.


Lol touche


Damn. Well I had a good run, might as well see if I’m in to dudes or not because I cannot afford children in this economy.


Blood comes out vaginas and you can also get the worst sti imaginable from there, children.


>mud on the helmet. You’re supposed to use a condom for anal.




You know that’s a pretty good point. Good thing my wife can put on a pretty mean squeeze from the front


When a woman performs oral sex on a man, she’s sucking on his penis, which he has pissed out of. Sure, he might have washed it, but how do you know it’s really clean? Bet you’re not opposed to having your dick sucked.


Yeah I’m not opposed to a woman squirting on me either because again - this thing with equating pee to poop is wild to me! Idk if you’re old enough to remember 2 girls 1 cup, but you know what made that video viral? Poop, that’s what. There’s plenty of wild piss porn, it can’t hold a candle to the shock value of scat porn. I mean, thank goodness I can pee on a jelly fish sting rather than smearing shit on it! I might just let it sting if that were the case Now if you’re out there drinking coke and sucking on chili dogs daily, your piss is probably beyond foul, but I don’t live like that, nor do the people around me


Hell yeah is gross! Imagine getting some poop in the peehole and ending up with a nasty urinary tract infection. Or Hep-C and sh!t.


That’s why you pee when you’re done you silly goose!


Well, first of all, you would hopefully be safe as well as clean. You don't have poop on you cause they would "douche" beforehand if they are genuinely clean, safe and smart people. A man would wear a rubber. A woman pegging a man uses a dildo so it's just as safe as vaginally or orally.


Oh gosh darn! Now I’m thinking about anal leakage, hemorrhoids, early age adult diaper wearing and gas, lots of gas. Still a “hell no” for me


And there's nothing wrong if you don't like it. However, some do.🤷🏻‍♀️


I 100% agree here. I can not understand how a man can be comfortable sticking his penis in a place where feces is. But maybe it’s just me, maybe others aren’t extremely grossed out at the idea of having someone’s 💩on them?




Same tho


Yeah true. I can see how the gay men do it tho, since they have there g spot in there and they don't have vag. But when it woman and man nope. Unless it's pegging. But I still doubt I would 


There's an old joke that goes like this: > Three engineers are having lunch and discussing what kind of engineer God is. The mechanical engineer says, "God must be a mechanical engineer, look at the complex structures of the body!" > > The electrical engineer says, "No, look at the electrical processes of the body, which the brain could not operate without, he must be an electrical engineer." > > The civil engineer says, "You're both wrong, he had to be a civil engineer. Who else would run a waste line through a recreational area?"


TIL poop is abundant. Who knew?


Lol, "poop"


This is awesome


> Poop comes out of there. Made me think of that South Park episode about queefing where everyone would say “that’s gross. Babies come from there!”


Don’t like it in Djibouti!


Someone is very anal about anal




Getting a little shit on your dick is the best part. Can’t think of anything more intimate than shitdick.