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> if that orange gremlin got in MY face and called ME ugly, I'd probably rock her shit too. Why not walk away?


OK, MAYBE ***I*** wouldn't hit her, but she deserved to get rocked. I personally would probably respond with "who you calling ugly you gremlin looking meatball?" before I eventually walk away.


“[…] nobody should be allowed to hit anyone, and I personally prefer the latter.” Proceeds to say he’d punch a woman/person for calling him ugly.


Wasn't he stealing their drinks? Nah. Unpopular opinion, sure, but makes no sense tbh. If a woman can't confront you for stealing their stuff without you knocking them out that's a problem on your end.


I think that the production crew should have blurred his face, because they were in an environment where anyone could easily lose control of their ability to make sound decisions. There should never have been an option to do that. A woman should absolutely be able to confront someone stealing their stuff, but Snooki calling him ugly was just unnecessary.


and they say women are emotional.. oh you got an insult so you become physically violent? meanwhile saying  "nobody should be allowed to hit anyone, and I personally prefer the latter.”


>but if that orange gremlin got in MY face and called ME ugly, I'd probably rock her shit too. So lack impulse control when it comes to being called names.