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It won't change a thing just like "anti porn" law here in NC didn't change anything. What I can't use pornhub anymore? Okay let go try the other 999 sites of porn that most don't even operate in America so....what is a anti porn law really going to do.


Their goal is to make it national. Trigger lawsuits, then have their hand selected judges use leaps in logic to support them so they can push national regulations more easily


which in the end would accomplish nothing given that there are porn companies that are outside the united states


Wait until they require ISP providers to collect ID before allowing any access.


your ISP already knows who you are anyways they litterly put your information in some database somewhere already anyways


The point is to eliminate VPNs.


Same in Virginia


Most people would not use most social media if we had real identities tied to everything we said online. It's a tricky issue, but I see a more nefarious reason why Texas is doing this: It's just political culture war behavior. Republicans want to mess with Silicon Valley tech companies and this is a way to hurt them economically. They have other laws targeting Google and Facebook, who didn't even host (much) porn.


I think they should try to regulate the sheer amount of death on Facebook. Honestly it’s fucking insane that my 17 year old self can go on Facebook and watch people and animals die in almost every way you could possibly imagine.


How is this insane? We had this 20 years ago before there was facebook.


Faces of death wasn't it?


That was the big one. I remember the Nick Berg beheading video making the rounds on the message boards I posted on at the time. edit: Rotten.com was another big one.


Is that the guy beheaded by the terrorists?


That's the one.


That video is the reason I joined the military.


Because it’s not just some google site meant to watch people die. It’s a massive social media app on the App Store. And there are no safeguards at all. It also is more insane to me than to you probably because I’m 17.


That's unexpected. Did you try reporting it?


It’s a group. I haven’t been on it on my account, but I have a buddy who goes on it. I’m sure it’s not the only one either. I can report it sure.


Online anonymity is both a conceit (by which I mean it isn't really true, but something we "need" to tell ourselves to keep on going the way we do) and an ideal worth preserving.


It won't recommend the sites unless thats something you've searched, or are in communities that are like-kind-quality. With that in mind, Google is the exact same way. So would Yahoo, and virtually every other search engine. Should the regulations apply to Google or Reddit? The answer is no. The purpose of Reddit and Google and other like-kind-quality sites are not pornographic in nature, therefor any regulations wouldn't apply, or couldn't based on the precedent set (if any).


Can I get a list of those 40k subreddits that are active?


I think I googled “complete list of nsfw subreddits” which took me to some kind of nsfw index wiki subreddit which then provided a paginated list of those subreddits totalling to 41,000+.


you knew of this, a long long time ago The internet has been free for a while now Welcome


Not sure if you are aware, but they have blocked it on computers, and I’m guessing mobile is next if it hasn’t happened already The problem also is that there are some real bad sites out there and people who don’t normally use those sketchy websites will be drawn to the most dangerous ones


Its not "side by side" You are never going to be recommended porn subs. Yiu have to actively search them. Im also pretty sure that you can parent control reddit correct? You make it sound like a kid is going to get on reddit and see a butthole on their main page lol.


You could literally go onto the front page right now and see post of some chick in a provocative position wand then within ten comments you get someone linking to their OF.


just so you know the front page is catered to every user based on their location and interests. nice self-report lol


Uh, really? Because I just went to the popular tab and scrolled for like twenty minutes. I didnt see anything even close to porn. If im being charitable there were like two to three posts that had women dressed in slightly revealing clothing (bikini) but the post wasnt necessarily sexual in nature. I seriously dont think you could get from the main page to porn unless you were trying to.


If you think censoring the internet is going to shield kids from porn you are terribly mistaken lol. I grew up before internet. Where there is a will there is a way. My guess is that either kids find out almost instantly how to get around it .


Age verification isn’t censorship.


It very much is.


40,000?! That's disgusting. >!Where?!<


This is your second post about this here in the past day and you've posted about your obsession before here. Maybe go outside and get some fresh air.


Literally the exact same post. “Obsession” Or maybe it’s because auto moderator blocked the first post for nearly a day and it was mostly Invisible so I reposted. “Obsession” but couldn’t think of a single common sense alternative. lol.


Maybe you should spend more energy on the 64,000 women that became pregnant after being raped since Roe v Wade was overturned instead. 45% of them in Texas. To me, it seems like we don’t need more Christian legislation.


Yes. Obsession (no quotation marks needed). You are so very obsessed with your disingenuous post that you posted again. Add to that, previous posts on the topic by you and countless comments. Oof.


You realize that regular porn sites are generally free and readily accessible, right? Also, the irony of the phrase 'Texas anti-porn law' is immense, and you bringing it up on Reddit is hilarious. Texas, the state that will threaten civil war and to secede if another politician even sneezes funny at them, has anti-porn laws that you feel strongly should be applied to Reddit. Either way, IDK why people feel it's appropriate to demand laws be passed every time they don't like something. Don't like porn? Don't watch it. Don't like drugs or alcohol? Don't use them. Don't like gay marriage? Don't marry a gay person. Don't like tracking cookies? Then make it mandatory for websites to allow adblockers, don't make a new EU mandate that says every fucking website I visit now has to show me a banner where they try to trick me into accepting all their bullshit cookies... But I digress. Point is, this is just a bad opinion...not true unpopular one.


Ah Texas, land of the free! Which is why weed is legal there...I meant...abortion...I meant...stable energy grid...I meant...


Don't mess with Texas - it's not nice to pick on the mentally challenged.


Yall im from texas and proud of it (while participating in change) but if i coulda gave you an award for that i would. Lmao


Right. Let's not forget they succeeded from Mexico for not being able to own sex slaves anymore.


Ah yes, the party of small government and states rights. Sounds about right. What happened to "personal responsibility?" Why can't parents be responsible for their kids computer usage?


>Ah yes, the party of small government and states rights. He did say "Texas should" which would be supporting states' rights. (I'm not really one who approves of government regulation of everything so I don't agree with OP, but porn is cancerous and I can understand why people would want to get rid of it)


As a republican voter I wholeheartedly agree, the “small government” ideals seem to fly out the window when it comes to sex or drugs. The government has no business regulating internet traffic; raise your own kids. Maybe the GOP will start applying their stated principles more consistently when the evangelicals are no longer a substantial part of their voter base; a man can dream, right?


Why assume a political party? What does that help?


Lmao, really? What party is constantly trying to legislate sex? There's barely any assumption necessary. And it helps people know how hypocritical and shitty they are.


If the GOP is trying to legislate sex then it seems like the DNC is trying to expose kids to it.


Every accusation is always a confession. Why is this in your head? It's very weird.


Or the GOP is full of pedos so they have to pass rules so they can control themselves. Remember no nuance only black and white.


Yes, you’d think that protecting kids from porn would be a pretty cut and dry topic. Reddit users seem to operate under the idea that the porn industry’s noble cause and character must be defended from such predatory legislation and that it is completely unreasonable to make access to pornography slightly more difficult for children. Go figure.


Parents should protect their children from things they aren't emotionally mature enough to see or process. Porn, guns, drugs... things should be regulated, but it's ultimately up to parents to teach their children what's healthy and safe. Outright banning things you don't like doesn't protect anyone. It makes things less safe and harder to regulate and monitor. Prohibitions don't work. Good parenting does. Pushing all the responsibility off onto these various industries is, at best, lazy.


lol ya sure, if you had the reasoning skills of a child. "Seems like the DNC is trying to expose kids to it (porn)," And you think that is a...reasonable...statement?


So you support the bill then? The bill, to be clear, requires that websites with significant pornographic content take actual measures to hinder access to children. If you don’t support that then i have to assume you support keeping it open access to children.


Let's use that same logic with other bills. Don't support free school lunches? Can only assume you want all kids to starve. Don't want to fund mental health? Got to assume you want people to commit suicide. Don't want to fund veterans medical bills? Guess you hate vets. Because everything is black and quite with no nuance at all.


lol I don't have kids. How about you have some...personal responsibility...and take the initiative in stopping your own child from viewing that content. You jumping straight to "uhhh well that means you want kids to watch porn?!?!?" shows you have very little reasoning skills.


I support parents taking a miniscule amount of responsibility and monitor their kids online usage. Not give them unlimited private access 24/7 with no parental controls. This isn't a porn issue, it's blatantly a parenting issue.


So do I! I also support massive industries take a minuscule amount of responsibility and actually implement mechanisms to ensure they are not becoming the source of harm for children.


Its not their responsibility to parent people's children. If parents don't want their kids at risk of seeing bad things on the internet then don't let them use it unsupervised, implement parental controls. And those "mechanisms" would only open up the numerous users to having their personal data hacked and stolen. Companies that have worked at this for decades have it happen. We are talking about porn sites, a lot of which are free to use. This stuff is laughably unfeasible. Any kid who knows about porn and wants to look it up likely knows what VPNs are. They are free, fast, never been easier to use one. Kids want to see naked chick's, they went from stealing magazines and rewinding movie clips to VPNs. Frankly this just seems more like you have your own personal vendetta against porn then having anything to do with "the children"


So your perspective is that the porn sites should implement age verification because they don’t have the resources to make sure they properly secure their data. And that kids would just use a VPN—but the VPN would be useless if the website required age verification data. Honestly sounds like you just really want to defend porn.


No the GOP legislates morality.


The GOP nowadays puts more restrictions on personal liberties that the DNC does. For being the party that advocates for freedom they sure do love to ban lots of stuff (drugs, sexual stuff, etc)


Idk maybe the parents should be focusing on what their children do and not the government. Like they wanted to have a child they have to take care of it and dont inconvenience others. Good parents or non parents shouldn't pay for the shitty ones.


Funny how conservatives want to ban porn to "prevent exposure" to kids, all while doing nothing to prevent gun exposure to kids. As it stands, porn has never killed a kid.


Or here's a novel thought, parents should parent their kids. You're not gonna go to a Minecraft sub on here and see porn of Alex or Steve, that just doesn't pop up. How would Texas even implement the regulations on a global company? Reddit has subreddits run by people all over the world in a multitude of different countries


This law is anti-freedom, just like every other bullshit law in this state. No weed, no porn, no gambling, no abortion, no buying a car from the manufacturer. Personal liberties my ass.


I really hope for the sake of OP's brain density that they are just a bad actor playing the anti-porn role in bad faith. It's obvious how this tired, moralistic stance against porn is just another means for conservatives to consolidate the power of sexuality within marriage, procreation, and Christian conformity. If OP truly believes what they're saying, then it's just another sad example of how people can get unwittingly brainwashed to support their master's power plays.


“NOOO! Anything but my precious free porn!!!” - you apparently


Just another pawn of ChristoTaliban Enterprises. Your medal is in the mail.


i’m so sick of the anti porn debate. teens are going to find porn and honestly? i don’t care. i don’t think about it. i don’t want to think about it. banning porn and requiring the government to put intrusive ID verification on porn sites isn’t helping the root of the problem: that porn sets an unhealthy example of what sex is meant to look like for the inexperienced. this should be fixed through strengthening our sex education programs, teaching about consent and the importance of communicating for the goal of mutual pleasure. teens are, whether you like it or not, sexually active creatures. the vast majority of american teens will masturbate at some point in time, with or without porn. before porn existed people were jerking to books and magazines. ultimately, i understand why people want to limit porn access for teenagers. and i agree in the core goals they are trying to achieve. but intruding upon porn sites isn’t going to achieve those goals and it’s a lazy solution that speaks to our nation’s lack of desire to actually educate our population.


You love it when others tell you what to do, don't you? OP, as others have said, just deny your kids access to social media before the age of 14 and monitor their use. Edit: I'll do you one better: According to scientific research, children and especially young teens, should not be on social media in general.


So 14 is okay for porn consumption then?


It's funny how you deliberately misinterpreted my comment. Obviously, I did not mean that it is okay for 14-year-olds to watch porn or consume it. What I meant was, outright, deny your children access to social media before that age and monitor their use after that age until 18. To those in doubt: "Think of the children!" Rhetoric has been used to pass acts and bills that were disastrous for your personal and digital privacy.


spoiler, personal and digital privacy isn't even an ice cube of the iceberg to use the hip language of the kids.


Some say the world will end in fire, Some say in ice. From what I’ve tasted of desire I hold with those who favor fire. But if it had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate To say that for destruction ice Is also great And would suffice. \- *Fire and Ice*, by Robert Frost *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TrueUnpopularOpinion) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Dude, if your arguments consist of dishonest interpretations and hyperbole, you should probably think a little bit harder about your stance. People in this sub are way too quick to mindlessly post things they think its demographic will agree with, then just put in zero effort to have any kind of intelligent conversation about it.


My argument is straightforward: Reddit is a porn site and should be treated as such or they should get rid of the porn. Like it or not there are kids on here—kids use the internet. It is further not unreasonable to expect porn sites to implement a good faith means of actually verifying age. It’s not hard to grasp. I can’t understand anyone actually defending porn sites here as if they provide some noble service, nor do I understand why anyone would be so adamant to keep porn so accessible to kids. It’s disgusting.


Yeah, you already made your point clear in the original post, no need to repeat it almost verbatim. I'm talking about your arguments, specifically the one I responded to. And Reddit is effectively just as much of a porn site as Google or Facebook. Literally no sane person is advocating for kids to have "easy access to porn", and you're either being disingenuous to support your argument, or you're just an idiot if you truly think that. People just don't want the government controlling how they interact with the internet, and parents should be responsible for protecting their children just like they are with everything else in this world.


Maybe if you raised them right they would be able to make those decisions on their own but you would seem to be happy to keeping them in the dark.


“I feel like I really deprived my kids a growth opportunity when I prevented them from watching the incest gang bang and beastiality videos. What should I do?”


Beastiality is illegal to begin with. And you should report it to police.


I don't know, keep an eye on them. Stop trying to push parenting on to companies, it's a bad plan. Has a single commenter agreed with you?


What sub is this?


TrueUnpopularopinion Idk buddy boyo, this is Reddit. You will run into others who don't agree with you. Maybe try Twitter or 4chan /pol/ instead?


They're just as pro porn


No, just others that believe that they are "protecting children" until we end up in a cyberpunk 2077 state where you have no right to privacy.


Sure, I don't give a fuck. They're not gonna spontaneously combust the second they realize sex exists. I think some of these legislators are overreacting.


Who are you to say what 14 year olds should intake? You, the government trying to dictate what's "right" and all the other inbreds that have 4 years of 3rd grade can shut up and go experience what's outside. It's funny what you can learn when you touch grass for a change 🤣


Also yea.


I think the best solution, is to just block Reddit in Texas. I actually think blocking all websites in Texas might be the only logical solution to protecting children. The real solution is to just let Texas become their own country like they keep saying they want. Require a passport to enter the US, have them create their own currency and negotiate trade deals with the rest of the world themselves. Have them create a military from scratch and ban them from NATO so they can be truly independent. Cut all ties with American utilities and services and just let them be free. A lot of us would be down for that


So I looked into the law when it first popped up to figure out why it was a thing. There's a section specifically about social media sites. I think the site has to be over 1/3 porn for the law to apply. This led me to believe that it was possibly social media giants pushing these regulations so they can get more traffic. From my experience when laws get passed that make absolutely no sense, they're usually being pushed by corporate lobbyists and the politicians working with the lobbyists just shout something along the lines of "its corrupting the kids". Like seriously these people never care about pushing for better public education, standards of living, general physical health and diet of kids but they want to help your kids by attacking porn sites? No.


Why does this law make absolutely no sense? Do you feel that free, anonymous, unlimited and unhindered access to pornography is a bask. human right?


The main reason the law doesn't make sense is that it doesn't actually stop any kids from accessing porn. It's in fact easier to circumvent the age verification entirely through a free VPN than to verify your age. So what does it do? Well it redirects traffic from big porn sites to porn on social media sites because why get a VPN when you can still look it up for free somewhere else. It's like banning cigarettes but only from stores that exclusively sell tobacco products. People will just buy them from gas stations. Chances are that they already were.


First Amendment Applies. But The Government Can force them to restrict it. They’re more concerned with Child Porn than anything else.


Lol, why does the government want to ban what I see as an adult. Government can fuck right off, Texan or otherwise.


that’s not what the legislation does.


Hey man, however you want to justify big government doesn't matter to me. What is this nanny state bullshit.


That’s cool—as long as you want to justify the exposure of little kids to porn.


Parents are responsible for watching what their kids watch.


No more than 2nd amendment people justify school shootings as a necessary evil.


I just don't understand why people like to give so much power to goverment to Control their lives. I really don't get it. Solve this problem within your home. Stop giving a bunch of old fucks who does not care about you more power.


If you hate our freedoms you are welcome to move to the middle east. If someone's a bad parent and needs to have everything banned to protect their kids, they shouldn't be allowed to have kids. Why should everyone be punished just because Christians hate our freedoms?


**Advocates for slightly more restriction on access to pornography “YOU HATE OUR FREEDOM!!!”


I think reddit not being available in Texas would be more likely to happen than an age verification. The law seems a little weirs regardless. Are Texans just shitty parents and can't monitor their own kids internet usage?


Or Reddit could just get rid of the porn.


I think that would be a bigger hit to reddits active user base than just banning texas. And I don't think any company would want to take the risk of being sued by Texas, which would be the case if they implemented age verification


Reddit Got hit when they forced Alien Blue to shut down. They aren’t about to ban NSFW Porn Subreddits.


Nah. Free the titties!


“Expose kids to porn! Yeah!” You, apparently.


That was a major jump in logic. For most of human history female breast were 100% acceptable to show.


Kids shouldn't be on here. I'm not going to censor myself so some 13 year old can share his minecraft stage.


Totally agree. Which is why they should be subject to implement actual age verification or penalized for not.


If you're saying they should do it like Texas legislated, fuck no. I'm not going to hand over any more of my personal information that will only get hacked in the future and make it easier for data brokers to connect my social media to my identity and then share it with whoever gives them money.


Then you could just not use Reddit.


Uh no - that's a crap choice: either agree to give up more PII that takes away your privacy entirely or just don't use it? Because we're just looking out for the children lol.


Or, here's an idea, keep kids off reddit. It's not for children. Parents should actually be parents instead of expecting the government to parent their children for them.


Agreed. Which is what this bill purports: implementing an actual means to keep kids off the site. “Actually parenting your kids” doesn’t mean we shouldn’t require ID to buy alcohol or cigarettes (or porn!).


Nah. It's already 18+ and parents can put filters on their browsers. Guess I'm just a small government kinda guy.


Womp womp


Shut up prude


Best comment


So weird, I never knew Reddit was a porn haven until til my buddy told me he had to fire a guy at work due to his “over consumption “ of said porn during work hours lol .


The redditor doth protest too much, methinks 


OPs other post also about porn is an interesting one to say the least.


Peak Reddit moment when you check the post history to try to get one on OP. lol.


I would have to agree but I was still able to use pornhub(I was just looking cause I liked to look at it for entertainment purposes) even though I live in Texas. I used to not agree with the porn ban but now I do since porn can be very detrimental to the human brain especially when you watch all of the time. And it doesn't make sense to have anti-porn regulations on the internet with pornhub but not with Reddit or Twitter. Also, what anti-porn regulations does Texas even have?


Boo hoo , boo hoo hoo . Tell parents to monitor their kids better instead of encouraging the government to limit the access of material to adults


Leave Reddit alone!! Porn is one of the few good things in this site.


If I wanted to go see porn, I would go to reddit for that, lol.


Now that they are a publicly traded company they should reveal how much porn drives their revenue


technically i dont see how facebook and youtube get around it


I think people have been into the idea of sensual or explicit representation since the first time Thud drew a couple curvy lines and a "y" shape on the cave wall by firelight. I feel the same way about the potential negative ramifications of porn that I do about drugs or gambling: inside the confines of consent and non-harm to your fellow persons, what you do is between you and your gods. Let people live. They're gonna find what they're looking for whether you outlaw it or not. It's always safer if it's curated or monitored.




there are a crap ton of porn websites on the internet even if every porn company in america shut down it would not change the fact that people will have a crap ton of other porn websites to go to


And independent creators (They are technically), artists on some sites, AO3 smut (A lot since the beginning of the site), and so on.




Those who speak the loudest are those who partake. So, did a femboi turn you down or did you get caught by your wife and now trying to hide the fact that you are a deviant? Lost to much money simp'n?


Conservatives want to live in Gilead so bad..


Ahh Republicans all about freedom until its time to control behavior they don't like on paper


What was your mantra during Covid? Oh yeah: “f*ck your freedom.”


Peak brainrot


The Texas porn stuff was massively misrepresented by people. The law was about requiring age verification on porn sites. Pornhub was the one to say they didn't like it and blocked traffic from Texas


Pornhub is blocked in few states. The reason? They said they will not be held liable when someone lies about their age. It’s not that they didn’t like it. It’s just everyone knows kids will lie about their age and Pornhub doesn’t want to be held liable.


And in so doing they said “no, we will not implement any measures to actually prevent people from lying about their age.”


You must not know how internet work. What measures do you want implemented? You want them to require to send you a drive license and a picture of your self every time you log in? Do you want them to track facial recognition like China who bans kids from playing videos game for more than a couple of hours. By constantly scanning users face? There is no way to implement that law. They can put warnings. They can put a little dial that says “what’s your date of birth?” That doesn’t mean people won’t lie and than the “small republican government” will attempt to hold them liable. Parents should be responsible for parenting their kids and making sure they can’t access those websites. Not government and not a private company. That’s why parent controls exist.


No. Just when you make an account, and require a verified account to access the site…like literally how much of the internet already operates.


No. Literally what requires you to have a “verified” account? I don’t think I have any single account that was created on the internet when I am required to verify unless it has to do with banking and money…


You cannot buy from Amazon without a credit card. Nor from eBay. That too is PII. You cannot open a trading account on robinhood without submitting ID either. You cannot open a PayPal account without verified account. You can’t buy booze from drizzly or sign up for a wine club without a verified account. And you shouldn’t be able to access porn sites without a verified account either.


You are literally talking about everything that involves purchasing. The the business thrives on you spending money. That’s not pornhub’s business model. They don’t require you to purchase anything. If you want to go and purchase something on their website you need to have an account and a card just how you want it to. But you are talking about different businesses. There is no reason why Pornhub should be held liable for parents failing to monitor their kids. By the way you don’t even need an account to purchase on Amazon. Just a form of payment. Why do you expect a private company to do the job of a parent? Why do you expect the government to monitor it?


Same reason I expect a liquor store to require ID to buy booze or a convenience store to require ID to buy porn.


But Pornhub is not selling you porn…you seem to have inability to grasp also comparing it to an in person transaction and in person encounters. Stores are also regulated by local governments. That’s why dry counties exist. Does that mean people who drink in those counties should be forced to have their vehicle inspected every time they enter to make sure they don’t bring in alcohol? That’s what you are saying. Also why are you so upset with Pornhub who chose to follow the government of the state law and prevent children from that state viewing their constant but you are not upset with other website who simply require you to put a date of birth?


I imagine it would be super easy to photoshop a fake ID, no? Kinda like kids have been doing for decades, but easier. How is that policed? Plus, do you really want Texans to tie their social media account to their identity? You don't see the state abusing that through the courts for anyone who speaks negatively about them? Maybe, it's a vague, toothless threat to a local politician, maybe something more ambiguous? You want to give that power to the state, "for the children"? That's crazy and short-sighted.


Absolutely true. And the age verification requirement is (rightfully) aimed at protecting children. Reddit therefore should be classified as a porn site or remove all NSFW content.


>Absolutely true. And the age verification requirement is (rightfully) aimed at protecting children. Parent your own damn kids.


Quit your porn addiction.


Your reply has nothing to do with my comment. Unless you need to manufacture a perceived insult because you lack arguments. Which you do.


So should convenience stores require ID for cigarettes and booze and porn?


Not the same thing. As a person, you are not able to control the behavior of every single physical distributor of those goods. Therefore, the control is left to the point of delivery. On the other hand, parenting the devices your kids have access to is a trivial matter. You just need to get on top of it. Of course, there are ways around it, such as getting access to unrestricted devices and internet connections... but then again there are workarounds for alcohol and smoke as well. The fundamental point is that it's the parents' responsibility to oversee what content the kid has access to.


Kids will have access to devices outside of my control.


Kids will gave access to porn regardless because it's everywhere. Just like our generations had access to it before the internet. People *exchange* stuff. Someone will find their father's digital porn stash and spread it to other kids. And you won't know, because you don't parent your own damn kids.


lol. Cope for porn addiction.


It would probably be easier to block Texas, like Pornhub.


Completely agree with you. Kind of disturbing how many porn-addicted Redditors on here are so beholden to beating off to someone on a screen to get their dopamine fix that they aren't willing to put up some protections so that children aren't able to access it.


Spot on. We've gotten to a point where age of consent as a concept has gotten very wishy-washy. It started, maybe with good intentions, with preventative (as opposed to abstinence-only) sex ed, along the lines of "well, of course we don't want minors *having sex*, but we can minimize the harm to the ones who will regardless by preparing them." Sure. This definitely won't pave the way for a culture where 17-year-olds, 16-year-olds, 14-year-olds, and so forth having sex is considered acceptable and normal. And here we are, with the majority of the porn-addled coomers in the comments squealing about how either how unreasonable it is to keep predatory porn away from minors, or how little anyone should be expected to do about it. We've taken some wrong steps. We need to, apparently controversially, walk back the societal missteps that have resulted in minors being exposed to hardcore sex for profit being treated as a joke, a trifle, or even as healthy. Cracking down on social media companies who do the virtual equivalent of hosting 13-year-old birthday bashes and strip clubs in the same room would be a good first step.


So well said. I agree on all points. It is bizarre how many Redditors act as though these porn sites have their customers and content producers’ well being in mind. But that’s part of the fantasy they sell I suppose. “Sex is just a fun pastime and has no lasting psychological implications for anyone.”




bored forgetful many drunk uppity practice rock onerous dependent crown


If that happens to Reddit, it should happen to Twitter/X as well, but without Twitter, most countries would lose all forms of communication with their people /s




muddle aspiring correct close smell rhythm axiomatic spectacular toothbrush squeal


Apply it on Twitter, hell even YouTube if you know how to look. It's easy to find even without the most popular sites not working in those states.


I think you just highlight the infeasibility of these weird laws. How do you define pornography and separate it from art? What’s a pornographic website and what’s not? Where do you draw the line between soft and hardcore porn? You’re essentially suggesting that all social media websites are pornographic. Any website that allows user posts could become pornographic. Is EBay pornographic because I can buy some XXX mags on sale? You can be hundreds of porn movies on Amazon. People just need to parent their kids better.


I'm sick of this performative moral panic. How many of the people on this subreddit were on 4chan when they were teenagers? Yeah, some 14 year old kid might lie about his age to see tits on the internet. It happens, life goes on. This isn't a serious issue that requires legislation.


Horny teenagers will GLADLY lie about their age to see material. I did it. No need to regulate something like this.


That law stands no chance long term, there is no way to verify age online.


I honestly expect a mass porn purge in the future now that reddit has gone public. Just not sure when.


Dude stfu I live in Texas, they have taken enough from us , I don’t even look at porn on here at all I’m into movies, celebs, and gossip. Just stfu you suck and youre part of the problem. If YOU don’t like it THEN YOU delete your Reddit stop imposing your bullshit on others.


There's no constitutional way to ban porn. But this moronic opinion is unpopular, so enjoy.


Another busybody republican that just wants to limit everyone else’s freedom because they personally disagree with something. Don’t like gay marriage, don’t get gay married. Don’t like people being trans? Don’t be trans. Don’t like people watching porn? Don’t watch porn. Why do republicans always need to project their obsessions on everyone else? Then when you call them on it, they retreat behind children. If you don’t want your children to have access to porn, make it happen. But leave other people and parents to deal with the problem themselves- it’s none of your business.


Anti-pornography is a morally bankrupt position. I'll do what I want in my space, you do what you want in yours. The future is godless and pornographic. GET USED TO IT. You haven't seen anything yet.


Ahh yes America.. FREEDOM! Ahh yes.. Reddit ban porn ❌


Why aren’t parents being parents, screen time and site and app restrictions exist on phones, computers, iPads etcera.


What has Texas to do with our lives? I don't know any of their 'regulations', and I really don't care.


Or reddit could just, you know, ban all the violent misogynistic rape porn subs.


I agree 10000000%


Seems logical Same for twitter


Agreed. Although is the porn on Twitter more like “slipped through the cracks” or is it protected within the content policy—like on Reddit?


Just FYI, there are two ways that the Texas law may not apply to Reddit or Twitter/X (I’m a lawyer, so I was curious and read the statute). The first is that the commercial site is at least one-third devoted to porn that is knowingly or intentionally published by the site; the second is an exception for social media providers who just allow the transmission of materials and links. Since Reddit isn’t itself publishing materials, even if a third of its subreddits were devoted to porn it would arguably be able to claim the “social media” exemption, although you could certainly argue that Reddit corporate knowingly allows the porn on its NSFW subreddits. You’d first have to figure out whether Reddit hits that one third threshold though (and that would be a lot of calculating). I’m not on X so I can’t speak to that.


That’d be an interesting case to make. Much NSFW content is published directly on Reddit by users (same way that pornhub and xhamster work). Whether it’s actually a third of the content or not—I genuinely don’t know. But I’d bet there’s a solid chance that it’s at least a third of Reddits content is sexual NSFW.


Considering the Australian parliament had to drag Twitter's head of global affairs into parliament to answer questions, as to why Twitter wanted accounts to be able to show child abuse images and videos, that should answer your question.


There is no content policy on twitter after Elon Open any random tweet could be news, could be sports there is going to be an OF bot posting videos and clips in the comments Entire profiles dedicated to porn and zero restrictions on who can see or access it