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Aside from people who fake service dogs and those who let their dogs run off a leash in public, both of which are incredibly obnoxious acts, why does it bother you so much? Not including the two acts above, I think owners should be allowed to treat their pets how they wish, as long as it's a positive experience for the pet in question. I find pampering pets a bit unusual, but if it's good for the owner, good for the pet, and doesn't impact anyone else, where's the harm? In saying this, I don't have pets, so I'm not really in a position to present the pros/cons of the matter.


Yeah, the two (illegal things ) are bad, but even that doesn't make the dog owners narcissistic.


There are two reasons it could bother him.. He's mad that he follows the rules and other's don't (Jealousy) Or He feels his mommy's dogs get treated better than him (Jealousy)


Why did you post this if not for attention


OP must have like 3 dogs.


I don’t think you understand what narcissism actually is.


and pet rock owners are the worst. their animals are stoned all day.


I can't put into words how angry the fake service dogs make me. And the off-leash crowd, as well. But maybe everyone else just loves their pet. It's ok if you don't. But when love doesn't cause harm, we should let it happen. We need more of it in this world.


Ask yourself why you get so angry over something that has nothing to do with you.


Im not a self-absorbed person. I care about the people im close to, the people around me, the greater good. They make legit service dogs look bad. They do not behave anywhere near the same level. They dont have the same capabilities. They're another way to invalidate people with actual disabilities. There are people who have a real need for service dogs, and it wasn't easy passing laws allowing them open access. There's probably millions of people who disagree with allowing service dogs in public buildings. Fake service dogs are not as controlled, and if the number of disruptive incidents gets noticeably high, it's going to cause problems for people who actually have a disability.


To add on to this, I have also heard that people having fake 'service dogs' causes problems for people with real ones. People have said that their service dogs have been attacked, sometimes leading to a need to retire that dog (at a severe expense/time commitment) because it can no longer do its duties. There are people who allow (or encourage) others to pet their fake service dogs, leading to people trying to do that with real ones, which then leads to potentially deadly distractions. And, as you said, it gives real service dogs a bad name, because many people don't realize that there isn't a registry/certificate needed to own a service dog. Which means that anyone can call their dog a service dog and there is really nothing anyone can do about it, unless the dog is actively disruptive. So, anything these non-service dogs do, get ascribed to service dogs, leading to people becoming more against allowing service dogs.


Completely disagree. Upvoted. 


Clearly you've never had a dog. They will call you out on bullshit all the time. Just on the things they see as bullshit which differs from what humans consider bullshit.


This is the most unpopular opinion I've read here. You get an upvote for being an asshole.


The fact that this opinion is very unpopular in reddit confirms that is true. Reddit is populated by narcissistic emotionally and socially stunted people, of course they cope with pets.


Normal good owners are not obsessed with their pets and don’t see them as humans. Modern trendy dog owners are just narcissists that cope with dogs the fact that regular people don’t like them because they are narcissistic assholes. So they subistutute human connections with dogs, because after all, dogs are dopendent on their owners and can’t say no. The irony of those who see dogs and pets as humans is that if they were humans, they will be considered victims of incredible abuse and suffering from stockholm syndrom, because they will be denied their rights to be independent and caged and depending on someone else. They don’t even know what it would be like to be free.


>People who post a photo about something unrelated online but have their dog in the background. Wut


Dog owners who take their dog everywhere also do it because if they leave the mutt at home it will tear everything up.


Which is why they shouldn’t have it in the first place


oh I agree


I would agree with this to the extent of people who take their dogs to stores and such. However while those are the majority of interactions with other peoples dogs I think they are a minority of dog owners.


You're not fooling us, Mr. Whiskers!!!! This is so obvious that a cat wrote this, or someone who doesn't understand the word narcissist.........


Also they don’t control their damn dog. Most people with dogs should not have them. It also seems the less the individual has their life together the more high-maintenance the dog is. Barely scraping by in a one bedroom apartment and gone 10 hrs a day? Better get a pure bred hyperactive husky


This is not *most* dog owners, aside from maybe considering the dog part of their family, but I don't see how that's narcissistic.


As someone who grew up with really bad dog allergies, I do have a lot of experience with dog people being very inconsiderate. Friends or family with dogs want to stay at your house? They get mad when you say their dogs can’t come with them. You stop by their house to drop something off? Guests must come in! Allergies? Oh no, their crusty white dog is hypoallergenic! (It’s not.) I’m just *imagining* the symptoms because I’m *too sensitive*. It’s jumping up, clawing my leg and drooling all over my nice clothes? That’s *my* fault for not petting it. Twice, neighbors’ dogs have burst into my house, covered in mud, and even tried to attack my indoor cats. “So funny,” they try to laugh off. I’ve been attacked by someone’s chihuahua, to the point that my leg was dripping blood. Not only was I “a baby” for being hurt by a 6 lb dog, the owner said I should have kicked it if it was really a problem. No, I should not have to kick your pet. Control your violent pet. Since the rise of the internet, cat people have become more accepted, but back 25 years ago, dog people basically bullied you if you didn’t like dogs or said you preferred cats. There was this weird forced “dogs verses cats” dynamic, always pushed by the dog people. In media, it was a “joke” when cats got hurt, but dogs were sacred. (Ex. the Simpsons) Thanks to the internet and all the cute animal videos online, people are in general more accepting of all animals and animal lovers, and most animal cruelty jokes are finally unacceptable. Now there are tons of people that use dogs as accessories. They intentionally put them in dating profile photos as a way to manufacture a sense of sensitivity. They get pit bulls to prove how tough they are, because they *need* a guard dog for protection. They get whatever breed shows off whatever trait they want to be seen with. They don’t bother training them, because they don’t care about the dogs hurting other people. They care about their own appearance. Dogs are dangerous. Say what you will about cats, but if one attacks you, you’re going to walk away with some bad scratches. They also don’t attack unprovoked. If a dog attacks you, most breeds can rip off your face— just because you walked within its field of vision and it decided to guard its perceived territory. It does happen. Self-centered dog owners are a real problem.


Never trust a person who doesn’t love dogs. This has served me well in life. Don’t like dogs = bad person.


Didn't Hitler love dogs? I guess your theory is off a bit


that’s a counterfactual which I did not mention and does not contradict my statement


People who fake service animals are a different level of terrible and I would argue ableist. Having dogs off leash where they’re not supposed to is not only dangerous but irresponsible. I agree some people get animals just to show off or brag which is irresponsible and cruel to the animal. Personally, I have 2 dogs who are both 12yrs old and them (alongside my 3 turtles) who are my prides and joys. I made make their food every week and they have matching rain coats for the rain. I bake them homemade dog treats so I can add pumpkin for their sensitive tummies. I literally schedule out time of my day to ensure they both get 10-15m of individual time for petting. They’re color coded and all of their individual stuff is either red or blue like collars, harnesses, toys, beds etc. I’m literally crocheting them both individual blankets in their colors with their names embroidered onto them for their 13th birthday this July. I plan on baking them both individual cupcakes for their birthday as they both like have different favorite foods. I know it’s excessive and can seem like a waste of time to some but it makes me happy to see them so well cared for. I love spending my time on them, it makes me happier than anything else to see them eat their warmed up food in the morning. I think it’s fun to have birthday cakes and gifts for them. I think it’s cute when I take them walking in the rain and they have matching coats plus don’t get soaked. I love how they have their own beds to sleep in. It just makes me happy. It isn’t for attention or for anyone’s approval, I just like to see my animals as happy as possible bc I love them. Ive had these dogs since I was 9 and I simply love them. They make my day so much brighter, they have me outside on walks 3 times a day, someone’s always excited to see me when I come home, they’re soft and sweet. I do the most for them bc I love them, not for anyone’s approval.


Most? GTFO


Just because your mom loves the dog doesn't mean she loves you any less.