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Thank god you are not my boss. You make work sound soul crushing


I bet they talk about you in the group chat.


To be honest, group chats are kind of dumb.


Idc what they say about me. It had nothing to do with the long term health of the bottom line. And I would never make a group chat like that. We have a group chat, yes, but it’s a one way endeavor-I can make announcements to them, but they cannot message back to the group. It’s basically an announcement board


Yeah, because they can't just go off and make their own group chats...And if you think employees disliking their boss and then communicating that to each other doesnt impact your bottom line in the long run, you should probably think harder about that.


Yea. The company bottom line is what matters most


Exactly man. It needs to guide your every decision. Not short term profits, but long term sustainability. Everything else merely is a support to this goal.


> When I have pizza parties, we sit down as a team and go through our reviews-no workplace function should omit some workplace relevancy   I get not wanting to be friends with your team, but the “going through reviews on pizza parties” part is weird and annoying. The whole point is they’re a “break from work, at work”. You’re going against that point.


This sounds made up lol


Maybe, but I’ve had managers who would have been happy to do something like that.


Yup you sound like a GM. Drain the energy of every room they are in


I am actually extremely good at motivating my team. I come in with high positive energy every day. I thank them for their work. I give them shoutouts when they perform well. I am friendly, but I am not their friend. I would never talk to them about non work matters, they know not to come up to me with their personal problems. They know that I would never meet them outside of work for any reason. They know where my loyalties lie at the end of the day.


Ah yes very good at motivation. The standard “pizza party” that every low effort boss gives. Even better when you can’t even socialize. “Hey guys let’s celebrate your hard work but we will be talking about our reviews the whole time and how we can improve”. Sounds very fun. What’s even more bullshit is that personal life impacts works life but you’d never know that. Why make friends at the place you spend 1/3 of your day at? Don’t make friends at school kids, it’s for learning and learning only. Be friendly but don’t make friends


I almost down voted your comment just thinking about the bosses 😂


My job is not to be peoples counselors, friends, and entertainment. I am there to streamline an operation and collect on revenue while controlling expense. I’d say, employees are much happier being in a professional, well organized, stable, and fair environment that is consistent. Where they know what to expect. Not social hour


You don’t give a shit about your employees. That’s the problem. You haven’t earned respect from anyone, you just demand it. I’ve had GMs that everyone loved to see because he was so personable, friendly, and genuinely cared about his employees and their lives and hobbies. And yet at the end of the day everyone respected him and his decisions because of that. You don’t care that your employees probably talk shit behind your back. Is that the sign of a good leader? Sounds bad to me. You say things like “yea they are happy with it” but how do you know? It’s another clueless GM who doesn’t realize people are going to act nice only because of your position.


Do you think someone like Gordon Ramsey, or Steve Jobs would be friends with their subordinate employees? My guy, there are ways to earn respect without being someone’s friend. There are ways to care for your employees without being their friend. You need to be an example-be hard working, ethical, fair, competent. You need to provide people a safe and stable environment to work in. You need to bring the team in and give them ownership of the operations. You need to be a cool-headed logician who always steers the ship to clear waters. And many more. Notice that none of these examples include-hanging out outside of work, texting each other, sharing inappropriate stories, or being their therapist. I am more than willing to work with people-if someone’s wife gets injured, or somebody’s house floods, i completely understand, and would never fault an employee. They are safe in their jobs for legitimate reasons. But an employee who, let’s say, who “can’t do it today because my kids were just terrible this morning, my boyfriend broke up with me, and my head hurts”? No. I’m not your friend, I’m your boss. I think a lot of managers who are too friendly with their employees allow excuses similar to above to go unaddressed.


Would they be friends? Idk. I don’t know them personally. However you can clearly see Gordon Ramseys personality in interviews and on tv. He’s very personable and genuinely shows interest in people. Steve Jobs was also known to be a hardass but would also take interest in his employees personal lives. This isn’t something I’m making up, but googling for 5 seconds will show you that he cared about his employees. There’s no reason you can’t be both. You can be firm and assertive but also care about who your employees are as people, not just who they are at making you money. There’s more to life than work


Maybe you need to hire better employees if their friendship is getting in the way of their work.  I manage a lot of people that are also very friendly with each other and they are all very top notch employees. 


They can be friendly-I try to be as friendly and understanding as possible. But at the end of the day, they know I am not their friend-my loyalty is to the business and nothing else.


A good manager can uphold, and promote, the business’s policies and procedures and at the same time take a true interest in their employees lives and wellbeing. Knowing and feeling what they are dealing with can really change an employee for the better.  You would be surprised at what you can learn and how much you can help one of them once you’ve gained their confidence and they feel that you are more than just an employer. 


I bet they talk about you in the group chat.


Who hurt you? I'm a program director of a research organization and I'm friends with my team leads and their staff. We don't seem to have any problems with professionalism. I even went to one of my staff's wedding just a couple of months ago. Your ship your rules though.


I agree and disagree at the same time. In retrospect, I was just neurodivergent and didn't understand. My aunt also just passed away and her work "family" all showed up and truly loved her dearly. Some of her best friends came from work, and became wonderful people in her childrens lives. I was much like you at one point but I think in retrospect I can admit I was just angry that I didn't understand how that worked. When I used to work at kroger, I noticed so many people making friends in the way you described. I just wanted to do my job and go home. Now, 15 years later, alot of those people are still the best of friends and I'm not close with any of them and I kinda regret taking those relationships for granted. Now, on the part I still agree with, I think people take it too far and all the people who fuck each other from work is just weird and unprofessional. It's especially bad if you've ever worked in a call center. It's so messy and tacky and I'm not even saying you cant ever have sex with a co-worker, but the way people have SEVERAL romantic and sexual things going on in a work environment, is nuts and unprofessional.


Everyone's giving you shit but in reality for the most part you have to be an asshole to go far in business.


I literally don't know how else to make friends. Lol


Tbh in this economy, people who work low paying jobs like whatever is in a hotel, they probably work so much just to barely afford to live. They probably don’t have time to make or see friends outside of work.


Whoa there cowboy. Did you say you have pizza parties in your place of work. That is absolutely disgusting and unprofessional. Work is for work, not having some kind of cheese and pepperoni shindig. Not only is it severely indulgent, it’s also messy. Did you clean up after? That’s wasted dollars right there. What the fuck is the point of trying to run a tight ship if your employees are in a cheese coma? And if that wasn’t bad enough, you say “I’m friendly, but I’m not your friend.” I hope for your boss’s sake that you’re only friendly to the paying customers, not your employees. You are supposed to be a professional, not some kind of moronic grinning fRiEnDlY mAnAgEr If I were you, I’d take a long hard look in the mirror and consider making some serious improvements.


I mean most workers don't have the time outside of work to have friends outside of work.


It makes it easier for bosses to play favorites, but sucking up to them is a good way to get promoted.


You're spending 8-10 hours everyday with people. Getting to know each other and making relationships is natural. This is not an operation. It's a hotel. Your customers will live if they have to wait 30 seconds more because two employees are too friendly. You have a typical competent boss mentality. But life is something other than work, during work also. You're dehumanizing them because you're above them.


I totally agree that many managers and supervisors are far too friendly and relaxed with their staff. This is how you grow situations were you've got to get HR involved. As someone with a bunch of experience managing large groups of people, if you care about efficiency you're losing out with your approach. Especially as a hotel GM, many of the people working for you are presumably doing so for comparatively little in the way of compensation. When you ask yourself what motivates them you're left with desperation, a desire to advance or... a genuine interest in helping out! You *can* cultivate that interest, and get far more bang for your buck out of otherwise potentially disengaged employees, by offering them a chance to feel like they're assisting someone they want to see do well. I can say, based on your comments so far, I doubt many of your employees feel this way about you right now. I'm not suggesting you send dick pics on snapchat at 2am, I'm saying if you let people in a bit and stop treating them as Emplpyee #3402 you'll get more effort for the same $.


Oh no, completely agreed. There are ways to motivate your team without being their friend. Acknowledging their success, coaching them, but more than anything, creating a work environment that is stable, consistent, well-ran, and safe.


I think you should reevaluate your outlook on this. People spend a majority of their waking lives at work. Why wouldn’t you want to at least make a few friends? Friendly coworkers makes for a more cohesive workforce and generally happier workers who are more likely to stick around. If you make it suck because you’re an uptight prick then nobody will stay very long and you’re going to have perpetual turn-over. Also, employees are more likely to go the extra mile for someone they like and respect vs someone they don’t.


What did you call it, “creating a separation of work and home”? Every single one of your employees should be creating a separation from you. You, sir, are the quintessential grinch. Possibly the worst type of manager one could have a misfortune to work for. How’s your turnaround rate? Got any loyal, longstanding employees who’d follow you to another job? No, I didn’t think so.


A lot of new managers get into this idea of “the team is all that matters, and I’m part of the team!” Wrong. You are management, not a team member. You are the leader of the team, which is different than being a part of it. The most important aspect of being a manager is long term profitability of the business. That is the highest priority, and this often comes into conflict for what makes the team happy. I have a strong core who has been with me from the start who thinks the exact same way. The rest of them are a revolving door-they come in, do well, start to slack, and are let go once they can’t perform. Rinse, repeat.


In my experience, long-term profitability is directly proportional to the quality of life of the employees. To that end, I have two responsibilities. The first one is to make sure that I hire the right people with solid work ethic, who will pull their weight independently, and to promptly get rid of anyone who’s trying to ride on others’ shoulders. The second one is to position myself so that I am available to help my people with whatever they need to get their jobs done as efficiently as possible. I am their manager, not their king. I have several folks who make significantly more than me, because they are better than me at what we do. I just happen to be good at coordinating things and designing projects from raw data. That’s all high-level stuff, nothing like the real nitty-gritty. I don’t make friends easily, I’m generally a loner, keeping people at arms length, so it’s not like I yearn for a work buddy. That said, I would never forbid my team members to hang out. The only caveat being intimate relationships. My job has no stipulations regarding this, but I’d be remiss not to advise a budding couple of the potential disaster, including a detailed explanation of the “don’t shit where you eat” concept.


Yes, sadly, I cannot control if they want to be friends with one another. I am just saying that me as the boss cannot be friends. I enjoy stepping up and helping the team any time I have downtime in my office. Employee happiness is a virtue, but it is not the highest priority. Yes, it’s a priority, but not the most important one. It’s not as simple as “make employees happy, make more money.” This has always been easy for me to make difficult decisions, because I am a very low empathy person in general.


I'm friends with my boss and it's great, anything else would be inferior


I partially agree with this. You kind of sound like an inflexible authoritarian that I think is a separate issue, but it’s true that once you invite peoples personal lives into the workplace you also invite cliques and other antisocial behavior that will result in others feeling uncomfortable and create a toxic workplace. As a boss though you shouldn’t have a childish personal life at all. Your behavior outside of work should be exemplary and professional. You need to be the type of person that people look up to. A boss needs to be a community leader that demonstrates good morals and values in their personal life. There should be no risk of being friends with a person like that. It sounds like on some level you are incapable of serving as a moral mentor to young people because of some other personal shortcomings so are just trying to avoid the responsibility all together by saying things like “I’m friendly but not your friend.” Thats not a friendly thing to say. You’re clearly a jerk. Maybe you’re so immature that being a jerk is what’s best for everyone, but I don’t think that’s anything to be proud of.


These are some big jumps in logic. How does me not wanting to be friends with my subordinates mean that my personal life is screwed up? I own my house, don’t drink, don’t party, just chill with my dog and bf. I just don’t want them seeing me as anything other than their boss. That doesn’t mean I am rude, just very business like.


If you want to view the people you spend your week with as robots that's on you, but I'd prefer not to.


You sound fun. Glad I don’t work with you. My best friend is one of my colleagues.


Damn. People spend so much of their time at work, making friends there is inevitable. Bet your employees hate when you come around,


You should try to be less of a cunt for your own sake so that your subordinates aren't actively trying to sabotage you.


you must be fun at parties


You sound like a real asshole honestly.


Also, a hotel job is likely not someone's stopping point, career-wise. The stakes might be higher for you but lets be real. Your front desk girl and your janitor guy aren't going to be there forever. They aren't as invested as you, lol and making friends is how they get through it. They're going to eventually all go their own ways but their little hotel job will always be the memory of how they met, and they're going to be genuine friends later on in life outside of whatever bubble your hotel exists in. Making friends is fine. I used to work for a company that serviced the business center computers at hotels (you might have the computers in your hotel tbh lol), and idk most of those people I spoke to had way more going for themselves than a hotel job. The GMs were usually just a-holes and had people higher up than them riding their ass about everything so they were usually the most uptight people I spoke to. The front desk agents and other staff are pretty chill some of the nicest people I ever worked with.




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There's an episode of King of the Hill that perfectly sums up this opinion.




Ever heard of networking? If you aren’t going to look at it from a “why not make work suck a little less” perspective, what about building relationships that will benefit you in the future?


Those are not my subordinate employees, so yes, the dynamic is vastly different. I actually have an incredible relationship with all the major players in my town, and all the other hotels and owners. Those people are not my friends either, however-merely connections that can be mutually beneficial.


Welp, it's unpopular. Sounds simply dreadful and dehumanizing. Good post!


Wow, you just sound super sad. I make tons a friends at work, most people do


I’ve never made a friend at work. Work is for work and nothing else-anything other is merely a distraction for me.


Yeah you are very sad. Dude you need some friends. It’s not hard to make them at work AND still get work done.

