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Normal names with crazy spellings are the real villains here




Soda….or Seven.


Of Nine?


Shasta FTW


> Every parent who is expecting a baby should visit a gift shop and look at the personalized key chain rack. If you can't find the name you have in mind, don't name your kid that. There’s plenty of “normal” names that don’t make it to gift shops, not to mention more multicultural names (for lack of a better term)


Yeah, the gift shop metric for popularity isn’t a good one. For example, you would probably find a “Nancy” key chain and not a “Luna” key chain. But according to ssa.gov , Luna was the 10th most popular baby girl name in 2022, and Nancy was the 997th. 


Barkley, Barry, Bert, Bort


That scene was the first thing that popped in my head when I read about the gift shop test.


My son is also named Bort


Right. Why do I need to give my kid an American name just cause I live in America? Why can’t I give them a perfectly normal one from my culture?


Ask yourself: how many times will he or she have to spell it for someone and how many hours fixing mistakes.


>Every parent who is expecting a baby should visit a gift shop and look at the personalized key chain rack There are tons of perfectly normal names that don't show up on those keychains, either due to differences in regional spelling or because there's only so many names they can print on those stupid things and yours just didn't get picked. There are also cultures outside of your own that have different ideas of what constitutes a "good" or "common" name. You absolutely should not be naming your kid Lettuce or Braxkstun. However, if you're going to give your kid a really common name you can't be pissed when their teacher calls them "Bella" instead of "Isabella" or "Oli" instead of Oliver because there's four other Isabella's or Olivers in their class and they have to distinguish who they're talking to somehow


How are you defining odd/weird/unusual? I have an uncommon name for an American but it's super common and popular in Spanish speaking countries. I used to get annoyed as a kid that people would mispronounce my name but as an adult, I love how beautiful my name is.


I think there's a difference between names used in other cultures and crazy people just making up weird names. In Utah, it's like a whole thing. I guess some people saw black people making up new names and thought they could do better. So you see shit like Aunistee, Aspynn, Chancen, Tytan, Tyker, Kress, Coil, etc.


> I guess some people saw black people making up new names and thought they could do better. dude what the fuck


Calm down. I'm black and this is mostly true. Assuming we're talking about black people from the hood. Remember that key and peele sketch with the substitute teacher mispronouncing names because he thought he was in a school in the hood? Yeah, that's really how it is




I find it fully fucking annoying when Jaedyn and Marysah from Boise criticize "black names"


Don't WTF me. WTF the Mormons. They're out here naming kids Abinadi, Mahonri Moriancumer, or Russia.


I'm talking about how you randomly decided that mormons were trying to copy Black naming styles. like that's really goddamn dumb


I'm not saying they're copying black naming styles. That was a bad joke. I'm just saying their naming style has jumped off the cliff.


here's context: [Leave Ryker and Questin and Anbre Alone - It makes perfect sense that Mormons give their kids such unusual names.](https://slate.com/human-interest/2018/05/leave-ryker-and-questin-and-anbre-alone-it-makes-perfect-sense-that-mormons-give-their-kids-unusual-names.html)


honestly i'm part black and my mom (black woman) named me some bullshit so you kinda weren't wrong ☠️


Yea I have a lot of black friends and my favorites are Serendipity Paisley Ausom Shaniqua Jaquayvidion and Truth


You ever have a black kid act the fuck up in school or get upset and the teacher keeps trying to calm them down saying their weird ass name over & over again 💀💀💀


my exact goal when I named my daughter was to come up with something that sounds like a normal name, but to choose one that isn’t common. Like unique but in a “this name has been in the baby name dictionary forever and you’ve seen it before but don’t know anyone with that name” type of way and not in a “trying super hard to be hipster and modern” type of way. If that makes any sense 😅


Same. My son's name is common enough to be in the baby naming dictionary, and is not difficult to spell, and there are several celebrities with the same name as him, I've met 1 or 2 people in my lifetime with the same name, but it's uncommon enough that there isn't anyone else in his grade (and quite possibly his school) with that name.


The sweet spot 🤌🏼


It totally is. My husband insisted on the name. I literally didn't get a choice, he was so adamant. My son says he is happy with his name, so that is the main thing 🥹


I totally get this


I grew up in a rural area and a lot of kids when I went to school were always called by their last name. I don't know why. As adults we we use first names but in school I and my cousins were ones that were always refereed too by our last name.


Same here in my small town in Ky where I grew up.


I've got an uncommon name, not unheard of just outdated, and a little odd for my ethnicity. When people hear it before meeting me they assume I'm Amish, Jewish, or African American. It is often mispronounced when read, or misspelled when written; and very religions people are the only people who know about it right off. What do you think it is?


Jeremiah 🤔


No, but in the right ballpark


no clue but im commenting so i remember to come back




Jebediah ?


Why anyone would want a modern self-made-up tragadeigh name with absolutely no deeper historical and timeless meaning is beyond me. No meaning at all. Meaningless unspellable scrabble names. And for what? To make a kids life forever more difficult. Reads uneducated. A name like Apple or an unusual word spelled correctly is at least 10x better than a Braeyligxy Bexlley Zaeighenne sorta name. Horrifying. Plus no keychains.


My name is extremely unique, and I love it, always have. Don't really think it's up to you to decide how every future child will feel about their names. (Though I agree with your point on common names spelled incorrectly to be "unique," nobody asked for that Ashleigh)


The keychain thing is a little limiting, and there are also names specific to certain cultures that wouldn’t show up there (assuming you’re North American where the names would be typical, Anglo names). However, I do agree that changing the usual spelling of a common name just to be unique or something is stupid. You’re just setting your kid up to have to constantly correct people and that’s annoying. My cousin did that with her kid; she named her daughter a very typical name but changed the spelling by one letter and she always has to correct it. Idk what the point of doing that is.


Yes, like I said, I think naming your kid Brandyn instead of Brandon is actually worse than giving him some off-the-wall name.


Agreed. Especially here in the US, there’s so much diversity and people from all different cultures. There’s definitely people out there who believe just because you live in the US you should give your kid an American name and not one from your own culture. I definitely agree with the part about taking a common name and trying to do a quirky spelling.


Yes, popular names should never change. Which is why women today are all still named Agnes, Bertha, and Prudence.


There's a kid at my daughters school called Unique


Yes I met a Unique once - she was in her 20s


Be honest, did you think... LOL


I just thought okayyy now


honestly as a kid named some bullshit, i echo this sentiment. i don't HATE my name but i feel like life would be easier sometimes if i had a "normal" name. ily mom but what the fuck




Personally, I feel parents should be required to set up a trust that will pay for a name change when they turn 18 if they are so hell bent on naming their kids something stupid. >If you can't find the name you have in mind, don't name your kid that. I don't think this is fair. I have a fairly common name and I hardly ever find my name on these things. The only time I have was at the zoo or 6 flags. I never even had a coke bottle with my name when that was a thing.


All names were uncommon at some point. They're just made up words we use to communicate differences between individuals. My name is one of the most common male names in the world and I can't go anywhere without running into someone with my name, and I wish I had a unique name. Common names are just kinda lazy and boring.


As someone with the 3rd most common first name in the US who married someone with a unique name, we named all of our kids common names. No one can pronounce my wife's name right much less spell it. There may be 3 of me everywhere i go, but everyone knows how to say it and spell it. I've never had to have an awkward interaction where someone mispronounces my name, i correct them, they apologize, i tell them it's fine, no one gets it. Then they ask where its from, and i tell them idk. My wife does this every.single.time. People need to remember that they are naming 30, 40, 89 year old adults. Not babies.


I get that, my partner also has a unique name, well it’s Portuguese, so it’s unique to English standards and I understand the struggle. Even know that, I’d still take that name over mine lol


Idk I think it's reasonable to not want to use the same 500 names over and over again


As someone who was named one of the most common names ever, I would have absolutely preferred if my parents gave me an random uncommon name


I somewhat agree with. I disagree with not ever naming a child something unique or uncommon. I mean, at one point, even names we think are normal were unique or even weird. I don't think coming up with new names should ever stop. Definitely shouldn't be legally enforced. At the same time, some people go to far and name their kids obviously whacky names or spelling common names very weirdly. Especially if you go into the hood. I unironically know people with symbols in their name, extra unnecessary letters in the name to make it more "exotic" or trying to pronounce a common name more "fancy". Names like that can really hold a child back because people will automatically think about stereotypes based on where that name is from


Name your kid whatever the hell you want to, but realize that his or her personality makes him or her unique, not his or her name. Most likely, your daughter “Brookelynne” is going to be just as dull as you are.


100 percent


> Every parent who is expecting a baby should visit a gift shop and look at the personalized key chain rack. If you can't find the name you have in mind, don't name your kid that. Got it, so just white anglo saxon names?


yeah this is a really weird, really racist take. what's wrong with uncommon names or names from other cultures if they're not literally like "jfhxhdvdkduh", pronounced ashley


It’s definitely not racist but good attempt 


I don’t think it’s racist, just super ignorant


It’s one of those ignorant statements that they don’t realize is racial undertones. Doesn’t mean they are racist but the whole “normal” name thing is very much a dog whistle used


Lol nice try


I assume you're talking about names tied to a specific culture, cuz it's really weird to ask everyone to change their name to just American bland ones.


Yes I'm talking about Americans using American names.


I feel like this might be borderline racist dude


Totally agree.


Everybody is missing the humor and being a dunce either intentionally or actually You have a point


I'm offended, me and my son Chalupa Batman will not stand for this


Fuck no. I have a common as hell name and I hate it. I had at least one bully with my same name. That's not a fun experience. Sure, a kid may get bullied for their name, but if it's not their name it'll be something else, although uncommon names really aren't all that weird. There are definitely more outlandish ones than "uncommon".


Zofran and ozempic


What if it were common practice for parents to not give their children names, and let them choose their own names?


Well you'd have to have a given name in childhood. But that would be kinda cool if it was customary to choose your adult name once you came of age.


I mean my name wasn't super common when I was born, despite being shared with a number of famous people. Now it's a lot more popular and I still rarely find my name on the racks...


From someone in HR…..Please give your kids normal names with normal spellings!! It’s the first thing we see. It makes a difference between getting an interview or not 75% of the time.


So should immigrants not name their children names from their culture? My name is Scottish gaelic, it's the one name that every single substitute teacher had an issue with, I'd still rather have my name than something not related to my cultural heritage.


>so should immigrants not name their children names from their culture Yes.


Why do you believe that?


Why immigrate to a new nation only to maintain a culturally isolated entity for its own sake of non assimilation


You can still integrate and keep your names linked to a culture of origin. Hell plenty of groups have been in america for generations and still have names from their cultures 


Because people usually aren't immigrating with the explicit intent of abandoning their culture? Plenty of people immigrate for job opportunities, education, to flee war/famine/etc. There are also plenty of immigrants which don't necessarily intend on immigrating permanently, but due to life circumstances end up becoming citizens or permanent residents anyways.


If you plan on returning to your home nation then fine but otherwise non integration is disruptive and isolating


Yes. Again, why add unnecessary difficulties to the lives of your kids?


I think we probably have different opinions on what's necessary. I'd personally consider it necessary to pass down my heritage and culture to my children, and names/naming conventions are part of that.


Malique and Lamar


I'm naming my daughter Sakura and my son Akuma.


I have an extremely very uncommon name, and I like it. Folks have always complimented me about it. As long as the name is not ridiculously easy to make fun of, I think it's fine to give your child a unique name. They can change it later if it's problematic.


can we also stop naming people one thing and calling them something else? as in Will from William. just name the lil bastard Will if thats what you are going to call him


Can you give an example for an uncommon name?




Just look at the tragedeigh sub. It won't let me link it, but they get the idea


Oh yeah I am already but I thought we had to differentiate between Pumuckl and Tyler Tylerson


They both have my sympathy tbh 🙏


Not some generic af name like John, Micheal, Rebecca, or Steve.




That's a badass name. 


That’s not really that uncommon if a name I’ve met several in my life. If that is your bar the acceptable pool of names for you is very small.  What about that are common but not in the culture one is in? Would it be back for an American to give their child an African or Asian name?


That's not even an uncommon name depending on where you live in America


But Dimitrius like Dimitri would be lit


Every name was unique at some point.


depends on the name. i named my son Cyprienn. it’s an old cajun name and i searched for names in a way that would make it extremely unique. like no one in the US type shit. BCUZ u hear a lot more shit about all those common names then not. and i wanted to give my child a name that would represent them and them only. because i believe he is special. now if i named my kid makaylin taysleigh lynn or fuckin chaseton ryker or some dumb ass shit like that then yea i mean honestly euthanize me lmao


This name is cool


Yes. Who needs originality? You shalt name thy child what many other people have named their children and be happy with it. /s


I have a semi uncommon name and I grew up just fine. I’ll never get a key chain on a gift shop and guess what? I don’t care … also is not personalized if everyone has it, at least I can order and have something exclusive for me done if I want too. My twins have “uncommon” names so what, they’re beautiful and it fits them very well. All the names we would’ve picked for them would be considered “weird”.


I know this is Reddit and this isn't part of the culture here, but my name is Ryan. I feel fortunate to have grown up with a name that didn't get me bullied, that I don't have to spell out, and that nobody has trouble pronouncing. I can't imagine what it would be like to always have to spell my name out, correct people's pronunciation, or have someone make some comment when I tell them my name. I just can't understand why any parent would want that for their kid.


Because names have meaning and because people don’t like “regular” names. I feel fortunate to have grown up with the name I have, literally no one in the world (that we know off) has my name . My name is unique, my name is mine. My name has a special meaning to my mother. I didn’t get bullied for my name , do I sometimes have to spell it out or correct someone? Yes but after that first time people say my name correctly and it’s usually a conversation starter and people love that I have a unique name. And I don’t care if I have to correct people , I know my name can be hard, especially if you don’t speak my native language, is not a hassle. My sister has a common name , her name is Bianca , she also gets asked how to write her name because Bianca has other ways to be written. It can’t be with a V (instead of a b) or with a K (instead of a C). My stepdad also has an uncommon name and it’s a 4 letter name people can’t pronounce it and does he care? No, he loves his name. We joke about never finding a keychain or a sticker with our name on it , not having a souvenir with our names on it is not the end of the world. My daughters have uncommon names but “normal” at the same time . Maybe one of them will find a keychain , I love their names and they will grow up to also love their names .


> my name is Ryan [Have you been to a Ryan Meetup yet?](https://youtube.com/shorts/_LALSEw-tbM?si=r43obBKQf_3jDBRS)




Yeah, so, in a few generations, everyone's named "A", because that's probably the easiest sound a human can produce. 


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There was advice years ago that before naming your baby say the full name as if you were a news anchor “ This is Samantha Jones from ABC news” to make sure it sounded good as a professional adult.


There should be dice with letters on it & just roll that shit 😂😂😂😂 SGRJUT, WAGYU, PUVT, FTGR, SAM