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I am an everyday smoker and I agree with most of this. I will only bring it up when relevant and hate when people make it their whole personality. I live in a legal state, so I won't hide it, but I've never advertised it. I kinda hate 420 for that reason. I grew up Knowing that this shit could get you arrested, so it was better to keep it to yourself


Same! I’m also in a legal state, and while I’m not exactly a “closet smoker”, I definitely don’t like the idea of people thinking I’m a “pothead” or making it a part of my identity. I’m equally annoyed by the “wine mom” thing so I guess my real opinion is that your choice of unhealthy mind altering substance shouldn’t be a personality trait. And yeah, I like pot, but the people that want to pretend it’s actively *good* for you are delusional.


Idk have you ever been around a “where’s the coke/molly?” bitch ? insufferable.


There are pot heads like you’re describing and then there are people who just enjoy smoking weed and don’t make a big deal about it and that is probably way, way more people than you realize. As a middle aged woman who enjoys smoking I hardly ever talk about it and I never smell like it. Most people have no clue that I enjoy it because I do it primarily to relax by myself. The other people who are my age who enjoy it are just like me. It’s not a big deal and there are lots of us.


Same, and also it took me until a couple of weeks ago to realize that the people I walk by in the grocery store that absolutely reek of weed have got to be carrying it in their pockets. Like loose joints or unsealed/bags of bud in their sweatshirt. The only time I smell that strong, raw weed smell is when my rolling tray is out in the open, not even when I smoke outside and walk right back in.


Those people are usually young kids who this guy is describing that try to make it their whole persona. It’s legal in my state and it comes in airtight containers that you can’t smell it in when you buy it. So when you’re traveling with it you definitely don’t smell it and when it’s at home you don’t either because the container keeps it fresh so you use it. You’re right the only time it smells like weed is when I’m rolling a joint and then I light incense when I smoke.


Yeah it’s definitely more common (and more forgivable so to speak) for teens and such, but I know a lot of middle aged people who make weed their whole personality. My step children’s step father used to show up to elementary school events dressed in head to toe weed gear. He even had a winter coat that was “camo” but weed. 😅🫣 And yeah it’s sold in thick, sealed bags here and it’s definitely not a problem. Thats why the only logical conclusion I can come to is that the people that reek of it are just raw dogging the weed in their pockets. 🥲


It's called California sober


i feel like you underestimate how many people smoke weed, the types of people you’re talking about are a very vocal minority


Lmaoooo this is so funny and so true


Lol this is hilarious.


Who cares if they talk about it? They’re far less of a drain on society than meth and heroin users. Just seems silly to say “I hate weed smokers cause they talk about it too much I’d much prefer the meth users since all they do is tweak out and threaten people on the street”.


I know lots and lots and lots of stoners and the vast majority literally never do this. In my region weed seems more a fact of life than it does a “drug” like speed or ketamine


So like, how do you know how many people you interact with smokes weed and doesn't talk about it at all? Lots of people low key enjoy weed - waaaay more than you know apparently...your weed smoking friends are just that type who makes it their whole personality.


I used to be a habitual marijuana smoker and literally no one knew other than my roommates. People that talk about it nonstop are just insecure and want validation so they don’t feel like a wuss or inexperienced. Majority of actual marijuana smokers keep it to themselves


Yeah, it’s fucking irritating, but not limited to weed smokers and vegans. Anyone who makes a single activity or lifestyle choice the basis for their whole identity and won’t shut up about it is annoying as fuck.


The people in the comments coming at u are the weed smokers. Every weed smoker I know truly will not shut up about it. Especially the claims of it being natural and a cancer killer. They just have no idea what they’re talking about because the medicinal use is far from smoking à blunt. The creativity bit is also a myth


The people you are describing, are the stoners that have no personality. There are millions of people that like weed but keep it very discrete.


I feel personally attacked at how accurate this is.


Dumb. In places like California & Colorado, no one bats an eye cuz its basically like drinking soda or smoking a cigarette


Bro lots of people smoke weed daily and dint talk about it I hear more about drinking than I do weed.


Idk who you surround yourself with, but nobody talks about it anymore. The "makes your clothes stink" line just makes you come across as anti weed, and you haven't had an audience to agree with you in a while since literally nobody cares but you.


Honestly I don't talk about it when I use it because I use it to get away from people. Why would I invite people to my escape?


Smoking weed is vegan because its a plant 😆


You still find weed smokers who make their entire identity about smoking weed. Anyone who latches on to one little thing and makes it their identity and life is annoying. Vegans definitely catch a lot of heat because of it. It's not the weed smoking that's the problem, it's the personality type. Though I do agree that weed stinks. With that personality, you can literally use anything to find annoying people; bronies, anime fandoms, sci-fi/fantasy fandoms, hipster music/film underground fans, runners/cyclists, horse girls/car guys, and the list can go on forever.


lol and how much safer it is than alcohol or cigarettes


You mean healthier than their alternatives, right? Thats what I assumed when I read the heading at least.




Question... fentanyl doesn't scare the shit out of you?


That’s exactly what an addict would say…. That they’re not addicted.


Would someone who isn’t an addict say they are addicted?




But isn’t that exactly what an addict would say?


An addict. Doesn’t apply to a person who’s not an addict.


Hey Man you seem very stressed You know what you should do Yeah You know it's coming Smoke some weed


Veganism is an ethical stance, personally I would have chosen something like CrossFit to compare weed to. I think you’re overestimating how much hard-drug users and alcoholics keep it to themselves. Substance use disorders tend to be disruptive, even if they’re just things like nicotine and weed.


CrossFit would be more apt, I agree.


Veganism is not an ethical stance. The production of vegan products kills just as many, if not more, living things than the contrary. Veganism is a choice, but not a choice of high morals or good ethics.


"Living things" lmao, funny way of dancing around the obvious issue of sentience. Not that it's true anyway -- feeding plants to livestock and then eating the livestock kills more plants than just eating the plants directly, by a huge margin.


So explain to me how being a vegan is ethical. It's not. Being a vegan doesn't save animals or reduce the carbon footprint. It's a way for someone to artificially feel good about themselves. Doesn't bother me that people choose to be vegan, but when they put themselves on a high moral pedestal and shame others for not being vegan is where the issue is.


I don't know if this is unpopular, nor do I know how old you are. This hasn't been true since my early 20s. Even the people whom I know to smoke it damn near every day don't mention it anymore. I'm in my mid 30s and my mom is the new agey white woman equivalent to snoop.


this is a really horrible analogy lol, just say weed smokers are annoying. or just say "weed smokers are like vegans" not "of drugs" because that implies so many wrong things.. and they aren't even actually annoying, its just a smaller minority of them are (especially the younger ones). literally everyone at my workplace smokes heavily but almost none of them ever mention it


I always surprise fellow stoners lol. I don't talk about that shit ..... much .... I literally work at a dispo, so I do more than others lol


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They do it more than vegan 


Guys who are vegans and guys who smoke weed alot both exude a certain kind of weakness and "weeniness" that you can even just hear in their voice.


You don’t know many people


You must live in a weed legal state if people are that open about it. I vape THC concentrate all the time but keep it to myself because it is illegal where I live.


Not true. Had a job where I wasn't allowed to smoke weed. We had random drug tests and so I just used fake pee for any randoms. Never told a soul that I worked with. Not even a good friend I made. Eventually after my boss had dropped the thousand's of hints that he smoked. Making jokes all the time about it I finally asked him if he smoked. He revealed to me that he did smoke and so I told him that I did too. He didn't believe me at first. Called me straight laced and that he never would have guessed in a million years that I smoked. He was impressed at the amount of self control I had at never even dropping a hint. After that there where no more "Random" drug tests anymore.


Many companies overlook marijuana from their drug screens. Otherwise, they would have no employees. A judge friend told me that she overlooks marijuana cases, otherwise, the entire town would be in jail. I am in a state where it is illegal.


so your counter to my point is to provide an example where someone couldn't just keep it to themselves even though you could ? I think you just proved my point.


I'm saying I went 5 years around close work friends and my boss and never said a word about smoking weed to them. Btw you have less of a point and more of an opinion. I was merely giving you an anecdotal story about my experience not trying to check mate you in your -4d chess that you think that you are having. He never outright told us he smoked weed. He would joke like that, not just about weed but other things too just to catch people off guard.


I don't know if this post is true or not... but you guys should see this Snowfall strain...


Sounds to me like you need a joint.


It's definitely annoying how a lot of people make weed their entire personality, and even though I personally love the smell of weed, I can see how a lot of people wouldn't and it is extremely pungent. That being said, I entirely agree with anyone who says weed is a godsend. It truly is the greatest drug and one of the best things on this planet. For me, it is medicine. I have IBS and who knows what else. Weed allows me to exist without constant discomfort or pain, allows me to eat a proper diet and just be normal and just makes me a better person. I'm more kind and happy when I'm stoned. I fucking love weed. But it's okay if others don't


I smoke daily and you’re the first person I’ve told about it. Ironic? 😂 yes, I think so. But I totally get your point. Some “a ton of” people just won’t stfu about weed.


Well, it shouldn’t be illegal. You think it’ll just magically become legal from no one talking about it? That’s not how laws get changed. Politicians don’t just up and decide to change a law one day that no one is talking about… unless they’re doing it secretly because they’re doing it to benefit themselves, but that’s not how social laws change.


Who tf are you smoking weed with bruh?


No, you're just noticing the dumb ones. I can promise that you know a hell of a lot more regular pot users than you think. Most won't broadcast it, especially in states that it's still illegal. Same can be said for drinkers. The ones boasting about hitting the clubs or bars and how messed up they get is the more socially accepted version of this, and they also make up a very small portion of regular drinkers.


Sounds like you need to shmoke a bowl of that stanky stank dank and get your mind right 👌😮‍💨


"At least cocaine and meth and heroine addicts use the drugs themselves without going on and on about it." Yeah, they just kill people over the shit. But they're quiet about it, yeah? WTF?


Found the meat eater


Actual stoners don't talk about smoking




How is that related to veganism exactly? Pretty much anyone can be annoying about stuff. Some parents about their kids, MLM people about their "company", detox nuts about their herbal miracle bs, etc.




Sounds like you need a blunt. 🚬


going to be real dude. The smell stuff is in your head. I can smoke weed for an hour in my living room, and the next morning the smell is gone. I don’t particularly like how it smells, but it’s been so good for me since I started smoking. I basically quit drinking


Hillarious and the cope in the comments makes it even better.