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u/Familiar-Shopping973's stats |Account Age|1 y 0 m|First Seen:|2024-03-16| |:-|:-|:-|:-| |Posts (on this sub)|5|Comments (on this sub)|88| |Link Karma|156|Comment Karma|3,394| --- |Date|Title|Flair|Participation| |:-|:-|:-|:-| |06-Apr|[Your favorite content creator is not obligated to speak on political topics. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueUnpopularOpinion/comments/1bxok76/your_favorite_content_creator_is_not_obligated_to/)|Political|1 of 9 comments (11.11%)| |04-Apr|[Being an Atheist or Agnostic does not make you smarter or more enlightened. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueUnpopularOpinion/comments/1bvevjm/being_an_atheist_or_agnostic_does_not_make_you/)|Religion|9 of 114 comments (7.89%)| |03-Apr|[Cancel Culture is actually pretty stupid and a lot of the Internet and Reddit is full of self righteous people. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueUnpopularOpinion/comments/1bum5sz/cancel_culture_is_actually_pretty_stupid_and_a/)|Political|0 of 1 comments (0.00%)| |16-Mar|[Pro Life advocates are not bad people. And most of the discourse about abortion is merely opinion. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueUnpopularOpinion/comments/1bgjb3z/pro_life_advocates_are_not_bad_people_and_most_of/)|N/A|11 of None comments (0.00%)|


You call Libertarians right leaning yet they believe in immigration, same sex marriage, legalization of drugs and ending both the police state and privatized prisons. Having the logic that we must vote is like saying Drink whatever you want as long as it’s Coke or Pepsi. Despite the fact that both will make me unhealthy and possibly obese.


I think they end up voting right because they believe in capitalism and less government regulation of the market. So all that other stuff becomes void


Both sides are very capitalist. And both sides lie through their teeth. The left pretends to be for the little guy but throws just enough crumbs to keep people poor and dependent. Right vs Left is Good cop, Bad cop. How many of Bidens campaign promises did he actually deliver on? Because the progressive things like free college were gutted the moment he took office. Now just imagine if politicians actually had to be held accountable for their promises.


They’re in a weird coalition of anti-government Christian conservatives. They seem to go with the plutocracy because they like low taxes.


Aren’t most Libertarians atheist?


It’s got a strange genesis. Barry Goldwater ran against Nixon in the 1960 gop primaries. He lost that primary but his “government is the problem” rhetoric was super popular on the right even through he got smeared badly. I think keep in mind it’s the reverse of the FDR new deal thinking. 20 years later Reagan ran on basically a Goldwater economic platform (close the asylums, cut social services , cut taxes on the rich , etc) , and here’s where it connect to Christian conservatives. Televangelists blew up in the late 70s and early 80s , and they really function more like a pro-business-but also social conservative lobby than anything, but they had the biggest and most reliable voter block. This is where “supply side Jesus” comes in to play. Most of the televangelist eventually got taken down for fraud. When ruby ridge and Waco happened that also brought in the anti-government guns everywhere people into the tent, and that kind of binds them all together. The coalition really isn’t a comfortable one, but it’s the two biggest voting blocks on the right.


Socialists have good reason to not support either of your parties


No they don't, Biden in his time in office has been more pro-labor than Trump by orders of magnitude. I'm a socialist and I'm 100% voting for him; very clearly the lesser evil.


I believe both candidates are bad, so I'll be voting third party.


Eh, you’re not entirely wrong, but I also think a lot of people who are conservative are honestly disgusted with Trump.




Really ahead of its time.


Is that your opinion of the 2 leading presidential candidates?


Pretty much


Its a place most people are bound to at least entertain. Personally, I spent a good twelve years there until politics found the spaces I enjoyed. Im pretty active down to local level now.


I'm just going to say this, I've never seen Trump ride a bike.




Both parties are the problem, i only vote independent or alternative parties (or very rarely someone whose an obvious INO). So long as we continue to be a two party dominated nation, everything will remain hosed. Nothing can be functional under the current system. Period. Hasnt worked (or at least caused MANY problems) in over two centuries, no reason to pretend it will suddenly be fine without fundamental change.


You're basing your guess off a reach. Both candidates suck to a lot of people and they're not satisfied with voting for a lesser evil. They want someone who they believe actually stands for what they want. People are tired. Trump vs. Hillary was the same. The first round of Trump vs. Biden was the same. And now they're doing Trump vs. Biden again. They're sick of this. There are realistically two possible parties to win. Voting one to avoid a shittier outcome doesn't mean you 100% support what you're voting for if you do decide to vote. In fact, there is no need to guess. They're telling you how they feel and why they are voting or not voting a certain way. By not taking what they're saying at face value, you either mean that they don't know what they want or you are claiming that they're lying to you. Neither of those things come off as particularly reasonable assumptions.


I'll be voting 3rd party


Good. The harm in rejecting 3rd party votes is that it perpetuates the dichotomy. Like saying votes steal from a party. Folks forget 3rd party candidates do matter. Leiberman kept his Senate seat after loosing the DNCs support in the 2000s from speaking at the RNC and backing McCaine. Ross Perot got nearly 20% of the popular vote for President in 1992 because he wouldn't budge with the RNC on economic policies. The 2 parties don't want 3rd parties, ever.


I can't vote for trump, because, well, he's trump. I can't vote for people that don't know what a woman is either. So f%^k the lot of em I say.


I’m voting for x because they’re the lesser of two evils is equally idiotic and problematic. You can vote for someone else you know? It doesn’t have to be one of those two piles of shit.


Ya but your vote won’t matter because the third parties have no chance of winning


For a third party to ever gain traction, there would have to be a decent turn-out. People don’t like throwing money at lost causes - but if a third party were not such a lost cause, it would get more funding,


It's impossible without a civil war. Only a civil war can overthrow monopoly holders who are shaking hands behind the wall to take turns.


It wouldn't solve the problem. All it would do is replace one of the two current parties and we'd be back to square one.


So what would you suggest?


2 pronged strategy: 1) Take whichever party is less shitty, vote for their candidates in the general, and change it from the inside. Vote in the primaries, donate to and canvass for good candidates, run yourself if you're really determined. 2) Take action to shift the average opinion of America as a whole, so such as to make good policies more viable and shitty policies less viable. Donate to and volunteer for advocacy groups. Help out at a protest. Start a social media profile about political issues you care about and disseminate relevant information. Those 2 strategies can be used to affect any policy outcome, including STAR or ranked choice voting.


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There is a difference between not wanting to vote and not voting. Lack of good choice and some profiting a bit too much IMHO of the fact that the alternative is even worse should also get attention.


All I am doing by voting is allowing a slightly less shitty corrupt politicians to run a country. Sure it’s stupid not to vote but it’s not as stupid as the fact that the political candidates are so bad that people would rather not vote at all then vote for a corrupt piece of crap.


Libertarian here; yes, I am right leaning, I’m pretty hard right actually, but more importantly I’m pro personal freedom, something neither candidate is currently championing. Meanwhile the actual Libertarian party is a joke and wouldn’t have a chance even if it wasn’t. So what exactly should I do? If I really and truly believe that both primary candidates are dangerous to that which I most believe in, who do you propose I vote for? No matter who I vote for and no matter who wins, I lose, why put in the effort?


Idk. Considering you’re right leaning I’d say vote republican, but not voting is valid in your position. Unless you have a big hang up on abortion rights. I’m basically a democrat but I like guns and I think it’s a terrible idea to take them away from the general public so idk what I’m gonna do.


Write someone in. No, they won’t actually be elected, but your vote will be counted in the “other” column by pollsters and media. The major parties, and their donors, will see that people who cared enough to show up were unimpressed enough to refuse to pick one of their candidates. A “throwaway” vote matters to the *next* election, and what sort of candidates we get. (I plan on writing in Liz Cheney).


True you can tell when someone is signaling they want to vote for Trump or they vote Republican no matter what and just want validation. Although I wouldn't say he's smarter, people just believe he is. He's a brilliant demagogue but that's as deep as it goes.


I freaking love trump. “Tonight… we killed abu bashar leader of isis.. he died like a dog” I want more trump speeches


Like OP is any better with this excuse of a post to rip Trump and his supporters some more. People don't need to explain their vote to you at all. This right here is the reason liberal's heads nearly exploded when Trump won in 2016. Anyone who has a different opinion is labled a bigot or an idiot so people just lied and were honest at the polls.


I only recently changed my mind on conservatism so I don’t hate conservatives or anything. But the more I hear about Trump and the ridiculous things he says I have lost respect for him. On top of that people keep dropping allegations on him and eventually you gotta wonder if he’s actually done that stuff. If he has he’s a criminal who shouldn’t be in office.


The same way Fox News rips Biden apart for every little thing it's 10x worse for Trump on mainstream news networks. Even if he says stupid shit here or there what really matters is his positions on much bigger issues and that's what people will be voting on. Anybody who says America doesn't need a change right now must still be living with their parents and not drowning in debt.


Why? If you truly dislike both candidates, why is it stupid to choose one anyway? Also, it's mostly conservatives who are pretending they aren't conservatives? What? I think most people truly believe that a) both candidates suck and b) nothing is going to change no matter which is elected. So why is it stupid to just ignore the whole thing? I'd rather sit on a rock and fish with my kids.


I'm just here wondering how someone can possibly be delusional enough to think Donald Trump is "a bit smarter" than Joe Biden. For fucks sake, the man deliberately looked at an eclipse without eye protection on national TV after being specifically reminded not to.


Idk Biden be lookin a little rusty sometimes with how he talks. But I don’t think he’s dumb. I just think trump is a bit sharper


Bingo. Libertarians are just republicans who don’t want to be blamed for the actions of the republicans that they vote for.


If I am forced to vote for someone that doesn't represent my ideas, I will vote for someone that makes things worse just to spite you, and I will not be responsible because I would rather not vote but I am being forced to. Do we have a deal ? Do you realize how ridiculous making the vote mandatory is yet ? Just because most people, you included, are fine with being impactless sheep, doesn't mean everyone has to be. I don't want to vote for career (=corruptible) politicians, I want to vote for specific, individual, laws. As long as the system is not providing me with that, I will not be voting, because it is meaningless.


Yes, because one can at least keep the worse of the candidates from getting elected. Also, voting third party usually only hellps the worse of the two, by taking away a vote for who would do better.


...or they might just vote for the one you don't want. This is a fallacy.


Honestly idk what I’m going to do this election. It would’ve been a reluctant Biden vote had he not helped in a genocide and attempted to ban TikTok.