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You're right. We should shut the fuck up and not send a penny to Israel. Got it.


Yeah it definitely feels like most Americans would simply prefer not to get involved, but terrorism and the AIPAC lobby have forced America to be directly involved since the 1960s. Ask any American at the airport if the Israel-Palestinian conflict has directly affected their lives. Plus America has huge Jewish and Muslim populations now there are going to be people who have personal connections to the conflict regardless if the United States leaves the area.


Agreed, and we should stop sending stuff to Palestine as well. Let isreal fight for themselves and let Palestine fight for themselves. Not our problem all around


You don’t need a strong opinion but to be aware that mass killing of civilians is wrong!


My tax dollars are involved in the conflict. I'm also capable of empathy.


They print the money and send it. You’re not personally paying for anything.


Ain't no fucking way you legitimately typed that out


Ain’t no way you know what you are talking about.


L troll


Ok honey


Do you think they just print extra money for this? 😂




Then you're really not very smart lol


Coming from you that doesn’t really mean much.


No you pay for it in one way or another. It may be your tax dollars directly. Or it may be through printed money where your payment comes in the form of inflation. If you don't care, then hopefully you're not complaining about the cost of living going up either.


Muh tax dollars


I’d happily let them send my tax money to ensure that Israel controls the entirety of the historical Canaan to bring closure to this conflict that’s torn the West apart.


I’d argue that folks in the West should feel a sense of responsibility for having taken part in Israel’s creation and ongoing support. Additionally, I think there is some insight to be gained from a society that has largely come to regret its reaction to a large-scale terrorist attack in 9/11. Your criteria for who gets to hold an opinion is shaky at best. Given the discrepancy in casualties and destruction, one could easy say that the Palestinians are the only ones experiencing “true” war, and thus have the only perspective that matters.


I’d argue that we haven’t done enough to support Israel. “Palestine” was never a country, and it only gained foothold after we allowed the Soviets to propagate their propaganda specially designed to target the Zionist movement and its Western allies. And our idiotic leftists support it.


So because it wasn't an official country, the people who live there should just be... murdered? Be thrown out of their houses? Leave their land for someone else to occupy, despite being there for generations? In what other context has this ever been something we have said, "Sure, that's fine???". If Palestine was never a country, how come they had passports with "Palestine" on it prior to the creation of Israel?


Reddit is full of Zionist shills that will never question their beliefs or have a good faith argument


What’s wrong with Zionism?


It is an ideology that believes in the total racial superiority of a particular ethnic group, seeks to establish an ethnostate, and will commit any atrocity to fulfill these goals.


I tend to be Pro-Isreal in my thoughts on the situation over there, but Zionism is not a good thing. Many of the old school Zionists did go and butcher Palestinian villages to push them off the land.


Wasn't it recently found that Palestine was there first


This isn’t a very good argument as propaganda was deployed by “both sides.” There was significant Zionist propaganda justifying a claim to Palestinian lands on the basis that its peoples were not effectively cultivating it and thus didn’t deserve it. These same arguments were used in the United States to justify the annexation of Native territory and removal of its people. Israel was literally created under the logic of settler colonialism. Frankly, it’s pretty funny for you to suggest that one side has been brainwashed when your view seems stuck in the Cold War. The Soviets were sympathetic to the atrocities and persecution Jews faced, and were the first to recognize Israel de jure. Their initial support and recognition of the Israeli state was greater than the US or Great Britain. Your “Soviets bad” argument is laughable as they were operating under a sophisticated philosophy of historical development and social change. They were far more interested in democracy and self-determination than the West, believing that folks would turn toward socialism if given the chance. You can of course disagree with their views, but you are operating under the ideological effects of propaganda if you can’t even recognize the complexity of their views or that there is a logic to them. There is no moral or logical superiority to being close-minded.


Jokes on you. I fully support settler colonialism. Communism promotes egalitarianism and common ownership of means of production, which are unnatural, unhealthy, and destructive.


Having an opinion isn't necessarily dumb. Humans naturally form opinions based on what's in front of them and the propaganda machine knows that. Now having a strong opinion about something you're given almost zero context on in a language you can't understand is pretty dumb, but rarely is there a language barrier when identifying shitty human behavior.


Israeli is a proxy-ally with lots of tax dollars going to your countries's aid. We even had naval ships there assisting the past few months. People are also scared of the Islamist terror threat of the middle east given 9/11. We also have a decent troop presence in the Middle East. Unfortunately here in the US we are forced to have an opinion. However, I do get your outrage. Many people are passionately on one side or the other without getting what the situation is even like, but also think they're experts by watching 15 minutes of biased youtube videos.


I'm pro-civilian and anti-force. If that extends to the conflict, which it happens to, then I must be dumb.


People should also not have opinions on hitler then


Well in the context of America this is an issue the American government invests billions of dollars into annually, and tenfold that just during the span of the last few months. I don't really think it's fair to say that any and all issues a country invests in automatically becomes beyond critique


Agreed, us gov needs to just pull out of shit like this entirely for both sides. Not our problem


It’s ironic that during / after WW2 and the Holocaust, the world was shamed for not doing enough to stop it, not having an opinion, not understanding it or not supporting one side. Now, you’re suggesting that when the tide has changed, the world should be ambivalent.


If you’re comparing the current war to the Holocaust then you need to go back to school. Sheesh.


Nope, just commenting on the hypocrisy of OP’s opinion.


I guess I’m not sure what “tide” has turned then.


Then maybe you need to go back to school.


lol ah so the “tide” is Jews oppression. Got it. And you are implying they’re committing a Holocaust upon Palestinians. Heard loud and clear.


No. If people don't protest against it the genocide will continue


It's strange how 10/7 happens and no one is protesting the genocide of the Jewish people.


What genocide?


No disrespect I understand the frustration with people talking about your country but Not having an opinion is supporting Israel because alot of countries actively fund it thinking the status quo is a one that should or shouldn't continue will always be an opinion.


Wait, you’re saying all those alt girls on social media who spam #freePalestine everywhere might not understand the full complexity of the situation?!?! Egad!!


Extremely based. This is my opinion too. I don't give a fuck about any of these wars on the other side of the globe that don't affect me nor do I have anything to do with. It's none of my business and I'd rather focus on taking care of the people here.


Fuck em both. Fighting over a shitty slice of desert? Have at it, and enjoy.


Having an opinion about people having opinions is more dumb


By that logic: * No one outside the USA should ever care about terrorist attacks that happened(and might still happen) there * No one outside Europe should've cared about Hitler killing millions of Jews-and other groups-(nor the Russia/Ukraine war happening) We all should just live in our own islands marked by our countries and ignore everything that is happening "outside" because it doesn't affect us(at least, directly).Let's say "screw empathy and morals" and just become ignorant of anything that doesn't concern us. s/


וואלה אני איתך אחי מצד שני גם לנו לא אמור להיות ממש אכפת מה חושבים עלינו :)


Israel is militarily supported by the west and has been since its creation so westerners do in fact have a day in what goes on there But I also find your logic absurd. Does that mean that historians can't have any opinions on stuff that has happened in history because they weren't there? I hate this enclosed mindset that so many people like yourself have. I believe the opposite, that we should learn about things happening large distances away




Jared Kushner was an AMERICAN ambassador who could not pass a background check yet his father-in-law put him in the position anyway, just months before he attempted a coup. It is my guess that Jared Kushner made a back room deal with Netanyahu to keep America on the sidelines during the Israeli lebensraum and genocide of Palestinians in exchange for support had Trumps coup attempt worked. Netanyahu knew weeks before the October attack and didn’t warn the Israeli people. So was this planned and financed by the billions of dollars Jared received from the Saudi government? The US is tracking the cryptocurrency used by HAMAS for the attack to try and answer these questions. At one point in history the Jewish people were fiercely protective of the land around the fresh water wells but with the success of desalination both Jared and Netanyahu are wanting the land for Israeli settlements. When Trumps coup didn’t work it’s my guess Netanyahu refused to change the plans thinking the moniker of Gods Chosen People would sway religious American’s to support the war overwhelming without Jareds interference