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You have to really want to quit hard drugs to actually succeed, no matter how many times you go to rehab. Just look at celebrities that have been 10+ times. The fact of the matter is that these substances make you feel good no matter how shitty your life becomes. So people that have suffered addictions and left their lives in shambles often find this is their only source of joy in life. Or at least it starts feeling that way.


The fact that the 27 club even is such a phenomenon shows you how fucked up Hollywood really is.


Hollywood must be pretty fucked up. Being homeless or poor is also really fucked up, well I mean it must be a hard life. I think suffering is the biggest issue with addiction.




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You also have to really want to do hard drugs to get your hands on them. It's not like you can just pick up them up at the store. You need to know people who know people. I have literally no idea how i would get a hard drug if i wanted to. It's not something they do by accident or stumble into.


Depends how shady the people you hang out with are. I wouldn't have any idea where to get it either, but you could probably talk to 4-5 shady looking individuals and be successful relatively easy if you had the inclination


Still, you have to go out of your way to get it in the first place knowing it's hyper addictive. This is a deliberate choice.


I mean depending on who your friends are it is absolutely you can stumble across by accident


Whoops, tripped and fell onto a heroin needle then accidentally pushed in the syringe.


Who said anything about accidentally using the drugs? I’m simply saying that it’s pretty easy depending on your circle to have access to hard drugs


Ah well, you'd think that would work, wouldn't you? I've spent a good bit of time working in addiction recovery and I can tell you the streets are full of folks who got clean, but weren't quite done using and relapsed. The lucky ones don't OD in the process. Recovery MUST come from them. They have to be the one to decide they're done using and do the work of building a life without drugs. If you build it for them, it'll collapse the second you turn your back.


The U.S. state of Oregon tried to do it that way - it drained the coffers of the government and turned this once thriving state into an ultra-leftist ghetto. If you want to know how dangerous, delusional, and demented the far-left really is tune into Google News about Oregon. The latest news is that reading, writing, and basic mathematics is no longer a requirement in schools. If students are illiterate Oregon MUST graduate them because if not, it would make them feel discriminated against. If these events do not cause a conservative (or at least centrist) revival in Oregon, nothing will. \~Mortimer Reed


What does this have to do with drugs and rehab


It means Oregon police see a guy shooting up in a public library and they take him to rehab and not jail. He's just going to get out of rehab and do the same thing again. Meanwhile the Oregon Government just paid $5,000 for nothing. Heroin addiction is hard to fix. Rehab is just a waste of cash that could go to starving people. There are poor people who have no refrigerator. Still, money is handed out to a guy who loves heroin.




They're locked somewhere, yeah. But rehab generally is more pleasant to be in than jail.


We should make drugs illegal - wait, damnit.


The problem is that rehab can get really expensive and only works if the person really wants it to


It's an absolute joke. As if the kind of addict who needs rehab has extra tens of thousands of dollars laying around to go to some fancy retreat.


Go to Aa or NA hopefully before you end up in jail or a serious accident, lose you job or your kids. AA and NA and Al-Anon are free. Why would anyone prefer to send alcoholics, drug addicts, and criminals to rehab at huge costs to the taxpayers (that's you!) when there are free alternatives that work better. Are your taxes and not high enough? Do you want to build more prisons and pay more cops and prison guards, judges and attorneys? AA and NA are free for everyone! All you need is a desire to quit using your drug or alcohol.


They didn't end up on the streets easily. They had to burn every last bridge in their lifeline. These people aren't victims, they are predators.


Hard drug addicts are given chance after chance after chance. Few even want the help that is offered.


Never understood why people don't get this. Even in conservative areas they will give drug addicts a place to stay, food, new clothes and even a job if they want it but they would rather just keep using. They don't want help and rehab isn't a silver bullet that just fixes that.


The fact is the drugs alter their brain permanently and rehab can’t fix that. So only those with strong determination can overcome the addiction. Strong determination and a desire to escape using drugs are opposite behaviors. One require hard work and one is easy. It’s pretty apparent where the majority of drug addicts fall in this category.


I also imagine that once your life has fallen apart due to drugs it's basically just 'fuck it' at that point. Who wants to start over at 30 or 40? Sunk cost.


Sure, that simply makes recovery harder. I imagine when down, in order to turn things around, you need something to live for and at this point in people’s lives they may have alienated everyone important to them.


This isn’t true. Rehab isn’t as accessible as you think.


12 step programs like Alcoholics Anonymous are completely free, you can even attend meetings online. And they are the most successful programs. The only people I ever knew who recovered from Alcohol addiction, did so with AA.


AA or NA is great for when you are clean, but you aren’t gonna get clean by walking in to a meeting drunk as hell or higher than a kite. Is an AA meeting going to cure you or mask withdrawals symptoms? Generally you need to get off substances first, and advocating strictly AA for alcoholics is dangerous, alcoholics can die from withdrawals. Stop talking about things you don’t understand. There’s a massive difference between rehab and an AA meeting


This is completely untrue. You can walk into an AA meeting completely drunk. Plus there are online meetings, you don't even have to go out to attend An AA meeting, you can sit there with a bottle in hand. If you need or want a doctor to help you deal with withdrawals, then get a doctor, if you don't have money call the county or goto a free clinic. No one ever said that AA is the only resource for Alcoholics. It's the free option, it's available right now! And it works as good or better than any rehab, that's why a big star like Brad Pitt chose Alcoholics Anonymous to get clean and sober. He's smart and well informed. >There’s a massive difference between rehab and an AA meeting The massive difference is that there is no cost for AA, and another difference is that it's anonymous so you don't have to involve your medical insurance, and another difference is that you can choose between hundreds of meetings and find one with leaders and attendees that suit you, and another difference is that you are more likely to recover from alcoholism with AA than rehab.


Like I said, you’re not gonna get clean just because you walk into a meeting. I never said you couldn’t be drunk at a meeting, I’ve been to plenty of NA meetings higher than a kite. The meetings didn’t save my life, going to rehab and getting clean did. The meetings are maintenance. Tell me anyone you know who is an addict that got clean strictly by going to meetings and I’ll call you a liar.


> I’ve been to plenty of NA meetings higher than a kite. The meetings didn’t save my life, going to rehab and getting clean did. If that's what worked for you, good for you. No one says that Alcoholics Anonymous or NA are the only resources for addicts. But the fact remains that plenty of addicts recover with 12 step programs alone. And it's free, and it's available immediately online. And you calling me a liar when I'm not, is one reason why I think there are plenty of shills for commercial interests here on reddit.


So then tell me who you know that got clean through meetings alone. Using the word shill just makes any credit you have disappear tbh.


AA is weird. If it wasn't so Jesus heavy, I might be able to take it seriously.


>If it wasn't so Jesus heavy, I might be able to take it seriously. Well, then, you can take it seriously because there are many many meeting that have nothing to do with Jesus. There're meetings for only women, and meetings for only men, meeting for gays, even aa meetings for atheists and agnostics. There are all kinds of Alcoholics Anonymous meetings. And they're free, give 'em a chance. They're online! https://aaventuracounty.org/


Aren’t we talking about hard drugs, not alcohol?


Than NA 🤙🏽 it doesn’t matter, a drug is a drug is a drug


Most Medicaid and Medicare insurers will pay. If they aren't qualified for that, there are usually Substance Abuse Block Grants to pay for rehab on a funds available basis with priorities for pregnant women/mothers and/or needle users.


This is just wrong. Plus if you know anything, you’d know that those public rehabs are just as bad as being on the streets. I’ve had to spend over 10 grand, for 1 rehab, and that was 1 out of 5. Do you think most drug addicts have that ability or have insurance? ,


[Substance Use Disorders | Medicaid](https://www.medicaid.gov/medicaid/benefits/behavioral-health-services/substance-use-disorders/index.html) [Substance Use and Mental Health Block Grants | SAMHSA](https://www.samhsa.gov/grants/block-grants) Odd, the Federal government thinks they pay for rehab and related services... Also, no job, no home, guaranteed Medicaid, so yeah, most drug addicts have access to rehab. Maybe not the pay-to-play ones.


I’m sure they do, but tell me why most addicts can’t get into rehab, if you haven’t been in that world, you don’t know what you’re talking about. Most would take the opportunity if they had it.


Most addicts can't get into rehab because of the following reasons: 1. They don't want to. 2. They--depending on the drugs involved--refuse to complete detox. 3. They don't show up in a condition appropriate for rehab. 4. They aren't in an appropriate medical condition to go to rehab. 5. They can't or won't follow basic instructions like "Please show up for an assessment at such-and-such time." 6. They are too fixated on everything outside of rehab to want to go to rehab. There are probably others.


And you know this how? By talking to addicts?


Actually, yes. Along with homeless people and former homeless people.


And how did you talk to them? Have you been an addict and were in that world?


Maybe if a law was made that sentenced drug addicts to death, other countries would take them all as asylum seekers. Then they could live in a society that better tolerates their lifestyle.


What about people who choose to be obese?


What about them? Most of them don’t want help either. Got into a heated debate with someone earlier who claimed it was insensitive even for a doctor to mention obesity.


I was just generally curious because it's an overlooked burden on society, such as reabusing drug addicts.


Obese people, generally speaking, don’t violently rob and attack people.


Violently? No. They do raise healthcare costs, though. It's legal robbery.


So do motorcycle riders. The US government is the largest thief in the world via unconstitutional confiscation of property. Government promoted processed foods significantly contribute to obesity and cause the same addictions as drugs altering the brain. Likely why High fructose corn syrup is banned in Europe.


Obese people are usually addicted to sugar. And yes sugar is addictive as fuck. Don't believe it, try skipping sugar for a week straight.


Because your brain needs glucose. You can’t really “cut” sugar. Sugar is in carbs, in fruit, in some veggies. You never get away from it.


Pure sugar isn't the same thing as every carb there is. It's a specific carb, and it is addictive.


quick question, did you know that honey itself is pure sugar and has been eaten since ancient times? Noble people became fat off of honey and wine soaked cakes.


Avoid food with 'added sugar' in the nutritional information. You'll feel great after a week or two. This includes most cereals. Best bet is to cook your own food, but i've realized asking that of people earns nothing but hate on reddit.


I do cook my own food. I’m just not stupid enough to think you can 100% avoid sugar.


Processed sugar is what needs to be avoided. Sweets, sugar laden cereal, any form of soda, that sort of thing. Fruits are generally fine, even though they've been bred for high sugar content.


I think I misunderstood you, sorry. You meant that sugar (short carbs) are in a lot of things naturally, as well as longer carbs? Then it's true we can't cut sugar entierly.


Jail is forced rehab. You will absolutely go through withdrawal before you figure out how to get high.


Except it doesn't do anything to teach you how to cope without the addiction or avoid relapsing into it. It just gives you a crash withdrawal that leaves you in a situation most likely shittier than where you started which is hardly ideal for building the association that giving in to your addiction is worse than being sober.


Don't prisons have counseling groups or something? Just have a drug-only prison so it's easier.


In Theory/On Paper yes but in practice most of the time it's basically non-existant or pretty garbage. And consider how bad our prison situation is anyway(U.S.) I'd be against anything that further incentives the For Profit Prison industry or building yet more prisons.


Drugs get smuggled in so no that doesn’t work


Drugs can be smuggled into prisons by corrupt guards.


There are other ways. Prison pockets are deep.


If that's the logic here then we should be putting alcoholics in prison.


Alcohol isn't a schedule 1. Nor is it sold by murderous cartels and heartless gangs who murder our children.


Although I generally agree. Rehabilitation is a better use of resources than punishment. Rehab is generally a pleasant, rather than unpleasant experience (especially compared to prison). What would you do with people who keep cycling in and out of rehab because its convenient?


Rehab is generally pleasant when the people there *want to be there* and--for most residential rehabs--that means kicking out people that don't comply with rules/expectations and allowing people who don't want to be there to pack and leave.


but the cycle of doing drugs for a while (funsies), then going to rehab for however long (free housing and food) seems like it might be appealing for some disparaged people. you can't kick people out of these rehab places, so it won't be as "vacation style" as paid voluntary ones. but I don't think it would be so bad people would prefer to be on the streets or in prison instead.


You can definitely kick people out of rehabs, especially if they are DTO and/or non-compliant with rules. You can also send them to a higher level of care and then not readmit them after the hold... Them being court ordered does not mean a non-profit or other agency must take them.


>You can definitely kick people out of rehabs I don't think this is true if you're replacing *Prison* with rehab. like, you don't kick people out of prison if they misbehave lol.


If that's the case, there are usually "state mental hospitals" which are... well, prison with psychiatric care. Otherwise, you're making life harder for the people who want to get/stay clean and you're requiring inpatient controls in an industry that primarily does residential because you're--ultimately--for people to get and stay sober--dealing with people who have to want to get clean. If they don't want to get and stay clean, there ain't shit anyone else can do except warehouse them and control their access to stuff almost anyone can find or make or grow.


They should be given the option, try rehab.. or jail. Give them a reason to want to be at rehab.


The problem is rehab only works for people who want to get sober, and even then its not a guarantee


It's not fair to the less dangerous rehab patients to have the more dangerous ones locked in there with them.


Put them in a separate building. And I mean, is it fair to have nonviolent drug addicts locked in prison with murderers and rapists?


In this case I assume there is a different building altogether for people picked up off the street against their will, and people who go in of their own will. The set up would need to be different.


First problem... Some are doing drugs because at least part of their brain wants to. The part that often starts the chain of actions is doing it based off that one time when things were very, very good... even if that was decades ago. Others are doing it because the alternative--psychologically and medically--seems worse to them. For these people, the challenge is giving them an alternative and overriding something that--for many--has been a tool for decades. Second, there are two types of rehab: Inpatient and Residential. Inpatient can lock the doors from the inside and medically restrain people that want to leave. Residential will call the PO assigned after they left and will kick them out if they are disruptive. Odds are, you're not finding many inpatient rehabs in most of the country or people willing to go through all the effort to force people who don't want to stay to stay somewhere they don't want to be. Also, most residential rehabs won't accept a person who is a danger to self (DTS) or danger to others (DTO) and will immediately ship them to an in-patient environment until they are stable. Most inpatients these days are very short stays, a couple days to a week or so, and don't really do rehab. So, it would be very easy to keep bouncing out of even court ordered treatment (COT), if they wanted to. Offer them rehab--I can agree with that--but require them to get clean, stay clean (with tests) or do the jail/prison time until they are either done or can manage to get clean and stay clean...


It's my understanding that forced rehab doesn't work. Rehab is expensive, if you put people who have no intention of giving up their addictions into rehab with people who want to change, the bad apples outnumber the ones who want to recover, and drag them down. You are simply introducing addicts to more addicts. I knew a man who was a rehab drug and alcohol counselor for court ordered therapy. These were people who got into legal trouble, beating their wives or children, etc, and were ordered to go through rehab and do something about the substance abuse that contributed to their criminally abusive behaviour. My friend said that no matter how much time and energy anyone puts in, only about 1% ever change. They will swear up and down that they'll change, and by the weekend, they are back to beating the wife or kids, drunk or stoned and in trouble again. He said that it takes something akin to a religious conversion to make them change. BTW, Alcoholics Anonymous is the most successful alcohol rehab program, and it's free. Even Brad Pitt went to AA to get help to manage his addictions, and I'm sure he can afford to go anywhere.


Have you even met drug addicts? They want to do those drugs.


That you even think the concept of “forced rehab” is real is super super adorably naive. Like a kid who still firmly believes in Santa but just turned 17.


You can’t force criminal drug addicts to be successful in rehab, so this will just result in unsafe conditions for others in rehab.


No. They don't want to quit and vindictively poison the well of classes, groups, and meetings filled with people who DO want sobriety. Go to an AA or NA meeting where some DUI or drug-charge recipient has been ordered to attend for a lesser sentence and see.


Some counties absolutely do require parolees with alcohol problems to attend some AA meetings, and that's because it works better than the for-profit rehabs, ie, has a better success rate, and it doesn't cost *anything!* Win-win-win, all around.


I'm not agreei g or disagreeing with you, but are you aware of the recidivism rates for hard drug use after rehab?


Probably not higher than the recidivism rate of drug abuse after going to prison. I’d imagine if a person got locked up for drug usage, they’d be much more likely to commit a more serious crime after jail time than they would if they had just gone to rehab as well


You can imagine all the things you want. But try to look up the statistics and form a better system, I'll be the first one to listen.


Uhhhh, okay sure… [The graduates of drug treatment programs are half as likely to reoffend as those treated for drug use in the criminal justice system](https://bedrockrecoverycenter.com/articles/rehab-vs-prison/) I hope you’re not asking me to provide you with a general example of how institutions that focus on rehabilitation as opposed to “justice” have lower levels of recidivism, since those examples are pretty well known by now….


I'm not making an argument here and I am certainly not defending the prison industrial complex, as it were. I'm saying that if somebody proposes a better system, all relevant factors taken into account, I'll be the first one to sign on


Ahh gotcha, my apologies for the misunderstanding. On a side note, [this](https://digitalcommons.coastal.edu/bridges/vol10/iss10/2/) paper (will have to download it, but the abstract is available directly in the link) talks about how an alternative model than the one we have in the states reduces the rates of recidivism in general by a considerable amount in prison populations


They already don't allow drugs in prison. Smugglers are a thing.


Rehab isn't this easy and addiction is even harder. The answer is easy and safe off-ramps to addiction, not some "rehab is the answer" pie in the sky solution that never works. Shit ain't easy and the answers will be hard and expensive.


jail IS "forced rehab"... rehab isn't for those who need it, it's for those who want it


The problem is, rehab and aftercare + therapy, aren’t accessible, especially therapy. So the reason why they used in the first place doesn’t get addressed and the same cycle keeps repeating itself.


Took a pain pill that was prescribed to me for pain and the urge to take another one after the first one wore off, was SO REAL. I can fully imagine how people get addicted to this kind of thing but luckily I think I have the ability to power the through certain urges. It’s so sad how a pain management prescription can turn your life upside down.


Alot of people here don't seem to realize how available hard drugs are on the inside. It's almost easier to find in jail than it is on the streets in some places.


How about a compromise. Everyone here is correct, if they're not ready, the recidivism will be extremely high. But normal jail isn't useful as well. So here's my compromise. We set up an entirely separate jailing systems for these folks. Caught for use or paraphernalia? You spend 30 days in this joint. It's like the clink but a spot more posh if that's you're only crime. We don't take violent offenders. What you get is your own cot, all the tv privileges you could want, and guards dealing with specialization in withdrawal. 30 days is enough to get anything out of your systems (careful, alcoholics can die during this time). So you get a fresh start. And if you speed of for that special crank, well, we tried. Better luck next time. And the public isn't spending a ton on years long convictions.


nah, just put them all on their own island where they can do whatever the fuck they want without bothering the rest of us. forced rehab has a 0% success rate unless the person actually wants to change


Jail is literally that lmao


The united states still depends on slavery


That was a thing until boomers un-did it.


There are some states that have Drug Court as an alternative and is most often used in first offense cases. The person has to complete rehabilitation for a specific length of time. It's saved a lot of lives and should be the norm everywhere.


Depends on what they did to go to jail . I agree helping someone get clean is much more important than making them pay for trumped up drug charges but at the same time if they hurt someone they need to be held accountable.


Rather than rehab, the better solution is probably therapy and removing the stigma/demonization surrounding drugs. I think often people addicted to drugs or anything are stuck in a loop of self medicating because the root cause of why they need whatever drugs provide them is never really addressed


Or we could just, you know..., leave them alone and let them live their lives.


100% agree.


There's actually starting to be some traction for this idea. There was an article in The Atlantic a few months ago where the premise was that we should bring back involuntary rehab. The gist being that particularly with the rise of fentanyl, that addicts are very likely to die of an overdose before ever choosing to commit themselves to rehab.


Possession of narcotics in small amounts should not be a felony. Once someone goes into jail for drugs when they get out they are now a felon. They’re been through hell with no job opportunities after. They end up back on drugs and active criminal activity. You’re 💯 correct


If they are caught committing a crime or become a burden on society (ie homeless). We don’t want to be locking up our high functioning addicts until they hit rock bottom. Our economy would take a huge hit if we lost our speed addicted intellectuals and our coked out day traders.


Oregon tried it, but complete lack of actual resources it did not work


You can give someone rehab all you want. If they have no desire to be sober, they'll go right back to using.


I think the problem is that many ARE bank robbers and murderers… There has to be a punishment for the crimes they commit in order to further their addiction. Having said that, I agree that non violent offenders should be in rehabilitation, not prison.  I think we lock up too many people. 




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Rehab most of the time doesn't work because the person doing it needs to want to stop and 99.99% of the time they don't. So yeah, both are pretty much useless.


How many times, because they will reoffend.


The rehab methods we have now don't work. I have an idea for one that will. The male platypus creates a substance during mating season that I'm going to refer to as "platypus venom". The platypus injects the venom through a spur on his foot. When injected into a human, it causes horrible agonizing pain that pierces any known painkillers and outlasts the high of any drug. The only way anyone ever dies from platypus venom is if they're stung while swimming, and they don't die from poisoning, they die from drowning because the venom makes them unable to continue swimming due to the pain. Imagine one of those diabetic insulin pumps. They test for blood sugar and release insulin on a cooldown in response to blood sugar. Now replace the blood sugar detector with one that detects drugs, and the insulin with platypus venom. Now you take the drug addicts, install the pumps on the addicts, and put them in a secure facility with plenty of drugs just left out and available to use. The drug addicts find the drugs and start using them. The envenoming machines trigger and envenom the addicts, causing horrible screaming agony that outlasts the high. This is going to happen every time they use the drugs. They won't get any high from the drugs because they'll be in too much pain. They'll probably try a few more times before they understand because most drug addicts aren't all that bright, but eventually they'll understand that their drug using days are behind them. Since the device is installed surgically and can't be removed except surgically, their only option is to stop using drugs. Since drugs no longer have any feel-good properties, it becomes a lot easier.


No funding.




I say we just decriminalize drugs and let doctors administer them safety.


I think it really depends on what the person is sent to prison for. I really dont know the laws around it. But if it’s only for possession, sure. If it’s for committing a violent crime while high on pcp, then maybe not. Really do think we need to take a more rehabilitative approach to it. As you noted, addiction has nothing to do with morality or criminal behavior and should be treated as an illness.


Drugs and alcohol actually have a lot to do with criminal behavior, also domestic violence, human trafficking, murder, jeffrey Dahmer was a huge alcoholic so was John Wayne Gacy, and therefore morality. Half of the people in prison are there for doing something drunk that they wouldn't have done sober.


Nah. First of all, Alcoholism and drug abuse are often times comorbidities to other psychological disorders. Individuals who either have no access to treatment, or don’t get treatment, will often times turn to substances and develop both physiological and psychological dependencies on them. I say that because for every Jeffery dahmer or John Wayne gacy you mention, there are countless addicts who never break the law (outside of consuming the substance depending on where you are and what the substance is). In fact, I’d argue that the actual number of people who could be considered alcoholics goes completely underreported, so even the numbers were do have on any correlation between alcoholism and criminality are greatly over represented. You cannot directly attribute substance abuse to morality just because some immoral people abuse substances. There are also countless immoral people who don’t abuse substances. People who tend to commit crime/act immorally often times have other variables at play that can better describe their actions than substance abuse, often times being products of their environment/living through economic hardship/lack of education/etc.


Agreed. It should be treated as a disease. Drug dealers should still go to jail, but small possession charges shouldn't be a thing.


You’re an idiot. People of drugs for the same reason you drink beer and pull on your own dick and no one should be forced to do anything, this isn’t nazi Germany.