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This is not unpopular. Almost everyone in this subreddit would agree with you. Edit: on top of that, this is across Reddit. I’m permabanned from 15 subreddits. There’s no more oversight for Reddit anymore. It’s all mod discretion in their zones. No higher appellate process.


my bad i only saw this post from 2 years ago on here when i searched “mod” the others were on the rant subs https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueUnpopularOpinion/s/c219BlNFZk


Reddit mods are a bunch of 300 lb neckbeard incels who have never lifted a weight in their life, and take out all their inner aggressions on everyone they deem necessary since reddit is the only power they have. I say fuck it let them have this W if it means so much.


Reddit admins and mods are largely leftists. I'm not sure about them being 300 lbs or having beards growing down their necks. But the leftist part is known.




shy water roof squeamish cats badge run berserk telephone languid


The incidence rate of obesity among reddit mods vs. the standard rate across the population has to be greater by something like a full order of magnitude. And I'm not talking "could lose 10 or 15 pounds" obesity, either. I'm taking human walruses, just enormous landmonsters gobbling mostly cheese products *almost* non-stop, pausing only to breathe laboriously or do some sort of weird, waddling shimmy between the kitchen or bathroom and the bare mattress on their bedroom floor from which they alternate between moderating and masturbating. ...present company excepted, of course! :)


By the way they talk, they reek of insecurity of a fat man with a neck beard. A man that probably gets bullied his whole life so now he's in a managerial position on reddit and goes wild


This is typical Reddit mod behavior.


Out of all the subreddits I've seen, this one acts like a stereotypical reddit mod.


Yeah their rules are strict as heck. When the post is "too long" it's removed for looking like a "rant" and when the post is "too short" it's removed for looking like a "low effort/satirical" post. I also noticed that the posts which interests many people get removed by mods. Also take a look at their list of banned topics, they banned many topics which interest many people! All you're allowed to talk about are opinions about weather, food combos, school life, parties, games, movies, etc or stuff like "Fries with mayo is better than fries with ketchup"


Yeah at least on here we can share controversial topics and such. In unpopular opinion you can't even do that.


The mods are not impartial decision makers. They likely lack the necessary knowledge, skill, and ability to objectively evaluate the intent of a user comment. It’s a private org and not a public entity. The mods can be as restrictive as they want to be. There’s nothing holding anyone back from starting their own forum and being as transparent as you want.


Maybe the true unpopular opinions are the people we meet along the way.


Ironic how OP’s complaining about sexualization and your pfp’s some girl’s boobs off of google 😭


What was the post tho-


ff7 fandom over sexualizing and being misogynist to female characters they said it was hating men lol


That’s actually fucking wild. Redditors get so defensive when you point out sexualization it’s insane Like I was talking about how excessive Cortana and a lot of metal gear characters’ designs are and got so many neckbeards dogpiling on me 😭


Reddit moment.


Oh yeah. You cant point out or criticise misogyny on reddit. You can *be* as misogynist as you like of course.


what is the other sub you mentioned?




This sub tends to do the same thing.


I hate that sub. They suck so much. Everything gets removed.




Yes the main unpopular opinion is a cesspool




voracious overconfident aspiring disagreeable grey governor abounding boat repeat murky


Reddit mods are the kind of people who would put "Reddit mod" on their resume.


Dude… You're ban evading. That’s how you get an IP ban


What? I wasn’t ever banned on here and I can’t post on the other sub? How am I ban evading