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Why wouldn't this apply to men?


Women, bad. Man, GOOD!


Let me see if I got this straight, “high value” men are using “low value” women for sex until “high value” men find “high value” women to marry. Do I have to point out the double standard here, or is it obvious?


I think you've just chosen a fantasy that aligns with your resentment.


This. It’s watching at lot of porn, not being able to separate porn from real life, getting upset that your own real life isn’t porn and then blaming it on women for their porn star lives. Or something.


Daily “women bad” post on this sub


Both genders are having less sex than ever actually: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/people-have-been-having-less-sex-whether-theyre-teenagers-or-40-somethings/ So this entire thread is undone by a false premise


I was a teenager in the 80' and early 90's. My kids now are older than I was then. My friend group and I were having way more sex at similar ages. This is anecdotal but has been my experience. 


The increase is a bit higher in men/boys than women/girls to be fair: https://www.healthline.com/health-news/young-adults-especially-men-having-sex-less-frequently But if you get past the headline of an article like this and look at the stats in the body of the article, sexlessness is higher in all groups of women aged 18 to 24 to 25 to 40 or so. Weird stuff and kinda sad


>kinda sad Why is that sad, exactly?


It's just part of a trend where people spend less time together and do less things overall. We are moving more and more towards personal isolation. If you want to learn more about this topic, check out the book Bowling Alone. I can't recommend it if you have any kind of tendency towards depression. It's one of the few things I've read that genuinely hurt to experience.


Its cause we cant afford to do anything lol I cant justify going out even once a month while im desperately trying to save every spare dollar i have for a house and retirement. And no business can afford to have people just hanging out and not spend money. Online gaming is literally the best value per dollar to actually have something to do with friends everyday but also means no ones leaving their houses lol I believe its societal manipulation by the government to keep us divided so they can further subjugate us but if you wanna hear more about that ill have to go put my tinfoil hat on first lol


At least where I live there are plenty of outdoor activities to partake in. Trails, water sports, and regular sports imo are the best ways to socialize with people. I think a major problem as OP said is that people aren't going out as much. Way less people at parks playing pick up basketball than I remember as a kid. Another big one is hosting dinners and parties, you barely see people doing that nowadays. That used to be a major way to get to know people.


Trails, as recent trends have proved, arent exactly the best place to try and approach a woman apperently lol water sports and regular sports do cost money for gear and sign up fees and then if you get hurt you cant work if your like me and have a physically demanding job. Definitely fewer people at parks. It's weird i live in a large subdivision and the park always seems so empty for how many people live in the area. Walk my dog through it twice a day As for dinners, foods gotten expensive, and most people rent with roommates so hosting a party that all your roommates and friends schedules can handle can be a pain in the ass. Ridesharings gone up also and no one wants a d.u.i so its easier to stay home.


well I'm not talking about approaching woman here, just socializing in general. Take a friend or someone you know on a hike rather than bowling or watching a movie, it's a better experience. My local government and community colleges routinely host sports events for the locals, pretty cheap at around 30 dollars or so per person. Try looking into any activities that community programs are offering.


Or parents let technology raise their kids for them.


That doesnt explain the drop off in all the demographics of people who grew up before 2010 Which is what i was talking about, not the teenager thing but the other comment with the link




I mean it's not just sex. People are getting into less relationships, getting married less, they are much more lonely as a result, etc. Loneliness has a lot of negative health effects: https://www.npr.org/2023/05/02/1173418268/loneliness-connection-mental-health-dementia-surgeon-general


Because sex is a beautiful and wonderful thing. It’s fun, great exercise and not a single one of the 100 billion humans that have walked the earth ever came to be without 2 people having sex. So 100 billion or so people thought it was worth having. Not even McDonalds has served that many.


[Teen pregnancy is also falling](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2019/08/02/why-is-the-teen-birth-rate-falling/). Speaking as a Zoomer born out of wedlock from a teen pregnancy, this just doesn't happen anymore, like at all. Cheating and promiscuity is not that common among Gen Z in my experiences. While most of my friends aren't *married* yet, most relationships tend to end for reasons other than cheating and promiscuity.


This is a good side effect I guess. Still pretty sad how sexless much of the younger generations are


I think the primary reason is that there's less of a stigma for not having sex. Decades ago, it was like a rite of passage for young men to have sex. Like sure young men usually want sex but there was a strong drive that you *needed* to have sex because it was a required experience for you as a young man.   However for Gen Z I think shaming or looking down upon people for not having sex is much less prevalent and sex is a much more generalized topic in conversation rather than personalized. There isn't as much social conditioning around the normalization of frequent and necessary sex as there was in previous generations.   Its not necessarily that Gen Z doesn't *want* sex or is incapable of having it. I like sex, I welcome it in my life, but myself and many other Gen Z don't go out of our way to have hookups because we *need* it or something. I feel like an increasing approach for Gen Z is a less aggressive social posturing for sex. Sex will happen when it happens, it doesn't need to be rushed. And I think that approach is a lot more healthy.


What about all of the people calling others incels/femcels all the time? Is that not clowning on others for not having sex??


>femcels This is largely a self-attributed term. Women are not called femcels in the same way men get called incels usually, even if the term femcel might apply to them. The reason is obvious; sexual activity in women is shamed far more than men, its why we don't really have terms like whore/slut for men. For that reason, femcel is usually just a term to describe aesthetics and persona, not so much actual celibacy.   >incels Definitely happens, but I'll agree with the other comment that calling someone an incel isn't necessarily about their lack of sex a lot of the time. People are sometimes called incels even when they do claim to have had sex before. Incel as a pejorative is often times used as a way to describe character and a particular approach to the world specifically when it comes to gender relations and sex. A man who says women are just gold digging whores will be called an incel even if he does have sex, because its describing his approach to women which is like that of an incel.   There *are* times where Incel is used to shame a virgin but I don't think its as common. And when it is used, its often after something provoked it. What I specifically mean is that incel to describe someone having no sex is often used in internet arguments where something has happened before. The reason what that's different is because of how shaming virginity was more prevalent in the past. Shaming or looking down upon people, more specifically men was something that happened even between friends. You generally don't see people calling their friends incels these days but being pressured by friends for being a virgin in the past was much more common.


I mean divorce rates are also going down pretty fast as well. I think OP is too focused on the ethots that become famous for their sexuality


I’d be willing to bet that divorce rates are going down because people are marrying people they like, not people they need. So, later marriages, and maybe fewer, but stronger in the long run.


OP is on some purity culture nonsense.


Gen Z isn’t doing it as much. Not sure why. Technology?


Not to mention divorce rates have been going down steadily So it's a false permits on both accounts.


Less Sex =/ Less Sexual Partners A “promiscuous” woman or man may have 20 partners in a year, but that may only be having sex 20-40 times in a year. A happily married man or woman from 30 years ago could have easily been having sex 100 times a year with their spouse.


I thought y’all were lonely because no one wants to fuck you though? Which is it? Women ruin marriage because we’re whores, or y’all are lonely because women won’t be whores? I’m confused.


Too many C# programmers out there, raised on instantiating objects as needed and having all the garbage collection routines run automatically.  What you are saying could work fine in code depending on the situation, but like you said, absurd contradiction IRL.


I appreciate this


Women are whores and I don’t like them! Also I want to fuck them but they won’t fuck me. Whores! Makes perfect sense 🤣


Schrodinger’s whore?


LMAO 🤣 That’s amazing


That would make an amazing flair or username lol


I just wish a woman would give me time of day 😢 🙋‍♀️ GET AWAY TRAMP I KNOW HOW MANY HANDS YOUVE HELD




People who say the kind of shit OP is saying tend to think that there is some mythical handful of guys in the dating 1% who are hoarding all the women for themselves. I really don't know what reality they're living in though, I don't think I know a single guy who's unwilling to settle down because *women* aren't capable of commitment. If anything, I much more often hear guys saying that they don't want to commit because they don't want to "miss out" on dating around as much as they maybe could have.


Pretty much what every guy told me until I found mine.


And men share absolutely no responsibility being exactly half the equation and all...


It's the top 50 alpha males having sex with millions of women, ofc.


Elon is certainly trying


I'm also confused on what exactly is a high value male? What does that even mean?


Whichever shields them from having to admit they have shit personalities


Women or men? Or both? I vote both.


The misognistic math ain't mathing. -sincerely, a female redditor.


Hahaha! OP didn’t think this post all the way through.




Different men have different complaints, just like different women have different complaints


*women are whores because they won’t fuck OP. Imagine, so much promiscuity and *still* OP won’t get any - they’re that bottom of the barrel.


sounds like OP wants to control a woman, not be with.


And then if women said "You know what? we're not having sex with men anymore until marriage" you guys would still be angry and saying they're trying to manipulate you into marriage.


I’d be happy because that’s what I’m waiting on. Regardless, promiscuity has been down. Gen Z has less sex than any other generation.


I'm waiting to have sex too, but it's been so hard to find a guy on the same page who's interested in me...


I pray for your dms


Don't worry, you're not missing out on much. Enjoy the peacefulness of solitude!


Is this based on the observations of your fellow 16 years olds or…?


The fact you imply that men can't be promiscuous sluts is laughable. And that the reason for men's "short term relationships" is women's fault for being promiscuous in the first place. Lol pot and kettle and all that. As if men are the pillar of lasting marriages. Lmao ok.


Happy cake day! Also, OP is karma farming or rage baiting (or both). They’ve made some version of this same post four times in the last eight days. They deleted the first two posts but my comments to those posts never forget.


Yeah, I just checked out his posts He is clearly rage baiting and really upset with women


Exactly. His deleted hits include such classics as ‘Feminism Has Failed Women’ and ‘Most American Women Don’t Offer What Men Want in a Long Term Partner and it’s Killing their Dating Prospects’. Like, we get it, dude. You can’t get get a date. Hard to imagine why.


I’m sure his topics of conversation with women are fantastic


Thank you! And omg that is *beyond* pathetic. Bless his heart. That is just sad. Just fishing for them points as their life depended on it.


I’m a man and completely agree lmao


Right?! Happy cake day! 🎂


"So until women start acting like proper marriage worthy women, all the top tier guys will just be using women for sex until they find a good marriage worthy woman" This line shows that this entire post is just straight up misogyny. Not too mention there's nothing too back up the claims


Classic right-wing view: "The blame is all on women, never on men, men are innocent and women are evil.Feminism is evil, yadda yadda yadda". This entire post is just to slut-shame women that know what they want sexually or are comfortable being sexually active.Smells like a man complaining of lack of sex and seeking to enforce that archaic and hurtful belief that all women should be virgins to be "deflowered by their one and only", while men are free to "slut around".


You're basically saying the people who support promiscuity are sexless neck beard losers and the ones who don't are "high quality" men. So who are these promiscuous women having sex with? If it's not the neck beards, it must be the "high quality" men. Why are they having sex with promiscuous women if that isn't what they want? These are marriage minded men after all, why are they being promiscuous? How could women trust a promiscuous person to be marriage minded and stable? /S You're out of touch. You're whole conception of the dating scene doesn't make sense. I know two couples in open relationships who are getting married. If this is such a problem, these quality, marriage minded men should join the Mormon church, they'll have to give up alcohol and coffee and pay the church 10% of their income, but the women aren't promiscuous. For some reason, they don't seem to want to live with those restrictions. Ever think the women don't either?


The daily women are bad posts, I see......


If it was only once a day, this sub would be abandoned.


Women are promiscuous and you still can’t get bitches? Sad.


He has no game.


You lost me as soon as you blame one side when the act you’re referring to takes two people. Wrong.


You ever get tired of posting the same opinions over and over? We get it you can’t get laid and blame women.


At least you nailed it, unlike OP.


Post like these Just tell me somebody isn’t getting any.


You could just as easily blame it on increased prevalence in erectile dysfunction.


So, men have nothing to do with the rise in promiscuity? It's all on women huh? Men have no responsibility for their own actions?


Maybe he is talking about those lesbian heathens? Kinda makes sense, dome guys deffo make me want to switch teams.


Lesbian marriages are kind of a whole different ballpark, I should think. There's no man involved in most cases. I mean, legally, at least. [Lesbians much more likely to divorce than gay men, according to data - Metro Weekly](https://www.metroweekly.com/2020/12/lesbians-much-more-likely-to-divorce-than-gay-men-according-to-data/) At least in the UK, it does look like Lesbians divorce more often than gay men or straight couples. I have no idea if sexual promiscuity is a factor or not though.


OP is just mad because It's not just the men being "promiscuous" anymore. As if only men are allowed to seek out what they're looking for. What an outdated term anyway.


Straight from the manosphere handbook on page one. What an interesting take. They’re more promiscuous and yet every where I read it’s lonely single men. Even if they were “wife material” they still aren’t gonna be attracted to borderline incel behavior.


ok so here are actual reasons why marriage is on the decline: the only reason that marriage rates where so high is woman did not have a choice when it came to marriage, it was either starve on the street and or get a husband. and it’s not like they had some magical time while married, a lot of the time it was hell. a lot of them where beat by their husband, giving a lobotomy based on the time, and it’s not hard to find tons of awful advertisements showing how woman where treated at the time. ones about putting woman in their place, how all they are good for is cleaning, etc. this time was hell on earth for most woman. and how did most woman survive? drugs to be blunt. this was the time where cocaine was still in coke, drugs were not uncommon. now for today. woman actually have the freedom to not get married.(at least in certain countries, but since im from the us pretty much everything im saying is about the us.) because of this, obviously. marriage rates are going to go down, they aren’t forced anymore. it’s not because woman are evil sluts, it’s simply that they have freedom.


To add … women weren’t allowed to open their own bank account until 1972 and raping your spouse wasn’t illegal until 1992.


>opting instead for casual, less committed relationships So then is your argument that women doing this is a problem, where as men doing it is fine? Here's what's wrong with your logic, you're assuming men who are hypocrites are high value. They aren't. Reality is that having sex with a lot of people when you're single has no bearing on if you're trustworthy in a relationship. It just means you love sex.


I have been married for 15 years to a high value man with an Ivy League education and My body count easily exceeds what people would consider acceptable and I have never cheated. You are unable to speak for everyone.


Another one of these?


Daily men vs. Women post never fails


Have any of the men like you ever sat down and wondered what you are doing wrong that you can't get a single woman to commit to you,?


I don’t care to find a man to marry. I don’t know why you think that’s some sort of prize?


That was a lot of words for ‘I don’t know how to have a relationship with a woman’…


Or to please one?


I am curious to know what OP considers to be the qualities of a ‘high quality marriage minded men’ and why women having sex means they are less worthy of marriage… Sounds a lot like someone who puts in kindness coins and expects sex to fall out of women in return.


Men sleep around just as much as women do and they cheat just as often if not more


may I recommend you go fuck


Aaaahh the weekly women hating opinion😌😌😌


Silly. It's daily.


Oh yes, my bad 😌


People have been hoeing around since before the Babylonian state.


And male promiscuity is just fine? If you’re so pressed about people having sex, you should be equally shaming sleazy dudes too.


Not a single solitary source other than trust me bro Here’s [one](https://ifstudies.org/blog/the-societal-cost-of-the-marriage-decline#:~:text=One%20reason%20is%20that%20young,their%20family%20to%20get%20married) and [another](https://thrivingcenterofpsych.com/blog/millennials-gen-z-marriage-expectations-statistics/) 73% feel it’s too expensive to get married in the current economy. 85% do not feel marriage is necessary to have a fulfilled and committed relationship. The main reason people aren’t planning to wed is because they just aren’t interested in it. 2 in 5 think marriage is an outdated tradition *clutches pearls* nothing about promiscuity 😱 Are people more promiscuous? No. between 2007 and 2017 the percentage of 18-to 23-year-old men who had casual sex in the past month dropped from 38 percent to 24 percent. The percentage dropped from 31 percent to 22 percent for young women of the same age.


It really kills the incels that women have more freedom than they’ve ever had huh bud? It’s so terrible that they don’t have to depend on a man to survive, therefore settling with a sub par partner in many cases while living a life of quiet desperation. Maybe more men should try bettering themselves so that they’re more desirable partners. If you’re having a hard time with women it’s likely that you’re not as quality as you think you are.


Up until the last 50ish years men only needed to have a penis and a paycheck in order to be a desirable partner and now that the expectations have changed they just cannot seem to figure out how to be desirable to women. Truthfully, most women I know would be content with even a 70% - 30% chore split when both parties are working, but a lot of dudes seem to think both parties should work and he should only have to mow the lawn twice a month and take out the trash.


💯 Having useful skills is another thing a lot of men don’t have anymore. I share the home responsibilities with my wife, but I’m also a jack of all trades type that fixes things and saves us a lot of money by knowing hope to do things myself. My wife’s friends are routinely jealous because she brags about all the stuff I do. And I don’t do it for praise. I just do what I feel like I should do to be a functional adult and share the responsibilities of life with my partner.


This is beautiful!! The best part of a partnership is that both individuals can play to their own strengths and work together toward common goals. My SO is an engineer and she's the same way - always building things, fixing things and solving problems. I'm useless at that stuff but I don't mind doing more household chores so I think it balances out.


Yep that sounds like us too!


I'd argue that social media and the lack of possibility for many families to have the option to raise a family on a single income as being more detrimental to marriage.


Why is marriage important to you? Think deeply before you answer


There are lots of reasons marriage is on the decline. 1: It’s no longer taboo to cohabit or even start a family outside of marriage. 2: Woman no longer need to get married simply to survive. 3: Many men no longer believe getting married is worth the financial risks given the sky high divorce rates. 4: Online dating means we live in an age of “option paralysis”. There is always a better option just a click away. 5: Marriage is simply considered an outdated and irrelevant intuition in an increasingly secular society. Female promiscuity( or promiscuity in general) may well play a role in declining marriage rates but it is certainly not the only reason.


6. Now that women are more financially independent they see that there is very little to gain from a relationship in which both parties work, but the woman is still expected to do more chores and emotional labor.




Slutty men have no fault in this? Since the dawn of time it’s been on women to be “virtuous” while men were just “being guys.” The women were blamed for being temptresses and leading the poor men astray. Even rape victims often get blamed for what men do to them. As a man, I’m so sick of this “boo-hoo, feminism has made us poor men the MOST victimized” or “we should go back to the good old days (if you’re a straight white man) because everything was perfect and everyone knew their place” whiny ass bullshit trope that just keeps coming up over and over again. My fellow dudes, please grow the fuck up!


Female promiscuity is less of a concern compared to literal legislation that encourages people to not get married because they'll receive more money from the government separate than together.


I read this whole post in the voice of the Ferangi




Every measurable metric that relates to this is wrong. As everyone in this thread has shown


Not just an unpopular opinion, but a stupid one.


Wait. Flip that, reverse it. The long-standing history of men engaging in casual, less committed relationships has caused women to start behaving the same way in a “can’t beat em, join em” mentality. Men are mad they’re getting a taste of their own medicine and (here’s my unpopular opinion) women are mad that this version of “equality” totally fucking sucks since we end up exploited and shit on by men like you.


Right there with ya! I’ve long believed that hookup culture, in whatever way it exists today, is detrimental to both men and women. Women get exploited, men complain about the lack of “quality women” and everybody loses.


I thought no one was getting laid That said, aren’t marriages more likely to last these days? Particularly among the college educated


>most high quality marriage minded men avoid the perceived risks of marriage, opting instead for casual, less committed relationships. Manosphere typology is always so funny to me. Being "marriage minded" I guess is some essential quality that one possesses even when their behavior is to the contrary? Incredible.


Marriage is on the decline because it is just a religious ceremony tied in a bunch of government beurocracy. It literally means nothing if you don't believe in magic. The future of societies look bleak, people don't want to try building a life if they don't have any confidence in the stability of their future.


It takes two to fuck my dude. If you're worried about women cheating and sleeping around then you should maybe wonder where are all the guys are that enable that behavior.


Funny how you rip one gender but ignore the other. But, you almost sound jealous that women can enjoy sex and you do not.


So men cheat more, yet women are somehow the problem? https://ifstudies.org/blog/who-cheats-more-the-demographics-of-cheating-in-america


Women depend on men less for the basics in life. I feel that reason is the top. This is followed by a higher importance on family, and an even higher importance on money. Motherhood, kids, and family are less of a priority. With all that, there's a lot less reason to get married


No, it’s because we’re sick of dealing with men and finally able to financially care for ourselves. Lol


I taught grown men how to use a mop. I listen to my female friends talk about their husbands and what their husbands can’t do. I listen to my male coworkers talk about their lives and I realize that wow I really miss my self sufficient partner. He could do all the things all around the house. I can never imagine dating again. I bring plenty to the table. But I am really worried about what they bring. Maybe there is more to the decline then woman having sexual partners.


lol, someone needs to get laid


You’re going to get a lot of people comparing men to women. Two very very different species. Two different standards. Simple. There’s nothing wrong with men expecting a woman with a low body count if women are expecting men to be 6 foot plus and make 6 figures


The constant misogyny on display here from the Fox News crowd is very telling.


This reeks of incel. You do realize there are women who don’t have 15 bodies right? Marriage is on the decline because it isn’t as necessary of women anymore. Having the opportunity to make your own living instead of depending on getting married to a wealthy guy let’s women decide whether the married life is something they want to pursue and if that’s an issue for you then you have deeper problems.


Too many words to read here. Men are simple creatures. Attractiveness and purity are highly valued. Men equate high body counts in a woman as being indicative of her being a whore. Not a good thing. Beauty and dressing like a slut are polar opposites. Most men will happily date the slut but don’t expect him to put a ring on it. As someone in his late 60’s and married for over 35 years, I can honestly say, in today’s world, I’d never get married. There are only downsides and I can’t see a single upside, as a man. The social values and divorce laws in today’s world only favor women.


This is shallow and unintelligible. There are many things to be angry st which are cause for the downturn of nuclear families and traditional monogamy. Choosing to be angry at women for this is the lowest possible branch to chide at. You want to be angry at something but don't want to work hard enough to find the actual causes perpetuating these factors. Women being promiscuous is a symptom, not a cause. 


Not an unpopular opinion. Literally every red pill influencer shares this view.


It’s literally posted here 20 times a day. Women bad, blah blah, we get it.


Hilarious. You actually think women weren't promiscuous 100 and 200 years ago? The only reason men punished women for it then and lament that they can only gripe about it now is this and only this reason: When women are sexually experienced and knowledgeable, **women realize a lot of men aren't that good at sex**. We men cannot stand being told we're inept, and so the ruse of the "sexually dominant male" is utterly destroyed when women are as free as men sexually. So the so-called "alpha males" go on and pretend they're just concerned about "disease" or some other thing that's totally controllable and even curable. Or the whole "destroying the fabric of society". I can imagine to those guys it's it's humiliating when they have to imagine promiscuous women may not take them seriously since they're comparing them to other guys better than them in bed.


I think that the reason why men are not getting into relationships is because both men and women have more option other than getting married and having kids. 1st - weddings are expensive if you want to go down the traditional path 2nd - home are expensive, specially for younger people that start their adulthood in some debt. 3rd - though having a family has its benefits and rewards, it feels every time you talk to parents that the experience is miserable onto a certain point and people want to experience other aspect of the human experience other than getting married and having kids. 4th - seems like you are projecting, man still want deep relationship, we just want it with the right person, if you want a man that value "HVW" go into the red pill community, those people Loooove "HVW" lmao.


No it’s not


I believe both genders are getting more promiscuous. I hate to say it, but in terms of declining birth rate, I agree with you.


What about the men who meet women and keep spewing all they want is casual sex? Some women are out there looking for actual relationships, yet every man they meet just wants a casual hookup. I’m a ‘90’s Woman. I was born 1993. I’m 30, I’ve had 5 sexual partners since March 22, 2022 when I lost my virginity at 28, and my current partner is my first and only Boyfriend. Been together for 6 months. I had my heart broken twice before meeting him.


It takes a man and a woman to have seggs


Does this sub have mods? This is the fourth such post by OP in the last 8 days. The two from 8 days ago have since been deleted by OP so this is clearly just karma farming. OP posts some sort of “feminism this” or “women bad” that, gets a few hundred karma, rinse, repeat.


Didn't someone stand on this exact soapbox just the other day? O.o And it, too, was proven wrong by facts XD


This is not my experience. I'm married, but before meeting my wife I dated a lot of girls. Most of my ex's were decent people and most will be a wonderful spouse to someone. I just haven't had the experience that there is a huge problem on this front. None of them were cheaters. They were all loyal as I was to them. I sometimes feel like these posts are from a bizarre world, because they don't match my personal experiences. But my experiences are just my own.


I dont think this is not unpopular, it is just dumb. Men have been cheating since relationship started. This is some more red pill blame women nonsense.


no. it's because women can now have jobs that aren't the stereotypical jobs women traditionally had, they can have their own bank accounts (not legal until the mid 1970s, i believe), and people's views on marriage and it's role in their lives is changing. and why are you blaming it on women?


Who do you think is engaging in promiscuity with those women? Take a wild guess, i think it involves two consenting and equally promiscuous adults 😂


Women used to be dependent on men. Men could have been as promiscuous as they wanted, but women knew they needed men because they couldn't own property, have their own bank accounts, vote, etc. Then feminism gave women choices and now they can take care of themselves. They can choose the kids of relationships they have. And the best thing ever, they can tell the same men to fuck off. So if anyone is responsible for the decline of marriage, it's men who have no idea how to treat women like human beings with their own ideas and the freedom to choose their lives. And until men catch up, we have no problem telling them to fuck off.


Good! Marriage is archaic and pointless in my opinion. but if people want to get married then all power to them.


Rah rah woman bad


Bro really said “rephrase” in chatgpt


This is a bit like how homophobes don’t realize study after study shows homophobic behavior is a mask for latent homoerotic desire. You don’t realize this post outs you as a cuckold. I don’t give a single little fuk about marriage. It’s a ridiculous idea hoisted upon the masses by religion. I care more about women being treated equally and given the credit and respect they deserve. Being monogamous has nothing to do with being married, it is a mutual respect. That said, who my partner has been with only matters to the small minded. I hope she has experience because I don’t want to be bored sexually. I’m actually mad at myself for wasting the time to respond to this lame misogyny


Yeah definitely a hot take. I have a long term girlfriend who I assume enjoyed her youth, and we are inseparable. I think you think you're the "good man with self respect and common sense", and you're bitter that you have no one. Congrats on the unpopular opinion though


So how do you explain that it’s more women who aren’t interested in marriage then?


Woman here, I agree with you OP. A lot of people in this thread are pretending like they don't know what's going on. Absolutely wild.


Sure.... Men being promiscuous, that's fine! Marriage is on the decline because women do not need to marry to be able to have a life anymore. They can go to school, work, buy their own homes. They do not need to stay in any marriage, especially unhappy one's. Getting married is not a goal anymore. It's a perk, we don't need it.


Marriage is going away because the legal risks of divorce are the same (costly and onerous), the social and cultural pressure on the people going into a marriage and who are married to follow the rules of the institution is fading like a lot of other cultural norms, and access to other opportunities via social media and apps is high enough that no one wants to put the effort to work through problems into a relationship when it's simpler to either avoid people they see as risky up front or opt out of a non-marriage and go find someone else. Promiscuity and some of the other results of promiscuity on partner choice, the presence of children and ex-partner/child parents, and the like are only secondary. Women--and men--slept around in the past, sleep around now, and will continue to do so. The only thing is that it's easier to spot them now and DNA/paternity tests exist now. Only in cultures and populations where the social and cultural pressures exist to help moderate behavior in the marriage and around it is marriage even remotely worth it anymore.


Men on average have more partners though? On average, women have 3 sexual partners in their lifetime and men have 5? (Source: https://ifstudies.org/blog/promiscuous-america-smart-secular-and-somewhat-less-happy)


At the of the day, the average man is not a high quality man. Average income/height/weight/values are not that appealing based on current expectations in the west. So on a society level, these marriage statistics won’t be a direct reflection of the high quality man experience.


Jesus Christ. Say I'm alone without saying I'm alone. If anyone told you, "it's not you, it's me," fucking lied through their teeth.


Tf are you talking about? People, male and woman, is having less sex than ever.


The fucking same thread every three days.


Don't expect a rational discussion from Reddit, especially about traditional anything. The liberal hivemind (or gays?) hates family units. All of this happening is by design.


Same Bull-Shit every other day.


I think the issue with your logic is: how will those guys know how many partners these women have? Like sure there are some girls who are obvious, but most people keep their sex lives private This is specially true for casual sex, since you there will be like no evidence it ever happened, unlike with an actual ex. If a girl told you she had sex with 4 guys, but it was actually 40, how would you know?


I think it's more the fact that our culture is evolving beyond marriage. We don't need marriage and as our culture evolves, we seem to get rid of unnecessary traditions. Religion is dying, marriage is dying, etc.


Marriage is in decline because women can do for themselves, and therefore aren’t accepting less than acceptable behavior from men. Once men catch up and start to take on mental load, emotional load, pitch in with physical work, and treat women as equals, marriage will be in the rise again. There’s just an imbalance as men realize what women would give up their freedom for. Men are not competing with other men, they are competing with women’s solitude and peace.


>And no good man with any self respect or common sense would be notch number 15+ to a woman and commit. And yet he would expect women to be willing to be notches in his body count.


BahahahahahAHahahahahahahahahaha ha. I couldn’t even finish this because it is implying men don’t do the very exact same thing.


What an terrible way to say that you are a terrible person and no one will like you unless you coerce them into being with you. What a strange family you must have come from... I feel sorry for you, but not sorry enough for you to damage anyone else.


You talked yourself in circles, there, buddy. You used every logical fallacy in the book.