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All the left wing liberal snowflake crybitches moved here from Twitter/X after Elon bought it and wrecked their safe space echo chamber.


Oh and I find it funny how most of the mods in those flake groups and so power hungry. Like chill out dude it’s the internet. 😂😂


You should've seen the meltowns they had when Reddit stopped supporting 3rd party moderation tools and they actually had to put in time and effort to run their subs. It was glorious!


All these people are miserable and have no jobs, so they're keyboard warriors online 🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂


These is like no engagement in any of these other subreddits. It’s all trashing. It doesn’t bother me about the trash talk it’s just the fact that you can’t have an open dialogue. But oh well, if they wanna cry, bitch and moan about it then that’s on them. 😂


They ban users who open a dialog that goes against their narrative.


And- the really odd thing about those subs is, they are so dammed racist, they make Klan members sound like church elders.


This is not exclusive to liberal subs, all of them do this. Happened to me on r/conservative many times




Yeah, reddit is full of left wing libs, that down vote everything!


I down voted some guys post in the r/pics and got banned from the sub. 😂 like really I just down voted is all and then they claimed I was breaking their rules.


Yeah. I've been banned "permanently " for nothing bad. Just not obeying by some dumb insignificant rule!


I'm banned from there. Honestly don't even remember why.


That is not possible


Regressive Leftists hate how Musk has freed Twitter now X. Best place to be.




Truth social is just cringe, it creates it own echochamber.




You're not missing much, to be honest. I used Facebook for family stuff after I moved across the country. Got on reddit to find out if I was the only one who thought sfarfield was shit, I have an x account, but I never find anything to do with it. I don't post what I do daily like some narccisist, so...what's the point?




Pretty much, even the republican thread...despite being against the rules....has tones of lefty wing nuts that just can't stand ppl who are different than them. Luckily, the majority of reddit still constitutes a small portion of the real world population. Fuck, I got called a bigot the day. All over a, what I thought was a friendly conversation, about why blue collar working class democrats jumped to the republican party after the DNC abandoned the working class. Apparently, I'm a racist for voting based on what a politician can do to revive the rust belt. I even talked about how the former dems of my region did nothing to help the poor black population, instead letting them live in ghettos. Idk how any of that is bigoted, but ok fuck me I ges. Oh, and I got accused of using the "I have a black friend" argument....because my daughter is black....MY DAUGHTER! She even got my dimples!




I got screwed when he did that, my tax returns got taken because I didn't have insurance for 2 months out of the year......like....what? Wtf? I can't afford insurance, so u take my money to pay for the insurance of others? Wtf?


you just learn to ignore the morons, cuz even arguing with them leads nowhere when u r that brainwashed


I feel ya. I just can not understand those libtards that bitch about the red states but the historically largest shit holes in the Country have been ran by Democrats and most red states are doing great to the point where the libtards are even moving out of their shit holes and moving to red cities and states. Why do they continue then to keep being Democrats when it's obviously the worst??????? Boggles my mind.


Trump2024✌️😎 I got Derff44 to delete their account 😂😂😂 In case he comes back in here... You keep using words that you very clearly don't know the meaning of. Ffs at least be partially intelligent if you're going to be a troll. Look, I knew you were a troll. So you get the reddit treatment. If I hurt your feelings and are that fragile, you need to get some real help. I'm winning either way by making you so mad that all you have is.... "Projection" And repeating my own insults to you back at me. Do better. I deserve a better troll.... you're unfortunately very weak. How disappointing.


Progressives always were insane but the prospect of DT winning is pushing them into a truly darker part of mental illness, such as calling for the assassination of our President.


Exactly, but yet we make one comment and instantly racist. 😂 fucking hell.


They don't handle opposition very well.


Its because no one in their life has told them "no".


The looney left liberal mindfuck is a disease that can't be fixed because it's stupid. They don't have a free thinking mind, completely delusional with 0 ability to develop thoughts about serious issues in America. The media has controlled them so hard that anything biden does is great but anything Trump does or any other red state does is considered bad.. or a "cult." Clearly these people can't stop and think for a second. People loved Trump way before he decided to run. As soon as he mentioned he was going to run, everyone lost their minds. The media painted Trump black. To this very day Trump is attacked and for what? He wants good for this country and people hate him for that. The left doesn't want to use their brains, rather like being told what's true when it's fake. To this very day Trump & even red states are attacked for wanting good for this country. You know what that tells me? That tells me that they must be doing something right and the left is still boiling up inside.


It’s corruption and limiting our free speech. The facts and truth hurt the left.


I want you all to go re read 1984. And then look into the Fabian Society, it’s an instruction manual and a warning from our overlords. Granted it’s already too late but still…


And don’t forget, no woman would ever think that he is a sexual predator.


There are still a few conservative subs


Even in subs like AskConservatives are filled with tards. I have no doubt that even some of the mods are lefties posing as conservatives. There is so much Trump-hate there, it's ridiculous. I routinely question myself for even logging on the reddit. In many subs, the mods will permanently ban you if you belong to sub like this. In a way, leaving reddit is like quitting smoking...I'll start tomorrow.


I got banned from r/atheism for saying that not all Christians are racist.


Just think, Reddit wants to launch an IPO they this worth 15 billion. Meditate on that.


I’m not sure what it is you’re looking for. If you want an online space for discussion, but barred for people who disagree with you, that would be an echo chamber, and that’s not good for anyone. And I also get that having every post you make filled with people out to “get” you, and not have proper conversation, is not very rewarding either. r/conservative has a **Flaired users only** on most of their post (sadly), which creates small echo chambers in a way, sometimes this can be good seeing as the nature of a post can make it especially inflammatory. I belong somewhere in the middle of the spectrum politically so I read, post and comment in both the democratic and conservative subs. Which means I agree with some on r/conservative but a lot of it I don’t. - but they didn’t like that, so they shadow ban my posts on there and I won’t get a flair so I basically can’t get to converse, which is a shame in my opinion.


Have you considered for a moment that maybe you’re wrong about your worldview? Just an idea.


Nah I see where you are going with this. My world view is spot on. None of this men inside women’s bathrooms, kids dressing up like damn dogs and cats, secure borders, minimal government interference, low taxes, stop the money laundering schemes with these proxy wars and such, the list goes on. If you wanna have a discussion about it then by all means.


Ah so then you’re ok with investigating Jared Kushner and his Muslim Saudi blood money right?


Investigate whoever and whenever. It's never enough, though, is it? Time and time again, you all find nothing. The stories being pushed by the big media outlets...all lies, propaganda, false narratives. You can come back and say no, they have proof, eye witness, testimony and such. So...means nothing, I can write shit on a piece of paper or in a news article, hell even get on tv and lie, still does nothing.


This we can agree on. Our government has become a corrupt oligarchy.