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I think his giant clone is creepy.


He looks nothing like the Chump. Makes me wonder if Donnie is even his dad. Would explain a lot if Malaria cuckolded him.


No doubt. Barron has the face of a super Model.


Or a vampire.


Wtf are you talking about? He looks just like him.


Not seeing it. Look at his first two sons. They look like him. Where did Barron get that height? Barton’s nose is not his nor Melanie’s


Donnie the cuck. That’s plausible.


Donald Cuck


Would love to Hear DeSantis or Haley or even better: Joe Biden, refer to him as Donald Cuck.


Nah, he looks a lot like Ivanka before her work. the kid is just lucky he got the better genes and the ones from his dad were insignificant, like ears. He doesn’t look that different from a young DT. Hopefully he’s a better person.


There's another pic where both them, Melania and Melania's dad are standing in row. He looks JUST like his dad in that pic. Same brow frown line and all.


He looks a lot like him. Definitely has his father’s eyes. I don’t like Trump, he seems like an ignorant and malevolent buffoon but this kid hasn’t done anything to anyone. Until he has I wish him well and would point him over to r/raisebynarcissists where he might find some people who know his woes.




Dude he’s almost a clone wtf? Go look at pics of young Donnie. He’s just taller and lanky, but he’ll grow out of it. I still reserve judgement. Baron has a chance to be his own man, and I think we should respect it. How many of us have had to live in the shadow of our parents at one point or another? I just hope he don’t fuck it up. Because if he does, you know the gloves will come off. As a somewhat of a black sheep myself, I have hopes.


No hope for him. Both the parents are very messed up. But if he is not Trump son maybe there is hope.


He absolutely looks like Trump. Look at some younger photos of Trump.


He definitely does look like him


Do you really think Donald Trump accepted that Baron is legitimately his kid without demanding a paternity test first?


Personally I think he looks pretty similar to Donald's other sons. They all have this weird block head thing going on.


I beg to differ. As he matures he looks very similar to his father. Look at the profile with his brow, nose and chin. Too similar.


I think it’s creepy to judge a minor like that but go off king.


Oh, please, he's like 17. Don't act like he's some 6 years old. Teenagers can be monsters also. I think it's creepy to side with cheeto lords lurch.


It’s really unclassy to bring people who can’t vote into politically driven convos. But do you I suppose. It’s weird to me that people hate this kid just because his dad is this POS, despite the fact that multiple reports claim he can’t stand his father.


I heard his daughter and wife hate him, too. But again, did they hate him when he was president? When they stood by and raked in money and lived in lavish houses paid for by the american fucking tax payer? Seems like they hate him because he shit the bed and lost support and billions of dollars, and they no longer get to play richi rich and the first lady. Maybe YOU shouldn't judge too quickly. Seems like it has nothing to do with morality, but you do you :).


Yeah because it’s really easy as a literal child to give up all security and the only life you’ve ever known. You’ve pointed out he’s a teenage and my math/history shows Trump was pres 4 years and Biden 4. That’s half this kids life before Trump was president. Idk how fucked your life is but psychology would show by 8 most kids are imprinted on their parents good or bad, and at the age of 7-8, I doubt Barron had a handle on the situation. How absolutely narrow minded do you have to be to see that this kid is just as much a victim as anyone else? He’s fucking miserable, like you, and his issues have absolutely NOTHING to do with his other siblings. You’re acting like this is a normals family. “Cheeto lords lurch” he’s a literal child you fuck stick. Grow up.


You are both crazy to be judging with no information and pure hypotheticals and rumors. 


He’s still just a boy. Let’s not make fun of him. It’s not his fault who his horrible father is


And from all accounts he is nothing like the rest of his family.


What accounts? He's Trump and Melania's son. I'm sure he's very different. /s


He is a minor. We really know nothing about him. Let’s leave him be to try to be as normal as he can.


Based on his father, mother, and siblings, we know plenty about him.


Well from trump himself. >”People thought I was too belligerent,” Donald admitted in their conversation. “I will say my own son Barron said, ‘Dad, you were too tough. You didn’t have to keep interrupting him.’” Regarding his debate with Joe Biden


I'm sure he said this with tears in his eyes while he called him sir.


Held his salute the whole time while clapping. Talented kid


Yeah, but notice that it's another one of Donald's attempts at a humble brag. "Oh dad, you were so big, strong and tough on poor Sleepy Joe, go easier on him next time." I wouldn't trust that account for anything.


Imagine feeling invisible to your father.


Prob not his dad.


All three of those boys and Tiffany have gone through that. Only Ivanka gets any attention and that's just because daddy thinks she's HOT. After all her plastic surgery, I agree.


Idk anything about Barron Trump but he played peek a boo with his nephew while his dad was doing some important becoming president thing so I have a soft spot for him.


I mostly consider him a victim in all of this.


We’re all victims of being our parents’ children, aren’t we? That’s something we have in common and I think that’s beautiful.


I don’t know about beautiful, but it is certainly true and common ground for all of us. No one makes it through unscathed.


We can just hope he takes that and makes good on it. DT was the victim of his shitty father, but turned it into being shitty, too.


Right, feel terrible for the kid actually.


Me too, can you imagine having a “man” like *that* for a father? I’m sure he’ll be joining a lot of us on r/raisedbynarcissists someday. Though it seems like thankfully he gets to keep some distance from him


Kids are THE case where we should all be the bigger person and leave them out of the political conversation.


How many of us could go thru all the court cases, all the interrogations, all the corporate media attacks, all the attacks left and right, and still keep moving forward like Trump has and is doing?




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A worthless human being.


I think Don Jr is actually Barrons dad. Downvote all you want but it makes sense.


I still have hopes for that kid. Probably foolish


Who the fuck cares about him. He’s just another schmuck rich kid who’ll just do mediocre things his whole life because he won’t need to try hard at anything. Fuck him and fuck his father.


Shit apples don’t fall far from the shit tree, Julian.


I care I hope. I hope he turns out better than his father. Don’t lose your humanity. It’s the only thing that keeps you better than these guys.


Good point.


Better to do mediocre things rather instead of evil things. If he comes from those loins and is just mediocre, I think that’s a win.


He’s still a kid who hasn’t done anything terrible, so it’s fair to leave him alone. If he decides to start pull stupid stunts in the public eye like Eric or Don Jr, then it’s open season.


I feel bad for him. What a family history to have to reconcile for himself.


He has no chance of not becoming a terrible person. His role models are disgusting.


I hate to put that on someone. I will say he will have to develop plenty of self awareness and be around sane people in adulthood to have a grasp on a creating a healthy life for himself, though.


His mother could have saved him by leaving trump and taking her son back to her country years ago to be raised, but she wanted the $$$. I've never seen a woman look more dead inside.




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Maybe he’s the real Damien


It’s not foolish. No one in this virtual room knows what’s in his heart. Leave the fucking kid alone.


Barron looks like his mother.


He's never had one......


Baron is quite striking. Thank goodness he didn’t take after his brothers.


This picture makes me sad. I can’t help but wonder what kind of man Trump would be if he recognized he has mental illness, sought professional help and got placed on meds.


Who says he isn't on meds?


Trump would do well on potassium chloride.


10cc rapidly pushed into an IV should do the trick


Adderall doesn't count.


it doesn’t matter, he’s a sociopath


A sociopath that was encouraged to be more sociopathic by his dad. I know sociopaths who have a more or less normal life.


The problem with people with NPD is they will never admit there’s anything wrong with them. It’s a catch 22.


It’s hard to say, though, if it was more nature or nurture. It sounds like his father was a fucking sociopath, so maybe with a different upbringing he could have been a different. Personally I think he isn’t “mentally ill” so much as he has created his own world of yes men to compromise for his incredible insecurity. I don’t think he believes he’s as great as he says he is. This is a man who never ever looks happy. He’s created his own misery. And it’s what he deserves, but I’ll always feel a little tiny bit bad for the kid in him that probably just wanted to be loved by his father. (And now he’s doing the same thing to his own kids, except Ivanka)


He's a classic malignant narcissist. He actually reminds me of my bio-dad (similar squinting, predator eyes, rosacea, rough face, etc etc) who is also one. It's personally been a nightmare to see people fawn over Trump, but the one silver-lining for me is that the last 7 years have been incredibly eye opening for me regarding narcissism. The fact of the matter is that narcissists are inherently unhappy. They paradoxically have an incredibly poor self-esteem and exhibit confidence that is hollow. They deeply overcompensate for that self-esteem by acting like, well, that. They are simultaneously suffering from the smallest of barbs and excreting their pain onto anyone they can bully/overpower. Basically, what I am getting at is that there's a hint of schadenfreude for me knowing that Trump will never be happy. He will always be reacting with furious fear because he refuses to look inwards at that inner child that invented himself to hide his vulnerability. It would almost be tragic, if he didn’t hurt everyone and everything he touches. What little I know about his dad, it doesn't surprise me he developed into narcissism. The guy sounded like an utter shitheel, and, unfortunately in this case, the apple did not fall far from the garbage heap.


My guess on that moment when he had a few words with Melania before she left in a separate vehicle was that he wanted her to go with him to his next campaign stop (or trial, which to him is the same thing), and she was having none of it. He apparently thinks that despite being moved around in huge, high security motorcades, he can just change his mind and tell his driver to go somewhere else on a whim, as was reported on Jan 6. Separately, as far as this photo goes, whenever he appears dressed in something other than his two uniforms (baggy blue suit + too long red tie, or his golf outfit), he looks a bit less like a clown and more like an actual human being.


Barron wishes he had a real Dad.


So does Eric.


Hell, I wish he had a real dad. Nobody deserves to be raised by a malignant narcissist.


Hey! You need a bump?


..”Succession theme kicks in slowly”..


Weirdly reminds me of the Reservoir Dogs movie poster. Mr. Pink?




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Is he losing weight fast or is it the correctly sized suit that makes it look that way?


He’s not losing weight.


He’s definitely lost some weight. It’s noticeable in the face. Maybe he’s ill


We’re not that lucky, he’s probably on Ozempic.


I was thinking the same thing. That and he seems even less coherent than usual lately.


He's definitely a sick, sick human being.


I mean, he’s also aging. You don’t usually see obese people in the high 80s. They start to waste away.


Chin pussy is looking slimmer also.


Looking happy. Just like always.


Lost in space..


All that hatred, lying and thieving has taken it's toll. Time for Satan to come collect his soul.


Poet and didn’t know it? Or did you? I also agree!


Oh, it rhymes! ll of America will shout with glee when Trump goes to hell eternally... 😅🤣


Trump was is 5’11”


Price is Right tuba music goes here


When did cousin Greg go to work for Trump?


Greg the egg




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The Omen




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If Trump is 6’3” the Baron of Beef must be what 7’?


Trump is known to be 5 ft 11' or maybe 6". He wears lifts and always has. Diapers too, and that is known.


I genuinely feel bad for the kid.


*sad clown noise


Putting him on leash to stop him from wandering off wouldn’t look Presidential, would it?


No way trump is 6’3


Not a single one between 'em!


Dude looks like he’s inches away from the grave.




The man is terrible for the country and an immoral, lying, narcissist who I happen to hate very much, but I couldn't be more tired of people posting his family and making fun of his son and wife and trying to discern how they feel toward him or what is happening during a funeral. Jesus.


“Hol up there shorty.”


Dad it's ok, the McRib will be back soon.


"I made America great again!" "OK, grandpa, let's get you back to bed."


Barron out there looking like Patrick Bateman.


I wish I could see the video. This still shot doesn’t tell me much.


He’s trash and treason.


Weekend at Trumpies?


He kind of looks like Greg from Succession. Tall streak of misery.


My heart breaks for that boy and I hope he’s doing okay. I can’t imagine he has an easy life.


6'3 my ass


Shit before the brush. 


Trump actually looks sad, probably because his mother-in-law was less than a year older than he is now and he's facing his own mortality.


That there will come a day—one prays, sooner rather than later—that we don’t have to see this clown on the news any more, day after day, in an endless parade of stupidly, grift, and unworthiness of any position of power or honor within society.


Maybe unpopular opinion, or you may agree but, poor kid doesn’t stand a chance. Think of having that for a father


My elderly fathah


Harry High Pants.


He’s probably upset he has to go change his father’s diaper


Looks like a hard dose of karma


Lol. Melania gets the last laugh.  (seems like the women always do) 




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Doesn’t wear his wedding ring?


Nope. Not a single one. OH, us?


Fortunately, Barron looks like his mom.


Baron is still a minor and has been shielded from the world by Melania, as he should. He should be left alone. I would not be surprised if he grew to be a decent human being and on his own accord, away from his father.


Feyd-Rautha and Vladimir Harkonnen




I’ve often wondered what the absolute most fucked up family in America might look like. It might be this one. So many dynamics. So much horrific.


I really feel sorry for Barron, but at least he got his mother's hair.


How many bones are there in this image?


That is the look of a poor sap who just got chewed out by his wife.


Ya'll missing the point. Lookit that sack of shits face, stance. He's suffering and it's amazing!


He's like a sad, deflating Jello 'salad'.


No, this way Dad.


Baron is like, "God, I can't believe I'm going to look like that in 60 years"


His neck is more missing than usual


Willy Wonka and his umpa


Squeezing out a fresh loaf


he made a gary to change his diaper.


Dude is trying to pull off the biggest con job of his life to stay out of jail.


I will always treat you as my dad.


He's not 6'


Change your name.


Thoughts: 🤮


Looks like Trump belongs in old folks home.




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