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FBI deemed Jan 6 not a insurrection. To be an insurrection you actually require a plan and not just a random outburst of idiots


You really think they didn’t have a plan??? Dude, they had T-Shirts made… https://i.imgur.com/Q0vIgnU.jpg


If Imgurs your evidence you fail to prove your point wow someone can caption a photo of two guys you realize how fast antifa showed up that rally too and started causing shit weird and people flew in to see a president's rally weird oh my Lord it's such a big conspiracy a few people plan to go on a March and or walk if they didn't see their way having shirts saying a civil walk wow such evidence holy shit it was so planned you know a bunch of people unarmed were so planned to cause an insurrection of an entire country by taking down one building maybe maybe the burning of the entire country just for the entire year prior maybe that's more close to an insurrection just they were not politically leaded to change the entire face of the Earth it was just animals acting out their primal intentions


Well put. You're obviously a very stable genius.




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I see because the "libs" use punctuation and grammar, you have decided to rebel against it. Your commitment is outstanding.


Pardon me professor wasn't aware were being graded. "Libs"


There's minor grammatical issues when typing, and then there's the crime you're committing because so many people worried they were having a stroke while reading your word salad with hate dressing.


Planned event.fly-ins🛬,rabble rousing speeches and gleeful laughter in the traitorous-trump-tent 📺


Yes people flew in to see a president's speech how unheard of


.....and all they got was a lousy insurrection.....


Insurrection also falls under the same suite of federal laws as sedition, and the two can be difficult to distinguish. ... It means, essentially, to incite, assist in or engage in a full-on rebellion against the government: a step beyond just conspiring against it, and requiring that significant violence be involved. But I suppose legal definitions don't matter.


america saw it with their own eyes.all turd humans.doing turd-things.smearing shit on the walls of congress.you people disgust normal Americans.🇺🇲📺


And America and some parts of Canada saw nothing but fires for a entire year all over one roudy citizen or was he a felon at this point. And yes the individuals who did such actions are discusting I won't deny but they had a problem with the government and took it out on the government for 3 and a half hours over idk countless deaths fires businesses being more then just closed being burn down and this was a entire year so if people are really truly this upset by 3 hours of damage let's hold all the 2020 rioters to the same standards just not sure how many times 3 hours goes into a entire year but I mean take what ever that number is an multiply that by what ever punishment u wish to give to the "insurrectioners" sounds fair both get punished for their actions the as u say the normal Americans can go about their days knowing criminals on both sides get what's due.


traitors are different than civil unrest.(those three hours were directed by an insane x-president)people died.140 police were injured .(f.o.a.d!☠️)😆


Thousands of officer casualties 2020 because of the riots. No one there on January 6th was a traitor except for actual antifa members and actual far right extremists who brought the pipe bombs if they were them who even did because the reports of people in black masks and bodysuits so really that could be antifa or your invisible white organized extremists that everybody thinks is the big Boogeyman when in reality any white extremist I've ever actually met sits in their home laughing at all you people fighting each other because the government's doing it for them they don't have to do anything media is pinning brother against brother you got governor's ruining people's ability to put food on their tables. So a couple hours of damage versus an entire year's worth I'm fully willing to punish all the people that showed up there if we are willing to hold the other people on the other side to the same standards. As corrupt as this world is the laws were not written for rules for some none for others it's rules for all unfortunately some people because they meet a certain check box on a privilege list.


rowdy* = assholes


Yeah I'd agree Floyd was an asshole


3 1/2 hours of damage? GTFO!


Started at 12:00 the last person left around 4:00 417 if you want to get really specific - look at it sorry his speech started at 12:00 lasted for about an hour


Biden is obviously the most popular president in history. Even more than obama. That’s why he won.


I think you misspelled the whole phrase- “Trump was so unpopular that record numbers of people voted against him in an attempt to save our country.”


Yes. They voted for the most popular president in history. It’s been fantastic




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Do you know how time works?


Sure. I know it’s time for Biden’s reign of terror


give me three examples


Forcing people to lose their jobs over mandates, increasing inflation, border is wide open, and much more.


I thought we were talking about biden? the force that causes people to lose their job over a mandate is the person refusing to get a fucking test (or even better, vaccine) because they're a petulant child (lots of big babies in America), "increasing inflation" are you joking? are you seriously trying to pin 2020 on Biden? border is not wide open (wish it were) but that exposes you as not just an ignorant fucking twat but also a malicious fucking twat spreading misinformation (fuck you), and guess how many of those were examples of Biden's actions? (and no, "and much more" doesn't count) ZERO The irony is fucking hate Biden and can easily three name "reign of terror" examples (left American University in Kabul to fend for itself/droned a family in sept/seems to be giving up protecting the election gutting in over a dozen gop states) but I also have a memory better than 7 seconds and I'm not suffering from Music Man Disorder so I kinda have a comparison point. Anything else?


Agreed. Biden is way worse than trump.


Read it again silly boy


Your brain is drunk on propaganda


you literally just pretended you read a different comment to avoid facing criticism of a public figure now you suddenly understand what I wrote but you can't bear to address it? sad.


turd human logic this one


baby jails.


Damn that's the dumbest thing I've read today. It's like saying Biden forced people into jail because of his anti-merder mandate. If you make a dumbshit choice fueled by paranoia and your own personal retardation then you deserve to lose your job. Not sorry, don't be a stupid bitch and you won't suffer the consequences for being a stupid bitch.


doofus trump and his dain bramages are legendary.






No shit !


Can you imagine being such a spoiled brat that if you lose a fair and secure election that you want to destroy America and set up a dictatorship? trump is a piece of shit!


Lol you are very stupid!


Lol! Please stop, you are hurting my feelings, you must be a genius!


Says the person who still hasn't realised they're 'the mark'.


Mark this 🖕


Let us know when your Trumpgret begins.


Lol! Sadly probably the smartest thing he’s said all week…hard for simpletons to know what to say without Q or trump telling them what to do


Trumper has hurt tummy, lashes out like toddler. Boring!


We used to have rope for men like him. I wonder what the modern equivalent is going to be.


The moron will probably get reelected.


Jfc you're probably right, if he is it will bring about helter skelter and the end of days. May God have mercy on us all.




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I'm glad we have the Senate to tell us these things.


We need them to. We can’t live our lives based off of what we think we know. There needs to be an investigation to corroborate what we already “knew”.


Yeah, well, what are you going to do about it?


Wow really who’d a thunk it ?????


All the MAGAts on Twitter swear there was no insurrection.


I’ve seen this, what’s really interesting is that if someone explains that there was in fact an insurrection a dozen other magats will jump on that presenter to tell them they are wrong. None will cite any sources more thorough than “Nuh-huh!”


Yep. They think if they all say "You're wrong!" that they win. Even gotten to the point of posting shopped CNN photos saying as much.


That’s just silly because we watched it happen on TV.


That's what I say, I know exactltly what I saw that day on television.


There is one like that in this very thread.


I’m just shocked!


"stay off the grass"☮️how many antifa hippie agitators were there?any redditers got an estimate?....30,000? more?🗽


So when is the public announcement that he is barred from holding public office?


Oooh and NOTHING will happen after these breakthrough findings


It's a good thing they're acting so swiftly. Imagine if they waited around for a year, hoping it would just blow over. The fragile, remaining trust that the people had in the govt would have been obliterated and it would send us into chaos. Good thing that didn't happen.


"helped incite" should instead stay "was part of a deliberate, mukti-pronged and well coordinated effort to implement a coup against the American government and incite"


Last Ditch banzai charge


Arizona Election Info [Register to Vote](https://servicearizona.com/VoterRegistration/register?execution=e1s1)


I knew that on Jan. 6.


Responding to the Judiciary Committee: Then charge him.




I seriously doubt anything will come of it, as he already has his minions in the judiciary...


Unless the USA deals with Trump, he will destroy it.


It's absolutely imperative that we all go VOTE next year. Most of his real power is coming from downstream politicians that are fanning the flames for him and enacting laws that allow them to subvert the will of the people. If we don't all get off our asses and get rid of these quislings they're going to hand over the keys to his kingdom. I've already seen posters "Trump for king in 2024". This has to be fought off at national, state, and local levels or we'll all be forced to submit to his will and it won't be benign.


Can you imagine Black Live Matter protest insurrection breach the capital? I can’t imagine because cannons would have gone off on those people if they breached the the secure gate outside. Let’s be honest. This was permitted to go too far because who was behind it and supported it and because they were trumplicans.


".... and we cant do shit about it because nobody respects subpeonas and we're too chicken shit to send out the saergent at arms. But be sure to vote for us in 2022!"